WELCOME NEW MEMBER! - First United Methodist Church
WELCOME NEW MEMBER! - First United Methodist Church
Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Permit #58 Pineville, LA First United Methodist Church 2550 Monroe Highway Pineville, Louisiana 71360 Reflections First United Methodist Church of Pineville Newsletter — August 2015 Disciple III Recognition Sunday, August 2nd WELCOME NEW MEMBER! Children’s Sunday School Promotion Sunday, August 9th Christine Holland Our Church Staff Co- Pastor Rev. Ed Cooper (ed@pinevillefumc.org) Business Administrator Jay Quinton (jay@pinevillefumc.org) Youth Director Director of Music George Gross (ggross3@suddenlink.net) Co– Pastor Administrative Assistant Children’s Ministries PATH Worship Leader Rev. Jo Ann Cooper (joann@pinevillefumc,org) Amy Inzina (amy@pinevillefumc.org) Niki Hoyt (niki@pinevillefumc.org) Thomas Bonner (thomasbonner92@gmail.com) pinevillefumc.org 8 Office Phone: (318) 640-1050 Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM; Friday 8:00 AM — Noon Blessing of the Backpacks Sunday, August 16th will be at all three services!! 11 From the Pastors Assisted Living Friends Bailey Place Assisted Living, Bunkie, LA Vernalea Floyd Montclair Park Assisted Living, Shreveport, LA It’s on our letterhead, signage, church directory, even our business cards. If it’s collateral material about our church, these words are there for all of Pineville and the surrounding communities to see! I bet you know exactly what I’m talking about, don’t you? Patti Wisenbaker Out of State— Irene Sandell, Round Rock, Texas We boldly announce that PFUMC is a people deeply committed to “passionately seeking to know, love, and serve God.” Wow! Are the Coopers ever blessed! Our loving Abba Father allows the two of us to serve such a people in such a place with such a deep commitment. Our hearts are overwhelmed at the graciousness of God and the goodness each of you has extended to us. Nursing Home Friends Naomi Heights - Becky (Cox) Onken The Oaks– Cecil & Margaret Hammond Out of State— Willa Vee Messer, TX Would we not all agree that when we put these words in the forefront of our lives, it makes a difference in the world around us? May each of us find ways this week in which we can visibly put into action our mission statement of “passionately seeking to know, love, and serve God.” Homebound Friends Loving Jesus, loving others, Ed & Jo Ann Methodist Men’s Breakfast The Methodist Men’s Breakfast will be at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, August 2nd in the Fellowship Hall. The program for the August UMM Fellowship breakfast will be Servant Life Missions: speakers will be Michael Martin, Davin Barron, and Hannah Hoyt . All men and their sons are invited to attend. We hope you will come join us! Reminder: The Estelle Dameron/Betty Cummings Circle does NOT meet this month. Please remember to pick up school supplies and teddy bears for the mission boxes at church. Next meeting date is August 18th. Martha Gordon and Sue Lee Elaine Beck Marcy Bowen Rick Bryan Bill Butcher Geneva Clark Bernie Misner Cliff Stacy Meril Crawley Esme Lipscomb Stacey Miller Joan Payne Carole Ford Fred Tannehill Remembering Our Military Michael Bordelon Stephen Lee Terry R. Myers Chad Reeves Alex Smith Dear Church Family, I want to express my sincere thanks for the prayers, calls, cards, and visits after the death of my brother, Gary Hollingsworth. Those who knew my brother knew how much he loved children, and one of his memorials that was so special was sent to the Methodist Children’s Home. Blessings and Love, Yvonne Pirtle Dear Church Family, I rejoice with a grateful heart for a church family who has supported me with blessings of love through these last few months of my father, Ray Mc Intosh’s, illness and his passing. Thank you for your prayers, cards, and being there for me. Love, Raye Tuma and family 2 "Mi Casa - Su Casa" ... Our Home - Your Home Pastors Ed and Jo Ann Cooper are requesting your presence at the Parsonage (2299 Fairview Lane) for a time to get to know each other and discuss 3 key questions. Sign-up sheets will be available this Sunday after each worship service. A "Pastoral Report" compiled from these visits will be shared during "Wednesday Night Live" Dinner on September 2nd. 1– Timothy Deligans, Connor Ashburn 2– Debbie Migues 3– Lauren Gross 4– Mollie Mount, James Hodges Jr., Melanie Carroll 5– Richey Deville, Willa Vee Messer, George Gross, Mary Brannan-Murphy Christopher Brown 6– Michelle Monceaux Penn, 7– Debbie Rollins, Marleen Poe, Brandon Stringer 8– Anne Searcy, Connie Banks, Donald Bolton, Nolan French, Chad Paulk Dana Farrar 9– Sherri Berlin, Rhiannon Malone, Allison VanDusen 10– Debbie Morrison, Jennifer Hayes, Hayley Dean, Brittany Ashburn 11– Archie Stewart, Rebecca Foote, Peter Ford, Dylan Nugent, Alexis Fuller 12– Norma Randow, Mandy Simmering, Andrea Fontenot 13– Travis Dauzat, Fred Moore, Tracy Walker 14– Marjorie Taylor, Beth Bratcher, Chris VanDusen, Hunter Marshall 15- Hallie Drinkwater, Dale Morgan, Marianne Knowles, Amy Desoto Kaitlin Overly 16 - Gwen Tosspon 17– Billy O’Neal, Jeremy Locke 18– Sharon Moore, Don Thomas, Grace Bell 19– Ed Cooper, Gail Melcher, Johanna Pate, Ed Bratcher, Joy Shelton, Amanda Johnston, PJ Benoit, Nell White 20– Janet Migues, Gene Cain, Chloe Slayter 22– Dave Toledo, Ryan Kelley, Ryan Collier, Landon Terrell, Sammy Finley 23– Rosa Fields, Matthew Bramble 24– Norman Bruce, Julie Jones, Ashley Ainsworth 25 - Kathy Bonner, Sue Valentine, Leslie Dunkerson, Stephanie Stubbs, Elizabeth Shelton 26 - Julie Herring, Bennie Gauthier, Neil Crick, Phoebe Lytle 27– Lois Rodgers, Madelyn Edwards 28– Cameron James, Gabriel Graves 29– Bill Morrison, Brooke Graves, Amy Morgan 30– Roger Wright, Sharon Hodges, Esther Hill, Noah Phillips, Maegan Vallee 31 - Lucretia Glorioso, Leroy Martin, Lauren Lyles, Samantha Dewitt Addy Clementz 1– Jay & Jennifer Quinton 2. Robert & Marjorie Taylor 4– Chip & Bonnie White 7– Roane & Babs Hathorn 10– Jim & Jewel Beisser, Jay & Tracy Slayter 11– Wayne & Dottie Lindsey 14– Raymond & Suzanne Gates 15– Russell & Terianne Ballard 16– Joel & Lori Dinnat, Matthew & Amanda Clementz, Douglas & Brittany LaBorde 18 - Charlie & Marie White 21– George & Dianne Stafford 23– Tommy & Ginger Reeves 24 - Bill & Carol Simpson 28 - Jacob & Erin Stroud 30– Buck & Jane Jones 7 MISSIONS COMMITTTEE MESSAGES: August 2015 Mission of the Month: Backpacks for Hungry Kids (Central Louisiana Food Bank) Your individual, family, Sunday School, or other group donation of $150 will provide kid-friendly food in a non-descript backpack for 36 weekends of the school year to one hungry child identified at Lessie Moore Elementary (our adopted school) or the Pineville Youth Center. Please see our three Mission Display Table for details! Bless you for helping our hungry little neighbors! Past: Boxes and boxes of paper, pencils, crayons and other school supplies were delivered to the Book Room at LME for needy children. Thanks to the VBS kids and others who donated these items! Christmas in July: Groceries were delivered to the Shepherd Center Food Pantry by the Dianne Bolton Circle/UMW in our Tote Bags. Thank you so much!!! September Mission: UMCOR Personal Care Bags Ongoing: Hotel Sundries for the Hope House ladies & children Musically Speaking... Trust me, this will be brief. First, we are always looking for new choir members. Come and talk with me. Free music lessons, free wardrobe (robe in the fall), doughnuts, laughter, and people that will just love you. Well, the votes are in. I have checked out the voting box and many of you have voted for your favorite hymn or hymns. Thank you. Some shared why the song has special meaning. I hope you plan on being here every Sunday, but especially in August. Casual dress is especially appropriate during the month of August. Don’t miss it. Music, prayers, laughter and, of course, great preaching. We have a seat reserved just for you!!!! Over the years, many people have asked, “Why don’t we have women/teens usher and assist with taking up the offering?” Well, at 8:30 on the first Sunday of the month, we always have a team of women as ushers. Here is an invitation, especially for the women and young ladies of our congregation. If you would like to serve as an usher, please speak to one of the following: our pastors, Will Glass or Judy & George. We will train you and you can serve. Please respond to this invitation. We are always looking for people to serve. We also need greeters and door holders for the outer doors. Just a smile and willingness to serve is all you need. Anyone can do that. How ‘bout YOU? Love you, George Kid’s Hope Youth Convergence Trip The Youth will be attending Convergence at Camp Istrouma August 6th—9th. New Children’s Director HI! My name is Niki Hoyt. My family and I moved to Pineville in July 2014 from Thomasville Georgia. My husband, Charlie and I will soon be celebrating our 27th wedding anniversary. We have three children at home. Hannah, a high school senior, Nathan, a high school sophomore, and Sheyanne who will be in kindergarten this year at J. I. Barron. I am looking forward to an exciting year in children’s ministry! I have worked with children in many different programs, churches, and schools over the past 30 years but I am very excited about this next new adventure. I believe there is no greater privilege than partnering with parents to help the children of our church to grow into strong men and women of God. It is definitely a team effort and I look forward to getting to know the families of our church as we begin this journey together. 6 School is about to start and that means it's time for Kids Hope to get going again. We look forward to our time, one hour a week, with our students at Lessie Moore Elementary. If you are not a Kids Hope mentor yet, just give me a call and we will get you started. There is no more important ministry than changing the life of a child. And when you change a life, it's no small change. Judy Gross Kids Hope Director 318.613.3667 Book Signing & Reception for Bro. Henry Blount's positive devotionals and messages: "Living Faithfully in the Age of Terror" Sponsored by the Pairs & Spares Sunday School Class August 30 8:30am -12:15 pm in the Fellowship Hall (before & after worship) Maegan Glorioso purchased this cross for the church while in Honduras to say thank you for the support our church offered. 3 Covenant Bible Study I led by Debbie Tassin (8 weeks) WEDNESDAY NITE LIVE Begins September 2nd at 6:00 P.M. Join us Wednesday nights for a time of fellowship, dinner, and study. Sign up online or at sign up tables during the month of August outside sanctuary and FLC doors. Dinner begins at 4:30PM. Studies begin at 6:00PM. Dinner Cost: Adults- $6– Family- $20 “Dry Bones Dancing” led by Pastor Jo Ann Cooper “Dry Bones Dancing” is a 6-week study led by Pastor Jo Ann and is based on Tony Evans’ book, “Dry Bones Dancing, Resurrecting Your Spiritual Passion.” The book is recommended, but not required. Each week we will consider the things that touch our lives and ways we can experience the Breath of God in our lives. Each session will be offered at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM each Wednesday beginning September 2. * Week 1 - When Life Drains Us of Life Week 2 - Getting Honest About Why We Can’t Be Honest Week 3 - Choosing A Direction Instead of Excuses Week 4 - When God Could But Doesn’t Week 5 - Dem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem Dry Bones Week 6 - Reclaiming The Vision “Psalms for Life” led by Pastor Ed Cooper Psalms for Life" led by Pastor Ed Cooper digs into this known yet unknown collection of extraordinary writings and uncovers a message of hope in the daily grind of living. If Jesus Himself used it as His personal prayer book, the early church as it's "hymnal," there must be something for us. And there is! This 6-week study tackles the challenge of confronting the following questions: How do ancient psalms function as present, powerful voices of faith in our cynical, disbelieving world? What possible connections exist in the psalmist's life of ups & downs, highs & lows, good times & bad times and our own similar emotional & spiritual roller-coaster experiences? How might we uncover a "faith surprise" from yesterday's Psalms? Join us, beginning Wednesday, September 2nd, at either 10:00 AM or 6:00 PM* 4 *Both sessions will be offered again, beginning October 14th GOD ESTABLISHES THE COVENANT to be in relationship with us. So the first eight weeks, Creating the Covenant, examines how the covenant community is created and established, by focusing on several books of the Bible. It discusses the story of our origins in Genesis, the Exodus narrative, the teachings of Moses, the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, as well as other books from each Testament that focus on the foundation of Christian faith. In doing so, it lays out the framework for a life lived in concert with God and others. ($20 book ordered from Cokesbury when you preregister) Disciple IV led by Bill Seamans: DISCIPLE: UNDER THE TREE OF LIFE, the final study in the four-phase DISCIPLE program and is prepared for those who have completed Disciple I. The 32 week study concentrates on the Writings (Old Testament books not in the Torah or the Prophets), the Gospel of John, and Revelation. Emphasis on the Psalms as Israel’s hymnbook and prayer book leads natural to an emphasis on worship in the study. Present through the entire study is the sense of living toward completion – toward the climax of the message and the promise, extravagantly pictured in the Revelation. The image of the tree and the color gold emphasize the prod and promise in the Scriptures for DISCIPLE: UNDER THE TREE OF LIFE. The word under in the title is meant to convey invitation, welcome, sheltering, security, and rest – home at last. “The Faith of a Mockingbird” led by Bonnie White Spend some time with the one of the best books you've ever read. Or never read. This classic novel gives readers a unique look at the human condition- the good, the bad, and the redeemable. This fall study group will review Harper Lee's novel and film adaptation with a scriptural lens. Rev. Matt Rawle guides us through The Faith of a Mockingbird, a Bible study based on Harper Lee's, To Kill a Mockingbird, using Lee's beloved characters to explore Christian faith, theology, and ethics. “Book of Daniel” led by Lorrie McKay and Jerri Bonner Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy - Member Book by Beth Moore provides a personal study experience five days a week plus viewer guides for the group video sessions of this in-depth women's Bible study. Join Beth in a faith-building study of prophecy and learn how to live with integrity in today's self-absorbed society. The prophet Daniel faced unbelievable pressures to compromise his faith, to live in a hostile culture, and to confront temptations and threats. Today, believers in Jesus Christ face many of the same trials. August Dates to Remember: August 2 – Disciple III Recognition and start signup for Wednesday Nite Live for Fall 2015 August 9 – Children Sunday School promotion August 16 – Blessing of the Backpacks; Recognition and blessing of all teachers 5
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