Principal`s Newsletter - Northeast High School
Principal`s Newsletter - Northeast High School
Principal’s Newsletter Northeast High School August/September 2013 Dear Northeast Parents, With the advent of this coming school year, we are seeing a lot of signs of progress. As you drive past the school, you will see the construction team finishing our bus loop exit, putting the finishing touches on our new gymnasium, the music and dance rooms, and the modernization of our auditorium. After the Thanksgiving holiday we will be able to occupy these new spaces along with finished new classrooms for English, Math, and AVID, as well as our new counselor and student services suite. This will complete phase 2 of our 3 phase construction project. Then construction will ensue on our new media center, the remaining Science and Social Studies classrooms, and our softball field. All of the Northeast community will be able to enjoy the gymnasium and auditorium during our winter sports events and performances by our music and drama programs. So be sure to get your tickets to these events and enjoy the new venues. Our progress in the classroom continues to be very positive as we work together to challenge, inspire, and prepare our students for a post-secondary opportunity. Students who were first time test takers on the Algebra HSA rose 10 percent over the previous year, and our first time test takers on the Biology HSA exam rose 5 percent over the previous year. Also, we had more students take the SAT exam this year than we had in each of the previous two years. There were notable increases in the percentage of students who scored a 3 or higher on their AP exams in the subjects of Biology, Calculus, Physics, Psychology, Studio Art and Drawing, US Government and Politics, and World History. A huge Eagle cheer goes out to those students who prepared themselves for these exams by participating in after school help sessions, HSA Boot Camps, and Saturday prep. sessions, as well as to the teachers, counselors, and student advocates who inspired these students to rise to the challenge. Ninth graders, your mission will begin on August 21, 2013 at 6:00 p.m., which is the date and time of your Orientation Night, followed by your first day of school on August 26. Welcome to Northeast High School. You will love it here at the Home of the Eagle. Seniors, your challenge will begin upon your arrival at your Convocation Breakfast on August 27. Get excited about finishing strong. For all of our students, we are anxiously awaiting your arrival, and hope you had an enjoyable summer break. Be rested and ready for learning. Finally, Parent University will be awarding 9th grade parents 1 credit for attendance at the Orientation Night on August 21. All parents who attend our Back-to-School Night/Interim Distribution on September 26 will receive a credit of .5. If you would like to stop by and say, “hello,” please join me for coffee in our cafeteria from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 24. We are Northeast, Jason T. Williams Principal Jason T. Williams, Principal * 410-437-6400 * 1121 Duvall Highway, Pasadena, MD 21122 Calendar of Events AUGUST 2013 Looking Ahead for the Class of 2014 12th Meet the Coaches Night - 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. (Cafeteria) 21st 9th Grade Orientation - 6:00 p.m. (Cafeteria) Senior Sweats October 26th School open for grade 9 students only Cap & Gown Orders 2nd Semester 27th School open for ALL students Graduation Announcements 2nd Semester Senior Prom May 10 Senior Exams May 23 - 29 Graduation June 11 SEPTEMBER 2013 2nd School Closed for Labor Day 5th School Closed for Rosh Hashanah 16th & 17th Senior Picture Make-ups - 2:05 - 9:00 p.m. (Cafeteria) 18th 2 Hour Early Dismissal Professional Development for Teachers 21st Homecoming Dance - 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. (Cafeteria) 26th Back to School Night - 6:00 p.m. (Cafeteria) 27th Interims Distributed Special Note: All class dues ($40) and obligations must be taken care of before a student can purchase homecoming dance tickets, prom tickets, or receive graduation tickets. If you have any questions, please contact the Senior Class Advisor, Mr. Matt Friesen, at 410-437-6300. A Fond Farewell Anne Day Susan Dillon William Farrant Annie Foster Mary Kasper Lindsey Lloyd Chris Ludwig Carol Newman Pam Walden And A Warm Welcome Christopher Baugher - Technology Education Peter Biser - English/Business Bruce Brannon - Special Education Sarah Brinsko - World & Classical Languages Bernard Edwards - Assistant Principal Erin Gray - Math/Family & Consumer Sciences Wilhelmena Lee - Dance/Physical Education Morenike Onaga - English Erin White - Math Sports Calendar CROSS COUNTRY 9-7 9-11 9-13 9-21 9-28 @ South River - All Day @ Arundel - 5:00 p.m. @ North County - 3:00 p.m. @ Hereford - 8:00 a.m. @ Northeast - 8:00 a.m. FIELD HOCKEY Varsity 8-22 9-6 9-7 9-11 9-16 9-18 9-24 9-26 vs Lackey High School - 5:00 p.m. @ Wilde Lake High School - 5:00 p.m. Tournament @ Southern - All Day vs Severna Park - 7:00 p.m. vs Southern - 7:00 p.m. @ Broadneck - 7:00 p.m. @ Old Mill - 5:30 p.m. vs Chesapeake - 7:00 p.m. Junior Varsity 8-22 vs Lackey High School - 4:00 p.m. 9-6 @ Wilde Lake High School - 4:00 p.m. 9-7 Tournament @ Southern - All Day 9-11 vs Severna Park - 5:30 p.m. 9-16 vs Southern - 5:30 p.m. 9-18 @ Broadneck - 5:30 p.m. 9-24 @ Old Mill - 4:00 p.m. 9-26 vs Chesapeake - 5:30 p.m. FOOTBALL Varsity 8-24 8-30 9-7 9-12 9-20 9-27 @ Patterson High School - 10:00 a.m. vs Overlea High School - 6:30 p.m. @ Crossland High School - 2:00 p.m. vs Glen Burnie - 6:30 p.m. vs Southern - 6:30 p.m. - Homecoming Game @ North County - 6:30 p.m. Junior Varsity 8-31 @ Overlea High School - 11:00 a.m. 9-12 vs Glen Burnie - 4:00 p.m. 9-20 vs Southern - 4:00 p.m. 9-27 @ North County - 4:00 p.m. GOLF 8-22 8-29 9-9 9-16 9-19 9-26 @ Compass Pointe - 3:10 p.m. @ Arundel - 3:00 p.m. @ Eisenhower - 3:10 p.m. @ Bay Hills - 3:10 p.m. @ Eisenhower - 3:10 p.m. @ Compass Pointe - 3:00 p.m. SOCCER - GIRLS Varsity 8-27 9-7 9-11 9-16 vs Kent Island High School - 6:30 p.m. Eagles Tournament - 8:00 a.m. @ Severna Park - 5:00 p.m. @ Southern - 7:00 p.m. 9-18 9-24 9-26 vs Broadneck - 5:00 p.m. vs Old Mill - 7:00 p.m. vs Chesapeake - 5:00 p.m. Junior Varsity 8-27 vs Kent Island High School - 5:00 p.m. 9-7 Eagles Tournament - 9:00 a.m. 9-16 vs Southern - 3:30 p.m. 9-18 vs Broadneck - 3:30 p.m. 9-24 @ Old Mill - 3:30 p.m. 9-26 vs Chesapeake - 3:30 p.m. SOCCER - BOYS Varsity 8-23 8-27 9-7 9-11 9-16 9-18 9-23 9-24 9-26 vs Edgewood High School - 5:00 p.m. @ Kent Island High School - 5:30 p.m. Eagles Tournament - 8:00 a.m. @ Severna Park - 7:00 p.m. @ Southern - 5:00 p.m. vs Broadneck - 7:00 p.m. vs Northwestern High School - 6:30 p.m. vs Old Mill - 5:00 p.m. vs Chesapeake - 7:00 p.m. Junior Varsity 8-23 vs Edgewood High School - 3:00 p.m. 8-27 @ Kent Island High School - 4:00 p.m. 9-7 Eagles Tournament - 9:00 a.m. 9-11 vs Severna Park - 3:30 p.m. 9-16 @ Southern - 3:30 p.m. 9-18 @ Broadneck - 3:30 p.m. 9-23 vs Northwestern High School - 5:00 p.m. 9-24 vs Old Mill - 3:30 p.m. 9-26 @ Chesapeake - 3:30 p.m. TENNIS 9-11 9-18 9-25 All Paperwork Due @ North County - 4:00 p.m. @ Meade - 4:00 p.m. VOLLEYBALL Varsity 8-27 8-30 9-6 9-10 9-12 9-18 9-24 9-26 vs Catonsville High School - 5:00 p.m. @ Kent Island High School - 5:00 p.m. @ North County - 6:00 p.m. @ Lansdowne High School - 5:00 p.m. vs Eastern Tech High School - 5:00 p.m. @ Broadneck - 6:00 p.m. @ Old Mill - 6:00 p.m. @ Chesapeake - 6:00 p.m. Junior Varsity 8-27 vs Catonsville High School - 4:00 p.m. 8-30 @ Kent Island High School - 4:00 p.m. 9-6 @ North County - 5:00 p.m. 9-10 @ Lansdowne High School - 4:00 p.m. 9-18 @ Broadneck - 5:00 p.m. 9-24 @ Old Mill - 5:00 p.m. 9-26 @ Chesapeake - 5:00 p.m. Important Information for Parents Bus Route Information School Meal Prices 2013-2014 School bus routes will be available on the Anne Arundel County Public Schools website from Monday, August 19, 2013 through the middle of September. If you have any questions regarding transportation, please call the Transportation Department at 410-222-2910. Breakfast (all schools) Lunch (secondary) Lunch (elementary) Milk (1/2 pint, a la carte) Reduced Price Breakfast Reduced Price Lunch $1.35 $2.85 $2.60 $ .55 $ .30 $ .40 If you have any questions, please contact Jodi Risse, supervisor of Food and Nutrition Services, at 410-222-5900 or From AACPS Video Camera System “Northeast High School is equipped with a video camera system. It covers selected interior and exterior public portions of the building and grounds. It is NOT monitored constantly, but it is monitored during emergency situations. During certain events, when the safety or security of students may be in question, authorized personnel from local, state, or federal police or fire emergency units may be given access to view images projected on the camera system. If you have any questions about the system, you should call the Supervisor of School Security, at (410) 222-5083.” Federal Impact Aid Survey Form On Monday, September 30, 2013, your child will bring home a Federal Impact Aid Survey form. Please assist us by filling out the information requested on the form and return it to Anne Arundel County Public Schools in the self-addressed, stamped enveloped provided. The U.S. Department of Education has now requested a separate survey form for each child and each survey form must be signed and dated by the Parent/Guardian. If needed, additional forms may be obtained from the school or downloaded from the AACPS website ( under Students, Forms. The Federal Impact Aid Survey form for 2013-2014 will be available to download on September 30, 2013. We will also be using our Connect-Ed Automated Telephone Notification System to remind everyone about the significance of completing and returning this survey. The school system received approximately $2 million in funding from the Federal government in support of our children after the forms are processed. Thank you in advance for your support and assistance. Should you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Ms. Donna Barker at 410-222-5200. More Important Information for Parents From the Attendance Office Early Dismissal Policy You must come in and sign out your student and have proper identification. If you have someone picking up your student that is not on the emergency card, please send a note ahead of time with your student. If you know you will be picking up your child early for any reason, please have your child bring in a parent note, including a phone number where you can be reached, to the Attendance Office that morning and your student will be waiting for you in the Attendance Office. If your student is sick, they must go to the Health Room. Health Room staff will coordinate pick-up with the parent/guardian. If your student drives or walks and you know they will have an early dismissal, please send in a parent note with a number where you can be reached that morning. Once we verify the note with you by phone we will release the student. Please make sure all your contact information is updated in our system. The Attendance Office will be calling to verify any requests you have by phone or by note. Please note that this policy is for the protection of all of our students. Your cooperation is appreciated. PTSO News The first PTSO fundraiser will be Chick Fil A Night on September 11 at the Jumpers Hole Road Chick Fil A. This fundraiser will be held the second Wednesday of every month through May. On September 26 a BJ’s membership drive will be held during Back to School Night. Should you need to contact the PTSO, feel free to e-mail us at or you may call the school and leave a message for the PTSO. Science News Child Development News Mr. Imwold participated in the Maryland State sponsored “Environmental Literacy” Education program over the summer. Included in the program were studies of the Chesapeake Bay, from the Inner Harbor where the Jones Falls enters, to the waters around Smith Island in the southern portion of the Bay. Although there is much to be done, the studies indicate that the Chesapeake Bay can be a wonderful waterway and habitat, we just all have to care! There are still openings in the Child Development Preschool Program. The preschool fee is $30 per semester. Preschoolers must have turned three years old by May 2013 and be able to use the bathroom independently. The first session will run from 7:45 - 10:15 a.m. The second session will run from 11:15 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. Both sessions will meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Parents may only register for one session. To that end, Northeast High’s Environmental Science Club, as well as students from all science classes, will be encouraged to participate in a variety of Chesapeake Bay activities with the goal of improving the Bay’s quality. For more information and/or an application, email Lois Zell at The 2013 Opening Schedule for CATN Students Monday, August 26th (A-day) No students attend the Center for Applied Technology North. Tuesday, August 27th (A-day) No morning periods 1 & 2 11:17 a.m. Level II students attend. (Periods 3A & 4A) 2:35 p.m. Career Explorations students attend. (After School Program) Wednesday, August 28th (B-day) – (Regular B-day Schedule) 7:25 a.m. Career Exploration students attend. (Period 1) 7:25 a.m. Cosmetology students attend. (Period 1) 7:25 a.m. Nursing Assistant students attend. (Period 1) 7:25 a.m. Pre-Engineering students attend. (Period 1) 7:25 a.m. Building Maintenance/Business Support students attend. (Period 1) 11:17 a.m. Level II students attend. (Periods 3A & 4A) 2:35 p.m. Career Explorations students attend. (After School Program) Thursday, August 29th (A-day) – (Regular A-day Schedule) 7:25 a.m. Level I students attend. (Periods 1A & 2A) 11:17 a.m. Level II students attend. (Periods 3A & 4A) 2:35 a.m. Career Explorations students attend. (After School Program) Friday, August 30th (B-Day) - (Regular B-day Schedule) 7:25 a.m. Career Exploration students attend. (Period 1) 7:25 a.m. Cosmetology students attend. (Period 1) 7:25 a.m. Nursing Assistant students attend. (Period 1) 7:25 a.m. Pre-Engineering students attend. (Period 1) 7:25 a.m. Building Maintenance/Business Support students attend. (Period 1) 11:17 a.m. Level II students attend. (Periods 3A & 4A) News About Our Students Student of the Month Congratulations to the following students who were Student of the Month for April and May 2013: April Administration Art AVID Business English FACS FLS Guidance Math Music Physical Ed. Science Social Studies Technology Ed. World/Class. Lang. May Jennifer Miller Crystal Heffington Aliyah Howard Pandya Bela Troy Conley Andre Bellinger Anna Riddle John Hobson Kayla Covarrubias Nathaniel Settineri Duane Davis Nathan Fischbein April Zamostny Victoria Myer Jerry Zhang Administration Art AVID Business English FACS FLS Guidance Math Music Physical Ed. Science Social Studies Technology Ed. World/Class. Lang. Faith Sauers Katherine Wilson Saten Porter Rohan Pandya Kamea Overstreet Alexandria Santoni Melvin Hild Wayne Adams Cara Lewis Rebecca Clarke Cathleen Raciazek Katelin Blueford Faith Weiland Megan Long Jazmin Arce Student of the Month is a recognition program designed to put the spotlight on those students who have made notable contributions in a specific department. Students who have special talent or creativity, display a positive attitude and outstanding work ethic, or who have done an all around outstanding job, are nominated for Student of the Month. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Superintendent’s Honor Roll We are proud to congratulate Kristyna Cole, class of 2013, who achieved academic excellence by making the Superintendent’s Honor Roll for the entire 2012-2013 school year. To be awarded this distinction, Kristyna received all A’s on her report card all four marking periods, as well as, all A’s on all of her mid-term and final exams. Congratulations to the following students who made the Superintendent’s Honor Roll for the second semester. To make Superintendent’s Honor Roll, a student must receive straight A’s on their report card for both third and fourth marking periods, as well as, their final exams. Bailey Clark - Grade 9 Kathryn Herberger - Grade 10 Tristan Freeburger - Grade 12 Krista Mariano - Grade 12 Principal’s Honor Roll We are proud to announce that the following students made the Principal’s Honor Roll for the fourth marking period. To make Principal’s Honor Roll, a student must receive straight A’s on their report card. Grade 9 David Calderone Brady Cassell Bradley Donelan Katie Forand Austin Foster Matthew Frazier Jordan McDermott Bela Pandya Tyler Pfeifer Sarah Quasny Nicholette Scholl-Henson Caroline Schultz Kimberly Thoomas Lillian Willis Grade 10 Skyler Breidenbach Anthony Fair Kevin Ho Disha Savalia Nathaniel Settineri Grade 11 Allison Borror Kaylee Chester Sarah Conkle Taylor Dorr Sabrina Gordon Ashley Neighoff Rebecca Paulis Sierra Ramsey Julia Sanderson Brooke Steinbach Shelbi Tippett Katelin Waldrop Faith Weiland Katie Whitlock Grade 12 Brian Bell Mark Boyd Hannah Clevenger Cory Fleming Emma Graybill Brandon Hall Adam Lindner Selina Matulonis Julia Morin Amelia Pugh Cheyenne Rupert Frances Sherlock Alyssa Vlcej Allison White Danielle Wittler Kristin Yocum More News About Our Students Honor Roll Congratulations to the following students who made the Honor Roll for the fourth marking period: Grade 9 Kyle Bailey Mykenziee Bailey Alison Baker Alyssa Bamberger Brittany Bancroft Samantha Barlage Zachary Barnett Kaylee Barone Cole Barrington Kortney Bell Tyler Bell Ronald Bessling Caitlyn Boom Holly Bowers Jordan Brown Leanne Burrooughs Karah Bush Venancio Cartagena Arrue Zoey Cavey Garrett Charlton Taylor Chester William Clark Myranda Coburn Hope Conklin Matthew Dawidowicz Christy DeBoy Coral Dittmar Rebecca Dove Brittany Easter Hayley Eastlake Sarah Edmiston Carley Erbe-Majka Nathan Fischbein Ariana Fischer Andrea Flores Lira Kristin Gerhardt Makayla Gleeson Abigail Gurney Nicole Hallikas Corrine Harden Taylor Hendershot Faith Henry Cambriea Hill Ryan Holtzner Richard Inman Olivia Jerrell Chase Johnson Sarah Karlowitz Mahmoud Kazzalbach McKayla Kelly Ashleigh Kidwell Philip Kritikos Victor Ledezma Jeremy Linton James Llamas Chalisse Lockley Darian Lurz Kateryn Madrid-Munoz Jessica Mariano Morgan Martini Franki Maus Ashley McChesney Nicole McConnell Zachary McGinty Jayda McLean Jacob McWilliams Lidia Mencia Justin Miskimon Jared Mooney Dylan Nicklas Luke Painter Zachary Payne Derek Perlo Alexis Peters Nathan Plaza Tishon Pollard Alexia Proctor Nicholas Quigley Heather Ramsburg Ashley Redin Ta’von Ricks Alexander Roberts Joseph Robertson Jennifer Rubright Zachary Ryan Krista Sala Joshua Santana Hunter Santiago Faith Sauers Madison Schisler Justin Schnebel MacKenzie Schwartz Kevin Sheesley Caitlyn Shriver Alyssa Siebers Bethany Smith Julia Snyder Taylor Squires Kelsey Stalnaker Ryan Stancavage Brandi Stewart Leah Sulonen Alexandra Swann-White Cesar Torres Elana Valera Francisco Vidales-Macias Joshua Walters Danielle Waters Megan Weaver Anthony Wedderburn Alexander Wescott Veronique White Scott Whitney Jenna Whittington-Pelant Rebecca Wilson Rachel Wolford Russell Wright April Zamostny Grade 10 Gabriel Adams Risikat Akanbi-Yusuff Kristen Akers Alyssa Alfinito Jessica Allan Aysha Ameen Emilie Andercyk Melissa Anderson Jordan Andrews Lester Andrews Jazmin Arce Samantha Arnold Kathleen Atkinson Briana Baboolal Dorothy Baker Julie Bass William Bergeron Bhavya Bhardwaj Timothy Birdsall Donald Bishop Amber Bolin Alyssa Bostic Emma Braun La’Brea Brown Megan Burdeaux Ryan Caines Alyssa Caya Alic Citrano Dominic Citrano Mykayla Conkle Victoria Conrad-Kriwer Joseph Cresswell Destiny Cusick Andrew Davies Duane Davis Ethan Deville Caitlyn Dolch Jeremy Duckett Lauran Ervin Brittany Eveson Madison Fagan Patrick Farinholt Allison Farley Karlie Fnch Morgan Frater Sheridan Garris Andrea Guzman-Ortiz Jacinta Harris Madison Heinz Joshua Hewitt Tyler Hoke Jacob Hood Robert Hubbard Deja Hudgins Kelsey Jackson Kelsey Jasper Parakram Karki Autumn Koehnlein Sabrina Kreimer Sarah Kriewald Hajamantee Kromah Brooke Lange Saige Lavicka Monika Lawrence Jonathan Leathers Devon Lee Destiny Littleton More News About Our Students Honor Roll (continued) Megan Long Kaitlin Lovill Elliot Lowman Johanna Mack Ronald Maez Christopher Mansolf Sarah Martin Edward Martini Brianne Maydwell Maddelin McGovern Austin McQuay Claudia Mencia Jenna Mercer Jennifer Miller Skylor Miller Katelyn Morrison Carly Morrow Kaitlyn Muller Erin Nappier Hope Naumann Arianna Nemitz Joseph-Anthony Ordinario Emma Peak Austin Phillips Aprile Preller Wade Preston Cassandra Reed Jordan Robinson Nicole Robinson Madison Roche Samuel Ryan Alexandria Santoni Noah Shandrowsky Yevgeniya Shevchenko Jocelyn Shepke Daekiara Smith-Ireland Jordan Stack James Steinbach Andrew Stencil Dylan Sturm Cody Sweitzer Casey Tarman Amythest Temple Morgan Tester Roslieta Thomas-Herd Victoria Thursby Chaz Walker McKayla Walter Angela Walters Mindy Weisgerber Cara Wiley Brianna Wise Aaron Woody Samantha Wright Jada Zimmerman Grade 11 Corrin Abrams Tess Alexander Ashley Anderson Kari Andrews Destiny Anthony Chase Barrington Donnell Bell Amanda Betag Brandon Bisesi Jade Blake-Clayton Katelin Blueford Miranda Bossom Michaelina Bowers Sidney Briemann Kyanna Bright Hunter Broseker Alan Brown Lacey Brown Molly Brown Megan Buczynski Hollyn Bush Lashada Butts Rachael Cain Ashley Calvert Stephanie Carroll Korin Cerasuolo John Charlton Cameron Cline Dylan Compton Troy Conley Donald Conrad Michael Denton Casey Diaz Josef DiPietro Rebecca Dobry Austin Dorn Casey Dovell Collin Dunnam Doyle Dunnam Maia Eichelberger Emily Eisenacher Kristen Englert Jacqueline Esquivel Austin Feeley Randi Frey Anna Fuerte-Smith David Garland David Geiger Bryan Goodwin Franklin Grant Rebecca Guzman Braeden Haas Shanta’ Harper Tiffany Hatridge Jacob Hearne Nicole Hedgecoth Brittney Heisler Alexandra Hensley Tabatha Herrin Melvin Hild Tara Howell William Huezo Brittney Hughes Dakarai Huntley Heather Hyatt Kaitlyn Isaacs Brooke Iser Christian Johnson Samantha Johnson Dane’Ja Jones Kaydee Jones Collin Keys Steven Kijak Casey Klasmeyer Jeremy Kraft Allison Kral Nicole Kramer Cory Langenfelder Alice Ledezma Cara Lewis Bryan Lukenich Rachel Lusby Kristina Mack Rachael McCauley Nicholas McClean Cara McClure Josie McFee Jacob Mewshaw Kaitlin Michael Brandon Milleker Sierra Mitchell Mikay’la Mundy Katlyn Noll Stephanie Norwood Lydia Novak Taylor O’Neill Pratik Padhiyar Trevor Paesch Rohan Pandya Shannon Pearce Melanie Pierce Maranda Pollard Dakota Powell Lauren Pusloski Brady Quasney Carrima Quinones Bobbi Ray Jesse Rickman Anna Riddle Elizabeth Rieder Andrea Samayoa-Sosa Marcus Sampson Kasey Schaffner Kayla Schmincke Matthew Schultz John Shorter Britni Smith Clay Smith Alicca Stallings Madelin Stiegman Molly Stocker Rachel Sulonen Morgan Tawney Kayla Vlcej Courtney Wallace Barbara Weisgerber Derek Weisgerber Bryan Wieselquist Austin Woolford Misael Zavala Jerry Zhang Grade 12 Nicholas Adams Wayne Adams Taylor Alder Daniele Alexander Jordan Allen Lindsey Alvey More News About Our Students Honor Roll (continued) Robert Anderson Casey Ashburn Laura Barker Deanna Bedford Ashley Blanchet Joshua Blankenship Breanna Bordenski Matthew Bougourd Blair Boyd Zachary Brodka Erin Brooks Jordyn Burgess Kerri Cahn Rebecca Clarke David Crozier Kevin Cumberledge Cody Dennis Mackenzie Diaz Taylor Dittmar Victoria Dohler Jenna Dumsha Celia Engel Kelvin Fon Jessica Fritsch Carla Garlick Isaiah Glover-Murn Eric Grantland Kaitlyn Greenwood Lacey Greger Allison Grimm Lauren Harold Madison Hartzell Rebecca Hatfield Crystal Heffington Ashley Heffner Seth Heger Travis Henry Jordyn Hewitt Victoria Hill John Hobson Christopher Holle Jordan Holmes Alliyah Howard Tyler Howard Brittany Jackson Casie Jahnigen Joshua Johnson Sara Jones Shawn Jones Alyssa Kazor Joshua Kehrer Shannon Keller Margaret Kelly Aimee Kirchmann Tiffanie Kirchmann Tyler Kortman Emily Kotowski Blain Lavicka Julia Lonczynski Haley Marcussen Nicholas Mariano Alexandria Martin Nickolas Mather Samantha Mooney Nicholas Moorhead Jeremy Morrow Angel Nash Kelsey O’Neil Kamea Overstreet Savannah Parks Evan Peak Madalynn Philhower Saten Porter Jennifer Reed Stefanie Reed Michael Reigle Jessica Roos Alexandra Ryan Nathaniel Sadler John Scali Robyn Schwartz Tiffany Shipe Christian Sierra Taylor Sistek Joseph Smolek Sarah Szymanski Taylor Tallman Brooke Tester Nicholas Thomas Brianna Towler Gary Viel Baylee Vowell Brandyn Wade Jessica Walter Courtney Warfield Jessica Wayson Katelyn Weddle Brittany Wenzel Jade Wilkins Allison Williams Katherine Wilson Derrick Wood Dylan Wood Courtney Woolford Cody Woolsoncroft Gary Zakens Taylor Zang Perfect Attendance Perfect Attendance means no absences, no tardies, and no early dismissals. We are proud to announce the following students who achieved perfect attendance for the entire 2012-2013 school year! Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 9 Kristen Akers William Huezo Brady Cassell Kaitlyn Curley Christian Johnson McKayla Kelly Ciara Winters Nicole Kramer Chalisse Lockley Kayla Vlcej Jackie McFee Jerry Zhang Alexis Peters Gaven Temples Congratulations to the following students who had perfect attendance for the 2nd semester: Grade 9 Skyron Adelhardt Michelle Lawrence Tishon Pollard Sarah Quasny Brendan Quinn Grade 10 Mykayla Conkle Madison Fagan Kevin Ho Kyle Jackson Christopher Mansolf Disha Savalia Amythest Temple Chaz Walker Grade 11 Devyn Ford Gazal Hamza Brittney Heisler Kaydee Jones Steven Kijak Juwan Lindsay Joshua Massey Andrew Niles Pratik Padhiyar Shannon Pearce David Smith Nariana Temples Grade 12 Taylor Dittmar Markell Pollard Chase Stammer Dylan Wood Courtney Woolford Even More News About Our Students Perfect Attendance (continued) The following students had perfect attendance for the fourth marking period. Way to go! Grade 9 Christopher Alloway Joshua Armstrong Michael Ashburn Ryan Austin Caitlyn Boom Dominic Buck Venancio Cartagena-Arrue Makayla Colbert Bradley Donelan Ariana Fischer Joseph Jernigan Allison Kern James Llamas Jessica Mariano Chad Mattis Franki Maus Nicole McConnell Gregory Morrison Zachary Payne Tyler Pfeifer Ashley Redin Ta’von Ricks Mary Rinehart Justin Schnebel MacKenzie Schwartz Shelby Schwartz Samuel Standifird Leah Sulonen James Taylor Kimberly Thomas Ethan Underwood Danielle Waters Alexander Wescott Grade 10 Risikat Akanbi-Yusuff Lester Andrews Jazmin Arce Dominic Citrano Jeremy Duckett Brittany Eveson Madison Ferguson Brendan Fogarty Brandon Knott Johanna Mack Jennifer Meredith Brandon Montier Zemetri Phillips Jordan Robinson Joshua Robinson Jordan Stack Kayly Whited Grade 11 Tess Alexander Alan Brown Sarah Conkle Kiana Cromer Kiara Cromer Dequan Davis Jacob Dellanoce Sabrina Gordon Anthony Hall Haley Harrison Kristen Harvey Kenny Ho Tara Howell Deiontre Keys Rachel Kimmel Bradly King Nicholas McClean Jacob Mewshaw Trevor Paesch Melanie Pierce Nicholas Singer Mikayla Theisz Marcos Valles Collin Wissmann Melvin Zavala Grade 12 Danielle Alexander Lindsey Alvey Brian Au Blair Boyd Kristen Boyle Zachary Brodka Jordyn Burgess Cody Clews Christopher Holle Tyler Howard Kellie Jones Joshua Kehrer Joshua Long Nicholas Mariano Charles Parsons Rachel Redin Brandyn Wade Derrick Wood Kristin Yocum Naviance/Family Connection Website Every student at Northeast High School has access to the Family Connection web-based program from Naviance. The goal of this program is to help our students better prepare for future plans after graduation. This web-based program links counselors and schools with students and parents to improve course, college, and career planning. Best of all, Family Connections is sponsor-free, so you never need to worry about unsolicited commercial email and other advertising getting in your Family Connection. Access codes for the program were given to all students in grades 10-12. Incoming freshman will be given their codes during the fall semester. Once registered at the Family Connection’s website, students will have access to the following: Scheduled visits by college representatives Local scholarships and aid opportunities On-line transcript request Custom, interactive forms and survey Dynamic college search and comparison tools Multimedia college profiles Resume of student’s accomplishments News updates from your school If you need your username and password reset, please contact your child’s counselor. Office of School Counseling... NORTHEAST HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE AUGUST /SEPTEMBER 2013 WELCOME BACK The Office of School Counseling hopes everyone had a great summer. We are busy preparing for the 2013-2014 school year and are looking forward to working with you. SCHOOL COUNSELORS Ms. Smith Mrs. Webster Mr. Gondak Mrs. Bagley A-C D-I J-P Q-Z Again, we look forward to meeting you and working with you to develop a sound educational plan for your child. Due to the various school commitments/ duties and previously scheduled appointments, counselors may not be available to personally receive your phone calls or see you immediately if you drop into the office. Making an appointment will assure that you will see your counselor when you need to talk to them. Just call Mrs. Frashure, the counseling secretary, at 410437-6400 to set up your appointment time. If the counselor is not available to speak to you when you call with a question, please leave a message with the secretary/or student aide and we will return your call at our earliest convenience. If you wish to talk to your child’s teacher, you may call him/her directly by asking the switchboard operator to connect you with him/her in his/her instructional area. You may find it easier to reach teachers between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. TRANSCRIPTS Seniors requiring transcripts for college applications or scholarships must have a transcript form, signed by a parent, on file in the School Counseling Office. Each transcript is $2.00. Seniors, please allow at least three days notice for Mrs. Conner to process your transcript request. COLLEGE TESTING The Fall Testing Dates are: SAT TEST October 5 November 2 December 7 January 25 March 8 May 3 June 7 REGISTRATION DEADLINE September 6 October 3 November 8 December 27 February 7 April 4 May 9 ACT TEST REGISTRATION DEADLINE September 21 October 26 August 23 September 27 December 14 February 8 April 12 June 14 November 8 January 10 March 7 May 9 NCAA CLEARINGHOUSE Is your student thinking about playing a sport at an NCAA Division I/II school? If so, please check out and You will be able to obtain: 1. The Guide for College Bound Student Athletes 2. A list of NCAA Division I/II schools requiring certification for participation 3. A list of approved core courses at NHS (our high school code is 210807) 4. The Clearinghouse registration form (Domestic Student Release Form) These resources will explain the do’s and don’ts of the certification process, recruiting practices and schedules, academic requirements, etc. The Clearinghouse only performs certifications for students currently in their senior year or who are already high school graduates. Due to the length of the certification process, it is recommended that you complete your application as soon as possible after July 1st in the beginning of your senior year. COLLEGE VISITS/INTERVIEWS PSAT Some members of the Senior Class have been visiting colleges during the summer. This is a great way to be organized for the college application process. However, other seniors plan to visit early fall. Now is the time to make some definite plans to visit colleges. Phone ahead for an interview or information session and tour reservations. A good time to schedule one of these visits is Friday, October 18th. Phone the Admissions Office today to make appointments for these important visits. The PSAT will be given to all 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students on Wednesday, October 16, 2013. The test is an excellent way to gain insight into what the PSAT is’s a practice exam for the SAT. Also, the PSAT is the qualifying competition for the National Merit Scholarship Program. PSAT results will be distributed in January. Please review these results with your child. Students will be given a test booklet along with their scores and encouraged to examine each answer to determine their strengths and weaknesses. VOCATIONAL APTITUDE BATTERY (ASVAB) Northeast will be giving the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery on Wednesday, October 16, 2013 at 7:30 a.m. for our 12th graders. Why should our seniors take the ASVAB? In exploring this question, the main focus centers on the fact that the ASVAB will provide our seniors with information about their abilities and career fields related to these abilities. Whenever students have an opportunity to get more information about themselves and career fields in which they may be interested, the School Counseling Office seizes the chance to provide students with such an opportunity. This is NOT a recruitment effort for the military but an opportunity for discovery. If you do NOT wish for your senior to take the ASVAB, please complete the attached registration sheet and return it by Friday, September 27th, to the School Counseling Office. COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVE VISITS A variety of colleges and universities send representatives to Northeast to talk with counselors and meet with prospective students. From September through December many admission representatives will be scheduled. Although we encourage seniors to meet with these representatives, balancing academic priorities with these visits requires advance planning. Students will find the list of college appointments on Naviance. Students must use Naviance to sign up for these speakers. Students are responsible for making up all missed work. Parents are welcome. SCHOLARSHIPS It is never too early to start looking for scholarship opportunities - Start Now! The counseling office posts most opportunities on the Family Connection Web Program from Naviance. is another useful online resource. Please see your counselor for additional help and resources. COLLEGE APPLICATIONS Seniors, read the instructions for completing your college applications. Application procedures vary from college to college. Many colleges dictate that the application, transcript, and recommendations be sent together in one envelope. Be aware of deadlines. The School Counseling Office asks that you allow three school days for transcripts. A transcript is a copy of your official school record that shows the courses you have completed and the grade you have received in each. When you are a senior, your transcript will include your preliminary rank in class and your grade point average. Each transcript is $2.00 per request. Seven days is required if there are additional forms to be completed or recommendations to write. Senior Meetings Most senior meetings for the members of the Class of 2014 took place this spring and summer. During these meetings, counselors, parents, and students discussed post-secondary education and career plans; and students and parents were given a Graduation Notification Agreement to sign. Counselors are required to have a signed Agreement for every member of the Class of 2014 by the end of September 2013. Please contact your child’s counselor if you and your child have not held a senior meeting. August/September 2013 Dear Parent/Guardian of Seniors, On Wednesday, October 16, 2013, the School Counseling Office will oversee the administration of the ARMED FORCES VOCATIONAL APTITUDE BATTERY (ASVAB) for our seniors. The test will begin promptly at 7:30 a.m. and will take about 3 hours. Testing will occur in the cafeteria. WHY SHOULD STUDENTS TAKE THE ASVAB? In exploring this question, the main focus centers on the fact that the ASVAB will provide students with information about their abilities and career fields related to these abilities. Whenever students have an opportunity to get more information about themselves and career fields in which they may be interested, the School Counseling Office seizes the chance to provide students with such an opportunity. The ASVAB testing is an excellent example! After the test results are returned to the school, an armed services representative from the Department of Defense will conduct a workshop for students on how to interpret and use ASVAB test results. Sincerely, Kristen Webster ASVAB Test Coordinator ———————————————————————————————————————————— ASVAB TEST OCTOBER 16, 2013 PLEASE PRINT STUDENT’S NAME________________________________________ PARENT’S NAME______________________________________PHONE #__________________ I GIVE PERMISSION FOR MY SON/DAUGHTER TO TAKE THE ASVAB TEST. _______________________________________ Signature ____________________________ Date ______ Yes, my child may take the ASVAB test on Wed. October 17, 2012. ______ No, I do not want my child to take the ASVAB test on Wed. Oct. 17, 2012. ____________________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM THE REGISTRAR New Student Registration Process 2013-2014 Please contact the Registrar, Mrs. Conner, at 410-437-6400, ext. 5745, to schedule an appointment for registration. The Counseling Center is open from 7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. during the school year (8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., summer hours). At the time of registration, the following must be provided: A parent or legal guardian must be present at time of registration. 2 PROOFS OF RESIDENCY - MANDATORY 1. Deed or rental contract or Tenant Residency Verification (TRV) 2. One of the following (must show current address): a. utility bill b. current bank statement c. car insurance bill d. current pay stub e. W-2 form UP-TO-DATE IMMUNIZATION RECORD - MANDATORY Must have complete Hepatitis B vaccination series and Varicella vaccination (or have had the disease). If coming from a foreign country, must show proof of tuberculosis test administered in the U.S. BIRTH CERTIFICATE PHYSICAL EXAM (if first time in a Maryland public school, the exam must be completed within 9 months prior to entering the Maryland public school system or 6 months after) CUSTODY DOCUMENTS (if applicable) Change of Address, Contact Information, and Other Information If your address, contact information, or other information changes, please notify the Registrar, Mrs. Conner, in the Counseling Office. Please be advised that two proofs of residency (copy of a lease or deed, and copy of a utility bill) must accompany a notification of address change. If you do not have a deed or lease and living with someone, you will need to complete a Tenant Residence Verification Disclosure Form (TVR) which is available at any school. Adjustment in the student data base cannot be made until documentation is received. Your cooperation in these matters is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Conner at 410-437-6400, ext. 5745, or email her at Attention Class of 2014 Your senior year is quickly approaching, and that means it’s time to take Senior Portraits! Please be aware that even if you will not be purchasing photographs through Prestige, you should have your portrait taken by them for the yearbook. Remember! If you do not have your portrait taken by Prestige, your picture will NOT appear in the yearbook. There is no charge to have your yearbook portrait taken if that is the only portrait that you are having made, so be sure to come to school for your scheduled appointment to have your portrait done even if you are not purchasing portraits. If you have missed your scheduled appointment, please contact Prestige to reschedule for one of the make-up days to be held in September. Lifetouch’s final appointments for senior portraits at Northeast are on September 16 and 17. Seniors must have their senior portraits taken by September 17, 2013 in order to appear in the yearbook. If your senior’s portrait is not taken by September 17, 2013, his or her portrait will not appear in the Senior Portrait section of the 2014 yearbook. After you receive your proofs from the company, it is important that you go online and select the portrait that you would like to have appear in the 2014 yearbook. Choose ONLY a picture taken in the traditional tuxedo or drape with a BLUE background. If you choose a portrait without a tuxedo or drape and / or a blue background, the yearbook staff will choose a portrait for you. You may direct any questions to Monica Lynch at Thank you for your cooperation, 2014 Northeast High School Yearbook Staff Yearbook Senior Ads Dear Senior Family and Friends, Senior year is an incredibly special time in your life as well as your senior’s. What better way to say so than a personal ad in the Northeast High School yearbook? We invite you to take the opportunity to share your feelings on this milestone year in your child’s life with a personal ad that your child will treasure forever. Whether you want to share those wonderful growing-up years, a special academic or athletic accomplishment, and / or the sentiments of family and friends, placing an ad in this year’s yearbook will allow you to create a lasting memento of your love for and pride in your child. A personal ad in the yearbook allows you to recognize your student with photos, written sentiments, or both and lets your student remember all the important people and happenings. A personal ad puts a personal touch on a book that will be cherished for years. This year, purchasing an ad is easier than ever. You can create the ad online or mail your materials to Jostens to build your ad for you. Create your own ad by going to and following the onscreen directions. Or watch your mail for a Senior Ad Order Form that you may use to mail in materials and payment. Northeast High School Yearbook Staff reserves the right to edit ads per our guidelines. Please make sure that all submitted materials are appropriate for school publication. For further assistance call Jostens Ad Service at 1-800-358-0800 or contact Jostens at or email Monica Lynch at Personal Advertising Sizes and Rates: 1/8 Page $50.00 1/4 Page $80.00 1/2 Page $150.00 Business advertisements are also available in various sizes: 1/8 Page $85.00 1/4 Page $110.00 1/2 Page $200.00 The last day to purchase an advertisement is January 24, 2014. However, all advertising space is sold on a first-come, first-served basis, so complete your ad as soon as possible to guarantee your child’s spot in the yearbook. If you have any questions, or would like more information, please feel free to contact Monica Lynch at, or call Jostens directly at 1-800-358-0800. Sincerely, Monica Lynch Northeast High School Yearbook Advisor This year’s yearbook will focus on the Junk that we collect throughout our lives that turns out to be more of a treasure than trash. It will hold special memories that your child, whether a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior, will treasure forever. The cost of the yearbook is $100. Your opportunity to pre-order a yearbook at the sale price of $70 will be available from August 6, 2013 to September 20, 2013. On September 21, 2013, the yearbook price will increase to its true cost. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to give your child the memories only a yearbook can recall at the lowest price possible. Here’s How to Order Your Child’s Yearbook: 1. Go to 2. Click on “Yearbooks.” Then click the link that says “Buy Your Yearbook.” 3. In the School Search, enter “Northeast Senior High School.” *Be sure to choose the Northeast Senior High School that is located in Pasadena, MD. 4. Click on “Northeast Senior High School Pasadena, MD.” 5. Select your package. Click “Next” and follow the online instructions. *Personalized pages* Once again, we are offering personalized pages. Personalized pages are four pages sewn only into your child’s yearbook where your child can create his or her own top memory designs. It’s a great way for your child to get his or her friends included in this special memory book in the way he or she would want to remember them. You can add this feature during your purchase section, and your child can create and edit the pages until the deadline: February 1, 2014. After February 1st, the pages will be sewn in as they are. ReplayIt™ ReplayIt™ is Jostens exciting new way to supplement your yearbook. ReplayIt™ allows parents and students to share photos not only with the yearbook staff, but with the entire Northeast High School community AND see all of the photos that the yearbook staff collects but may not use in the yearbook. From July 1 through June 30, students and parents can add as many photos as they like. All photos will be screened for appropriateness by Jostens’ staff before they are placed on the Northeast High School’s ReplayIt™ site. On June 30, the “Time Capsule” will be sealed permanently, which means that only students who have purchased a yearbook will still be able to view the Time Capsule. The Time Capsule will last forever, and is free with the purchase of a yearbook. Help us make Northeast’s Time Capsule a huge success! Go to to create an account and share your memories with your fellow Eagles forever. NORTHEAST HIGH SCHOOL PTSO Membership Teacher/Staff Member: ____________________________________________________________________ Parent #1: _______________________________________________________________________________ Parent #2: _______________________________________________________________________________ Student #1: _________________________________________________________ Grade: ______________ Student #2: _________________________________________________________ Grade: ______________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ____________________ Cell Phone: ___________________ Other: ____________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Are you interested in volunteering for events on occasion? Yes No If so, when would you be available? Day Night Are you interested in donating baked goods, food, prizes, etc.? Yes No Emails are normally sent to all members when volunteer opportunities arise, but your answers above enable us to get an idea of how many people we may be able to count on when in the planning stages. Is there anything in particular you love to help with, or do you have any connections that may be helpful to our organization? For example, fundraising, membership, connections to rental halls, etc. Please write on back. Membership Dues: Teacher $10.00 _____ Parent (1)/Student (1) $15.00 _____ Family $20.00 _____ Black Lifetime (1 parent/1 student) $60.00 _____ Gold Lifetime (Family) $80.00 _____ Donations to Scholarship Fund: ___________ Total: _____________ Thank You for Your Support of the NORTHEAST HIGH SCHOOL PTSO Membership: Teacher Parent/Student Family Black Lifetime Gold Lifetime (Family) Dues Paid: $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $60.00 $80.00 Date: ______________________________ Cash or Check No. ______________________ ***To be eligible for the PTSO Scholarship, you and/or your student must be a PTSO member for at least two years; one of which must be your child’s senior year. Additionally, you and your student must have attended at least one meeting and one or the other of you must have volunteered for at least one fundraiser/event for your child’s senior year and at least one year prior. Please keep in mind that donating baked goods does not count toward your volunteer credits. Contact the PTSO for additional information. VISIT US ON FACEBOOK at NORTHEAST HIGH SCHOOL PTSO (Skirts & shorts = at least fingertip length) We’ve Gone Green! Parents and Guardians, The Principal’s Newsletter has gone “green.” You can access the Principal’s Newsletter on the school website at: You may receive a hard copy if you request one. Just complete this form and return it to Robyn Gross in the Main Office. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY: I want to have the Principal’s Newsletter sent to me in the mail. ______________________________ Parent’s Name _________________________________ Student’s Name ______________________________ Street Address __________________ City ___________ Zip Code PLEASE HELP WE NEED YOU! Northeast High School 1121 Duvall Highway Pasadena, MD 21122 Contact: Tammy Littleton Tel: 410-437-6400 Email: Please volunteer at the Home of the Eagle. Training sessions are the 1st Friday of every month at 9:00 a.m. Come see how to earn monthly prizes AND valuable points for your student to earn free dance tickets, yearbooks, etc. for a small amount of your time. esk D r e t Gree s/visitors / y t i r u Sec rent a p out. e d n m a o welc n them in ig and s Beco m Walk e a mem e the h rs Club. ber of the ” a adult llways to This gro “Parent u m p the s resence aintain a p walks choo l day in our bui positive . lding durin g General Supervision. From 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. we need adults to assist with supervision to promote a welcoming and positive environment during lunches and around our bathroom areas. Creative? Then come help us copy and create by volunteering to assist in a department with copying, laminating, etc. From 1 0 Wednes a.m. - 1 p.m. o d n work th ays parents ar e e is wher Incentive Ce needed to nt e Eagle B students can c er. This as u other su cks for pens, p h in their pplies. encils, and I’d like to attend a volunteer training session: Print Name ________________________________________________ Phone # ______________________ Email ______________________ Communicating to Eagle Country In our ongoing efforts to promote open and honest communication, we are offering this opportunity for our parent community to provide informal feedback and input. Look for this feature in every newsletter, and please feel free to let us know what you think! Mail, fax (410-437-7012), or send this sheet in to the office c/o Pam Allen, Principal’s Secretary. Dear Mr. Williams: Just wanted to let you know…. Positives:________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Concerns: _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Signed, __________________________________________________ Phone Number:______________________________________ FRESHMAN ORIENTATION August 21, 2013 (6:00 – 8:00 PM) Cafeteria & Main Lobby All incoming 9th grade students and their families are invited to Northeast High School for an informational night and self-guided tour. AGENDA: 6:00 – 6:30 o Welcome: Principal o Introductions: Administration, Counseling & 9th Grade Academy Coordinator o PTSO Share Out 6:30 – 7:15 o Students Explore Extra Curricular Opportunities o Parents/Families Parent University (1 Credit Course) “Parent Power” 7:15 – 8:00 Self-Guided Tour Mission: The mission of the Northeast High School Parent University is to increase their child’s success in their progression towards a post-secondary opportunity by engaging parents in activities that support their child’s school program. August 2013 Board appoints Mamie J. Perkins as interim superintendent On July 23, 2013, the Board of Education of Anne Arundel County appointed Mamie J. Perkins, a 40year educator who served as acting superintendent of Howard County Public Schools in 2011-2012, to serve as interim superintendent of Maryland’s fifth largest school system for the coming school year. Perkins was appointed by an 8-0 vote, with Board Member Stacy Korbelak absent. The 62-year-old Perkins, who spent more than 26 years in Howard County and 13 years in Baltimore City schools before retiring in August, succeeded outgoing Superintendent Kevin Maxwell on Aug. 1. Dr. Maxwell, who had led Anne Arundel County Public Schools since 2006, became Chief Executive Officer of Prince George’s County Public Schools the same day. “Mamie Perkins is a passionate advocate for children who has diverse experiences over a long career that will serve our school system very well in the coming year,” Board President Teresa Milio Birge said. “Our Board is confident that she will work with the dedicated team we have in place to continue the upward trajectory our school system has been on over the last seven years.” Perkins will be paid $197,087 for the 11 months of her contract, which will end on June 30, 2014. Perkins began her educational career as a classroom teacher in Baltimore City in 1973. She worked there until 1986, also serving as a resource teacher for foreign-born students, a summer school principal, a supervisory teacher for student teachers, and a reading resource teacher for adult learners. She moved to Howard County in 1986, where she worked as a teacher for gifted and talented programs, coordinator of elementary and health education, and supervisor of health education. She oversaw the system’s Human Resources department from 1999 to 2005, and was chief of staff from 2005 to 2011, when she became deputy superintendent. She was acting superintendent of the school system from June 2011 to July 2012, and retired in August 2012. “I have watched with great admiration the work that this Board of Education and Dr. Maxwell have done in recent years, and I am ecstatic to be a part of helping to continue the great things that are in place here over the next year,” Perkins said. “I am especially excited about the opportunity to get back to working with teachers and staff, and to get into schools to see the good things that are happening for children every day.” Perkins has also been an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Education since 2004. In April, she was appointed by Governor Martin O’Malley to a six-year term on Howard Community College’s Board of Trustees. Board adopts new social media policy, revises flyers procedures On April 17, 2013, the Board of Education approved two policies and Superintendent Kevin Maxwell implemented two Administrative Regulations regarding the use of social media for instructional purposes in Anne Arundel County Public Schools. Policy GAOO and Regulation GAOO-RA govern employee use of social media, and Policy JCCC and Regulation JCCC-RA address student use of social media. These policies and regulations can be found on the Board of Education page of the Anne Arundel County Public Schools website, board/newpolicy/Policies.asp. Under the policies and regulations, parental acknowledgment and consent are required before any AACPS student can view or access social media sites for instructional purposes on school system devices. Students who do not have parental approval will be given alternate instructional activities during times when social media is being accessed by students on school system devices for instruction. A list of approved sites will be reviewed at least annually and published on AACPS’ website. Permission to grant access to social media through this format does not extend to student use of personal electronic devices. Schools also will be able to use approved sites to communicate with parents and students under certain conditions also spelled out in the policies and regulations. Informational flyers A new policy adopted by the Board of Education on June 19, 2013, limits the number of agencies and organizations from which material can be sent home with students. The policy allows only flyers and other material from Anne Arundel County Public Schools; federal, state, and local governments; PTAs, PTOs, etc., operating within AACPS; clubs directly affiliated with AACPS; and the 21st Century Education Foundation. Material from other Anne Arundel County groups, such as for-profit businesses, recreation sports teams, dance schools, etc., may now be displayed on a table, rack, or other suitable area designated by the school but not sent home with students. Parents should note the materials placed in these areas are neither sponsored nor endorsed by AACPS. However, parents should be aware that court decisions interpret broadly the content acceptable to be displayed in these areas. That material, in some instances, may include religious material. Agosto 2013 La Junta nombra Mamie J. Perkins como superintendente provisorio El 23 de Julio de 2013, La Junta de Educación del Condado de Anne Arundel nombró a Mamie J. Perkins, educadora por más de 40 años, que sirvió como superintendente activo de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado Howard en 2011-2012, para servir como superintendente provisorio del quinto sistema más grande de Maryland durante el próximo año escolar. Perkins fue nombrada con un voto de 8-0, con Miembro de la Junta Stacy Korbelak ausente. Perkins, de 62 años de edad, que estuvo durante más de 26 años en el Condado Howard y 13 años en las escuelas de la Ciudad de Baltimore antes de jubilarse en Agosto, sucede al saliente Superintendente Kevin Maxwell el 1º de Agosto. El Dr. Maxwell, que ha liderado las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Anne Arundel desde el 2006, asumió el mismo día el cargo de Oficial Ejecutivo Principal de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Prince George. “Mamie Perkins es una apasionada intercesora de los niños, con experiencias diversas a lo largo de una larga carrera, que servirá muy bien a nuestro sistema escolar en el año próximo,” dijo la Presidenta de la Junta Teresa Milio Birge. “Nuestra Junta confía que ella trabajará con el dedicado equipo que tenemos emplazado, para continuar la trayectoria ascendente que nuestro sistema escolar ha tenido durante los últimos siete años.” Perkins comenzó su carrera educadora como maestra de aula en la Ciudad de Baltimore en 1973. Trabajó allí hasta 1986, también sirviendo como maestra de recursos para estudiantes extranjeros, directora de escuela de verano, maestra supervisora para estudiantes de maestro y maestra de recursos para estudiantes adultos. Ella se movió al Condado Howard en 1986, donde trabajó como maestra de programas para dotados y talentosos, coordinadora de educación de salud de primaria y supervisora de educación de salud. Ella supervisó el departamento de Recursos Humanos de 1999 a 2005, y fue jefe de personal de 2005 a 2011, cuando fue nombrada vice superintendente. Ella fue superintendente activo del sistema escolar de Junio 2011 a Julio 2012, y se jubiló en Agosto 2012. “He observado con gran admiración el trabajo que ésta Junta de Educación y el Dr. Maxwell han hecho en años recientes, y estoy extasiada de ser parte de ayudar a continuar las grandes cosas existentes aquí durante el año próximo,” dijo Perkins. “Estoy especialmente excitada acerca de la oportunidad de volver a trabajar con maestros y personal, y de ir a las escuelas para ver todas las buenas cosas que están sucediendo cada día para los niños.” Perkins también ha sido profesora adjunta de la Escuela de Educación de la Universidad de Johns Hopkins desde 2004. En Abril, el Gobernador Martin O’Malley la nombró para la Junta de Administración del Colegio Comunitario de Howard por un período de seis años. La Junta adopta nueva política de media social, revisa procedimientos de panfletos El 17 de Abril de 2013, La Junta de Educación aprobó dos políticas y el Superintendente Kevin Maxwell implementó dos Regulaciones Administrativas acerca del uso de media social para propósitos educativos en las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Anne Arundel. La Política GAOO y la Regulación GAOO-RA gobiernan el uso de media social por los empleados, y la Política JCCC y la Regulación JCCCRA regulan el uso de media social por los estudiantes. Estas políticas y regulaciones pueden ser encontradas en la página de la Junta de Educación del sitio web de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Anne Arundel, www.aacps. org/aacps/boe/board/newpolicy/Policies. asp. Bajo las políticas y regulaciones, se requiere reconocimiento y permiso de los padres antes que un estudiante de AACPS pueda ver o acceder sitios de media social para fines educativos en aparatos escolares. A los estudiantes que no tengan permiso de los padres se les dará actividades educativas alternas, durante el tiempo que los estudiantes con permiso acceden a media social para educación en aparatos escolares. La lista de sitios aprobados será revisada por lo menos anualmente y publicada en el sitio web de AACPS. El permiso dado para acceder a media social a través de éste formato no abarca el uso de aparatos electrónicos personales por los estudiantes. Las escuelas también podrán usar sitios aprobados para comunicarse con padres y estudiantes bajo ciertas condiciones detalladas en las políticas y regulaciones. Panfletos informativos Una nueva política adoptada por la Junta de Educación el 19 de Junio de 2013 limita el número de agencias y organizaciones que pueden enviar material al hogar con los estudiantes. La política sólo permite panfletos y otros materiales de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Anne Arundel, federales, estatales y gobiernos locales; PTA, PTO, etc., operando dentro de AACPS; clubs afiliados directamente con AACPS; y la Fundación Educativa Siglo 21. Material de otros grupos del Condado de Anne Arundel, tales como empresas sin fines de lucro, equipos de deportes, escuelas de danza, etc., podrá ser exhibido en una mesa, estantería u otra área adecuada designada por la escuela, pero no podrá ser enviado a los hogares con los estudiantes. Los padres deben tener en cuenta que los materiales puestos en ésas áreas no están ni patrocinados ni avalados por AACPS. Sin embargo, los padres deben tener conocimiento que las decisiones de las cortes interpretan con amplitud el contenido aceptable para ser exhibido en ésas áreas. Ese material, en algunos casos, puede incluir material religioso.
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