File - Galway United Methodist Church


File - Galway United Methodist Church
The Crossroad Chimes
Galway United Methodist Church
Reverend Kim Reed
(518) 882-6520
We are entering the season of Pentecost, a time when we celebrate the presence of God's spirit among us and within
us. It is also a time when we celebrate the beginning of the church. These things together make it a powerful time to
examine our commitment to our own growth in faith as well as our place in a community of Christ.
In June, we will celebrate Children's Sunday. On this day, our children and youth witness to us. They share some of
what they have learned as they continue to grow in their understanding of our faith. Thank you to all the parents,
grandparents, and other family members who have made a commitment to these young people and their development as Christians.
The following Sunday, a few of our young people will make commitment to take more responsibility for their own
faith journey. They will also take on the responsibility of being members of this church. As members they will promise to uphold the church by their prayers, presence, gifts, and service. It is the same promise all members make.
It is worth asking ourselves how we are doing in our own journey. Are we upholding the church as it upholds us?
By our prayers: We pray each Sunday for each other and other people in need. We can offer these same prayers
throughout the week. In addition, we can pray for the church, our church and the church as a whole. There are always struggles and issues. Let us pray that through it all we remember the love and grace we receive from God and
may we share that in all that we do and say.
By our presence: Sometimes the most important commitment is just being there. It is through being together that
our church is strengthened. It is through mutual support and accountability that we are able to grow. It is a blessing
to me to see you on Sunday mornings. Are there other ways beyond this that we can be present to strengthen and
grow the ministries of the church?
By our gifts: This has two aspects. We give our financial gifts. Without our generosity, the church and its ministries
cannot exist. What, of all we have received, do we give back to God? But we have also received gifts of abilities and
interests. These are other ways we can give to God and to the church. Are there things we love or do well that we
can use to help the ministry of the church?
By our service: We support the church best when we leave its walls and offer help to people in
the community and around the world. What ways does your faith lead you to serve others?
May the Spirit bless you and fill you as you continue to grow in faith, in your love of God,
and as part of the church.
Rev. Kim
Rev Kim Reed
Possible NEW option for sellers:
It was suggested that I contact the Salvation Army and ask if they could possibly send a truck to pick up donations
from sellers wishing to donate items rather than take them home on Saturday afternoon.
I reached out to the Army and they would be willing to send a truck provided a "ballpark" number of boxes or bags could be provided.
IF this option becomes available, sellers would still be responsible for removing their items from the fellowship hall and moving them to the
truck on Saturday at 3pm. IF you would be interested in this option, please let Sharyn Kalinkewicz know.
The sale will run on Friday,July 10 from 9-5 and Saturday, July 11 from 9-3. Workers for those hours are required as well as workers for the set
up and clean up tasks. Please sign up on the sheets in the fellowship hall. If you are not working the sale, bakers are also needed for the bake
sale portion of this fundraiser.
Community members are welcome to participate in all aspects of this event. For sale rules and suggestions, see the list on the table in the fellowship hall.
The Trustees thank all who came to cleanup day and
had fellowship and got some cleaning done. There are
still projects needed to be accomplished this year. The
list is on the kitchen shelf for review.
One major one is cleaning and staining the front entrance. This entails a power washing and then staining
party to cover the railing and balusters and floor and
support areas. Further notices will be presented because it is a weather related venture.
Bob Hartman
The last Sunday that the choir will sing during service is June 7th. Then it
is time for a rest. We hope you have enjoyed the selection of musical
pieces during the year and appreciated the message that each contained
as we go about our mission of bringing the word of God through song.
Again this summer the “Invitational Choir” will sing during the service.
We encourage anyone from the congregation to feel free to join in and
make a joyful sound each week! It is most satisfying and even more enjoyable when a large number of people gather. Think about it!
A big thanks to our accompanist Dave DeVall who plays such a vital role
in helping us accomplish our weekly endeavor.
Dick & Elaine
Trustee Chair
We want to thank our Church Family for all of the
prayers and good wishes we have received these
past months. The meals, transportation and all of
the other help you've provided have made our
days of Denny's treatments so much easier. The
cards, visits and phone calls of encouragement
have helped tremendously. We are so blessed by
all of your caring and concern, and we especially
appreciate your ongoing prayers.
Thank you,
Evelyn, Denny and Katie Hanna
As summer begins, special thanks go to those who have volunteered their time and energy for our church during the past ten
months. We appreciate the efforts of our lay leader and speaker, Tina Blay, and lay speaker, Christine Cook, for their parts in
services, especially in Rev. Kim’s absence. Administration Council members, committees and their chairpersons work hard to
keep our church running smoothly. Thanks to the choir and directors, Elaine and Dick Lane, for all of the wonderful music. We
appreciate the gift of music that Dave DeVall provides each
week. Dedicated Sunday School teachers, led by Amy Zawisa
and Pat Sowle, bring the Bible and its teachings to our children
and youth. Kelly DeVall keeps people informed with the outside
sign, website, and printing the church newsletter. The list goes
on and on. A big THANK YOU to all who make Galway United
Methodist Church a special place for worship and fellowship.
The Worship Committee has a few items to bring to your attention.
1. Confirmation Sunday will be June 7th. Four candidates are to be confirmed , Lindsey Zawisa, Michael Sowle,
Julianne Labreche, and Elise Arey.
2. Children’s Sunday will be on June 14th.
3. The invitational choir will resume again this summer with Cami Mueller as the accomThanks Cami!
4. 9AM Summer service hours will begin on July 5th.
5. Communion in the month of July will be on the 12th.
Please note the two new banners in the Sanctuary
7. The crucifix and candlesticks will be sent away for refinishing. This process should take approximately 6 weeks.
Have a great summer, God Bless
Sandy Arey, Chair
Change. What a concept!
Change can be so many things- good or bad, happy or sad, welcome or unwelcome. After a long hard winter we probably all welcomed the change to spring and will continue to eagerly await the official
change to summer! What a delight to be able to attend the recent Everybody’s Birthday Dinner Potluck and be able to sit at
dinner with the windows open! So refreshing!
After dinner Dick Lane gave a brief overview of the committee structure of the Methodist Church and each committee chairperson briefly outlined what their committee is responsible for. For some of us who were not raised in the United Methodist
church, this committee structure is totally new and different, and requires us to look at church in a different way- and quite
possibly a change from the way things may have been done in churches we grew up in or attended.
Regarding PPRC specifically , although the overall purpose of PPRC itself is pretty much spelled out in the name of PPRC committee- how the pastor and parish “relate” with each other- at the dinner I also took the opportunity as chairperson to mention two of the many responsibilities of PPRC. The first is ”To encourage, strengthen, nurture, support and respect the pastor
and staff and their families. “ I felt it was important that everyone know and understand also that Pastor Kim is in fact hired as
only a half time pastor for our church, something that even I forget at times, because she seems to always be there for us all
whenever we need her!
Secondly, the briefest PPRC responsibility in words, but perhaps one of the most important and sometimes challenging, is the
charge “To promote unity in the church.” All churches everywhere are always changing- new people, new committees, new
ideas and new responsibilities. And with any change- good or bad- there is always the potential for some unease or lack of unity. How can PPRC assist our congregation and pastor as we all handle the changes in our church in operations, leadership of
committees, and congregational needs? Any ideas? Let someone on PPRC know! In the meantime, PPRC will continue to strive
to support our pastor, and our parishioners, as we continue to all work together to discover and better understand the purpose to which God calls us as a church. Because in the end we are all called to the same purpose as Christians, “To go and
make disciples for Christ.”
Sue Dufel, Chair
Galway United Methodist Church
2056 East St
PO Box 303
Galway, NY 12074
Don’t forget to check out our website at With our new website, you can now get information, news and
updates about Galway United Methodist Church, online. Rev. Kim’s weekly sermons are also posted on the site barring audio/visual complications So, if you
are teaching Sunday School or miss a Sunday, the information is easy to access. Share our website with a friend. Each issue of the Chimes is also posted on
the website. We look forward to your visit! Any information you would like placed on our website can be emailed to And as
always, in an effort to be more “green” The Crossroad Chimes can be emailed to you instead of the standard “snail mail” Please email
me at the above address if you would prefer to receive your issue of The Chimes via email.