WHATsS INSIDE - Cathedral of Christ the King
August 30, 2015 Twenty-second Sunday in ordinary time Welcome Please welcome the new members of our parish family who entered into Full Communion with the Church on August 23. We thank their sponsors and the RCIA team for their commitment and prayers while accompanying them on their faith journey. The Candidates: Arthur Barfield, Barbara Finn, Khrystyna Bohatchuk, Lindsey Ford, Jennifer Hughes, Hill Jeffries, Kelsey McLaughlin, Emmanuel Miller, Dean Norris, Erised Ortiz, Michelle Rossi, Lance Swaim, Lauren Tweet, Alexi Wilbourn, and Amanda Vergenz. The Confirmands: Michelle Cassetori, Brianda Castellanos, Alexandra Castellanos, Kelly Lawson, Will Maloney, and Kelsey Sullivan. 2699 Peachtree Road, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30305 404-233-2145 www.cathedralofchristtheking.org WHAT’S INSIDE: Around the Parish Page 2 Stewardship of Treasure Page 3 Recreation Page 4 Divorce Support Group Page 7 Our Lady of Charity Page 8 Around the Archdiocese Page 9 Hispanic Pages Pages 10-11 You’re Invited Parishioners are invited to attend the Hispanic Mass of inauguration of the Mission of the Cathedral of Christ the King, celebrated by our Bishop Luis Zarama on Sunday, September 13 at 9:30 am. The Mission of the Cathedral of Christ the King is located at 3349 Buford Hwy., NE, Brookhaven, GA 30329. For more information or to volunteer contact Angela Almario at 404-2673696. CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING Prayers To submit a non-published prayer request for our parish Prayer Chain, email cother@comcast.net or call the Church office, 404-233-2145. † Monsignor Frank and the parish community of Christ the King wish to extend their deepest sympathy to: the Kingry family on the death of John Reese Kingry, husband of Anna Geren. † We ask that you pause a moment to offer a prayer for the sick of our community, especially: William Abdella, L.D. Arnold, Tracy Barker, Mary Braniff, Jeannie Stier Butler, Patrick Concannon, Ellen Donnelly, Jim Dunn, Mike Hamby, James Huey Sr., Leah Jones, Tom Kellogg, Cheri Letts, Susie Lopez, Eula Marshall, Saturia Osorio, Marie Pearce, Maria Pena, Elizabeth Pennington, Barty Quinnelly, Molly Remmert, Tom Rochefort, Isaac Saleumsy, Michael Sharpe, Patty Steadman. † Congratulations and prayers for those who were married June 27: Amanda Rachel Lopez & John William Hennick. † Congratulations, welcome and prayers for our new members through baptism: Jacob Allen Wade. Short Sermons to Live By We bring no gift to Your Majesty except our service in behalf of your suffering people, whose infirmity we bear in our hearts. St. Marianne Cope 2 WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG Around the Parish Labor Day Announcements The CTK Parish Administrative Offices will be closed on Monday, September 7 in observance of Labor Day. In addition, there will be no 5:30 pm Mass or 6 pm confession on Labor Day. CTK Believes On Tuesday, September 8 from 7:30-8:30 am in Kenny Hall, Carroll Sterne, retired banker and CTK parishioner, will lead a discussion at BELIEVES entitled “Serving The Poor – Beyond A Business Career.” Bring a friend, come early for Mass at 6:45 am that day, and then stay for networking and Carroll’s discussion. To register for the event go to www.cathedralofchristtheking.org/BELIEVES. BELIEVES, a once-a-month speaker series ministry, promotes dialogue around integrating faith in the work life for both business men and business women. To learn more about BELIEVES go to www.believesatwork.org. Question/comments? Contact Andrew Schoppe, andrew@thegoldenrulepartners.com. Save the Date! The annual Christ the King parish picnic will be held on Saturday, September 26. This is always a fun-filled event open to all parishioners. Please join us! Blue Mass to Honor Public Officials/First Responders The Archdiocese of Atlanta will have its first Blue Mass for all public safety officials and first responders at the Cathedral of Christ the King on Friday, September 11 at 10:30 am. All are invited to attend the Mass to pray and show appreciation for those who serve and protect the public. A small reception at Kenny Hall will follow. Wedding Workshop If a wedding at the Cathedral is in your future, plan to attend this workshop, held the first Monday of each month at 7 pm in the Cathedral. Brides-to-be, their mothers, their fiancés and any interested friends are invited to come. Members of the Wedding Guild will explain wedding procedures and answer questions concerning the planning of the ceremony. Nursery Help Needed Part time adult help is needed to provide childcare for younger children, in particular, for Sunday morning Masses, as well as Monday morning Women’s Bible Study. Resume and background check are required. This is a paid position. Please contact Elaine McCollum, emccollum@ctking.com, if interested. TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 30, 2015 Around the Parish continued RCIA Team Members Needed Mondays 6:30 - 8:30 pm beginning September 14. Each year men and women from various faith experiences answer the call to inquire into the Catholic faith. We need individuals for the RCIA Team who love their Catholic faith and want to welcome the inquirers. Team members attend the weekly sessions and help in many ways: table facilitators, greeters, prayer team, hospitality, photography, etc. SIGN UP NOW! For questions or more information, contact Helen Young at 404-233-2145 x439 or hyoung@ctking.com. Fill out an RCIA Team Application at www.cathedralofchristtheking.org/RCIATeam. Stewardship of Treasure How shall I repay the Lord for his goodness to me?” Psalm 116 Today’s readings have a common theme that God, through His commandments, gives us guidance and direction on how to live good and holy lives. Moses makes clear how blessed are God’s people to be called close to Him. In St. Mark’s Gospel, Jesus teaches that following strict rituals may actually lead to disregarding the spirit of the commandments themselves. St. James expresses two very important stewardship principles: First, that all good gifts come from God and, second, that good Christians are to act on His Word. We, as Christian stewards, acknowledge God’s abundant gifts and strive to embrace Christian stewardship as a way of life. We witness this by our gratefully giving back to God our gifts of our time, talent and treasure. Offertory Income Year-to-Date $ 753,360 Offertory Income Actual Year-to-Date $ 755,834 Actual Over/(Under) Budget Year-to-Date $ 2,474 SVDP 2nd Collection Next week, September 5 and 6, St. Vincent de Paul Society will be collecting money at the church door for the poor. Your generosity is appreciated. Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Update Christ the King’s assessed goal for the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal is $449,000. Presently, we are at $124,958 to Goal, a significant decline from last year. We also only have 564 donors. Monsignor Frank asks that you please take a moment to visit our website and click on the ”Archbishop’s Annual Appeal” tab on our home page to make a donation. It does not matter the size of the gift—$10 is appreciated as much as $100. Please show your support for the work the archdiocese does and help with this effort. Pope Francis Declares World Day of Prayer Pope Francis has instituted a new day of prayer and celebration for the Church entitled the “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation,” to be celebrated on September 1 each year. The day of prayer is in keeping with the theme of the Holy Father’s newest environmental encyclical “Laudato Si.” It is also seen as a sign of unity with the Orthodox Church, which established September 1 as a day to celebrate creation in 1989. “The celebration of this Day, on the same date as the Orthodox Church, will be a valuable opportunity to bear witness to our growing communion with our Orthodox brothers and sisters,” Pope Francis said. The day will be an opportunity to reaffirm in Christians their vocation as stewards of God’s creation, to recognize their gratitude for God’s earthly gifts, and to pray for the protection of the environment and pardon from sins against it, the pontiff said. The Pope's environmental encyclical “Laudato Si,” meaning “Praise be to You,” was published in June and took its name from St. Francis of Assisi's medieval Italian prayer “Canticle of the Sun.” In it, Pope Francis emphasized the need for a human ecology, which emphasizes the human person as the root motivation for care of the environment. 3 CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING recreation WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG CTK Young Church Catholic Running Group CRCC – Catholic Running Community for Christ—meets every Saturday at 8 am on the Cathedral steps. Do not forget to register for the Sandy Springs 2015 10k September 19 beginning at 7:30 am. Visit the Cathedral site for more details. After School Activities Have you visited the Cathedral REC site for latest offerings this year? After school extracurricular activities available to all! We have added many new programs this year including:: Drama Club & Band Art & Sew Fun Tennis & Fencing Challenge Island Spanish & Mandarin Pre-season Tournament Basketball Returning this fall are chess, art by Abrakadoodle, and tennis by Tennis kidz. All programs start after Labor Day and begin right after school. In Other News . . . Take special note that basketball registration for 3rd – 8th grade is open. Late Registration begins September 11. Register now to secure your spot on a team. Those registering after September 11 are waitlisted. Adult pick-up basketball begins soon. Check in with program coordinators for more information. Basketball and Soccer registration is now open; please register now! To see all the great CTK Recreation programs that are offered visit: www.cathedralofchristtheking.org/ rec 4 CTK Choir Program The Christ the King Choir Program for students in grades K-8 begins next month. Cherub Choir: For boys & girls, Grades K, Pre1st & 1st. Will meet on Mondays from 3:00 – 3:30 pm or 3:40 – 4:10 pm. First rehearsal: September 14th Preparatory Choir: For boys & girls, Grades 2 & 3. Meets on Tuesdays from 3:00 – 4:00 pm. First rehearsal: September 15th Contact Mrs. Rebecca Shipley, rshipley@ctking.com, or call 404-233-2145x477 to arrange a choir interview before the first rehearsal. Boy’s Choir: Grades 4-8. Meet on Wednesdays, 2:30 – 4:00 pm. First rehearsal: September 9th Girl’s Choir: Grades 4-8. Will meet on Thursdays, 3:00 – 4:30 pm. First rehearsal: September 10th Contact Dr. Timothy Wissler, twissler@ctking.com or call 404-267-3685 to arrange a choir interview before the first rehearsal. TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Christ the King School Christ the King School creates a nurturing, Christ-centered environment based on its Catholic tradition of fostering academic excellence, individual responsibility, spirituality, and growth of the whole child, in order to spread the Good News of Jesus in word and deed. Tricia Ward, Principal • 404-267-3669 • www.christking.org 2015-16 School Year Begins! On Thursday, August 13, 564 students began their first day of the 2015-16 school year at CKS. The bright shining faces and pristine uniforms are the annual signs that a new school year has begun. The halls are once again filled with the chatter of students, and the energy and excitement that accompanies each new year. All new Kindergarten, pre-first and first grade students have been partnered with an older student who befriended them over the summer. These Guardian Angels meet their new student each morning for the first week of school, play with them before the first bell, and make sure they get to their classroom on time. This partnership between the older and younger students helps smooth the transition into school and often grows into a friendship that lasts for years. Older students who are new to CKS are assigned Student Ambassadors from their grade who help to make the move to their new school an easy one. These students meet during the summer to get to know one another and foster friendships throughout the school year. Founded in 1937, Christ the King School’s mission calls upon its faculty and staff to nurture the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, social and physical growth of its students while preparing them for active participation in and contributions to the Church and the community. Programs like the Guardian Angels and Student Ambassadors help to fulfill that mission. AUGUST 30, 2015 Family & children’s ministry Elaine McCollum • 404-267-3692• emccollum@ctking.com Registration for PSR Continues It’s not too late to register – search for “PSR registration” on the Cathedral website and follow the links to register. Students registered by August 31 will be enrolled to attend our opening week of September 13. Catechists/Teen Helpers Needed for PSR With our rising enrollment of students for our PSR program, Adult and Teen volunteers are needed to share their faith and use a structured curriculum to teach our parish children from the ages of 3 to 14 on Sunday mornings from Sept 2015 thru May 2016. An Archdiocesan background check is required. Please contact Elaine McCollum, emccollum@ctking.com, if interested. The flowers on the Mary Altar are given in loving memory of Carol Ann Sonnenfeld by Stephanie, John, and Jack Stinn 5 CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG Adult Formation & RCIA Helen Young • 404-233-2145 x439 • hyoung@ctking.com Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Classes begin Monday, September 14 6:30pm in Kenny Hall Contact Helen Young at hyoung@ctking.com for more information Sponsors Needed for RCIA Monday evenings beginning Sept. 14 through March 2016 6:30pm in Kenny Hall For more information contact Aimee McDonald at aimeemmcdonald@gmail.com September 13, 2015 in Kenny Hall After the 5:45 and 7:15 pm Masses Inviting All Adults To Connect with their CTK Family Check out our September schedule at www.cathedralofchristtheking.org/ SNL 6 Join a Men’s Bible Study at CTK this Fall ***** Men’s Wednesday Morning Bible Study 7:30 am - 8:15 am in Kenny Hall Contact Brad Young for more information at byoung@zwjic.com CTK Brothers in Christ Thursday Night Bible Study 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm in Conference Room 1 Contact Jeff Draheim at jdra247@gmail.com for more information TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Parish news CRHP Alumni Welcome L’Arche Atlanta On Saturday, August 15, Christ the King CRHP alumni, led by David Colgan, hosted an event for L'Arche Atlanta as a way to answer the call to service that Catholics receive. Residents of the L'Arche home in Atlanta, called "core members", along with family members, caregivers, and L'Arche volunteers came to the Hyland Center for an afternoon of fellowship, food and fun. CRHP volunteers from the men and women alumni cooked BBQ, set up bean bag games, led an animated music/movie trivia game, learned more about L'Arche and its amazing work, and got to know their guests. Megan Denton, a L'Arche volunteer shared: "I can't thank you enough for all your group did to host L'Arche last night! You all were truly a joy and a good time was had by all! The movie music trivia was SO FUN!" L'Arche was founded in 1964 by Jean Vanier to bear witness to the reality that persons with intellectual disabilities possess inherent qualities of welcome, wonderment, spirituality, and friendship. L'Arche builds inclusive communities of faith and friendship where people with and without these disabilities share life together. Pope John Paul II called L'Arche a "providential seed of the civilization of love." L'Arche has a home in Atlanta with four core members (residents) and hopes to eventually expand its presence in Atlanta. Beyond Atlanta, L'Arche has a presence in 140 member communities in 36 countries. Learn more about L'Arche at http://www.larcheusa.org/. Thanks to the men and women of CRHP for putting faith into action! “I am struck by how sharing our weakness and difficulties is more nourishing to others than sharing our qualities and successes.” ― Jean Vanier, Community And Growth AUGUST 30, 2015 Pastoral Care Ministry Linda Dyson • 404-233-2145 x440 • ldyson@ctking.com Divorce Separation Support Group Fall sessions begin September 15 for the support group for separated and divorced Catholics. The fall session meets Tuesdays from 7 to 9 pm through December 1 in conference room 2. This support group is designed to provide emotional support and practical support for persons experiencing a separation, a divorce, a broken engagement, or the break-up of a long term relationship. Primary course content is based on the book, Journey of Hope (with video) by Vince Frese. The cost of the book is $20. Additional materials are provided by facilitators at no cost to participants. For more details contact Richard at rfg56@hotmail.com, 404-271-0073, or Cheryl at 404-272-1447, prescriptiveteaching@gmail.com. To register, contact Linda Dyson, ldyson@ctking.com,404-233-2145 x 440. ‘Pope Francis Challenge’ Join Atlanta Habitat for Humanity in the Pope Francis Challenge. Atlanta Habitat for Humanity is seeking Catholic schools, colleges, parishes and other groups to partner for a home build in honor of Pope Francis. The build will take place over seven Saturdays beginning on November 14. If interested in helping, contact Haley Hart at 404-223-5180 ext. 171 or haley.hart@atlantahabitat.org. 7 CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG GRACE Scholars STEWARDSHIP GRACE Scholars is a Georgia nonprofit corporation and tax exempt charity. GRACE has met the requirements for designation as a student scholarship organization (SSO) in Georgia. Because GRACE is an SSO, Georgia taxpayers can redirect part of their tax liability to GRACE and qualify for a generous tax benefit created by the Georgia legislature - a 100 percent tax credit. As GRACE is a tax exempt charity (501-c-3 organization), gifts to GRACE also qualify as charitable contributions under federal law. Snack Bag Ministry GRACE was founded by Archbishop Wilton Gregory of Atlanta and Bishop J. Kevin Boland of Savannah in 2008, to take advantage of the SSO/tax credit legislation. Since then more than 3,000 taxpayers have redirected part of their Georgia income taxes to GRACE which, in turn, has awarded scholarships to students wishing to attend Georgia Catholic Schools. The mission of GRACE Scholars, Inc. is to provide children from families with financial need throughout the State of Georgia with greater opportunities to secure a quality PK12 Catholic education. For more information, log onto www.gracescholars.org. 8 Each month, Christ the King provides approximately 100 snack bags to hungry individuals who come to our doors. Please help us feed the hungry by donating non-perishable, individual pull top cans of a main dish item (such as chili, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, beef stew or ravioli), individually wrapped crackers, canned applesauce or fruit and bottled water for the snack bags. A donation of as little as $2 can alleviate someone’s hunger. You can also help by joining us monthly for a Snack Bag-A-Thon to make the snack bags and pray for those who will receive them. The next Snack Bag-A-Thon is September 9 at 6:30 pm in Conference Room 2. Come Spend An Hour with Jesus The Cathedral has Perpetual Adoration which means there is always someone praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament in our chapel twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We are always in need of guardians who will make a commitment to come one hour per week. Please call 404-266-9040 or email 2adorehim@gmail.com. We especially need guardians for the following time slots: Monday, 12-1 pm and 1-2 pm; Wednesday 3-4 pm; Thursday 12-1 pm; Friday 2-3 pm, 3-4 pm, 7-8 pm, and 8-9 pm; Saturday 12-1 pm and 2-3 pm; and Sunday 1-2 pm, 2-3 pm, 3-4 pm, and 4-5 pm. Feast of Our Lady of Charity The feast of Our Lady of Charity will be celebrated with a solemn Mass on Saturday, September 12 at 7:00 pm at the Cathedral of Christ the King. The Mass for the feast of Virgin Mary, patroness of Cuba, will be offered for the people of Cuba and in thanksgiving and prayerful anticipation for the upcoming visit of Pope Francis to Cuba and the United States as a “Messenger of Mercy”. TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME CBSWCathedral Bible Study for Women All women in the Archdiocese are invited to join us! Begins September 14, 2015 through Spring 2016 Mondays, 9:30-11:30 am in Kenny Hall 2 Samuel & The Acts of the Apostles REGISTER ONLINE TODAY at www.cathedralofchristtheking.org/CBSW For more information contact us at 404-267-3671 or evangelization@ctking.com. Women of the Word A Women’s Bible Study St. Paul’s Letter to the Philippians and 1 Samuel Begins September 15, 2015 through Spring 2016 Tuesday evenings, 6:45 - 8:30pm in Kenny Hall “Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice!” Philippians 4:4 This Fall, we will examine St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians, a wonderful community of faith. In the Spring, we will learn from Samuel what it takes to hear God’s call as we study the First Book of Samuel. Join us on Tuesday evenings. REGISTER ONLINE TODAY www.cathedralofchristtheking.org/WOW For more info, call 404-267-3671 or email evangelization@ctking.com AUGUST 30, 2015 Around the Archdiocese Facilitator Training for Women Have you ever been asked to facilitate a small group but didn’t feel qualified? On Thursday, September 17 from 9:30 am-12:30 pm, a facilitator training session will be held for anyone interested in learning how to be an effective facilitator for a small group. The training will be hosted by Holy Spirit Church in McDonough Hall and will be presented by a professional leadership trainer, Mari Cleveland. There is no cost for this training. It is sponsored by Proclaim My Word Ministries. To register, e-mail info@proclaimmyword.org by September 14. Forgiveness Retreat A Monastery Retreat will be held September 11-13. It is hard to forgive others or God for what hurts and it can be harder still to forgive ourselves. This retreat provides tools for receiving and giving the forgiveness that provides lasting joy and freedom of heart. Contact Patti at the Monastery in Conyers for a reservation: 770-760-0959 or retreat@trappist.net. Healing Retreat for Men The Way for Men is a 3-day retreat for adult male survivors of abuse offered by the Archdiocese of Atlanta’s Victim Assistance Program September 18-20 at Carmel Retreat Center in Hoschton, GA. Registration deadline is September 11. Please contact Sue Stubbs at 404-920-7550 or sstubbs@archatl.com for more information. 9 CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING CATEDRAL DE CRISTO REY 2699 Peachtree Road NE Atlanta, GA 30305 MISIÓN CATÓLICA DE CRISTO REY 3349 Buford Highway, Suite 28-C Brookhaven, GA 30329 ( a la mano derecha de Briarwood Rd) MINISTERIO HISPANO Padre Feiser Muñoz Teléfono 404-267-3696 Horario Lunes a Viernes : 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM CELEBRACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA Capilla Martes Kenny Hall Sábado PM Catedral Domingo Misión Domingo EN ESPAÑOL 7:00 PM 5:00 ACTUALIZACION DE LA CAMPAÑA ANUAL DEL La meta financiera de la Catedral de Cristo Rey para este año es de $449,000.00. Actualmente la cantidad donada es de $124,958 de la meta fijada, una suma bastante baja comparada con la del año pasado. Hasta el tenemos 564 donadores. Nuestro Monseñor Frank pide por favor tome un momento de tu tiempo y visites nuestra pagina de la Catedral de Cristo Rey, haz clic en “Arbishop’s Annual Appeal” para hacer su donación. No importa la cantidad de tu donación-$10 valen tanto como $100– por favor, muestra tu apoyo a la labor que la Arquidiócesis hace y ayuda con este gran esfuerzo. EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA Labor Day- Día del Trabajo 1:30 PM 9:30 AM CONFESIONES Lunes y Miércoles 7:15 - 7:45 AM 6:00 - 6:30 PM Sábados 8:30 - 9 AM / 3 - 4:00 PM Misión Domingos 9:00 - 9:30 AM Otros días, previa cita únicamente. BAUTISMOS Menores de 6 años Horario para inscripción: Lunes a Viernes de 10 AM a 1 PM en la oficina del Ministerio Hispano. Se requiere el certificado de nacimiento y un comprobante de domicilio. Preparación obligatoria para padres y padrinos el cuarto viernes de mes de 6-9 PM. Bautismos – Cuarto sábado de mes a las 9 AM. Deben estar inscritos en la Parroquia 3 meses antes de solicitar el Bautizo. Iniciación Cristiana para adultos Para adultos que les falte algún sacramento (Bautizo, Comunión y Confirmación) Las clases son los lunes de 7 a 9 PM Para más información llamar a María Goretti, 404-267-3696. MATRIMONIOS Comunicarse con la oficina del Ministerio Hispano al 404-267-3696. PRESENTACIONES DE 40 DIAS Y DE 3 AÑOS Los 2do y 4to Domingo del mes, Los niños de tres años que van a ser presentados deben estar bautizados. Los padres deben asistir a una clase. Para más informes por favor llamar a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano al 404-267 -3696. 10 WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG Las oficinas de la Catedral de Cristo Rey estarán cerradas el día Lunes Septiembre 7 en observación de el Día del trabajoLabor Day. Tampoco tendremos confesiones de 6PM el día del Trabajo-Labor Day. Catedral De Cristo Rey Picnic Anual El picnic anual de la catedra de Cristo Rey será el Sábado, Septiembre 26. Por favor comparte con nosotros de una tarde divertida con todos los parroquianos. Celebración en honor de Nuestra Señora de la caridad del Cobre El Sábado 12 de Septiembre, 2015 La Catedral de Cristo Rey y el comité de la virgen de la caridad les invitan a participar en la Celebración Arquidiocesana de la Festividad de la Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, Patrona de Cuba, rogando por la próxima visita del Papa Francisco a Cuba y a los Estados Unidos. La procesión será a las 6:40 PM y la misa a las 7:00 PM se ofrecerá una recepción al finalizar la Misa. La celebración Será en la Catedral de Cristo Rey 2699 Peachtree Rd, Atlanta. Para mas información llamar a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano (404) 267-3696 o al (770) 335-2792. TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 30, 2015 ADMINISTRACIÓN DE LOS BIENES DE DIOS Las lecturas de hoy tienen un tema común de Dios , a través de sus mandamientos, nos da orientación y dirección sobre cómo vivir buenas y santas mentiras. Moisés deja claro cuán bendecidos son pueblo de Dios para ser llamados cerca de Él . En el Evangelio de San Marcos, Jesús enseña que siguientes rituales estrictos en realidad puede conducir a tener en cuenta el espíritu de los propios mandamientos. San James expresa dos principios de mayordomía muy importantes: en primer lugar, que todas las cosas buenas vienen de Dios y, segundo, que los buenos cristianos deben actuar en Su Palabra. Nosotros, como mayordomos cristianos, reconocemos abundantes dones de Dios y nos esforzamos para abrazar la mayordomía cristiana como una forma de vida. Somos testigos de esto nuestra gratitud devolver a Dios los dones de nuestro tiempo, talento y tesoro. Catedral: $1,223 Misión: $1,161 ADORACIÓN AL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO Se necesitan voluntarios para adoración al Santísimo Sacramento. Apuntarse en la oficina del Ministerio Hispano. GRUPOS DE ORACIÓN Si deseas formar parte del grupo de oración, este se reúne todos los sábados de 6 a 8 pm en el Salón de Conferencias I. Para más información por favor contactar a Luz Marina Amaya al 404-604-9286. I MAGEN P EREGRINA Si desea que la imagen Peregrina visite su casa, por favor registrarse con Noelia Campo al 404. 483.6643 o por email marinagusmancampos@gmail.com. Q UINCEAÑERAS Misa de Inauguración Misión de la Catedral de Cristo Rey Si desea agradecerle a Dios el don de la vida en sus quince años, por favor inscribirse con tres meses de anticipación a las clases de preparación obligatorias. Le recordamos que es necesario haber recibido la primera Comunión, asistir al grupo juvenil de crecimiento o Confirmación y tomar el curso de quinceañeras. Inscribirse en la oficina 404-267-3696 MINISTERIOS ECLESIALES Si desea ofrecer sus servicios a la comunidad Le invitamos a participar en alguno de los Ministerios eclesiales de nuestra parroquia. Llame al 404-267-3696. E DUCACIÓN R ELIGIOSA Catecismo para niños de 3 a 16 años y Escuela para Padres de Familia y Adultos. Los Sábados a las 3:00 PM. Más información con María Goretti Guzmán al 404-267-3697. Te invitamos a la Misa de Inauguración de La Misión de la Catedral de Cristo Rey Celebrada por nuestro Obispo Luis Zarama. Este es un día muy importante para todos y contamos con tu asistencia. Domingo Septiembre 13, 2015 at 9:30 AM Para más información o servir como voluntario comunicarse con Ángela Almario al (404) 267-3696. HÁGASE MIEMBRO DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA Inscribirse en la parroquia es una manera de afirmar: ¡Esta parroquia es mi familia! Mayores informes llamando al 404-2673696. PORTAL EN EL INTERNET Lo invitamos a visitar nuestro portal de internet www.catedraldecristorey.org SERVICIOS DE C ONSEJERÍA Ofrecemos consejería a bajo costo para individuos o familias. Consejeros profesionales están disponibles en el área metropolitana de Atlanta, el costo es basado en el salario que recibe la familia. Llame al 404-885-7266 o al 404-321-2900 de Servicios Sociales Católicos. Misión de la Catedral de Cristo Rey 3349 Buford Hwy NE, Atlanta GA 30329. 11 CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING ADULT INQUIRY: Adults interested in learning about the Catholic Church can attend meetings most months on the fourth Monday at 7:00 pm. Please see inside the bulletin for upcoming sessions. No further obligation or commitment is required. Call Helen, 404-233-2145 x439. ANNULMENT: To help couples establish permanent and sacramental marriages, the Church encourages divorced and remarried persons to pursue the annulment process. Contact 404-2332145 for information on arranging a confidential discussion with a trained case sponsor. BULLETIN ADDITIONS D EADLINE is 6am, Thursday, ten days BEFORE the bulletin date. All new notices need prior approval; submit one week before this deadline. Fax to 404-233-9711 or email to bulletin@ctking.com. CHANGE OF NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NUMBERS: Please notify the Parish Office at 404-233-2145 x432 of any change in your member information. FERTILITY CARE / NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING: For more information, contact Ann LaBar at 404-915-1685. MARRIAGE RENEWAL: Rediscover your marriage through Retrouvaille. Visit www.retrouvailleofatlanta.org or call 770-495-8592. NEW PARISHIONERS: Registration forms are available in the back of the Church. Drop them by the Reception Desk or in the Collection Basket at Mass. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES: For children who do not attend Catholic School and are the age for Preschool (4 years old) through 8th grade. Registration forms are available in the Religious Education Office. STEPHEN MINISTRY: Are you going through a difficult time? Stephen Ministers are caregivers trained to provide confidential Christian care. Contact Linda Dyson, 404-233-2145 x440. NURSERY Nursery is available for children 6 months to 4 1/2 years of age at the 9 am, 10:30 am, 12 noon, and 1:30 pm Masses on Sunday. Please provide supplies (i.e. diapers, bottles) to the nursery worker for your child. Mark all personal items with your name. Donation suggested. 12 WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK MONDAY, August 31, 2015 Rv 21:9b-14 Jn 1:45-51 6:45 am Reba Darr (L) 8:10 am Mary Ruth Hurley Cullicott (D) 12:10 pm Joyce Hamreuss (D) 5:30 pm John Schaeffer (D) MONDAY, 7:15 am 1:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm TUESDAY, September 1, 2015 1 Thes 2:1-8 Mt 23:23-26 6:45 am Rev. Tom Vigliotta (D) 8:10 am Edward Gay (L) 12:10 pm Joe Mitchell (D) 5:30 pm Elizabeth Taylor (L) 7:00 pm Pedro Martinez and Francisca Ramos (D) WEDNESDAY, September 2, 2015 1 Thes 2:9-13 Mt 23:27-32 6:45 am Eileen Miles (D) 8:10 am Ronald Tyree Miller (D) 12:10 pm Marian Peet Kelleher (D) 5:30 pm Edward E. Strougal (L) TUESDAY, September 1, 2015 8:30 am PSR New Family Orientation (KH) 6:00 pm Parents of Prodigals (CKS Media Ctr.) 7:00 pm St. Max Toastmasters (KH) 7:00 pm Rosary Group Prayer Cenacle (CA) THURSDAY, September 3, 2015 1 Thes 3:7-13 Mt 24:42-51 6:45 am Manuelita Arpon and Edward San Jose (D) 8:10 am Mary Ruth Hurley Cullicott (D) 12:10 pm The Byrd Family (D) 5:30 pm Michael Switalski (L) THURSDAY, September 3, 2015 6:30 pm PSR New Family Orientation (KH) 6:30 pm Stephen Minister Training (CR2) FRIDAY, September 4, 2015 1 Thes 4:1-8 Mt 25:1-13 6:45 am John R. Cray (L) 8:10 am Kathryn Jordon (D) 12:10 pm Donald Keough (D) 5:30 pm Special Intentions SATURDAY, September 5, 2015 7:30 am Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary (CA) 8:30 am Confessions 3-4 pm Confessions SATURDAY, September 5, 2015 1 Thes 4:9-11 Mk 6:17-29 8:10 am Mary Shusta (L) 4:00 pm Marvin Malicki (D) 5:00 pm Albert Norman Ward, III (D) 5:30 KH Pedro Martinez and Francisca Ramos (D) SUNDAY, Dt 4:1-2 7:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 10:30 KH 12:00 pm 1:30 pm September 6, 2015 Mk 7:1-8 Claudia Sheperd (L) John W. Flintom, III (D) Fidelina Galdamez (D) Anna Martin (D) Jef Murray (D) Joe McDonald (D) Catalina Veronica Mejias Castaner (D) 4:00 L/T People of the Parish 5:45 pm John Biffl (D) 7:15 pm Peter Smorynski (D) August 31, 2015 Confessions (CA) Legion of Mary (CR2) Confessions (CA) Bereavement Class (CKS Media Center) WEDNESDAY, September 2, 2015 7:15 am Confessions (CA) 7:15 am Men’s Morning Bible Study (KH) 6:00 pm Confessions (CA) 7:00 pm Word of God Prayer Group (Nursery 2053) FRIDAY, September 4, 2015 6:00 pm Divine Mercy Apostolate (D’Y) SUNDAY, September 6, 2015 4:00 pm LifeTeen Mass (CA) *Pre-registration required for this event. Call 404-233-2145 for more information. CA-Cathedral CR-Conference Room D’Y-D’Youville Chapel GS-Gathering Space HC-Hyland Center KH-Kenny Hall CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING ARCHBISHOP OF ATLANTA Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory AUXILIARY BISHOP OF ATLANTA Most Reverend Luis R. Zarama Most Reverend David P. Talley RECTOR Reverend Monsignor Francis G. McNamee PAROCHIAL VICARS Reverend Jose Kochuparampil Reverend Feiser Muñoz Reverend Richard Morrow Reverend Monsignor Richard Lopez (in residence) DEACONS Reverend Mr. Chris Andronaco Reverend Mr. John McManus, JCL Reverend Dr. Scott J. N. McNabb Reverend Mr. Whitney Robichaux, Jr. Reverend Mr. Gerald J. Zukauckas MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Masses: 8:10 am, 4:00 & 5:00 pm (Saturday Vigils) Sunday Masses: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm, 4:00 pm Life Teen, 5:45 pm (Cathedral), 7:15 pm Weekday Masses: Monday–Friday: 6:45 am, 8:10 am, 12:10 pm & 5:30 pm (D’Y) En Español: 5:00 pm Sábado (Salon Parroquial) 9:30 am Domingo (Misión de Cristo Rey) 1:30 pm Domingo (Catedral) 7:00 pm Martes (Chapel) LITURGY OF THE HOURS Mondays at 6 pm ROSARY & DEVOTIONS After all 8:10 am & 12:10 pm Masses Tuesdays at 7:00 pm PERPETUAL ADORATION Spend an hour each week in adoration in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Email 2adorehim@gmail.com HELPFUL CONTACTS Parish Office: 404-233-2145; Fax: 404-233-4984 Archdiocesan Catholic Information: 404-888-7801 Faith Formation & Evangelization: 404-267-3691 Hispanic Ministries: 404-267-3696 Music Ministry: 404-233-2145 Pastoral Care: 404-233-2145 x440 Religious Education: 404-267-3694 Christ The King School: 404-233-0383; Fax: 404-266-0704 St. Vincent de Paul Hotline: 678-892-6163 13 WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG WELCOME FROM THE PASTOR AND CATHEDRAL STAFF Dear Friends in Christ, On behalf of Archbishop Wilton Gregory, the Clergy and staff, I welcome you to the Cathedral of Christ the King. I hope and pray that you feel welcomed by our parish community and that your spiritual and pastoral needs will be met. We are a very active parish with 5,500 families and over one hundred ministries. We encourage our members to share their gifts of time, talent and treasure. Our mission statement is to “Know, Love and Serve as Jesus Did”. This is the mission of each disciple of Christ and, if you are new, I hope and pray that you will join us and be part of the community of Christ the King. If you are passing through or visiting the city of Atlanta, I hope you enjoy your worship experience and please visit us again. If you would like to know more about our parish, you can visit our website at www.cathedralofchristtheking.org or email us. May we, this day and all the days of our lives, know, love and serve as Jesus did. Prayers and Blessings, Msgr. Frank McNamee, Rector THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Parish families who wish to have a child baptized should be registered in the parish for 3 months and take the prebaptismal class BEFORE the birth of their child. Classes are offered monthly. Please contact Elaine McCollum at 404267-3692 to register for the class. All scheduling information is given at the class. (Note: Baptisms are scheduled after the class is completed.) THE SACRAMENT OF FIRST EUCHARIST Preparation is a two-year process. Enrollment in Catholic school or Parish School of Religion is required the year prior to receiving the Sacrament. THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE A minimum of six months preparation is required. Call the Parish office, 404-233-2145 x673 for information and to register for the preparation process. THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Monday and Wednesday, 7:15-7:45 am and 6-6:30 pm. Saturday, 8:30-9 am and 3-4 pm, in the Cathedral. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please inform Pastoral Care Ministries of anyone homebound, shut -in or hospitalized so that they may receive the Sacraments. Please call 404-233-2145.
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