Chronology 16 November 1993-15 February 1994 Source: Journal
Chronology 16 November 1993-15 February 1994 Source: Journal
Chronology 16 November 1993-15 February 1994 Source: Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 23, No. 3 (Spring, 1994), pp. 162-182 Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the Institute for Palestine Studies Stable URL: Accessed: 27-02-2015 17:52 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact University of California Press and Institute for Palestine Studies are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Palestine Studies. This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 16 NOVEMBER199315 FEBRUARY1994 of a chronologybegun inJPS XIII, no. 3 (Spring This sectionis partforty-one 1984). comms. on trade and labor, taxation and banking, and currency. Subcomms. are to meet 11/23-25in Paris,heads of delegations Alleged Hamas mbr. Shadi Muslih 'Isa, on 11/25. (Qol Yisra'el 11/16in FBIS 11/17; 18, attacks Israeli police officer,civilian at MM 11/17) Erez crossingpoint,Gaza Strip,and is shot Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) Gov. dead. (MM 11/16) Muhammad al-Nabulsi says agreement 16-yr.-old Palestinian student Rami reachedwithPalestiniansto retainJordanian Ghazzawi killed when IDF fireson youths have CBJsuperviseand dinaras o.t. currency, stoningsettlercars in al-Birah. 3 otherstumonitorbanking. (JTV 11/16in FBIS 11/17) dentswounded. (MM 11/16) talkson MiddleEast enviMultilateral stalls Settlersin Hebron riot,overturning ronment end in Cairo with Israeli-Arab at fruitand vegetablemarketand attacking agreementon GulfofAqaba oil spills,dispute Palestiniancars. (MM 11/16) on Israeli nuclearwaste,JordanValley land Israeli JusticeM. David Libai, at Maale reclamation. Delegates fr. 40 countries,in warns settlersthat no Ephraim settlement, projects. 4th mtg.,agreeon 20 environmental one could "takethelaw intohis own hands," 11/16 in FBIS 11/17; MM 11/17) (MENA saysgovt."will have to subdueanyattemptto "and leadersin o.t.,Jordan, Palestinian have influenceby illegal means." IDF states to PLO elsewhere"submitmemorandum it will act "firmlyand aggressively"to stop Chmn. ArafatcriticizingPLO performance, settlerassaults,will use "reasonable force." demanding reforms. (MM 11/17, al-Ray (MM 11/16; NYT 11/17) 11/18 in FBIS 11/18) (seeJPS 90, Doc. B6.) PM Rabin tells Secy. of State ChristoKnesset Golan caucus considersbill fr. of pher 12/13 deadline for implementation Likudand NRP amendlaw annexing DoP may not be met. (MM 11/16, 11/17) Golan to requiremajorityof 80 MKs forany Israeli-Palestiniantalks on implementain law. Labor mbrs.ofcaucus express tion of Gaza-Jerichoprovisionsof DoP re- change sympathywith bill, which given current sume in Cairo. Israelidelegationled by IDF bar negoKnessetdivisionswould effectively Dep. Chiefof StaffAmnonShahak, PalestintiationswithSyria. (MM 11/17) ian by PLO officialNabil Shaath. (CairoTV correSyrianVP Khaddamtellsforeign 11/16 in FBIS 11/17) into a big "fell PLO Arafat Chmn. spondents Israel-PLO economic talks in Paris DoP,notes"Thereare4 miltrap"in signing chaired by Fin. M. Avraham Shohat and outside the 3 sub- lion Palestinian refugeesliving PEDRA DG Ahmad Qurai' establish coveredby the 'Gaza-JerichoFirst' territories 16 NOVEMBER StudiesXXIII,no. 3 (Spring1994), pp. 162-182. JounialofPalestine This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CHRONOLOGY 163 agreement."Khaddam claims Arafat"aban18 NOVEMBER doned coordinationwith the Arab parties," states"I believe the majorityof the PalestinSettlersdemonstrateat Israel-Gaza Strip ian people do not supportthe agreement." crossing points to protest11/17 killingof (MM 11/16; SARR 11/16 in FBIS 11/17) IDF soldier Haim Darina, but IDF presents Hizballahoffensive on IDF and SLA; themfr.blockingroads. IslamicJihadclaims Katyushabarragesfiredin "securityzone," responsibilityfor the attack. (MM, RMC assaults on 2 IDF, 6 SLA posts. 12 SLA 11/18) mbrs.takenprisoner,at least 2 IDF soldiers PLO establishes Developmentand Conand 2 SLA mbrs.wounded. 1 Hizballahmbr. structionBank under World Bank supervikilled in attack. IAF bombs 3 Hizballah basion to receiveinternational fundsforPalesses nr. Ba'labakk,knocksout radio antenna. tinian development. (Al-Dustur11/18 in "Black September13 Brigades,"Fateh group FBIS 11/18) opposed to DoP, claims responsibilityfor Israeli Energy M. Moshe Shahal signs katyushabarrageon QiryatShemona. (MM agreementwith EgyptianOil M. Hamdi al11/16,11/17;IDF Radio,AFP 11/16in FBIS Banbi on preparationsforEgypt-Israelnatu11/17) ral gas pipeline. (Qol Yisra'el 11/19 in FBIS Turkish FM Hikmet (etin, in interview 11/19) withJP, saysSyriabehindKurdish attacksin KingHusseinnames 23 mbrs.of40-mbr. Turkey,Israel and Turkeyshould cooperate Jordaniansenate, includingfrmr.PM Zaid on counter-terrorism. (MM 11/16) Rifa'iand Senate spkr.Ahmad Lawzi. (MM Israel Archaeologists Societycalls for 11/19) end to govt.AntiquitiesAuthority search for FrenchFM Alain Juppe holds talks with scrolls in West Bank ("Operation Scroll"), at startof tourof Syria, saying search aims at denying Palestinian Jordan,and Lebanon,proceedsto Ammanfor scholarsaccess to materialsand will complitalks with Jordan's King Hussein. (MM cate futureIsraelicooperationwithPalestini11/19; SARR,JNA 11/18 in FBIS 11/18) ans and Jordan. (WT 11/17) Israeli archaeologists in "Operation Scroll" reportfinding2d centuryA.D. manuin Wadi Qarantal, nr. scripts and artifacts 17 NOVEMBER Jericho.(NYT 11/19) Palestinianyouthsin al-Biraherectbarricades,bum tires,and stoneIDF soldiersafter 19 NOVEMBER funeralof Rami Ghazzawi,killed 11/16. (MM 11/17) IDF res. sgt. Haim Darinastabbedto death at Nahal Oz crossingbtwn.Gaza Strip and Israelby Palestinianstudentat Gaza City IslamicCollege,who is detainedby Israelicivilian. Several dozen demonstrators protest recentkillingsin Jerusalem,some bearing signs calling PM Rabin a "traitor." (MM 11/18) FM Peres,on Israel radio,warns settlers, sayinglaw applies to "whoeveris breakinga law, no matterto which nationhe belongs." (MM 11/17) Israeli Police and EnergyM. Moshe Shahalmeetsin CairowithEgyptianOil, and Ag. Ms on energycooperaElectricity, tion,settingup 30 mw solar powerstationto serve Aqaba, Taba, and Eilat. Shahal also carriesmessageto EgyptianPres.Mubarakfr. FM Peres. (MM 11/17;MENA 11/17, 11/18 in FBIS 11/18) IDF ChiefofStaffLt. Gen. Ehud Barakorof IDF unitsin o.t. to act ders reinforcement "withdetermination" againstPalestinianrioters and Israeli settlerswho break law. (MM 11/19) Internal IDF document forsees "bloodlettingbtwn.Jews,"civil revolt,and refusal of IDF soldiers to obey orders as consequences of DoP. (Ha'Aretz11/19 in FBIS 11/22) Palestinian business owners announce formationin Abu Dhabi of Palestinian Development and InvestmentCompany, with an initial capital of $200 m., $100 m. of which alreadysubscribed. (MM 11/19) French FM Juppe holds talks in Beirut with Lebanese Pres. al-Hirawi,PM al-Hariri, FM Buwayz, focusingon trade, economic, culturalrelations,securitycooperation,and Lebanese-Israelitalks. (RL 11/19 in FBIS 11/19) This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 164 JOURNALOF PALESTINESTUDIES 20 NOVEMBER U.S. Senate approvesby voice vote resolutionurgingArab League to end boycottof Israel. (WJW 11/25) clearedby censors. (NYT 11/23; CSM, WP, WT 11/24) 23 NOVEMBER PLO-Israel talkson Israeli withdrawalfr. Gaza and Jerichoresumein Cairo. Palestinian negotiatorNabil Shaath reportsprogress PLO Chmn. Arafat orders Palestinian on release of Palestinianprisoners. (MENA forcesto prepareto formGaza- 11/23 in FBIS 11/23; NYT, WT 11/24) PLO-Israel talks on economic cooperaJerichopolice force.(CSM, NYT, WT 11/22) Council of Jewish Communitiesin Ju- tion resumein Paris. (MM 11/24) 22 Palestiniangraduatesof Egyptianpodea, Samaria and Gaza issues statement pledging "militant direct action" against lice academy cross into Gaza Strip to form Israel-PLODoP, urgingsettlersto ignorePal- nucleus of Palestinian police force. (NYT 11/24) estinianpolice. (NYT 11/22) Muhammad 'Ali Fara of Khan Yunis, Jordan'sKing Hussein meets in Damasto evade IDF cus withSyrianPres. Hafiz al-Asad to coor- Gaza Strip,shot dead trying dinatepositionspriorto tourby Secy.of State roadblock in Jabaliyacamp. In Idnah, nr. Christopher. 2 sides affirm"necessity of Hebron, 'Abd al-Razzaq Shahada killed by reachinga just and comprehensivepeace." premature detonation of roadside bomb. (Qol Yisra'el 11/23 in FBIS 11/23; NYT (MM, NYT 11/22) PM Rabin returnsto Israel after10-day 11/24; WT 11/25) 12th Jordanianparliamentopens; frmr. tour of U.S., Canada. At press conference, Rabin saysIsraelwill tryto meet 12/13dead- PM Tahir al-Masri elected speakerof lower line forwithdrawalfr.Gaza and Jericho,but house 57-22, defeatingIslamic Action Front says "it's not a holy date." (Qol Yisra'el candidate. (MM 11/23) 11/21 in FBIS 11/22; MM 11/22) House of Representativespasses 425-1 resolutionurgingArab League to liftboycott 24 NOVEMBER of Israel. (WJW 11/25) PLO-Israel talks on transferof authority over health, education, and other services 22 NOVEMBER open in al-Arish, Egypt.Israeli delegation 21 NOVEMBER headedby Brig.Gen. Gadi Zohar,head of in West Bank,PLO delCivil Administration PLO officers 'Abd al-Razzaqal-Majayda egationby JamalTarifi. (MM 11/24) and 'Abd Allah Farah arrivein Gaza Stripfr. Egyptto plan deploymentof Palestinianpolice. (MM 11/22) Arab League Sec.-Gen. Ismat 'Abd alMajid, aftercouncil Cairo, says boycott of Israel will continue,noting"the reasons thatled to its imposition-thecontinuation of the occupation and the need for Palestinians to gain their rights-are still valid." (Egyptian Radio 11/22 in FBIS 11/23; WT 11/23) Frmr. Israeli militaryintelligencechief Aharon Yariv publiclyadmits that Mossad assassinated 10 to 15 Palestinian guerrilla leaders in Europeand Lebanon in 1970s in retaliationformurderof 11 Israeliathletesat 1972 Olympicsby "Black September"faction. Yarivsaysfrmr. PM Golda Meir approvedactions,admitsMoroccanwaiterkilledin Norwith wayin 1973 by mistake.Yarivinterview Israeli TV taped 1 yr. ago but only now PLO-Israel economic subcomms. on trade and labor, fiscal issues, and banking and financebegin sessions in Paris. (MM 11/24) Hamas-PFLP-DFLP coalition opposed to DoP wins all 9 seats on BirzeitUniversity student council, defeatingFateh-PPP slate DoP. Resultends 16 yrs.of dominafavoring tionofstudentcouncilby Fateh. (MM 11/24, 11/25; NYT 11/25) Imad 'Aql, 21, alleged head of Hamas "'Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades" military wing, killed in shoot-outwith IDF at Gaza City roadblock. PM Rabin calls action a "greatachievement";IDF Chiefof StaffBarak termsit an "importantachievementin the war againstterror."Hamas, Fateh call 3-day generalstrikein protest. In al-BuraAcamp, MuhammadIlian, 32, alleged drugtrafficker stabbed to death by masked Palestinians. (Qol Yisra'el 11/24in FBIS 11/26;NYT, WP, This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CHRONOLOGY 165 WT 11/25) "we can stillbe on time." (MM, WT 11/29) PalestiniannegotiatorZiyad Abu Zayyad suspends his participationin talks with Ismeasures in raelis on confidence-building protestof Israelipositionon prisonerrelease. (MM 11/29) IDF undercoverunit in Gaza kills Fateh Hawks mbrs. Ahmad Abu al-Rish, 23, and 25 NOVEMBER Farid Imtair,21, in gunfight.Al-Rish had IDF fireson Gaza CityPalestinianspro- been grantedamnestyearlierin theweek and testingkillingof Hamas leader Imad 'Aql, takenoffIDF wantedlist. (MM, NYT 11/29) Israelipeace activistAbie Nathan scuttles woundingbtwn. 16 and 37. Ahmad 'Abd AllahZahama killedin incident.Fadil Ziyad, M V Peace, the base forhis pirate"Voice of 18, wounded in clash with IDF 11/24 in Peace" radiostation,whichceased broadcasting 10/1. (MM 11/29) Gaza, dies in hospital. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/26) Israeli archaeologists report finding 5,000-yr.-oldskeleton of Canaanite soldier 29 NOVEMBER in cave nr. Jerichoas part of month-long search of 350 caves in West Bank. (NYT 5,000 Palestiniansmarchin Khan Yunis 11/26) funeralof AhmadAbu al-Rish. 1 Palestinian PM Rabin tells ITV 12/13 deadline for wounded by IDF gunfirein clashes in Gaza startof IDF withdrawalfr.Gaza and Jericho City. (WT 11/30) "notsacred."(MM 11/26;NYT,WT 11/27) Fateh hawks cmdr. Taysir Bardini, 26, Al-Arish,Cairo talks recess, negotiations capturedby IDF aftergun,grenadebattlein to resumenextweek. (MENA 11/25 in FBIS Rafah camp, Gaza Strip. Hawks announce 11/26) "resumption of intensive militaryaction" against Israeli targets. (AFP 11/29 in FBIS 11/30; MM, NYT 11/30) 26 NOVEMBER PLO-Israel talks in Cairo, al-Arish reJordan'sKing Hussein pays officialvisit to Egypt,meetingPres. Mubarakand ending 3 yrs' estrangement over Jordan'sstance in 1990-91 Gulfcrisis. (NYT, WP, WT 11/25) IDF kills Hamas leader Khalid Mustafa sume. PLO official NabilShaathreports pro- gresson release of Palestinianprisoners,but Zir,25,in shoot-out in SurBahir,nr.Jerusa- PM Rabin refusesto give details. Environlem. IDF also discloses 11/8 deathof Hamas mentM. Yossi Sarid says "it's obvious more mbr.Salim Sabah, killedafterhe shot an Is- Palestinianprisonerswill be releasedgraduraeli motorist.(WT 11/27) ally." (MM 11/29, 11/30; WT 11/30) PLO Chmn. Arafat,in Oslo at startof Council of JewishCommunitiesin Judea, Nordictour,warnsthatviolence in o.t. must Samaria,and Gaza ("Yesha") announcesfornotdelay 12/13startofIsraeli withdrawalfr. mation of "Hashomer" volunteer guard units to defend settlements. Also, "Irgun Gaza, Jericho.(NYT, WT 11/27) Yehudi Leumi" (IYAL- JewishNationalist Organization) issues leaflets in settlements calling on settlersto refusemandatoryIDF 27 NOVEMBER service. (MM 11/30) Hadashot publisherAmos Schockentells PLO Chmn. Arafat,in Stockholm,says Gaza-Jerichotalks at an impasse, blames IDF radio afternoontabloidwill close due to Israel for "play[ing]games" on question of low circulationand fallingadvertisingrevenues. (MM 11/29; WT 12/1) IDF withdrawal.(NYT 11/28) 28 NOVEMBER 30 NOVEMBER IDF kills 1 Palestinian, wounds 80 in PLO Chmn.Arafat,in Helsinki,says success of DoP depends on Israel meeting clashes in Gaza, worst violence since DoP 12/13 deadline for withdrawal fr. Gaza, signed 9/13. IDF cmdr. in Gaza Maj. Gen. Jericho.IsraeliPM Rabinrespondsthat"It Matan Vilnai meets 5 Fateh leaders to diswouldn'tbe so terribleifthewithdrawalwere cuss cease-fire. Fateh sources say Vilnai delayedby two weeks," while FM Peres, on agreedto end IDF searchesforPLO militants, 1stvisitbyan Israeliministerto Albania,says but IDF sources say only thatIsrael will re- This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 166 JOURNALOF PALESTINESTUDIES duce trooplevels and ease some restrictions. Jordan and Israel initial agreementalJacquesNeriah,aide to PM Rabin,fliesto Tu- lowing banksinWestBanktoreoJordanian nis fortalkswith PLO Chmn. Arafat.Arafat pen. (Qol Yisra'el12/1in FBIS 12/3;NYT providesNeriah with i.d. tag of IDF soldier 12/5) missingduring1982 war in Lebanon. (MM 11/30, 12/1; NYT, WP, WT 12/1) Jordanianand Israeliofficialsmeetin 2 DECEMBER Washingtonfortalkson economiccooperation. Working group also includes U.S., Settlersblock roads, riot in o.t. after2d hosted by special coordinatorDennis Ross. victimof 12/1 al-Birahattackdies. 2 Pales(MM 11/30, 12/1) tinianswounded by IDF in Gaza. (MM, WT VP Al Gore announces formation of 12/3) "Builders for Peace," a task forceto coordiIsraeli AG Michael Ben-Yairissues order nate U.S. privateinvestment in o.t. Group's to chiefof police, IDF that"Hashomer" setco-presidents are James Zogby of Arab tlementguard units are illegal, "contradict AmericanInstituteand frmr.U.S. Rep. Mel th[e]authority of the securityforces." Police Levine. (WP 12/1) IG RafiPeled latersaysCivil Guardunitswill U.S. andRussiaintroduce UNGAresolu- be set up in settlements, police will not option draftedby Israel and PLO supporting pose establishment of Hashomer"withinthe DoP, Israel-Jordancommon agenda. (MM framework of the law." (MM 12/2, 12/3) 12/1) PLO Exec. Comm. statementsays Cairo, U.S. Undersecy. of DefenseFrankWis- al-Arishtalks at "an impasse." (MM 12/2; ner arrivesin Jordanfr.Israelto discuss WT 12/3) joint securitycooperation.Tour also includes Egypt,Saudi Arabia,Gulfstates. (MM 11/30) CIA DirectorAdm. James Woolsey, appearing on CNN's "Larry King Live," ac- 3 DECEMBER Secy. of State Christopher arrives in knowledgesthat "Israel is generallyre- Israel at startof Middle East tour. PM Rabin gardedas havingsome kind of nuclear tells U.S. to stayout of Israel-PLO talks,saycapability"in 1st public U.S. recognitionof Israelinuclearweapons. (MM 12/1) ing "we do not need uncles, fathers,grand(NYT, WT 12/4) mothersand grandfathers." $7 m.windturbine farmto supplyelecPLO Political Dept. head Faruq al-Qadto Israelopenedon Golan Heights. dumimeetsin WashingtonwithU.S., World tricity (MM 12/1) 1 DECEMBER Israelikindergarten teacherkilled,3 set- tlerswounded by Palestiniangunmenin alBirah. Hamas, DFLP claim responsibility for attack; IDF imposes curfew on al-Birah, Ramallah. Settlersblock roads, stone Palestinian cars in retaliation.(MM 12/1; NYT, WP, WT 12/2) IDF declaresGaza Stripa "closedmili- tary area," barringjournalistsfr. reporting there. (MM 12/1) PLO Exec. Emergency Bank officialsto discuss economic developmentof o.t. (San'a' VOP 12/3 in FBIS 12/7) Settlersrampagein Hebron,wounding4 Palestinians. IDF does nothingto stop gunbearing settlers,but detains 20 Palestinian In Gaza, alleged Fatehmbrs. stone-throwers. open fireon 2 IDF posts; no casualties reported. (MM 12/3; NYT, WP, WT 12/4) Israel AntiquitiesAuthority's "Operation Scroll" scheduled to end. Searchforancient started11/14, Hebrew and Jewishartifacts, involved30 archaeologistsand 300 workers, examined350 sites,and cost $350,000. Operationprotestedby Palestinians,who say it violated1954 UN conventionon culturalartifactsand was intendedto stripo.t. sitesbefore Palestinianautonomy.(WP 12/4) Tunis called to discuss negotiationswith Israel failsto reachquorumdue to boycottby Mahmud 'Abbas, Yasir 'Abd-Rabbuh, Sulaiman al-Najab. (MBC TV 12/2 in FBIS 4 DECEMBER 12/3; WT 12/2) Egyptianand Israelisourcessay Egyptian Secy. of State Christopheropens talks Pres. Mubarakhas liftedrestrictions on withPMRabin,says"I don'tknowthatthere to Israel,endingpolice is an appropriaterole forme.... I certainly Egyptians travelling reviewsand questioning.(WP 12/2) don't want to interposemyself" in Israel- This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CHRONOLOGY 167 PLO negotiations.(NYT, WT 12/5) 6 DECEMBER PLO Exec. Comm. establishescommittee to overseenegotiations withIsrael. Names of Secy. of State Christophermeets PLO mbrs.are not made public. (NYT 12/5) Chmn.Arafatat U.S. embassyin Amman. At Hamas list wins 81% of votes,all 9 seats press conferenceafter2-hr. mtg.,Arafatapin Gaza Islamic College studentcouncilelec- peals for U.S. pressure on Israel to meet tions. Fatehlistwins 11%, IslamicJihad6%, 12/13 deadline for withdrawalfr. Jericho, and DFLP 2%. (Qol Yisra'el 12/4 in FBIS Gaza. Christopher declinesto getinvolvedin Israel-PLO talks,but calls for"timelyimple12/6) Settlerscontinuerioting in Hebron,fir- mentation" of DoP schedule and pledges "non-lethalassistance" to Palestinianpolice. ing submachineguns at Palestiniancars. 3 Palestinians wounded. Palestinian homes Christopheralso meets separatelywith Jordan's King Hussein. PM Rabin claims there also firedupon, stoned. (NYT, WT 12/5) is "a tacit understanding"with PLO that deadline not firm. FM Peres says he will meet Arafat12/9 at UNESCO conferencein 5 DECEMBER Spain. (NYT, WP, WT 12/7) PM Rabin calls Syrianagreementto allow to search formissingIDF Secy.of StateChristopher meetsin Da- U.S. investigators mascuswithSyrian,whoagrees soldiersin Lebanon "an importantstep forto let U.S. investigators search for7 Israelis ward" and "a big window of hope for the missingin Lebanon and to grantexitpermits families"of the Israeli MIAs. (NYT 12/7) to SyrianJews by end 12/93. Christopher Israeli Finance M. AvrahamShohat and calls talks "positive and constructive,"al- PLO official Ahmad Qurai' resume Paris Asad's moves "importanthumanitarianges- talks on economicissues. (Qol Yisra'el 12/6 tures." U.S. agreesto allow Kuwaitto trans- in FBIS 12/7) fer3 U.S.-made aircraftto Syriain a relaxaPalestiniangunmenattacksettlervan in tion of sanctionson Damascus. (NYT, WP, QiryatArba,Hebron,killing2 and wounding WT 12/6; NYT 12/7) 3. Hamas claims responsibilityfor attack. Settlers riot,attackingPalestinianhomes and Israel-PLOtalksin Cairo and al-'Arish, cars. (NYT, WP, WT 12/7) Sinai,on Palestinianautonomyresume. (WT IDF undercoverunit kills Hamas mbr. 12/6) 'Abd al-RahmanAruri,31, on his frontporch Jordanian,Israeli govts.sign accord on in Arura,nr. Ramallah. (MM 12/7) economic cooperation,initialedby negotiaTimemagazinereportsthatconvictedspy torsin Washington12/1. (MM 12/7) JonathanPollard passed a National Security Palestinian grocer Talal al-Bakri, shot Agencylistingof foreignintelligencefrequen12/4in Hebronbysettlers, dies. 5 settlers cies to Israel thatlaterwas receivedby Soviarrestedin connectionwith killing. (NYT, ets,ruiningseveralb. dollars'workand compromisinglives of U.S. informants.Justice WP,WT 12/6) Dept., securityofficialsreportedlyadvising IsraeliAGBen-Yair callssettlers' council AG JanetReno againsta pardon forPollard. a "seditious"organization, while Ag. M. (WT 12/6, 12/7; NYT 12/7) Yaacov Tsur calls 12/4 shootingof Talal alIsrael, Laos reestablishdiplomaticrelaBakrian incidentof "Jewishterror." (MM tions in agreementsignedin New York. (Qol 12/6) Yisra'el 12/7 in FBIS 12/8) Armed Palestinian, Khalid Awad Shihada,attacksIsraelison suburbanTel Avivbus,killingreserve IDF soldierbefore 7 DECEMBER beingkilledhimself.IslamicJihadclaimsreforattack.Israelisdemonstrate at sponsibility attacksite,some shouting"Death to Arabs!" (NYT, WP, WT 12/6) Frmr.IsraeliPM Shamirtells ZionistOrganizationof Baltimorethat Israeligovt.has made a pact with "terrorists and murderers"in signingDoP, says agreementreflects"an Arab plan to destroyIsrael in stages." (WT 12/7) Secy. of StateChristophermeets PM Rabin, reportson talkswith Syrian,PLO leaders. Christopherreportedly tells Rabin Syria readyto resumenegotiations.Rabin says 1st priorityis implementingIsrael-PLO DoP. Christophercalls that priority"entirelyappropriate,"but notesU.S. seeks "comprehensive solution in the region." Christopher also meets Palestinian delegation including This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 168 JOURNALOF PALESTINE STUDIES FaisalHusseini, Ghassanal-Khatib, Zakariya al-Agha,and Hanan Ashrawi.(NYT, WP, WT 12/8;Qol Yisra'el12/7in FBIS 12/8) PLO Chmn.Arafat, in Bonn,says12/13 deadlineforstart ofIsraeliwithdrawal "a sacreddate,"buta PLO sourcesaysArafat told PLO Central CouncilandExec.Comm.toexpecta delayof 1 to 2 weeks.(NYT 12/8) Thousands turnoutforfuneral procession fr.Tel Avivthrough Jerusalem to Hebronof settlers killed12/6. Settlers shootat Palestinianhousesandbreakcarwindowsin Hebron.(NYT,WT 12/8;WT 12/9) ShaykhKhalid Zakaria Sakallah, 45, killedby maskedgunmenin Gaza. Both Hamas and Fatehcondemnkilling.(MM 12/8) auton1stmayorof Gaza underPalestinian omy.(MM 12/9) PalestinianfarmerKhamisAbu Awad, 51, shotdead by settlerfromShilohsettlebeing mentnr.Ramallahin WestBankafter (WP, WT 12/10) offhistractor. ordered 10 DECEMBER meetsPLO Secy. of StateChristopher Chmn.Arafatin Tunis,1stvisitby a U.S. delivers secy.ofstatetoPLO hq. Christopher fr.PM Rabinto Arafat invitation so Cairo,saysbothshouldreach"agreement Christopher theaccordwillmoveforward." byPLO plansfor alsosayshe is "impressed" in o.t. LaterChristoeconomic development phermeetsin RabatwithMoroccanKing Hassan II. (NYT, WP, WT 12/11;NYT 8 DECEMBER 12/13) in am3 Palestinianskilledby settlers PLO and Israelinegotiators in Cairoexclaimsrechangeproposalstobridgedisagreements on bushnr.Hebron.Kachmovement for attack. (NYT, WP, WT implementingGaza-Jerichowithdrawal. sponsibility 12/11) (NYT 12/9) HananAshrawi spokeswoman Palestinian Secy.ofStateChristopher meetsEgyptian Palestinian Pres.Mubarakin Cairo,saysU.S. does not resignsfr.herPLO poststoform objectto delayin Gaza-Jericho if Independent Commission for Human withdrawal had earlierbeennominated Israeland PLO feeltheyneed "a fewmore Rights.Ashrawi D.C. daysor whatever periodoftimeto workout to head PLO officein Washington, someexisting problems."(CSM, NYT,WT (NYT,WP, WT 12/11) PFLP mbr.Zaki AhmadNajar killedin 12/9) camp,GazaStrip.PFLPsayshe died shotand woundedbyPalestinian Jabaliya Settler othersourcesblame accident; IDF imposescurfew, in Bethlehem. searches ingun-cleaning or IDF undercover units. fighting Palestinian homes,detainsseveralsuspects. factional IDF reportedly reinforces troopsin o.t. and (NYT 12/14) detainsdozensof Palestinian opponentsof DoP as preventative measurebeforeanniversaryofintifada.(CSM,NYT,WT 12/9) 11 DECEMBER 9 DECEMBER in 2,000IsraelisholdmarchinJerusalem ofDoP andtoprotest settler vigilante support counterdemonactions. 300 right-wing fr.peacemarchers by strators keptseparated police. (WT 12/12) Hamasleadsmarchin Gaza Cityto mark protestIsrael-PLOacintifadaanniversary, cord. IDF opensfire,wounding1 Palestinian. SimilarmarchheldbyIslamicJihadin Jabaliya camp. (WP, WT 12/12) IDF officer killed,soldierwoundedin anmissileattackon IDF patrolin "securtitank Lebanon.(Qol Yisra'el ityzone," southern 12/11in FBIS 12/13) meet IsraeliFMPeres,PLO Chmn.Arafat to remove barriin Granada,Spain,in effort of DoP. Arafatcalls ers to implementation whilean Israelisource mtg."very important," it as "tense,"saysPM Rabin"not describes happy"withmtg. No detailsrevealedby eitherside, but Peres calls it "a tour not"negotiations." d'horizon," (NYT 12/10) meetsagainin Secy.ofStateChristopher Damascuswith SyrianPres. al-Asad,anwith nouncesSyriawillresumenegotiations Israeland thatal-AsadwillmeetU.S. Pres. Clintonin Geneva1/94. (CSM, NYT,WP, 12 DECEMBER WT 12/10) Gaza City MansurShawwa,son offrmr. and IsraeliPM Rabin PLO Chmn.Arafat RashadShawwa,namedbyPLO tobe mayor This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CHRONOLOGY 169 meetin Cairobutfailto reachagreement on jeep. 2 otherPalestinians,said to be mbrs.of Israeliwithdrawal fr.GazaandJericho, dueto eitherIslamic Jihad or PFLP's Red Eagles, begin12/13. The 2 leadersagreeto meet shot dead by IDF in Rafah. (MM 12/13; againin 10 days,and saydelaydoesnoten- NYT, WP, WT 12/14) dangerDoP or 4/13/94deadlineforend of 41 Palestinian police trainedin Jordan withdrawal. (NYT,WP,WT 12/13) take up dutyat OrientHouse, East Jerusalem LebanesePres. al-HirawimeetsSyrian hq. of Palestiniandelegationto peace talks. DamascustodiscussSecy.of (WP 12/14) StateChristopher's recent tourandcoordinate positions fornextroundoftalkswithIsrael. (RL,VOL, SARR12/12in FBIS 12/13;MM 14 DECEMBER 12/13) U.S.officials sayMoroccoandIsraelhave UNGA passes resolution drafted by reacheda packageof agreements, including Israel, PLO, and U.S.,expressing"full supEl Al flights toMoroccoandRoyalAirMaroc port"forIsrael-PLO peace talks. Resolution to Israel,directMoroccan-Israel flights tele- 1stin 2 decades on Middle East peace not to phoneandpostallinks,exchanges ofvisitsby criticizeIsrael. 2 otherresolutions,callingIsreligious and businessleaders, jointbanking raeli rule over Jerusalemand Golan Heights andmorefrequent direct arrangements, polit- illegal,also pass, 85 countriesabstainingon icalcontacts.(NYT 12/13) Golan resolution. (MM, NYT, WP 12/15) MortonKlein,an opponent ofIsrael-PLO (see Doc. A2.) accord,electedpres.ofZionistOrganization Israeli Industryand Trade M. Micha HarofAmericabyvoteof 144-127,andhisslate ish announces Morocco has been removed of 10 candidates electedto top ZOA posts. fromlist of "hostile" countriesbarredfrom Observers call election"clearvictory forop- tradewithIsrael. Harishsays he expectsTuponents" ofDoP. (MM 12/14;WJW12/16) nisia to be takenfromlistnext. (MM 12/15) Palestinian gunmenattackIsraelibus in PLO Chmn. Arafat begins 1st official Hebron,WestBank,seriously wounding its visit to Britain,lasting 2 days, with mtgs. driver.(NYT,WT 12/13) with PM Major, frmr.PM Thatcher,ArchLibyanleaderMu'ammar al-Qadhafi pub- bishop of Canterbury, MPs, and ForeignOfliclyinvites Sabrial-Banna("AbuNidal")and ficeofficials.(MM 12/14; NYT 12/16) AhmadJibril ofPFLP-GCfora conference in 1 Hamas mbr. killed,2 escape when IsTripoli.(WT 12/13) raeliborderpolice stop stolencar riggedwith explosivesin Gaza City. Husam al-Bakri,20, fatallywounded when IDF opens fire on stone-throwersat Hamas mbr.'s funeral. 13 DECEMBER (MM 12/14; WP, WT 12/15) PM Rabin heckled by right-wing protesDeadlineforstartof Israeliwithdrawal fr.Gaza,Jericho passes. PM Rabintellsre- tersat dedicationof Modi'in, a new planned porters, "Thereare no sacreddates,and I city. Demonstratorscall Rabin "traitor," cannotgivea commitment thatthe imple- throw bottles, coffee at him. (WP, WT of theagreement mentation willbe finished 12/15) Conference in Tripoli, Libya grouping by April13th." Rabinalso announcesthat to Arab radicalgroupsopens. Invitedare PFLPremaining Palestinians expelled12/17/92 Lebanonwillbe allowedtoreturn thisweek. GC and FRC ("Abu Nidal" faction). (WT 12/16) (CSM,NYT,WP,WT 12/14) PLO Chmn.ArafataddressesEuropean in Strasbourg, Parliament France,appealing forEU financial toPalestinian develsupport opment and notingfinancial crisiswilllimit sizeofPalestinian policeforce.(MM 12/14) IDF announces ithasbeenholding a "dialogue"withHamas leadersin Gaza Strip. (IDF Radio12/13in FBIS 12/13) IslamicJihadmbr.AnwarAziz hijacks ambulance btwn.BaytLahiyaand Jabaliya camp,Gaza Strip,forsuicide-bomb attack. Azizkilled,IDF soldierwoundedwhenAziz drivesexplosives-filled ambulanceintoIDF 15 DECEMBER 197 Palestinianmbrs. of Hamas and Islamic Jihadreturnfr.Lebanon at end of 1-yr. exile. The Islamistactivistswill be processed throughIsraeli prisons before returningto homes in o.t. PM Rabin, touringGaza settlement,promises"toughmeasures"if"we have even the slightestsuspicion that[the returnees] intendor are involved"in attackson Israelis. (NYT, WP, WT 12/16) This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 170 JOURNALOF PALESTINE STUDIES Israel-PLOtalkson civilissuesrelated funded. (MM 12/17) to yr.projects to be fully Gaza-Jericho self-rule resumein al-Arish, SiIsraeli police arrest6, including5 Amernai. (MM 12/15) icans,on suspicionofcachingweaponsand Working groupofMiddleEast Multilat- planningattackson Palestinians. Thoseareral Talks EconomicDevelopment of the late U.S.-born Comm. restedare followers ends Cairo,approves4 agriculturalRabbiMeirKahane. (CSM, NYT,WP, WT projects, pollution control projectforGulfof 12/20) Aqaba,and jointtourism projectforEgypt, Israel,ando.t.(MENA12/15in FBIS 12/16) AshrafMuhammad Halil, 18, killedby 18 DECEMBER IDF whenhe attacks soldierswithax during searchofhistoolbaginJabaliya camp,Gaza. Israel-PLO talks on withdrawalheld in (WT 12/16) Norway.Israelidelegationheadedby FM Peres, includes EnvironmentM. Yossi Sarid 16 DECEMBER Maj.Gen.Amnon andIDF Dep. ChiefofStaff Shahak.PLO sideincludesYasir'Abd-RabAhmadQurai'. (WP,WT buh,NabilShaath, IDF seals off4 settlements nr. Nablus 12/19) Anti-DoP protests in Ramallah lead to and prevents fr.bringofsettlers procession clashesin which4 PalestiniingTorahscrollstoJewish religious center in IDF-Palestinian Nablus.15 settlers arrested. Neworders, is- ans wounded.(WP, WT 12/19) sued12/12butonlymadepublictoday, permitIDF toplaceJewish settlements as wellas Palestinian townsandvillagesundercurfew, 19 DECEMBER take"strong action"against setlaw-breaking tlers.(NYT,WT 12/17) complete2 Israeliand PLO delegations FM Peres,in Paris,saysIsraeland PLO days of talks in Norwayon implementation haveagreedto openeconomicmarket btwn. of DoP. No progress reported.(NYT, WP, IsraelandPalestinian self-governing areas,al- WT 12/20) tofreely farmprolowingPalestinians export Frmr. Israeli Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi duce to Israeland importgoods fr.Arab Shlomo Goren says IDF soldiers must disostates.Disagreements overcurrency, tieswith beyanyordersto evacuate in o.t. settlements remain.(MM 12/16) Jordan JusticeM. David Libai reviewsGoren'sreUnnamed meetpri- markstosee ifhe shouldbe charged PLO,Israeliofficials withsevatelyatundisclosed locations totrytobridge dition. (Qol Yisra'el 12/19 in FBIS 12/21; differences of MM, NYT, WT 12/20) preventing implementation PLO-Israel Gaza-Jericho withdrawal. talksin on civilissuesrecess.(CSM 12/17; al-Arish MENA12/16in FBIS 12/17) 20 DECEMBER congressionaldelegation madeup ofSens. DeConReps.ofIsrael,PLO,anddonorcountries cini (D-AZ), Specter(R-PA),Grassley(R- holdtalksin Oslo on creation of andfunding IA), and Graham(D-FL) and Rep.Richard- Palestinian police force. PLO officialNabil son (D-NM). Talksfocuson overcoming im- Shaathsays$100 m. neededfortask. (MM topeaceprocess.(SARR12/16in 12/21) pediments FBIS 12/16;MM 12/17) UNGA passes resolution supporting peace process and calling for Israeli with- territory occupied drawalfr."thePalestinian and fr.the since1967,including Jerusalem, Resolution, otheroccupiedArabterritories." "illegalandan obstato journalists, whichcallssettlements PM Rabin,in comments sayshe maypostpone mtg.withPLO Chmn. cletopeace,"adoptedbyvoteof92 forand5 with51 abstentions. (MM 12/21) Arafatscheduledfor12/20becauseIsrael- against, of Jerusalem LatinPatriarch Monsignor PLO disagreements areso severetheywould urgesIsraelto makemtg.unsuccessful. (MM 12/17;NYT, MichelSabbah,in interview, overJeru"rethink" WP 12/18) positionon sovereignty World Bank VP Caio Koch-Weser an- salem, free Hamas leader Shaykh Ahmad gesture.(MM 12/20;WT nouncesdonorshave pledged$570 m. for Yasinas a goodwill in 1994,allowingall lst- 12/21) aid to Palestinians 17 DECEMBER This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CHRONOLOGY 171 Israeli govt.officialconfirms sources say Dep. AG Philip Heymann will thatPollard'ssentencebe retends to annex "several hundred" dunums recommend of West Bank land to extendGivatZe'ev set- duced. (WP 12/23) tlementtowardJerusalem. Settlers'council says 136,415 Israelislive in o.t. (MM 12/21) Fateh Uprising,in statementfr.Damas- 23 DECEMBER cus, warnsChristianpilgrimstheymaynotbe safe if theyvisitJerusalemor otherholysites Versailles talks btwn.Israel and PLO adin o.t. duringChristmasseason. (AFP 12/20 journ,withbothsidesreporting but progress in FBIS 12/21; WT 12/21) to reconvene Negotiations no breakthrough. 3 Hamas mbrs.returned fr.exile 12/1512/27in Cairo. (NYT,WP 12/24) 'Abd al-'Aziz Rantisi,'Abd Allah Dukan, and AG JanetReno says no decision reached MuhammadSham'a-placed underadminis- on recommendation Polin caseofJonathan trativedetention for 6 mos. (Qol Yisra'el lard. WT publishes byPollardinstatements 12/20 in FBIS 12/21) forhisespionage he has no remorse dicating 21 DECEMBER Israeli delegationunderFM Peres meets PLO delegationheaded by Yasir 'Abd-Rabbuh in Paris in effort to breakdeadlock over withdrawalfr.Jericho,Gaza. Sides remain dividedoversize ofarea aroundJerichoto be evacuated, securityarrangementsat border crossings. (CSM, NYT, WP 12/22) Bethlehemmunicipality preparesfor 1st officialChristmascelebrationssince 1986, sayingobservancewill go on despitedispute with occupationauthoritiesover display of Palestinianflagat cityhall. Israeliauthorities bar erectionof Christmastree donated by Norway,citingconcernsover plant diseases. (WT 12/22;NYT, WP 12/23) IDF permits1,000 settlersto carryTorah scroll to yeshivain Nablus. Ceremonyattendedby 4 MKs. IDF had blocked similar attempt12/16. (MM 12/22) Pope JohnPaul II announcesplan to visit Lebanonin spring1994, intentionto visitJerusalem. (MM 12/21; WP, WT 12/22) 22 DECEMBER Secy.ofDeon behalfofIsrael.Meanwhile, fenseLes AspintellstheWhiteHousePolin information lardhastriedtopassclassified 14 letters sentfr.prison.(WT 12/24;NYT 12/28) airport, landsatJerusalem flight Aeroflot serviceto city. startofinternational marking (WT 12/25) thatRussianpolitireport Israeliofficials cian Vladimir Zhirinovsky,widely regarded toimwas sentan invitation as anti-Semitic, migrateto Israel in 1983. (WP 12/24; NYT 12/28) 24 DECEMBER ChristmasEve celebratedin Bethlehem flag,messagefr. withdisplayof Palestinian PLO Chmn.Arafat.(NYT,WP, WT 12/25) IDF It. col. killed, 2 IDF soldiers prewoundedin ambushby Palestinians, sumedmbrs.of Hamas,in Gaza Strip.In stonemaskedPalestinian separateincident, killedby IDF in Bayt'Umar,nr. thrower Bethlehem.(Qol Yisra'el 12/24 in FBIS 12/27; NYT, WP, WT 12/25) Arab League Sec.-Gen. Ismat 'Abd al- Majidsends letterto U.S. Congresssaying boycottof Israel will be liftedonly afterIsPLO-Israel talks continue at Versailles, raeli withdrawal fr. o.t. (MENA 12/24 in of Norwegianoffi- FBIS 12/27) France,withparticipation cials. Progresson bordersecurityreported. (NYT, WP, WT 12/23) Drive-by shooting in Baytuniya,West 25 DECEMBER Bank,kills 2 Israelis. Hamas claims responand IsraeliPM Rabin PLO Chmn.Arafat sibility.(MM 12/22; NYT, WP, WT 12/23) leaders Settlersin Hebron reportedlyasked to selected,along withSouthAfrican surrendertheirguns as partof investigation F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela, as Time magazine's "Men of the Year." (WP, WT into 12/4 murderof Talal al-Bakri. (WP 12/26) 12/23) Christmascelebrationsin BethlehematPres. Clinton says he will have an ansince nouncement on case of convicted spy tendedby 20,000,largestattendance ofintifada.In nearby BaytSahur,1,000 JonathanPollard "soon," as administration start This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 172 JOURNALOF PALESTINE STUDIES Israelis and Palestinians hold torchlight days to Jews wishingto leave Syria,fulfilling parade forpeace, call forrelease of Palestin- commitment given to Secy. of State Christoian prisonersheld by Israel. (WP 12/26) pher by SyrianPres. al-Asad. (NYT 12/30) 26 DECEMBER 4 PLO figuresin Gaza, includingFateh leaderSami Abu Samhadanahand his deputy, resign in protestof pace of peace talks, Chmn. Arafat's leadership. (WT 12/27; CSM, NYT 12/28) 27 DECEMBER PLO-Israel talks on Gaza-Jerichowithdrawalresumein Cairo. Israelidelegationled by FM Peres; PLO, by PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Mahmud 'Abbas. (CSM, WP, WT 12/27; NYT, WP, WT 12/28) IDF fireson NorwegianUNIFIL patrolin southernLebanon, killing 1 and wounding another. IDF NorthernCommand investigates incident. (Qol Yisra'el, VOL 12/27 in FBIS 12/27; CSM, WP, WT 12/28) 28 DECEMBER 30 DECEMBER Vatican Undersecy.forForeignRelations Msgr. Claudio Celli and Israeli Dep. FM Yossi Beilin sign 15-point "fundamental relations. diplomatic establishing agreement" (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 12/31) (see Doc. A3.) PLO Chmn. Arafatmeets in Cairo with EgyptianFM 'AmrMusa, refusesto acceptIsraeli proposals on Gaza-Jerichoagreement. Arafatfliesto Ammanforconsultationswith Jordan'sKing Hussein. (RJ 12/20 in FBIS 1/3; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 12/31) 3 Fateh-Uprisingguerrillaskilledby IDF while crossing Lebanon-Israelborder. IDF rocketsvillagein southernLebanon in retaliation. (Qol Yisra'el 12/30 in FBIS 12/30; CSM, NYT, WT 12/31) Demonstrationsin Gaza mark anniversaryof foundingof Fateh. (WP, WT 12/31) SyrianChief Rabbi IbrahimHamra issuingexitvisas to Jewsat rate numof 25-30 a day. Hamrasayscommunity bers 1,250 and thatnot all who receivevisas will leave. (WP 12/31) 30 Japanesebusinessesannounceplans to formJapan-IsraelBusiness Club to promote Japanese-Israelitrade. (WT 12/31) Dep. Asst. AG Mark Richard urges that convictedspyJonathanPollard's lifesentence be commutedto 20 yrs.,accordingto admin. officials.Richardalso recommendscriminal cases againstPollard's unindictedIsraeli coconspiratorsbe dropped.(WT 12/29) 31 DECEMBER IAF airstrikesin Lebanon kill 3 Hizballah mbrs. Hizballah respondswithkatyusha Latin Patriarchof JerusalemMichel Sabbarrages, raids on "security zone." (RL bah says Catholic Church will insist that 12/28 in FB1S 12/28; CSM 12/31) JeIsraelstopbarringPalestiniansfr.entering rusalem,notes "Jerusalemis still to be discussed" betweenVatican,Israel. (NYT 1/1) 29 DECEMBER Polls show that 1/3 of Israeli settlersin West Bank and Gaza Stripwould leave ifofWP reportsthatNational SecurityAdvi- fered compensationin cash or housing in sor AnthonyLake and CIA Dir. R. James Israel proper. (NYT 1/1) Yossi Olmertsays Frmr.Israelinegotiator Woolsey shareSecy. of Defense Aspin's opposition to clemencyfor JonathanPollard, private,unofficialSyrian-Israelitalks were whileDep. AG Philip Heymannleads faction held 5/93-10/93in Germany,Norway,Switzerland,and Turkeyunderauspices of Initiasupportingcommutation.(WP 12/29) Israeli FM Peres, PLO officialMahmud tiveforPeace and Cooperationin the Middle 'Abbas say "constructive"resultsreached in East, a branch of Washington,DC-based Cairo mtg.,but negotiationson implementa- Search for Common Ground. (WT 1/1; tion of Gaza-Jericho accord continue. YediotAharonot1/2 in FBIS 1/3; MM 1/4) Fateh Hawks holdrallyin Gaza attended (MENA 12/29 in FBIS 12/30; CSM, NYT, WP,WT 12/30) by hundreds. (WP 1/1) 2 Israelis killed in Ramla by Palestinian SyrianJewish sources reportthat hundredsof exit vias have been issued in recent attackers.(MM 1/4) This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CHRONOLOGY 1 JANUARY 173 10,000 Israeli opponents of DoP hold vigil at Jerusalem'sWesternWall to prayfor end of PLO-Israelagreement.(WT 1/4, 1/5) Likud leader BinyaminNetanyahusays if Likud takespoweritwill not be obligatedto honor currentgovt's agreementwith PLO, says accord not binding since Palestinians have brokencommitments.(Qol Yisra'el 1/3 in FBIS 1/4; NYT 1/5) National SecurityAdviserAnthonyLake, in letterto familyof victimof 1988 Pan Am Flight103 bombing,says upcomingClintonal-Asad summitwill not removeSyriafr.U.S. list of countriessponsoringterrorism.(WP 1/4) Israeli PM Rabin says PLO Chmn. Arafat'sproposed "amendments"to Israeli drafton Gaza-Jericho"go beyondthelimits," accuses Arafatof having "pulled back" fr. agreementreachedin Cairo,says Israelneeds clarification on severalissues beforenegotiationscan resume. (WT 1/2) Jordan'sKing Hussein, in speech to army officers,sets deadline for PLO-Jordaneconomic agreement,calling it a "last chance." "Afterthat,let each side carrythe responsibilityon his own." (JTV 1/1 in FBIS 1/3; CSM, WP, WT 1/3; NYT 1/4) (see Doc.B2.) Clashes in Gaza City btwn. IDF and Palestiniansleave 5 Palestinians wounded. IDF soldiers declare area "closed military 4 JANUARY zone," beat and detain journalists. (NYT Hamas calls general strikein Gaza Strip 1/2) to protest1/3 killingsof 3 Palestiniansby IDF. (WP 1/5) Israeli Housing M. BinyaminBen-Elizer 2 JANUARY dedicatesnew neighborhoodof 700 homes in katzrin,Golan Heights. (MM 1/5) Frmr.PalestiniannegotiatorDr. Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi leads delegation to Tunis to demandthatPLO Chmn.Arafatsharepower, 5 JANUARY set up collectiveleadership. (NYT, WT 1/3; NYT 1/4) WT reportsIsrael has returnedto Egypt Israel informsPLO talksscheduledto re- 100 boxes of artifactsunearthedby archaeolsume 1/3 will not take place because Chmn. ogistsin Sinai duringIsraelioccupationof reArafatrenegedon Cairo agreement.Arafat gion. Shipment is 2d since 1992 accord rejectsIsraelicriticism, tellingJerichorally"If btwn.Egyptianand IsraeliantiquitiesauthoriRabin thinkshe is able to humiliatethe Pal- ties. (WT 1/5) estinianpeople, he is wrong.' PLO negotiaIDF shoots dead lyad Hinnawi, 20, durtor Nabil Shaath calls Rabin's criticisms ing disturbancesat Jabaliya camp, Gaza. "blackmail." (AlgiersVOP, Qol Yisra'el 1/2 Witnessessay Hinnawi threw1 stone before in FBIS 1/3; CSM, NYT, WP 1/3) being shot. (Qol Yisra'el 1/5 in FBIS 1/6; DemonstrationsagainstDoP in Gaza end MM, WT 1/6) with4 Palestiniansshotand woundedby IDF Bombs leftat New York officesof New (WP 1/3) Israel Fund and Americans for Peace Now Shin Bet arrests2 allegedFateh are defused by police. Notes with bombs Khan Yunis for 12/31 killingof Israelis in signed by "David Maccabee Squad" accuse Ramla. (MM 1/4) Rabin govt. of "selling out the Jewishpeople." (MM 1/5; WP 1/6; NYT 1/8; WJW 1/13) 3 JANUARY PLO-Israel economic talks in Paris resume. (AFP 1/3 in FBIS 1/4) Talks in Tunis btwn. PLO Chmn. Arafat and 8-mbr.delegationfr.o.t. continuefor3d day. Delegationmbr.Nabil 'Amrsays Arafat "displayedhigh readinessto listen and argue." Group seeks more openness in Palestiniandecision-making.(WP 1/4; WT 1/5) IDF shootsdead 1 Palestinianin Jabaliya camp, 2 in Shatticamp, duringHamas-led demonstrations. (MM, NYT 1/4) 6 JANUARY Israeli FM Peres and PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Mahmud 'Abbas release statementsaying PLO-Israel talkson Israeliwithdrawalfr. Gaza and Jerichowill resumein Taba, Egypt, "based on the Declarationof Principlesand the Cairo understandings."(Qol Yisra'el 1/6 in FBIS 1/6; MM, WT 1/6; CSM, WP 1/7) Talks in Tunis btwn. PLO leadership, Palestinian delegation demanding reform This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 174 JOURNALOF PALESTINE STUDIES conclude. (al-Sharq al-Awsat 1/6 in FBIS 1/10; MM 1/7) (see Doc. B3.) Israeli PM Rabin visitsAllenbyBridgeto reaffirm thatIsrael will controlbordercrossings during autonomyperiod. (NYT, WP, WT 1/7) AllegedIslamicJihadmbr.stabsIDF soldier in Jerusalemand is shot dead. (Qol Yisra'el 1/6 in FBIS 1/6; MM 1/6; WP 1/7) Frmr.IsraeliPMYitzhakShamir,in radio interview,commentson 1/5 bomb incident in New York,saying"Peace Now has caused the State of Israel more harm than would have been caused had the bombs gone off." Shamirfacescriticismforremarks,claims he meantto say oppositeof whathe did. (NYT 1/8; WJW 1/13) 7 JANUARY Jordan,PLO sign economic accord after 3 daysoftalksunderwhichbothsides coordinate economic policy, Jordanianbanks in West Bankto reopen. (RMC 1/7in FBIS 1/7; MM 1/7; NYT, WP, WT 1/8; textin al-Ray 1/9 in FBIS 1/10) Israel releases 101 Palestinianprisoners whose sentenceswere to expire end 1/94. Most were sentencedforminorcharges,including displaying Palestinian flag. Act bringsto 700 numberof Palestiniansreleased in past 3 months. (MM 1/7; NYT, WP, WT 1/8) Federal judge StephenWilson, presiding in "LA 8" deportationcase of Palestinianimmigrantsarrested1/87 forsupportingPFLP, orders Clinton admin. to show deportation proceedingsare not motivatedby the immigrants'politicalviews. Wilson notes,"Mere associationwiththe PFLP is protectedby the 1st Amendment.The PFLP is not solely a criminal organization. It does more than conduct terroristoperations." (NYT 1/9; MEI 2/4) with Israeli occupation authorities. Group says btwn.770 and 942 suspectedcollaboratorskilledsince outbreakofintifadain 12/87. Reportalso criticizesIsraeliauthorities forusing "pressureand extortion"to recruitPalestinian informants.(CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 1/10) (see Doc. C3.) King Hussein appoints Royal Commission on Jerusalemheaded by Crown Prince Hassan. (MM 1/10) 10 JANUARY PLO-Israel talks resume in Taba, Egypt. Israeli delegation led by IDF Maj. Gen. Amnon Shahak, PLO by Nabil Shaath. Shaathestimates3 weeks requiredforsides to reach Gaza-Jericho withdrawal agreement (MENA 1/10 in FBIS 1/10; NYT, WT 1/10; CSM, WP 1/11) "Kahane Chai" mbrs.assaultU.S. journalist RobertFriedman,visitingWest Bank settlementof Tapuah. Group holds Friedman responsible for "witch hunt" against late Rabbi Meir Kahane, murderedin New York in 1990. (WP 1/11; WT 1/12) 3 U.S. congressionalstafferstourvillages nr.SultanYa'qub, Lebanon,in searchforevidence of IDF soldiers missing since 1986. (RL, VOL 1/10 in FBIS 1/10; WT 1/11) U.S.-IsraelJointPolitical-Military Group begins 20th session of talks on U.S.-Israel afstrategiccooperationwithmtg.of military fairs.subcomm. Plenum, chaired by Israeli DMin. DG David Ivryand U.S. Asst.Secy. of State Robert Galluci, to meet 1/12. (MM 1/10) "Damascus Declaration" countries(GCC states,Egypt,Syria) issue statementon upcoming Clinton-al-Asadsummit "affirming theirstrongbacking for Pres. Asad." (MM 1/10) 11 JANUARY 8 JANUARY PLO, Israel reportprogressin Taba talks, but differences remaindue to Palreportedly Shootout in al-Burayjcamp, Gaza Strip, estiniandesireforcorridorsfr.Jerichoautonbtwn. PFLP and pro-Arafatwing of ALF omous region. (CSM, MM, WT 1/12) leaves 2 Palestiniansdead. (MM 1/11) Al-Hayat quotes Syrian Chief Rabbi Ibrahim al-Hamra as sayingGolan Heights "mustreturnto us as Syrians." (MM 1/11) 9 JANUARY Israelihuman-rights. org.B'Tselem issues reportcriticizingboth PLO and Hamas for torture, killingof Palestinianscollaborating 12 JANUARY Israel-PLOtalks in Taba on implementa- This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CHRONOLOGY 175 tionofGaza-Jericho accordrecess,PLO ne- Gaza City, wounding 8 Palestinians and gotiatorNabil Shaath saying agreementAmericanUNRWAworker. (NYT, WP 1/16) reachedon 35 of38 issues.(WP 1/13) Secy. of StateChristopher,SyrianFM alIDF CentralCommandhead Maj. Gen. Shar'ameetfor90 GenevapreparaNehemiaTamari,topIsraeliofficer in West toryto nextday'ssummitbtwn.U.S. Pres. Bank,killedwith3 otherofficers in helicop- Clinton, 1/16) tercrashnr.Jerusalem. (Qol Yisra'el1/12in Secy. of CommerceRon Brownarrivesin FBIS 1/12;MM 1/12;NYT 1/13) Riyadhfortalkson U.S.-SaudieconomiccoYediot Aharonot reports Israelieconomic operation, Arabboycott.(SPA 1/15in FBIS in MoroccofortalkswithMoroc- 1/19) delegation can PM,otherofficials. (MM 1/12) Israelisfr.acrosspoliticalspectrum form "PeaceWatch"to monitor compliance with 16 JANUARY Israel-PLOagreements. (MM 1/13) U.S. Pres. Clinton, SyrianPres. al-Asad 13 JANUARY FM JohanJ,*genHolst,56, Norwegian whobrokered Israel-PLOagreement, dies in Oslo after suffering 2d stroke in 2 mos. (WP, WT 1/14) EdwardP. Djerejian,frmr. U.S. Syriaand asst.secy.ofstate,beginstermas U.S. Israel. (MM 1/13;CSM 1/14) PLO Econ.Dept.DG AhmadQurai'announcesin Tuniscreation ofPalestinian Development Bank,withinitialcapitalof$250 m., to channelaid to autonomousareas. (MM 1/13) 50 anti-DoP Palestinianinmates at Qetziot ("Ansar3") prisoncamp launch hungerstrikeorganizedby PFLP, DFLP. (MM 1/14) 14 JANUARY followmeetin Geneva.Atpressconference ingsummit, al-AsadsaysSyriais "readyto "norsignpeace[withIsrael]now,"endorses mal peacefulrelations"followingtreaty. Clintoncharacterizes al-Asad'sremarks as a "clear,forthright, and veryimportant" commitment to thepeace process.U.S. officials Dennis Ross, MartinIndyksent to briefIs- withhold raeligovt.on mtg.Israeliofficials whileGolansettlers block formalcomment, roadsin protest.(MM,NYT,WP,WT 1/17; CSM 1/18) (see Doc. A4.) Secy. of CommerceRon Brownurges in RiGCC statesat U.S.-GCCtradeseminar ofIsrael.(MM 1/17) yadhto endboycott 17 JANUARY Israeli govt. welcomes Syrian Pres. alAsad's remarksin Geneva, FM Peres saying "thereis a feeling of a morepromising air" summit.Dep. DM afterClinton-al-Asad in Hebronbtwn.escapedPales- MordechaiGur tells KnessetRabin govt. Firefight tinianprisoners and IDF kills3 escapees,1 wouldseekreferendum on territorial comprootherPalestinian. In GazaStrip, Hamasmbr. mise on Golan Heights.(MM 1/17;NYT, kills1 Israeli,woundsanother beforebeing WP 1/18) shotand killed.(Qol Yisra'el1/14in FBIS U.S. official DennisRoss meetsPalestin1/14;MM 1/14;WP,WT 1/15) ian figures at OrientHousein EastJerusalem summit.(Algiers Jerusalem Media and Communicationsto discussClinton-al-Asad Centre in o.t. VOP 1/18 in FBIS 1/19) pollshows45% ofPalestinians supportDoP, 40% oppose. Same poll in Secy. of CommerceBrownarrivesin Am9/93showed69% in favor,28% opposed. man fortalkswithCrown PrinceHassan, PM (WP 1/15) officials. al-Majali,otherJordanian (RJ1/17 Frmr.PM YitzhakShamir,in excerptof in FBIS 1/17;MM 1/18) memoirspublished by YediotAharonot,ad- Fateh slate wins Gaza Strip Palestine mitsordering 1943 killingofEliahuGiladi, Trade Union Federation election. (Davar his predecessor as head of underground1/18 in FBIS 1/19) "StemGang."(NYT,WT 1/15;JP2/19) 15 JANUARY 18 JANUARY Israel-PLO talks on implementingDoP IDF fireson Palestinian in resumein Taba, Egypt.(MENA 1/18in FBIS stone-throwers This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 176 JOURNALOF PALESTINE STUDIES 1/18; WT 1/19) Secy. of Defense-designate Adm. Bobby Inman holds press conferenceto announce 1/6withdrawalofhis name,citingopposition to his nominationby Sen. Bob Dole, NYT columnistWilliam Safire. Inman says Safire motivatedby his 1981 decisionas dep. directorof CIA to restrict U.S. satelliteintelligence providedto Israel afterIsraeli bombing of Iraqi nuclearreactor.Inmansaysthen-Israeli DM Ariel Sharon complained about limitationto Secy. of DefenseCaspar Weinberger, who supported Inman. (NYT, WP, WT 1/19) PM Rabin says peace btwn. Israel and Syria may require Israel to pay a "painful price,"noteshe "expectedmore" but would "make do" and negotiateon basis of al-Asad's 1/16 Geneva statements.Rabin echoes calls fornationalreferendum on Golan withdrawal. AP reportsopposition by Likud,govt.coalitionto plans forIsraelireferendum on withdrawalfr.Golan. (MM 1/18, 1/19; NYT, WT 1/19) IDF clashes with Palestinian stonethrowersat Hebron college. 7 Palestinians shot and wounded. (NYT 1/20) 19 JANUARY IDF, Palestiniansclash in Ramallah. 1 Palestinian killed. Muhammad Fanun, 20, wounded 1/18 in Hebron, also dies. (NYT 1/20) PM Rabin's officereleases letterfr.Pres. ClintonallowingIsraeli companies to compete forsale ofequipmentand technology for U.S. civilian space program. Deals would benefitIAI, Rafael,and Tass-IsraelIndustries. (MM 1/19; WT 1/20) PECDAR dep. directorHasan Abu Libeh meets Secy. of Commerce Ron Brownin Jerusalem,requests speeded-up U.S. aid disbursement,tradestatusforPalestinianentity equal to Israel's (WT 1/21) (Qol Yisra'el 1/20 in FBIS 1/21) 21 JANUARY visitto Jordan's KingHussein,on private U.S., meets Pres. Clinton at White House, discusses Arab-Israeli peace talks. (WT 1/22) of Basil al-Asad, presumedheir-apparent his father,SyrianPres. Hafiz al-Asad,dies in a car crashin Damascus. (NYT,WP, WT 1/22) Secy. of StateChristopherarrivesin Oslo for funeralof NorwegianFM Johan Jorgen Holst, mtgs. with Israeli FM Peres, PLO Chmn. Arafat. State Dept. sources travelling withChristophersay U.S. will not insertself into Israel-PLO talks. (WP, WT 1/22) Arab League Sec.-Gen.Ismat'Abd al- Majid, aftermtg. with Secy. of Commerce Brown,says 3/94 mtg.of Arab League FMs boysecondaryand tertiary will discusslifting cottsof Israel. (NYT, WP, WT 1/22) Israeli farmerMoshe Becker,60, stabbed to deathin orchardnr.Rishonle-Zion,Israel. 3 Palestiniansfr.Gaza Striparrestedforattack. (Qol Yisra'el 1/21 in FBIS 1/25; NYT 1/22) Delegation of 80 American Reform rabbis leaves Jordanafterbrieftourfollowing visitsto Egypt,Israel. (JT 1/22in FBIS 1/25) 22 JANUARY 20 JANUARY Secy. of StateChristophereulogizes NorHolst at funeralin wegian FM JohanJg5rgen Oslo, meetsseparatelywithIsraeliFM Peres, PLO Chmn. Arafat,urges them to reconcile differences.Peres and Arafatmeet twice,reportprogress,Peres saying"thereis a chance we can reach an agreement,"Arafatthat"we have overcome some bridges." Peres and Arafatagree to meet again 1/30 in Davos, Switzerland,to discuss securityissues of Gaza-Jericho autonomous regions. (NYT, WP, WT 1/23; CSM 1/24) PLO officialHakam Balawi announces Secy. of CommerceRon Brownmeetsin Cairo withPLO Chmn.Arafat,EgyptianPres. Mubarak,Arab League Sec.-Gen. Ismat'Abd al-Majid. BrownsaysArabboycottofIsraelis "crumblingunderitsown weight." Mtg.with Arafatstressesneed to establishPalestinian financialinstitutions to absorb Westernaid. (WP 1/21) PLO-Israel talks in Taba recess to 1/24. Fahd aftermaking'umrapilgrimageto Mecca and Medina in 1stvisitby Arafatto kingdom since Gulfwar. (WP 1/23) Secy. of CommerceRon Brownmeets26 Palestinianbusinessmen in Gaza City. 1st U.S. visitGaza Stripsays "the economic situationin Gaza is unacceptable, and we should work to improveit." (WT 1/23) PLO Chmn.Arafatwill meetSaudi King This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CHRONOLOGY 100,000 Syrians attend funeral in Qurdaha,Syria,of Basil al-Asad,killedin car crash 1/21. Syrians in occupied Golan Heightsobserve24 hoursof mourning.U.S. representedat funeralby amb. Christopher Ross. (WP 1/23; CSM 1/24) 600 studentsat Gaza's al-Azharuniversity marchto PLO officein Gaza Cityto protest intra-Palestinian violence. (WT 1/26) 177 invested$5 m. in experimentalfarmat alJadida,Morocco, and are supplyingirrigation equipmentto farmsin Hawz area nr. Marrakesh. (MM 1/24) 25 JANUARY Israel-PLO Civilian AffairsComm., mtg. in Taba, postponesworkto 1/31,awaitingresultsof Arafat-Peres mtg. Gaza-Jerichotalks resume in Cairo under PLO officialNabil 23 JANUARY Shaath, Israeli FMin. DG Uri Savir. (MENA PLO Chmn. Arafatholds Cairo 1/25 in FBIS 1/25, 1/26) withEgyptianPres.Mubarak,FM Musa, and PLO and Egyptsign 5-yr.economic and otherofficialsto discussprogressoftalkswith technicalcooperationagreementgivingeach status, supporting Israel. Arafatthen departsforSaudi Arabia side most-favored-nation for 'umrapilgrimage,mtg.with King Fahd. local industry,and exploringjoint projects, includingfreezone at Rafah. (MM 1/25) (MENA, SPA 1/23 in FBIS 1/24) Molodet figureShaul Gutmanannounces Napthali Lau-Lavie, aide to then-DM Moshe Dayan,says in memoirsKing Hussein formationof breakawaybody, called "Peace of Jordanwarned Israeli PM Golda Meir of Guard," to pursue platformof "transfer." Syrianoffensivedeployment11 days before (Qol Yisra'el 1/25 in FBIS 1/25) startof'73 Arab-Israeliwar. (WT 1/24;NYT 1/28) Mukhtar of Sanniriya,nr. Tulkarm in 26 JANUARY West Bank, killed by masked gunman for collaborationwithoccupation. (Qol Yisra'el PLO officialNabil Shaath says Israel-PLO 1/23 in FBIS 1/25) talksin Cairo gettingto detailedlevel,reports progressand exchange of draftson security arrangements.(WP 1/27) King Hussein meetsSecy. of StateChris24 JANUARY topherin Washington,D.C. At news conferTalks in Washingtonbtwn. Israel,Syria, ence markingend ofU.S. visitJordanianruler dialogue" on Jerusalem's Lebanon,Jordan,and Palestiniansresumein calls for"interfaith undisclosed locations, 1st since 9/93. Is- holy places, reiteratesthat East Jerusalem raeliofficialsays Israeli-Syrian session,btwn. shouldbe restoredto Arab rule. Hussein also delegation heads Itamar Rabinovich and says he hopes to meet Israeli PM Rabin Muwafaqal-Allaf,held in "good and positive "beforetoo long." (NYT, WP, WT 1/27) Qatari FM ShaykhHamad bin Jassimalatmosphere." (CSM, WT 1/24; NYT, WP Thani, visitingU.S., says Arab states have 1/25) PLO-Israel negotiationsin Taba, Egypt "been discussing"boycottof Israel and "are resumewith mtg.of Civilian AffairsComm. readyto takesome action" on phasingit out. SecurityAffairsComm. postpones session Al-Thanialso confirmsIsrael and Qatar dispendingnextArafat-Peres mtg.(MENA 1/24 cussingsupplyof Qatari naturalgas to Israel. (MM, NYT 1/27) in FBIS 1/24, 1/25) Resident of Jabaliyacamp, Gaza, killed, PLO Chmn.Arafatmeetsin Riyadhwith Saudi King Fahd, DM Prince Sultan, and presumablyfor collaborationwith occupaGov. of Riyadh Prince Salman. Aide to tion. (Qol Yisra'el 1/27 in FBIS 1/28) Company for Developing Old JaffaanArafatcharacterizes mtg.,1stsince Gulfwar, as "friendly and warm." Saudis pledgeassist- nounces agreementwith Vatican on setting ance to Palestinian"institutionsand infra- up Vatican embassyin Franciscanchurchin structure" accordingto PLO officialAhmad Jaffa,1st embassy in Israel in historically Arab city. (MM 1/26) Qurai'. (CSM, WP, WT 1/25) King Hussein of Jordanholds 1st public mtg. with 30 American Jewish leaders in Washington,expresses desire for "warm 27 JANUARY peace" withIsrael. (NYT, WP, WT 1/25) ReuterreportsIsraeli businessmen have PLO-Israel talks in Cairo on Palestinian This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 178 JOURNALOF PALESTINE STUDIES autonomy recess withoutcompletingdraft accord fordiscussionby PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli FM Peres. Sides remaindivided over size of Jerichoarea, securityforIsraeli settlers,and control of border crossings. (MENA 1/27 in FBIS 1/28; NYT, WP 1/28; WP 1/29) Israeli PM Rabin welcomes King Hussein's offerof public mtg.,calling gesture "importantprogress." (IDF Radio 1/27 in FBIS 1/28;WP, NYT 1/28) 30 JANUARY Arafat-Perestalks in Davos, Switzerland continue. At World Economic Forum session, U.S. Under Secy. of StateJoanSpero calls for "an end to the Arab boycottof Israel," and Arafatjoins in applauding remark. (NYT, WP, WT 1/31) Multilateral comm. on disarmament opens 6-day Cairo discuss controlof weapons, establishmentof CentralBankofJordan Gov.Muhammad unconventional DMZ, regionalcooperation. (MENA 1/30 in NabulsisaysAmmanhas givengo-aheadto 5 banksto openbranchesin WestBankand FBIS 1/31) 1 Palestiniankilled, 3 wounded in Askar Gaza pursuantto 1/7 PLO-Jordanaccord. camp, nr. Nablus, when bomb explodes pre(MM 1/28) maturely.(IDF Radio 1/30 in FBIS 2/1) Israelannouncesit will purchase20 F- 151 fighter-bombers, valued at $2 b., fr.McDonnell-Douglas Corp. of U.S. Pentagon spokeswomansays congressionalapprovalof sale expected. (MM 1/28) 31 JANUARY 2 days of talksbtwn. PLO Chmn. Arafat and IsraeliFM Peresconcludein earlymorning. Arafatsays Israel and PLO will reachfi28 JANUARY nal agreementon implementingPalestinian in U.S. Senate approves93-0 amendmentto autonomy Gaza and Jericho"verysoon," notes he and Peres "clarifiedmany issues," StateDept. authorization bill thatwould ban while Peres says theywere able to "negotiate U.S. arms sales to countriesblacklistingU.S. many [problems],maybe most of them." 2 companiesas part of Arab boycottof Israel. to meet again in Cairo in 1 week. Measurewould allow waiveban for1 agree (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 1/31) yr.if he deems it in nationalinterest.(NYT, Mbrs. of Fateh "Ahmad Abu Rish BriWT 1/30) in Gaza claim responsibility for 1/29 WorldBankConsultative gade" grenadeattackon IDF, citingstepped-uparParis, grouping24 countriesand 5 internarestsof Fatehactivistsas motive. (RMC 1/31 tionalinstitutions, approves$120 m. in budgin FBIS 2/1; NYT 1/31) etary assistance to Palestinian autonomy. (AFP 1/28 in FBIS 1/31) Fateh supportersand theirallies lose majoritiesin weekend electionsforGaza Engi- 1 FEBRUARY neers Association and West Bank Lawyers Israeli,PLO negotiatorsmeet in Cairo to Association. (NYT 1/31; JP 2/5) prepareforanotherroundof talksbtwn.PLO Chmn.Arafatand Israeli FM Peresto follow 29 JANUARY in Davos, Switzerland.Isup on negotiations raeliPM Rabin and aides play down expectaPLO Chmn. Arafatand Israeli FM Peres tionsautonomyaccord will be reachedsoon. have Davos, Switzerland, (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 2/2) on sidelinesof World Economic ForumconPLO Chmn. Arafat,addressing UN ference.Bothsides reportprogressin negoti- Human RightsCommission in Geneva, calls ationson Palestinianautonomyin Gaza and forcontinuedinvestigation of Israeli humanJericho.(NYT, WT 1/30) rightsviolations,saying "the human rights Unknowngunmankills Na'ib 'Umranal- processmustgo on despitethecurrentnegotiofJordanian Ma'aitah, 42, 1stsecretary em- ations." (WP 2/2) bassy in Beirut,in 1stassassinationof diploState Dept. annual report on human mat since end of Lebanese civilwar in 1990. rightscites Israel for use of torture,death Suspicion focuses on FRC ("Abu Nidal" squads againstPalestiniansin o.t. (NYT 2/2) group), responsiblefor killingof Jordanian (see Special Doc.) diplomatsin 1980s. (NYT, WP, WT 1/30) Israel announces plans to test-launch 3 IDF soldierswounded in grenadeattack "Arrow 2" missile by end of year, deploy in Gaza Strip. (NYT 1/31) U.S.-fundedanti-ballisticmissile systemby This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 179 CHRONOLOGY 1997. (WT 2/2) PLO sources say PLO securityofficers will go to U.S. fortraining.(WT 2/2) B'nai B'rithInt'l.announcesreturnofdelegationfr.visitto Morocco,whereKingHassan II told it he seeks tradeand tourismties with Israel. (WT 2/2) Knesset unanimouslyapproves law allowing Israeli state attorneyto investigate complaintsagainstShin Bet. Previouslysecret police agency,oftenaccused of torture and abuse of prisoners,investigatedallegationsitself.(MM 2/2; WT 2/9) 4-day "Religious Leadership in Secular Society"conferencegrouping400 Christian and Jewish leaders opens in Jerusalem. Frmr.Israeli ChiefRabbi Shlomo Goren refuses to attend,as do many Israeli rabbis. (MM 2/1) spokesman admits soldier's action violates IDF rules of engagement. (MM 2/3; NYT, WP 2/4) IDF undercoverunit disguisedas women and old men killsFateh Hawks' leader Salim Muafi,29, in surpriseattackin Rafah,Gaza Strip. Hawks announce theywill no longer obey PLO Chmn. Arafat'sorders, escalate "armedstruggle."IDF Chiefof StaffGen. Ehud Barak calls Muafi's killing a "great achievement."(WP 2/4) to esIDF arrests 15 settlersattempting tablish new settlementnr. Maale Adumin, West Bank. (Qol Yisra'el 2/3 in FBIS 2/4) Israeli Ag. Min. programcomm.approves expansion of Moshav Ramot,Maale Gamla settlementsin Golan Heights. (MM 2/4) U.S. Agency for InternationalDevelop- mentreleases$7 m. in aid to Palestinian Housing Council in East Jerusalemto fund 192 apartments in Jabaliya, Gaza Strip. Moneyis 1st installmentof $500 m. pledged 2 FEBRUARY to supportIsrael-PLO DoP. (MM, WT 2/4) Jordanreduces staffof Iranian embassy Unknown gunmen wound 3 Israelis in Hebron, West Bank. Leafletfound nearby in Amman by 21 in move interpretedas for'Izz al-Din Qassam JordaniandisapprovalofTehran'ssupportfor claims responsibility brigadesof Hamas. Palestinianresidentsof anti-DoPgroups. (AFP 2/3 in FBIS 2/3; WP 2/4) Hebron placed under strictcurfewby IDF. Zionist Organization of America, Na(MM 2/2; WT 2/6) UN Special RapporteurRene Felber tells tionalJewishCoalition circulateTimemagaGeneva mtg.of UN Human RightsCommis- zine columnsby Dep. Secy.of State-designate Israelipolicyin in StrobeTalbottcriticizing and land confiscation sion killings,torture, o.t. have continuedsince 9/13 DoP, saysboth campaignto stop his nomination.JewishInPLO and Israel should "contain violence." stitutefor National SecurityAffairsissues Felberalso calls forindependentinvestigation news releasesayingTalbott'sviewsare reason of tortureallegations,release of Palestinian he "should be disqualified" Other Jewishgroups,led by Conferenceof Presiprisoners.(WT 2/5) 3 Tsomet MKs leave right-wing partyto dents of Major JewishOrganizations,meet form"Independentand DemocraticIsrael," with Talbottand refuseto condemn him as known by acronymof "Yi'ud." 3 charge anti-Israel.(MM, NYT 2/4) "Seeds of Peace" organizationpresents partyleadershipwith financialmismanagement. (Qol Yisra'el 2/2 in FBIS 2/3; MM awards to Israeli FM Peres, PLO UN Observer Muhammad Nasir al-Kidwa, and 2/3; NYT 2/9; JP 2/12, 2/19) EgyptianUN amb. Nabil al-'Arabi. Group put togetherIsraeli, Arab childrenforsummercamp, was presentat 9/13 DoP signing. 3 FEBRUARY (NYT 2/5) 12throundof bilateralArab-Israelitalks in Washington,opened 1/24,adjournswithout reportedprogress. (Qol Yisra'el 2/3 in FBIS 2/3; MM 2/4) MultilateralWorking Group on Arms Control and Regional Securityends Cairo mtg.opened 1/30 afterdiscussingRussianU.S. working paper, IAEA proposals. (MENA 2/3 in FBIS 2/4) IDF soldierin truck,firingat stone-throwers in Shatti camp, Gaza Strip, critically wounds 13-yr.-oldMahmudAbu Hajar. IDF 5 FEBRUARY IDF shoots dead AymanSuri, 11, outside UNRWA officein Jabaliyacamp, Gaza Strip. In separateincident,KhayrYusuf'Abd Allah, 30, of Bala', West Bank,killedby IDF when he tries to evade roadblock while village undercurfew.(Qol Yisra'el 2/5 in FBIS 2/7; WT 2/6) Morocco hosts 4-day conferenceofJews This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 180 JOURNALOF PALESTINE STUDIES of Moroccan descent,including20-mbr.Israelidelegation,in Casablanca to explorecultural,economiccooperationbtwn.Israel and Morocco. (MM 2/4) 8 FEBRUARY IDF wounds 14 Palestiniansin clashes in Jabaliyaand Shatti camps in Gaza and in Janinand Hebron,West Bank. (Qol Yisra'el 2/8 in FBIS 2/9) 6 FEBRUARY FRC ("Abu Nidal" faction) denies involvementin 1/29 murderof JordaniandipLebanese police arrest unnamed FRC lomat in Beirut. (MM 2/8) ("Abu Nidal" group)mbr.for1/29murderin Strobe Talbott appears beforeSen. For. Beirutof JordaniandiplomatNa'ib Ma'aitah. Relations Comm. for confirmationas dep. (WT 2/9) secy.of state,assertsbeliefsthat"U.S.-Israeli NYT reportsthatWorld Jewish Restiturelationship is unshakable" and that "a tion Organization,a coalitionof groups,and strongIsraelis in America'sinterest"in effort Israeligovt.seekingrecovery of or compensato head offcriticsof his publishedcomments tion forassets in easternEurope confiscated on Israel. (NYT, WP, WT 2/9) fr.Jewsby Nazi, Communistgovts. Value of communaland privateassetsestimatedin billions of dollars. (NYT 2/6) 9 FEBRUARY 7 FEBRUARY PLO Chmn. Arafatand Israeli FM Peres issues rereachpartialagreementon security PLO Chmn.Arafat,IsraeliFM Peres open lated to Palestinian autonomy in Gaza, talks in Cairo aimed at implementing Pales- Jericho,signingdocumentson controlofbortinianautonomyin Gaza and Jericho. Both der crossings,principlesfor interimagreesides reportprogress. (MENA 2/7, 2/8 in mentat ceremonyin Cairo. (MENA 2/9 in FBIS 2/8; WP, WT 2/8) FBIS 2/10; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/10) Israeli Dep. FM Yossi Beilin meets in (see Doc. A5.) Washingtonwith Qatari, Omani officialsto Sen. For. RelationsComm.approvesnomdiscussQatar-Israelnaturalgas deal, multilat- inationofStrobeTalbottas dep. secy.ofstate eral mtg.on water set for 4/94 in Muscat. by vote of 17-2. (WT 2/10) (MM 2/9) Hizballah guerrillasambush IDF patrol in southernLebanon, killing4 IDF soldiers and wounding 5. Ambush triggersIAF 10 FEBRUARY strikeson 3 villages,SLA, IDF shelling. (MM IsraeliPM Rabin calls Cairo accordsigned 2/7; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 2/8) Meretz MKs Naomi Chazan and Benny by PLO Chmn. Arafatand Israeli FM Peres step,"predicts"at least anTemkindemand thatPM Rabin, in capacity "a veryimportant as DM, ban travelof 40 IDF eliteforceveter- othermonthwill be necessaryin orderto finans to Congo to act as military trainers.Left- ish the details of the agreementto a fullacist legislatorsview veteransas mercenaries cord." (Qol Yisra'el 2/20 in FBIS 2/10; MM being used to support Brazzaville regime. 2/10; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 2/11) forabIslamic Jihadclaimsresponsibility (WT 2/10) Knesset recognizes"Yi'ud" factionmade ductionand murderof Ilan Sudri,Israelitaxi TsometMKs. (see 2/2) (MM 2/7) driverand frmr.borderpolicemanmissingfr. up of frmr. Sens. Connie Mack (R-FL) and Alfonse inside Israel. In separateincident,dozens of D'Amatoask Pres.Clintonto withdrawnomi- Palestiniansdetainedin search forkillersof nationofStrobeTalbott as dep. secy.of state Israeli citrus farmerfound bludgeoned to because of his "extremeviews" on Israel, death in Rehovot. (MM 2/10; WP 2/11) AIPAC Pres. StevenGrossmanannounces which "go beyond common criticismsto a systematicattack upon the foundationsof appointment of Neil Sher, frmr.head of America's close relationshipwith Israel." Dept. of Justice'sOfficeof Special Investigations,as next AIPAC exec. dir. (MM, NYT, (WT 2/8) WP, WT 2/11; WJW 2/17) Senate postpones to 2/22 vote by full body on nomination of Strobe Talbott as dep. secy.of statedue to Republicanopposition. (WT 2/11; WJW 2/17) This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CHRONOLOGY 11 FEBRUARY FM Peres tellsIsraeliradio Israelwill not be forcedto abandonsettlements, but rhetoricallyasks "what is the point?" in maintainingsmall,isolatedsettlements, specifically referring to Netzarimin Gaza Strip. (NYT, WP, WT 2/12) WeeklyMail and Guardiannewspaper of SouthAfricacitescourtdocumentsthatreveal Israel aided South Africannuclear-weapons programin 1970s. (WT 2/12) Lebanese police announce arrests of 4 presumedFRC ("Abu Nidal") connectionwith1/29murderofJordaniandiplomat Na'ib Ma'aitah. Gunman,arrested2/6, identifiedas FRC mbr. Yusuf Mahmud Sha'ban. (RL 2/11 in FBIS 2/14; MM 2/11; 181 West Bank, killing1 on patrolin Baytuniya, Shin Bet officerand wounding2. (MM, WT 2/14) 14 FEBRUARY PLO-Israel talks in Taba, Egypton detailsofGaza, Jerichoautonomyresume. Discussions focuson size, deploymentof Palestinian police force, release of Palestinian prisoners.PLO negotiatorNabil Shaath says "therewere no seriousobstacles,"adds "we in good faith." (MENA 2/14 are negotiating in FBIS 2/15; WT 2/15) Jewish Agency Chmn. Simha Dinitz, frmr.Israeliamb. to U.S., chargedwithfraud and breach of trust for misuse of agency NYT2/13) credit cards. Indictmentcharges head of Zeyneba Hardaga Susic, 76, a Bosnian quasi-governmentalbody with diverting Muslim fr.Sarajevo,arrivesin Israel to take $23,000 in agency funds to personal use. refuge. Susic and her familywere designated (NYT, WP 2/15) "RighteousGentiles"by Yad Vashemin 1985 Golan Druze stone Israeli police during foraidingBosnianJewsin World War II, 1st protestmarking12th anniversaryof Golan Muslims so designated. (MM 2/11; WP generalstrike.(MM 2/15) 2/12) 12 FEBRUARY 15 FEBRUARY Israeli Bank Leumi announces frmr.alJordanian-Palestinianpolitical comm. Fajr editorHanna Siniorawill head up Inter- opens mtg.on cooperationin Ammanunder national Palestinian Bank to supportdevel- PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Faruq al-Qaddumi, opmentprojects.(MM 2/14) JordanianDep. PM Sa'id al-Tall. (RJ2/15 in FBIS 2/16) Clashes in Gaza Citybtwn. stone-throw13 FEBRUARY ersand IDF leave 4 Palestinianswounded. In separateincidentin Gaza Strip,1 Palestinian PalestiniangunmenambushShin Bet car killed. (MM 2/15; NYT 2/16) CHRONOLOGY SOURCE ABBREVIATIONS AFP (AgenceFrancePresse,Paris) CSM (Christian ScienceMonitor,Boston) Near East & SouthAsia) FBIS (ForeignBroadcastInformation ServiceDailyReport, ITV (Israel TelevisionNetwork,Jerusalem) JNA(JordanNews Agency,Amman) JP (Jerusalem Post,Jerusalem) JT (Jordan Times,Amman) JTV (JordanTelevisionNetwork,Amman) MBC (Middle East BroadcastingCentre,London) MEI (MiddleEast International, London) MENA (Middle East News Agency,Cairo) MM (MideastMirror,London) NYT (New YorkTimes,New York) RJ(Radio Jordan,Amman) RL (Radio Lebanon,Beirut) RMC (Radio MonteCarlo, Paris) This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions JOURNALOF PALESTINESTUDIES 182 SARR (SyrianArab RepublicRadio, Damascus) SPA (Saudi Press Agency) VOL (Voice of Lebanon,Beirut) VOP (Voice of Palestine,Algiersor San'a') WJW (Washington JewishWeek,Rockville,MD) WP (Washington Post,Washington,D.C.) WT (Washington Times.Washington.D.C.) D. Schad compiledbyGeoffrey Chronology This content downloaded from on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:52:09 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions
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