2009-02-062013-02-12 15:4711.3 MB
2009-02-062013-02-12 15:4711.3 MB
ATLANTIC NEWS INSIDE: TV LISTINGS FALL IN LOVE WITH OUR VALENTINE'S DAY FEATURES FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 06, 2009 Vol. 35 I No. 04 I 24 Pages Brentwood I East Kingston I Exeter I Greenland I Hampton I Hampton Beach I Hampton Falls Kensington I Newfields I North Hampton I Rye I Rye Beach I Seabrook I South Hampton I Stratham Connelly Communications LLC I www.AtlanticNews.com I 107 Elm Street, Salisbury, MA01952 I (603) 926 557 I FREE • TAKE ONE Unique Senior Seminar fundraising eatit0 TOP DOG — Kevin Doyle is pictured here with Nikki, who accompanied him patrol while he was stationed in Afghanistan with the US Army. Back in Hampton, Kevin's sister, Katherine, is helping to coordinate a community fundraiser that will support Tigger House (a shelter for strays in the Middle Eastern nation) and the Pease Greeters. Photo By Liz Po NRANT1C NEWS STAFF WRITER hat do Pease Greeters, puppies and pageants have in common? Believe it or not, quite a bit, as far as Katherine Doyle and Jessie Rayna are concerned. The two VVinnacunnet High School seniors are organizing a beauty pageant fundraiser, the proceeds of which will support the Pease Greeters and Tigger House, a shelter for stray animals in Kabul, Afghanistan. fun-filled event The — the heart of their required Senior.Seminar project — will • Avollts take place on Wednesday, February 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the Winnacunnet Community Auditorium, located on Alumni Drive in Hampton. Tickets are $5 in advance, $10 ($7 for students) at the door, and $5 for members of the Pease Greeters. The public is invited to attend. The connection between the two organizations is easy to see: The Pease Greeters has welcomed thousands of United States military troops passing through the air base on their way far-away locales like Afghanistan and Iraq, or coming home to the states. sq‘soii And, many soldiers serving in the Middle East have — like Katherine's brother, Army Staff Sgt. Kevin Doyle — befriended stray canines during their time on the battlefield. But how does the pageant fit in the mix? As benefits go, it promises to be a beauty of a fundraiser: Katherine and Jessie have enlisted the assistance of nine of their fellow seniors of the masculine gender to serve as the contestants in the first-ever Mr. WHS contest. The evening promises to be tons of fun and "very comical," says Katherine. Pease Greeters, puppies and pageant create a beautiful mix BEAUTY Cont. on 20A. I PAGE 2A I AMAMI( NEWS FEBRUARY 06, 2009 I Vol. 35, No 04 ATLANIKNEWS.COM WEATHER THE WEEKEND Friday, February 06 High: 34° Low: 22° Mostly Cloudy Saturday, February 07 High: 37° Low: 31° Mostly Cloudy Sunday, February 08 High: 44 Low: 28° 0 Partly Sunny Monday, February 09 High: 42° Low: 28° Increasing Cloudiness New students receive a •sllo FREE WEEK! Offer rod I i midents (SO okradlin) Featuring: • 20+ classes in athletic forms of yoga • Beginner Series • Pre and post-natal classes • Teen Yoga Classes • 200 Hour RYT Teacher Certification Program • Private and Private Group Classes ReiSPID yoga center VISIT OUR APPAREL BOUTIQUE *----- 11 /20 IA lafayent Rd LIM! 04 North FidnIrtnn NH 011.2 fnvn Issd.. enio 601-944-1919 Lt. 1.1, Emad r, J.idaVOgth ento rracad2vevacenter rom February 09 Full Moon vAtt Wanted To Buy A:Wpm * hwetry * Silver * Oolld wt. Judy A. Davis - Antiques Ow hiss or lame ROW hid he Al! Antiques, Antique Furniture, Oriental Rugs, Painting', China, Weathervanes, Pottery, Old Clocks, Lungs Dolls & Toss, Cu.s, Swords. Duck Decoys. Coins, Old Photography & BOORS and Manuscripts 30 Years Experience Buvwg Estate and Contemporary jewelry. Diamonds. Watches, Chan-n Bracelets, All Fine Gold and Silverleseiry. Abo wanted to buy Sterling Sihts Flatware, lea Services, Trays, Presentation Pieces and All Fine Sifter. , Cnafiai by GON Sabo( cfunervoo * Member , din- HornfAcbire Annque Deak, Aen Please Call (603) 496-1811 or (603) 934-5545 Call Today to Advertise in the ATLANTIC NEWS 603-926-4557 VOL 35, No 04 I FEBRUARY 06, 2009 I Ar_Anrnc A TIA NTK N E WS. COM NEWS PAGE 3A NEWS Tax Man cometh as does the scammer BY MARK CHAG ATLANTIC NEWS STAFF WRITER SEACOAST I As if it weren't enough to have the ink) AfIiericislii: • for a little more,- ripst the4-scanuners are trying* chi the same. .= New Hampshire state': officials are pleading with the public to keep a watchfUteye on the emails season, as scarnmers 'ate using a crafty new trick in an attempt to steal your identity while posing as the IRS. State Attorney General Kelly Ayotte is warning consumers during tax season to be aware of 'stimulus and tax return scams." These scams have been originating via e-mail and request personal information including bank account numbers, passwords, Social Security numbers and personal identification numbers. The e-mail purports to be from the Internal Revenue Service with the subject line, "Economic Stimulus Payment Online Form." The body of the email reads as follows: "After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity we have determined that you are eligible to receive a Stimulus Payment. Please submit the Stimulus Payment Online Form in order to process it. 'A Stimulus Payment can be delayed for a variety of reasons. For example submitting invalid records or applying after the deadline. To submit your Stimulus Payment form, please download the attached document. Note: If filing or preparation fees were deducted from your 2007 refund or you received a refund anticipation loan, you will be receiving a check instead of a direct deposit. Regards, Internal Revenue L ast BY MARK CHAG jIL ATLANTIC NEWS STAFF WRITER SEACOAST I As the powers in Washington raced to create some sort of economic spark to get the nation's monetary Lwheels turning again, New Hampshire is following in step. Service." This email is a scam, and state officials urge anyone who receives it to not respond, and not provide personal or financial information. In this particularly difficult economic environment, General Ayotte warns consumers to pay very close attention to all mail and email they receive claiming that they have, in some fashion, earned a financial reimbursement or award from any source. The Internal Revenue Service does not ask for detailed personal information by emaiL Ayotte emphasized. "Scam artists can reproduce the IRS insignia perfectly, so you cannot rely on the official looking appearance of the email," she said. Ayotte strongly encourages citizens to visit the IRS Web site dedicated to recog- ATLANTIC. NEWS nizing bogus IRS phishing e-mails, online at wwwirs. gov/privacy. "Cohsumers should be alert about receiving mail or e-mails similar to this from other governmental or private agencies that appear genuine," Ayotte said. Consumers are also urged to place an independent call to the legitimate agency or company, preferably to its local office, to confirm whether the email originated from the legitimate agency. Those who have questions about the authenticity of any email or mail offer are encouraged to contact the NH Attorney General's Office, Consumer Protection & Antitrust Bureau, 33 Capitol Street, Concord, NH KWV1; or call (603) 271-3641 or (888) 468-4454 or TDD (800) 735-2964. Encompassing the Seacoast Owner & Publisher • Michael P. Connelly Co-Publisher • Michelle M. Connelly connelly0AtlanticNews.corn General Manager • Elizabeth McClean Inside Sales • Kathie D'Ortando product.ontiAtlaniacNewes.com Community Editor & Staff Writer • Liz Promo edttoreAttanticNews.corn Staff Writer • Mark Chag, Jr. connely0Atiantin../deval.com Production/Graphic Arts • Trisha Dillon produclion0Atlanlioletnes.cont Graphic Artist • Glenn York adstatienl*Atlanticalawa.com Contributtng Viktor* John Holman • Jerry McC. • Gary Patton Published By Connelly Ccillininikaiions LLC 107 Elm Street. Sash,* MA 01952 Mailing Address: PO Box 592. Hampton, NH 031143 (603) 926-4557 I Fax: (603) 926-4531 Office Hours; Mon. Fit; 900 a.m. - 500 p.m. To Coaled Us Stories: edito4Atlantictslews.com production*AdanticNews.com www.AtimtkNews.com Acfvertisernents: TO ADVERT WE: Your Local Source For Community News Cannily Caminicabons at w a tan* owned loot commawy new:Myer anted art *Welded melt Thuridat e-awi tax Publeher 14cluel P Candy a To itherbse to *rata% presentation, please 926-45574Am S(13031806-0883 cel a e-rnee Cainetytallaactleva.com . Or lex 1603) 926- 4531 , Or call NIO leave a message arta or atier wen= tars at dii3i 926 - 4557. edaybc Nevis Manes no few:Inability la any Volaastal was 41 an arkelsemert The Manhc News schen* an resaves re nip le reed we ateerestrient NE FIRST ANT: 'Congress Mall nuke IC taw reepecling an establishment al re4rOo1. or probiblang the tree exercise thereof a abridging the freedom of speech, or ol the press. of the nght of the people peaceably to assemble. and to sewn, Its Government tor a ream cd prance.' State creates Economic Stimulus office ating an "Office of Economic diture of federal stimulus Stimulus" within the Cover- nor's Office. Gov. Lynch appointed state Deputy Attorney Gen- funds. "We want to ensure that New Hampshire and its and that those funds are used to create jobs and pro- tect essential services here in New Hampshire," said Gov, Lynch. "The legislation cur- rently under consideration by Congress places significant eral Orville "Bud" Fitch as citizens receive maximum benefits from any federal time restraints on states to use or lose funds, as well as new , director of the office, which economic stimulus package, reporting requirements. This grounds and abilities; have the respect and admiration of colleagues, students, parents, and administrators; be active in the community as well as in the school; and be committed to improving education. Teachers may be nominated or can even self-apply. Each candidate submits a written application containing biographical and professional information, essays on topics ranging from personal teaching philosophy to the issues facing education, and letters of endorsement. The Teacher of the Year Selection Committee meets to choose semi-finalists from the applications received. The committee then visits semifinalists' schools where they observe the teacher in class, interview schbol personnel, community members, parents and students, as well as the semi-finalist. Over the summer finalists present their pro- fessional portfolios and give a speech on education to the committee, which then selects the New Hampshire Teacher of the Year. Hannaford Supermarkets partner with the Department of Education to sponsor the New Hampshire Teacher of the Year program, which is presented by the 1NG Foundation. It is a project of the Council of Chief State School Officers and is the oldest and most presti- week, New Hamp- • is charged with assisting the governor and state agencies in shire Governor John Lynch issued an executive order cre- the management and expen - office will ensure state a encies are coordinating their efforts and that New Hampshire complies with all federal requirements." Gov. Lynch thanked Fitch "for agreeing to take on this my office and state agencies in the management of these federal funds." If the legislation passes (it was under consideration as of press time), much of the funding will be distributed important role for the State. through existing state-run grant programs. Bud has the knowledge and expertise necessary to asSist Time running out to nominate 'Teacher of the Year' BY MARK CRAG J. ATLANTIC NEWS STAFF WRITER SEACOAST I Shouldn't a fantastic teacher be rewarded with more than merely an apple? Time is running out to send in nominations for New Hampshire's Teacher of the Year award, which could shower praise on your child's favorite instructor (or if you're a student reading this, your favorite teacher). Anyone can nominate an outstanding teacher for the honor, but the nominations ' must be in the hands of Lori ;Temple, the Teacher of the Year coordinator, by Tuesday, February 17. Each year, the Commissioner of the New Hampshire Departmentof Education selects one exceptionally skilled and dedicated teacher to serve as an ambassador for all the excellent teachers in the state. Proponents of the program emphasize that electing a Teacher of the Year is an exceptional way to celebrate the many outstanding and dedicated people teaching in New Hampshire schools. The purpose of the program is to select a teacher who is worthy of speaking for and energizing the teaching profession, and representing the positive contributions of all teachers statewide. This individual must be able to instill learning in students of all back- - gious honors program to focus public attention on excellence in teaching. Nomination applications are available at www.ed.state. nh.us / education. Nominations or applications can be sent to Lori Temple, NH Teacher of the Year Coordinator, New Hampshire Department of Education, 101 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301 or email Itemple@ ed.statenh.us; for additional information call (603) 271-6646. Great Service Great Food. Great Staff Some Things Don't Change... They Just Keep Getting Better! 69 Lafayette Rd (Route 1), North Hampton, NH Next to the NH Liquor Store Call 603-964_5064 PAGE 4A I An.Ar4nc NEWS I FEBRUARY 06, 2009 I VOL 35, NO 04 ARAMKNEWS.COM NEWS • Mt. Washington peaks in Nat Geo spread BY MARK OTAG IL ATLANTIC NEWS STATE WIIITE1 T Native Americans c:lledit"Agiocochook," or "Home of the Great Spirit." Today, we call it Mt. Washington, "Home of the World's Worst Weather." That claim to fame has garnered the interest of one of the world's most acclaimed publications, National Geographic, and landed a spread — albeit not a cover story — in the February 2009 edition on newsstands and in mailboxes everywhere today. The National Geographic Society is one of the world's largest non-profit scientific and educational institutions in the world, and since 1888, its monthly magazine has been bringing the far corners of the world, the depths of the oceans, and the mysteries of the universe into the fingertips and eyes of its readers. This month, along with stories about wild horses, mummies in Sicily, North Korea, and a cover feature about Charles Darwin and evolution today, New Hampshire's own Mt. Washington has been graced with a spread about the perils of winter atop the northeast's highest peak. It was 65 years ago, on April 12, 1934, that the observatory at the summit recorded a wind speed searing across the mountaintop that reached a breathtaking Home of the world's worst weather, Mt. Washington's perils and picturesque palate are featured in the February 2009 edition of National Geographic. — Atlantic News Photo by Mark Chag Jr WORLD'S WORST WEATHER — 231 miles per hour. That marked a world record for the highest surface wind ever recorded — a record which still stands today. Hurricane-force winds are common on Mt. Washington, and on average whip over the summit about 110 days every year. Snow and ice is not unusual throughout the year, and is common . even during the summer months. Nevertheless, the peak is a popular draw, and has been for more than a century. First a carriage road, then a railroad, stretched toward the sky. Today, cars traverse a winding road to the summit, while countless thousands don hiking boots in the summer (and ice picks in the winter) to tackle the mountain. Each spring, while dodging the persistent threat of devastating avalanches, the crazy-brave hike Tuckerman's Ravine and ski down the infamous "bowl." As a result of this combination of popularity and plight, the mountain has claimed more than 100 lives since the 1800s, and rivals that of Mt. Everest in fatalities. It is perhaps because of these and many other fascinating features that New Hampshire's biggest "rock pile" attracted the interest of one of the world's most prestigious publications, and is featured in this month's magazine. • What does National Geographic have to say about Agiocochook? We can't reveal that here. You'll just have to pick up or borrow a copy and find out. But rest assured, the story is accompanied with plenty of dazzling pictures. After all, it is National Geographic. DHHS warns of potential EBT card scam SPICIAL TO THE MANDE NEws SEACOAST I Hold on to that EBT card: The scammers are out there. The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Division of Family Assistance (DFA) is alerting residents about a potential scam involving their Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards. DHHS recently received notification that clients receiv- ing assistance in the State of Wisconsin have allegedly received phone calls requesting their card number and PIN for accessing their cash and food stamp benefits. The caller may have coerced the client by posing as a state employee. "At this point in time, we do not know of any such instances in the State of New Hampshire," stated DHHS Commissioner Nicholas Toumpas. "However we want to advise all recipients of cash and food stamp assistance to not disclose any information about their Electronic Benefits Transfer card or benefits." This issue is under investigation DHHS is taking steps to ensure that the public and local New Hampshire authorities are aware of the situation. "Please note that our department takes our clients' confidentiality very seriously," WE SOLEMNLY SWEAR — Hampton Falls Town Clerk Holly Knowles (center) is pictured here swearing in retiring Selectman Ted Tocci and his wife Marietta Garavaglia, after they were elected • to be the Hog Reeves and Keeper of the Pound for Hampton Falls during last weekend's Deliberative Session. — Atlantic News Photo Courtesy of Tim Samway - JOIN N 50% OFF & 30 DAY S PERSONA:. COAC..:-. said DFA Director Terry Smith. "We would not be calling to request information of this nature, as we already have it." Those who have been contacted by whom they feel may be potential scammers are encouraged to call DHHS at (603) 2714243. SYSTEM 90e RA, 4't .?Most of our astomws do. WE CLEAN HOMES WITH PETS...OFFICES TOO. Bonded Insured References 7 Years of Professional Cleaning CLEARWATER CLEANING SERVICES, LLC FREE ESTIMATES Call Today! 603-760-2282 ATLANTKNEWS.COM Voi, 35, No 04 I FEBRUARY 06, 2009 I An_Arric NEWS I PAGE 5A NEWS Eagle numbers soar in state, Seacoast BY MARK CHAG ATLANTIC NEWS STAFF WRITER SEACOAST I There's good news amidst the stories of the savage winter that New Hampshire residents have been encountering this season. That is, good news for the nation's most majestic bird, the bald eagle. Wildlife watchers participating in the New Hampshire portion of the 2009 National Mid-winter Bald Eagle Survey located a record-high total of 74 bald eagles during a two-week count period in January. The statewide effort was coordinated by New Hampshire Audubon in collaboration with the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department's Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program. With binoculars in gloved hands and spotting scopes and tripods at the ready, a total of 88 observers — nearly all volunteers — turned out in winter gear on the official Survey Day on January 10. In the . Lakes Region, Survey Day was held on January 8. Observers looked for eagles in each of New Hampshire's 10 counties, from the Seacoast to the Connecticut River. This was the 29th consecutive year that New Hampshire Audubon has conducted the survey, since the winter season which spanned from 1980-81. "During that time, the wintering bald eagle population in New Hampshire has increased steadily from the lowest of lows," according to New Hampshire Audubon Society Senior Biologist, Chris Martin. On Survey Day in 1982, New Hampshire Audubon staff and volunteers located just two bald eagles statewide. Breeding pairs were completely nonexistent in the state for nearly 40 years, until they crept back from isolation and began nesting in New Hampshire 20 years ago. This year, observers tallied a record-high 61 eagles (32 adult birds and 29 immature birds) on Survey Day, up just slightly from the previous record of 59 birds counted on a single day last January. Another 13 eagles were found during the two-week "count period" surrounding Survey Day, yielding a grand total of 74 individual birds seen. "Like last year's results, our findings this month are very encouraging," Martin says. "Here in New Hampshire, where the bald eagle was recently reclassified. from endangered to threatened status, long-term monitoring studies like this one help us tremendously as we evaluate the success of our recovery efforts," adds Michael Marchand, a wildlife biologist with New Hampshire Fish and Game's Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program. The official Mid-winter Survey Day occurs within a more inclusive two-week count period, which this year ran from December 31, 2008 to January 14, 2009. New Hampshire Audubon keeps records on the number of eagles seen during this two-week interval, combining Survey Day data with any additional individual birds that are distinguishably different and are seen during the week before and after, to get an overall total. During the 2009 Midwinter Survey, eagles were observed in New Hampshire five major eagle wintering areas, and a few elsewhere. -- In the Great Bay and Coastal regions, a total of 20 bald eagles were seen, including 18 individuals (consisting of four adults and 14 immature birds) seen on Survey Day, plus two additional eagles, both adults, confirmed during the two-week count period. The Seacoast represented the most abundant concentration of bald eagles anywhere in the state, according to the survey's findings. New Hampshire Audu- bon and New Hampshire Fish and Game will conduct another eagle count at the end of February to provide a better index of the abundance and distribution of bald eagles in the state near the end of the wintering season. The fifth annual Late Winter Bald Eagle Survey will take place on Saturday, February 28, and in the Lakes Region only, on February 26. NH Audubon monitors bald eagle abundance and distribution throughout the state each year as part of an annual contract with Fish and Game's Non-game and Endangered Wildlife Program. New volunteer recruitment and training for eagle survey participants occurs each year in November and December, prior to the winter eaglewatching season. Anyone who would like to get involved in next year's counts can find information regarding training dates at www.nhaudubon.org . CHECK OUT WHAT OUR CLIENTS ARE SAYING ABOUT SKINPERFECT 4a have been a cierit for the past year. During this time, I have gotten several tier hair removal trea my under arms and bikini line. My entire experience with this has been very positive. First, I am extremely happy with the results. After 6 sessions with Skin Perfect I am virtually hair free! Second, the treatments are fairly painless, especially when compared to traditional waxing treatments. And finally, throughout the process, Carla has made me feel entirely comfortable. She is disarming and professional and made each session fun. I highly recommend Skin Perfect for laser hair removal. Working with Carla is a pleasure and the results are amazing. If you are interested in 'permanent hair removal, treat yourself to sessions with Skin Perfect. It is totally wörth SCHEDULE TODAY AND GET A SECOND BODY AREA of equal or lesser value *FREE• DONT WAIT, THIS IS A LIMITED TIME OFFER! expires 2/28/09 SKINPERFECT, TALC csk,wheitieecYirealmei-d 91 Portsmouth Ave, Stratham, NH 6 ) 11/(e/ie 603-778-0889 www.skinperfectlIc.com P AGE 6A I AnAtmc NEWS I FEMPLIARY 06, 2009 I Vot. 35, No 04 ATLANT1CNEWS.COM BUSINESS Feel practically perfect at Gennie Grady Facial Spa BY Mew( CMG jIL AnAtinc NEws STAIT WRIIER HAMPTON FALLS I Valentine's Day rolls around every year giving folks the annual opportunity to find that special something that signifies eternal love. That, for most of us, is the tricky part. Does a box of chocolates or a plush teddy bear truly emphasize how much we care for our soulmates? But what else is there? A romantic dinner is nice, but when its over, its over. What happens when we've exhausted the sentimental photo collage, the flowers and the sweets? What if you're just not the kind of person who can write a heartfelt poem? For those folks (and that probably includes most every one of us) there is a perfect Valentine's Day gift for one and all that will have your loved one feeling great, looking great, and feeling replenished on so many multiple levels that he or she will be ready to face the world again — literally. Gennie Grady provides this dynamic solution, and as she celebrates 35 years in the business, she's a perfectionist in her art of making her clients feel and look their vibrant best. The Gennie Grady Facial Spa has been focusing on professional upper-body treatments for folks all across the Seacoast for more than three decades — and for 10 years now at her Hampton Falls location, at 83 Lafayette Road. While there are seemingly countless spas to choose from in the greater Seacoast region, count on Gerutie Grady for this: It's the only spa of its kind that focuses on the face. That's what gives her and her staff the edge — zeroing in those decades of heralded expertise on your every wrinkle, every crease and every pore. With a long list of services, rest assured that you, your spouse, your parent, or your teen will walk away shining like a star and feeling practically perfect because of it. "Our clients include men and women," Gennie says, while seated comfortably by her desk inside the spa which is captivatingly inviting with Cloonsc\ our Botip something I wanted to do," Gennie says. Now, 35 years later, she is still offering expert skin care for her devoted clientele, some of whom have been coming regularly for decades. Still wondering if a trip to Gennie Grady Facial Spa is a great gift for your loved one? The odds are that it is. "Studies have shown that 92 perFACE-FOCUSED — Gennie Grady is celebrating 35 years in the bu siness of cent of all people perceive themmaking her clients look and feel beautiful. — Atlantic News Photo by Mark Chag Jr. selves as having problem skin," Gen"I gave my brother a facial the soft pink walls and gennie explains. "People walk massage before he went out to tly-lit atmosphere. "We also out saying how wonderful play golf," Gennie says with get lots of teenagers — LOTS they feel. Some people who a chuckle. "He came back to of teenagers," she adds. have suffered from acne for me and said that he couldn't With prom seasons and 10 years walk away thankbelieve how good his game wedding parties, expert facial ful that they don't have acne was. He said, 'I couldn't do treatment is not only for folks anymore." anything wrong!" looking to wash away years Sometimes, Gennie gets Gennie first happened of aging, but for the young new clients who are referred upon the profession as a cliwho want to glean with a by their physicians. While healthy complexion. ent, when her mother tipped dermatologists can prescribe her off to the benefits of good But for men? Why not? medications for different skin facial treatments. She tried Gennie explains that a facial ailments, sometimes proper it out, and walked away in massage is much more than treatment with a facial is the amazement. the aesthetics; it can change simple solution. "I knew then that this was the way the person feels. "It's certainly worth trying. It can't hurt to come in and try," Gennie says with a laugh. Each client is different, and each with specific needs, and as always, for everyone, Gennie offers free consultations to help determine what would work best. Whether its deep pore cleansing, hydrating, firming, glycolactic facial treatment, microdermabrasion cream peels, high frequency treatment, tinting, bleaching or waxing, or any of the other many expert services offered, Gennie will help determine what is best get you beaming again. And with so many years of focusing on the face, rest assured Gennie offers the best service in the business. Gift certificates are available in any amount by calling the spa at (603) 929-SKIN (7546), or simply stop by 83 Lafayette Road in Hampton Falls. This Valentine's Day give the gift that says "I love you," that will have your special someone looking and feeling great once again, at Gennie Grady Facial Spa. riLirrliftil Toms' Results You Can See S, Feel in .lustkk'eeksi AVAILABLE SERVICES Alternative Integrative Cancer Therapy Colon Cleansing Colon Hydrotherapy High Dose Vitamin C IV Chelation Therapy Weight Loss Programs, Manbgement and Counseling Nutritional Health Assessment Diagnostic Testing & Evaluation Nutritional Coaching Herbal Consulting Focus Menu Planning Sports Nutrition & Training Disease Specific Nutrition Nutritional Cleanse Fasting & Detoxification Programs Light & Sound Therapy Lymphatic Drainage Osteopathic Mantpulatnee Therapy OVIT Massage Stone Therapy Reflexology Reiki Energy Organic Facials & Medical Microdermabraston Weight Loss Programs Management & Counseling Ionic Foot Soaks Ear Coning Organic Row Food Prepared to Order Organic Raw Juice Prepared to Order Alternatn.e & Integrative rvledicine ii, ic -- rai lionts •of , Inalizcd nulrifi ed for irfour hodyi.s own nu. & Colon Cleansing, -nil Aging & Reinvpmation and Pr6f. wet - 41e, jtir 1A N: .• HL: NH' 60 7 -929-0084 • \A \A \A . 3 ! ` t: I ' . L.' '11 ATLANTIC_NEWS.COM I Va. 35, No 04 FEBRUARY 06, 2009 I ATIAMIC NEWS I PAGE 7A PAGE 8A I AnANnc NEWS I FEBRUARY 06, 2009 I Vol. 35, No 04 ATLANT1C_NEWS.COM COMMUNilY BUSINESS LEGION'S NATIONAL COMMANDER TO VISIT POST 35 Yellow House a haven for 'Art&Tiques' BY MARK CRAG IR. ATLANTIC NEWS STAFF WWII EXETER I Charlie will be the first to offer a warm welcome as soon as you step into the Yellow House. Actually, he'll probably greet you with a bark or two as his own very personal greeting from his blanket bed on top of an antique desk. Charlie is the daytime occupant of the Yellow House Art&Tiques at 20 Water Street in downtown Exeter. He accompanies his owner, Linda Anason, who recently opened the sprightly shop that's brimming with — you guessed it — arts and antiques for every nook and cranny in your home. That's because every nook and cranny in the Yellow House is packed with special trinkets and collectibles to suit every taste and desire. So it seems, over the years antique shops in New England have evolved into two dynamic parallels. On one hand, there is the shop that features a short list of fine collectibles marked up to mountain-peak prices that meander about on shelves waiting for the bigcity buyer to mosey in and unload a fat wallet. Then, there are the fewand-far-between shops that pack in long-lost memorabilia from the days of old, all priced to sell. Consider Yellow House the latter, a small space walloped with wistful items to take you GREETINGS! Charlie is the official greeter at the Yellow House Art&Tiques, located at 20 Water Street in Exeter. He is pictured here surrounded by the many trinkets and treasures that can be found inside the downtown shop. — Atlantic News Photo by Mark Chag Jr. — back to your childhood and beyond. Spend a minute, or spend an hour searching through the trove of trinkets at Linda's shop, and there are two certainties: You'll discover something you'll want, and find a bargain too. What makes the Yellow House stand apart from all the other antique and collectible shops in the area, however, has to do with a little something called geography. Most such area establishments specialize in — you guessed it — New England items, which have been gathered from the yard sales, estate sales, barns and bins across the region. But Linda's Yellow House offers something more. "I've traveled so much over, the years, and col- lected so many things from so many different places," Linda says of the stock of items on display, which come not only from New England, but from as far off as the Midwest, spanning all the way to California. Today, she frequents family in Illinois, and has a spider web of stops to make going both there and back to discover and deliver new items to the Yellow House, so folks are always able to find delectable delights on each and every visit. "I try to focus on things that people can use — you know, useful objects to use for everyday stuff," Linda says, while walking among scads of bottles, lamps, baskets, glassware, wood carvings, cigar boxes, furniture, dolls, silver, shells, candlesticks, picture frames, a bird feeder, and giant circular saw blades leaning up against a wall. With a bachelor's degree in interior design, and a master's degree in painting, Linda has a keen eye for items that enhance a home, be it through color, shape or texture, and uses that flair to add items for her customers searching for that perfect piece of decorative distinction. Her skill as a painter is what adds the "art" to the Art&Tiques in the shop's name. Some of her landscapes and nature portraits are featured on the walls inside the store; others are featured in businesses throughout the region. Prior to launching into her antique entrepreneurship, Linda taught art students how to find the perfect stroke with paint and palette. So on your next stroll along the streets in the heart of downtown Exeter, be sure to stop in at 20 Water Street and visit the Yellow House Art&Tiques, where Charlie will give you his special "hello," and Linda is sure to have that special something you've been looking for from the years gone by. The shop is open Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and is currently celebrating a grand opening sale which offers 20 percent off everything in the store. For more information about the Yellow House Art&Tiques, call the shop at (603) 205-6851. Free weight management classes at Curves StECJAL TO THE ATLANTIC NEWS RYE I Curves of Rye is offering free weight management classes to .teach its proven method for losing weight and raising metabolism. These classes, which begin at 7 p.m. on Monday, February 16 and 23, are open to members and non-members. More studied than any other program, Curves' classes are based on the groundbreaking new research findings of the Exercise & Sport Nutrition Laboratory at Texas A&M University. Now, Seacoast area women can learn the powerful secret that has helped millions of women lose millions of pounds and keep them off for good. The program includes: • Start-Up Class (90 minutes) for first-time participants. • Phase 3 (30 minutes) to teach the last and most important stage of the Curves Weight management Plan and the secret that makes the plan work. • Special Topics Classes (30 minutes) covering a different topic each month, including "Smart Grocery Shopping," "Choosing the Right Carbohydrates," "Eating Out," "Emotional Eating" and more. Classes will be taught by Curves' Registered Dietitian, Nadia Rodman, and facilitated by weight management coaches from Curves of Rye, through a series of DVDs that will alternate teaching with hands-on activities. Participants will be encouraged to make a weekly appointment to weigh in with their weight management coach, who will provide accountability. All classes are free to members and non-members, but participants will be able to take advantage of special pricing on essential tools that will enhance their success. For just $49.95, participants can purchase a bundle including: A bottle each of Curves' multivitamin and Curves' calcium supplements; a can of Curves' protein shake; and a copy of the new book "The Curves Fit- ness & Weight Management Plan." Products are available for purchase separately and no purchase is required to attend classes. "We're excited to be offering flee weight management classes," said PeggysueYeoman, owner of Curves of Rye. "This dynamic program and the book are brand-new, and packed with cuttingedge information and lots of practical advice that women can use immediately. Every woman who is even thinking about losing weight should definitely check out the free classes." For more information, call (603) 964-4420; email curvesofrye@comcast. net or visit www.curves. COM. HAMPTON I American Legion Post 35 in the Hamptons will host the first-ever visit by a national commander in Post 35's 77-year history. National Commander Dave Rehbein will visit Post 35 in Hampton on Tuesday February 17 from 1:30-2 p.m. The visit coincides with his statewide tour. A Vietnam-era Veteran, Commander Rehbein was elected national commander of the 2.7 million member American Legion on August 28, 2008 in Phoenix during the National Convention of the nation's largest Veterans organization. "We are very excited to be able to host the first-ever visit by a national commander in our Post history," said Post 35 Commander Ralph Fatello. "This is a big deal for our Post and our members." The national commander is expected to tour Post 35's museum and visit the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) memorial monument, as well as be presented with the DVID documentary entitled "Global War on Terrorism Monument Dedication, September 11, 2006." The DVD is a 60-minute, locally-produced piece chronicling the story of Post 35's GWOT monument. All Legion Post 35 members are invited to meet and greet the national commander from 1:30-2 p.m. during his February 17 visit. For more information call Post 35 Commander Ralph Fatello at (603) 9264668. FRIENDS HOST WINTER BOOK SWAP PORTSMOUTH The Friends of the Portsmouth Public Library will host a Winter Book Swap and Coffeehouse on Sunday, February 15 from 2-4 p.m. in the library's Levenson Meeting Room. Participants are invited to come socialize with other readers, sip some coffee, listen to music and stock up on some books to carry them through the rest of the winter season. Refreshments will be sold. Each 2-1/2' space is available for a $5 donation; swappers can bring as many books or audio books that can fit in that space. They can also browse other participants' selections and see what can be traded. It should be noted that the library will not permit any books that have been kept in a basement or have any water damage whatsoever. As well, all textbooks should be left at home. This is a carry-in/carry-out swap. Any books that have not found a home by the end of the swap will need to be removed. The library will be providing a list of locations that accept book donations. The library is located at 175 Parrott Avenue in Portsmouth. For more information call (603) 427-1540. WINTER CLASSES AT BRAINWAVES NORTH HAMPTON I Brainwaves Learning Center is currently enrolling for winter classes, with great classes available for children of various ages from 4 years old through high school Classes are being offered in reading, writing, handwriting, CranioSacral Therapy, Spanish, science, keyboarding, art, the Stock Market, study skills, and SAT preparation. Information about these classes can be found at www. brainwaveslearning.com. Brainwaves is located at 18 Lafayette (Route 1) in North Hampton. For more information call (603) 964-3040. CHURCH HOSTS COMMUNITY DINNER HAMPTON I The First Baptist Church of Hampton will host a community dinner on Saturday, February 21 from 4:30-6 p.m. at the church, located at 36 Winnacunnet Road in Hampton. The public is invited to enjoy a sausage and chicken cacciatore dinner, which will be served with garlic bread, salad, beverage and desserts. The cost of the dinner is $6.50 for adults and $5 for Seniors and children. Take-out orders will also be available. To place a take-out order, or for more information, call the church at (603) 926-3200. SACRED HEART SCHOOL OFFERS TOURS HAMPTON I Parents who are considering preschool or hill-day Kindergarten for their child(ren) are invited to see Sacred Heart School's Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten programs in action the week of February 9-13. Interested parents are welcome to come observe the classes from 93010:30 a.m. and take a personal tour of the school to see what Sacred Heart can offer them and their children. Sacred Heart offers half day Pre-K programs for children ages three and four, and full day Kindergarten for children aged five. On-site extended care is available until 6 p.m. Sacred Heart School is located at 289 Lafayette Road in Hampton. To arrange for a tour call Kelley Pappalardo at (603) 926-3254. For more information about the school, visit www.shshampton.org . FIAKKET Have a gourmet meal in the privacy of your own home for half the price of a gourmet meal in a restaurant. No TIP REQUIRED! See our ad on page 19 ATIANTKNEWS.COM Vot 35, No 04 I Bout of snowmobile crashes has state officials pleading for safety Mw SEACOAST I A series of snowmobile accidents during the month of January have state officials urging riders to use extreme caution while partaking in winter sports. Two recent late-night snowmobile crashes, both with serious consequences, underscore the need for using caution and understanding one's limits when operating snow machines, state officials say. One incident occurred in Henniker, where Corey Slosek, 20, a Henniker resident, crashed into a tree on the northeastern shoreline of Upper Pond. Friends he was staying with at a nearby campground went looking for him after he did not rettim from a short solo snowmobile ride. They found him at the crash site and brought him back to the campground and called 911 at about 1:50 a.m. on Friday, January 16. Slosek was riding alone and had not been wearing a helmet or eye protection. He was treated for head trauma and hypothermia by Hen- niker and Hopkinton rescue personnel and immediately transported to the Henniker Fire Department for medical flight to Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, where he was treated in the Intensive Care Unit. New Hampshire Fish and Game Department Conservation Officers were called to the scene to investigate the crash. Initial findings indicate that speed may have been a factor. In a separate incident, William Brown, 42, of Loudon, crashed his snowmobile into a tree after crossing a field in Bamstead, around midnight on Thursday, January 15, sustaining serious injuries: He was riding with three friends, each on their own machine, when the crash occurred. The friends called 911 and Bamstead Police and New Hampshire Fish and Game Conservation Officers responded to the scene. Bamstead Fire and Rescue transported Brown to Concord Hospital and he was later transferred to Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. Brown was wearing a helmet and eye protec- 06, 2009 I An_Anmc NEWS I PAGE 9A LOCAL NOTES NEWS BY (HAG JR. ATLANTIC NEWS STAFF WRITER FEBRUARY tion at the time of the crash. Preliminary investigations indicate that speed was one of the contributing factors. "Winter conditions are affording the .opportunity to snowmobile throughout the state, but these incidents are stark reminders that this activity can be dangerous if you don't ride responsibly," said Major Tun Acerno, coordinator of Fish and Game's Off-Highway Recreational Vehicle (OHRV) Safety Program. "Be smart. Don't ride alone. Remember that visibility and speed will affect your ability to control the machine. Always wear a helmet, and dress appropriately for the weather, especially with the sub-zero temperatures we're experiencing right now." These accidents followed additional incidents which occurred earlier this month, along with numerous minor snowmobile crashes have occurred recently around the state, according Acemo. "We haven't had the consistent winter weather needed for optimal trail conditions," said Acerno. He explained that while the Granite State has already seen a 10 snow this ter, alternating cold temperatures and thaws, plus the ice storm and rains have created spring,-like conditions in parts of the state. Plus, there are "open stretches of water in places. Trails might look like they are snow-atmered, but they aren't necessarily safe. The snowmobile' clubs are doing a great job keeping the trails up under these varied conditions," said Acerno. "People have,. to do their part by taking responsibility for their riding. ,, Acemo strongly recommends checking trail conditions before you head out to snowmobile, especially if you're planning to ride in an unfamiliar area. "Trail conditions are forever changing," he says, "so make sure that you operate your snowmobile at a speed that is reasonable for the existing conditions." Trail conditions may be checked out at www.nhtrails. org , or contact the Snowmobile Association hotline for a trail report at (603) 740-5050 or visit www.rilisa.com . KAA OPENS 'HEAR! OF THE MATTER' EXHIBIT . EAST KINGSTON I East Kingston citizens are invited to "Meet the Candidates" for both town and school Llected positions on Wednesday, February 25 at the town's public library, located at 47 Maplevale Road in East Kingston. Coffee and pastries will be provided at the event, which begins at 7 p.m. Presented by the East Kingston Citizens' Association, this informal question-and-answer session will provide an opportunity for candidates to introduce themselves and for citizens to ask questions prior to this year's elections, scheduled for Tuesday, March 10. The association is an independent non-profit group organized to provide civic education programs for the people of East Kingston. It is non-partisan and not affiliated with any political group or any other organization, and welcomes volunteer participation in its programs. For more information e-mail EKCitizens@comcastnet 'WARM UP AT BLOOD DRIVE I The United Church of Christ in North Hamp- NORTH HAMPTON ton and Boy Scout Troop 162 are co-sponsoring an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Friday, February 6 from 1-6 p.m. at the church, located at 295 Atlantic Avenue in North Hampton. Long sleeved T-shirts and soup will be available to warm all the donors, who must be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 100 pounds and be in good health Donors are also reminded to bring with them a valid ID, such as a driver's license, student ID, passport or donor ID card. Because of the unusually harsh winter the need is urgent. Please consider giving the gift of life through donating blood during American Heart Month. For more information call (800) 463-9400. WOMEN Miff FOR ANNUAL SEACOAST WOMEN'S WEEK SEACOAST I The Seacoast Women's Week Committee will kick off their third year celebration with a half-day program for women of all ages on Saturday, March 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 130 p.m. at the Community Campus, located on Lafayette Road (Route 1) in Portsmouth. This year's program theme of "Revive and Rejuvenate" features a variety of educational, fun, and practical workshops. A number of professional speakers are scheduled, and include Rev. Dr. Mary Westfall speaking on environmental spirituality; Donna Packard, relaxing and reconnecting through breath; Elaine Morgillo, CH, financial planning during difficult times; Liz D'Arcangelo and Pilar Prime, women's nutrition; Judy Ringer, finding a voice through conflict; Dr. Deborah Turiano, women and cancer, and Liz Forkel, leading a beginning Zumba class The day will conclude with a group songfest led by Cynthia Chatis and Jeanne Russell. This is a donation-suggested event, with all net proceeds to benefit Womenaid of Greater Portsmouth, a non-profit organization that assists with short-term urgent financial needs of individuals and families in our communities. Sponsorships and in-kind donations are welcomed. Women's Weeks are held globally during this week in conjunction with International Women's' Day on March 8. Pre-registration for the local event is required. For more information or to register call coordinator Barbara Dunsford at (603) 436-8664 or visit www.worrienaidportsmouth.org . Don t let winter be a pain! The best cure for pain is prevention. IOU L 11 pall rir_sci Experts in Intel, -Ilk- ii t - We treat ALL types of acute and chronic pain: Herniated Discs • Sciatica • Shingles RSO • 1141 • Trigeminal Neuralgia Spinal Stenosis • Degenerative Disc Disease , We now accept CoventryiFirst Health. PainCare manage pain • improve life PAGE 10A I Anfornc NEWS I FEBRUARY 06, 2009 I Vot. 35, No 04 ATLANTKNEWS.COM EDUCATION Best of both worlds BY ANDREA CAIRAL &SUM TO THE ATLANTIC NEWS HAMPTON I Megan Lemire, a senior at Winnacunnet High School (WHS), is getting the best of both worlds: An exceptional education at WHS and from the Seacoast School of Technology (SST) as well. Located in Exeter, SST provides a distinctive, "focused career and technical education program for the students at Epping, Newmarket, Raymond, Sanborn Regional and Winnacunnet high sdiools." Students are encctraged to combine the program of studies at SST with an "an appropriate sequence of courses at their home high schools," affording an opportunity to focus on a subject of interest, possibly to be pursued after graduating from high school. This is Lemire's second year at SST. An avid fan of technology and the arts, she chose to join the Digital Communications program. "Two of my favorite things in the world are computers and art," says Lemire. "Graphic design was a perfect choice [for me] because it includes both of these. I plan to go on to college and major in graphic design and advertising." In addition to attending WHS, Lemire attends SST five days a week, several hours per day. Scheduling can be hectic at times but, according to Lemire, the motivation is within the work itself and well worth. the effort. "I want to receivr good grades and as much knowledge as I can, because I plan to go into this [business] after high school," she explains. The teachers at SST are as involved and supportive as those at students' home schools. One teacher in particular has made a significant impression on Lemire. "Ms. Groleau, my programs teacher, is awesome when it comes to [the] knowledge of all the different programs we use," she said. "Plus, she knows MOTIVATED — Megan Lemire attends classes at both Winnacunnet High School and the Seacoast School of Technology. She is planning to pursue a career in graphic design. — Atlantic News Courtesy Photo how to have fun and teach at the same time." Lemire said that she and her classmates have completed too many projects to recall all of them. However, last year, she was handed an assignment that required her to work with real-world clients. "We concentrated specifically on using Photoshop, Illustrator and Flash animation," she says. "Clients came [to SST] and we were offered to help [create] their business logo. We received second place for designing logos for First Night, Portsmouth. Lemire adds, "This year, we are concentrating on Web design and, at the end of the year, Video Production. Right now, we are working on a project where we have to make a Web site to display our portfolios of work for college." Lemire realizes and appreciates the experience and education she is receiving from SST. "I think SST is one of the best choices I have made during high school," she says. "I think it's a great opportunity." PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER — Hannah and Aly, sixth grade students at North Hampton School, work on an assignment together in the corridor outside of their classroom. — Atlantic News Photo by Liz Premo . PEACE CHAIN — In preparation for the recent observation of Martin Luther King Day and the presidential inauguration, students in Fran Kendellen's first grade class at Seabrook Elementary School created a peace chain in honor of the two events. — Atlantic News Courtesy Photo l'ortsmout I: Fh,spital A Women's Health Forum We've developed a day-long program cardiovascular screenings, break- to inform women about heart disease, how it affects them and how to prevent it Please join us for a relaxing day that includes Saturday, February 7, 2009 8am - 4pm • Registration. Exhibits C Screenings • Screenings include vascular, cholesterol, blood pressure and blood glucose • Tour the exhibit tables and displays • Enjoy a light breakfast buffet Choose Two Breakout Sessions • Wellness from Within - The Heart's Song: Pat Alandydy, BSN, RN E Laurie Wheeler, Homeopathic Practitioner • Stroke - Know the Symptoms and Act Fast: Scott Rusk, MD • Fit for Life, Exercise E Nutrition for Every Age: Angela Bekkela E-Kristle Reynolds • Hot Flashes, Hormones E Het Issues: Nell Ravin, MD Enjoy Lunch E Presentation • Emcee: Jennifer Crompton of WMUR • Wekome by Bill Schuler, CEO, and Donato Sisto, MD, FACS, of Portsmouth Regional Hospital • Enlightening stories of treatment and recovery by patients and their cardiologists out sessions, a nationally known speaker, plenty of take-home materials and some much-needed pampering. Sheraton Harborside Hotel, Portsmouth, NH Keynote Speaker Dr. Nieca Goldberg, MD - Cardiovascular and Women's Health Expert Author of: The Women's Healthy Heart Program and Women Are Not Small Men Pre-Register Today heartevent.portsmouthhospital.co-n or call Registration 1-888-421-1080 Fee: $ao Payable on the day of the event by cash or check made Out to Portsmouth Regional Hospital. This includes continental breakfast. lunch, 2 breakout sessions, gift bag, screenings, and entryInto a drawrng for a major door prize. This women's health forum honors the memory of Carolyn Bateman, RN, o beloved Portsmouth Regional Hospital staff member. Carolyn was a nurse in the endoscopy unit and died last year at the age of 52 from heart disease. TRIBUTE TO THE KING — Fourth grade students at Dondero Elementary School in Portsmouth took the stage for a tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., which included readings and songs honoring the late Civil Rights leader on the anniversary of his birthday. — Atlantic News Photo by Mark Chag Jr. ATEArmcNEws.Com Va. 35, No 04 I FESPIIARY 06, 2009 I kruvinc NEWS I STONEWALL KITCHEN 40.- COOKING SCHOOL this valentine's day treat yourself or someone special • • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 12-1:30rm SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 11:30Am-1:00 PM Relax at Noontime Sweetheart Luncheon Cooking School Staff Cooking School Staff $30 per person • Fresh Maine Baby Shrimp Mexican Cocktail • Quick Seared Poblano Beef Tips • Citrus Granita &Mexican Chocolate Shortbread Cookies FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 6-7:30 PM $30.00 per person • Mulled Wine • Warmed Artichoke & Crabmeat Dip • Arugula Salad with Balsamic Glazed Steak &Parmesan Butter • Potatoes in Fondue • Chocolate Covered Strawberries and 3-Layered Chocolate Cake with Ganache Valentine's Eve Dinner (or "Get Lucky Dinner" ... it is Friday the 13th afteraIII) SOLD OUT Brad Miller, York Harbor Inn Breakfast in Bed $60.00 per person Jeff Saunders • New England Steamed Mussels — Fennel, Saffron, White Wine, Stewed Tomatoes and Garlic • Bosc Pear Carpaccio — Micro Cloves, Saga Blue Cheese, Aged Balsamic Vinegar • Deconstructed Beef Wellington — Seared Beef Tenderloin, Mushroom Duxelle, Puff Pastry Cracker, Truffle Oil, Horseradish Smashed Potato, Port Reduction • Hickory Shagbark Creme Brake SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 6-7:30 PM Valentine's Dinner Cooking School Staff $65.00 per person • Asparagus, Baby Potatoes, Arugula, Basil and Watercress Salad served with Balsamic Fig Dressing • Roasted Stuffed Filet Mignon with Julienne Vegetables, tied with Poached Ribbon Le'eks served with Gorgonzola Sauce • Potatoes Gratin Dauphinois • Chocolate Almond Cheesecake with White Chocolate Drizzled Strawberries $30.130 per person • • • • • Bananas Mascarpone Crepes Chocolate Dipped Strawberries infused with Grand Mariner Asparagus Frittata with Tarragon Brie Sauce Meringue Hearts Vanilla Almond Breakfast Biscotti Buy one spot in a class and receive the 2nd spot 1/2 off.* Visit us online to view the complete February and March schedule at stonewallkitchen.com/cookingschool Two Stonewall Lane, York, Maine Call now for reservations 877-899-8363 *Offer valid for January-March 2009 cooking classes only. Cannot he comhined with other offers or promotions PAGE 1 IA ENTERTAINMENT_ Blue Moon hosts SAA art show EXETER A group show of artwork from the shores of Brittany and the back country of Tuscany will be shown during the months of February and March at Blue Moon Natural Foods, located at 8 Clifford Street in Exeter. Members of the SAA travel yearly to Europe for a few weeks of plein-aip 'The Inn at Cantistino' (Tuscany), watercolor by Bill Childs 778-8856 FRIDAY EVENING CELEBRATING STAND-UP HAMFTON I It was February of 2008 when the Old Salt in Hampton began featuring Boston-style stand up comedy shows at the well-known eating establishment. In recognition of a year of comedy, the Old Salt is celebrating the occasion with a blockbuster triple header show scheduled for Thursday, February 19. Boston-based headliners Brad Mastrangelo and Jim Colliton will be joined by Greenland's own Eric Hurst for a special dinnershow event. Tickets for a three course dinner and the comedy show are $39.95 and may be purchased in advance by calling The ( Old Salt at (603) 926-8322. Over the past year, comedy stars such as Paul D'Angelo, Jim Lauletta, Tom Hayes, Dave Russo, Jim McCue and others have performed at The Old Salt events. "The comedy shows have been everything and more than we expected," says Old Salt Manager Michelle O'Brien. "People who have come to the shows have seen great comedians and been a part of some great shows. She adds, "When we started comedy a year ago we weren't sure if it was going to work. But the people have responded and as long as they do we will continue to give them these types of events." As for the one year celebration show, Mastrangelo and Colliton are a one-two combination that will knock out any crowd. Both are regulars in Las Vegas and Atlantic City as well as playing the Boston circuit and major dubs around the country. Hurst is a fast-rising star who performs throughout New England and the West Coast. The Old Salt is working in conjunction with Salem, NH-based Laugh Riot Productions, which books comedy shows and fundraisers throughout New England. For MOM information visit www. laughriotproductions.com. rotating art exhibits by members of Seacoast Artist Association (SAA). A reception for the artists will be held on Friday, February 20 from 5-7 p.m.; the public is invited to attend. For more information about the art exhibit or the Seacoast Art, ist Association, call (603) painting. Enritled "Doris Rice and Friends," this group show includes work by Jamie Baron, Annick Bouvron-Gromek, Bill Childs, Barbara Cowan, Brianna Harmer, Helen Hazen, Gwen Morgan and Nina Shore, as well as Doris Rice. The natural foods store and restaurant is hosting 2/6/09 5 PM 5:30 6:30 6 PM 7:30 7 PM 9 PM 8:30 8 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 (CBS) ( ) News (N) ' News (N) ' News (N) (CC) (CC) (CC) NBC ( ) WMUR-9 i-th ) 6 ( 0 4 '• ' . ‘:e.: (PBS) i co WLVI-56 WSBK-38 ) WNRU-21 (PAX) - T • '.• .. .. (FOX) MyTV-50 E. . >.._ u.: r < > , .- I k s I . Extra (N) ' Howie Do Howie Do It (N) ' It ' (CC) News (N) ' (CC) Entertain- Chronicle Wife Swap "Jones/ Martinson" (N)' meni Press lin ton Weeli PBS (N) Two/Half Men TwoPilaif Men News (N) (:35) (1206) Jimmy KimNightline mel Uve (N)' (CC) (N) '(CC) (CC) Press An Evening With Earths Kift '(CC) Independent Lens (N) (CC) (CC) (DVS) The Game 13: Fear Is Real "A News (N) '(CC) Deal With the Devil" Hates Chris Wheel of Jeopardy! Dr. Phil '(HD) (CC) • WBZ That 705 Frasiar' - .. R$sck Fiapack Chowder 1VLAND Hillbillies Hliibiliies Hogan ESPN ESPN2 ESPNC Horn . . Hogan I NESN CNN CNBC FOXNWS (400) The Situation Room Fast Money (ND) Mad Money (HD) Speclai Report Glenn Beck (HD) NECN Hardball (CC) News Day Live 1600 Pa. Ave. Right 1Busln Motown Collect Paid Pro- Thin Instantly gram' News (CC) Selnfeid (CC) Wedding RENO Houses For $300 Slmpsons King of the Hill Paid Paid 70* Family Aqua 3rd Rock NBA Basketball: Warriors at Suns NBA Basketball: Nuggets at Wizards Sportscenter (CC) BoxIng Friday Night Fights. (Uve) (CC) NFL Live NFL Live Baseball Bull Riding Am. Gladiators Wresthng Who's Number 1? 1Classics eo Mm. Blame Best Damn 50 Celtics Sporti Sports NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at New York Knicks. SporteD Paid SportsD UFC Wired (N) College Hockey Maine at New HampshIre NBA NASCAR Wrestling l Larry King Uve Lou Dobbs Tonight Brown-No Bias Kudlow Report CNBC Reports The O'ReIlly Factor FOX Report Hardball (CC) Countdown IV Diner NewsNg Busi Right Deal or No Deal' Hannfty (HD) Maddow Show News (N) 1 TRAVEL TLC (400) God vs. Satan Modern Marvels What Not to Wear Jon & Kate 8 ANC War Ribs Half & Half' cheers' (CC) The 700 Club (CC) 705 Home Videos Lopez Home Im Home Im Family Lopez KIng-Hlii King-Hill Amer Fam. Guy Clerks Broadcast News (1987) William Hurt. Minute Conlessa Cooking MInute My Divine Kitchen To Sell Diner Paradise (CC) Deep Fried Challenge House My Bar Food Paradise l Modern Marvels Real Simple Raymond Friends Selnfsld Bones (CC) Jonas, Anisdon El News I 1 Selnfeld NCIS "Vanished" Sill Skid Sill Bind Anderson Cooper 360 (HD) (CC) On the Money Fast Mny loptions On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Larry King Uve Mad Money (HD) Hannity (HO) Maddow Show MSNBC invesli LateNlght Late#llght News (N) Big Love (CC) Usa Lampanelli u-The KIngdom (2007) Jemle Foxx. (CC) The L Word (CC) Boxing (1W) (Liv.) House To Sell Ghost Adventures Unsella House Most Haunted (N) Get Sold Buy Me Haunted L ght Modern Marvels What Not to Wear Gangland (HO) What Not to Wear History. Mysteries Mother Knows Sex Shockwave (HD) What Not to Wear i Harbor (2001, Wa') (HO) Ben Affuscit, Josh Hutuelt. (CC) Fun. Guy Fan. Guy uSk Deeds (2002) Adam Ss.ur. (CC) I;" FInal Paid Countdown News (N) (CC) Unwmp Exp House Ten' Places u- Peel - October Sky (1980) (HO) Jibe Gyllenhwd. Reba South Past 1 705 Barnyard: The Original Party Animals Star Balms. Satur Ben 10 Grtfflth Griffith Cosby Cosby . Parental The Real World' Punk'd' (CC) Zoey 101 iCarly' Johnny T Star Gflffith Griffith SHOW 1 EveryRaymond Punk'd Big Love "Empire" Big Love (CC) (400) Little Women * E.t the Extra-Terrestrial (1902) Fantastic Four Balt (2000) (ND) Janile Foxx.' (:15) u-. Charlie WBaon's Wa' (2007) US Tars Diary Daddy (AS) inside the NFL (A.The Greet Debaters (2007) (CC) 1 Friends EveryRaymond "Pilot" WWE Friday Night SmacicDownl (N) (CC) Hockey 70s Smiley Sex and the City Frasler Frasler Interrupt SportaCenter (Uve) (HO) Football Press Celtics NASCAR Burning Horn I Interrupt NBA Basketball: 1994— Sunset Warriors I Sports Hockey T"° The instigators HBO ij Frasier' I (CC) The Temptations (1998 Drama) Leon, Te.yon BroOks 08 Woodslde. Fame brings ___________ ..Js and pressures te the quintet Seinteld Simpson. Cops (N)' Cops' News (N) (CC) America's Most Wanted-Fights Back CC) .• Late Night Supernanny "Costel- 2W20 '(HD) (CC) lo Family" (N)' The NeweHour With Antiques Antiques Masterpiece Classic "Sense and ReunIon SensibilIty" (CC) (DVS) Road Jkii Lehrer (N)(CC) Road '. NICK TOON >..3 FOOD 0 2 <w u-" ' wna- ico , "___ --, ( W) Access H'wood .• _ -; -,s* (PBS) I h m lb. Ross Parks Story (2002) C) rik(j 10 items ' Sex & Sex lips Forbid Negotla i Sex I Diners Exp House Tour Places Modern Ma'vels Mother Knows Sex Night-Deed Sex & -, Wedding EXPERIENCED WITH FORECLOSURmi SHART-SALE niF Amikr • PAM BAILEY, MIES* REALTOR• new Is at KING-FOR HELP • Snow Rerno va • Roof Raking • Clean-Outs.' - Let me know, I can provide you with contacts. ENTERTAINMENT 2f7/09 5 PM 5:30 WBZ-4 CBS WCVB-5 ABC WCSH-6 NBC WHDH-7 NBC WUNI-27 UN WMUR-9 ABC 6 PM 7 PM 6:30 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 News (N) CBS News (CC) Cold Case "Family 8101"' (HD) Fiashpoint "Who's George?" (CC) 48 Hours Mystery '(CC) News (N) (CC) News (N) Wrld (CC) News Sat Grey's Anatomy' (HD) (CC) Private Practice "Ac- Desperate House- ceptance" (CC) wives (CC) News (N) (CC) News (N) ' NBC News (CC) Heroes '(HD) (CC) Law & Order "Falling" '(HD) Law & Order: Special News (N) ' Victims Unit (C C) (PBS) ( vi) (1 WNRU( AX) wnn NICK TOON Itv etio r Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge STEEN Total Dra STEI 1 ICaily' ICarty' Carly (N) I King-Hill King-Hill Chicken Aqia Ban 10 Bnan Niruto the MovIe 3: Guardians TtIl An 2rd Rrwk 2rd Rk fini Pk rd Rnk %Fd Rnk 4rd Rnk Cnshv (nshv Cosbv Cnsbv Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith PJs Boon Cosbv Coebv ESPN ESPN2 ESPNC FOXSN NESN cn CNN CNBC FOXNWS MSNBC NECN ru) H BO n, WO( 5 2 SliOW Color Rate Trees Get Sold MY MY World Poker Tour (CC) TRAVEL Trees A&E Pan Para Pare Para Mythausters (HD) Dirty Jobs (HD) More Extreme Marksmen (HD) (CC) Toddlers & Tiaras Reel Test Deals TIC AMC I ii' , House Dints =MI Man Challenge (HD) Color House Treasure Hunt Property House Brown: China Rate Kitchen Pizza Paradise (CC) Challenge (HD) Dime Divine Man Man CSI: Miami (CC) Ditty Jobs (HD) CSI: Miami (CC) Dirly Jobs (HD) The Beast (HD) Made CSI: Blend (CC) Dirty Jobe (HD) History of Sex (CC) Real Test Deals Hooked: Illegal Fret Jon Kate Jon Kate Fret CSI: Miami (CC) Dirty Jobe (HD) CSI: Miami (CC) Dirty Jobs (HD) Modern Marvels 17 Kids 17 Kids Hooked: Illegal History of Sex Jon Kate Jon Kate Fret Fret Million Dollar Baby (2004) (HD) • Apollo 13 (1995) (HD) Tom Hanks, BM Paxton. (CC) (4110) • Peed Harbor (2001, War) (HD) Ben Aflieck. (CC) The Reel World' Making the Band 4 Best Dance Crew The Real World' • Not Another Teen Movie (2001) '(CC) * Antitrust (2001) Ryan Phillippe. ' (:45) • The Ringer (2005) King :15) Wedding Crashers (2005) Owen Wilson. Raymond Raymond King • Weddktg Crashers (2005) (HD) Gilled fiends: The Ben C.wion Story (CC) Gilled Hands: The Ben Corson Story (CC) Gilled Hands Saturday Night Live The Soup Chelsea Keep Up Keep Up • Rodt Star (2001) Wit Wahlbseg. Law & Order: SVU Burn Notice (HO) NOS "Head Come" HOS ' (HO) NCIS "Deception" NOS '(HO) The Secret (2001) DaVid Duchtwny. (CC) The Secret (20D7) Delft Duchowly. (CC) Sl Smell *loss (200) Whoring Bet •The De Vinci Code (20110) (HD) Too-Henke. (CC) El News (N) Girls Ghia Eic True ifwood USA UFE Divine Psych "Truer Use" Monk (HD) (CC) Hush UM ikby (2007) Vkdode het 'READING RAINBOW' CONTEST SEACOAST I Students (PBS) ( MY CREATE A STORY FOR in grades K-5 are invited to create and illustrate original storybooks and enter them in the 15th annual Reading Rainbow Young Writers and Illustrators. Contest, sponsored by New Hampshire Public Television (NHPTV). Last year, more than 1,000 children submitted stories to the contest, which encourages children's love for reading, writing, and drawing. _ The goal for this year's contest is 1,200 stories; entries are due to NHPTV by Tuesday, March 24. "Kids get really excited about this annual contest, and they put a lot of thought, imagination and energy into their stories," says Susan Adams, of NI-EPTV's Knowledge Network. "We hope the contest inspires children to try storytelling." Children who enter the contest receive a Certificate of Achievement. A panel of judges will review entries in April, at which time first, second and third place winners will be selected in each grade level, and their stories will be presented on NHPTV's Web site. Local first place winners in grades K-3 advance to the national competition. An awards ceremony will be held in June at the NI-IPTV Broadcasting Center in Durham to recognize the winners. Contest rules and entry forms, as well as previous winning entries, are available at www.nhptv.org/ rrcont. Additional information also is available by calling the NI-IPTV Knowledge Network at (603) 868-4354 or (800) 639-3413. ENTERTAINMENT New season at Hackmatack BERWICK I The Hackmatack Playhouse and the Guptill family have announced that tickets are now on sale for their 37th season of summer shows at the playhouse, located on Route 9 in Berwick, Maine. On the playbill will be "Our Town" (running June 24 through July 4); OPENING SOON — The Hackmatack Playhouse has released its 2009 summer theatfe schedule of shows and musical performances. .Atlantic News Courtesy Photo — "Anything Goes" (July 8-25); "The Mystery of Edwin Drood" (July 29 through August 8); "The Producers" (August 1229); and special pre- and post-season musical nights. Musical performances include the Royal River Chorus on June 13; the Irish Music Guy, Kevin Farley on June 19; contemporary a cappella with Tuckermans at 9 on June 20; and Richard Conrad and the Bostonians presenting "Masters of American Operetta" September 45. All this is presented in a converted barn which is known to many as one of New England's most charming and—quaint summer theatres. Located on Route 9 in Berwick, Maine, the Hackmatack Playhouse-.continues a tradition Of affordable ticket prices with student, Senior, and group discounts. Tickets and more information are available at www. liackmatack.org or by calling _. (207) 698-1807. SUNDAY EVENING LINCOLN PROGRAM AT LIBRARY KENSINGTON I The Historical Society of Kensington will host a talk entitled "Abraham Lincoln: From Springfield, Illinois to Exeter, NH and Beyond," on Wednesday, February 11 at 7 p.m. at the town's public library, located on Route 150 in Kensington. This fascinating talk will be given on the eve of Lincoln's 100th birthday by Dr. 1 Richard D. Schubart, a pro- lessor of early American history at Phillips Exeter Academy. In 2008, Governor 'Lynch appointed him to the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission and he has been involved with activities around the State that are celebrating the occasion. The public is invited to attend, and refreshments will be served. For more information call Lynne Monroe at (603) 778-1799. KNIT SOME WINTER WARMTH HAMPTON I The Knitting Club has announced that members will be meeting on the second and fourth Thursday of the month, now through June. The meetings, which are held from 1-3 p.m., take place at the Lane Memorial Library, located on Academy Avenue in Hampton. These meetings provide a perfect time for those looking for some exciting ideas while making new friends. Experienced knitters as well as beginners are invited, and there is no charge to participate. For more information about the Knitting Club, call (603) 926-1159. 2/8/09 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 1 PM 11:30 12 AM ' 12:30 (3:00) PGA Tour Golf Buick Invi- News (N) 60 Minutes (N) '(ND) The 51st Annual Grammy Awards Katy Perry, Kenny Chesney, Coldplay, the News (N) Sparta Final (CC) (CC) Jonas Brothers and Lil Wayne are scheduled to perform. (CC) tational — Final Round. (CC) (CC) WBZ-4 (CBS) America's Funniest Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (N) NBA Basketball: Lak- News (N) ABC er* at Cavaliers Nwee (CC) WCSI1-6 (NBC) (4:30) NFL Football AFC41FC Pro Bowl. From Aloha Stadium in Honolulu. '(Live) (HD) (CC) Dateline NBC ' (CC) XM (2009) Val Mem A man faces scout*. News (N) ' Whacked Sports lions of assassinating the president Out Stars (CC) WHOH-7 NBC (410) NFL Football AFC44FC Pro Bowl. From Aloha Stadium In Honolulu. '(Live) (HD) (CC) Dateline NBC '(CC) a(2009) Val Kilmer. A man faces accuse. News (N) ' 7 Sports Extra loos of assassinding the president (CC) WUNI-27 FÜtbOI Ambrica vs. Pachuca. Deede el Es- La Hors Pico Edith Don Quijote Cabipitle Nuevo (1973) *Marquez. • tado Aztecs / Mexico City. (En Vivo) do Moreno, FemaidieFernen Gernec VnAUR-9 NBA Basketball: Lak- News (N) ABC (CC) News WGBH-2 George Carlin: The Mark Twain Prize WENH-11 Performances Suze Orman: Women & Money Information John Denver: A Song's Best Friend about financial matters. ' (CC) WLV1-56 Hates Chris The Game Drew Carey (ABC) (UNI) (ABC) ers at Cavaliers (PBS) (PBS) (CW) Home Videos (N)' America's Funniest Home Videos (N) American Future: A American Future: A History With Simon History With Simon Drew Carey Desperate House- wives (N) (CC) Desperate House- (:01) Brothers & tars "Owning it" (N) (CC) LC/Wen Ilene la Razdn? High School 2 Extra '(CC) Noticlero Tres la Verdad Univisien (:01) Brothers & Sis- Nome (N) (:35) Legend of the ters "Owning ir (ft) (CC) Seeker "Bounty' At the Movies Masterpiece Classic "Sense and Masterpiece Classic "Sense and George Carlin: The Mark Twain Prize Sensibility" (CC) (DVS) Sensibility" (CC) (DVS) My Music: The 70's Experience ' (CC) Sonny Sonny Change Your Brain, Change Your Life Overcoming depression, ADD and anxiety. News (N) (CC) Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement TWo/Hall Men TWo/Half Sex and Lost (CC) Men the City CSI: Miami "Bunk" Without a Trace '(HO) "Penitence"' Houses Cal. Ab For $300 Secrets News (CC) &nip Saint old (CC) Paid Suite Life Montana Feed the Paid ProChildren gram' House "House vs. God" '(CC) Paid Paid So Raven 006 FrUll Zoey 101 ., Drake Drake ,a_-• 'Carly ' 141#01tai ' 410 , Johnny T Johnny T Johnny T Johnny T I Name Alone 3 (1997) Alex D. Umt. Star Griffith Griffith Leave Leave Griffith [ Griffith Griffith / Leave Leave ' NICK TOON TVLAND 19 Law/Ord SVU Nature (N) '(HO) (CC) (DVS) Jericho "Vox Popull" e Teen Wolf (1989, Comedy) Michael J. '(HO) Fox, James Hampton. '(CC) Camp Roca (2009) (ND) Joe Jonas. At the Movies wives (N) (CC) CSI: Miami "Entrance CSI: NY "Run Silent, CSI: NY "All Access" Monk "Mr. Monk vs. Frasier' Frasier' The Cobra" (CC) (CC) (CC) Wound" (CC) Run Deep" (CC) (CC) Paid ProfrA*S*H lerA'S'H The Diplomat (2009, Suspense) Dougray Scott, Claire Forked, Richard Roxburgh. A Paid ProWNRU-21 gram' (CC) (CC) suspect British diplomat tries to complete a secret minion. gram ' (PAX) American News (N) (CC) wFxy.25 Nisi al Fate (1999, Suspense) Medchen Hole in the Wall (N) Simpsons King of Family the Hill '(CC) Guy (CC) Dad (N) (FOX) Amick, Chris Mulkey. Wedding Cheers 70s 170s Simp Simp Idol Rewind Stargate SG-1 CSI: NY (CC) MyTV-50 DISN Primer impacto Seeker "Bounty" Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (N) ' WSBK-38 College Basketball: (IND) BC at Wake Forest 1 News (N) (:45) Legend of the WCVB-5 The Insider (N) ESPN2 ESPNC a FOXSN NESN Family King-Hill Fam. Guy Chicken Aqua !Griffith itA*S•H King-Hill MASH A*TH ferit'S'H Hillbillies Hillbillies Newsroom Westminster D.L. Hughley-News American Greed 'Larry King Live To Be Announced Gerald° at Large Huckabee (HD) Red Eye ((ID) Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera News Paid ..., Newsroom Paid Paid Evening Evening lEvening Evening . State of the Union Newsroom Paid Wall St To Be Announced FOX Report (HD) Hockabee (HD) David Wilson Drm, Animals A Father's Promise Boston I Book Larry King Live Marijuana Inc. Special Prog. Caught on Camera News (N) News (N) News (N) News is HBO F. lux Big Love "On Trial" (4:30)4 Batman Returns (CC) (:45) )1) Drearngiris (MOO Jamie Fon. (CC) Harold & Kumar Escape Guantanamo s van Almighty 1(:15)* The Net (1995) Sandra Bullock. NI SHOW (4:30) I* Freedom Writers HGTV TRAVEL A&E DISC HIST TLC AMC MTV TBS TNT E! USA LIFE Metal SportsCenter (CC) Final Fast PASNBr — FOOD PrA'Sli NBA Basketball Phoenix Suns at Detroit Pistons. Sportatenter (Live) (HD) SportsCanter (Live) (HD) (CC) Poker Gymnas Madden Challenge NI4RA Drag Racing Kragen O'Reilly Winternationals. From Pomona, Calif. Poker Boxing Car Auction w The Program (1993) (CC) s The Program (103) (CC) College Basketball — Game of the Week Racing Final World Poker Wm. Basketball Women's College Basketball: VCU at Del. Impact College Basketball Outdoors Outdoors College Basketball Maryland at Georgie Tech. (Live) SportsD Outdoors SportsD Red Sox Calia9a Hadar/ Famed Zaltaria Thinner P9OX co CNBC . t FOXNWS I; America's News HO FOX News Sunday Z Press 5 Extreme Survivor Stories NECN Lopez Satur Track and Field BR OW Family Home Im Home Im • Home lm Lopez (:45)*, &olio (2007, Documentary) IN. Challenge (HD) Cakes !Cakes Ult. (Recipe House Dream Home !To Sell To Sell My ILiving-Tribe Living-Tribe Living-Tribe The Beast (HD) 'MythBusters (HD) MonsterGuest (CC) The 750- Pound Man The L Word (N) Con MonsterOuest (CC) MonsterOuest (CC) !MonsterGuest (CC) I Mermaid Girl (CC) Pregnant Man Pregnant 46 Yr 'Meet the Spartans (2008) Insomnia 'Diary Iron Chef America 'Chopped lUlt. Recipe Renovatn First Renovatn Stagers .House House Miami (CC) ICS1: Miami All In" _ICS!: Miami (CC) Squid invasion (CC) The Science of Sex Appeal (N) (HD) CSI: Dirty Jobs (HD) ;MonsterGuest (CC) 627 Lb Woman ;Big Love "On Trial" Sports ClubWPT.com Paid Paid ' Me, Myself & Irene (2000) Jim Canvey. Co Ed US Tara Diary US -Para The L Word (CC) Ult. Recipe Challenge (HD) House House HGTV Showdown Living-Tribe Living-Tribe CSI: Miami (CC) Sports Ringside (CC) „ Mark & Oily , Mark & Oily The Sopranos (CC) JFK: Inside The Sopranos (CC) CSI: Miami "All In" MonsterOuest (CC) Giant Legs Living-Tribe Unsolved History Sex Appeal MonsterOuest (CC) MonsterOuest (CC) Pregnant Man Mermaid Girl (CC) The Usual Suspects F* Apollo 13 (1995) (HD) Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton. (CC) ** The Godfather (1972, Crime Drama) Marion Brando, Al Pacino. (CC) Fantasy 'College Nitro Cif News News Nitro Cir Best Dance Crew Double Shot 1), Not Another Teen Movie (2001) '(CC) Fantasy College 45) * tacking & Screaming "Fun With Dick & Jane 1(45) i• Fun With Dick & Jane (2005) (4:00) Head of State .Kicking & Screaming (2005) (HD) Gifted Hands 9:55)■■• Sly& (2001) (WPC} • Shrek (2001) Voices of Mike Myers. Richle Rich (1904) Macsulty Culkln. Librarian: Curs The Soup "Chelsea Girls 'Girls Girls Girls II Beauty Shop (2005) Queen Littlish. Red Carpet: Grammy Awards I Red Carpet Psych "Truer Lies" The Padfler House ' (HD) "House "Kids" (CC) House "Love Hurts" 1House ' (HO) • Te PacIff(2005) (HD) Vin DIsseL her Grey's Anatomy Frasier 'Frasier lArrny Wives (HD) in What's Love Clot to Do With it (CC) (4:00) For One Might I* Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit (19113) t;$ F SIACOASI E \II1041% VII %I & ARIS 3 0o 2009 \ ENTERTAINMENT 'FROGZ!' take the stage life objects, animals, and absurdity to entertain and mystify all ages. Creative critters and whimsical images blend with illusion, vaudeville and inventiveness beyond belief. The signature work of the Portland (OR)-based Imago, "FROGZ!" is an unforgettable experience for children and adults alike, having been seen DURHAM I The University of New Hampshire's Celebrity Series will present Imago Theatre's "FROGZ!" on Tuesday, February 24 at 7 p.m. at the Paul Creative Arts Center's Johnson Theatre on the UNH campus in Durham. "FROGZ!" is a fantastic creature-theater performance bringing to on stage and television by more than a million people. The ingenious masks, mesmerizing movement, outlandish costumes, and original music score create a carnival of the absurd. Presenting universal themes with a light touch, animals take on human characteristics, inanimate objects like orbs and slinkys engage in silly humanistic move- ments, and penguins play "musical chairs: Imago Theatre began in 1979 performing exclusively mask theater in small communities around • the Northwest, and progressed toward creating and staging experimental, original text works, as well as contemporary adaptations of classics. Tickets are $30 for gen- WBZ-4 5 PM 5:30 Nom (N) (CC) 6:30 7 PM News (N) Everting (CC) News The In- eider (N) 6 PM (CBS) WCV11.5 Nowa (N) News (N) News (N) ABC WM Inside Edition ICC) News (CC) (ABC) (CC) wcswe (NEC) wHDH.7 News (N) ' News (N) ' t4mvs (N) ' NBC Access H'wood - (CC) (CC) WUNI-27 Primer impact° UNI 1Ln (CC) 8 PM News L Curious Curious Gsat. 9 PM 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 9:30 Chronicle The Bachelor Jason visits the hometowns True Beauty "Get Fit" (N) ' (CC) of the final four bachelorettea. (N) ' (CC) (CC) (1206) Jimmy KimNews (N) (:351 Nightline awl Live ' (CC) (CC) Chuck (N) ' (HD) (CC) Heroes "Trust and Blood" (N) (CC) Medium (N) ' (HD) (CC) News (N) ' The Tonight Show With Jay Leno (CC) (CC) Late Night Extra (N) ' Chuck (N) ' (HD) (CC) Heroes "Trust and Blood" (N) (CC} (CC) . lAedium (N) ' (HD) (CC) News (N) ' The Tonight Show With Jay Leno (CC) (CC) Late Night Iir i1 L r Gawp 830 Mews (N) Late Show With Da- Late Late vid Letterman (N) Show (CC) Noticias Noticiero Las Tontas No Van UnivisiOn UnivisiOn al Clelo (ABC) 0 < 0 IX m P BS 7:30 CSI: Miami "PreEntertain- Big Bang How I &Set 1Vro/liaff Worst Week (N) :turned Guilty" (N) Theory Men 207 Maga- Deal or No Deal zine. News (N) ' News (N) ' News (N) ' NBC News (CC) (CC) (SC) (NBC) Fuego en la Sangre Cristina Cuidado con el Angel The Bachelor Jason visits the hometowns True Beauty "Get Fit" (N) ' (CC) of the final four bachelorettes. (N) ' (CC) (12:06) Jimmy KimNews (N) (:35) (CC) Nightline mel Live ' (CC) Antiques Roadshow American Experience (N) ' (HD) Ready (CC) (DVS) Digital "Dallas" (N) (CC) Charlie Rose (N) ' (CC) Greater Boston Soundstage "Urnphrey's McGee (N) Austin City Limits (N) • (CC) Sonny Sonny The 700 Club (CC) Family Family Mk Reunion NH Outlook (CC) George Carlin: The Mark Twain Make ' Prize (N) ' (HD) (CC) Noticlas Noticlero La Hors de la Risa UnivisiOn UnivisiOn Tavis Smiley ( Vi) (PAX) The Peoples Court M P1-50 1 DISN ' I FAM 1 NICK TOON TVLAND ESPN ESPN2 0 ESPNC % FOXSN i NESN 1 Sponge . Drake Johnny T Johnny T UM° Hillbillies Hillbillies Hogan Drake iHogan Interrupt I _SportsCenter (CC) Horn 'interrupt NASCAR Now (CC) Horn College Basketball: 1984 Duke vs. UNC World PokerKnock Sports College Hockey: Beanpot Tournament FOXNWS Hardball (CC) 1600 Pa. Ave. NECN News Day Live Right HBO X-Men SHOW (:15)* Booty Call (1997) (CC) (:15) i Delta Farce (2007) (CC) FOOD Conteesa Paula Twilight Frasier Montana MSNBC MAX ›a] m 0 i Replace (4:00) The Situation Room Fast Money (HD) Mad Money (HD) Glenn Beck (HD) Special Report CNN CNBC Frasier Gilmore Girls ' !Sponge Robot Cottrage Chowder Chowder Johnny 7 STEEN :Griffith Griffith •:-• . . - ,Griffith Drake Griffith Griffith The Buzz Beanpot College Hockey: Beanpot Tournament Final Lou Dobbs Tonight Kudlow Report Brown-No Bias Hardball (CC) TV Diner CNBC Reports The O'Reilly Factor Countdown NeweNg CEO (:45) ' The Great Debaters (2007) IIV.' Challenge Good Modem Marvels .1 __, Little AMC MTV /-- TBS TNT 'C > E! USA UFE (4110) ■10 The Godfather (1972) Marton Brand°. (CC) Made' Made' Raymond Raymond Raymond 'Friends Charmed (CC) . Bones (CC) '1THS Investigates Kidnapping NCIS ' (HD) NCIS ' (HD) Reba Reba iWIle Swap (CC) Home Int Home Im Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Griffith Griffith Griffith 'Griffith Best Dance Crew Seinfeld Seinfeld Law & Order • El News Daily 10 NCIS "Blowback" Mother Mother Little Outdoors SportaD Work Paid Larry King Live Anderson Cooper 360 (HD) (CC) Larry King Live Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show The O'Reilly Factor HannIty (HD) Hannity (HD) On the Record Hardball (CC) Maddow Show Countdown Maddow Show..., News (N) - News (N) (CC) LateNight LateNight News LIve Free or Die Hard (2007) (CC) The L Word (CC) U nwrap SportsD Unwrap Food US Tare The L Word (CC) n Hostel Part 11 Diners Buy Me Unwra p Good HGTV Showdown Unwrap !Food Property Gene Anthony Bourdain Anthony Bourdain Anthony Bourdain Diary Diners House cr King-Hill Griffith NFL Live Final SportsCenter (CC) College Basketball Kansas at Missouri NASCAR College Football All-Star Challenge (N) E:60 (N) (HD) NFL Live Women's College Basketball • Wrestling Wrestling Bull Riding Who's Number 1? MIS Baseball: 1995 Angels at Orioles Press Blame Final Poker Show Sports Sports Sports Elite XC World Poker Poker Show Sports !Business Right Minute Griffith King-Hill Griffith Paid College Basketball: W.Va. at Pittsburgh (.1 z 2 E Wizards Life De Secret-Teen Lopez Home im Home 1m Lopez Jackson Paid 708 hes (2005) Tia Movny. Phineas 'Secret-Teen Kyle XY (N) (HD) 70s Drake FOX Report . Punk'd Twilight 'lr.;...flj;I( MInute TAKE A SPIN AT BATON TWIRLING MONDAY EVENING 2/9/09 eral admissiOn and $10 for youth, and in be purchased at www.unhatub. coal/ticket/ or by ca1174 ing the Memorial Union' Building box office at (603) 862-2290. For additional information visit www. unh.edu / celebrity. Para Para 'Para Para Made Made Man vs. Wild (N) Ancient Discoveries Ancient Discoveries Little Jon Kate Jon Kate Jon Kate Jon Kate Little Intervention "Marie" De De Modern Marvels Jon Kate Jon Kate 1 In-Thelma & Louise (1991) Susan Sarandon. Hedsor Hall The City Daddy Daddy 'Deuce Sex & Seinfeld Sex & Name The Closet (HD) Saving Grace (CC) Trust Me (N) (HD) El News Chelsea Chelsea , Girls Fashion Police w Saturday Night Fever (1977) John Tmvdta. Daddy Daddy The City Hedsor Hall Fern. Guy , Fain. Guy Fern. Guy Fam. Guy Name Law & Order True H'wood The Closer (N) (CC) Girls Girls Dog Show 'Reba Rita VAVE Monday Night Raw' (live) (ND) Wife Swap (CC) DietTrIbe (HD) (:05) Bum Notice Will Will Law Order: Cl Frasier Frasier PORTSMOUTH I Pontine Theatre Co-Director, Marguerite Mathews, will offer a six-week Baton Twirling Workshop for those interested in participating in local parades and other public celebrations. Workshop sessions will be conducted on Tuesdays, February 17 through March 24 from 5:45-7:15 p.m. at Pontine's West End Studio Theatre (WEST), located at 959 Islington Street in Portsmouth. This workshop is designed for adult beginners. No experience is necessary, but former high school majorettes and drum majors will be especially welcome. Youngsters age 8-17 are welcome when accompanied by an adult. There is no charge to participate but contributions will be happily accepted. For more information e-mail info@pontine.org or call Pontine at (603) 436-6660. ECCA HOLDS WRITERS WORKSHOP EXETER I The Exeter Center for Creative Arts (ECCA) will hold a sixweek workshop for writers entitled "The Craft Series" from 9-11:30 a.m. on Saturdays between February 21 and March 28 The workshop will focus on the elements of craft in creative writing, for fiction and non-fiction, all levels and genres, including character development, plot, setting, dialog, description and more. Sessions for this series will be conducted at ECCA, located at the former Exeter High School building at 30 Linden Street in Exeter. For more information or to register, call Karen at (603) 778-8441 or email kdesrosiers@ttic.net . ENTERTAINMENT Tune in to Radio Gang fiddle tunes and train ROCHESTER I Mac songs to gospel and movMcHale and the Radio ing ballads. This simple Gang return to the Rochand honest music, origiester Opera House on Frinally performed for live day, February 27 at 7 p.m. broadcast in grange halls, for a rousing rendition of churches and schools, vintage America Country music. Tickets are now on " recaptures the mood in American history, when sale through the ROH box folks gathered together office, located at 31 Wakearound the radio on a Satfield Street in Rochester. urday night. The Gang's selecThe Radio Gang tions range from Spirited — Mac Mete& Sally Res• lella Roc The Radio Gang Mac McHale and the Radio Gang TUESDAY EVENING BNE EXPANDS CLASSES PORTSMOUTH I Call it ' "babes in ballet" Martha Lemire, executive director of Ballet New England (BNE), has announced the expansion of classes within its --. Children's Division. Designed :for children ages 2-5, class activities revolve around the development of physical strength, coordination, creative thinking and self-expression. New classes will begin the week of March 2 and will run for six weeks. "Mommy and Me" class will - be offered on Friday mornings starting March 6 from 9-9:45 a.m. This 30-minute class is designed for 2-year-olds with an accompanying adult and will nurture a child's interest in movement and expression through lightly structured activities. A 15-minute social time at the conclusion of each class will give participants the opportunity to establish connections with other families. The cost for this class is $60. An "Intro to Movement" class will be offered for 3-year-old students on Friday mornings starting March 6 from 10-10:30 a.m. Lightly structured activities will help develop the creative process and gain awareness of classical music and rhythm. The cost for this class (which is also offered on Wednesdays from 4-4:30 p.m. for students who prefer an afternoon class schedule) is $60 for the six weeks. "Creative Dance" classes for students ages 4-5 are offered on Saturdays from 9-9:45 a.m., and a new 6-week series will begin - on Wednesday mornings starting March 4 from 9-9:45 am . These classes introduce basic ballet positions and terminology. Creative expression through movement to music continues to be emphasized. The cost for the six weeks of classes is $70. BNE also offers a tap/ ballet combo class for students ages 4-5 which meets on Tuesdays from 3:454:30 p.m. All classes are held at Ballet New England's new facility at I Raynes Avenue in Portsmouth. Pre-registration is required for all classes. Potential students should contact Martha Lemire at (603) 430-9309 or email Martha. balletnewengland@verizon.net for further information and registration details. includes Mac ' McHale of Kennebunk on guitar, banjo, mandolin and vocals; John Roc of Wells on mandolin, dobro, guitar arid vocals; Sally Roc of Wells on bass and vocals; and Herinan McGee of Kensington on five string banjo, guitar and vocals. Find out more about the group af www.radiogang. corn. 2/10/09 5 PM 5:30 6 PM , 6:30 7 PM 7:30 Evening News The In- 't skier (N) 7 ment ABC Wld News NBC News NBC News Inside j Editloir (CC) 207 Maga- Demi or Are. No Deal Access Extra (N) ' H'wood (CC) 8 PM 8:30 n- NCS "Deliverance" (N) ' (HD) (CC) < --- Boston Legal "Uve Big" '(CC) American Idol (N) ' (HD) (CC) Street Street , • Drake "ThJ Johnnv T 61t98 TVLAND 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 (:01) Without a Trace News (N) Late Show With Da- Late Late "Chameleon" vid Letterman (N) Show (CC). Be My Valentine, Scrubs Scrubs Charlie Brown (N) (CC) (N) (CC) The Biggest Loser A player W sent home following a grueling test of endurance. (N) The Biggest Loser A player is sent home following a grueling test of endurance. (N) Cuidado con el Fuego en la Sangre Angel 90210 "Of Heartbreaks and Hotels" Dr. Phil ' (HD) (CC) .., 9 PM The Mentalist (N) ' (HD) (CC) . PrImehme: What News (N) (:35) (12:06) Jimmy KimWould You Do? (CC) Nightilne mel Live (N) ' Law & Order: Special News (N) ' The Tonight Show Late Night Victims Unit (N) (CC) With Jay Leno (N) Law & Order: Special News (N) ' The Tonight Show Late Night Victims Unit (N) With Jay Leno (N) (CC) Aqui y Ahora Noticiero Las TOM= No Van Wholes Noticiero La Nora de la Risa Univisk5n al Cielo UnivIslen Univislen ABC WM Entertain- 011011Cill Be My Valentine, Scrubs Scrubs Primetime: What News (N) (:35) (12:06) Jimmy KimCharlie Brown News ment (N) (CC) (N) (CC) Would You Do? (CC) Nightilne mei Uve (N) ' Nova Statement suggesting in alternative Tuskegee Airmen Charlie Rose (N) ' Greater Tavis to Darwin's theory of evolution. Boston Smiley (CC) Being Keeping As Time The Vicar Black Ad- Open All Globe Trekker "Ger- George Carlin: The Mark Twain Prize Served Up Goes By of Dibley der Hours many" (CC) (DVS) News 0 < 0 Cc ca Bring the whole gang and join Mac's Gang for a delightful evening of ol' time fun. To reserve tickets call the ROH box office at (603) 335-1992 or stop by Monday, Wednesdays or Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and two hours prior to showtime. Tickets may also be reserved at www. rochesteroperahouse.com . Hillbillies Hillbillies Hogan Drake i Hogan - Griffith " Drake Griffith Privileged "All About Betrayal" N) WBZ That '70s News (N) Show' Boston Legal "... There's Fire!"' News (N) '(CC) Sex and the City Frasier' Frasier' Punk'd ' (CC) (CC) (CC) Boston Legal "Duck Paid Proand Cover"' (CC) gram' (:01) Fringe "Ability" News (N) (CC) (N) '(HO) (CC) Vice Vice News (CC) Every- Raymond South Park Paid Program' Friends ' EveryRaymond Cheers' Half & (CC) Half' Tri Vita Paid Program' Seinfeld (CC) Simpsons King of the Hill Paid Paid JJL Eddie's Million Dollar Cook-Off __Home me Videos Hme Vide° [Dsrake Home Im Home Im -ZrlM.r KIng-Hill King-Hill T :.'z Griffith Cosby Cosby Griffith Griffith Griffith So Raven KYieXY(H D) Family Family Home Im Home Im Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Cosby Cosby M*A*S*H M A'S H , ESPN I ci ESPN2 9 ESPNC FOXSN NESN Interrupt SportsCenter (CC) Horn Interrupt NASCAR Now (CC) Horn College Basketball: 1995 UNC at Duke ClubWPT.com 'Racing Sports CrUisin Women's College Basketball College Basketball: Mich. St. at Mich. NFL Live College Basketball Who's Number 1? 'Boxing College Basketball: UNH at UMBC College Basketball College Basketball Florida at Kentucky. SportsCenter (CC) NFL Live Final NBA Coast-to-Coast (Uve) (HD) (CC) Tape NASCAR Now (CC) Auction Block Am. Gladiators Bull Riding: PRCA Wrestling Wrestling Best-Sports Sports Sports Sports Best-Sports Final Profits Sports!) The Buzz Paid College Basketbd CNN (4:00) The Situation Room Fast Money (HD) Mad Money (HD) Special Report Glenn Beck (HD) Hardball (CC) 1600 Pa. Ave. Right Business News Day Live Lou Dobbs Tonight Kudlow Report FOX Report Hardball (CC) Right TV Diner Larry King Live Saving GM Hannity (HD) Maddow Show News (N) a co CNBC FOXNws Z MSNBC NECN M HBO s MAX sice Brown-No Bias CNBC Reports The O'Reilly Factor Countdown Newsitg Business Contessa Cooking Divine Kitchen Bizarre Foods minute minute To Sell My Bizarre Foods Challenge (HD) House MY Bizarre Foods o A&E z E Disc Cold Case Files Cash Cash Earth-Made Jon Kate 'Jon Kate Cold Case Files Cash Cash The Universe (CC) What Not to Wear CSI: Miami "Nailed" The First 48 (CC) Made Made Adrenaline Modern Marvels Apocalypse A Life Half Full 17 Kids 717 Kids 5 HIST w —1 TLC AMC MTV >i- TBS w E TNT 4 > E! USA UFE Larry King Live Fast Money (HD) Hannity (HD) Hardball (CC) News Un Making *Forrest Gump (1994, Dranti)Tom Hanks. (CC) Ted Haggard Big Love "On Trial" Break. Huddle Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem Forbid Sex a Footloose (1984) Kevin Bacon. (CC) a Death Sentence (2007) Kevin Bacon. 345) Jurassic Park *The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) (CC) (:15) al 1408 (2007) John Cusack. (CC) US Tara US Tara The L Word (CC) Diary Diary 410) • The Lost City (2005, Drama) Sarah SIIMMII >. FOOD crl Co HGTv 0 I TRAVEL Anderson Cooper 360 (HD) (CC) On the Money Mad Money (HD) On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Maddow Show Countdown News (N) (CC) Latettight LateNight * Thelma 8 Louise (1981, Draina)(H0) Susan Sarandon'. Hedsor Hall 'True Life' True Life' Raymond Raymond Raymond TFriends Seinfeid ISethfeld Charmed (CC) Bones (CC) Lew & Order Fashion Police El News Daily 10 101 Sexiest Caleb NCIS '(HO) NCIS '(HO) NCIS '(HO) Reba Reba Still Sind Still Stud Wife Swap (CC) Food Cakes Good Good Chopped (N) Properly Potential House Amazing House House Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Treasure Hunt The First 48 (HD) Dirty Jobs (N) Earth-Made Duggar Wed Manhun i Manhun Wreck. Nation Extreme Trains Toddlers & Tiaras Good Unwrap income My Bizarre Foods Food Cakes Property Potential Treasure Hunt The Beast (HD) Made Made Alaska Triangle 17 Kids 1 17 Kids The First 48 (CC) Adrenaline Apocalypse Duggar Wed la 48 HRS. (1982) (HD) Nick Notte. a Starsky eillutch (2004) Ben Stiller. a Blown Away True Life' Redemption From G's to Gents (N) (CC) From G's to Gents ' (CC) Office 10 Items Sex & - ex & 1-Seinfeld Fern. Guy 'IFam. Guy Fern. Guy Fam. Guy Office Leverage (N) (CC) Bones (CC) I Leverage (HD) a Four Brothers (200$) Mark VVehlberg. Naked Soup El News !Chelsea 30 Best and Worst Beach Bodies Chelsea Girls The Law Order: Cl Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show "Closing Night" (CC) Law Order: Cl Frasier Reba * You've Got Mail (1998) (HD) Tom Hanks. (CC) _ JWIll Reba Frasier t.n>“ us.mis> 8.. Am% St xi.. ENTERTAINMENT allealth W , 8 . 41,0kb, SYMPOSIUM IMPLORES To Advertise Call Kathie or Michelle at (603) 926-4557 Health & 11"ellikss nms the 3rd issue of everl! nionth - Call Now! WEDNESDAY EVENING 2/11/09 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 News (N) Late Show With Da- Late Late WB2-4 News (N) (CC) rid Letterman (N) Show (CC) (CBS) Chronicle Lost "The Little Lost "This Place Is (:02) Ufe on Mars (N) News (N) (:35) (1206) Jimmy KimWCVB-5 News (N) News (N) News (N) ABC Wid Inside News Edition (CC) Prince" (CC) • Death" (N) (CC) ' (HD) (CC) (CC) Nightline mei Live (N) ' (CC) ICC) (ABC) (CC) 207 Maga- Deal Of Knight Rider "Fly by Life "Mirror Ball" (N) Law & Order "Crime- News (N) ' The Tonight Show Late Night WCSH-6 News (N) ' News (N) News (N) ' NBC zine. No Deal Knight" (N) (CC) '(HD) (CC) CC) (CC) News busters" (N) (CC) (CC) With Jay Leno (CC) (NBC) (CC) Access Extra (N) ' Knight Rider "Fly by Life "Mirror Ball" (N) Law & Order "Crime- News (N) ' The Tonight Show Late Night WHDH-7 News (N) ' News (N) ' News (N)' NBC News H'wood (CC) Knight" (N) (CC) '(HD) (CC) busters" (N) (CC) With Jay Leno (CC) (CC) (NBC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Notidas Noticiero Falba USA vs. Pladco. Deeds Crew Sta- Cuidado con el Fuego en la Sangre Primer Noticiero La Flora de la Risa WUNI-27 Primer impact° UnivIsiOn UnIvisiOn dium / Columbus, Ohio. (En Vivo) Angel lmpacto Univislen (UNI) Lost "This Place Is (:02) Life on Mars (N) News (N) (:35) (12:06) Jimmy KimWHUR-9 Nwas (N) News (N) Newt (N) ABC Mc! Entertain- Chronicle Lost "The Little (CC) News ment Prince" (CC) Death" (N) (CC) (HD) (CC) Nightline mel Uve (N) (CC) (ABC) (CC) (CC) The NewsHour With Greater Ask This Monarchy: The Royal Looking for Uncoin Myths surrounding Charlie Rose (N) ' Greater 1Tavis WGBH-2 Jim Lehrer (N) (CC) Boston Old Family Abraham Lincoln. (N) '(HD) (CC) (CC) Boston Smiley (PBS) Steves Business The NewsHour With Antiques Roadshow The Supreme Court' The Supreme Court' Sisters of Selma: Nova "The Spy FacWENH-11 Europe Rpt. Jim Lehrer (N) (CC) "Dallas" (N) (CC) (CC) (DVS) (CC) (DVS) Bearing Witness tory" ' (HD) PBS Family Two-Half Teo/Half Privileged "All About 90210 "Of HeartSex and Every- Friends' EveryNews (N) '(CC) WLVI-56 Accord- Scrubs' Family Ing-JIm (CC) Guy' Guy (CC) Men Men Betrayal" breaks and Hotels" the City Raymond Raymond (CW) That 70s King of King of Wheel of Jeopardy! Dr. Phil ' (HD) (CC) That 70s Frasier' Frasier' Punk'd ' South Cheers' Haff & WS8K-38 Deal or Queens Queens Fortune (N) News (N) Show' (CC) (CC) (CC) Park (CC) Half' (IND) No Deal Show' Quantum Leap '(CC) Steve w Murder in the First (1995) Christlen Sister. An attor> Soldier (1998) Kurt Russell. A soldier in a Lifestyle !Paid ProPaid ProPaid ProWNRU-21 Harvey ney represents a brutalized prieOnsr of Alcatraz. gram' gram' gram' futuristic society defends his new horite. Lift (PAX) Seinfeld Simpsons King of News WFXT-25 News (N) News (N) TMZ (N)' Malcolm- Seinfeld Simpsons American idol The top 36 semifinalists are News (N) (CC) Mid. (CC) (CC) revealed. (N) ' (HD) (CC) (CC) the Hill (FOX) (CC) (CC) (CC) Feud The People's Court Frasier Frasier World's Fun Under Under 70s Wedding RENO Paid Paid MyTV-50 Feud Sonny Sonny So Raven 'So Raven Suite Life Montana s A Goofy Movie (1995)' Life De Suite Life Montana So Raven (MN Gilmore Girls' My Wife My Wife a The Addmas Fondly (1991) (HD) Whose? Whose? The 700 Club (CC) a Addams Fondly Values (1993) (ND) FAM !Carly' iCarly ' ICarly Carty' Drake ICarl ' Home Im Im Lopez Family Home lm Home lm Lopez Family NICK Johnny T Johnny T Satur Star Home Mane 3 (1997) Ain D. Unz. King-Hill King-Hill Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken TOON TVLAND Hillbillies Hillbillies Hogan Hogan Griffith Griffith Griffith Cosby Cosby Griffith 3rd Rock 3rd Rock 3rd Rock 3rd Rock ISrd Rock 3rd Rock News (N) Evening (CC) News The In- Entertain- Old Chris- Gary Un- Criminal Minds "Cold CSI: NY "She's Not alder (N) ' merit tine married Comfort" (N) There" (N) (CC) ( ow* ESPN ESPN2 ESPNC FOXSN NESN Hien Intewupt SpatsCanter (CC) College Basketball Football Burning NASCAR Now (CC) Soccer: World Cup Qualifier College Basketball Basketball Oklahoma st Baylor. College Basketball: 2006 UNC at Duke College Basketball Xavier at Dayton. A Woman Among Boys (N) World Poker Sports NBA Basketball: Celtics at Hornets Am East College Basketball: 811 at Vermont [Outdoors SporteD !Celtics 'Sports Outdoors 'College Basketball (4:00) The Situation Room CNN Mad Money (HD) CNBC Fast Money (HD) Special Report FOXNWS Glenn Beck (HD) 1600 Pa. Ave. fASNBC Hardball (CC) Right Business News Day Live NECN HBO MAX SHOW Joe Louis-Hero NIcidkne t Live Free or TRAVEL Steak Paradise DISC HIST TLC AMC IRV TBS TNT El USA UFE Cold Case Files Cash Cash Battlefield Del. Sandwich Paradise Jon Kate 'Jon Kate , What Not to Wear Sports NASCAR Houses Final Paid 'Anderson Cooper 360 (HD) (CC) On the Money Mad Money (HD) Larry King Live FOX Report Hardball (CC) The O'Reilly Factor Countdown Hannay (HD) Maddow Show On the Record Countdown The O'Reilly Factor Maddow Show Hannity (HD) News (N) (CC) LateNight LateNight News (N) w Definitely, Maybe (2008) (CC) Big Love "On Trial" Real Sex a peep Blue See (1999) (CC) I. The Ad of War 12000) Wesley Snipes. Harold Right IV Diner Newstig - Business News (N) Shriek It You Know What I Old inside the NFL (N) US Tara Challenge (HD) 1Good Diary House MY Pizza Paradise (CC) Flay illt. Recipe Income House Deeper Man Man Man CSI: Miami (CC) The First 48 (HD) Dog Dog The Detonators (N) MythBustars (HD) Modern Marvels MonsterQuest (CC) MonsterQuest (N) itystery Diagnosis Personal Justice (N) Solved (HD) (CC) Made Made Mae Clr College The Real World' Payne Payne Law & Order Dr. 90210 NCIS ' (HD) House ' (HD) Still Stnd Still Stral Reba _Mahe Payne Payne Good Amazing Man Unwrap Flay an Dog Forensics Personal Justice Breakfast Paradise The First 48 (HD) The Detonators MonsterQuest (CC) Solved (HD) (CC) Reed Howe (1009) (HD) NA* Swept (CC) The Real World (N) World Law & Order Payne Payne Cold Case (CC) Dr. 90210 NCIS "Ravenous" , NCIS "Bait" (CC) Girls Girls sa The American President (1995) (H13) (CC) Seirdeld Flay Potential Properly Rate Dog What Animals Think Made Made UFO Hunters (N) UFO Hunters (CC) i Hardball (CC) Inside the NFL (CC) The L Word (CC) Exterm Extern Extreme i• Fast Money (HD) Sex Co-Ed Con. Kumar Escap t Flay Good Property Rate House Breakfast Paradise 1Man From G's to Gents ' (CC) Raymond Raymond Raymond 'Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld Law & Order Charmed (CC) Bones (CC) lee Holloway El News Daily 10 (403)-a Rodt $tar Nate NC1S "Heart Break" NCIS '(HD) _Reba Reba Wife Swap (CC) Cettics Larry King Live Westminster (4:00) ep 48 HMS.le Rost Blood Min) Sylvester Stalioni a Rambo: Rot Blood Part N MO) (Cd) True Life Redemption Sports Mountain Brown-No Bias 'CNBC Reports (556) Blo-Dome (1996) Cold Case Files Cash Cash Trial of Henry Winz Who's Number 1? Celtics Use Final NASCAR Wrestling Wrestling Lou Dobbs Tonight Kudiow Report (:15) w Juno (2007) Ellen Page. (CC) KnOcked Up (2007) Seth Rogen. (CC) FOOD Coolessa Cooking Minute i Minute Kitchen To Sell IMy HGTV Divine SpodeCenter (CC) College Baskethed - The Real World' 10 Items Sex & Skulls World Sex & Trust Me (HD) Med Hands El News Chelsea & Order: SVU _11V1 I I Chelsea Keep Up i Law Law Order: Cl Frasier Frasier 'LIFE ANI5 PORTSMOUFH I Portsmouth Historic House Associates, Inc. is sponsoring the fifth annual "Life and Death in the Piscataqua" lecture symposium on Saturday, February 21. The symposium (with lunch and refreshments being provided throughout the day) will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Masonic Temple, located at 351 Middle Street in Portsmouth. The cost to attend is $10 in advance and $15 the day of the event, with lunch included. The symposium will include a presentation by Jennifer Pustz, Museum Historian at Historic New England. Her illustrated lecture, entitled "Voices from the Back Stairs," will describe the changes in domestic service in New England over the 19-20th centuries and bring the lives of servants and relationships with their, employers to the foreground. Sandra Rux, Portsmouth Historical Society museum and collections manager, will present "Out of the Box," the culmination on her research on material culture at PHS. Rux will share her investigation of a tale told in a note found "in the box," and disclose how the lives of a Portsmouth family were tied to adventures in the Mediterranean Sea and the (withers of Georgia and Alabama Following the lunch break, Portsmouth Athenaeum Assistant Librarian Carolyn Marvin will present "Hanging Ruth Blay," an illustrated talk on her extensive research on the 1768 trial and execution of Ruth Blay in Portsmouth. Marvin has spent the last ,, years painstakingly_ researching Blay's short time on this earth and has woven a tale of the desperate young woman's fate. The final lectwe of the day will be presented by Barbara Ward, Ph.D., director and curator of the Moffatt-Ladd House. In her talk 'The Moffatts and the Caribbean in the 18th Century," Dr. Ward deals with the documentation that exists of the Moffatts shipping, activities, including documentation of two slave trading voyages. For more information about this symposium, or to register ,, for the event, visit www.portsmouthhistorichouses.org or call (603) 436-3205. U '..! I N.11■71 11 . 011 \ I IL. '\i ENTERTAINMENT i. BUCKING THE TREND: FREE, LOCAL NEWSPAPERS -- -- )ne type of newspaper that s growing in popu : 1y even while mainstream city-wide papers have lost audience to the Internet: free, local papers that are distributed in highly trafficked spots in urban areas (such as subway or train stations, coffee houses, *r_ 111411111r** " and bus stops.) These papers have a captive audience who have time on their hands to flip through a paper:' Successful Marketing Secrets ?, Strategies EXETER FINE CRAFTS THURSDAY rum 5 PM METALSMITH IN SPOTLIGHT EXE 1 ER I Exeter Fine Crafts has named Paulette Werger as their Artist of the Month for February. Werger creates jewehy, flatware and vessels that draw on botanical imagery, folk tales and mythology. Her neckpieces, earrings and bracelets combine a variety of materials including fresh water pearls, precious and semi-precious stones, high karat gold, sterling silver and pewter. A master metalsmith, Werger combines the Kewn Boo technique of fusing 24K gold and silver with roller embossing, stamping, etching, solder inlay and stone setting to produce intentionally subtle and elegant pieces of jewelry and table ware. Inspired by her garden, Werger's vessels and flatware are abstracted forms from plant life created through traditional techniques of forging, forming and soldering. These functional and beautiful objects for the table are playful and perfectly crafted. "The collection," says Werger, "is intentionally pareddown, simple and spare as the first forms of spring or the last of winter." Werger exhibits and sells . ,. her work both nationally and internationally through muse- ums and galleries. She teaches workshops in jewelry making and metalsrnithing techniques. She has won numerous Best in Show awards at fine craft shows ' across the country. The public is invited to meet Paulette Werger on Saturday, February 21 from 12-3 p.m. when she visits Exeter Fine Crafts to talk about her newest intuitive metal work. Exeter Fine Crafts is located at 61 Water Street in downtown Exeter. Hours are Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Sunday from 12-4 p.m. For more information call (603) 778-8282. WBZ-4 (CBS) WCVB-5 ABC wCBK.6 (NBC) 5:30 6:30 6 PM News (N) (CC) News (N) Evening ( CC) News News (N) News (N) (CC) (CC) News (N) 'News (N) ' (CC) (CC) News (N) (CC) News (N) ' (CC) ABC Wid Inside News Edition NBC News WHDH 7 News (N)' News (N) ' News (N) ' NBC - (NBC) WUNI-27 WklUR-3 0 4 AA_B_CI °4 WGBH 2 o PBS - - WSBK-36 Deal Of (IND) The Office (:31) 30 (:1) ER "The Family News (N) ' The Tonight Show Rock (N) Man" (N) ' (HD) (CC) illlth Jay Leno (CC) (N) Late Night Culdado con el Angel Fuego en la Sangre American Future: A History With Simon Steves Europe Business The NewsHour With Looking for Lincoln Myths surrounding Rpt Jim Lehrer (N) (CC) Abraham Uncoln. (N) '(HD) (CC) Scrubs' (CC) Family Guy' Family Two/Half Guy (CC) Men Smailville "Prey"' (HD) (CC) Wheel of Jeopardy! Dr. Phil '(HD) (CC) Fortune (N) Nokias Notkiero La Hors de la Rise Univiskin Univirskin (12:06) Jimmy KlmGrey's Anatomy "Be- (:2) Private Practice News (N) (:35) fore and After" "Ex-Life" (N) ,Nightline mei Live (N) ' (CC) George TwoiHaff Men La Rosa de Gusdalupe Uncoln: Prelude to 'Charlie Rose (N) ' the Presidency' (CC) American Experience (N) ' (HD) Lincoln: ncoln: Prelude to ie Presidency' (CC) (DVS) Supernatural "Yellow News (N) '(CC) Fever" (CC) Sex and the City EveryFriends' EveryRaymond Raymond WU That '70s Frasier' Frasier' (CC) . (CC) News (N) Show' (CC) Punk'd ' South Park Half & Half' gram ' News Seinfeld FAN .-.., Gilmore Girls' *MVO -Sponge Simpsons The 40th NAACP Image Awards Celebrating accomplishments of people of color. Frasier Wizards Wizards Suite Life Montana My Wife My Wife 70s Drake Drake Jackson pswiter Chowder tRspfacit flopfick ffiEE/4 I* Mississippi Massie (1991) * Max Keene's Big Move' ESPN Interrupt SportsCenter (CC) College Basketball Teams TEA. (CC) Football Burning NASCAR Now (CC) College Basketball Teams TEA. (Live) Boxing College Basketball: 1983 Glovm at Syr. Who's Number 1? Sports Rugby Affliction Celtics Affliction Sports Beet Damn 50 Red Sox Red Sox instiga Red Sox Basket IThe Bun instiga Sox Griffith IGriffith Cosby Cosby Hem (4:00) The Situation Room Lou Dobbs Tonight Brown-No Bias co CNBC Fast Money (HD) House of Cards (N) it FOXNWS Z MSNBC Glenn Beck (HD) Kudlow Report FOX Report CNN NECN Hardball (CC) News Day Uve Mad Money (HD) Special Report 1600 Pa. Ave. Hardball (CC) Business Right Right ITV Diner The O'Reilly Factor Countdown NewsNg Cosby Cosby (CC) (CC) Paid Sonny Sonny Suite Life Montana So Raven Coy Whose? Whose? Cosby Cosby The 700 Club (CC) Family Family Home Im Home Im Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Cosby Cosby College Basketball Teams TBIL (CC) College Basketball Teams TEA. (Live) Am. Gladiators Boxing College Basketball !Top 50 UFC Wired (N) Sports Spotter) Sports image Bull Riding: PRCA Best Damn 50 SportsD OW Sox Larry King Uve Anderson Cooper 360 (HD) (CC) Mad Money (HD) On the Money Hannity (HD) Maddow Show On the Record Countdown Business News (N) News (N) (CC) 'The O'Reilly Factor Maddow Show c>/3- FOOD ute Contessa ',Cooking IM Minute 2 TRAVEL Log Homes My 1Grand Canyon o A&E z E DISC •ci HIST —1 TLC The First 48 (HD) The First 48 (HD) HGTV Divine !Kitchen To Sell Cash Cash Cash Cash Conspiracy? (CC) investigating Jon Kate Jon Kate What Not to Wear The First 48(N) The Beast (N) (CC) The Beast (HD) The First 48 (HD) HowStuffWorks (N) Modern Marvels Overhaulln' (HD) Made Made Modern Marvels Street Customs HowStuffWorts Modern Marvels Sports Disasters Treasure Guest (N) De De Gangland "Pagans" Underworld Street Customs (N) Hell-Loggers (N) Charmed (CC) Bones (CC) Cutest Child Stars True H'wood NCIS "Blackwater" !Reba Reba NBA El News ,efffe Swap (CC) * Hostel Part II The First 48 (HD) Seinfeid Unwrap IBroken Made Made Modern Marvels Selnfeld Good Con Zane's Sex 2 The First 48 (HD) ICY USA Hannity (HD) Hardball (CC) Property First Mark & Oily Redemption UFE Paid Larry King Uve House of Cards House Property Great Cruises (CC) • Working Girt (1988) (HD) Moir* Griffith. NS "Chained" Paid Cakes Daddy Sweet 16 Sweet 16 Daddy Raymond Raymond Raymond i Friends El AWA Wrestling Celtics i Final Iron Chef America House House Alaskas Arctic Skulls E TNT NFL UviAlinal Good Good Property Gene Alaskan Wild (CC) AMC TBS u.i Cosby House My Colorado: River Challenge (HD) Cakes Cosby LateNight LateNight News (N) i' SHOW g MAX the Hill Paid Cheaters Wedding SportsCenter (CC) Celtics Simpsons King of 70$ Real Sex 28 Usa Lampaneill • X-Men (2000, Action) (CO . Coraline I) Meet the Spartans (2008) Welcome Home Roscoe 'Romeo Must Die (2000) Jet U. (CC) thrsDoubt (:35) • Transformers (2007) Shia LaBeouf. (CC) . :.; Funny Games (2007) Naomi Watts. US Tara Diary (:15)* Save Me (2007) Chad Allen. • The Great Debaters (2007) (CC) DID * Rpcirilklbos (2006) I HBO T - Punk'd wet Hillbillies Hillbillies 1 Hogan Hogan jPNns News (N) (CC) * The Princess Diaries (2001) Julie Andrews. (CC) Home Videos Lopez Drake Home Im Home im Lopez Sponge Drake Chowder IFiepjsclt Total Dra King-Hill King-Hill plum rp ESPNC a. co FOXSN NESN 4 > Cheers' (CC) Music' = >- Republ-i can Party wprr.25 News (N) News (N) TMZ (N) ' Malcolm- Seinfeld (CC) (CC) (CC) Mid. (FOX) (CC) mi1V..90 Feud Feud The People's Court Frasier f.02 EspN2 0 Tavls Smiley Time Life Paid Pro- The Men7 Show NICK = TOoN 03 Greater Boston WNRU-21 ) Sphere (1998, Science Fiction) Dustin Hoffman, Sharon Stone. • Heat (1995, Crime Drama) Al Pacino, Robed De Nko. A handcicie detective matches wits with a cunning adversary. (pity) Experts Investigate a spaceship on the ocean floor. DISN 1 Extra (N) ' My Name Kath & 'Kim (N) is Earl (CC) Curious King of Queens Late Late Show Late Night Noticias Noticiero Las Tontas No Van UnivIsiOn llnivisiOn al Cielo That 70s King of Show' Queens No Deal News (N) Late Show With Da(CC) vid Letterman The Office (:31) 30 (:01) ER "The Family News (N) 'The Tonight Show With Jay Leno (CC) (N) Rock (N) Man" (N) ' (HD) (CC) News (N) ABC Wid Entertain- Chronicle Ugly Betty (N) '(HD) malt (CC) News (CC) Basic American Future: A The NewsHour With Greater Black' History With Simon Jim Lehrer (N) (CC) Boston Ing-Jim :1) Eleventh Hour "Pinocchio" (N) My Name Kath & is Earl Kim (N) 207 Nags- Deal or zine. No Deal Access H'wood 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 9 PM CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (N) (12:06) Jimmy KimChronicle Ugly DerrY (N) (HD) Grey's Anatomy "Be- :2) Private Practice News (N) (:35) fore and After" "Ex-Life" (N) Nightilne mei Uve (N) ' (CC) (CC) CC) News (N) News (N) (CC) (CC) (445) Cy- Febtl bachelor Ruff WLVI 56 ;Accord - 8:30 (CC) cc anWENH-11 CUriotts George (MS) — (CW) 8 PM (CC) (CC) Primer Impact° (UR I— cn News 7:30 7 PM The inEntertain- Survivor: Tocantins eider (N) ment IN) (CC) Iron Chef America Property Gene Alaskan Wild (CC) Hell-Loggers (CC) * Two Weeks Notice (2062) (HO) :15)* An Officer and a Gentlemen (1982) Richard Gent. Making the Band 4 Friends !Friends Best Dance Crew Making the Band 4 Friends Friends Making the Band 4 le My Beet Friend's Wedding (1997) NBA BasketbaN Boston Celtics at Nies Mrivicks. Miami Hest at Chicago Bulls. (CC) Saturday Night Uve El News Chelsea Daily 10 Bring k On: Al or Notting (2008) 'Burn Notice (N) Law & Order: SVU House "Games" House '(HO) NCIS "Skeletons" Will Irli iRobe Still Sind 011 Stnd Reba * Chaos Theory (2007) Ryan Reynolds. Best Dance Crew Sex & Sex & inside the NBA Chelsea Celebrity Law Order: Cl Frasier Frasier 1 Vot 35, No 04 I Furaumtv 06, 2009 MAP.= NEw5 ATLANT1CNEWS.COM I PAGE 19A enOne Friends host Valentine's tea KAA OPENS 'HEART OF TT TE MATTER' EXHIBIT SPEUAL To ut - KTITERY I February's most romantic holiday will be highlighted when the Kittery Art Association (KAA) presents its all-member show, "Hears of the Matter" from Thursday, February .12 though Sunday, March 8. For this Valentine's exhibit, KAA artists will display their sources of true inspiration and romance, with their heartfelt works expressed in fiber, watercolor, pastels, oils, sculptures and other creative, heartrelated work. The public is invited to an opening reception at the KAA gallery on Sunday, February 15 from 4-6 p.m. to meet and support these local artists. The gallery is located at 8 Coleman Avenue in Kittery. Gallery hours are Thursdays from 3-6 p.m., Saturdays from 12-6 p.m. and Sundays from 12-5 p.m. To learn more about the KAA and upcoming events, call the gallery at (207) 451-8384 or visit www.lcitteryartassociation.org . . . FALL IN LOVE AT VALENTINE BUFFET BRENTWOOD I The 12th annual Valentine Buffet will be held on Saturday, February 14 from 5:30-7 p.m. at Pilgrim Church, located on Route 111A in Brentwood. This delightful dinner will feature fresh carved ham, turkey and roast beef, a salad bar and a variety of homemade desserts. In addition, free babysitting for children ages 3-10 will be offered. The children will be served dinner, watch a movie, and enjoy other activities on the lower floor of the church while everyone else is upstairs enjoying the meal. All of this makes the Valentine Buffet a great midwinter event. Tickets are $10 per person and will only be sold at the door the evening of the event. For more information or to RSVP in advance, call the church at (603) 778-3189. VALENTINE TEA PLANNED HAMPTON BEACH I A Valentine Friendship Tea for adults will be held on Saturday, February 14 from 1-3:30 p.m. in the Hampton Beach Precinct meeting room, located upstairs in the Hampton Beach Firehouse on Ashworth Avenue. Tea and cookies will be served, and there will be door prizes, a simple Valentine Craft project and board games to enjoy during this fun afternoon. Parking is available in the lot behind the building which is not handicapped-accessible. In the event of inclement weather, the tea will be held the following day on Sunday, February 15. For more information or to help out call (603) 929-3850. CHAMBER HOSTS VALENTINE'S MORNING MIXER EXETER I The Exeter Area Chamber of Commerce will host a Valentine's Morning Mixer on Thursday, February 12 from 7:30-9 a.m. at Exeter Fine Crafts, located at 61 Water Street in Exeter. Coffee, juices, homemade muffins, pastries and bread will be provided. Anyone who attends the Morning Mixer will receive a 10 percent discount coupon valid for the entire day. Exeter Fine Crafts will be offering a free heart-shaped ceramic pin from Patti Bax with any $50 purchase, and there will also be a raffle featuring a large serving platter by Lorraine Dilmore. This is a wonderful opportunity to shop for that special sweetie for Valentine's Day. There is no charge to attend this event; members of the Chamber, their guests and any business seeking more information about Exeter Fine Crafts or the Exeter Area Chamber of Commerce are welcome. Admission is one business card for the door prize drawings and one to post on the "Look Who's Here" board. Exeter Fine Crafts is independent, non-profit craft organization which offers a sales venue for the local craft community and for the craftspeople living and working in greater Northern New England. They also offer craft classes pottery, jewelry and some classes in fiber. For more information about Exeter Fine Crafts visit www.exeterfinecrafts.com ; for more about the Exeter Area Chamber of Commerce, call Molly at (603) 772-2411 or visit www.exeterarea.org. CREATE A VALENTINE'S CRAFT "We're going to have a couple different options of Valentine's crafts for you to choose from," says Lisa, adding "We'll also have a Valentines' Day treat" for those who participate. For more information about this holiday activity, call Lisa Michaud at (603) 474-2044 or e-mail Imichaudesealib.org foods and desserts, participants will put their artistic skills to work creating Valentine's crafts and enjoy storytime with Children's Librarian Paulina Shadowens. Due to limited seating, the event is open to Hampton residents only, and preregistration is required. To sign-up or for additional information, stop by the Lane Library Children's Room. For more about the Friends, visit www.lanelibraryfrionds.org . Valentine bake sale benefits Acorn School SPECIAL TO THE ATIANTK NEWS EXETER I The Acorn School of Stratham is holding its 35th annual Bake Sale and Raffle on Friday, February 13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the lobby of Citizen's Bank, located on Water Street in Exeter. Valentine's Day goodies, personalized heart cookies and traditional baked goods will be for sale. Patrons can also take a chance on a raffle ticket to win Red Sox or UNH Wildcat . Hockey tickets and prizes from local businesses such as the Stratham Circle Nursery, Atlantic Karate, Lindt, Glow Facial Spa and the Seacoast Science Center, among others. All event proceeds support the Acorn School Scholarship Fund which allows children age 3-5 the opportunity to benefit from the enriching experience of preschool and Kindergarten. The Acorn School is a non-profit preschool and Kindergarten located in Stratham. For more information, call (603) 778 8285. r- ANDING tr Ftn,4 Valenitice's Dap Dili= Package COmpimwrz, 4 COW18y Donvisit - 1 FOR 2 elpfari SALA, iornoto, Basil and Buffalo Mozzarella withOlive Oil Balsamic Drizzle classic a and 1,1111114t Odin Wheadte Caesar Salad spur trot COUPLE AVPITIAR; Scallops Wrapped with Bacon • Shrimp Cocktail • Bruschetta 3JV 1 PER COUPLE (Includes fresh Iva & butter) - SEABROOK Not quite ready for Valentines' Day? The Children's Services department at the Seabrook Library can help. According to Children's Services Librarian Lisa Michaud, the library will be offering a drop-in Valentine's crafts session on Monday, February 9 from 1-5 p.m. at the library, located at 25 Liberty Lane in Seabrook. AnAhmc NEWS HAMPTON I The Friends of the Lane Library will hold their annual Valentine's Sweetheart Tea on 'Saturday, February 14 at the library, located on Academy Avenue in Hampton. Once again, due to the popularity of the event, two seatings will be held; the first from 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon, the second from 1:30-3 p.m. The program is free of charge and is open to children ages 3-8, each accompanied by an adult. In addition to enjoying a delicious array of finger FARR; Chicken Cordon Bleu • Beef Wellington • Seafood Casserole (Shrimp, Scallops, Haddock) CHOOSE I EACH caws - VOW 1111/OCE &WED POMO VEGGIE NSW; 2 Homemade Cream Cheese Brownies • 4 Strawberry Dipped in Chocolate SEMI Pet cower 4 Lafayette Road • Hampton Falls, NH • Mon-Sat 10-8 • Sun 10-4 App (603) 929416S (603) 929-7427 iv wersallummptombeskikee.cons Serving Dinner Wednesday - Sunday 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm llv latailithlilleid Fri February 6th • Lex & Joe 7pm-lOpm Sun. February 8th • Read/Allen Duo 3pm-6pm Complete Menu Also Available for Take-Out Oceanfront Function Rooms Available PAGE 20A ATLANTIC NEWS FEBRUARY 06, The hunky contestants will strut their stuff in three fashion categories (casual, sports and evening wear), take part in a talent competition and a "pretty legs" contest, and answer humorous "fish bowl questions" posed by the female assistants escorting them onstage. Three judges will offer unbiased commentary throughout the proceedings. The audience will vote • for their favorites using the ballots printed on the event program, and the first official winner of the Mr. WHS title will be announced — and given a sash — after a scheduled intermission that will feature homemade goodies supplied by the contestants. According to Katherine -who is a member of the Pease Greeters — she got her inspiration from a similar all-male pageant she attended last year at Exeter High School. "I thought Winnacunnet should have one," she explains. "I thought I'd start up something that would be fun, something everyone would enjoy" — and something that future Senior Seminar students could organize in upcoming years. "We're sort of the 'guinea pigs' for this," she adds. Katherine shared her idea with her best friend and Senior Seminar classmate Jessie, and they started to work on the project in December. They discussed their shared vision for the Mr. WI-IS pageant and the various segments there( in. They also decided upon 2009 Vol. 35, No 04 actually proved to be an ideal number, Katherine observes, since Mr. Tux "only loaned out 10 tuxedos" and "we're the Class of '09." As for the contestants, Katherine sais with utmost admiration bat "with their personalities, A'S no surprise they'd get into this. They're pretty goofy." But not overly so. "It's a school event so it has to be approved," says Katherine. "It has to be appropriate." It certainly sounds like it will carry its share of fun and laughs as well as an opportunity for the nine contestants to do some serious flexing while vying for the title of Mr. WHS. Dress rehearsals are now part of their schedule, contestants are getting psyched for their time onstage, and a league of volunteers has been tapped to assist in various capacities. Prior to the evening wear portion of the pageant, the audience will be treated to a ARMY STRONG — Winnacunnet High School senior Katherine five-minute slide show preDoyle is pictured here with her brother, Army Staff Sgt. Kevin sentation to introduce them to Doyle during a military stop-over flight at the Pease air the work of the Pease Greeters terminal. and ligger House (associated Atlantic News Courtesy Photo with the National Humane Society). For Katherine and To recruit their pageant where the proceeds would Jessie, these are the two main contestants, Katherine and go; booked the date, location reasons the Mr. WI-IS pageant Jessie held sign-ups at school and custodial service for the is being held. and on an online Facebook event and lined up a sponsor, Then there's Nikki, a very account, then "started holdMr. Tux, which will supply cute stray pup who ended up ing meetings with the guys. the ensembles for the evening being cared for by Staff Sgt. A lot of the guys liked [the wear portion of the pageant. Kevin Doyle and his fellow The timing is especially ideal." soldiers in the 101st Airborne en The number of young m right, since it's "pre-prom in Afghanistan. According who initially showed interest season" — and prime tuxedo to the family, she adjusted was — because of schedule rental time, says Katherine. "It gets juniors thinking about conflicts or change of heart — • quite well to Army life, eating food from the chow hall and whittled down to nine. This it." accompanying the troops on A1LANT1CNEWS.COM patrol, often sleeping through firefig, hts. • Thanks to the Tigger House (which offers vaccines, vet care, neutering /spaying, shelter and animal placement in Kabul), arrangements were eventually made to transport Nikki to the United States last fall. She is now at home in Kentucky with Kevin's wife Devon and the couple's four other dogs. Efforts are being made to completely cover the $3000 that was needed to bring Nikki to America. Currently on a 15-month tour of duty (and his third in the Middle East), Kevin is scheduled to be coming home from Afghanistan to Fort Campbell this June, hopefully just in time for his sister Katherine's graduation from WHS. And if luck is truly with the Doyle family, he'll once again fly in through Pease, where a hearty, patriotic greeting will surely be waiting courtesy of the Pease Greeters "He appreciates them," says Katherine, who says she loves being a Greeter. "I love going, I love being. there, I love seeing the troops," she says, adding "If you ever feel like something's missing, just go to the Pease Greeters. It's the most amazing group. They're just the nicest people in the world." And be sure to attend the first official Mr. WHS pageant — it promises to be a fun night for a couple of really great causes. Mark the Calen- dar for Wednesday, February 11 at 6:30 p.m., join Katherine Doyle, Jessie Rayna arid "The Guys," and plan on enjoying the pageantry that will be featured onstage at the Wmnacunnet Community Auditorium in Hampton. For more about the Pease Greeters visit www.peasegreeters.org; to see pictures of Nikki visit http: / / bringnikkihome.org. — WARRIOR SPIRIT — Katherine Doyle (left) and Jessie Rayna (right) are coordinating the Mr. WHS mock beauty pageant as a fundraiser for the Pease Greeters and Tigger House. — Atlantic News Courtesy Photos 2009 Penguin Plunge 25% OFF To co orders Saitdar7Itarsdity. c4edit ca.„tcopdy THE WIDOW FLETCHER'S TAVERN ntic ews otos by Trisha Dillory 401 Lafayette Road • Hampton, NH Reservations Accepted • (603) 926-8800 Vol_ 35, No 04 IFEsRupay 06, 2009 ATLAN11CNEWS.COM I ArLANnc NEV6 PAGE 21A "A Doctor's Confession to the Seacoast And Why I Still Do What I Do... Dear friend, not letting the body heal. It's as simple as that. I want to give credit where credit is due. Maggie's mom reminds me all the time that So, perhaps a confession can help clear the air so she hasn't had an ear infection since her first there's no misunderstanding. Before I talk about adjustment in my office! That's awesome! Carrie is another person in my Office who my confession though, let me say a few other things first. originally sought chiropractic care for headaches, Let me start by explaining this photo. You upper back and shoulder paixi. She had surgery on know, when I meet people in town they usually her shoulder almost a year ago before coming to say, "Oh, yeah, I know you, you're Dr. Jeff. I've seen my office and after months of physical thera'py she your ad with that picture of you and your wife." This still had very little relief. That's whit prompted picture doesn't include my amazing wife, but it is her to listen to a good friend and try chiiiipractic very special to me. These kids helped, me celebrate care. She tells everyone that after only a feW weeks turning 40! Each one of these children is unique of getting chiropractic adjustments she began to because they have all been adjusted since they notice major changes in her body.. Her headaches. were babies because their parents want their were virtually non-existent and** could work in bodies to develop optimally and be as healthy as entire day without any shoulder-pain. _Ajitwas possible. amazed. She had been struggling for years and now Hearing a story about Maggie, who at one in several weeks she was so much better. The most time was new to chiropractic, may help you more incredible changes to her health were things fully undir4and. By Maggie's first birthday she she was not expecting. She had struggled had e*rienced 6 ear infections and been on an for years with insomnia and allergies. Today antibiotit 5 times and at- that time thaodors were discussing putting '''-tubes in her ,..-ears„ Maggie's mom was concettect about this option. Her friend had 2 daughters, both with tubes in their ears, who expressed remorse with her choice. After . surgery, both, girls still got ear infections. The original tubes had fallen out of their ears and each daughter had to go through the "ear tubes" procedure multiple times. Another family on the block gave Maggie's mother information from my office on children and ear infections. After reading the info, mom thought she should try chiropractic for Maggie, despite protest from her own family & doctors who were telling her ("try chiropractic if you want, but there's no guarantee, and it will probably be a waste of time.") Shortly after Maggie's first birthday she started chiropractic care in our office. I explained to her parents that pinched nerves in Maggie's neck from normal birth trauma and/or childhood falls were making it hard for her body to work the way it was supposed to, and the body wasn't able to fight off the ear infection. What most people don't know is that your spine is the house for your nervous system, which controls every function in the body. If the nerves don't work right, the body doesn't work right. As chiropractors, we iust study., study show that chiropractic can poteitially double your immune response, - naturally aid without drugs. The immune .-systetn-fi0016,..flues, and other sicknesses. So you niirnOt bingining off to the drug store as .-404ire-Ygeek of care in my office may /1411 ostttãt you aitild *for one visit elsewhere. - You Benefit from an Amazing Offer- Look; it shouldn't cost you an arm and a leg to correct your health. You are going to write a check to someone for your health care expenses, you may as well write one for a lesser amount for chiropractic. That's why I am doing something very special... If you are one of the first 14 people to bring in this article (by February 19th, 2009) you will receive my entire new patient consultation, exam, and x-rays (if necessary) for $14. Your $14 will then be donated to Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Seacoast. This exam would normally cost you $300. And, further care is very affordable and you'll be happy to know that we have affordable family plans. Further care is very important to consider when making your choice of doctors. High costs can add up very quickly. Great care at a great she can't even remember the last time she didn't sleep through the night. When Carrie met us she was taking 5 allergy medications each day. Now she doesn't take any! She recently told us that she continues to feel healthier everyday and that chiropractic care has literally changed her life. Here's what some of my patients have had to say: "1 had sciatica for years. I was sent to every specialist, If the spine is healthy, then the nerves work and did all the tests. Then I saw Dr. Rogers. Now, I have their best. The vital link to your well being is no more sciatica." (Shannon M. - Hampton) between the spine and nervous system. Minor "No mOre neck or hand pain!" (Eleanor R. or major trauma can cause spinal misalignment which puts damaging pressure on the spinal nerves: nerves that go to the ear, eyes, nose, throat, head, lungs, stomach, intestines, legs, feet, and toes.. the whole body. is perform a specific spinal adjustment to remove nerve pressure, and the body responds by liana itself. Chiropractic gets tremendous results. It's a simple as that! Forty- e million Americans no longer have health and those who do have found that .140.fitk — j aie reduced. That's where my 50e0tirivtany people find that they 'ealcihey on their health care expenses by seeing a,gtorppractor. Another way to save... Kittery) "I tried everything. for my headaches before I came to see Dr's Jeff & Natalie. I can't thank them enough." (Emily H. -Portsmouth) Several times a day patients thank me for helping them with their health problems. But I can't really take the credit. Mu confession is that fee...Please, I hope that there's no misunderstanding about quality of care just because I have a lower exam fee. My qualifications.. .1 am a graduate of Palmer College. ofChiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. I have been trusted to take care of tiny balire's and pro-athletes that you may know. I just have that low fee to help more people who need care. Carrie is my assistant and she is a really great person. My office is both friendly and warm and we try our best to make you feel at home. We have a wonderful service, at an exceptional fee. My office is called BREAKFAST HILL CHIROPRACTIC, PLLC and is located at 1247 Washington Rd. in Rye. My phone number is 603-964-1500. Call me today for an appointment. I can help you. Thank you- Dr. Jeffrey Rogers Chiropractor PAGE 22A ATLArirK NEWS I FEBRUARY 06, 2009 1 VOL 35, No 04 ATLANTIC SERVICES HOME HOUSE CLEANING: IMPROVEMENT , decks, garage, IlekonS, finish basement, Ming and more. Free estimates. Insured and reliable. No job to small. Call 603-608-6579, check us on** at well calebfieldeMitsbliction.con? Expert Step Restoration Expert repairs and "small" masonry jobs. Retired. 40+ years experience. Brick, stone, concrete. Walls, walks, fireplaces, chimneys, repointing ect Insured. I also install custom wrought iron handrails. Please call Terry Young, Hampton, (603) 9296233. Residential & Commercial Bi-Weekly Weekly Carpets * Floors Windows *Reliable * Thorough *Affordable* Bonded * Insured • References 7 Years of Professional Cleaning Clearwater Cleaning Services,LLC Call Today for a Free Estimate 603-760-22132 1 Time * - SAYE MONEY Oft IYEWEAR! Free minbr repairs & free adjustments MASONRY Learn about Transitions; Progressives and Lena Coatings. Eye Exa Canterbu available. Vision, 801 Islington Seek eortsmouth. 603-373-6ala S. Donaldson Masonry. STONE, BRICK, BLOCK. Repairs, restoration, new Oonstruction. Free estimates, fully insured, over 13 yrs - sixperience. Call 603-6615633 CLEANING DONE YOUR WAY- Home or Office. Experienced, Efficient, Dependable. Free Estimates, references available. Please call Janet at 603-235-4636 avnv.canterburyvision.0111 ATLANT1CNEWS.COM CLASSIFIEDS CASH PAID FOR JUNK CARS, TRUCKS & SCRAP METALS. We also buy Antique Cars any condition. Same day pick-up. Call Charlie 978-462-7881. ONE STOP SHOPPING Shop online with major • retailers. Order directly from your home, saving time and money! Great prices & substantial discounts! Shop and save money on housewares, electronics & much more! www.4580. onetouchshopping.biz NO MSC JOCKEY FOR OCCASSION. Experienced professional. Serving all of New Hampshire, Massachusetts & Maine. Best rates $100 Off with mention of this ad. Call Good Sbes Dj's 603-566-9057. - HELP WANTED BOOKKEEPER: Experience Required: Quick books, fa. Income tax preparation, rental properties. Training 1 or 2 days/ week thru Jan and Feb. Work 1 day per weeK h N. Hampton and whatevee is needed at home. Approx 10-15 hrs. per wk. Call peter 603-289-1878 .PET OF THE WEEK MOBILE HOME FOR SALE In Exeter - 2002 Doublewide mobile home. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, central air, sky lights, cathedral ceiling. All modern conveniences. Good condition.$114,500. Call 603-580-1494. Realtors welcome 5% commission. FOR RENT Seabrook Beach year round, 4 2 bedroom apts. and up per month. Call 603-682-51 OW Town Hampton. 1 bedroom apt. year round, Nicely appointed. $850 per month. Includes heat -0. t heater. Pets considered/ non smoking. Call after 5:00pm 603-926-8952 Take out au Allautio Classified Today! oats - 30 Days - $801 more could you ask for? Classy Classiflect Highlighted__ 1111.1111111_acolr- ;j1)1:: 113 Yellow watch your ad pop the page for only $5 morel Rotary Pizza Bowl a 'great success' VICTORY! — Lena's Subs and Seafood scored a People's Choice award at this year's Rotary Pizza Bowl fundraiser. Lena's also took home honors for the Kid's Choice award. — Atlantic News Courtesy Photo SPECIAL TO THE ATLANTIC NEWS HAMPTON I The Rotary Club of Hampton held its third annual Pizza Bowl on sit the following festaurants for participating in the 2009 Hampton Rotary Pizza Bowl: Bella Rose, Dominos in Hampton, Gepetto's Pizzeria, Greg's Pizza, Godfathers, Joe's New York in Hampton, • Lee Macs Market, Lena's Subs & Seafood, Lupo's, Wally's Pub, Zesto's and Web site sponsor New England Pizza. This year's People's Choice winner was Lena's, which was also named the winner for the Kid's Choice award. Best Crust and Best Cheese honors went to Zesto's Pizza; Best Sauce to Bella Rose; and Best Specialty to Gepetto's Pizzeria. More about the event can be t. rime Stoppers ,. sc January 25 at Winnacunnet High School. According to Club President Rick Neville, this year's Pizza Bowl was deemed "a great success" with more than 450 people enjoying great pizza from 11 local pizza restaurants. Pizza Bowl 2009 raised more than $3,500 that will go into Rotary Club of Hampton's charity account which annually gives in excess of $30,000 to local charitable organizations. These include Special Olym,pics, Seacoast Hospice, the Salvation Army, the Visiting Nurse Association, Cross Roads House, the Boy and Girl Scouts, New Generations, Seacoast HeadStart and Meals on Wheels. The Rotary Club of Hampton acknowledged and expressed gratitude to GREAT GOATS — Say "hello" to Sally and Bad Larry, a pair of lovable goats currently sheltered at the 'NHSPCA in Stratham. Bad Larry (left) is an eight-year-old male black and white Alpine; Sally (right, in the "coat') is a five-yearold female white Nigerian-cross. Both are sweet and affectionate, and perfect for first-time oat owners. They come as a companion set" — adoptable at two for the price of one. Don't forget the upcoming benefit night on Wednesday, February 11 at the Blue Mermaid Island Grill in Portsmouth. Visit www. nhspca.org for a coupon to have 10 percent of dining proceeds donated to the NHSCPA. — Atlantic News Photo by Trisha Dillon found at www.seacoastpizzabowl.com . The Rotary Club of Hampton was chartered in 1969 has more than 70 members and meets each Tuesday morning at the Ashworth Hotel at Hampton Beach at 7:30 a.m. Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. • From the Publisher: Help solve crime. Call 603-431-1199 or 207-439-1199 The Newington Police Department is investigating the theft of a Jack Russell Terrier puppy from the Pet Connection located in the Fox Run Mall, on Sunday January 18 between 4:30pm and 5:45pm. Suspects are described as a white male 5-5, stocky build, dark complexion and a white female 5-4 average build. Please call Crime Stoppers if you wish to remain anonymous and have information on unsolved crimes or under age alcohol parties. You can also leave an anonymous tip by logging on to www.seacoastcrimestoppers.org You coukl be eligible for a cash reward of up to $1,000 if your information leads to an arrest and comiction. The views expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect the views of the Atlantic News or its advertisers. We welcome Don't miss advertising in our alternative views and will next issue.of.... consider guest commentaries for publication. Readers may send their comments and rebuttals to Call us at 603-926-4557 to advertise! editorRatlanticnews.com . - Michael P. Connelly Editor I Publisher Va. 35, No 04 FEBRUARY 06, 2009 ATLANTKNEWS.COM As I SEE IT An.minc NEWS CotinueunNG WITTER (provided his presidency ended December 2007). He vanquished all the leading Qaeda terrorists (if you don't count the leaders bin Laden and al-Zawahri). He gave Crawford Notch, my conservative friend, looked at me peevishly. Afghanistan a thriving 'mar"Well," he said, "are ket economy' (it you count you satisfied? You won't its skyrocketing opium trade) have George W. Bush to and a 'democratically elected kick around arlymore. You president' (presiding over know, you never really gave one of the world's most corthe guy a chance, did you? rupt governments). He supHe did some good things, ported elections in Pakistan but you ignored them. Bush (after propping up Pervez developed the No Child Musharraf past the point of Left Behind Law, that Pietro no return). He 'led the world Nivola, a senior policy anain providing food aid and lyst at the nonpartisan Brooknatural disaster relief' (if ings Institution, called 'a you leave out Brownie and significant accomplishment' Katrina)." in the Boston 'Globe.' He Crawford replied, "Nevorganized Afghan rebels, and ertheless, you must admit helped them overthrow the that Bush seems a new man Taliban government. Also, recently, happy to go into Bush's commitment of 30,000 retirement and leave the additional troops to Iraq as a presidency behind hint" part of a surge helped stabi"Unfortunately," I replied, lize that country." "behind those smiles, the for"Crawford," I replied, mer president has continued "these so-called accomplishto work to the very end of ments can be looked at in his term for the narrow, selfother ways. Almost no one interest of his big business likes the No Child Left friends. Behind Law as it is presently "For example, the Web constituted. The Taliban have site Yahoo!News.com reports, subsequently been resurgent 'In what has become a presiin Afghanistan because Bush dential right-of-passage, the changed his focus of attenpresident (or really the fedtion to Iraq. And the surge eral agencies that answer would not have been needed to him) has been pushing in Iraq if the President had through a series of last-mm-. sense enough not to start a ute regulations that have the war there." force of law. Everything from "You remind me of the pollution controls to familyformer President himself," leave standards can be set by I . continued. "Bush is busthese rules. And you thought ily engaged in a legacy projyour high school government ect designed to salvage his teacher said that Congress reputation. He is not going made all the laws." quietly. Bush gave interviews "These de-facto laws to the television networks, are called 'midnight rules' conducted his last press conor 'midnight regaulahons' ference, and made a farebecause they happen at the well address to the nation. end — or midnight period And I must admit that he — of an administration. If is likable, almost like somethe rules are published in the body's square uncle, who Federal Register by Friday, tells unfunny jokes and kids Nov. 21, they'll be very hard around with people. But, no for President-elect Obama amount of levity can transto reverse when he gets into form his sorry record. office. "Frank Rich comments in "Moreover," I added, "the the New York 'Times' on the 'New Scientist' notes that, former president's attempts 'One such rule, issued last to put the best possible light week, allows companies to on his administration. 'Bush apply for commercial drilling kept America safe (provided licenses on 800,000 hectares his presidency began Sept. of largely undeveloped pub12, 2031). He gave America lic land in Colorado, Utah, record economic growth . LETTERS Memories, reminders and the Bush legacy BY GARY PATTON I AlIANIK NEWS I PAGE 23A VILLAGE TO VILLAGE To the editor. and Wyoming. The oil there is held in a sedimentary rock called shale, and flushing it would mean draining large amounts of water from an already arid area. The process is also enormously polluting: Greenhouse-gas emissions, both from generating the energy needed to power the process and from gas escaping during extraction, are up to 50 per cent higher than regular oil,' says Adam Brandt of the University of California in Berkeley." "Moreover," I continued, "other midnight rules signed by Bush allow mining companies to dump refuse into rivers and streams, weaken the Endangered Species Act, allow factory farm run-off to pollute streams, open hundreds of thousands of acres near national parks to oil and gas drilling, ease limits on pollution from power plants, and allow truck drivers to spend more hours per day behind the wheel without rest." Crawford had heard enough. "Oh, why don't you just leave the poor guy alone?" he sputtered. "He has gone back home to Texas, and I'm sure you'll rarely hear from him again." "I'd be glad to forget about George W, Bush," I responded. "Unfortunately, the damaging things that his policies have done to this nation will keep reminding me of him." Gary Patton can be reached at GANDLPATTON@comcast. net or editor@atlanticnews.com , or by calling (603) 926-9358. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the newspaper. Hampton Child and Family Program's Village Preschool is in full swing serving many diverse populations in Hampton. Village Preschool was .founded on the theory that all children deserve a preschool experience. Village Preschool raises scholarship money each year, which provides money for children to receive a preschool experience. These families are working parents, who do not qualify for state or federal assistance. These are the families, who struggle each day to provide for their children's basic needs. Village Preschool truly believes it takes a village to raise a child. Village Preschool is truly appreciative how Hampton residents have become that village. With residents' help, Village Preschool was able to provide 20 scholarships last year. We provided a children's concert by Judy Pancoast and a family puppet show by Martha Dana. Village Preschool is again asking for the community's assistance. With the rising cost of fuel, housing, and other basic needs, many more families are seeking scholarship assistance. Village Preschool truly appreciates all donations. All donations are tax deductible and go directly to help a local child. Village Preschool also collects Shaw's receipts. The money from the receipts pays for enrichment programs. Village Preschool truly appreciates all the assistance the "Village" of Hampton has given local children. Ginny Bridle Executive Director Village Preschool Hampton THOUSANDS OF REASONS TO SMILE To the editor: Packing hope and joy into 10,513 gift-filled shoe boxes, Hampton Falls area residents gave children around the world a reason to smile this Christmas season and beyond. Shoe box gifts filled with meaningful yet simple toys, school supplies, and hygiene canons's FOR THE BUTTONS Anonymity' Reicards - 929-1222 "Putting a Pinch on Crime" HamptonsCrimeline@Yahoo.com items for Operation Christmas Child, the world's largest Christmas project, are now being distributed to children living in desperate places around the world. In spite of an unstable economic climate in 2008, giving was generous to this project of Samaritan's Purse, as 7.9 million shoe box gifts were collected from caring families, churches, individuals, businesses, and community groups. On behalf of our community, I would like to thank the local collection sites, the volunteers, . and everyone who packed a shoe box gift. For many needy children, their packed shoe box will be the first gift they have ever received. Though the Hampton Falls drop-off locations are closed until November 2009, there is still time to pack a shoe box. Gifts are received year-round at Samaritan's Purse, 801 Bamboo Road, Boone, N.C., 28607. To get involved, go online to' www. samaritanspurse.org or call (800) 353-5949. Thanks again to everyone who participated in this project. The joy of Christmas goefar when it is packed in a shoe box gift! Joyce Swain NH Area Coordinator Operation Christmas Child Hampton Falls THANK_YOU FOR CARING To the editor An open letter to the Greater Hampton Community. Do you know anyone who has faced foreclosure or eviction this year? The volunteers of the Hampton Community Coalition (HCC) know too many. That's the bad news. The good news is that these families live in a caring community. We would like to acknowledge the tremendous generosity of our supporters who over the past year have made life less stressful for many of our unlucky neighbors. The Winnacunnet High School Student Council and National Honor Society (under the direction of Janis Arsenault and Mike Myers) went beyond their annual December food drive, promising a second food drive in the spring and sending donations from the winning homeroom to our Homeless Fund and to Seabrook Community Action; thank you to the thoughtful students in Mr. Croteau's class. Unitil and JTL Technology Services repeated with over-the-top donations; thank you to Bob Schoenberger and Steve Leverone for spearheading those efforts with their employees. Over 50 local families include HCC in their holiday _giving. Some drop off gift and gas cards or laundry detergent and toothpaste. College kids send skinny donations, while some families (most of our donors prefer anonymity) write monster checks; one asks holiday guests to bring goods for our pantry; and our own volunteers multiply their donations by badgering neighbors to join in the cause. Year after year, the Hampton Rotary, Hampton Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, Hampton Hannaford, Hampton Seniors, Hampton Preceptor Zeta, My First School and Trinity and Congregational Church parishioners contribute to help out their neighbors who are having trouble with crazy rents and cars in need of repair. Members of the Marston School staff, well aware of area need, make 2. annual donations as well. Because the services of HCC are 100 percent volunteer-driven, every donated dollar goes directly to struggling Hampton families with children in our schools, families whose troubles often follow sudden job loss or an uninsured medical crisis. It sounds like a cliché, but YOU really do make Hampton a more caring community. Thank you. Patty McKenzie On behalf of the volunteers of the Hampton Community Coalition Hampton CHATEAUBRIAND FOR TWO $49.95 IN(1.1 1)11): Soup. Field Greens tit Caesm Aid. 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