Bulletin for 02-06-16 - Cathedral of Christ the King
Bulletin for 02-06-16 - Cathedral of Christ the King
February 7, 2016 Fifth Sunday in ordinary time My friends in Christ, So often I see the generosity of the Cathedral community. The efforts through summer lunch making, Adopt –a-Family and donations to SVDP are just a few examples of the generosity of this parish community. Today, I ask for your generosity to the Archbishop’s appeal. The theme this year is Love Never Fails (1 Cor. 13:8) When we serve this parish and the wider Church, that love is realized. 2699 Peachtree Road, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30305 404-233-2145 www.cathedralofchristtheking.org WHAT’S INSIDE: Thankfully, we managed to meet last year’s goal due to the generosity of 800 families out of our 5,500 families who supported last year’s Appeal. Now we begin our new goal. The Archbishop’s Appeal begins every February. The Archbishop’s Appeal gives a future and a hope to the wider Church, through the education of our men studying for the priesthood, through the work of Catholic Charities, the pro-life movement, priest retirement, and the many charities it serves throughout the Archdiocese. If we all did our part, think of what we could achieve for the wider Church. Our goal this year is $471,000.00 and we pay the assessed amount whether we make the goal or not. If you did not have the opportunity to fill our a pledge card or make a donation last weekend, there are cards available in the back of the church. If you would like to pledge on-line, you can go to www. appeal.archatl.com. I believe that if every family does their part, we will certainly meet our goal. Again, thank you for your continued support of our Cathedral and the wider Church. RCIA Catechumens & Candidates Page 2 Yours in Christ, Flower Donation Page 3 Ash Wednesday Masses CTK Young Church This Wednesday, February 10th is Ash Wednesday. Mass times for that day in the Cathedral will be: Page 4 Life in the Eucharist Page 6 Bridge Club Page 7 Divine Mercy Page 9 Hispanic Pages Pages 10-11 Monsignor Frank 6:45 am, 8:10 am, 12:10 pm, 5:30 pm and 7:00 pm. There will be additional Masses in Kenny Hall at 12:10 pm, 5:30 pm, and 7:00 pm. Spanish Masses will be held at 6:00 pm at the Misión de Cristo Rey and 8:30 pm in the Cathedral. There will be no confessions on Ash Wednesday. CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG Prayers RCIA asks for Your Prayers During Lent To submit a non-published prayer request for our parish Prayer Chain, email cother@comcast.net or call the Church office, 404-233-2145. For the Catechumens, Candidates and Adult Confirmandi in RCIA, Lent is a time of self-searching and repentance. During the Lenten season, we travel together with them in this time of conversion, continuously striving to follow the Gospel more closely. Please join us as we pray for those who will become new Catholics at Easter. † Monsignor Frank and the parish community of Christ the King wish to extend their deepest sympathy to: the Bishop family on the death of Jan Bishop, mother of Shawn Perez and Mark Sarajian; the Carr family on the death of Shirly Carr, sister-in-law of Pitts Car; the Farnsworth family on the death of Brian Farnsworth, brother of Richard Farnsworth; the Ntab family on the death of Jacques Ntab. † We ask that you pause a moment to offer a prayer for the sick of our community, especially: Infant Bowen Davis, Infant Hugh Ellison, William Abdella, Louella Avent, Donald Azar, Mary Braniff, Anne Brown, Jeannie Stier Butler, Christine Dailey, Dan Driscoll, Judy Horton, Barbara Jesser, Bob Jolly, Leah Jones, Cheri Letts, Susie Lopez, Eula Marshall, Betty Morris, Marie Pearce, Elizabeth Pennington, Barty Quinnelly, Tom Rochefort, Yolanda Ruhe, Isaac Saleumsy, Michael Sharpe, Patty Steadman. Catechumens: Cammi Cardon CJ Carr Terry Crumbley Amy Curtis Matt Davis Ergena Gila Vladimir Kelly Afton Lucente John Myers Christina Viciere Joe Williams Arslan Zahid Candidates: Tim Allen Melina Alves Jill Barnes Phil Beeson Brenda Boatright Alyssa Cagnolatti Emily Cook Don Toney Michael Cotton William Williams Holly Eastman Jim Epting Dennis Gast Kari Gilbertson Jason Gilbertson Davis Hester Carey Jansen Natalie Jones Lauren Kley James Lane Will Marshall Collin Metcalf Margaret Milner Lesley Mooney Alex Rebeiro Bernard Reynolds Ken Rosenberger Ashley Serrano Charlie Simons Jenna Switzer Jackie Temsamani Laura Thomas Adult Confirmandi: Evelyn Abels Daniel Chiles Mary Featherstone Keshia Sampson Andrew Walker Lenten Stations of the Cross Please join us in praying the Marian Stations of the Cross each Friday during Lent (February 12 thru March 18) immediately following the 6.45 am Mass. CTK Men’s Club Short Sermons to Live By Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. Blessed Mother Teresa To kick off the Lenten season in this Jubilee year of Mercy, the CTK MC Speaker Series focuses on CTKers who quietly work behind the scenes to minister those who are often forgotten and overlooked. We are inviting three of these “Ministers of Mercy” to speak about their ministries: David Sloan – Mission Director, Love and Serve Outreach in Atlanta (serves the homeless); Chris Andronaco – CTK Deacon, has focused on the perpetrators and victims of human trafficking; and Tim Moore – Executive Director / Community Leader of L’Arche, a Catholic organization that serves those with developmental disabilities The meeting is on Thursday, Feb 11 beginning at 6:30 pm in the Hyland Center. Come join us in listening to fellow CTKers who put their faith in action by working in areas that need help more than ever. To register for this event, visit www.cathedralofchristtheking.org/mensclub. 2 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 7, 2016 Around the Parish CTK BELIEVES On Tuesday, February 9, from 7:30-8:30 am in Conference Room 1, Lisa Robinson, Senior Director of Philanthropy for Woodruff Arts Center, will lead a discussion at BELIEVES entitled “Giving of Treasure.” Bring a friend, come early for Mass at 6:45 am that day, and then stay for networking and Vanessa’s discussion. You won’t want to miss being a part of this. BELIEVES, a once-a-month speaker series ministry, promotes dialogue around integrating faith in the work life for both business men and business women. To register for the event go to www.cathedralofchristtheking.org/ BELIEVES. The nominal $10 registration fee covers the cost of funding for sponsoring CHRP Scholarships. Questions/comments? Contact Andrew Schoppe, andrew@thegoldenrulepartners.com. Nursery Help Needed Part time adult help is needed to provide childcare for younger children, in particular, for Sunday morning masses. Resume and background check are required. This is a paid position. Please contact Elaine McCollum, emccollum@ctking.com, if interested. Career Ministry The CTK Career Ministry provides a pastoral-based approach serving those experiencing job transition and changing careers. We offer coaching, financial overview, resume and social media review. How may we assist you in accelerating your career? Contact Charles Jones, cjonesctk@yahoo.com. Recognize Someone Special by Sponsoring the Altar Flowers The Cathedral Flower Guild is accepting sponsors for the weekly altar flowers. Both the sponsor’s name and the person being honored will be printed in the Sunday bulletin on the weekend the flowers appear on the altar. The cost of sponsorship is $150 for the main altar; $100 for each side altar; and $60 for the Parish Hall. The Cathedral Flower Guild will select the arrangements; the colors will be compatible with the Cathedral colors and feast days. The Cathedral arrangements will remain on the altars for the following week. If you are interested in learning more about the program, please contact Cathy Thurmond, thurmond.cathy@yahoo.com, 404-352-3513. Stewardship of Treasure How shall I repay the Lord for his goodness to me?” Psalm 116 The Scripture passages today are linked by the subjects of suffering and healing, faith, preaching the Good News, and prayer. Job experiences tremendous suffering but keeps his faith in God. In St. Mark’s Gospel, through the disciples’ faith in Jesus, Simon-Peter’s motherin-law is healed. Jesus teaches us, as His disciples, the importance of prayer and to know through faith that He is always present to strengthen and heal us from our afflictions. Offertory Income Budget Year-to-Date $ 3,549,900 Offertory Income Actual Year-to-Date $ 3,716,245 Actual Over/(Under) Budget Year-to-Date $ 166,345 For your convenience, electronic giving is available at www.cathedralofchristtheking.org The flowers on the Mary altar are given in loving memory of Marguerite Bergmann Donated by her daughter Heidi Bergmann. 3 CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING Christ Renews His Parish RETREAT Women’s Weekend February 27-28, 2016 Men’s Weekend March 5-6, 2016 WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG CTK Young Church Grades 9-12 Nick Labrie • 404-836-0628 • nlabrie@ctking.com CTK Young Church CTK Young Church offers weekly youth ministry experiences for middle and high schoolers in our parish and community. For info on our weekly events, special trips, as well as our summer offerings visit us online at www.CTKyouth.com. No EDGE or LIFE TEEN This Week There is no EDGE or Life Teen this week due to Super Bowl Sunday. We’ll be back in action next Sunday. Enjoy the game! At the Cathedral of Christ the King LIFE TEEN Spring Retreat: Last Week to Register! All high schoolers are invited to join us for our 2016 Life Teen Spring Retreat (Feb 19-21)! With a ropes course, camp activities, powerful sessions, dynamic experiences with Jesus in prayer and the sacraments, as well as upperclassmen and underclassmen specific small groups, your teen will have a great time. Info and registration is online at CTKyouth.com/spring retreat. REGISTER ONLINE TODAY! www.cathedralofchristtheking.org/ CRHP EDGE & LIFE TEEN Summer Camp Registration is now open for EDGE & Life Teen Summer Camps (June 611,2016). EDGE & Life Teen Summer Camp brings together top Catholic speakers, musicians, fun, and adventure, all to the beautiful Life Teen Covecrest (High School) and Camp Hidden Lake (Middle School) in the North Georgia Mountains. You DO NOT want to miss this! Info and registration at CTKyouth.com. EMPOWER All high school upperclassmen registered for our EMPOWER leadership program are invited to join us tomorrow night for our monthly EMPOWER Night from 78:30pm in the Youth Room. Can’t make it? Email Nick at nlabrie@ctking.com. Discipleship Due to Monday’s EMPOWER Night, our upperclassmen girls and men’s discipleship groups are taking a week off. Underclassmen girls will meet at their regular time and location: 7-8 pm in the youth room. More info online at CTKyouth.com/ Discipleship. 4 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Christ the King School Christ the King School creates a nurturing, Christ-centered environment based on its Catholic tradition of fostering academic excellence, individual responsibility, spirituality, and growth of the whole child, in order to spread the Good News of Jesus in word and deed. Tricia Ward, Principal • 404-267-3669 • www.christking.org Christ the King School thanks its Community Partners: Platinum - Peachtree Hills Animal Hospital FEBRUARY 7, 2016 Around the archdiocese SERRA Luncheon Parishioners are invited to the February SERRA luncheon event. The Atlanta SERRA organization is a lay organization of Catholic men and women who support vocations to the priesthood and arranges special events for priests, seminarians, deacons and sisters and has immediate openings for men and women. The event will be held on Friday, February 12 at the Sheraton Hotel, 800 Hammond Drive, Atlanta, beginning at 11:45 am. Please RSVP to Tom Blaska,404-697-1005 or tomblaska@yahoo.com. The speaker will be Heather Dexter, CEO of Emory St. Joseph’s Hospital of Atlanta. Gold – Buckhead Orthodontics Atlanta 40 Days for Life If you knew you could help save a life, would you? From February 10 through March 20, you’re invited to join thousands of other Christians for “40 Days for Life” – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way across from Feminist Women's Health Center on Cliff Valley Way. In Atlanta, just 112 people are needed to take one hour a week during the 40 days to get all 16 hours of the local public vigil covered (6am-10pm each day). Christ the King School Soars High After more than 75 years of academic excellence, Christ the King School (CKS) continues to raise its standards. Thanks in large part to the funds donated from its annual auction and gala, the school is one of just six academic affiliates of The High Museum of Art (HMA), a partnership that benefits students, teachers and families. CKS parent Joan Hodge identified the affiliate program as, "something that could really enhance the offerings at our school." Explains Hodge, "When I trained as a docent, I learned how integrated HMA is with education. The museum isn't just about art, but incorporates history, literacy and more." For more information visit www.40daysforlife.com or contact Margarita Szechenyi at 678-2009712 or Atlanta40days@gmail.com. 5 CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING Super Bowl Watching Party All adults are invited to join SNL to watch the Super Bowl after the 5:45pm and 7:15pm Masses this Sunday, Feb. 7 in Kenny Hall. Join other adults just like you each Sunday Night to Make New Friends, Grow in Faith, Connect to our Church Family Men’s Wednesday Morning Bible Study Wednesdays, 7:30-8:15 a.m. WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG Adult Formation & RCIA Helen Young • 404-233-2145 x439 • hyoung@ctking.com Life in the Eucharist One Day Retreat, March 19 8:30am - 4:00pm Kenny Hall As Lent approaches, join us for a day of renewal and reflection to further deepen, appreciate and understand the Eucharistic Mystery, the Source and Summit of our Catholic faith. Christ the King's LIFE IN THE EUCHARIST retreat will be held Saturday March 19, 2016 from 8:30am-4pm in Kenny Hall. On this retreat you will be drawn into a deeper appreciation and understanding of the Eucharistic Mystery. Kenny Hall For more information, contact Helen Young at hyoung@ctking.com or 404-233-2145 ext. 439. All men of the Cathedral are invited to join us as we study God’s Word. Register online today at www.cathedralofchristtheking.org/LITE Contact Brad Young at byoung@zwjic.com for more information. Lenten Bible Study for Men Thursdays Beginning Feb. 11 7:00pm - 8:30pm Conference Room 1 Men of the parish are invited to participate in a Lenten Bible Study series sponsored by the CTK Men’s Bible Study Group. Join us each week as we study various themes that impact our identity as men, our relationship with God, our struggle for holiness, and our call to service. No registration required. For more information, contact Paul Ragan at paulsragan@gmail.com. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts! All the earth is filled with His glory! Isaiah 6:3 Sa he ve t Dat e Parish Lenten Mission February 29th, March 1, and March 2 with Ignatius House Retreat Director, 6 Fr. Bruce Maivelett, S.J. FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Pastoral Care Ministry FEBRUARY 7, 2016 happenings Linda Dyson • 404-233-2145 x440 • ldyson@ctking.com Bridge Players Invited/ Men and Women Please come join us in this new ministry, the Judy Kiely Bridge Club. Meetings will be the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month from 1 until 3:30 pm. All levels are welcome. If you have a partner, invite them. We will supply playing cards and score cards. Please RSVP: Mary Ellen Howley at 404-261-9881 or Bettie Harrison at 910-620-4229. CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING PASTORAL CARE MINISTRY HEALING MASS And Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick WEDNESDAY, February 17, 2016 5:30pm in the Cathedral Come pray with us for the sick, the bereaved, and those in need of peace and healing! HOSPITALITY following Mass PRAYER TEAMS are available to pray with you. Word of God Charismatic Prayer Group Please join us from 7-8 pm each Wednesday night for prayers of praise, silent prayer, and intercession. We meet in the nursery, just past the main receptionist desk to the parish offices. We begin promptly at 7 pm, so try to arrive a few minutes before the starting time. If you are going through a difficult time and you need the prayers of others, we offer such prayers immediately after each meeting. If you can not join us, but you have a prayer need, email us at wordofgod@ctking.com. Praying the Rosary Won’t you stay even for a short time and pray the Rosary with us? After each weekday Mass 6:45 am, 8:10 am and 12 Noon; Saturdays after 8:10 am Mass. For information on the Holy Rosary, e-mail bvmatlanta@bellsouth.net. Come Spend An Hour with Jesus The Cathedral has Perpetual Adoration which means there is always someone praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament in our chapel twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We are always in need of guardians who will make a commitment to come one hour per week. Email 2adorehim@gmail.com or call 404-428-3889. 7 CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG Stewardship Bernadette Flowers • 404-2673690 Habitat Lenten Challenge THE HILLS ARE ALIVE with the sound of music sung by Christ the Looking to give up something a little different for Lent this year? Try the Habitat Lenten Challenge. Give up a cup of your favorite coffee drink during Lent and help fund our fall Habitat build. For example, if you typically spend $5/day on a latte, you would donate $30 for the 6 weeks of Lent or $200 for the 40 days of Lent. To accept the Lenten Challenge, go to http:// www.cathedralofchristtheking.org/ habitat to sign up. The first 250 parishioners to pledge will receive a Habitat Lenten Challenge coffee mug. For more information, contact Brian Berblinger at berbbm @gmail.com Monsignor Frank and Pastoral Care Ministry Invite our Senior Adults to join us for the 12:10 Mass in the Cathedral, followed by anointing of the sick, with lunch and camaraderie in Kenny Hall. Thursday, February 25th Reservations are Limited Call Pastoral Care 8 King’s Cathedral Choir! Join Monsignor Frank and the Choir next fall (September 18 - 27) on a picturesque tour through the land of Mozart, Beethoven and Brahms as well as the legendary film “The Sound of Music”. The 10-day eight night tour departs from Atlanta on September 18th and returns on September 27th, 2016. The tour package includes airfare, all ground transportation, hotel accommodations, daily breakfast, entrance fees and professional Tour manager/guides. The base price of the tour is $2895.00 + $650 departure taxes & fuel surcharge. For a more detailed information and tour itinerary contact Alex Costello, (acostello@ctking.com). FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 7, 2016 9 CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING CATEDRAL DE CRISTO REY 2699 Peachtree Road NE Atlanta, GA 30305 MISIÓN CATÓLICA DE CRISTO REY 3349 Buford Highway, Suite 17A1 Brookhaven, GA 30329 ( a la mano derecha de Briarwood Rd) MINISTERIO HISPANO Padre Feiser Muñoz Teléfono 404-267-3696 Lunes a Viernes : 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM CELEBRACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA Capilla Martes Kenny Hall Sábado PM Catedral Domingo Misión Domingo EN ESPAÑOL 7:00 PM 5:00 1:30 PM 9:30 AM CONFESIONES Lunes y Miércoles 7:15 - 7:45 AM 6:00 - 6:30 PM Sábados 8:30 - 9 AM / 3 - 4:00 PM Misión Domingos 9:00 - 9:30 AM Otros días, previa cita únicamente. BAUTISMOS Menores de 7 años Horario para inscripción: Lunes a Viernes de 10 AM a 1 PM en la oficina del Ministerio Hispano. Se requiere el certificado de nacimiento y un comprobante de domicilio. Preparación obligatoria para padres y padrinos el cuarto viernes de mes de 6-9 PM. Bautismos – Un sábado al mes a las 9 AM. Deben estar inscritos en la Parroquia 3 meses antes de solicitar el Bautizo. Iniciación Cristiana para adultos Para adultos que les falte algún sacramento (Bautizo, Comunión y Confirmación) Las clases son los lunes de 7 a 9 PM Para más información llamar a María Goretti, 404-267-3696. MATRIMONIOS Comunicarse con la oficina del Ministerio Hispano al 404-267-3696. PRESENTACIONES DE 40 DIAS Y DE 3 AÑOS Los 2do y 4to Domingo del mes, Los niños de tres años que van a ser presentados deben estar bautizados. Los padres deben asistir a una clase. Para más informes por favor llamar a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano al 404-267 -3696. 10 WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo: A menudo veo la generosidad de la comunidad de la Catedral. Los esfuerzos a través del verano haciendo almuerzos, adopte-una-familia y donaciones a SVDP son sólo algunos ejemplos de la generosidad de esta comunidad parroquial. Hoy, les pido su generosidad al llamamiento de la campaña del Arzobispo. La primera lectura de este fin de semana nos recuerda que en primer lugar estamos llamados por Dios y en segundo lugar a que nos dediquemos a ser profetas de las naciones. Esta llamada es no sólo para nuestra parroquia, sino para todas las iglesia Católicas. Afortunadamente, logramos cumplir la meta del año pasado debido a la generosidad de 800 familias de nuestras 5.500 familias que apoyaron la campaña del año pasado. Ahora empezamos una nueva meta. La campaña anual del Arzobispo comienza cada febrero; Esta campaña anual da un futuro y una esperanza para la iglesia, a través de la educación de nuestros hombres que estudian para el sacerdocio, a través del trabajo de Caridades Católicas, el movimiento pro-vida, jubilación de sacerdote y las muchas organizaciones benéficas que sirve a través de la Arquidiócesis. Si todos hiciéramos nuestra parte, piense en lo que podríamos conseguir para la toda la iglesia. Nuestro objetivo este año es $471,000.00 y pagamos la cantidad trazada si hacemos la meta o no. Si usted no tuvo la oportunidad de llenar una tarjeta de compromiso en la misa este fin de semana pasado, por favor tome un momento para considerar en oración una donación en este momento. Puede hacer clic en el icono de Apelación Arzobispo que le dará la oportunidad de llenar una promesa o hacer una donación. Para aquellos de ustedes que ya han hecho su promesa, le doy las gracias. Yo creo que si cada familia hace su parte, ciertamente cumpliremos nuestro objetivo. Una vez más, gracias por su continuo apoyo a nuestra Catedral y la Iglesia en general. Suyo en Cristo, Monseñor Francis G. McNamee Rector FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 7, 2016 ADMINISTRACIÓN DE LOS BIENES DE DIOS Jeremías declara que el Señor lo conocía antes de nacer, lo consagró y lo asignó como profeta aún antes de su primer aliento. Nosotros, también, somos conocidos y enviados por El Señor. ¿Qué obras de amor y servicio son míos para realizar? Catedral: $1,616 Misión: $1,788 ADORACIÓN AL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO Se necesitan voluntarios para adoración al Santísimo Sacramento. Comunicarse con Catalina Villareal al 404-428-3889 o por email 2adorehim@gmail.com GRUPOS DE ORACIÓN Si deseas formar parte del grupo de oración, este se reúne todos los sábados de 6 a 8 pm en el Salón de Conferencias . I MAGEN P EREGRINA Si desea que la imagen Peregrina visite su casa, por favor registrarse con Noelia Campo al 404. 483.6643 o por email marinagusmancampos@gmail.com. TallerdeOraciónyVida‐P.IgnacioLarraña Fecha:DesdeelSá bado30deEnero6:00pm–8:00pm Lugar:Misión“CristoRey” 3349BufordHwy,Brookhaven,GA.30329 ParamayorInformación:(770)378‐6237YojanaHuaman “DelencantodeDios,alencantodelaVida” Q UINCEAÑERAS Si desea agradecerle a Dios el don de la vida en sus quince años, por favor inscribirse con tres meses de anticipación a las clases de preparación obligatorias. Le recordamos que es necesario haber recibido la primera Comunión, asistir al grupo juvenil de crecimiento o Confirmación y tomar el curso de quinceañeras. Inscribirse en la oficina 404-267-3696 MINISTERIOS ECLESIALES Si desea ofrecer sus servicios a la comunidad Le invitamos a participar en alguno de los Ministerios eclesiales de nuestra parroquia. Llame al 404-267-3696. E DUCACIÓN R ELIGIOSA Catecismo para niños de 3 a 16 años y Escuela para Padres de Familia y Adultos. Los Sábados a las 3:00 PM. Más información con María Goretti Guzmán al 404-267-3697. HÁGASE MIEMBRO DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA Inscribirse en la parroquia es una manera de afirmar: ¡Esta parroquia es mi familia! Mayores informes llamando al 404267-3696. PORTAL EN EL INTERNET Lo invitamos a visitar nuestro portal de internet www.catedraldecristorey.org SERVICIOS DE Esta primavera, del 10 de febrero al 20 de marzo, los invitamos a todos los parroquianos de nuestra comunidad a tomar parte del esfuerzo próvida Nacional más grande en la historia: 40 DIAS POR LA VIDA. Más de 250 ciudades de U.S.A están participando. Además de los 40 días de ayuno y oración por la erradicación del aborto en América; por favor considere participar en la vigilia de oración en el centro Feminista Womens Health Center en Cliff Valley Way, por las horas que estés dispuesto durante los 40 días y corre la voz a otras personas sobre este importante esfuerzo para salvar vidas. Para más información por favor contacta a Margarita Szechenyi: Atlanta40days@gmail.com. Todos están bienvenidos! C ONSEJERÍA Ofrecemos consejería a bajo costo para individuos o familias. Consejeros profesionales están disponibles en el área metropolitana de Atlanta, el costo es basado en el salario que recibe la familia. Llame al 404-920-7725 o al 404-920-7785 de Servicios Sociales Católicos. 11 CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING ADULT INQUIRY: Adults interested in learning about the Catholic Church can attend meetings most months on the fourth Monday at 7:00 pm. Please see inside the bulletin for upcoming sessions. No further obligation or commitment is required. Call Helen, 404-233-2145 x439. ANNULMENT: To help couples establish permanent and sacramental marriages, the Church encourages divorced and remarried persons to pursue the annulment process. Contact 404-2332145 for information on arranging a confidential discussion with a trained case sponsor. BULLETIN ADDITIONS D EADLINE is 6am, Thursday, ten days BEFORE the bulletin date. All new notices need prior approval; submit one week before this deadline. Fax to 404-233-9711 or email to bulletin@ctking.com. CHANGE OF NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NUMBERS: Please notify the Parish Office at 404-233-2145 x432 of any change in your member information. FERTILITY CARE / NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING: For more information, contact Ann LaBar at 404-915-1685. MARRIAGE RENEWAL: Rediscover your marriage through Retrouvaille. Visit www.retrouvailleofatlanta.org or call 770-495-8592. NEW PARISHIONERS: Registration forms are available in the back of the Church. Drop them by the Reception Desk or in the Collection Basket at Mass. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES: For children who do not attend Catholic School and are the age for Preschool (4 years old) through 8th grade. Registration forms are available in the Religious Education Office. STEPHEN MINISTRY: Are you going through a difficult time? Stephen Ministers are caregivers trained to provide confidential Christian care. Contact Linda Dyson, 404-233-2145 x440. NURSERY Nursery is available for children 6 months to 4 1/2 years of age at the 9 am, 10:30 am, 12 noon, and 1:30 pm Masses on Sunday. Please provide supplies (i.e. diapers, bottles) to the nursery worker for your child. Mark all personal items with your name. Donation suggested. 12 WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK MONDAY, 6:45 am 8:10 am 12:10 pm 5:30 pm MONDAY, 7:15 am 9:30 am 1:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm February 8, 2016 Mary Campbell (D) Donna Polk (L) CBSW (L) Amanda Gonzalez (L) TUESDAY, February 9, 2016 6:45 am The Hennessy Family (L) 8:10 am M/M David Haddow & Family (L) 12:10 pm Fred Edwards (D) 5:30 pm Donna Lorenzi Baccari (L) 7:00 pm Tommy Hanson (D) WEDNESDAY, February 10, 2016 6:45 am Ken & Lisa Benson (L) 8:10 am People of the Parish 12:10 pm Patrick McGahan (D) 12:10 pm People of the Parish 5:30 pm Fred & Sara Jean Burke (L) 5:30 pm Fred Von Zuben (D) 7:00 pm Michael & Susan Masters (L) 7:00 pm People of the Parish 8:30 pm People of the Parish THURSDAY, February 11, 2016 6:45 am David Lorenzi (L) 8:10 am Mrs. Judy Guifoil & Family (L) 12:10 pm Maye Sita Agnes (D) 5:30 pm Mark White (L) FRIDAY, February 12, 2016 6:45 am Edward Mach (D) 8:10 am Mrs. Heide Grieb & Family (L) 12:10 pm Lawrence & Gwynne Chinery (D) 5:30 pm John Rockecharlie (L) SATURDAY, February 13, 2016 8:10 am David & Patti Richards (L) 4:00 pm William Daniel (D) 5:00 pm Jeannette Lee (D) 5:00 KH Rachelle Sulit (L) February 8, 2016 Confessions (CA) CBSW* (CR1) Legion of Mary (CR2) Liturgy of the Hours (D’Y) Girls Discipleship (D’Y) TUESDAY, February 9, 2015 7:30 am CTK Believes* (KH) 10:30 am Tuesday Morning Bible Study (CR1) 6:30 pm Women of the Word* (KH) 7:00 pm MIM Rosary Group, CTK Cenacle of Our Lady to the Holy Spirit (CA) 7:00 pm St. Max Toastmasters (KH) WEDNESDAY, February 10, 2015 7:15 am Confessions (CA) 7:15 am Men’s Morning Bible Study (KH) 6:00 pm Confessions (CA) 7:00 pm Word of God Prayer Group (Nursery 2053) THURSDAY, February 11, 2016 7:00 pm (KH) FRIDAY, February 12, 2016 6:00 pm Divine Mercy Apostolate (D’Y) SATURDAY, February 13, 2016 8:30 am Confessions 3-4 pm Confessions SUNDAY, February 14 2016 4:00 pm Life Teen Mass (CA) *Pre-registration required for this event. Call 404-233-2145 for more information. SUNDAY, 7:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 10:30 KH 12:00 pm 1:30 pm 4:00 L/T 5:45 pm 7:15 pm February 14, 2016 Rev. Peter VuNgoc Duc (L) The Monin Family (L) Gerardo Avilez Solano (D) John Flynn (D) Joe Ledlie (D) People of the Parish Maria Luz Morales (D) Charles Faust (D) Luke Michael Mohney (L) Patrick McGahan (D) CA-Cathedral CR-Conference Room D’Y-D’Youville Chapel HC-Hyland Center KH-Kenny Hall CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING ARCHBISHOP OF ATLANTA Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory AUXILIARY BISHOP OF ATLANTA Most Reverend Luis R. Zarama Most Reverend David P. Talley RECTOR Reverend Monsignor Francis G. McNamee PAROCHIAL VICARS Reverend Jose Kochuparampil Reverend Feiser Muñoz Reverend Richard Morrow Reverend Monsignor Richard Lopez (in residence) DEACONS Reverend Mr. Chris Andronaco Reverend Mr. John McManus, JCL Reverend Dr. Scott J. N. McNabb Reverend Mr. Whitney Robichaux, Jr. Reverend Mr. Gerald J. Zukauckas MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Masses: 8:10 am, 4:00 & 5:00 pm (Saturday Vigils) Sunday Masses: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm, 4:00 pm Life Teen, 5:45 pm (Cathedral), 7:15 pm Weekday Masses: Monday–Friday: 6:45 am, 8:10 am, 12:10 pm & 5:30 pm (D’Y) En Español: 5:00 pm Sábado (Salon Parroquial) 9:30 am Domingo (Misión de Cristo Rey) 1:30 pm Domingo (Catedral) 7:00 pm Martes (D’Y Chapel) LITURGY OF THE HOURS Mondays at 6 pm ROSARY & DEVOTIONS After all 8:10 am & 12:10 pm Masses Tuesdays at 7:00 pm PERPETUAL ADORATION Spend an hour each week in adoration in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Email 2adorehim@gmail.com HELPFUL CONTACTS Parish Office: 404-233-2145; Fax: 404-233-4984 Archdiocesan Catholic Information: 404-888-7801 Faith Formation & Evangelization: 404-267-3691 Hispanic Ministries: 404-267-3696 Music Ministry: 404-233-2145 Pastoral Care: 404-233-2145 x440 Religious Education: 404-267-3694 Christ The King School: 404-233-0383; Fax: 404-266-0704 St. Vincent de Paul Hotline: 678-892-6163 13 WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG WELCOME FROM THE PASTOR AND CATHEDRAL STAFF Dear Friends in Christ, On behalf of Archbishop Wilton Gregory, the Clergy and staff, I welcome you to the Cathedral of Christ the King. I hope and pray that you feel welcomed by our parish community and that your spiritual and pastoral needs will be met. We are a very active parish with 5,500 families and over one hundred ministries. We encourage our members to share their gifts of time, talent and treasure. Our mission statement is to “Know, Love and Serve as Jesus Did”. This is the mission of each disciple of Christ and, if you are new, I hope and pray that you will join us and be part of the community of Christ the King. If you are passing through or visiting the city of Atlanta, I hope you enjoy your worship experience and please visit us again. If you would like to know more about our parish, you can visit our website at www.cathedralofchristtheking.org or email us. May we, this day and all the days of our lives, know, love and serve as Jesus did. Prayers and Blessings, Msgr. Frank McNamee, Rector THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Parish families who wish to have a child baptized should be registered in the parish for 3 months and take the prebaptismal class BEFORE the birth of their child. Classes are offered monthly. Please contact Elaine McCollum at 404267-3692 to register for the class. All scheduling information is given at the class. (Note: Baptisms are scheduled after the class is completed.) THE SACRAMENT OF FIRST EUCHARIST Preparation is a two-year process. Enrollment in Catholic school or Parish School of Religion is required the year prior to receiving the Sacrament. THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE A minimum of six months preparation is required. Call the Parish office, 404-233-2145 x673 for information and to register for the preparation process. THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Monday and Wednesday, 7:15-7:45 am and 6-6:30 pm. Saturday, 8:30-9 am and 3-4 pm, in the Cathedral. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please inform Pastoral Care Ministries of anyone homebound, shut -in or hospitalized so that they may receive the Sacraments. Please call 404-233-2145.
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