l`amour - Fonds Social Juif Unifié
l`amour - Fonds Social Juif Unifié
Fonds Social Juif Unifié 2015 4 Missions – Organization – Resources 8 Appel Unifié Juif de France 10 Appel national pour la tsédaka 12 Actions in Israel 16 Actions in France 16 Social 21 Education 23 Culture and media 27 Youth 29 Associations 32 FSJU Campus 33 Passerelles 34 Réseau Ezra 37 France and Israel delegations 45 Key figures The Fonds Social Juif Unifié has protected certain key values for decades: collegial mutual assistance resulting in aid for the most disadvantaged, a sense of responsibility, a duty to pass on our identity and essential support for Israeli society are the most pronounced. The history of the FSJU is closely tied to that of the Jewish community in postwar France, whose structural organization within society relies on this central institution. The FSJU is one of the pillars of our community and nurtures close and continuous relations with the State and public institutions, other communities, and in fact the City broadly speaking: commitment and republican spirit, openness to others, are virtues that we have always carried. Beyond mere difficulties, we continue to face major challenges. The issues of poverty, disability and social isolation today are tied to the crucial question of the sustainability of Jewish life in France. This is reflected in the many departures abroad and the discomfort that many of us experience on a daily basis due to anti-Semitism. The FSJU forcefully and steadfastly responds to the needs of the most fragile members of our community, placing solidarity at the heart of our action. Furthermore, we support programs that reinforce Jewish identity and ensure its longevity, in the fields of education, culture, youth and community life. They favor the tranquil flourishing of Jewish life in France and its sustainability. The well-being of Israelis is another major issue. The FSJU is committed to providing significant financial assistance to associations in the field, which not only resolve problems of social urgency, but also work toward the future by focusing their efforts on children and education. I believe in these missions more than ever, as well as our usefulness, which has been demonstrated many times, and I am driven by the desire to see the FSJU strengthened in performing these essential actions. Ariel Goldmann President of the Fonds Social Juif Unifié 3 Missions Judaism open to the City In 2014, the Fonds Social Juif Unifié grouped together 245 member associations in the social, cultural, school and youth fields. Through its services and grants, it supports 346 associative programs. Both network head and operator Recognized as a public utility, the FSJU is the correspondent for contact with the public authorities and territorial collectivities. It also operates specific programs. Reinforcing solidarity within the City, developing the Jewish identity, creating synergies, encouraging initiatives and strengthening bonds with Israel are strategic priorities. They are deployed under the responsibility of a President, an Executive Office and a Steering Committee, elected every four years by an electoral body made up of 40,000 donors. The action of the Fonds Social Juif Unifié is funded through the annual collection by the Appel Unifié Juif de France. The remaining resources come from the Appel national pour la tsédaka (social action) and grants awarded by the Public Authorities and private foundations, including the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah, the Fondation du Judaïsme Français (Foundation for French Judaism) and the Fondation Sacta-Rashi (Sacta-Rashi Foundation). Organization A democratic institution An electoral body consisting of 40,000 donors elects a National Council, which in turn elects a Steering Committee, which elects the President and the Executive Office. The National Council It is made up of 228 members, including 108 elected members, 80 members appointed by the associations and 40 coopted personalities. It defines the policy of the Fonds Social Juif Unifié, elects the Steering Committee, and rules on accounts, orientations and the budget. Elections are held every 4 years. The Steering Committee It is made by the National Council, plus several coopted personalities. It elects the President and members of the Executive Office and appoints the Managing Director. Ariel Goldmann is the President of the Fonds Social Juif Unifié, and Patrick Chasquès is the Managing Director. The members: Alain Asseraf, Sauveur Assous, Alain Balabanian, Elie Benarroch, André Benayoun, Daniel Benharoun, Dorothy Benichou Katz, Jean-François Bensahel, Gaby Bensimon, Emmanuelle Bensimon-Weiler, Evelyne Berdugo, Laurence Borot, Claude Cohen, Marc Djebali, Charles El Koubi, Daniel Elalouf, Frédéric Encel, Arié Flack, Régis Folbaum, Alberto Gabaï, Gérard Garçon, Charles Ghenassia, 4 Ariel Goldmann, Régis Hazan, Monique Katz, Régine Konckier, Bernard Korn-Brzoza, Olivier Kraemer, Jean-Daniel Levy, Michel Lévy, Soly Levy, Yvan Levy, Jean-Luc Medina, Jean-Marcel Nataf, Laurent Philippe, Paul Rechter, David Revcolevschi, Albert Roche, Alexandre de Rothschild, Gil Taïeb, Marguerite Zauberman, Marc Zerbib The Executive Office It is the governing body of the Fonds Social Juif Unifié under the authority of the Steering Committee. President: Ariel Goldmann President of the Executive Office and Treasurer: Daniel Elalouf Vice-president: Régine Konckier Vice-president: Gil Taïeb Vice-president: Marc Zerbib Jean-Daniel Lévy Gaby Bensimon Arié Flack Coopted personalities: Alain Asseraf Soly Levy Marc Djebali Claude Cohen The FSJU in France National Headquarters Direction for social action: Michel Elbaz Direction for academic action: Patrick Petit-Ohayon Direction for youth action: Ariel Amar Director for cultural action: Paule-Henriette Lévy Direction for development of association and international relations: Jo Amar Israel Delegation: Myriam Fedida Regions Southwest Toulouse President: Yvan Lévy, Bordeaux President: Albert Roche FSJU-AUJF regional delegate: Laurent Taieb Nice Côte d’Azur President: Sauveur Assous Regional delegate: Liliane Ftouki Provence-Languedoc President: Elie Benarroch Regional delegate: Xavier Nataf East President: Michel Lévy FSJU-AUJF regional delegate: Laurent Gradwohl Rhône-Alpes President: Jean-Luc Médina Regional delegate: Viviane Eskenazi 5 Resources The FSJU budget is made up of 4 types of resources and 3 usage categories. 1 Collection The FSJU mainly depends on the generosity of the public through dedicated fund drives. General collections for the Appel Unifié Juif de France intended for associations and actions primarily to promote Jewish identity and solidarity Collection from the national call for the tzedakah (Appel national pour la tsédaka, ANPT) intended entirely for solidarity actions and social associations ISF collection dedicated to a group of programs and associations in all of the FSJU action areas Allocated collection: donors clearly designate the intended use of the funds for programs that they select 2 Private partnerships Three major private foundations support the actions of the FSJU. La Fondation pour la Memoire de la Shoah (Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah) Private foundation, recognized as a public utility whose endowment comes from the return by the State and French financial establishments of unclaimed assets from the despoilment of the Jews during the Second World War. La Fondation du Judaïsme Français (Foundation of the French Judaïsm) Foundation created in 1974 by the Fonds Social Juif Unifié, the Oeuvre d’assistance sociale à l’enfance juive (Social Aid Work for Jewish Children), the Action sociale par l’habitat (Social Action in Housing), and natural persons and legal entities. Recognized as a public utility in 1978. Third biggest foundation in France, invested in a wide range of activities, within which culture plays a prominent role. La Fondation Sacta-Rashi Foundation born from the 1999 merger of the Sacta Foundation and the Rashi Foundation by the Leven family, intended to fund charitable, educational and cultural projects. 3 Collectivities and public authorities In addition to fundraising and private partnerships, the FSJU benefits from public subsidies. They are a necessary and strategic resource for balancing the budget. They help provide significant support for the member associations and programs. On the national level, the Ministry of Social Affairs, as part of the conventions on objectives, and the Ministry for the city, youth and sports provide subsidies. Locally, the regional and general councils subsidize specific FSJU programs or member associations. 6 4 Bequests and donations The FSJU has this additional resource, which is unpredictable, but particularly significant in some years. This specific resource makes it possible to meet exceptional and urgent needs that may arise. Uses Two major usage areas stand out FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS: this encompasses all of the grants disbursed to the member associations of the FSJU; grant applications filed each year by the associations are carefully examined by our Budgetary Steering Committees (BSC), which are responsible for distributing resources. SERVICE CONTRIBUTIONS: these are financial and human resources invested by the FSJU to provide an effective response to the needs of the community as a whole in the 5 action areas (youth, education, culture, social, associative life). Our professionals provide advice, analysis and direction; they also help locate additional funding. And lastly, OPERATIONS: in order to perform its mission fully, the FSJU must have a third use, i.e., operations. This brings together all of the support teams and services that allow the institution to work correctly (financial management, logistics, communication, etc.). The difficulty for the FSJU is to anticipate its collections as accurately as possible in order to schedule all of the actions to be carried out for the year in progress. 7 so close to one another History The fundraising office of the FSJU, the Appel Unifié Juif de France, has been the central fundraising body for the Jewish community in France since 1968. It provides financial support in France and Israel for social, educational and cultural programs. In France, the supported programs are those of the Fonds Social Juif Unifié and its partners and member associations. In Israel, the programs are identified by a strategic committee within the Fonds Social Juif Unifié, which decides on funding for social and educational programs. Today, the action of the Appel Unifié Juif de France is directly focused on Israeli citizens and its network of associations through 5 major bodies fully recognized by the State. In each region, a committee run by a President and volunteer activists provides outreach relations with donors. Organization The Appel Unifié Juif de France is structured in committees, based on geographical, professional, age, and other criteria. The committees allow everyone to participate based on their interests and affinities. A permanent team provides logistical support. It has offices in Paris, Marseilles, Nice, Lyons, Strasbourg and Toulouse, each with a volunteer regional President and two professional delegates. Actions The purpose of the actions by the Appel Unifié Juif de France is to collect donations. To meet their goals, throughout the year the professionals and volunteers of the AUJF multiply meetings with donors, professional meetings, phone call days, soirées, conferences, themed dinners, solidarity trips to Israel, etc. Tens of thousands of donors respond to the Appel Unifié Juif de France campaigns each year, which coincide with the important times in Jewish life: Tishri, Pesach, emergency campaigns, the ISF campaign, etc. 8 Bequests and donations The AUJF is allowed to receive bequests to benefit the programs that it supports. Bequests and donations allow families to leave a lasting imprint while helping the Jewish people in France and Israel. Gifts and taxation The AUJF issues a Cerfa form for each gift. The tax provisions allow individuals to deduct 66% of the gift from the amount of their taxes at a rate of 20% of their taxable income. For companies, the deduction rate is 60%, in the amount of 5/1000 of the revenue. To guarantee and ensure traceability of the actions performed by the Appel Unifié Juif de France, the accounts are audited by statutory auditors. joURnAl Tichri 5775 le Au cœur de lA solidArité en frAnce et en isrAël TICHRI 5775 / SepTembRe 2014 ensemble, répondons à l'appel d'israël et de notre communauté Juifs de france fidèles à nos engagements, nous continuerons plus que jamais à nous mobiliser pour israël et à aider tous ceux qui, en france, sont en difficulté. pour cela, nous avons besoin de vous, de votre don. La solidarité est notre force. entre inquiétudes et espoir poUR effeCTUeR voTRe don en lIgne : www.AUjf.oRg Manifestations de haine anti-juive dans les rues de nos villes, traitement partial des informations, tuerie antisémite au Musée de Bruxelles, résultat des Européennes… la question, lancinante, tourne dans les esprits : que faire ? À cette interrogation, les réponses peuvent être multiples. L'une d’entre elles, et pas la moindre, est de donner à l’Appel Unifié Juif de France pour consolider la Communauté juive et manifester sa solidarité avec les Israéliens. fsju-Aujf:39,rueBroca75005Paris-0142171140•est:11,rueSchwendi67000Strasbourg-0388365219•sud-ouest:2,placeRiquet 31000Toulouse-0562734520•Rhône-Alpes:113,boulevardVivierMerle69003Lyon-0478858337•Côte d’Azur :55,rueClémentRoassal 06000Nice-0493875004•Provence-Languedoc:4,impasseDragon13006Marseille-0491370321 oui, je suis solidaire et vous envoie aujourd’hui un don de q Parchèqueàl’ordredeAUJF q Parcartebancaire Expirefin 2 0 moisannée + ✂ Appel UnIfIé jUIf de fRAnCe ……………………….e Numéro de contrôle au dos devotrecartebancaire(les3 dernierschiffressurlabande designature) q Parinternetsurlesitesécuriséwww.aujf.org Nom…………………………………………………………………………………Prénom…………………………………………………………………………... ALYA des juifs de fRANCe beaucoup resteront… pauvreté en israël soCiAL, éduCAtioN... ChANgeR LA vie Les Juifs sont responsabLes Les uns des autres Journal aujf tichri 2014_FLASHAGE.indd 1 Profession………………………………………………………………………………………….…Datedenaissance…………/…………/19…………… Tél……………………………………....Port……………………………………....Email….……..……....……….............….......…………................. important :Votredonàl’AppelUnifiéJuifdeFranceouvredroità unedéductiond’impôtégaleà66%desonmontant faites votre don sur auJf.org 04/09/14 11:32 www.aujf.org exemple : je donne 150 euros, cela ne me coûte que 51 euros Journal aujf tichri 2014_FLASHAGE.indd 12 04/09/14 11:33 9 Appel national pour la tsédaka The Appel national pour la tsédaka (national call for the tzedakah) is an annual campaign by the Fonds Social Juif Unifié designed to collect funds in order to finance social programs to assist people with disabilities, disadvantaged children, and the fight against instability, unemployment and isolation of the elderly. The campaign takes place from November 15 to December 15. It has become a key moment in Jewish life in France, supported by a prestigious sponsors: Michel Drucker, Patrick Bruel, Michel Boujenah, Alexandre Arcady, Enrico Macias, Gilbert Montagné, Stéphane Freiss, etc. The Appel national pour la tsédaka helps fund 171 programs affiliated with the FSJU. un miracle n'arrivera paS SanS votre don ! The funds are paid to 87 associations, some to meet immediate needs (unpaid bills, medical expenses, etc.), thereby providing concrete assistance to the most disadvantaged members of our populations. SoyonS SolidaireS www.tSedaka.fSju.org ou FSJu-TSédaka 39, rue Broca 75005 PariS L’Appel national pour la tsédaka soutient en France 87 associations qui luttent contre la précarité, le handicap, l’échec scolaire … Below are some of the programs and associations supported by the Appel national pour la tsédaka: • Assistance for disadvantaged children and adolescents: Association des Maisons d’Enfants, OPEJ, DEJJ, Réseau Ezra, etc. • Fight against instability, poverty and marginalization: ABASBA, La Table du Coeur, CCJ de Paris, Fonds d’Urgence Solidarité, etc. • Support and assistance for the elderly, isolated, ill and dependent: ACAJIF, CASIM, CEDER, CASIM, Passerelles, etc. • Coverage for people with disabilities: ABPIEH, ACSJF, ESAT, ORT, etc. ELLE A ASSEZ PLEURÉ. Grâce à votre don, Emma, 8 ans, et sa maman auront enfin le logement qui leur changera la vie. DONNEZ Du 15 novembre au 15 décembre 2013 SUR WWW.TSEDAKA.FSJU.ORG Siège national 39, rue Broca 75005 Paris - 01 42 17 10 46 • Côte d’Azur 55, rue Clément Roassal 06000 Nice - 04 93 87 51 72 • Rhône-Alpes 113, boulevard Vivier Merle 69003 Lyon - 04 78 85 83 53 • Provence-Languedoc 4, impasse Dragon 13006 Marseille - 04 91 37 40 57 Est 11, rue Schwendi 67000 Strasbourg - 03 88 36 52 19 • Sud-Ouest 2, place Riquet 31000 Toulouse - 05 62 73 45 45 Oui, je contribue à la réussite de la Tsédaka 2013 par un don de € Since its creation in 1992, the Appel national pour la tsédaka has made it possible to collect more than 40 million euros. Nom - Prénom ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Adresse …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Code postal …………………………………………… Ville …………….…………………………………………………………… Téléphone ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… E-mail …………..………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… q Par chèque à l’ordre de AUJF-TSÉDAKA q Par carte bancaire 20 Expire fin mois Par internet sur le site sécurisé www.tsedaka.fsju.org Important : Votre don à l’Appel national pour la tsédaka ouvre droit à une déduction d’impôt égale à 66% de son montant. Exemple : si je donne 150 euros, cela ne me coûtera que 51 euros. année + Numéro de contrôle au dos de votre carte bancaire (les 3 derniers chiffres sur la bande de signature). Many events are organized throughout France: circus performances, concerts, sponsor dinners, brunches, dance classes, film screenings, shows, previews, exhibitions, large Solidarity party at the Palais des Congrès, etc. All of the players, partners and collaborators in the campaign are volunteers. www.tsedaka.fsju.org 10 Actions in Israel and France The Fonds Social Juif Unifié, which is a true pillar in France’s Jewish community, combats poverty and marginalization by funding social programs, fights the loss of identity through cultural and educational programs and strengthens the ties between France and Israel through partnerships with entities that attack instability in the field and promote high-quality education. It is founded on solidarity, the well-being of the Jewish people and transmission of our heritage. In Israel Israel has become a rich and modern state, but paradoxically, the needs of Israeli civil society continue to grow. The FSJU-AUJF works alongside five major partners who, with complete transparency and traceability, deploy highperforming social, educational and cultural projects. Working closely with the population, they provide concrete solutions to local issues. When danger exists in Israel (summer 2014), specific financing is granted to local entities, which take emergency measures. In France In 2014, 171 FSJU grants were dedicated to Solidarity programs, in a total amount of 3 million euros. There were 246 programs dedicated to culture, associative life and community, schools and youth in amount of 2.7 million euros. These programs are proposed by the FSJU and its affiliated associations. 11 Israel The Rashi Foundation The Rashi Foundation has worked for years to reduce the social divide and the inequality between the periphery and the center of the country, help children in difficulty, and promote Excellence and Leadership. 75% of its activities are dedicated to education, with a dozen programs allowing today’s younger generation to develop its potential, despite its socioeconomic level. Centers for early childhood This program is intended to support 250,000 children under the age of 6 years, from disadvantaged environments or living in peripheral localities. The Fondation Rashi manages centers for early childhood in the poorest Israeli towns in the country, from north to south. The deployment of this program is given priority in disadvantaged localities, by creating appropriate centers intended to identify children suffering from developmental, emotional or social difficulties in order to work upstream and allow every child to reach his or her full potential. Qualified training staff (educators, therapists, social workers, psychologists, etc.) give parents effective tools and working methods to support their children. There are 11 centers for early childhood. Yad Rachel Yad Rachel is one of the major Israeli organizations with a focus on childhood. It manages 24 educational and therapeutic centers that receive a thousand children throughout the country, as well as seven parent-child centers, i.e., 10% of the centers existing in Israel. In each of its 24 centers, Yad Rachel offers children from families in trouble a broad spectrum of care, allowing them to develop their full potential and regain a «taste for learning». The program implemented by Yad Rachel is intended to help disadvantaged and poor populations. A growing number of Israeli children are faced with serious difficulties due to poverty, immigration, parental abandonment and trauma. The main purpose of the Yad Rachel therapeutic educational centers is to provide tools and methods that will allow them to overcome their academic and emotional handicap. Today, more than 1,500 children and their family members are affected throughout the entire country. In the therapeutic centers, children and teens receive after-school care. They are hosted and given meals. They are also offered makeup classes, individual therapy sessions and group activities. 12 The FSJU-AUJF has committed to five Israeli partners and provides them with financial support. These associations are in step with the local issues and are striving to provide a concrete daily response to the needs of civil society. Parent-child centers Located in Jerusalem, Bat Yam, Beit Shemesh, Beitar Illit, Gush Etzion and Otef Aza, the Yad Rachel parent-child centers endeavor to provide support for families going through periods of instability and who are unable to take care of their children in difficulty. The goal is to keep the children in their family environments. The parents receive a customized therapeutic program, provided by multidisciplinary staff (social workers, specialized educators, psychologists). Approximately 800 children and parents receive care. The group of Yad Rachel structures offers a favored area to avoid the collapse and dissolution of the family unit. Latet Latet is the largest Israeli food bank and the most significant humanitarian organization. This association assists populations in distress in nearly every town in the country. It works with an extensive network of volunteers who provide an effective presence in the field. Its goal is to combat poverty, which has been steadily increasing for the past 10 years in Israel. It publishes a comprehensive and authoritative annual report on poverty in Israel. Each year, it distributes 5,000 tons of food through 130 associations, in partnership with town halls and social services in the towns. Its action is based on the mobilization of 6,500 volunteers, the large majority of whom are young people. The assistance benefits people whose income does not allow them to meet basic dietary needs: single-parent families, new immigrants, those with long-term unemployment, the elderly, disabled, etc. Latet has been able to mobilize civil society by calling on the generosity of the Israelis leaving supermarkets, or inviting them to donate during a Telethon broadcast on the second largest television station the day before Rosh Hashanah holidays. Nearly one million Israelis participate in these campaigns each year. Furthermore, the main agri-food companies (Osem, Strauss, Tnuva, Elite) have become exclusive Latet partners. Ville sans Faim Latet works as a social lever at several levels, and is able to generate positive movement in the heart of Israeli society. «Ir le lo Raav» (city without hunger) is a new initiative, which has the ambitious goal of eradicating hunger in one Israeli city. The pilot project was established in Bat Yam, where 1,500 people in serious difficulty were registered. The program engages active participation from associations, local authorities and economic players. 13 Israel (continued) ULAI Nongovernmental organization whose goal is to represent the interests of municipalities to the Israeli government and its ministers, the Knesset and the various public bodies, as well as international institutions. Approximately 260 town halls and localities are affiliated with the ULAI. The partnership that binds the FSJU-AUJF to the Union of Local Authorities in Israel (ULAI) makes it possible to support two projects. One program provides scholarships to licence students, in three specific fields (engineering, education and mathematics) and who live in towns on the periphery of Israel affected by unemployment, and another that provides funding for a youth center in Shlomi for people between the ages of 18 and 35 years. Youth Center in Shlomi Shlomi, which is located north of the town of Akko, is among the localities affiliated with the ULAI, a nongovernmental organization whose goal is to represent the interests of municipalities in Israel to the Israeli government and its ministers, the Knesset and various public bodies. This locality is facing economic hardship and a high unemployment rate. Due to its proximity to Lebanon, it is also one of Hezbollah’s main targets in wartime. The combination of these factors pushes young people to leave the locality, seeking a better future. Despite these handicaps, the population of the city has grown, reaching 7,000 inhabitants, including 2,400 young people. Each year, 100 children are born in Shlomi. Thanks to the assistance from the FSJU-AUJF, a youth center has opened its doors on the 3rd floor of an academic college. It is an area for information and counseling providing guidance to young people before they joining the army and offers workshops to assist with orientation and creating a professional plan. The Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) is also a key partner for this program. 14 IDC Herzliya scholarships Founded in 1994 by Professor Uriel Reichman, IDC Herzliya is one of the most prestigious Israeli universities. Today, it has 6,500 students. This scholarship program promotes equal opportunities for Israeli and foreign students by promoting access to channels for excellence for young people with high potential, from underprivileged backgrounds. These scholarships allow more than 100 Israeli students and new immigrants to receive very high-level training. Training offered to scholarship students Law: Radzyner School of Law Management: Arison School of Business Computers: Efi Arzi School of Computer Science Management and public law: Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy Communication: Sammy Ofer School of Communications 15 France Social The Fonds Social Juif Unifié supports the programs of charitable, social, medical-social and educational associations that fight every day against instability, marginalization, isolation, illness and handicap. Today’s Jewish social action is multi-faceted. It is simultaneously attached to the values of justice, fairness and dignity, heritage of its ancestral Jewish culture, and is anchored in the values of the Republic. Since the end of the Second World War, the Fonds Social Juif Unifié has played an essential role in supporting, developing and launching innovative programs making it possible to meet the needs of the marginalized, families, young people, the elderly, survivors of the Shoah, the disabled, etc. These essential responses are provided by the network of social associations organized by the Fonds Social Juif Unifié. These associations are diverse, structured, and for the most part made up of professionals. This action is enriched by the engagement of thousands of volunteers who are fighting to reduce the social divide and maintain ties. The 10 priorities • Coordinate the network of social associations • Combat instability, poverty and marginalization • Help and support children and adolescents in need • Support families and young children • Support and assist the elderly, isolated and dependent • Promote care for the disabled • Support job seekers, combat unemployment and promote qualification • Receive, support and rehouse people without homes, asylum-seekers and refugees • Raise awareness, hire, train applicants on social work trades • Hire and train volunteers and unpaid staff for solidarity actions Representation and partnerships The Fonds Social Juif Unifié is the correspondent for the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women’s Rights. It has an annual convention with the General Directorate for Social Cohesion. The Fonds Social Juif Unifié is a member of the UNIOPSS (National Interfederal Union of health and social organizations) at the national level and the URIOPSS (Regional Interfederal Union of health and social organizations) at the regional level. It participates in collective projects, such as Alert (efforts against poverty) and the European Anti-Poverty Network, etc. 16 The FSJU and the member social associations deploy mechanisms to respond to social emergencies while making their actions sustainable. In terms of identity, a dynamic policy allows the Jewish culture to shine in the heart of the City and community centers, and allows schools and youth movements to develop. The Fonds Social Juif Unifié is a member of the European Council of Jewish Communities and the Social Welfare Committee. As the head of the network, it nurtures close relationships with foundations such as: Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah, Fondation Sacta - Rachi, Fondation du Judaïsme Français, etc. Organization of the network The Fonds Social Juif Unifié organizes a network of more than 100 social associations on the national and regional level. These associations work in connection with other French and European social associations. The social associations that are members of the FSJU network meet regularly during social CIGs (Community Interest Groups). This forum allows discussions between the various players (directors, professionals and volunteers) and facilitates inter-association cooperation and expertise sharing. It is also a place for information and discussion on the evolution of social policies, secularity, the specific nature of the associations, etc., or any other issues related to that activity field. Program funding Each year, the associations can submit programs requiring grants from the Fonds Social Juif Unifié. These are examined on the regional level by elected officials through the Budget Steering Committee. The recommendations from the Social BSC are submitted to the governing bodies and voted on by the National Council. Service contributions The social action management may intervene with associations in the following areas: • Project consulting and engineering • Creation of relationships within the network in order to pool experience and inter-association cooperation • Connection with public or private partners for financial support for programs • Access to specific programs and mechanisms of the social action management 17 France Social (continued) 3,000,000 euros in grants awarded 171 programs supported 87 social associations assisted The FSJU programs serve everyone, in connection with the players involved in social outreach action Social Observatory Created in 2014 to meet the growing needs of the community, the FSJU social observatory is a tool for monitoring and overseeing actions taken by the associations. It makes it possible to gather information and provide indications on the needs to be met in the years to come. Thanks to the thematic studies that it conducts, the observatory allows the Fonds Social Juif Unifié and association decision-makers to pool their analyses and facilitates cooperation within the network. Designed as a tool, it will quickly become a source of precious information on «the real state of social difficulties in the community» and will allow association managers to better plan their actions and provide new responses to solidarity challenges. Social action centers in the regions Five Israeli Social Action Centers are supported by the FSJU. They are located in Marseilles, Nice, Toulouse, Lyons and Strasburg. In the form of versatile social services, these centers provide day-to-day support for families, young people, the elderly and the disabled in order to resolve their social, economic and other difficulties. They of course work with public social services and in line with the orientations of the territorial collectivities. Réseaux Ezra Ile-de-France, Gard, Var and Sud-Ouest The Réseau Ezra (literally, Ezra network) is an interface between people in difficulty or isolated situations and various players in community and public solidarity. The volunteers from the Réseau Ezra are trained as closely as possible to the social realities. They offer each person listening, support, direction or support in dealing with specialized services. The Networks also offer home visits, gatherings, etc. for the most isolated members of our communities. Solidarity Emergency Fund By creating this Fund, the FSJU places associations at the heart of its assistance mechanism for the poorest members of our community. This Fund makes it possible to cope with emergency situations: late rent, energy debts, equipment assistance, health care expenses, legal assistance, etc., and can be activated very quickly. This emergency fund also makes it possible to assist associations that provide food assistance. 18 un miracle n'arrivera paS SanS votre don ! SoyonS SolidaireS www.tSedaka.fSju.org ou FSJu-TSédaka 39, rue Broca 75005 PariS L’Appel national pour la tsédaka soutient en France 87 associations qui luttent contre la précarité, le handicap, l’échec scolaire … Appel national pour la tsédaka (The national call for the tzedakah) Each year, from November 15 to December 15, the FSJU, in partnership with the main associations in the community, establishes a joint campaign that benefits Jewish social associations in France. On this occasion and throughout all of France, professionals and volunteers dedicate all of their energy to this fundraising, informing the public of the social difficulties and our network’s responses. Joint personal microcredit Social microcredit is a loan, the interest for which is covered by the FSJU, in an amount ranging from 500 to 3,000 euros. Repayment is spread out over 12 to 36 months. It is intended for people who will be able to repay it. An agreement is signed between the FSJU and the Crédit Coopératif. Since these joint loans were established, they have made it possible to resolve issues related to housing-rehousing expenses, moving, health care, training, etc. Latalmid-Samekh Faced with families’ growing difficulties, the FSJU has established a policy of effective and concrete assistance: the Latalmid-Samekh program. Latalmid consists of providing lunch assistance, on average 500 euros per year and per child. Each year, 1,000 scholarships are awarded to families. This program affects 76 academic establishments nationwide. The second component, Samekh, promotes partnerships between social associations and schools. There are 60 conventions making it possible to help establishments acquire social workers, psychologists and medical-social professionals, etc., and provide support and monitoring for children and families. This program is carried out in collaboration with the management for academic action of the FSJU. Vacation scholarships for children The Fonds Social Juif Unifié is concerned about combating all forms of marginalization. It therefore tries to promote access to recreation and vacation, in particular by awarding vacation scholarships for disadvantaged children. These scholarships, which are awarded by the management for social action and youth, allow children from low-income families to participate in youth movement activities. They supplement the scholarships awarded by vacation camps and social services. In 2014, 40 structures were affected (youth movements, vacation camps, day camp programs, camps for children with disabilities). Passerelles Passerelles (literally, “bridges”) provides listening and orientation service for Shoah survivors and their children. The Paris Passerelles team answers telephone requests for information on victims’ rights, helps investigate cases, steers people toward social services, etc. In the regions, Passerelles receives 19 France Social (continued) the public and offers activities. This program is supported by the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah and the Claims Conference. Vacation grants for elderly persons This vacation grant fund for the elderly is jointly funded by the FSJU and the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah. It makes it possible to provide financial assistance for elderly people over the age of 70 who are receiving minimal social benefits or do not have a sufficient income for summer vacations—organized by associations—, «traditional» vacations or therapeutic stays. This opportunity thus provides temporary relief for their relatives. Social Work Trades Norbert Dana scholarship fund The purpose of this fund is to assist all people who wish to be trained in social work trades (in order to obtain a state diploma) and use their skills to serve one of the social or early childhood assistance associations in the network. Orientations Budgets % Coordination of the association network and information for the public 407,500 13.58 Fight against instability, poverty and marginalization 660,300 22.01 Assistance for the elderly, isolated, ill and dependent Assistance for children, teens, youth in difficulty Families, children and youth in difficulty, the handicapped, the elderly 1,683,900 euros 56.12% Support for families and young children Hosting and care for handicapped individuals Support for job seekers, fight against unemployment Hosting, support and free housing for homeless people, asylum-seekers and refugees Training of professionals and volunteers on social action 248,100 euros 8.27% Awareness raising, hiring and training of applicants for social work trades Hiring and training volunteers and unpaid staff for solidarity actions Some of these programs receive co-funding from the General Directorate for Social Cohesion, the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah, the Fondation SACTA – Rachi Foundation and the Fondation du Judaïsme Français. 20 France Education The FSJU believes that it has a moral obligation to strengthen the Jewish identity and support associations and partners in that mission. There are 199 programs supported throughout France that are dedicated to culture, associative and community life, schools and youth, for a total amount of 2.7 million euros. Jewish heritage and richness are the backdrop. Teaching as such is an essential vector for this identity, which is why the role of the FSJU in assisting Jewish schools is crucial. The Fonds Social Juif Unifié unites and coordinates all of the private academic establishments of the Jewish teaching network in France. While strengthening each person’s individual identity, it also develops a national network-wide identity through joint projects and by adhering to a Quality Charter. To that end, it is the sole correspondent for the public authorities on all subjects related to private instruction. Within the National Ministry of Education it sits on the contract award committee and the national steering committee for private education. It negotiates the distribution of private instruction contracts with each academy. It protects the rights and duties of Jewish schools. It ensures that establishments meet their commitments related to the partnership agreement with the State. It is a mediator in disputes arising between the establishments and the administration for National Education. It supports the structures’ strategic development, using the information collected by the National Observatory for Jewish Schools of the FSJU. The National Observatory for Jewish Schools of the FSJU conducts quantitative and qualitative investigations each year on the evolution of Jewish schools, workforce and population movements, training levels, buildings, test scores, etc. Furthermore, periodic investigations are conducted on issues related to the future of Jewish schools, school violence, the level of computer use, accommodations for disabled students, handling of school dropouts, etc. All of this information and these analyses allow the directors of schools or school networks to make decisions on the future of their structures. It participates in the deployment of school property as part of the Fondation Gordin. School property is a significant aspect of academic life. It is necessary to ensure the compliance of the buildings, and to make sure that they meet the demand. The Fondation Jacob et Rachel Gordin, created in 2008, and which groups the major French Jewish foundations together, conducts a program to expand and modernize academic buildings in the Jewish community and bring them up to standards. It receives almost no funding from public authorities. 21 France Education (continued) It provides training for managers in formal education as part of the FSJU CAMPUS. Since the creation in 1993 of the Institut André et Rina Neher, which has since been incorporated into the FSJU Campus, initial and ongoing training for teachers and educational managers in the Jewish school is orchestrated by the FSJU. The large majority of the Teachers in the Schools, Kindergartens and Elementary Schools under contract fall under this structure. The Kodesh teachers are also the audience of choice for this training. It helps improve the quality of instruction by developing innovative educational methods and media, as part of the Jewish Center for Pedagogical Publications (CJPP). For 20 years, the CJPP has produced pedagogical media for teaching in Jewish schools in history, Jewish thought and Hebrew. The first Hebrew textbook for high school junior and senior students was thus published in June 2014, in partnership with the national network for pedagogical research and production (CANOPé). It will allow students to prepare for the Baccalaureate exam under optimal conditions. It provides financial support for changes and projects in the Jewish school, thanks to donations collected by the AUJF. The financial assistance allocated by the Budget Steering Committees (BSC) of the FSJU supports projects aiming to improve the quality of instruction, reception conditions and educator training. It ensures that all students can eat in school cafeterias by awarding the Latalmid subsidies. Each year, the FSJU awards 1,000 meal subsidies to the poorest families so that no child is suffers, during lunch at school, due to his or her parents’ economic situation. It combats school dropouts with the «Hand in Hand» for success mechanism. Because the school’s mission is to ensure academic success for the largest possible number of students, the FSJU has established a supplementary device in addition to school to support students experiencing temporary or longer-term difficulties. Tutoring groups are run on Sunday mornings in community locations, and methodology workshops are held to fight school dropouts. 22 France Culture The FSJU conducts a policy intended to allow the Jewish culture to shine with respect to all audiences and to strengthen the Jewish identity. This commitment is free of any communitarianism, since cooperation with a large number of institutions and civil society is crucial. This partnership allows better understanding of the richness of Jewish culture. As the head of the network, the FSJU unites the associative fabric to spread a Jewish culture that is accessible to everyone, in particular for isolated communities. That is why it has launched traveling cultural programs, with contributions from many community centers. By spreading culture, the FSJU is helping eradicate ignorance, the harmful effects of which are known all too well. The cultural programming of the FSJU responds to the need to position itself, on the cultural scene, as a major player in Paris and in the Region, to combat increasingly rampant anti-Semitism in France, and to strengthen and/or awaken, through high-profile events, the Jewish identity of those who feel that they belong to the organized community, as well as those who are completely separated from it. For the latter, a town hall discussion, a concert in a prestigious venue or a meeting with a writer sometimes leads to creating a bond that may be new to them. The events are intended for the largest possible audience, and offer their Jewish specificity as value added. The choice of partners is also open within the City: Collège des Bernardins, city halls of Paris, Montpellier, Aix-en-Provence, Strasburg, Bordeaux, etc., major schools (Sciences Po, Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature, Lycée Louis-le-Grand, ENS, etc.), major cultural sites (Théâtre de la Ville, Maison de la Poésie, Archives nationales, etc.). Strengthening of identity Through its action, the cultural programming strengthens and/or awakens the Jewish identity of those who, for various reasons, have moved away from the events offered by «the organized community» or have never been interested in visiting Jewish cultural associations. These «new» audiences are a priority, because they represent a large portion of the Jews in France. There is also a desire to offer cultural programming to cities with no Jewish life and where members of the community feel «isolated», assimilated. In fact, sometimes one event is enough to form a bond, instill a desire to go on, create an association which, with the assistance of the Directorate for Cultural Action, will then continue with its own programming. 23 France Culture (continued) Regions in the spotlight In addition to the Festival of Jewish Cultures in Paris and all of the events organized in Ile-de-France, the FSJU conducts an active cultural policy in the various regions of France in partnership with eminent institutions of the Republic and the Jewish cultural centers. Nuit des lettres in Montpellier The «Nuit des lettres», partner of the Grande Médiathèque Emile Zola de Montpellier, has celebrated its 10th anniversary. This event, which draws nearly 200 people each year, combines literature and Jewish culture. Since its creation it has been supported by the Sauramps bookstore, the Montpellier City Hall and the Regional Council. Nuit de la Philo in Aix-en-Provence 12e Nuit de la philosophie I 22 mai 2014 - 19h à minuit UétaRts O M ’A L s se s u to s dan Direction de l’action culturelle Création graphique l’Agence Numérique FSJU Avec : Rav Raphaël Sadin, Laurence Devillairs, Olivia Gazalé, Paule-Henriette Levy, Chloé Salvan, Tobie Nathan, Alexis Lacroix Institut d’Etudes Politiques : 25, rue Gaston de Saporta – Aix-en-Provence Entrée : 15 euros – étudiants 7 euros (collation offerte). Renseignements et réservations : 04 42 27 37 94 www.centredariusmilhaud.org - www.fsju.org The FSJU has established a policy of «Cultural nights» in Paris, which has been extended to the regions (Exim Provence, Montpellier, Strasburg, Bordeaux, Périgueux) for the last 11 years. The first of these regional Nights was dedicated to Philosophy, in partnership with the Darius Milhaud Cultural Center, the Aix-en-Provence City Hall and the Political Science Institute of the city. This event is intended to allow better knowledge, in a university context, of Jewish philosophers who have enriched the cultural heritage of their respective countries and of humanity through their universal work. These nights have been very successful since their creation, with a true mix in the audience over time: Jews/non-Jews, young students/middle aged people/ the retired, etc. This philosophy Night has become a key meeting point, and is included on the City’s official calendar. Sous le haut patronage du Ministère de l’Education nationale, du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. 2 NUIT PHILOSOPHIE e DE LA Mercredi 5 novembre 2014 de 19h30 à 22h30 Leçon inaugurale : Dominique Schnapper, Directrice d’études à l’École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, membre honoraire du Conseil constitutionnel, elle est actuellement présidente de l’Institut d’Etudes Avancées de Paris. Avec : Paul Zawadzki, maître de conférences à l’Université Paris 1, docteur en Sciences Politiques ; Loïc Blondiaux, professeur au département de Sciences politiques à l’Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris 1 ; Charles Girard, maître de conférences en philosophie à l’université Jean Moulin Lyon 3. Nuit de la Philo in Strasbourg In partnership with the IEP and the Librairie Kleber, this event, held in November, is part of the World Forum for Democracy. The selected themes are therefore broken down based on the notion of «democracy» in the broadest sense of the word. The Strasburg Night has the particularity of being dedicated to «political philosophy». This evening consists of three major components: a keynote speech, a roundtable mediated by a specialized journalist, and a conclusion on the work by the philosopher who gave the keynote speech, and which is the common thread of the evening. Modératrice : Annette Levy-Willard, Journaliste à « Libération » Librairie Kleber : 1, rue des Francs-Bourgeois, Strasbourg Renseignements FSJU : Laurent Gradwohl, délégué régional 03 88 36 52 19 - l.gradwohl@fsju.org 1re NUIT DE LA JUSTICE Mardi 28 octobre 2014 de 19h30 à 22h30 HANNAH ARENDT « Les notions de Bien et de Mal évoluent-elles avec le temps ? » Ecole nationale de la magistrature 10, rue des Frèr es Bonie, Bor deaux Leçon inaugurale : Blandine Kriegel, philosophe, professeur des universités, ex présidente du Haut Conseil à l’intégration, ancien membre du Comité consultatif national d’éthique. Avec : Dominique Bertinotti, conseillère d’Etat, ancienne ministre déléguée à la Famille ; Emmanuel Salanskis, directeur de programme au Collège inter national de philosophie, spécialiste de Nietzsche; Dominique Terré, membre du Centre d’analyse et d’intervention sociologique. Nuit de la Justice in Bordeaux This new program is being rolled out over 3 consecutive years (2014, 2015 and 2016), in partnership with the Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature de Bordeaux. It develops and enriches the programming of the Nights in the Regions (Nuit de la Philosophe in Strasburg and Aix-en-Provence, Nuit des Lettres in Montpellier). The Nuit de la Justice proposes to mix philosophy and law over the course of one evening, through the journey of 3 emblematic philosophers: • 1st edition (2014): Hannah Arendt, Good and Evil • 2nd edition (2015): Vladimir Jankélévitch, Forgiveness • 3rd edition (2016): Emanuel Levinas, Responsibility R e n s e i g n e m e n t s F S J U : L a u r e n t Ta ï e b 05 62 73 45 45 - l.taieb@fsju.or g 24 France Media Through its media, the FSJU promotes this culture and its spread. Set against this backdrop, it bases itself on new technologies to reinforce this Jewish heritage and open it to many audiences. News and information are also key concerns. ww r g.f ma he rc a w.l N°646 - Janvier/Février/Mars 2014 LE MAGAZINE DU JUDAÏSME FRANÇAIS LES NOUVELLES MENACES ELIE WIESEL France : 7,60 € CÉDRIC KLAPISCH MON AIR DE FAMILLE DOSSIER PENSER CONTRE L’INTÉGRISME L’Arche L’Arche, the magazine of French Judaism, available by subscription and on newsstands, offers its readers 6 issues per year (4 regular quarterly issues and 2 special issues). Each issue includes an in-depth investigatory piece on current topics of discussion, themes of concern for the Jewish community in France and major events in France and Israel. Many national and international writers offer their analyses and expertise. It also includes field investigations. It also includes columns from leading specialists on special issues (Women: neither silent nor submissive, Jewish humor, Ariel Sharon & Shimon Pérès, The major figures who built France). This magazine that helps provide better information, knowledge and understanding. Since it was created in 1953, L’Arche, an FSJU medium, has played a unique role in French Judaism and within the City, in the sphere of ideas, discussion and analysis. In order to continue this mission, l’Arche has chosen to expand its distribution to young adults and to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Internet and digital technologies by also offering a website, larchemag.fr. RCJ 94.8 FM Created in 1981, RCJ is a pluralist radio station with the goal of being the «public service» for the large number of individuals who identify with open French Judaism. It focuses on direct news from Israel, music, culture, Jewish thought, people, and of course interaction with its listeners. RCJ has a website, radiorcj. info, to share information, thoughts, reactions, discovery, etc. RCJ is much more than a radio station. Judaicine.fr FSJ U Created by the FSJU, Judaicine.fr aims to promote Israeli films and films with Jewish themes in France and the French-speaking world. This site, which organizes events (previews, festivals) and produces content (Internet, radio, press), also connects creators, works and audiences. 25 France Media (continued) Kesharim, the FSJU newsletter This weekly newsletter is intended for all players in Jewish life, associations and owners. It is distributed by Internet and provides information on current events for the FSJU-AUJF. Communauté Nouvelle Communauté Nouvelle is an informational magazine that provides news on the AUJF, the FSJU and its programs in France, the actions of FSJU member associations and projects developed in Israel with partners. It is distributed free of charge to donors and activists. It sheds light on the major actions of the institution, the various fundraising events, the activists and the programs and associations funded or supported by the FSJU-AUJF. Frequency: four issues per year. Akadem.org With more than 4,000 videoconferences, 5,000 encyclopedic articles and 2 million visitors each year, with its magazine, schedule of events, weekly commentary on the parsha… Akadem.org has stood out for 10 years as a major player in Jewish cultural life in the French-speaking world. History, politics, study, philosophy, Jewish life, culture: the site leverages a unique intellectual production. Sefarim.fr For the first time on the Internet, Sefarim.fr offers the full text of the Bible in Hebrew, English and French in the translation by the Rabbinate. The text is accompanied by commentary by Rachi in Hebrew and French. Equipped with a powerful search engine and many tools, Sefarim has become an essential tool for the thousands of students who use it each day. Toumanitou.org Léon Ashkenazi, also known as Manitou, was an essential figure in French Judaism and left a significant legacy. Toumanitou.org provides more than 1,000 hours of his courses in a digital sound library. Akademscope.org Continuously updated by the event organizers themselves, Akademscope is the only schedule of Jewish cultural life in the French-speaking world. Each week, its newsletter, which is distributed to more than 100,000 recipients, provides information for Internet users on all of the French-speaking cultural events throughout the world, from Limoud to the theater to film, TV programs or exhibitions, Akademoscope covers the entire spectrum of Jewish cultural life. 26 France Youth How can we pass Jewish identity on to young people? For the FSJU, formal and informal education are the two major tools for transmitting this identity. After the Second World War, the reconstruction pushed youth associations to demonstrate ingenuity in order to preserve identity values. Many figures, such as Edmond Fleg, Robert Gamzon, Jacob Gordin, Emanuel Levinas, André Neher and Léon Ashkenazi worked to that end. With time, the network of Jewish schools has developed, and a priori responded to an identity-based need. The Jewish youth movements and associations have had to adapt. They are a place for learning, taking responsibility, empowerment and experience. But what gives them their value-added and sets them apart from other associations is their joint role with identity, in particular owing to the transmission of a common foundation that makes it possible to convey identity values. That foundation is made up of the duty to remember, learn Hebrew, preserve family traditions, teach the Torah and of course know the history of Israel. Challenges • The growing individualism of society is decreasing the ability of the youth associations to generate enough leaders. • The youth movements sometimes find it difficult to make the transmission of Jewish specificities sustainable. To respond to these difficulties and needs, the FSJU conducts a number of projects over the entire territory, in order to reinforce the associative fabric and offer comprehensive solutions for young people who are not as close to Jewish associations. Unifying Quality Charter: provides a label for signatory associations. Communication Appli Iphone: inventory all of the association-based activities nationally and facilitate information. JEM website: offer an interactive portal for the sites within the associative fabric. 27 France Youth (continued) Common Interest Scholarships: provide student scholarships to discuss actions within FSJU partner associations, in order to reinforce volunteer commitment. Volunteer guide: inventory the skills needed by the associations. BAFA scholarships: allow young people to benefit from high-quality training, via Campus. Vacation scholarships: allow young people to participate in educational stays. Pedagogical media: provide educators with a diverse offering of educational tools and media (magazines, books). Jewish identity seminars: improve knowledge and transmit content to adapt to activities offered for children and teens. Assistance for innovative projects in the regions (API’ER): help young people between 15 and 35 years of age in the regions, supporting projects focused on the Jewish community in the educational, social or cultural areas. Young Graduates Forum: help young people between the ages of 20 and 35 years find employment and housing. 28 France Associative life Created by the FSJU in the 1960s, the Jewish community and cultural centers of France are established in the heart of cities and communities, small and large. As favored vectors for a culture that affects every generation, they are the first line of defense against the loss of identity, and the first place where it is possible, close to home, to find or reinforce one’s Jewish identity. These locations, which are open to all, whether practicing, traditionalist or secular, are areas for reflection, dialogue, conversation and teaching. Their programs offer courses in Hebrew, Yiddish and Judeo-Spanish as well as Israeli and Oriental dance, etc. The centers also offer courses on Jewish thought, where everyone can contribute their point of view on Judaism. They are also places to share with authors, thinkers and philosophers thanks to the various conferences that they host throughout the year. But the community and cultural center is also an open location for the City, driven by festivals on Jewish culture, music and film. Major events are carried out through partnerships with municipalities and the different cultural players in the city. Facilitate dialogue The FSJU helps Jewish culture flourish by accompanying and supporting the cultural and community centers, providing them with technical and financial assistance and developing joint programs. It also facilitates cultural exchanges between France and Israel. Film festivals, artistic tours and traveling shows allow the Jewish community and all of French society to discover Israeli culture. In Israel, it supports cultural centers and Francophone associations in organizing activities in Haïfa, Tel Aviv, Ashdod and Jerusalem. 29 France Associative Life (continued) Coordinate the association network The FSJU drives and coordinates the associative network. It provides programming and project creation services. Its missions include: • pooling services. It makes it possible to develop and hold traveling Jewish cultural programs in the Ile-de-France and regional cities. • assistance in organizing and programming Israeli film festivals through its website, judaiciné.fr. The festivals take place in Marseilles, Montpellier, StRémy de Provence, Avignon, Toulouse, Perpignan, Limoges, Nice, Lyons and Strasburg. • support in developing and programming for community centers. Some examples: Paris community center, Espace Hillel de Lyon, Judaïcité de Marseille, Espace du Judaïsme de Toulouse and Maison du Judaïsme Elie Wiesel de Nice. Support on the Web Supporting the community and cultural centers in developing communication tools is part of the new missions of the FSJU. At the initiative of the Directorate for Developing Associative Life, the Digital Agency of the FSJU created a website architecture provided to centers that wish to improve their image on the web. In July 2014, 5 sites were put online, including those of the Centre d’Art et de Culture de l’Espace Rachi-Guy de Rothschild and the Centre Jérôme Cahen in Neuilly-sur-Seine. A dozen centers will be adopting this website configuration. Traveling cultural programs Initiated by the FSJU and designed with the Councils of Jewish Communities of Ile-de-France (CCJ), these programs offer high-quality Jewish culture to communities that are sometimes isolated. They have the same ambition: make culture accessible to everyone. They make it possible to bring in prestigious Israeli speakers (Yehuda Lancry, Benjamin Gross, Noah Klieger, Denis Charbit, etc.) to small communities in Ile-de-France and the regions that lack resources. Furthermore, a turnkey program, called the «Cultural Caravan», offers a theme broken down in the form of exhibition panels. It may be accompanied by teaching media: conferences, concerts and films surrounding the theme. There are currently four cultural caravans on the roads of France: «Jewish identity and comics», «The major Sepharad figures», «the Aliyah of the Moroccan Jews» and «Cinema and Jewish identity». The Cultural Caravan is configured to be in a location for 3 to 4 days and to travel all around France throughout the year. The creation costs and technical fees are covered by the FSJU. 30 Training/seminars Training programs intended for professionals and volunteers, with a focus on techniques more particularly affecting cultural associations, are established in partnership with Campus. E.g.: funding for associations, communication, administration, etc. These seminars are listening and sharing opportunities that give professionals and volunteers a chance to break out of their isolation. Since 2009, the Avignon seminary has grouped together more than 40 professionals or volunteers for cultural action. It has allowed experience sharing and meetings that have been appreciated by players in the world of culture. Cultural database Created in 2011, this database is intended for professionals and volunteers in community cultural centers, who can consult an offering of various programs, music, theater, exhibitions, speakers, etc. on Jewish themes, carefully chosen by the FSJU. Today, more than 400 volunteers and professionals are registered in this database. Edmond Tenoudji Prize Since 1988, the Edmund Tenoudji prize is awarded to institutions and personalities who work in the field of Jewish education. Within the Edmund Tenoudji Fund, the Prize has recognized the work of youth associations, talmudey Torah, community centers, rabbis, professionals and volunteers. International relations The FSJU is one of the founders of the European Association of Jewish Community Centers (EAJCC), which organizes a conference every other year in a European capital. It also participates in the World Conference of Jewish Community Centers (WCJCC). It represents the community and cultural associative fabric with European and international bodies (EAJCC, ECJC, WCJCC, JOINT, JAFI). Active participation has made it possible to develop programs with Israeli and American community centers in particular. The community center is by nature a place for expression of the cultures of the Jewish people. Whether by promoting participation by celebrities, hosting groups (missions, delegations, theater troupes, etc.) or participating in meetings and seminars, the FSJU encourages and develops programs that make it possible for the world to discover Jewish cultures. 31 France T r a i n i n g Campus is an initial and ongoing training center, created by the Fonds Social Juif Unifié in 2014, to benefit the associative life of the Jewish community in France. For initial training, it offers degree training: • In the Informal Education sector by agreement with the OFAC (BAFA: organizers, BAFD: directors). • In the Formal Education sector under agreement with State and in partnership with the University of Paris IV, the title of Primary School Teacher and the Master of education and teaching. • In the Social sector, it prepares for entrance exams for schools providing training for social workers or early childhood educators; it supports people for knowledge validation (VAE). For continuous training, it offers training for skill acquisition or position adaptation for staff in social associations, structures receiving the disabled and seniors, day cares, Jewish schools (general subject teachers and Jewish subject teachers), talmudey Torah, youth or vacation associations and the culture sector. Training for elected officers and volunteers within associations is also provided. “Custom” training is also available for associations as one component of project support. In all of these trainings, the FSJU Campus develops a Jewish approach to situations and management. Beyond the acquisition of professional skills, it is therefore necessary to account for all of the needs of the person receiving support or training. While respecting sectorial skills and bringing them up to a very demanding level, the heart of the Campus lies in developing synergies between the professional worlds of its trainees. The Campus and its partners benefit from several agreements: • National education and higher education. • Youth and sports. • Ongoing professional training, which makes it possible to cover training costs, in particular by the OPCA (Accredited collection entities) and the DIF (Individual Right to Training). Some programs also receive grants from major foundations or institutions in the Jewish community (FMS – FJF – Sacta Rachi – FSJU, etc.). 32 France Since its creation, the Fonds Social Juif Unifié has supported thousands of concentration camp survivors, orphans and concealed children to provide them with decent living conditions. It has investigated reparations cases with the German authorities to obtain compensation for despoilment and has managed the Swiss humanitarian mechanism for victims of Nazi persecution. In the early 2000’s, the recognition of France’s responsibility in the deportation of Jews and the reparations procedures that were established showed a very strong need for listening and dialogue, and revealed the existence of troublesome, and even tragic human situations. Passerelles is a listening and orientation service that responds to these situations. It is accessible free of charge at 0800 39 45 00. Passerelles is supported by the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah. The Passerelles team responds to quite varied requests: information on the rights of Shoah victims, assistance in investigating cases, direction toward social services, individual assistance associations, places for therapeutic support as well as user-friendly structures, etc. Passerelles maintains a connection between those who are the most isolated and most fragile. Financial assistance can also be granted using the funds allocated to Passerelles by the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah and the Claims Conference. In the regions, the correspondents for Passerelles host and meet with the public and offer many activities. Various workshops, conferences, film screenings, support groups, festive occasions, etc. Passerelles re-creates a community life for these people who, through no choice of their own, have not had any since the war. They find themselves in a friendly atmosphere, and rediscover the language of their childhood (Yiddish or Judeo-Spanish) in a social setting where they feel understood and secure. The Passerelles service exists in Lyons, Nice, Marseilles, Strasburg and Toulouse. 33 France Created in 1994 and placed under the aegis of the Fonds Social Juif Unifié, today the Ile-de-France Réseau Ezra is an association of 100 volunteers supported by 4 social work professionals. Ezra means «help» in Hebrew. Based on the principle of benevolent listening, its mission is to accompany people in unstable social situations and isolation and help them though lasting relationships. Actions of the Réseau Ezra From the initial contact to support… During the first meeting, relationships begin to form between the volunteers and the people in difficulty, the latter receiving special attention and a close look at their situation. The Réseau Ezra has several points of contact, both to receive requests for assistance and to visit people in difficulty: • Telephone listening and orientation service – 01 55 43 11 20: volunteers respond to people in difficulty and point them toward different social services that can meet their needs. • Conversation groups: once per week, the volunteers from the Réseau Ezra call on the most isolated to break out of their solitude, and to offer them a bit of warmth and listen to their news. This mechanism makes it possible to provide attentive and discrete monitoring. If there is a worrisome development in a situation, the Réseau Ezra is able to notify family or the appropriate services. • Brin de Jasmin: all members of the Conversation Group regularly meet at an event (singers, workshops, games) in a festive atmosphere. In order for the most fragile to be able to participate in these outings, volunteers will seek out and drive those who have trouble traveling on their own. These festivities take place every six weeks. 34 • Friendliness and moving assistance visits: change the world over coffee, look at old photos and share stories, go to the movies… Whether it lasts several months or many years, each relationship is a unique story, sharing moments of simplicity, humanity and positivity. r vous aider à aider alisées pour vos bénévoles A votre demande, le nir dans votre communauté et organiser des sessions équipe. Ces formations permettront à vos bénévoles à appréhender la complexité des problèmes sociaux s les plus justes. En plus des formations liées à l’utiliSocial Juif Unifié et du Réseau Ezra, nos séances de er des thèmes spécifiquement adaptés aux besoins sources et d’informations Accessible en ligne dès plateforme du Réseau Ezra vous propose un accès entes ressources utiles : télécharger les formulaires ngager des demandes en ligne, nous solliciter pour ement de situations préoccupantes, trouver les paraux besoins de la personne que vous accompagnez. • Latalmid-Samekh: this FSJU program helps cover cafeteria costs for schoolage children in Jewish partner schools. The volunteers from the Réseau Ezra meet with families in the schools and support them through social orientation and support if needed. ires Proposer à la personne une réponse adaptée à ant vers le partenaire le plus compétent ; déterminer globale et cohérente aux problèmes de la personne, connaissance des acteurs de la solidarité. Interface acteurs de la solidarité privée et publique, le Réseau Ezra relais au partenaire le plus adapté lorsque vous sene. mmes Grâce aux outils et programmes que nous metvous avez un accès simple et privilégié à des aides rebondir ou lutter contre l’isolement. Le Réseau Ezra enir dans la mise en place de certains programmes mmunauté. lundi au jeudi / 10h-16h le dimanche ion 01 55 43 11 20 - ecoute@reseauezra.org e 01 55 43 11 21 - benevole@reseauezra.org ides 01 55 43 11 29 - information@reseauezra.og es 01 55 43 11 22 - partenaire@reseauezra.org www.reseauezra.org Mieux accompagner les plus fragiles de votre communauté • Ma Nishtana and Tishri – Food Collection Operations: twice per year, as Pesach and the Tishri celebrations approach, the Ile-de-France Réseau Ezra supervises the distribution of food parcels containing kosher products in Paris. Main figures: • 210 hours of telephone calls to isolated seniors • 376 people helped • 75,542 euros loaned via personal Micro-Credit • 101 volunteers hired • 1,000 food vouchers distributed during holidays • 817 hours of home visits for the most isolated • 1 heat wave plan: 50 hours of calls to isolated seniors in the summertime www.reseauezra.org 35 France & Israel Delegations Essential action in the regions Needs vary from one region to another, but the actions taken by the Fonds Social Juif Unifié are always essential to maintain and develop a rich, unified community life open to the City. With its teams of volunteers, democratically-elected officers and professionals, the Fonds Social Juif Unifié strives to provide a suitable response to local issues, both social and cultural. Delegation Southwest Key figures 57 association programs supported 300,000 euros in grants for associations: 180,000 euros in the social field, 120,000 euros for schools, youth and culture on Identity Solidarity • Comité d’Action Sociale Israélite de Toulouse: 116 families monitored by social services • Société de bienfaisance israélite de Bordeaux: 130 families monitored • Vacation scholarships: 30 families helped • 600 vouchers and parcels for Pesach (Jewish Passover) • Social clubs and Female cooperation: participation of 125 seniors • Latalmid, for students: 60 Latalmid meal subsidies were granted in three Jewish schools in the region Identity • Passerelles activities: 400 cases monitored • Jewish culture days: 2,000 people per year Social Action In the Southwest, Passerelles, a listening and orientation service for Shoah survivors and their children, organizes activities to preserve an identity link: workshops, Yiddish classes, meetings, discussions. The Fonds Social Juif Unifié also provides financial support to the Société de Bienfaisance Israélite de Bordeaux, the Comité d’Action Sociale Israélite de Toulouse, the Réseau Ezra and the Friendship Clubs of Toulouse and Bordeaux. The Comité d’Action Sociale Israélite de Toulouse (CASIT) Created in 1995 by the Fonds Social Juif Unifié and supported by public officials, the Comité d’Action Sociale Israélite de Toulouse is a versatile social service. Made up of professionals and volunteers, it meets the needs of the poorest populations in Toulouse, its metropolitan area and the Haute-Garonne department. Services offered by the CASIT include: social store, disability assistance services, vouchers and parcels for holidays. In 2002, the Réseau Ezra was created, whose missions are identical to those of the CASIT and which covers the greater Southwest. Cultural and Community Action L’Espace du Judaïsme de Toulouse Initiated by the Fonds Social Juif Unifié, the Espace du Judaïsme is a unique achievement in the region. This 3,000 m2 space hosts cultural activities, as well as cultural and educational activities for the Jewish community. The Hébraïca association was created by the FSJU Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées to promote Jewish culture. It offers classes in Hebrew, Israeli dance, theater, drawing and painting, and gymnastics. It also has a library containing 4,000 volumes. It organizes Jewish Culture Days with the Midi-Pyrénées region, the General Council of the Haute-Garonne and the Toulouse City Hall. For one month, it offers conferences, shows, movies and plays in the Espace du Judaïsme and many other locations. 37 Southwest Delegation (continued) The Yavné center in Bordeaux Initiated by the Fonds Social Juif Unifié, the Yavné center organizes cultural activities: classes, conferences, art workshops for children, etc. The spring of Israeli cinema Launched in 2005 by the Fonds Social Juif Unifié through the site judaicine.fr, the Israeli Film Festival is organized in Toulouse, Perpignan and Limoges. As the head of the network, the Fonds Social Juif Unifié provides financial and technical support to the Jewish community centers in Pau, Agen, Limoges, Perpignan and Bayonne, as well as the Coopération Féminine of Toulouse and Bordeaux. Academic action 3.21% of students attending Jewish schools in France, i.e., 979 children, are in 4 schools in the region. Hébraïca Jeunesse is the coordinator for the Fonds Social Juif Unifié for youth movements in the Sud-Ouest region (EEIF, BBYO and Jeunesse Loubavitch). Safe community places All of the buildings in the Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées region are protected, as is the Great Synagogue of Bordeaux, in close connection with the SPCJ and the Ministry of the Interior. Member associations Social CASIT Toulouse SBIB Bordeaux Réseau Ezra Sud-ouest BBYO Toulouse BBYO Bordeaux Hebraïca Jeunesse Jeunesse Loubavitch Education Gan Rachi Toulouse Gan Yossef Bordeaux Ohr Torah internat Culture Hebraïca Toulouse Yavné Community Center Espace du Judaïsme Coopération Féminine Toulouse Coopération Féminine Bordeaux Club de l’Amitié Toulouse Club de l’Amitié Bordeaux Youth EEIF Toulouse EEIF Bordeaux UEJF Bordeaux 38 Delegation Nice Côte d’Azur 16 member associations 37 association programs supported 195,000 euros in grants for associations Cultural and community action La Maison du Judaïsme Elie Wiesel Created in 2007 in Nice by the FSJU, it offers multiple activities: theater, introduction to Yiddish and Judeo-Spanish, Hebrew classes, recreational outings (Club 55), recreation for seniors (Friendship Club). It offers regular trips and outings. Cultural events The Maison du Judaïsme Elie Wiesel organizes 2 cultural seasons: the Spring and the Autumn of Jewish Culture for the Côte d’Azur. Thanks to regional public partners, the embassy and the Israeli consulate in France, as well as local Jewish cultural associations, the Côte d’Azur public benefits from cultural programming that is as bold as it is eclectic: • Conferences, shows, concerts, exhibitions, etc. • Jewish History book and Research day • Nice international Jewish film festival, established in 2009, in partnership with the General Council of the Alpes-Maritimes Social action The Comité d’Action Sociale Juive de Nice (CASIN) Created in 1990 by the FSJU, this versatile social service, subsidized by the General Council of the Alpes-Maritimes, has three social workers and one psychologist. In additional to social outreach work, the services offered by the CASIN include: • telephone calls to the most isolated • Friendship Club: activities for people over 60 • food vouchers every year and for Jewish holidays With the youth movements and schools, the CASIN strengthens citizen solidarity by having children and teens participate in concrete social actions. Academic action Four Jewish schools in Nice and Cannes, under partnership agreements with the State, are supported by the FSJU. “Hand in hand for success” combats school dropouts in three of the four Jewish schools and the Maison du Judaïsme Elie Wiesel. The Côte d’Azur delegation develops the intergenerational bond through regular meetings between elementary school students in Nice and their elders. 39 Delegation Nice Côte d’Azur (continued) Youth action The FSJU supports the youth movements in the region: the DEJJ, the EEIF, the Maccabi OSI-Nice and the Gan Israël. It organizes awareness days, meetings between youth movements and schools and citizen activities. The “active youth” group offers 25-35 year olds themed evenings, movie outings, dinners, sports meetings, weekends, etc. 1,945 people monitored by the CASIN 750 children educated in Jewish schools 5 youth movements or associations 5 cultural associations 400 people participated in the International Jewish Film Festival in Nice Delegation ProvenceLanguedoc 53 member associations 50 association programs supported 270,000 euros in grants for associations Cultural and community action Judaï-Cité, the Marseilles Judaism house Initiated by the FSJU, supported by the public authorities, Judaï-Cité hosts cultural and educational activities for the Jewish community. Created in 1964 by the FSJU, the Centre Fleg, located in Judaï-Cité, strives to transmit and leverage Jewish cultural heritage. It organizes major events such as the Patrimoine des Juifs de Marseille and the Quinzaine de la culture israélienne. «Glances» at Israeli film An innovative festival. Launched in 1999 in Marseilles, organized by the FSJU, each year this festival offers many previews and meetings with Israeli directors. Other festivals are held in Montpellier, St-Rémy de Provence, Avignon and approximately ten cities throughout France. Radio The delegation produces a weekly program on association news for Radio JM. It also produces a series of broadcasts on Jewish culture that are broadcast on the same station and on other Jewish radio stations in the region. Social action The Comité d’Action Sociale Israélite de Marselle (CASIM) Created in 1906, it offers outreach services to the poorest people in ProvenceLanguedoc. It is supported by public officials and authorized by the General 40 Council of the Bouches-du-Rhône. The services offered by the CASIM include: • The social store, which offers products at 10% of their actual value • The Employment section, with the Success Area for professional projects • The ACAD, at-home assistance service for families and the elderly. Kosher at-home meals, transportation for the able-bodied and people in wheelchairs, etc. The AMEA service Launched in 2006 alongside the CASIM social service, it is dedicated to seniors. Its services include: • A telephone platform to receive, listen and direct • Operations in retirement homes Academic action The FSJU supports 12 Jewish schools that are under partnership agreements with the State. They are located in Marseilles, Montpellier and Aix-en-Provence. The “Hand in Hand for Success” program, which is intended to allow children to complete their education successfully, is organized on the Judaï-Cité premises. Youth action The FSJU supports the following youth movements: the EEIF, the DEJJ, Bné Akiva, Habonim Dror, UEJF, Maccabi-Marseille, BBYO, AC’SION, Jeunesse Loubavitch, Massada. It has initiated an annual inter-movement seminar in Aix-en-Provence, which brings together other regional Jewish movements. 1,517 families monitored by the CASIM 4,107 seniors monitored by AMEA 3,520 children educated in Jewish schools 10 youth movements or associations Delegation East 33 member associations 26 association based programs supported 205,000 euros in grants and subsidies provided to associations Across the region 41 Latalmid school cafeteria bursaries were awarded in 5 educational establishments and 6 Samekh agreements were signed for engaging the services of a school psychologist. The Action Sociale Juive (ASJ) / Jewish Social Action Created in 1951, the ASJ is the multi faceted social service agency for the Jewish communities of the Bas Rhin (Lower Rhine) Region. It is supported by a team including social workers, an administrative assistant and volunteers. The services offered by the ASJ includes financial and material assistance, distribution of food parcels, cloakroom – washroom facilities, support for initiatives, support for home care services. In 2013 nearly 900 people received support and assistance from the ASJ.The Fonds Social Juif Unifié / Unified Jewish Social Fund also provides financial support to the Comité d’Action Sociale de Nancy / Social Action Committee of Nancy, the Société d’Entraide des Dames Israélites de Metz / Jewish Women’s Mutual Aid Society of Metz and the Centre de Jour / Day Care Centre of the Esplanade (for people with neurodegenerative conditions and diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease). 41 Delegation East (continued) Passerelles (“Bridges”), the telephone based listening (recorded info) and referral service for victims of the Holocaust and their children also has an operational presence in Strasbourg. Cultural Action: The Fonds Social Juif Unifié Est / Unified Jewish Social Fund Eastern Region organizes cultural events in partnership with the Librairie Kléber / Kléber Bookstore, local authorities and the Council of Europe: Meeting with Elie Wiesel at the Cité de la Musique et de la Danse / Centre for Music and Dance Exhibition entitled ‘Mille Ans des Juifs en Pologne’ / A Thousand Years of Jews in Poland at the Council of Europe Israeli Film Festival ‘Shalom Europa’ at the Star movie theatre Nuits de la Philosophie (evening events on the theme of Philosophy) Activities themed around the duty of remembrance of the holocaust (conferences, exhibitions, site visits) The FSJU Eastern Region also supports Radio Judaica, European Jewish Culture Days in Metz, the Association Culturelle Juive de Nancy / Jewish Cultural Association of Nancy, and the community centres of Colmar, Besançon, Metz and Nancy. Youth Action: The Fonds Social Juif Unifié Est supports the following youth movements and organizations: Les Eclaireurs et Eclaireuses Israélites de France / The Jewish Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of France, the Association des Etudiants Juifs de Strasbourg / Association of Jewish Students of Strasbourg, the Youth Centre of Strasbourg, JMOVE, the Amicale Mutuelle Hébraïque (Hebrew Youth Association), REGUESH, La jeunesse Loubavitch. Academic Action: The Eastern Region includes ten Jewish schools, supported by the Fonds Social Juif Unifié. 1681 children receive education through these schools. They are located in Strasbourg (Beth Hanna, Aquiba, Yehuda Halevi, Tachbar Centre Eshel, ORT, Gan Shalom) and Metz (Nathanel, Collège Rabbi Guershon, Gan Chochana). The “Main dans la Main pour Réussir (Hand in Hand for Success)” program is conducted on the premises of the delegation. Delegation Rhône-Alpes The 7 Jewish schools in the region educate 2,565 children. Lyons: ORT, Villeurbanne: Ecole juive de Lyon et Beth-Menahem Aix-les-Bains : Lycée talmudique boarding school and Tomer Déborah girls’ boarding school Grenoble: Ecole juive de Grenoble Kijon: Ecole Edel de Dijon All are under partnership agreements with the State and supported by the Fonds Social Juif Unifié. 42 The Jewish cultural center of Grenoble Program: Hebrew classes, piano lessons, conferences, shows, celebrations, roundtables, concerts, etc. In the region 123 Latalmid scholarships have been awarded in six Jewish academic establishments in Rhône-Alpes Centre. 5 Samekh conventions for the services of a social worker, a school psychologist and a school nurse were signed with the ORT-Lyon, the Beth-Menahem school in Villeurbanne and the Ecole Juive de Grenoble the ORT in Lyons. Figures 16 member associations: 15 in the identity field (schools, youth, culture), 1 in the social work field 15 association programs supported 279,900 euros in grants for associations: 145,000 euros in the social work field, 134,900 euros for schools, youth and culture Solidarity Comité d’Action Sociale Israélite de Lyon CASIL: 558 households helped and supported 123 Latalmid school lunch subsidies, in six Jewish academic establishments in an amount of 68,550 euros 5 Samekh conventions making it possible to help establishments acquire medical-social professionals Assistance for children: 10 child protection files, 39 scholarships for recreational or vacation centers Operation Pesach: assistance granted to 125 families Amount of assistance paid to people thanks to the CASIL: 126,346 euros Identity Passerelles: 180 people visit the Espace Hillel each month Annual visitation of the Espace Hillel: 8,500 people for all activities combined Delegation Israel The Israel delegation of the FSJU has been established in Jerusalem since 2002. Its missions: to work in close collaboration with various regional directorates, departments and delegations of the FSJU, to produce specific programs and create a connection with the partner programs in Israel. Relations with public officials It acts as the link with French institutions in Israel: the French Embassy, the consulates, French cultural centers, etc. It establishes relationships and partnerships around cultural and educational programs with the municipalities, public services, Israeli institutions and ministries. The institution is represented with Israeli associations, partners, public authorities, politicians, the Francophone Lobby of the Knesset and media. 43 Activities • Traveling cultural programs in France: creation of relationships with Israeli speakers. • Support for local, social, educational or cultural associations. • Creation of a summer ulpan in Tel Aviv intended for audiences from France and elsewhere. • Intervention within associative and public structures to improve knowledge of French Judaism, its history, news and issues. • Preparation and supports for visits to Israel, French delegations of the FSJUAUJF. Partnerships The member associations of the FSJU use the delegation’s services to carry out various programs in France and Israel. In Israel, the FSJU has assisted or brought about the creation of Frenchspeaking associations, such as the Association Française de Solidarité or the Espace Francophone d’Ashdod. The Israeli delegation provides on-site monitoring of relations with our partners, major associations that conduct social and educational programs supported by the FSJU-AUJF. Fondation Fashi Latet ULAI Yad Rachel IDC The delegation is responsible for monitoring, supporting and overseeing the proper use of funds by Israeli partners and grant recipients, as well as the proper development of the supported actions. The organization of trips, missions or visits by donors is also part of its jurisdiction. International relations The headquarters of the major international Jewish institutions are in Israel. The delegation works with a very large number of partners on a daily basis, including: • JCC (Jewish Community Centers/Confédération Mondiale des Centres Communautaires Juifs). • EAJCC (European Association of JCCs/Association Européenne des Centres Communautaires Juifs). • WCJCS (World Council of Jewish Communal Services/Conseil Mondial des Services Communautaires Juifs). 44 Key figures 2014 Identity 50.5% Solidarity 49.5% 197 associations subsidized 3,180,000 euros for Solidarity 3,240,000 euros for Identity of which: 2,000,000 euros for Culture 900,000 euros for Education 300,000 euros for Youth Identity 59% Solidarity 41% 417 programs supported of which: 171 for Solidarity 234 for Identity 12 in infrastructure 45 Key figures Operating costs 14% Financial contributions 52% Services provided 34% The FSJU budget in percentage Total of 15 million euros 7,800,000 euros disbursed/grants 5,100,000 euros in services provided 1,900,000 euros in operating costs Israel 27% 2,100,000 euros France 73% 5,700,000 euros Geographical distribution of grants for 2014 46 National headquarters 39, rue Broca 75005 Paris - 01 42 17 10 10 Côte d’Azur 55, rue Clément Roassal 06000 Nice - 04 93 87 51 72 Rhône-Alpes 113, boulevard Vivier Merle 69003 Lyon - 04 78 85 83 53 Provence-Languedoc 4, impasse Dragon 13006 Marseille - 04 91 37 40 57 Est 11, rue Schwendi 67000 Strasbourg - 03 88 36 52 19 Sud-Ouest 2, place Riquet 31000 Toulouse - 05 62 73 45 45 Israël - Ben Yehuda 34, Jerusalem 94622 - 972 (0) 2 622 36 55 External relations: 01 42 17 11 20 fsju.org