WHAT`S INSIDE: Father`s Day Fourth of July Mass Schedule GRACE
June 20, 2010 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Father’s Day On this special weekend, we give thanks to God for all our fathers. May God fill them with every grace and blessing now and in the future. We also remember our fathers who have gone before us and we pray they experience eternal joy with the Heavenly Father. Fourth of July Mass Schedule Because the Fourth of July falls on Sunday this year, our morning Masses will be impacted by the closing of Peachtree Road for the annual road race. For convenience, we have added an additional Vigil Mass at 4pm on Saturday. Our Vigil Mass schedule on July 3 will be 4pm and 5pm. Our Sunday Mass schedule for July 4 remains the same. 2699 Peachtree Road, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30305 404-233-2145 www.cathedralofchristtheking.org WHAT’S INSIDE: Summer Organ Festival Page 2 Funeral Guild Reception Committee Being Formed Page 3 Life Teen & EDGE Page 4 G.R.A.C.E. Scholars In 2008, the Georgia General Assembly passed new tax legislation that allows couples, individuals and corporations to receive a 100%, dollar-for-dollar, tax credit for donations made to Student Scholarship Organizations that provide tuition assistance to children entering private education systems. The Archdiocese of Atlanta and Diocese of Savannah have established a qualified organization to provide tuition assistance - G.R.A.C.E. (Georgia Residents Assisting Children’s Education) Scholars, Inc. G.R.A.C.E. provides tuition assistance to newly enrolled children in Catholic schools throughout Georgia. In effect, the legislation allows Georgia taxpayers to redirect a portion of their state tax liability - up to $2,500 for couples and $1,000 for individuals - to Christ the King School to provide children from families with financial need the opportunity to attend our school. Last year this program contributed approximately $98,000 to our tuition assistance funds for CTK families. PSR Registration Page 5 For information about this program, please visit their website, www. gracescholars.org or contact Camille Naughton, Development Director at Christ the King School at 404-233-0383 x403 or email ccnaughton@christking.org. Apologetics 2010 Page 6 Fond Farewell to Austin Pagano Snack Bag-A-Thon Page 7 Hispanic Pages Pages 8-9 Austin has been with us this past year in preparation for entering the seminary. He has been accepted at Mundelein Seminary near Chicago and will be leaving us the end of June. He has been a special blessing to this parish, a gentle light and we wish him every success in the seminary. Study hard, Austin. We look forward to your return to Christ the King. CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG Prayers Around the Parish † Father Frank and the parish community of Christ the King wish to extend their deepest sympathy to Father Mark Fischer on the death of his mother, Virginia Fischer; to the Kellar family on the death of Frank Kellar; to Deacon Stuart Neslin on the death of his father-in-law, Kendall McClure and to Danielle Robinson on the death of her mother, Adelle Robinson. Music from the King of Instruments! Sixteenth Season: Atlanta Summer Organ Festival † We ask that you pause a moment to offer a prayer for the sick of our community, especially: Monsignor Dan O'Connor, Father Joseph Peek, Father Gene Barrette, Father Richard Tibbetts, Sister Jeanne Urschel, Lena Baker, Kenneth Bartosz, Josh Cooper, Michael Cunningham, Colleen Datelle, Clint Elliott, James Fisher, Rochelle Green, Brendan Jeffrey Gurnik, Teresa Hardy, Brantley Hodges, Dana McGee, Olga Montoya, Carroll Offen, Wilma O’Kelley, Christine Peters, Jessica Russo, Randy Sharp, Christopher Tully, Denny Webb and Mary Wiggins. Wednesday, July 7, 7:30 pm † Congratulations and prayers for those who were married June 19: Mary Elizabeth Hannah & Robert Manley Finkey III; Jean Popiak & Bruce Goodwin; Christina Maniocha & Brian Hartley. † Congratulations and prayers for those who will be married June 26: Maria Alvarez & Ernesto Marroquin; Lisa Szematowicz & Jeffrey Jackson. † Congratulations, welcome and prayers for our new members through baptism: Asher Vance Eskew and Olivia Grey Harke. 2 You are invited to the Sixteenth Annual Summer Organ Festival celebrating the ecumenical spirit of music in three Atlanta churches. All concerts are one hour in length and conclude with a dessert reception. Come hear great organists play three spectacular Atlanta organs. A suggested donation is requested at the door of each Church. Casual dress. Wednesday, June 30, 7:30 pm Wednesday, July 14, 7:30 pm Cathedral of St. Philip Ned Tipton, organist Paris, France Cathedral of Christ the King Timothy Wissler, organist Music for organ, flute, trumpet and voice Peachtree Road United Methodist Church Gerre Hancock, organist Austin, Texas Join Father Frank in Rome, Italy Our pastor, Father Frank and the Vicar General of the Archdiocese, Monsignor Corbett, invite you to an End of Year Pilgrimage to Italy, December 27, 2010 through January 3, 2011. This eight day pilgrimage includes: • • • • • • Roundtrip airfare from Atlanta to Rome Six nights accommodations in a four star hotel in Rome Continental buffet breakfast daily with one lunch and three dinners Papal Audience (pending the Holy Father’s final schedule) Arrangements for daily Mass Tour escort, side trips, entrance fees and much, much more. Cost is $3,099. Brochures are available in the breezeway area between the Cathedral and Gathering Space or contact Gina Blackwell, 404-836-0625. Come Spend An Hour with Jesus The Cathedral has Perpetual Adoration which means there is always someone praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament in our chapel twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We are always in need of guardians who will make a commitment to come one hour per week. Please call 404-266-9040 or email 2adorehim@gmail.com. Address Change? If you are registered in the parish, please let the church office know when your name, address or other information changes. We will be happy to update your profile so that you will continue to receive information from the Cathedral. If you are not registered and would like to be, please fill in a registration form found at the front desk or online at Cathedralofchristtheking.org. TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 20 2010 Around the Parish continued We Welcome New Parishioners Funeral Guild Reception Committee Ms. Yolando Figuerou & Family Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hollinshead Ms. Katherine R. Miknis Ms. Maria Roxano Ramirez & Family Mr. Theo Sanchez The Cathedral is launching a new ministry to provide a funeral reception for families who ask to have a reception following their loved one’s funeral. We have many opportunities: volunteers to cook food, be on the telephone committee or serve at the reception. All is done on a rotation basis; recipes are provided and you will be called only once or twice a month to volunteer. Come and help us provide hospitality for our families needing our support during a time of grieving. Call Joanne Love, 404-256-1442 or joannelove629@comcast.net. Baptism Class - August 15 If you would like to have your baby baptized at the Cathedral, you must be a registered family and take a pre-baptismal class. Baptisms are scheduled after the class is completed. (Nursery is available). There will be no July Baptism class. Our next class will be Sunday, August 15 at 1 pm in Kenny Hall. To register, please contact Anne Boshinski at 404-267-3692 or abosh@ctking.com. Stewardship of Treasure “Who do you say that I am?” Jesus asks Peter in today’s Gospel. Does my use of the gifts and talents entrusted to me accurately reflect my answer to that same question? How willing am I to deny myself, take up my cross and follow in his steps? Second Collection Next Weekend The second collection next weekend is the Peter’s Pence collection for the Works of the Holy Father. This collection enables the Holy Father to respond to requests for emergency funds for the neediest throughout the world. This is the only second collection taken up in the Archdiocese that is not tax-deductible. Offertory Income Budget Year-to-Date $4,155,060 Offertory Income Actual Year-to-Date $4,291,826 Actual Over/(Under) Budget Year-to-Date $ 136,766 Recognize Someone Special by Sponsoring the Altar Flowers The Cathedral Flower Guild is accepting sponsors for the weekly altar flowers. Both the sponsor’s name and the person being honored will be printed in the Sunday bulletin on the weekend the flowers appear on the altar. The cost of sponsorship is $150 for the main altar; $75 for each side altar; and $60 for the Parish Hall. The Cathedral Flower Guild will select the arrangements; the colors will be compatible with the Cathedral colors and feast days. The Cathedral arrangements will remain on the altars for the following week. If you are interested in learning more about the program, please contact Linda Seitz, 404-841-1939, lksatlanta@aol.com or Jane Murray, 404-233-5146, j2jmurray@comcast.net. For your convenience, electronic giving is available at www.cathedralofchristtheking.org. 3 CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING EDGE Ministry Grades 7 and 8 Jessica Hodges • 404-233-2145 x414 • jhodges@ctking.com Join us Sundays for Life Teen Mass @ 5:00pm followed by EDGE Nights: 6 - 7:30pm in the Hyland Center Upcoming Dates: TONIGHT: No EDGE due to Father’s Day Monday, June 21, 12pm-2pm: LOL (Liturgy over Lunch) Tuesday, June 22, 11am to 5pm, Super Fun Tuesday Thursday, June 24, 7-9pm: Screen on the Green What is EDGE? Faith, Fun, Fellowship (and Food)! CTK EDGE is our Catholic Middle School Youth Program that is designed to meet the educational, spiritual, emotional, and social needs of the young people of the Cathedral of Christ the King. CTK EDGE allows students in middle school to experience and live their faith more fully through fun and interactive catechetical lessons, discussions about issues relative to experiences at their age level, various forms of prayer, service to others, praise and worship, and social interaction with peers. Basically, we have fun while growing in our faith! 4 WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG Life Teen Ministry Grades 9-12 Fernando Barboza • 404-233-2145 x628 • fbarboza@ctking.com Teens, make SUNDAY your favorite night of the Week! Mass There is a special spot reserved just for you in the front right section near the Life Teen band! Join us afterwards for dinner and our exciting Life Nights from 6-7:30 pm. All high school teens and their friends are welcome. Come join us in fellowship, song, prayer and fun! Life Teen Life Nights All Life Nights will start after dinner and fellowship at 6:30 pm in the Hyland Center. Tonight: Super Sunday! Stop by the Teen Room for fun, friends and food! Next Week: LT/EDGE Game Night! Upcoming Events Liturgy Over Lunch (L.O.L.) Need a refreshing lunch on Monday? Join us for Mass at 12:10 pm and then lunch. This is a great way to meet others and share a holy and nourishing meal. Super Fun Tuesday Come join us for Super Fun Tuesday this Tuesday from 11 am to 5 pm in the Teen Room for fun, fellowship and more fun. Bring a friend! Screen on the Green Come support the Life Teen Youth Group on Thursday night for Screen on the Green. We will be showing a movie on the green near the flag pole. Only $5 gets the entire family in. We will also be selling concessions to raise money. This week’s theme and movie are: 80’s Night: Back to the Future 2! Fourth of July Parents/Youth Softball Game Come spend the afternoon with us as we gather together to celebrate America with a great picnic and a friendly softball game between the parents and teens. We will then head off to Mass and then to see some fireworks. Life Teen vs. EDGE On Saturday, July 10, we will embark on a city-wide scavenger hunt with your small group. This scavenger hunt will lead you and your small group through the popular sites of Atlanta while bonding with your friends and competing in this Amazing Race style event. Stop by the Teen Room to sign up with a small group. Interested in being a Core Member? A core member is a person who is answering their baptismal call to serve the young church at CTK as a catechist, a mentor and a friend. Do you like to have fun, sing songs, play games, dance, go on retreat, praise God? If so, you might be the person we are looking for. For more information, please contact Fernando Barboza in the Life Teen Office at 404-233-2145 x628 or fbarboza@ctking.com. TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Life Teen Ministry JUNE 20 2010 continued Screen on the Green Life Teen invites all families to join them every Thursday night for a movie on the turf, located by the flag pole in the lower parking lot at 7 pm. Cost is $5 for the entire family. Concessions will be sold and all proceeds will go toward Life Teen Youth Ministry and Mission Trip. Movies include: June 24: July 1: July 8: July 15: Back to the Future (A-II) The Little Rascals (A-II) Pirates of the Caribbean (A-II) ET (A-I) July 22: The Princess Bride (A-II) July 29: Incredibles (A-II) August 5: Field of Dreams (A-II) August 12: High School Musical 3 (A-II) Movies have been evaluated by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishop's Office for Film and Broadcasting according to artistic merit and moral suitability. The classifications are as follows: A-I - general patronage; A-II - adults and adolescents Religious Education for Families & Children Anne Boshinski • 404-267-3694 • abosh@ctking.com Re-Registration for 2010-2011 Religious Education Re-registration for current RELIGIOUS EDUCATION students has been sent to all families currently enrolled. If you have not received a packet, please call the Religious Education office at 404-267-3694. Registration for new Religious Education students has begun. Children who do not attend Catholic Schools and are the age for Preschool (4 years by September 1) through eighth grade should be enrolled. Registration fee and Baptismal certificate are required. Recreation Harry Bacheller • harrybacheller@yahoo.com Pastoral Care Ministry Dottie O’Connor • 404-233-2145 x440 • doconnor@ctking.com Who are Stephen Ministers? They are well trained parish members commissioned to provide one-to-one caring lay ministry to persons in crisis, such as a person grieving from the loss of a loved one, loss of a job, health debilitation, living a time of pain or lack of direction. They are grounded in Jesus’ command to love one another. Are you interested in being a Stephen Minister? A Stephen Minister uses both words and deeds to express Christ’s care for others--listening and comforting, calling on the training they have received and employing the tools of faith. If this description fits your personal goals for ministry, consider becoming a Stephen Minister. For more information, contact Dottie O’Connor 404-233-2145 x440 or doconnor@ctking.com. CTK Youth Sports Parish families, please email harrybacheller@comcast.net if you would like to be included on the email list for our Christ the King Youth Sports program. Grades K-12. Sports include volleyball, basketball, soccer and more. CTK and CKS Middle School Girls Volleyball registration for the Fall League takes place now. There are deadlines. Please go to www.cathedralofchristtheking.org/recreation for more information and registration. CTK Volleyball Camp for grades 4-9 will be held July 12 through 15. Go to www.cathedralofchristtheking.org/recreation for registration and information. 5 CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING Reason to Believe Apologetics 2010 at the Cathedral of Christ the King Reason to Believe, a summer Apologetics series, will be held Fridays, July 30, August 6, 13 and 20. Come and hear speakers address current issues that concern Catholics today, and gain insights into how to handle the challenge to defend your faith: July 30: Aug 6: Aug. 13: Aug. 20: Paul Thigpen Charles Gernazian Fr. Dan Ketter Dominican Sisters Nashville Mass will be offered in the d’Youville Chapel at 5:30 pm only and sessions begin at 7 pm. Light snacks available before the session talk. Nursery provided upon reservation. Reservation must be received at least 2 business days in advance. There is no cost for the seminars; a free will offering will be taken. Speakers subject to change. For more information or to register, call 404-233-3671, email evangelization@ctking.com. WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG Adult Religious Education & Evangelization Keri Allen • 404-267-3691 • www.ctkevangelization.org Sponsors Needed for Adults Preparing To Become Catholic We invite you to sponsor an adult who desires to come into full communion with the Catholic Church through the Rite of Reception process. A sponsor is a practicing Catholic in good standing who encourages, actively listens and participates in a meaningful way, in the journey of another who seeks a deeper relationship with Jesus and His Church. No experience is needed. WHEN: Sundays, 10:15 am in Conference Rooms 1 & 2, now through August 22; Celebration of the Rite of Reception at 7 pm, August 29th. Contact: Milissa Cole, milissalee@bellsouth.net or Mel Twaroski twaroski721@yahoo.com. Women Volunteers Needed for Christ Renews His Parish Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP), an exciting parish renewal program is coming to Christ the King! It is centered on a parish renewal weekend and stresses clear focus on the Gospel. CRHP emphasizes continued growth in Christian life during our daily contacts with others and offers an excellent opportunity to meet other parishioners. We are now forming a WOMEN’S TEAM for our first renewal weekend this October. Please consider volunteering to be on the team. To volunteer or for more information contact Keri Allen at 404-267-3691 or kallen@ctking.com. Have You Considered Joining the Catholic Church? Adults interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and about the process for being initiated into the Catholic Church are invited to attend “Adult Inquiry” on Monday, June 28 at 6:30 pm in Kenny Hall. For more information, contact Keri Allen at kallen@ctking.com or call 404-267-3691. Monday Evening Bible Study EUCHARIST A 5-week DVD series with Fr. Robert Barron Begins Monday, July 19, 2010 at 7 pm Kenny Hall REGISTER ONLINE at www.cathedralofchristtheking.org/Eucharist Fr. Barron offers inspiring insights into the mystery of Christ's presence in our lives and the centrality of the Eucharist as an important part of that presence. So many believers do not understand the mystery of the Eucharist, which Vatican II describes as the source and summit of the Christian life. This fresh look at the Eucharist brings to light its reality as sacred meal, as the sacrifice necessary for communion with God and as the real presence of Christ. Registration Fee received before July 12 is $15.00 (workbook included) - after July 12 , $20.00. No refunds. Limited partial scholarships available. For more info - evangelization@ctking.com or 404-267-3671. 6 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Outreach Bernadette Flowers • 404-233-2145 x690 • www.ctkoutreach.org Snack Bag-A-Thon Our next Snack Bag-A-Thon is Monday, June 28 at 7 pm in Conference Room 2. Please help us feed the hungry by donating non-perishable, individual pull top cans of a main dish item (chili, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, beef stew, ravioli), individually wrapped crackers, apple sauce and bottled water for the snack bags. As little as $2 can alleviate hunger. You can also help by praying for those who will receive them. For more information, email outreach@ctking.com. Breaking the Cycle of Poverty Since 1940 Thousands of individuals and families need help every year in metro Atlanta. And, for over 70 years, the Christ the King St. Vincent de Paul Society has been able to help those who ask, thanks to parishioners like you. How can you help? By donating clothing, furniture, small appliances, vehicles and funds. Please give on the first Sunday of every month when you leave Mass, or call 770-458-5415 to donate material goods. You can also help by donating your time. The CTK Conference of SVdP meets every Wednesday to review new cases. For more information on becoming a member and doing Christ’s work, email Kyle Reis at kylereis@gmail.com. Respect Life Documentary On June 24, the CTK Respect Life Committee will show a documentary, “Maafa 21” in Kenny Hall at 6:45 pm. This showing will be followed by a question and answer discussion period with a panel led by Catherine Davis, Director of Minority Outreach for the Atlanta Chapter Georgia Right to Life. For more information, contact Nick O’Connor at 404-408-2894, oconnorre@bellsouth.net or http://www.maafa21.com. For Your Safety Please follow these basic security guidelines suggested by our security staff: • • • • Never leave personal items unattended or valuables exposed in your car. Beware of “on the spot” solicitation for money or transportation. It can be dangerous & counterproductive. Please refer individuals to our front desk where our Outreach Ministry will assist them. Your tithe to the offertory collection helps support this ministry. Walk in groups to your car. The Perpetual Adoration Chapel will be opened to you by someone from inside when they have determined that it is safe to do so. Please report any dangerous situation or incident to the Cathedral office, 404-233-2145 or to any staff member. We appreciate your cooperation and assistance in keeping our campus safe and secure. JUNE 20 2010 Short Sermons to Live By Life is like a cash register, in that every account, every thought, every deed, like every sale, is registered and recorded. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen Around the Archdiocese Couples Celebrating Fiftieth and Sixtieth Anniversaries in 2010 Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory would like to honor couples married in 1960 and 1950 with an invitation to a Golden/Diamond Wedding Anniversary Mass on Saturday, October 2 at noon at Saint Brigid Catholic Church. A catered reception will follow for the honoree couples and their families. Limited tickets are required for this special occasion, so please contact Juliana Barroso at 404885-7222 or email jbarroso@archatl.com by August 2 to place your name among the couples to receive an invitation to the Mass and reception. Additional details will be provided after you contact the Office of Formation and Discipleship. Saint Joseph’s Hospital needs volunteers to work in the Gift Shop two or three Monday afternoons per month from 12:30 to 4:30 pm. Orientation and volunteer training will be provided. Please call Carol Glass at 678-843-7292. 7 CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING CATEDRAL DE CRISTO REY 2699 Peachtree Rd., N. E. Atlanta, GA 30305 MISIÓN CATÓLICA DE CRISTO REY 714 Lindbergh Dr. (Entrada - Detrás del edificio) MINISTERIO HISPANO Teléfono 404-267-3696 Horario Lunes a Viernes 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Domingos 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM CELEBRACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA EN ESPAÑOL Catedral Lindbergh Martes Sábado Domingo Domingo CONFESIONES Catedral Domingo BAUTISMOS Menores de 6 años 7:00 PM 5:00 PM 1:30 PM 10:00 AM 12:00-1:00 PM Horario para inscripción: Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes de 9 a 3 en la oficina del Ministerio Hispano. Se requiere el certificado de nacimiento y un comprobante de domicilio. • Preparación obligatoria para padres y padrinos el cuarto viernes de mes de 6-9 PM. • Bautismos – Cuarto sábado de mes a las 9 AM. • Deben estar inscritos en la Parroquia. WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG MORIR CON CRISTO PARA NACER NUEVAMENTE En la primera lectura el profeta nos habla de la pasión redentora de Jesús. Este texto no es solo para satisfacer nuestra curiosidad. Para nosotros tiene un sentido místico: la muerte física de Jesús es un símbolo de la vocación cristiana a morir al pecado y al mal. La lectura anterior era sobre la espiritualidad cristiana como muerte al mal. La segunda lectura es sobre la espiritualidad como nueva vida en Cristo. Cuanto más “morimos”, más crecemos como hijos de Dios, revestidos del amor y la libertad de Cristo. Las últimas palabras de Jesús en el Evangelio de hoy resumen la naturaleza pascual de la vida cristiana: morir a toda forma de egoísmo y mal, a fin de hacernos libres para vivir de acuerdo al amor de Dios y a nuestros hermanos y hermanas. Todas las formas de abnegación y renuncia en nuestras vidas deben llevarnos a la libertad y al amor: “Negarse a si mismo… tomar su cruz… perder su vida”, no tienen valor en si mismos a no ser que nos vacíen de los apegos egoístas y abran nuestros corazones para ser llenados con un amor siempre mayor. ¡FELIZ DÍA DEL PADRE! En este fin de semana especial, le damos gracias a Dios por todos nuestros padres. Que Dios los colme de gracias y bendiciones hoy y siempre. Recordamos también a los padres que no se han marchado antes que nosotros y pedimos para que estén gozando de la vida eterna con nuestro Padre Celestial. Iniciación Cristiana para adultos • Para adultos que les falte algún sacramento (Bautizo, Comunión y Confirmación) Las clases son los lunes de 7 a 9 PM • Para más información llamar a María BAUTIZOS DEL MES DE MAYO Con mucha alegría damos la bienvenida a la Iglesia Católica a través del sacramento del Bautismo a: Goretti, 404-267-3696. MATRIMONIOS • Se requieren seis meses de preparación. • Primera entrevista comunicarse con la Hna Florentina 404-267-3696. GRUPO JUVENIL Adolescentes (12 a 17 años) • Catedral: Sábados de 3:00 a 5:00 PM Jóvenes Adultos Catedral Domingos luego de la Misa de 1:30 PM. Coordinador: Jorge Pérez 678 668 3405 PRESENTACIONES DE 40 DIAS Y DE 3 AÑOS 2do y 4to Domingo del mes, inscribirse al 404-267-3696, indicando el nombre del niño que será presentado. Los niños de tres años que van a ser presentados deben estar bautizados. 8 Jasmine Aguirre Sandoval, Santiago Aguirre Sandoval, July Aguirre Sandoval, Floricela Bravo Avendaño, Suleima Briones Udave, Juan Saúl Castrejón Salgado, César Castrejón Salgado, Michael Corona Picado, Jany Cortez Cruz, Juan Esteban Esparza Díaz, Floribel Flores Rentería, Fátima Flores Rentería, Fidel Flores Rentería, Estrella Galaviz Vásquez, Hugo Hernández, Carlos López Rodríguez, Oscar López Rodríguez, Evelyn Martínez Nevarez, Sherlyn Mendoza Gutiérrez, Liliana Molina Sujo, Andrea Noguez Hernández, Yair Oliva Pastrana, Cahled Olvera, Harrison Pérez López, Amaya Pérez Vázquez, Bogar Pérez Vázquez, Nelson Rodríguez Cortez, Dulce María Rodríguez Oliva, Leslie Román Alonso, Jesús Ruiz, Karla Sandoval García, Britney Salgado Castrejón, Kelly Salgado Castrejón, Eric Salinas Cruz, Kimberly Sánchez Sebastián, Katherine Sánchez Sebastián, Carlos Vega Morales, Andrew Vigil Torres. TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ADMINISTRACIÓN DE LOS BIENES DE DIOS “Y ustedes, ¿quién dicen que soy yo?” Jesús pregunta a Pedro en el Evangelio de hoy. ¿El uso que yo hago de los dones y talentos confiados a mi refleja con exactitud mi respuesta a esta misma pregunta? ¿Qué tan dispuesto estoy a negarme a mi mismo, tomar mi cruz y seguir sus pasos? Catedral: $1,112 Lindbergh: $230 CONFIRMACIÓN EN LA CATEDRAL El día 22 de Mayo un grupo de adolescentes de nuestra comunidad recibieron el sacramento de la Confirmación en nuestra Catedral. ¡Muchas felicidades! ESCUELA DE BIBLIA DE VERANO Durante la semana del 7 al 11 de Junio un grupo de niños disfrutaron de tardes muy divertidas en la Catedral mientras conocieron a los Héroes de la Biblia. JUNE 20 2010 ADORACIÓN AL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO Se necesitan voluntarios para adoración al Santísimo Sacramento. Apuntarse en la mesa de información o llame a Carmen Gutiérrez 770-366-1487. GRUPOS DE ORACIÓN Si deseas formar parte del grupo de oración, este se reúne todos los sábados de 6 a 8 pm en el Salón de Conferencias I. Para más información por favor contactar a la Hermana Florentina al 404 267 3696. C URSILLO D E C RISTIANDAD Para mayor información llamar a Mélida Llanos al 770-923-2901. I MAGEN P EREGRINA Si desea que la imagen Peregrina visite su casa, por favor comuníquese con: • Hna. Florentina 404-267-3696, Catedral • Margarita Hernández 404-303-6538, Lindbergh • Hortensia Reyes 404-355-8497 QUINCEAÑERAS Si desea agradecerle a Dios el don de la vida en sus quince años, por favor inscribirse con tres meses de anticipación a las clases de preparación obligatorias. Le recordamos que es necesario haber recibido la primera Comunión, asistir los domingos al grupo juvenil de crecimiento o Confirmación y tomar el curso de quinceañeras. Inscribirse en la oficina 404267-3696 C LASES DE I NGLÉS Y E SPAÑOL Todos los niveles lunes y miércoles de 7 a 9 PM. de Septiembre a Mayo . Se necesitan maestros para las clases de español. Llamar a Imelda Solano al teléfono 404-267-3696 MINISTERIOS ECLESIALES Si desea ofrecer sus servicios a la comunidad Le invitamos a participar en alguno de los Ministerios eclesiales de nuestra parroquia. Llame al 404-267-3696. E DUCACIÓN R ELIGIOSA Catecismo para niños de 3 a 16 años y Escuela para Padres de Familia y Adultos. Los Sábados a las 3:00 PM. Más información con María Goretti Guzmán al 404-2673697. HÁGASE MIEMBRO DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA Inscribirse en la parroquia es una manera de afirmar: ¡Esta parroquia es mi familia! Mayores informes llamando al 404-267-3696. PORTAL EN EL INTERNET Lo invitamos a visitar nuestro portal de internet www.catedraldecristorey.org ERVICIOS DE C ONSEJERÍA Ofrecemos consejería a bajo costo para individuos o familias. Consejeros profesionales están disponibles en el área metropolitana de Atlanta, el costo es basado en el salario que recibe la familia. Llame al 404-885-7266 o al 404-321-2900 de Servicios Sociales Católicos. 9 CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING ADULT INQUIRY: Adults interested in learning about the Catholic Church can attend meetings most months on the fourth Monday at 7:00 pm. Please see inside the bulletin for upcoming sessions. No further obligation or commitment is required. Call Keri, 404-267-3691. ANNULMENT: To help couples establish permanent and sacramental marriages, the Church encourages divorced and remarried persons to pursue the annulment process. Contact 404-2332145 for information on arranging a confidential discussion with a trained case sponsor. BULLETIN ADDITIONS D EADLINE is 6am, Thursday, ten days BEFORE the bulletin date. All new notices need prior approval; submit one week before this deadline. Fax to 404-233-9711 or email to bulletin@ctking.com. CHANGE OF NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NUMBERS: Please notify the Parish Office at 404-233-2145 x432 of any change in your member information. FERTILITY CARE / NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING: For more information, contact Ann LaBar at 404-915-1685. MARRIAGE RENEWAL: Rediscover your marriage through Retrouvaille. Visit www.retrouvailleofatlanta.org or call 770-495-8592. NEW PARISHIONERS: Registration forms are available in the back of the Church. Drop them by the Reception Desk or in the Collection Basket at Mass. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES: For children who do not attend Catholic School and are the age for Preschool (4 years old) through 8th grade. Registration forms are available in the Religious Education Office. STEPHEN MINISTRY: Are you going through a difficult time? Stephen Ministers are caregivers trained to provide confidential Christian care. Contact Dottie O’Connor, 404-233-2145 x440. NURSERY Nursery is available for children 6 months to 4 1/2 years of age at the 9 am, 10:30 am, 12 noon, 1:30 pm and 5:30 pm Masses on Sunday. Please provide supplies (i.e. diapers, bottles) to the nursery worker for your child. Mark all personal items with your name. Donation suggested. 10 WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG MASS INTENTIONS MONDAY, June 21, 2010 2 Kgs 17:5-8,13-15a,18 Mt 7:1-5 6:45 am All Fathers, Living & Deceased 8:00 am Philip James Duffy, Sr. (d) 12:10 pm Catherine Monardo (d) 5:30 pm Cecelia Strougal (d) TUESDAY, June 22, 2010 2 Kgs 19:9b-11,14-21,31,35a,36 Mt 7:6,12-14 6:45 am Tony Conroy (d) 8:00 am All Fathers, Living & Deceased 12:10 pm Helen Allen (d) 5:30 pm Lisa (d) WEDNESDAY, June 23, 2010 2 Kgs 22:8-13;23:1-3 Mt 7:15-20 6:45 am Roy Wise (d) 8:00 am Denny Webb (l) 12:10 pm All Fathers, Living & Deceased 5:30 pm Special Intention THURSDAY, June 24, 2010 Is 49:1-6 Acts 13:22-26 Lk 1:57-66,80 6:45 am John R. Cray (l) 8:00 am John Stephens & Family (l) 12:10 pm Walter Thomas Taylor, Jr. (d) 5:30 pm All Fathers, Living & Deceased FRIDAY, June 25, 2010 2 Kgs 25:1-12 Mt 8:1-4 6:45 am All Fathers, Living & Deceased 8:00 am Father Richard Morrow (l) 12:10 pm Edward Olsen (d) 5:30 pm Olga Linares (d) SATURDAY, June 26, 2010 Lam 2:2,10-14,18-19 Mt 8:5-17 8:00 am All Fathers, Living & Deceased 5:00 KH Special Intention 5:00 pm Marjorie Harris (l) SUNDAY, June 27, 2010 1 Kgs 19:16b,19-21 Gal 5:13-18 Lk 9:51-62 7:30 am Kathryn Chamberlain (d) 9:00 am Nancy Smith Seiler (d) 10:30 am Ralph Phillip Schaberg (d) 10:30 KH All Fathers, Living & Deceased 12:00 pm Monsignor Thomas Kenny (d) 1:30 pm Special Intention 5:00 L/T All Fathers Living & Deceased 5:30 pm Delia Martinez (d) 7:00 pm Jeanne Dennis (l) THIS WEEK SUNDAY, June 20, 2010 MONDAY, June 21, 2010 Vacation Bible School 7:15 am Confessions (CA) 1:00 pm Legion of Mary (CR2) 5:30 pm Legion of Mary (CR2048) 5:30 pm Natural Family Planning (CR2048) 6:00 pm Confessions (CA) 7:00 pm Evening bible Study (KH) TUESDAY, June 22, 2010 Vacation Bible School 6:00 pm Natural Family Planning (CR1) 7:00 pm Pro-Life Rosary (D’Y) WEDNESDAY, June 23, 2010 Vacation Bible School 7:15 am Confessions (CA) 6:00 pm Confessions (CA) 7:00 pm St. Vincent de Paul (CR1) 7:00 pm Grief Support (CR2) THURSDAY, June 24, 2010 Vacation Bible School 6:45 pm Respect Life Movie (KH) 7:00 pm Spirit & Trust (d’Y) 7:00 pm Spiritual Companions (Media Center) 7:15 pm Thursday Evening Prayer Group (CR1) FRIDAY, June 25, 2010 Vacation Bible School SATURDAY, June 26, 2010 10:30 am Ordination (CA) 4:00 pm Confessions SUNDAY, June 27, 2010 CA-Cathedral CR-Conference Room D’Y-D’Youville Chapel GS-Gathering Space HC-Hyland Center HG-Hyland Ctr. Gym KH-Kenny Hall NU-Nursery CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING ARCHBISHOP OF ATLANTA Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory AUXILIARY BISHOP OF ATLANTA Most Reverend Luis R. Zarama PASTOR Reverend Francis G. McNamee PAROCHIAL VICARS Reverend Jorge Arevalo Alzate Reverend Neil Dhabliwala Reverend Richard Morrow Reverend Monsignor Richard Lopez (in residence) DEACONS Reverend Mr. John McManus, JCL Reverend Dr. Scott J. N. McNabb Reverend Mr. Whitney Robichaux, Jr. Reverend Mr. Gerald J. Zukauckas SISTERS OF HANDMAIDS OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS Hna. Florentina Iruretagoyena, ACJ MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Masses: 5:00 pm Saturday Vigil, 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm, 5:00 pm Life Teen (Parish Hall), 5:30 pm (Cathedral), 7:00 pm En Español: 5:00 pm Sábado (Salon Parroquial) 10:00 am Doming (Lindbergh) 1:30 pm Domingo (Catedral) 7:00 pm Martes (Catedral) Weekday Masses: Monday–Friday: 6:45 am, 8:00 am, 12:10 pm & 5:30 pm (D’Y) Saturday: 8:00 am Holy Day Masses: 5:30 pm Vigil, 6:45 am, 8:00 am 9:30 am (School), 12:10 pm, 7:00 pm LITURGY OF THE HOURS Mondays at 6 pm ROSARY & DEVOTIONS After all 8:00 am & 12:10 pm Masses Tuesdays at 7:00 pm PERPETUAL ADORATION Spend an hour in prayer each week in adoration in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. To schedule, call Kathy Ledlie, 404-266-9040, 2adorehim@gmail.com (substitutes also needed.) HELPFUL CONTACTS Parish Office: 404-233-2145; Fax: 404-233-4984 Archdiocesan Catholic Information: 404-888-7801 Parish Enrichment & Evangelization: 404-267-3691 Hispanic Ministries: 404-267-3696 Music Ministry: 404-233-2145 Pastoral Care: 404-267-3695 Religious Education: 404-267-3694 Christ The King School: 404-233-0383; Fax: 404-266-0704 Youth Recreation Department: 770-722-6028 St. Vincent de Paul Hotline: 404-654-9340 11 WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG WELCOME FROM THE PASTOR AND CATHEDRAL STAFF Dear Friends in Christ, On behalf of Archbishop Wilton Gregory, the Clergy and staff, I welcome you to the Cathedral of Christ the King. I hope and pray that you feel welcomed by our parish community and that your spiritual and pastoral needs will be met. We are a very active parish with 3,800 families and over one hundred ministries. We encourage our members to share their gifts of time, talent and treasure. Our mission statement is to “Know, Love and Serve as Jesus Did”. This is the mission of each disciple of Christ and, if you are new, I hope and pray that you will join us and be part of the community of Christ the King. If you are passing through or visiting the city of Atlanta, I hope you enjoy your worship experience and please visit us again. If you would like to know more about our parish, you can visit our website at www.cathedralofchristtheking.org or email us. May we, this day and all the days of our lives, know, love and serve as Jesus did. Prayers and Blessings, Father Frank McNamee, Pastor THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM To have a baby baptized at CTK, you must be a registered family and take a 1.5-hour pre-baptismal class. Classes are second Sundays, 1pm, Parish Hall. Nursery available. Please contact csmolynsky@ctking.com, 404-233-2145 x451 to register for the class. All scheduling information is given at the class. (Note: Baptisms are scheduled after the class is completed.) THE SACRAMENT OF FIRST EUCHARIST Preparation is a two-year process. Enrollment in Catholic school or Parish School of Religion is required the year prior to receiving the Sacrament. THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE A minimum of six months preparation is required. Call the Parish office, 404-233-2145, for information and to register for the preparation process. THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Monday and Wednesday, 7:15 to 8 am and 6 to 6:30 pm. Saturday, 8:30 to 9 am and 4 to 5 pm, in the Cathedral. En Español: 12 - 1 pm Domingo (Front Desk Parlor) Todos los demás dias previa cita. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please inform Pastoral Care Ministries of anyone homebound, shut-in or hospitalized so that they may receive the Sacraments. Please call 404-233-2145.
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