October 2012
October 2012
Métis Connection Métis Commission for Children and Families of BC Métis Family Services (MFS) Surrey Celebra tes its 20th Anniversary October 2012 On October 19, 2012 - Métis Family Services (MFS) will celebrate its 20th anniversary. On this special day of celebration, from 11:00am to 3:00pm, MFS will be offering tours of the agency and its programs, gifts, a feast, guest speakers and a youth jigging performance. Learn Michif: ka tutum-skakkesikak “Thanksgiving” Our schedule is as follows: 11am to 12pm - Tours, program and department showcase. 12pm to 1pm - Feast in our Cultural building. 1pm to 3pm - Program showcase, speakers, and jigging performance in our cultural building. Giveaways and entertainment await everybody. For more information please Toni Courchene @ 604-584-6621. contact: Inside this issue: Agency Spotlight: The MCCF is the legislated Métis community under the Child and Family Community Services Act (CFCSA) of BC. We provide advocacy from a Métis perspective for the children and families in the child welfare system. Our aim is to create awareness around the distinction of “Métis” in the overarching aboriginal category. Métis Commission for Children & Families of BC (MCCF) When court documents are received regarding Métis children and families, we connect them to Métis specific services through their social workers. We also review all court documents received to ensure that those families are receiving adequate care. It is our job to be critical of the court documents to ensure that the well-being of the children and families are met. As an extension of this work we perform research and development around issues and concerns that arise from working for the families. We are here to advocate on behalf of Métis children, youth and families. For more specific information please visit our website. Lii Michif Grand Opening 2 Métis Culture Classes 2 Métis Code of Ethics 2 Job Postings 4 October Calendar 4 MCCF Website Updates 5 Recipe of the Month 6 Page 2 Métis Connection Colle ge of New Caledonia Of fers Online Classes in Métis Studies Respondents from the MCCF Fall 2011 focus groups expressed concern over the public’s general knowledge about Métis people. Well... Did you know that the College of New Caledonia offers 2 online courses devoted to an exploration of Métis history, art and material culture? ABST110 (Métis Student I) is a 3 credit university course “to help students explore and understand past and present Métis perspective in all areas of life with an eye towards fostering positive cross-cultural interaction between Métis and non-Métis individuals and communities.” ABST111 (Métis Studies II) builds on the foundation laid in the first course and then moves onto an examination of Métis culture through various art forms. “Learners will consider ethical, economic, aesthetic and functional implications, discussing protocol for appropriation (borrowing of style and technique), and reinterpretation.” Did you know that the College of New Caledonia offers 2 online courses devoted to an exploration of Métis history, art and material culture? Courses are transferrable to a number of universities in BC including: TRU, Kwantlen, UNBC, UFV, U.Vic & UBC. Please contact the campus in Prince George for further information at: (250) 562-2131 / Both courses are offered in the fall and winter semesters at the College of New Caledonia. 1-800-371-8111 or check them out on the web at: http://www.cnc.bc.ca/ October 2012 Page 3 Our Métis PROGRAMS Michif Women’s Circle of Courage Michif Cultural Workshops Thursdays 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Michif Elders Luncheon Thursdays and Fridays (Starting September 27) 10:00 am to Noon Third Saturday of every month Noon to 2:00pm Michif Youth Otipemisiwak Youth ages 16 to 24 Mondays 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Michif Jigging Tuesdays 5:00 pm to 5:45pm Lii Michif Baybee Circle Children ages 0 – 2 Michif Kitchen Parties Dates to be announced soon! Wednesdays 9:00 am to 10:30 am Lii Petits Wapososak Children ages 3 - 6 Wednesdays 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm All above programs take place at Lii Michif Otipemisiwak Family and Community Services New Location at 707 Tranquille Road (Look for building under construction) For more information please contact 250-554-9486 Page 4 Métis Connection Métis Code of Ethics Author Unknown (Amendments by Métis Elders of Kamloops & Nicola Valley) * Give thanks to the Creator/God/Great Spirit each morning upon rising and each evening before sleeping. Seek courage and strength to be a better person. * Show respect to our heritage & strengths such as culture, honour, dignity and our work ethic. * Respect the wisdom of the people in council. Once you give an idea it no longer belongs to you, it belongs to everyone. * Attempt to be as truthful as possible, being aware at all times not to show disrespect. * Always treat your guests with honour and consideration. Give your best foods and comforts to your guests. * The hurt of one is the hurt of all; the honour of one is the honour of all. * Observe moderation and balance in all things. * Show kindness to all including strangers and outsiders. Treat them as friends. * Know those things that lead to your wellbeing and those that lead to your downfall. * All races are children of the Creator/ God/Great Spirit and must be respected. Teach our children and youth that validation of one’s self comes from within, not from material belongings or relationships. Teach our children and youth to respect and honour others and they will pass it to future generations. * Listen to and follow the guidance given to your heart. Expect guidance to come in many forms: in prayers, in dreams, in solitude and in the words and actions of Elders and friends. * To assist others in their day to day struggles relying on the knowledge of our culture and community. * Recognition that the Métis Nation was dispersed and that we fought back to become accepted as a unique peoples of Canada. We must continue to maintain this recognition through practicing our culture, beliefs & way of life. (Submitted by: Colleen Lucier, Lii Michif) Job Postings from Around Our Province Aboriginal Women’s Health Program Coordinator: BC Women's Hospital, Vancouver, BC, Regular Full-Time of services related to Aboriginal women’s health under the BC W o m e n ’ s mandate. Reporting to the Senior Medical Advisor: Provincial Women’s The successful Health Programs: BC Women’s candidate will and under the guidance of a Check out these current bring a level of provincial advisory committee, the employment opportunities e d u c a t i o n , Coordinator, Aboriginal Women’s t r a in in g a nd Health Program (AWHP) is responsible for the development and delivery experience equivalent to a Bachelors degree in related discipline with a minimum of five years of experience working with Aboriginal communities and five years experience in a hospital environment in an administrative/ clinical capacity. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. For more information, please see: http://www. mnbc.ca/media/transfer/ doc/2012_08_15_carol_coordinator_aborigina l_health.pdf For more information, refer to the Executive Director: Métis Community Services Society of BC, Kelowna, BC The Executive Director is hired by the Board of Directors and is responsible to them as a whole for the entirety of the organization. The executive director provides two-way communication and leadership, which directs the Board in determining the direction in decision making, while ensuring sound policy adherence and program management. detailed job posting at: www.metiscommission.com/images/pdf/ mcsbc_job_posting_ed_2012.pdf Qualifications—Management and Administrative background with extensive experience in child and family service in Métis context is essential. Degree with considerable related experience. The applicant should understand the role of a delegated agency under the Child Family and Community Services Act. Have a demonstrated understanding of non-profit and Posting Closes: Oct. 19th @ 4:00pm Aboriginal organizations, communities and board functions. Experience dealing with the Federal and Provincial governments via proposal writing and negotiations is required. October 2012 Page 5 October 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 Métis Family Services (MFS) Granted C6 Designation 7 8 Lii Michif Grand Opening 2-4:30pm (Kamloops) MCCF Office Closed 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Métis Family Services (MFS) 20th Anniversary & Open House (Surrey) 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 Taffy Candy Recipe 26 27 Ingredients: 3 cups brown sugar packed, 1 tbsp. butter, 1 cup molasses & 1/2 cup water. Boil over moderate heat until it hardens when dropped in water. Put in molasses and then pour in greased platters. When cool, pull until light, cut and wrap in waxed paper. From: http://www.stnorbertmetiscouncil.com/recipes.htm Métis Commission for Children and Families of BC The purpose of this newsletter is to connect individuals from across the province who serve our Métis children and families. #1– 166 Oriole Road Kamloops, BC V2C 4N7 Phone: (250) 372-8688 Fax: (250) 372-9111 Toll Free: 1-877-606-3847 reception@metiscommission.com If you have any stories, events, photos or newsworthy items that you would like to share, please email Christine Hammonds at the Métis Commission— developmentcoordinator@metiscommission.com. We look forward to hearing from you. “Advancing transformative change for the well-being of Métis children, youth and families.” Check us out on the internet: www.metiscommission.com MCCF Website Updates In an effort to keep our service providers, protocol agreement holders, the MCFD and the community at large connected to work that is being done at the Commission, the following updates have been made to the website this month. Recipe of the Month Gum Drop Cake NEW THIS MONTH: Ingredients: 1) The “MCCF Work” page has been totally 1 cup butter, 3 eggs, 1 lb. redesigned to aid in more efficient location of raisins, 3 cups flour, 1/2 tsp. critical MCCF documentation. salt, 1 cup white sugar, 1 cup milk, 1 lb. gumdrops (sliced), 2) Policy work has also been updated and now 2 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. includes the MCFD Strategic and Operational vanilla. Directional Plan 2012/2013—2014/2015 critique and issues of concern document regarding revisions to the “court of care plan” (CPOC) template. 3) The role of the MCCF has been added. Directions: Dredge raisins and gum drops in some flour. Cream butter, sugar & eggs,. Add milk and flour, mix in the remaining ingredients. Bake at 350°F for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Yield: 12 x 8 cake. (Recipe from: “Good 4) All of the key findings reports from the Old Cabin Cook-In,” Cariboo Chilcotin 2011 focus groups have been posted. Métis Assoc.) 5) New job opportunities are available.
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