Welcome New Members! - First United Methodist Church
Welcome New Members! - First United Methodist Church
Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Permit #58 Pineville, LA First United Methodist Church 2550 Monroe Highway Pineville, Louisiana 71360 Reflections First United Methodist Church of Pineville Newsletter — June 2014 Welcome New Members! Dates: June 9th-13th Time: 9:00 am– 12:00 pm Dale & Judie Barnette Charles, Brittany, Connor, & Colton Ashburn Our Church Staff Senior Pastor Business Administrator Student Ministries Director of Music Ricky Willis Jay Quinton Maryann Stewart George Gross Associate Pastor Administrative Assistant Children’s Ministries Jared Williams Amy Inzina Michelle Gaharan T-shirts and CD’s will be available!! T-shirts are $10 CD’s are $8 When you pre-register your child, please sign up to help or call Michelle in the church office. We need many helping hands before and during VBS!! www.pinevillefumc.org 8 Office Phone: (318) 640-1050 Monday – Thursday 8:00am - 5:00 pm; Friday 8:00am — Noon 11 From the Senior Pastor... On June 11, Bishop Cynthia Harvey will set the appointments for 2014 - 2015 at the close of the Louisiana Annual Conference. Among the new appointments will be: “First United Methodist Pineville – Steve Fowler and Zachary United Methodist Church – Ricky Willis.” As with any change in life, there is always anxiety over the new and unknown for both the church and the pastor’s family. But as you prepare to embrace a new pastor and his family, here is a list of expectations and non-expectations that will help make this transition easier: Assisted Living Friends Emeritus- Cecil & Margaret Hammond, Irene Sandell, Betty LaBorde Nursing Home Friends Heritage Manor Nursing Home, Ferriday, LA Expect that the pastor and his family will need several days to settle in before assuming normal office hours and home life. Do not expect the pastor and his wife to remember your name the second or third time they see you. You only have their names to learn, while they have a whole congregation to learn. Expect a different style of leadership than you’ve previously had. Your new pastor will be different than the previous pastors. Every pastor has his or her own unique strengths and abilities. Let him be himself and appreciate his uniqueness. Do not expect everything to remain the same. Expect a different style of preaching, pastoring, administration, and even some changes in the order of worship. No two pastors are alike. Expect that your new pastor and family are just as anxious about the changes that will occur in their lives as you are. Do not expect your new pastor to be perfect. Your new pastor and family are mere human beings trying to follow God’s call upon their lives, just like you. They have the same struggles you do, in addition to the special difficulties associated with public ministry. Therefore, be patient with them, be forgiving, and pray for them each day. Do not expect the pastor to know little “tidbits” about you that he has learned from the previous pastor. Other than pressing matters that need the immediate attention of the pastor, little information about church members is passed from one pastor to the next. Expect that your new pastor will have complete authority as pastor-in-charge the moment he moves in. Acknowledge your new pastor as the spiritual leader of this congregation. Your previous pastor has assumed new responsibilities. If you are part of the staff, give the new pastor your loyalty. If you are a church leader, be committed to following new leadership and working together. Expect your new pastor to need your support. The honeymoon will eventually end. Be committed for the long haul. Put a defense around your new pastor. He will be attacked. Make sure you’re not one of the attackers. Find every opportunity verbally, by written notes, or other ways to encourage your pastor. Your church will reap huge rewards in the end. Expect that your new pastor and his family will need you as friends, as well as parishioners. Be open to getting to know them as your pastor, friend, and fellow traveler in faith. Marie and I thank you for your love and support during these years together and for how our lives have been blessed. We leave proud of you as a church and what we have been able to accomplish together, and I look forward to hearing great things about your future. As Paul says in Philippians 1:3, “I thank God every time I think of you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now.” Know that we would love to hear from you or see you if you come through Zachary. Our new home address will be: 4511 Cypress Street, Zachary, LA 70791. 225-654-4818. My office will be: 4205 Church Street, Zachary, LA 70791. 225-654-2389. May God continue to bless you and keep you. Lois Credeur Hilltop Nursing Center– Vera Williams Montclair Park Assisted Living, Shreveport, LA Patti Wisenbaker Pelican Pointe, Maurice LA– Kathy Shea Summit Nursing Home– Becky (Cox) Onken The Oaks Nursing Home– Cherrie Webster Out of State— Willa Vee Messer, TX Homebound Friends Elaine Beck Marcy Bowen Judy McDonald Bill Butcher Geneva Clark Bernie Misner Kathleen Smith Cliff & Ardena Stacy Meril Crawley Emogene Kubes Esme Lipscomb Faye Killen Stacey Miller Joan Payne Oran Daniel Myrtis McConnell 1– Dorothy Deville 2– Mickey Durand, Dawson Nichols, Benjamin Paulk 3– Melissa Fuqua, Debbie Kaylo, Barbara Bettevy, Mike Coutee, Tammie Arnold, Brandon Kelley 4– Brenda Hutchinson, Kevin Hood, Denise Smith, Kathryn White 5– Jan Golden, Sarah Sleighter 6– Kim Emory, Chris Cook, Kyle Williams, Kendall Hoben 7 - Fred Jordan, William Martin, Louri Baudoin, Cayden Meche 8– Louise Butterfield, Dustin Constante, Thomas Bonner, Jenna Joseph, Madelyn French 9– Jack Banks, Debbie Hornsby, Raymond Gates, Joseph Harrison 10– Micah White 11– Suelynn Mickey, Lee Broom, Jess Flaherty, Matthew Tassin, Tara Windham 12– Denise Lott, Jana Holmes, Emily Porche 13– Fred Carter 14– Patricia Liberto, Polly Walker, Tammy Bordelon, Analise Paulk 15– Lori Hymbaugh, Travis Dunbar 16– Katie Kimpel, Carly Bratcher 17– Alex Potepalov, Vernalea Floyd 18- Janet Whittington, Jack Blair, Natalie Wilson, Peyton Procell 19– June Cripps 20– Mary Ann Bennett, Abby Sebastian, Cody Goulart, Brandon Couch, Meyer Ruggles 21– Richard Airhart, Phillip Brooks Jr. 22– Lyle Hutchinson, Rita Butterfield, Aimee Sullivan, Jason Bell, Cy Fontenot, Kain Fuqua 23– Lacey Rashall, Linda Westbrook, Amanda Taunton, Caitlyn Paulk 24– Will Kelley, Berna Dean Lawrence, Kelly Fields, Chad Worthy, Angelia Brown 25 - Lyn Rollins, Brian Farrar 26– Marie White, Linda Bordelon, Mike Joseph, Zach Hornsby, Tristan Benge 27– Caitlin Malone, Tori Benoit 28– Charles Thurmon, Mark Smith, Mary Lee Mattox, Billy Porche 29– Jane Jones 30– Carol Anne Shelton, Steven Fontenot Remembering Our Military Ricky Going Away Reception for Pastor Ricky, Marie, & Michelle Willis We will be holding a farewell reception for Ricky, Marie, & Michelle on Sunday, June 15th during the Sunday School hour. There will be a basket for cards at the reception. Michael Bordelon Caleb Huff Stephen Lee Terry R. Myers Chad Reeves Alex Smith Sincere Sympathy To: Going Away Reception for Michelle Gaharan We will be honoring Michelle for her service to our church with a reception on Sunday, June 22nd during the Sunday School hour. Please make plans to stop by and let her know how much she meant to us and send blessings her way as she embarks on her new journey. There will be a basket with cards at the reception. 2 Irene Sandell for the loss of her husband, Jack Candice Russell for the loss of her father, Doyce Golden Barbi Kokemor for the loss of her sister, Marilyn Kay Vaughn 1 - Odis & Annie Hutchinson, Scott & Jennifer Edwards 3 - John & Marsha Reed 4– Mark & Lorrie McKay 5 - B.J. & Sue Crick, Ray & Patricia Bennett, Freddie & Lesley Carter 7 - Rick & Kathy Williams, Rusty & Allison Edwards 10 -Pat & Carolyn Simms 12 -George & Suelynn Mickey, Robert Jr. & Nicole Brister, Adam & Erin Roes 13 –Rev. Jared & Rev. Alina Williams 14 –George & Judy Gross 15 -Brian & Jamie Branch 18 -Nolan & Melodie French 19 - Ronald & Bonnie Sullivan, Alan Jr. & Angela Stokes, Justin & Kayla Lemmons 21 - Clarence Sr. & Rosa Fields, Clifford & Ardena Stacy, Melvin & Teresa Harrison 22– Michael & Laurie Williams 24– Jim & Sue Lee 28 - Arron & Dustin Constante 29– Don & Marcie Thomas 7 SAFE SITTER IS COMING TO PFUMC WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4th!! high schoolers save the date convergence july 31-aug 3 We are headed back to NOLA! COST: $120 meet ‘n eat tuesdays 11:30am All summer beginning June 3rd, & we’ll leave from th e church! DMA Trip to UMCOR in Baldwin, LA to deliver Flood Buckets—May 13, 2014 Safe Sitter is a national program designed for 11 to 13 year old girls & boys, to prepare them for responsibilities of caring for younger children. Included are topics such as Success on the Job, Child Care Essentials, Injury Management, Preventing Problem Behavior, Choking Rescue, & CPR—among others. It’s a full day of learning & fun! Debbie Migues & Marsha Reed will lead the class on Wednesday, June 4, from 8:00 a.m.—4:30 p.m. in the Pairs & Spares classroom. During the parent program at 4:00, you’ll get to see what your child has learned– plus you’ll get tips to help your child be a better & safe sitter. Class size is limited, so advance registration is required. Cost is $29, & students should bring their own lunches. Scholarships are available if needed. Registration form is available in the church office. FIRST UMC, PINEVILLE ASSISTS LOCAL STUDENTS First United Methodist Church in Pineville is making a difference in the lives of area children through the “adoption” of a local elementary school and through volunteer efforts at the Pineville Youth Center, which offers an afterschool tutoring program. “First UMC wanted to focus our mission efforts on something that would make a real difference in our community. Through research and tapping into city resources, the church discovered that poverty is one of our community’s greatest problems. We knew that one of the most effective ways to have a long term impact on poverty is by having a positive impact on young children’s education. So, our church adopted the elementary school in our community with the greatest number of at-risk and needy children, and we adopted the youth center which serves children in need,” said Rev. Ricky Willis, pastor of First UMC. Rev. Willis is pictured with Laurie Johnson, principal at Lessie Moore Elementary, the school adopted by First UMC. As part of these ongoing relationships, the church has recruited prayer teams that pray for teachers, administrators and students throughout the year. A prayer rally is held at the beginning of the school year at the school. Work teams have painted the teacher’s lounge and are planning future projects at the school. Collection drives are held throughout the year for school supplies, school uniforms, winter coats and other items of clothing for students in need. The church provides good behavior rewards for the teachers to give out to students and snacks for testing weeks. Teachers are supported by cards, prayers, appreciation gifts, care bags and an end-of-the-year meal. “We also provide backpacks of food that are distributed by the school to needy children to take home on Fridays. Church volunteers have been trained as Kid’s Hope Mentors that meet one hour a week at the school with children who need a positive adult relationship in their life,” said Willis. In addition to efforts at the school, members of First UMC provide weekly meals for the children served at Pineville Youth Center. Church volunteers also help out as mentors and tutors for the students. Work teams complete projects at the center, as needed. The church’s Christmas Eve offering was used to provide wall cushions for the center’s gym and for computer supplies. Collections of books, school supplies, food and other needs are organized by the church. “These relationships have opened the door to many future possibilities, and our church is becoming known for making a difference in the community. We were even featured in the local news last year!,” added Willis. For more information about this initiative, contact Rev. Willis at (318) 640-1050 and www.pinevillefumc.org Jimmy Butcher Memorial Scholarship Senior 2014 Graduate Recipients: Carly Bratcher and Austin Nelson 3 6 MISSIONS COMMITTTEE MESSAGES: JUNE 2014 PRESENT: MISSION OF THE MONTH FOR JUNE: OUR OWN V.B.S. The theme this year is: “Wilderness Escape: Where God Guides and Provides.” Dates: June 9-13. Teachers and helpers are needed to bring the message and provide 15 hours of Christian Education to our children, grandchildren and their friends. What a great opportunity to serve! They’ll also need supplies, props and snacks, as well as donations of school supplies for LME & PYC. PAST: PB & J IN MAY! Our Mission Tubs have been filling up with peanut butter and jelly for the Shepherd Center! Thanks to all of you who have remembered the needs of the hungry! We’ll be delivering soon! PAST: CLEANING BUCKETS Our Road Trip to UMCOR Sager Brown Depot in Baldwin, LA was a HUGE success! We delivered 29 Cleaning Buckets, had lunch & toured the campus, a former school & orphanage. There were 23 of us on the trip & we want to give a special thanks to our driver, Fred Carter, and to Cliff Kelley for organizing! We appreciate all of you who brought items, donated funds, stuffed buckets and helped in any way! Thanks to Lowe’s for providing half of the items at cost! Co-sponsored by Missions, UMM & DMA. PAST: LME During Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week, members of our UMW provided Brunch for 50 for one day at LME. They were delighted with the homemade breakfast casseroles, muffins, fruit, and sausages! Thanks to the Dianne Bolton Circle & the Estelle Dameron-Betty Cummings Circle for this service! We have also received delightful Thank You Notes from LME for all the Test Week Treats and Snacks; look for them around our church. Musically Speaking... Greetings and Happy Summer!!! This will be brief. Don’t think because this is a brief article, nothing is going on musically. Far from it. As a matter of fact, we all need to work a bit harder. Why? Glad you asked. The majority of us will take some time off for vacations or long weekends. That means choir members too! They deserve a huge rest from the wonderful jokes I tell on Wednesday evenings. So we need YOU to fill in the gap for them. So once again, I am begging you to come and check out the choir during the summer. Maybe you can’t be there every week. But maybe every other week. That helps. So come and join us. We need you and want you. And just a reminder, when you are away on vacation, please enjoy your time away and be safe, but when you are in town, we would love to see you in anyone of the worship services. Come and join us each and every Sunday. Yes, you can worship on the golf course, at the lake, etc. but when we all join together to worship, raise our voices in song, listen to the scriptures, pray for one another and hear His Word preached, we leave renewed to share the Good News all week long. Hope to see you this Sunday and every Sunday. Have a great summer. Love, George FUTURE: JULY…….. SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR LME & PYC. Let’s watch for the local sales and make our dollars go farther! Crayons, washable markers, looseleaf paper (wide-lined), pocket folders, washable glue, construction paper, pencils, rulers, scissors & even office/teacher supplies are all helpful! Everything donated will be used by Lessie Moore Elementary and the Pineville Youth Center to help our neighborhood children learn! Thanks for your help! Your 2014 Missions Committee: Sheri Berlin (Rep. for Pineville Youth Center), Louise Butterfield, Gene & Patricia Cain, Barney Ford, Karen Henderson, Wayne & Linda Martin, Marsha Reed, & Abigail Sebastian (Chair), Ritchie Martin (Lessie Moore liaison), Debbi Tassin, Mary Ward, and Maryann Stewart & Ricky Willis, Staff. Breakfast United Methodist Men will hold their monthly breakfast on Sunday, June 1st at 7:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The guest speaker will be Patrick Blanchard from the Methodist Children’s Home OWL Center. Please come join us! DMA (For All Ages) DMA will meet on Tuesday, June 3rd at noon in the Fellowship Hall. Our guest speaker will be our very own Bill Wieger who will present a program about the flight of the Monarch Butterfly. Everyone is welcome! Thank You! 4 Thank you to Frances Hurst and her helper, Barbara Lachney, for the lily creations this Easter season! Director of Children’s Ministry Position As you are aware, our current Director of Children’s Ministry, Michelle Gaharan, has accepted a position at another church. We are grateful for all that Michelle has done for our children’s ministry and for all that she has meant to so many of us. We pray for God’s blessings upon her in her future endeavors. The Staff-Pastor-Parish Relations Committee is currently conducting a search for her replacement. If you know of someone who would like to apply, resumes should be sent to: SPR Committee, 2550 Monroe Highway, Pineville, LA 71360. Please keep this process and our church in your prayers at this time. Ben Waites Gospel Tones In Concert Pineville First United Methodist Church Pineville LA Saturday, June 21, 2014 at 6:00 PM Concert and Spaghetti Dinner $10.00 Proceeds from ticket sales will be used to purchase new Computers forThe Pineville Youth Center. Sponsored by the United Methodist Men. Ticket available at First United Methodist Church Pineville Office 5
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