

Métis Nation British Columbia - Newsletter
Issue 11
Spring 2016 Newsletter
Inside this Issue
MNGA 2016
President’s Message
MNBC Health
Community Action Planning Sessions
Migratory Birds Workshops
Events & Notices
Métis Nation Governing Assembly—March 12-13, 2016 Richmond, BC
A Stronger Nation Together
Legislative members at this year’s MNGA
consisted of 30 of MNBC’s 35 Chartered
Community Leaders and the 11 MNBC Board
of Directors.
During the two days of the MNGA, members
deliberated over four resolutions.
One of the resolutions passed at the MNGA
sets the stage for the next MNBC Provincial
The traditional “Grand Entry” was led by Métis General Election for September 10, 2016.
Jigger & Fiddler Aimee Fauteux, Fiddler Keith
The roundtable reports on Sunday showcased
Hill, Guitarist & Region 6 BCMANR Captain
many of the communities activities, successes
Rene Lucier, followed by the Honour Guard
Flag Party consisting of Sergeant-at-Arms and and challenges. This reporting period is
Region 2 Veteran Frazer MacDonald, Region 1 proved to be very beneficial.
Veteran Eleanor Creighton, Region 3 Veteran
Members of the MNGA were thrilled to accept
and Elder Eldon Clairmont.
a new MNGA member to the table this year
from Region 6, “Prince Rupert & District Métis
Colette Trudeau, MNBC Youth Director sang
the Canadian National Anthem followed by an Community Society” and also accept the
interim appointment of Braydie Rice, Region 4
audio of the Métis Nation’s Anthem.
Métis Youth Representative.
Senators Philip Gladue and Alan Edkins
opened the MNGA with a prayer in English and Elder & Senator, Philip Gladue, conducted the
swearing in ceremony at a traditional alter
where he read the MNBC Oath of Office for the
MNBC President Bruce Dumont and Vice
new member. Representing the Prince Rupert
President Maurice offered opening comments. Chartered Community was Interim Vice
Speaker Bill Bresser presided over the business President Joy Sundin.
of the 2016 MNGA which included hearing
The two day assembly wrapped up business on
reports from each member of the Board of
Sunday with many final and very emotional
Directors, and also from each of the MNBC
remarks directed at President Dumont,
honouring him for his service and personal
sacrifices over his 3 terms of office totaling 12
years, making him the longest serving
President of the Metis Nation BC.
Michael Dumont, President of Region 1 North
Island Métis Association, delivered a very
emotional tribute to his father, honouring him
as not only a father who made Métis culture a
pivotal teaching during Michael’s life but also
for teaching him what it is to be a true leader.
At the end of Day 2, Senator Gladue offered
the closing prayer, as members around the
table held hands, President Dumont, as true to
his values as the leader he has been to the
nation for many years, asked that everyone in
the room, including everyone in the gallery,
join hands in one big circle as one people, one
family, and one nation.
View our photo / video gallery http://
Daniels Ruling
- See page 2
Métis Nation British Columbia - Newsletter (Issue 11)
Page 2
make British Columbia part of
Métis have always worked hard and
contributed to this great country –
now it is time for our federal
government and our provincial
government to accept this important
legal ruling and to begin the task of
President’s Message
As President of Métis Nation British
Columbia, I am so proud and thankful
to be Métis and to represent Métis
On April 14, 2016 history was made Justice Abella stated (in part)
people in our province. All Métis
for the Métis people in our country. …”both federal and provincial
should feel great pride given this
A unanimous decision of the
governments have, alternately,
decision because the Supreme Court
Supreme Court of Canada, ruled
denied having legislative authority of Canada has confirmed what the
that Canada has a constitutional &
over non-status Indians and Métis. federal government has disputed for
jurisdictional responsibility for Métis This results in these Indigenous
the last nearly 150 years – that the
under s. 91(24) of the Constitution
communities being in a jurisdicfederal government has an obligation
tional wasteland with significant
to recognize and accept it has unfulAct, 1867.
and obvious disadvantaging
filled obligations to the Métis people
This ruling is a huge victory for all
consequences. While finding Métis in this country. It is now time to get
Métis people, including our Métis
and non-status Indians to be
on with that task.
people here in BC because the federal
“Indians” under s. 91(24) does not
government must now step up to the
We helped build this country, and our
create a duty to legislate, it has
plate and negotiate in good faith with
ancestors beginning in the 1700’s
the undeniably salutary benefit of
the Métis Nation.
played pivotal roles in helping to
ending a jurisdictional tug-of-war.”
MNBC Health
by Tanya Davoren, Director
This year we are working with
McCreary to have a follow up
In February this year, we
report on the 2013 survey that
collaborated with Interior Health
was administrated in 56 of the 59
Authority to host a MNBC
BC school districts with 32% (up
Cultural Knowledge Exchange in
8%) of the Aboriginal youth
Kelowna. Almost 70 people atidentifying as Metis. We know
tended included representation
that in 2008, 22% of Metis fefrom Interior First Nations and
males age 12-19 reported
Friendship Centres. It was a
intentionally harming / cutting
fantastic event and we look forthemselves and unfortunately in
ward to planning a similar event in
the 2013 AHS this number has
the Kootenays with Interior
increased by 15% to 35% of Metis
Health and Ktunaxa Nation very
girls intentionally harming /
cutting themselves.
Cultural Knowledge Exchange
The McCreary Centre report on We will be sharing the report
Metis Youth Health in BC broadly with our Metis Chartered
The Adolescent Health Survey
(AHS) is a comprehensive pencil
and paper survey which asks
youth questions about their
health promotion and health risk
behaviors. It has been administered every five years since 1992.
In 2008, the 146-item survey was
administrated in 50 of the 59 BC
school districts with 24% of the
Aboriginal respondents
identifying as Metis.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was
quoted as saying … “This is a landmark ruling that will have broad
consequences and impacts and
that the government will need to
study what those impacts might
be and said he guarantees that the
path forward will be together.”
MNBC will be reviewing all 27 pages
of the decision and will be working
closely with the Métis National
Council Board of Governors to
continue on the path of
reconciliation with Canada, while at
the same time we will be moving
very quickly to engage with the
Provincial Government of BC to
begin addressing the implications of
this important decision on Métis in
our province.
MNBC will keep you updated.~
Oki’maw / President Bruce Dumont
Communities and other stakeholders such as Health Authorities
and School Districts to
demonstrate the need for Metis
Cultural supports being made
broadly available.
Métis Nation British Columbia - Newsletter (Issue 11)
Community Action Planning Sessions
Since the end of February, the Métis Nation British Columbia has been
working with 7 Chartered Communities in regions throughout the
province to create local community action plans. These sessions bring
together Métis citizens, local industry leaders, service sectors and local/regional employers. Colette Trudeau, Director for Métis Youth BC,
supervised the Métis Community Action Planning Project.
Community sessions were facilitated by Jason Woodman Simmonds
and Katie Trace. Métis community members and other participants
create the action plans to address the current challenges and
opportunities of their Chartered Community. These action plans are
road maps for change. As such they focused primarily on increasing the
capacity of each of the Chartered Communities. During all seven of the
community planning sessions, Community members and other
participants consistently identified the following actions:
 Improve economic participation;
 Develop Métis specific, localized employment initiatives;
 Secure more funding for local Métis specific programs, particularly
in education and school curriculum development;
 Increase participation of citizens in community meetings;
 Increase the community presence of Métis people; and
 Develop partnerships with local government, Aboriginal
organizations, industry, and other organizations.
Feedback from the participants has been positive. MNBC looks
forward to hosting more of these types of sessions with Chartered
Communities in the future if funding permits. MNBC would like to
thank everyone who attended the sessions. We want to thank you for
welcoming us into your community.
Funding for this project was provided by the Urban Aboriginal Strategy.
The following Chartered Communities participated:
February 28th and 29th - Fernie Session
March 2nd and 3rd - Vernon session
March 7th - 8th - Chilliwack Session
March 20th- Terrace Session
March 23rd-Chetwynd Session
March 30th – 31st-Maple Ridge Session
April 3rd - Duncan
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by Colette Trudeau, Director
Métis Nation British Columbia - Newsletter (Issue 11)
Ministry of Natural Resources
historical contaminants, many others are
declining. Birds face many threats, including
habitat loss, pollution, pesticides, illegal hunting, collisions with human-built structures and
climate change. Some species have already
declined to the point that they are listed under
Canada's Species at Risk Act. Successful
conservation requires committed action and
international cooperation.
Métis harvesters and land users can play a role
in helping to manage and conserve these
valuable migrants. One way to help out is for
MNBC harvester card holder to fill out their
annual harvest survey online. We can then
share this information with EC/CWS and help
BCMANR/CWS Migratory Bird Workshops
by Leona Shaw, Culture/Natural Resources Consultation Coordinator
Over the past few months BCMANR and
MNBC have partnered with Environment
Canada and the Canadian Wildlife Service to
host migratory bird workshops throughout the
province. These five thought-provoking
sessions (held in Delta, Nanaimo, Kamloops,
Smithers and Golden) encouraged attendees
and presenters to share information about
migratory birds and learn how Métis can play a
role in the conservation and management of
this valuable resource.
At each workshop MNBC discussed how our
harvester database and annual survey provides
valuable information about migratory birds to
EC/CWS (and other interested parties). There
was also a presentation about the ongoing use
and occupancy mapping research further
demonstrating the importance of land-use to
Métis in BC. Representatives from EC/CWS
gave three informative talks (Species at Risk,
Migratory Bird Overview, Bird Identification)
and encouraged attendees to participate in the
At the end of the sessions, we received a lot of
positive feedback and many participants
commented about how they now make the
connection to how the annual MNBC harvester
survey relates to wildlife management and
conservation efforts and just how important
reporting harvesting and land-use annually
really is.
In Canada, bird populations are changing.
While some bird groups are doing well thanks
to targeted management and reductions in
them monitor bird populations. Bird
population monitoring measures the health of
different species of birds.
This data then provides the foundation for
conservation action by identifying bird species
or populations of conservation concern,
tracking the success of management activities
(including those for species at risk), and setting
hunting regulations.
Another way is to report any bird bands that
you may find. Band information collected from
hunters assists waterfowl biologists in
monitoring bird populations and establishing
hunting regulations from year to year.
The CWS sets hunting seasons and bag limits
for migratory game birds based on the latest
scientific information (on the numbers and
status of each species). You can report any bird
bands you may find through MNBC at or by entering band
numbers on the EC website at:
We would like to thank the 5 communities who
have participated so far and shared their time
and knowledge. There were great lunches, fun
cultural performances, valuable knowledge
exchanges, and many thought-provoking and
informative discussions. We look forward to
continuing these workshops over the next few
months and hope to see you at one of them!
~ BC Métis Assembly of Natural Resources
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Métis Nation British Columbia - Newsletter (Issue 11)
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Call for Métis Veterans
Ministry of Veterans
The Metis Veterans of BC Committee (MV-BC) is requesting that Metis
Chartered Communities help us to identify the Veterans in their
Communities. Regional Representation is needed in North Central, Northeast and the Northwest regions. Please contact Director Davoren at for more information.
In Remembrance
Ernie Parenteau
(July 26, 1946-March 25, 2016)
Ernest Allen Parenteau, Born July 26, 1946 peacefully slipped away on
Good Friday, March 25, 2016 at the age of 69.
As his last wish, Ernest passed at home with his loving wife Gail and two
daughters, Danielle and Liselle by his side.
Ernie was the Thompson & Okanagan Regional Veteran Representative of
the Métis Nation BC and up until when he became too ill, Ernie
participated in many of the MNBC's AGM's, MNGA's in the Color Party for
our Grand Entry's, and took part in many cultural events throughout the
Veteran Ernie Parenteau was honoured with the Queen's Diamond Jubilee medal for his military service on September 12, 2012.
MNBC will certainly miss our dear friend, Veteran, and Métis brother, as will many.
A Celebration of Ernie's Life will be held on July 23rd at the Farm in Cherryville.
MNBC President/Oki'maw Bruce Dumont, Board of Directors and Staff
New Horizons for Seniors
New Horizons for Seniors - MNBC’s Ministry of Health will be hosting two Elder and Youth sessions (one in Richmond and one in Prince George)
in the coming months to decrease Metis Elder isolation and to create Metis specific Elder resources on Elder neglect and abuse. Stay tuned for
more information
Call for Interests for Regional Vacancies
BC Assembly of Natural Resources is seeking interests for Natural Resources Captains of the hunt for Region 2 (Lower Mainland) and
Region 6 (North West) where these terms are up for renewal or a vacancy exists.
Region 2 (Lower Mainland) BCMANR Call for Interest (term expired): Glen Ohs, Regional Director
Region 6 (North West) BCMANR Call for Interest (term expired): Susie Hooper, Regional Director
MNBC Senate is seeking interests for 3 Senate positions whose terms have expired or where there is an existing vacancy.
Region 5 (North Central) Senate Vacancy: Brenda Nome, Regional Director
Region 6 (North West) Senate Vacancy: Susie Hooper, Regional Director
Region 7 (North East) Senate Call for Interest (term expired): LeAnne McFeeters, Regional Director
Métis Nation British Columbia - Newsletter (Issue 11)
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Your Community News & Events
North Island Métis Nation Annual General Meeting
Congratulations to North Island Métis Nation on your very successful
Annual General Meeting held April 3rd, 2016.
Vernon District Métis Association
June 11th 2016 - Lumby Day's Parade
The VDMA will be participating for the fourth year in a row at the
Lumby Day's Parade. They are looking for people to fill the float,
carry the flags and hand out things to the youth watching the parade.
If you would like to participate please contact us via Facebook, email
or phone 778-475-0823.
June 2st 2016 - National Aboriginal Day
National Aboriginal Day is a day recognizing and celebrating the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples of
Canada. The day was first celebrated in 1996, after it was proclaimed
that year by then Governor General of Canada Roméo LeBlanc, to be
celebrated on 21 June annually.
June 21 was chosen as the statutory holiday for many reasonsincluding its cultural significance as the Summer solstice, and the fact
that it is a day on which many Aboriginal groups traditionally celebrate their heritage.
The VDMA will be looking into where celebrations are going to be held
and how we can work with the FNFC and OKIB on creating the best
cultural celebration ever!
Follow “TOM” - Thompson Okanagan Métis for all of the
regions activities, news and events.
Building the Teepee
Welcoming youth member
Métis Nation British Columbia - Newsletter (Issue 11)
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Follow US
MNBC Mail Subscribers
Métis Business Directory
Are you a Métis Citizen who
owns a your own business and
you would like to promote it on
our website?
Want to receive daily updates and information on
MNBC and upcoming events? Join us as a mail subscriber.
Go to the MNBC homepage and click on “MNBC Mail Subscriber”
and you will automatically begin to receive your mail directly to
your inbox.
Check out our MNBC Economic Development portal to register your
Métis business today!
Important Announcements
Métis Employment & Training
Are you Métis and need funding for Skills Employment & Training Would you like to know more about this program and how to apply?
Check out our website for information sessions coming to your community WWW.MNBC.CA or Follow them on Facebook
Bursaries Available for Métis Students
This year the focus is on Undergraduate, Masters and Doctorates in health related fields for the following amounts:
2 Undergrad awards at $5,000
2 Masters awards at $7,500
2 Doctorate awards at $12,500
Applicants will need to provide:
1) an introductory letter, introducing themselves and their request for financial support.
2) Proof of Field of Study and copy of their registration for current school year.
3) Proof of Metis identity (copy of MNBC Citizenship Card, Community Card or letter from Metis Chartered Community Board)
APPLICANTS must apply by 4:30pm, May 6th, 2016 (this deadline may be extended, please check our website for updates)
Send completed application to the attention of: Tanya Davoren, MNBC Director of Health C/o Gail Parenteau - MNBC Health Program Assistant
Funding generously provided by: Provincial Health Services Authority – Aboriginal Health
TF:: 1-800-940-1150 / 604-557-5851 /Fax 604-557-2024 103-5668 192 St., Surrey, BC V3S 2V7
Post your Events with MNBC
If you have an event that you would like us to help you
promote by posting on the MNBC website or Facebook
we want to hear from you!
Please email or call 1-800-940-1150
MNBC represents the majority population of nearly 14,000
registered Métis citizens and nearly 70,000 self-identified
Métis people in BC. The Métis National Council, the Provincial
and Federal government recognize MNBC as the official
Provincial Métis governing organization in British Columbia.