Meeting Aeenda - Grays Harbor PUD
Meeting Aeenda - Grays Harbor PUD
Grays Harbor PUD Nichols Building, Meeting Room #108 220 Myrtle Street Hoquiam, WA 98550 (360) 538-6384 Meeting Aeenda Monday, July 18,2016 3:30 p.m. 1. a) BRE Update (3:30 P.m. to 4:00 P.m.) Dru Garson, Chief Executive Officer, Greater Grays Harbor b) General Discussion (4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.) a 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes (See TAB 2): a) 4,7496 Regular Commission Meeting Held on Tuesday, July 5, 2016 4. Petitions from the Public, if anY: 5. Public Comment: 6. Old Business: 7. New Business: 8. Staff and Attorney RePorts: 9. Communications: (ASL) Commissian Meetings are wheelchair accessible. American Sign Language upon rcquest Please coll interpretation is avaitable apon request ,isisted listening devices arc also available the Monday afiernoon pteceding lryednesday the nion by (360) 535-6379 the District,s ADA Coordiiator ai Gruys Harbor p(ID meeting. Page I of3 10. Consent Calendar: ll a) and 18, 2016 (No. 102440 through 216 Claim Vouchers for the Weeks of July No. 102656) in the Total Amount of $974,378.12 (See TAB 3) b) 15 Wire Transfers for the Weeks of July I I and 18, 2016 in the Total Amount of $6,264,186.21 (See TAB 4) c) Payroll for the Pay Period Ending July $567,128.05 (See TAB 5) d) Travel Applications (See TAB 6): 8, 2016 in the Total Amount of - For Mechanic Shane Andrews to Attend HCT Hydraulic Certification Training Mobile Hydraulic Mechanic August 16 19, 2016 in Eugene, OR for a Total Estimated Cost of $1,986.00 - For Chief Financial Officer Kathryn Skolrood, Engineering Manager Schuyler Burkhart, Operations Manager Steve Easton, Customer Service Representative Helen Berglund, Senior Credit Representative Lisa Melton, Chief Information Officer Rob Hanny and IS Analyst Bruce Travers to Attend the NISC Member Information Conference September ll - 14, 2016 in St. Louis, MO for a Total Estimated Cost of $13,650.00 11. Resolutions: 12. Action Items (See a) ' $[1): Sponsorship Request in the Amount of $500.00 for the Poletop Rescue Competition at the Annual Washington State Govemor's lndustrial Safety & Health Conference Being Held September 28 and29,2016 in Spokane, WA Safety & Environmental Director Dale Benner 13. Forward Planning: 14. Comments from the Public, if anY: Language (ASL) Grays Harbor pUD Commission Meetings are wheelchair accessible American Sign Please call rcqaest apon intirpretation is available upon rcqaest Asisted listening devices are also available afternoon Monday the preceding the Disttict,s ADA Coordiiator i (360) 535-6379 by noon the lvednesday meeting. Page 2 of3 15. Commissioner Reports: a) b) c) 16. Commissioner Dave Timmons Commissioner Arie Callaghan Commissioner Russ Skolrood Adjournment. (ASL)Harbor p(ID Commission Meetings arc wheelchair accessible American Sign Language call Please rcquest upon availabte also are devices interprctation is available upon rcqaest Aisisted listening afternoon Monday preceding the Wednesday the noon by (360) 538-6379 th" bisrricf, ADA Coordiiator i Grays meeting. Page 3 of3 - Qrays \Harbor ryPUD "lt's yoarr PUD!" rnn TAB 1 DRAFT Dennis Nichols Builditg, Meeting Room #108 ",;:,:#{#f ;l!''.J Office: (360) 538-6384 Fax: (360) 538-6399 Commission Workshop Topics Regular start time is 3:30 pm unless otherwise noted July 180 2016 3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. BRE Update Dru Garson, Greater GraYs Harbor 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. General Discussion August 8, 2016 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Proposed Refunding of the 2006 Bonds Chief Financial Officer Kathryn Skolrood August22r2016 Start Time TBA to 4:30 P.m. Tour of Saddle Mountain Chief Information Officer Rob HannY DRAFT e - Qrays lHarbor ryPUD "lt's your PUD!" rM TAB 2 DRAFT 71512016 Page - DRAFT MINUTES _ PANDING APPROVAL BY THE BOA,RD ?N$NAI6 I of8 MINUTES of the 4,74gth Meeting being a Regular Meeting of the Commission of Public Utility District No. I of Grays Harbor County. Office located at 220 Myrtle Street, Hoquiam, Washington. Tuesday, July 5, 2016 at4:30 p.m., Pacific Standard Time. WORKSHOP The workshop was called to order at 3:30 p.m. by President Russ Skolrood. Those in attendance were Commissioners Russ Skolrood, Arie Callaghan and Dave Timmons. General Manager Dave Ward, Human Resources Director Linda Trygstad, Chief Financial Officer Kathryn Skolrood, General Counsel Rick Pitt, Engineering Manager Schuyler Burkhart, Operations Manager Steve Easton, Communications & Govemment Relations Director Ian Cope, Engineering Manager Schuyler Burkhart and two members of the public were also present. Chief Financial Officer Kathryn Skolrood gave afinancial update presentation. BUSINESS MEETING MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: The business meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by President Russ Skolrood. Those in attendance were Commissioners Russ Skolrood, Arie Callaghan and Dave Timmons. General Manager Dave Ward, Human Resources Director Linda Trygstad, Chief Financial Offrcer Kathryn Skolrood, General Counsel Rick Pitt, Customer Service Manager Katy Moore, Operations Manager Steve Easton, Power Supply & Energy Services Analyst Jacob Henry, Communications & Government Relations Director Ian Cope, Engineering Manager Schuyler Burk*rart, Customer Service Manager Katy Moore and two members of the public were also present. MI![@: Commissioner Dave Timmons moved that the Minutes from the 4,748h Commission Meeting held on Monday, June 20, 20l6be approved. Commissioner Arie Callaghan seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanimous vote. PETITIONS FROM THE PUBLIC/PUBLIC COMMENT' Commissioner Russ Skolrood called for petitions from the public and public comment. None was received. Commissioner Skolrood also explained the public comment process for Resolution #4901 opposing l-732,which will come up later on in tonight's meeting. DRAFT 71512016 Page 2 - DRAFT TINUTF,S - PENDING A,PPROVA,L BY THE BOARD 7n8nm6 of8 STAFF AND ATTORNEY REPORTS: Human Resources Director Linda Trysstad reported: l) She will be attending a meeting to review the District's leave policy next week and also be attending a meeting with the District's ADA Committee this week. will Communications & Government Relations Director lan Cope reported: l) He has been busy prepping for the fair coming up in August. The District will have its new arc failer there for demonstrations this year. The three Commissioners will be working shifts at the District's fair booth on PUD Day August 12tr. Ensineer ing Manager Schqvler Burkhart r eported : 1) - 2) 3) Engineering has two intems and the Substation Department has two summer helpers asslsting *ith rr-io,rs projects. There are some great mutual benefits for the District and these students. There are some key positions to fill in both the Engineering and Substation Deparbnents. He is working with Human Resources to fill those positions. Records Cooidinator TaraMaynard has been very helpful, training employees on the new e-mail archiving system. The new system seems to be simple to use and effrcient. He thanked Tara for her help as the District transitions to the new system. Operations Manager Steve Easton reported: l) Zj 3) +i 5) Oi - with the rented track equipment. helping in the Line Department. They have added great students There are two sunmer All work has been completed value to the Distict's flagging needs. He is working on staffing for the District's booth at the fair. fef Wiflis r-cently stepped down as the JATC Chair. He accepted another position within the System'Contr-ot Department and his work schedule no longer aligns as well with the meetings. He continues to work with the goup on the Relight Washington street light project. He gave a brief report on recent outages. The largest outage was on June 30"' due to an und-rground fault. There was also a truck/pole accident by LeMay's recently. Power Supply & Energy Services Analvst Jacob Henrv reported: 1) 2\ Prices are on-peak $20.95, off-peak $18.00 and gas $2.11. The l-g37 compliance audit is berng wrapped up. An exit interview soon. will be scheduled DRAFT 71512016 _ Page 3 DRAFT MINUTES _ PENDING APPROVA.L BY THE BOARD 7N8,NErc of8 Customer Service Manager Kat.v Moore reported: 1) 2) 3) Chie.f The Customer Service Department was very busy during the month of June. There was an increased call volume and also an increase in the number of customers coming into the office. The District has hired a temporary Customer Service employee to fill a permanent, fulltime position. Coordination of planned outages has still been going well. Financial Officer Kathryn Skolrood reported : l) 2) :i The State Auditor's Offrce is still working on wrapping up the District's audit. Their last day should be today. She is working on getting better financial reporting documents out. -hange has been an interesting process. The next payday will be the first fne banking paychecks issued from the new bank. General Counsel Rick Pitt reoorted: l) 2) He attended the WPAG meeting last Thursday. He discussed a presentation given by Todd Miller. He explained the addition of Resolution#49}4 to tonight's meeting agenda. Commissioner Russ Skolrood asked River Treaty. if there have been any updates on the Columbia General Counsel Rick Pitt stated that there is nothing new to report. Discussion ensued. General Manaser Dove Ward reported : l) 2)' 3) 4) He attended the service awards and employee recognition luncheon a couple weeks ago. This is one of his favorite events. He also got the opportunity to see some of the retirees he worked with during his previous employment with the District before he came back to accept the position of General Manager. He ricognized the District's two most recent graduates of the Leadership Grays Harbor progrurrt, Customer Service Manager Katy Moore and Customer Service Support i-ptoy". Rada Lo. The Leadership Grays Harbor Program was revzrmped and is run through Grays Harbor College now. This was the first year for the new program. He *rd Co--issioner Callaghan met with the new Mayor of McCleary recently. The meeting was basically a meet and greet, and discussing how the Distict and the City can best work together on Projects. He will be out of the office on PTO July 6tr l2n in Alaska. Chief Information Officer Rob Hanny is covering for him and has signing authority. Power Manager Melinda James-Saffron is covering the PPC and PNUCC meetings for him this week. - DRAFT 71512016 Page 4 _ DRAFT MINUTES _ PENDING APPROVA,L BY THE BOA,RD 7NENArc of8 CONSENT CALENDAR: Consent Calendar: a) 198 Claim Vouchers for the Weeks of June 27 and July 4, 2016 (No. 102243 through No. 102439) in the Total Amount of $589 ,027 -16 b) 15 Wire Transfers for the Weeks of June 27 and July 4, 2016 in the Total Amount of 56,457,777.83 c) Payroll for the Pay Period Ending Jwrc 24, 2016 in the Total Amount of $621,045.84 d) Travel Applications: For Records Coordinator Tara Maynard and Records Helper Sara Travers to Attend the ARMA lnternational Annual Conference September 25 - 27,2016 in San Antonio. TX for a Total Estimated Cost of $3,058.00 For IS Specialist Steve Anderson to Attend Fiber Training October in Seattle. WA for a Total Estimated Cost of $2,604.00 ll - 14,2016 For Commissioner Russ Skolrood to Attend the NWPPA Power Supply Conference August I and 2,2016, and PPC and PNUCC Meetings August 3 - 5, 2016 nPortland, OR for a Total Estimated Cost of $1,499'56 Commissioner Arie Callaghan moved that the Consent Calendar be approved. Commissioner Dave Timmons seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanimous vote. RESOLUTIONS: AMENDED RESOLUTION NO. 4835 A RESOLUTION OX'PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF' GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF PERFORMANCE OF WORK AND IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT TO CONTRACT (ROUTINE Ai\D EMERGENCY YEGETATION MANAGEMENT SERVICES, PO #14-0217) AltD AUTHORIZING RELEASE OF RETAINAGE Operations Manager Steve Easton explained Amended Resolution #4835. Discussion ensued. DRAFT Commissioner Dave Timmons moved that Amended Resolution #4835 be approved. Commissioner Arie Callaghan seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanimous vote. The 71512016 Page 5 - DRAFT MINUTES - PENDING APPROVA,L BY THE BOA,RT) 7n:8,n0'6 of8 full text of Amended Resolution #4835 is available at District offices during regular business hours. RESOLUTION NO. 4901 A RESOLUTION OF PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF GRAYS HARBOR couNTY OPPOSING INITIATM 732,"T8ff CARBON POLLUTION TAX ACT', Communications & Government Relations Director Ian Cope read Resolution #4901 into the record. Commissioner Russ Skolrood called for Public Comment on Resolution #4901. Wes Brosman of Aberdeen discussed suggestions he had for helping the District make its main Administration Building and Nichols Building ADA compliant. Discussion ensued. Dave Jennings of Aberdeen stated that he fully supports Resolution #4901. He does not believe it will createjobs. He thinks it is good that the District is standing up so its thoughts can be heard. Ray Brown of Westport stated that he also supports Resolution #4901. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Dave Timmons stated that he agreed with everything being said. Public Utility Districts are not the problem. l-732 would just be an added burden to the District's customers. He 100% supports the passage of Resolution #4901. Commissioner Arie Callaghan stated that he also passage of Resolution #4901. is against l'732 and supports the Commissioner Russ Skolrood stated that he fully supports Resolution #4901. He stated that the Resolution content was a very well done job by Communications & Government Relations Director Ian Cope. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Arie Catlaghan moved that Resolution #4901 be approved. Commissioner Dave Timmons seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanimous vote. The full text of Resolution #4901is available at District offices during regular business hours. DRAFT 71512016 - DRAFT IIIINUTES _ PENDING APPROVA.L BY THE BOARD 1N&NAfi Page 6 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 4902 A RESOLUTION DECLARING CERTAIN DISTRICT PROPERTY SURPLUS AI\ID AUTHORIZING ITS DONATION OR SALE General Manager Dave Ward explained Resolution #4902. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Arie Callaghan moved that Resolution#A9l2 be approved. Commissioner Dave Timmons seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanimous vote. The full text of Resolution #4902 is available at District offtces during regular business hours. RESOLUTION NO. 4903 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CHAI\GE X'I]ND FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE AI\D SUPERSEDING ALL PRIOR RESOLUTIONS Chief Financial Officer Kathryn Skolrood explained Resolution #4903. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Dave Timmons moved that Resolution #4903 be approved. Commissioner Arie Callaghan seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanimous vote. The fu||text of Resolution #4903 is available at District offices during regular business hours. RESOLUTION NO. 4904 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TITE GENERAL MANAGER TO OFX'ER AI\ APPROPRIATE CASH REWARD FOR INFORMA'TION LEADING TO THE ARREST AND COTYVICTTON OF PERSON(S) TNVOLVED rN DAMAGE TO DTSTRTCT FACILITIES General Manager Dave Ward explained Resolution #4904. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Arie Callaghan moved that Resolution#49}4 be approved. Commissioner Dave Timmons seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanimous vote. The full text of Resolution #4904 is available at District offtces during regular business hours. FORWARD PLANNING: & Government Relations Director Ian Cope went over the current A workshop was added in September (date and time TBA) for a Communications workshop schedule. demonstration of the District's new arc trailer. The exact date and time will be determined at a later date. DRAFT 7lsl20r6 Page 7 - DRAFT MINUUUS - PENDING APPROVAL BY THE BOARD 7nEn0rc of8 PUBLIC COMMENT: Ray Brown of Wesport discussed salmon issues. A huge number of fish are being eaten each day. Discussion ensued. COMMISSIONER REPORTS: Commis sioner Dave Timmons reported: 1) He attended the service awards luncheon a couple weeks ago. 2) He attended the Central Safety meeting on June 29m. 3) He thanked Chief Financial Offrcer Kathryn Skolrood for her great financial presentation today. 4) He will be attending WPUDA meetings next week. s) He thanked Communications & Government Relations Director Ian Cope for putting together the Resolution on the Carbon Tax Act. O Ha met with a customer recently who had questions about the Disfict's rate restructure. Commissioner Arie Callaghan reported: 1) He attended the service awards luncheon. 2) He met with General Manager Dave Ward and the new Mayor of McCleary recently. 3) He would like to schedule more meetings with the District's larger commercial customers. He plans to schedule a meeting with Vaughn Company soon and suggested also scheduling a meeting with Paul Willis sometime in the near future. 4) He thanked Engineering Manager Schuyler Burkhart for helping him with a customer lssue. 5) He thanked Chief Financial Officer Kathryn Skolrood for her presentation today. Oj He thanked Communications & Govemment Relations Director Ian Cope for putting together the Carbon Tax Act Resolution. He vehemently opposes it. Commis l) 2) fi sioner Russ Slalrood reported : He attended the service awards luncheon. The budget process has been started. He will be a1ending WPUDA meetings next week and told Ray Brown that he would talk about the fish issue. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to bring before the Board, President Russ Skolrood declared the meeting adjourned at 5:29 p.m. DRAFT President 71512016 Page 8 _ DRAFT MINUTUS _ PENDING A,PPROVAL BY THE BOARI} 7N8,NArc of8 ATTEST: Secretary COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULE DATES The following lists the Commission Meeting Schedule for the next three (3) meetings, with workshop sessions to begin at 3:30 pm prior to each meeting, unless otherwise noted. The business portion of each meeting begins at the hour of 4:30 p.m. Monday, July 18, 2016 - 3:30 P.m. Monday, August 1,2016 - Canceled Monday, August 8,2016 - 3:30 P.m. DRAFT - Qrays lHarbor ryPUD "lt's your PUD!" rM TAB 3 DRAFT Accounts Payable-DETAILED CHECK REGISTER Signoture Page Date- 0l0ilI6 'Check- 102440-102531 Totalint-(g2 -1 voided=9l) $20S192.33 the undersigned, certify that the attached is a listing of due and unpaid obligations against Public Utility District lto. 1bt c;rays Harbor county, washington, and that the material supporting each claim is on tile in the districts general accounting office. l, Au d itor/De p uty Au d ito r certify l, General Manager of Public Utility District No.1of Grays Harbor County, Washington , do hereby tnattnemercnano|seorserv|cesnere|nanerspec|T|eonasDeenrece|veo. Generol Monoger do We, the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Grays Harbor County, Washington, hereby approve the following vouchers for payment. Commissioners: 7- 2- 3- Pqy Cycle: AP Bank Account: Bank of America DRAFT GRAYS FIARBOR PUD I7lnnArc 11:09:34 Accounts Payable Check Register AM 07 Bank Account: 5 - AP Checls Account Pmt Check / Type Vendor Tran Date l0u20r6 a7l0ll20l6 cHK Div 0 588.0 TWIC Card Travel exp 102441 0710112016 - cHK 234 20160701145301 "- -ioHr.i i; *i42e Travel 20160701141404 to2444o7l1l?Orc ,":9J_81.11" CHRISTOPHER C EIDE Travel explnteractive Seminar i6;ii;;;6;;;G cH[Til**-"* TWIC Card 20160701144308 -"t:;;;;n;rctn;L;;H[ - -^*"conwrN - ""ifl*:-" 9.518 Ii JEFFERYJMCCLAIN 872 872 38 850 38 0 0 17? 0 588.0 0 588.15 Tnvel expsupcintendent Conf * 2Ol6O70ll4O74E -"**-"KATY-MooRE roz44lltr/olrzu6 cH[*rl;ti TnveVMileage expRoudtable Mason Cty 20160701140322 Actv BU Project 872 0 588.0 0 588.15 idR# - DePt " c#NN TWIC Card CtlX 515 Account DAVID CONRAD 1248 20160701143530 la7 12016 General Ledger Vendor Name GL Reference 102440 07 934 934 37 0 0 588'15 860 38 0 921'15 710 37 -^tou46o7totn0t6tAii*il---ry:Ufffiqtffitftl3**s--*"-**-*l??Ll|_----119-" TravelexpSupaintmdentConf 15 rst---"**'*ffirND;fiAiiiloN TnveVMileage expSIGPPC-PNUCC 2OrcO7Airl42O45 --ioziiiozrorz-oii.cix 20160701141100 *ir*; Airrlrl;ii bii[- 0 Tmvel expArizona APPA Tnvcl explntmctive - r0r4500?/ilr/r0r6 crrK,*-g1*?mtffiHRoudtable 20160?01l4ltl4 -,r0r45r0?/0-zrd; cHi *-:I91*-** sti,tj TnvcUlvlilcage o<pHR --.--3r$!t-9::r!$|1$l]:_- ls'':lus:1gI-* 588'15 940 930'21 -**9:13-0 100 ---15t-11---*--*-9-5'l-'0 921'15 --9-?'zf'-U-," 500 *'--:91'-"- -*--0":?9**-":?1- " 90 1?1 16 6:es !6 128.00 1:,.00 143.ooVOID 128.00 70 225.20 ze2 2e2.s1 .. . " voID " ,e7 ?9 35.64 65.64 2:e2 s9 792 56 124.20 00 194.20 113.40 714.49 37 851 143.00 ll 38 -'-*'lr "3-8' 588'15 128.00 .lo0o 921'15 1000 37 "'"0:?1t ---.'"'1909' 1l' 0 Amount 1-8- 0 urT**tffii#ffiffi Cmfeme * 16z44ro?nin6r**-.-*39=ffiffiffi Seminr 20160701134433 2O!6O7OLl33l24 38 Distr Amount 19" .601:9e 260.52 37 15s.52 11" 105:00 37 145.80 09 160.80 6,848.70 6,E48.70 1l-"9-- /reporr/51213/rptcwtom/accdGH-AP-CHK-REGlSTERml.rpt DRAFT 15 GRAYS HARBOR PUD 07lLll20l6 1 1:09:34 Accounts Payable Check Register AM 07 Bank Account: 5 - AP Checks Account Pmt Check / TyPe Vendor Tran Date rc24s2 0710712016 cHK 909 179849-00 3255882-01 T02453 07/0712016 t024s4 0710712016 Account 0 154.0 0 154.0 0 154.0 0 107.0 0 154.0 _ _0 :9"i_"0" Filters-parts 0 184.7 16s29 Filters-Seals 0184.7 ;RuffiIril;ciriTsrnilAii6ii Lowboy Moves-Track 1341772 Rain X Car Wash Brush Wheel-Cup ii;;;; /o? /20il -eHK-- [ii;t - "l;i- 80622 -" "iiDisi " Actv BU Project Distr Amount Amount 0 0 0 0 2,770.07 222.69 2,770.07 222.69 0 0 3,847.67 3,847.67 0 0 3,236.09 3,236.09 0 0 19,280.74 19,280.74 9s0 .. 9 960 960 3e*?e 25.95 68.28 0 0 . . -:el"l1:' -cl-':H:: 'loi** 27307 "o'1" DePt BRAMSTEDT SALES INC 83 1342479 12016 Total for ChecVTran - 1024522 r6499 -*i0t45;-0?/0?2016-6HK - GL Reference ANIXTER INC BLUETARP FTNANCIAL, INC Hotline MembershiP cHK 107 General Ledger Div CHK 19317 35706341 07 Vendor Name Guy Insulators Conduit Clamps Heat Shrink Splice Pole Mount Transformers Aluminum Wire 3t86499-02 3242295-01 3244854-40 3 l0y20r6 - " crSnAL : l!?!ja: MachinelBucket 0 107-0 0 593.0 0 593.0 " 9_ 2:919:24 t7.34 942 942 10.39 Total for Check/Tran - 102456: r$iliiifiar]ric.------ l*:l-":1::Yr:g!-712?)? -"-- rNa jjsil 9:?7e:t: v7 6,019 3? 4l 0184.7 960 0 0 0 0 0 184.7 960 0 117.29 60.2s 117.29 60.25 184.7 960 0 184.66 184.7 960 0 184.7 960 0 7.35 -60.2s 184.66 7.3s 24s34097ls CARQUEST AUTO PARTS Brake Rotor-Pads# 7125 Cabin Air Filters-# 7125 AC Comprissor#7lll Switchtoggle # 770 Credit for Cabin Air Filters 24s3-409819 Synthetic Oil 0184.7 960 0 214.70 ;-o;:io;i;n;li-cHi 245340947 | 2453409488 2453-409667 2453-409677 102459 0710712016 T3t-7288-062316 T31-8166-062316 s33-9994-062816 5tzt3 CHK 136 Total for Checlr/Tran - 102458: CENTURYLINK 0 905.0 0 905.0 0 905.0 Telephone Charges Telephone Charges Telephone Charges Ir eport/ 5 | 21 934 934 934 3/rptcustom/accdGH-AP-CHK-REGIS TER. xml' rpt DRAFT -60.2s 214.70 ?7a !9_ 467.40 467.40 674.48 s2.86 674.48 52.86 GRAYS HARBOR PUD 07l1112016 I 1:09:34 Revision: Accounts Payable Check Register AM 07 10112016 To 07 107 12016 Bank Account: 5 - AP Checks Account Pmt Check / Tran TyPe Date Invoice GL Reference 533-5919-062816 533-9883-062816 s37-9283-062816 s33-s923-062816 Telephone Charges Telephone Charges --- -ffi;A cHK 102462 0710712016 cHK - 102464 0710712016 cHK /o?i;i,G-AHIi-"l;5 o;ii;;ii;i, cHK 168 0t05-617942 102468 0710712016 52.86 0 37s.79 375.79 0 52.92 s2.92 0 380.57 380.57 Total for Check/Tran - 102459: 2.056.88 164.02 t64.02 52.15 282.43 86.90 334.58 Total for Check/Tran - 10246lz 421.48 933 933 933 - "l6nio olto;n;ic--cHK *"ns 86.90 0 930.2 933 90.65 90.65 0 930.2 933 92.22 92.22 23,716.19 23,716.19 1,463.30 67.79 1,463.30 67.79 Total for Check/Tran - 102465: , ,l'l1lo? t66.14 166.14 sHtxUs-urillrv 0184.7 Parts for Repair #791 COASTAL CONTAINMENT WELDING IN 0 163.0 950 0 582.0 932 COMCAST Cable/Intemet Servi ce 7 13 I 16'8121 16 0 92r.0 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DIST 100 Watt Bulbs 0 154.0 630 !*3 "r!:s:! CHK 20087 20160706134853 102469 0',110712016 cHK 1535 512t3 * CnY oF ocEAN G-cH[-- ?et*- 102467 0710712016 0s9647 ewer/Stormwater/EMS Workhorse Pop Ups Nitrogen Cylinders *- s2.86 COAST CRA}TE COMPANY -- 2400r 0616 W aterlS 150 98136 i riz+oo 06 16A 0 93s.9 0 935.901 0 935.9 Water/S ewer/Storm/Ambulance 005326-000-063016 wo24465 0 CITY OF MONTESANO 551 iil463-0t0?i20ff-cHK;02 90s.0 Amount Distr Amount Actv BU Project 934 934 934 934 0 905.0 BracketsA/alve Stems/Maintenance BracketsA/alve Stems/Maintenance Fire Extingrrisher Inspection 0616 of 0 Dept CINTAS FIRE PROTECTION 22188 0F9305 1993 "-"r02ft5 905.0 0 0 905.0 0 905.0 Telephone Charges 102461 07107 /2016 Account **L,ENfiRyLrNK o?o#il;CHK-T6 oF93051991 -- Div Telephone Charges Telephone Charges 288-220r-062416 - General Ledger Vendor Name Vendor DAVEY TREE SURGERY CO Release Retainage on Contract# 14'0217 0 232.06 DEX MEDIA Yellow Pages Directories/Superpages 0 909.0 DUNSIRES 0 l0 Pads of Summary Sheets I repon/ 5 | 921.0 720 0 2l 3/rptcustom/acctlGH-AP-CHK-REGIS TER. xm l. rpt DRAFT " !r:L!"24 11,679.52 11,679.52 24.50 24.50 68.44 68.44 GRAYS I{ARBOR PUD Revision: Accounts Payable l1:09:34 AM 0711112016 Check Register 07 10112016 To 07 rc7 Bank Account: Check / Tran Pmt TyPe Date LO247I 07/0712016 102472 General Ledger Vendor Name Vendor CHK II92 77559611 - D0r6 5 - AP Checks Account ENGLI-IND MARINE AND SUPPLY CO IN 0 Cable Ties 07t}7t2ot6 CHK CIV03714S7 lozi 47;0?/0d0 16 y*19: :Y11 _ 102474 0710712016 EPICOR SOFTWARE CORPORATION 20623 Consulting-Payroll Benefit Contribution cHK;A**-insrsNAL cHK 2s9 cHK 303 4371773 102475 0710712016 2016-0040 950 0 0 92r.0 636.s3 636.53 165.00 165.00 368.48 368.48 l3 356.13 1,901.03 1,901.03 163.81 163.81 coMPANY Extended Grinder 0 592.0 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PVC Blue Rain R Shine 0 154.0 932 356. GARY GEDDES 0 923.0 0 923.0 Landscaping Servic e'06 I 16 Landscaping-Monroe St 2016-0039 163.0 933 933 Total for Check/Tran - 102475: "?:091:81" t02476 07107/2016 cHK 1260lls 1260r27 t260LI4 -;;l;i i il;-" A:iK' -niA 102478 0710712016 4gl4 r0247e 07/07/2016 cHK CHK 327 501 157619 1024s0 0710712016 cHK 8656 5t213 cHK 1005 0 0 0 4,897.91 513.77 4,897.91 513.77 154.0 0 0 243.87 243.87 154.0 0 0 317.74 317.74 Total for Check/Tran - 102476: 5,973.29 933 60.94 6A.94 200 r,277.18 1,277.18 0 923'0 0 0 184.7 184.7 HARBOR AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 960 10.44 t0.44 960 30.64 30.64 Total for Check/Tran - 102479: 41.08 HOMETOWN SANITATION LLC 0 930.2 0 930.2 Garbage Disposal 12300-062816 102481 0710712016 Meyer Garbage Service tlt2202-a62716 0 154.0 0 935.901 GREATER GRAYS HARBOR, INC Expmsc fm BRE Joe Air Filter # 7125 Oil Filter #779 I 57 186 154.0 GRAYS HARBOR EQUIPMENT CO INC Nozdes 77656 11 0 0 0 0 Wire Sleeves/lnsulator Spools/lvlarking Tape Machine Bolts Machine Bolts 1260113 io;47 ; GENERAL PACIFIC INC 304 46.27 46.27 324.t| 324.11 Total for Checlr/Tran - 102480: 370.38 933 933 INDUSTRIAL HYDRAULICS h ep onl 5 I 21 3/rptcustom/acct/GH-AP-CHK-REGIS TER. xm l. rpt DRAFT Revision: GRAYS IIARBOR PUD 07l1112016 Accounts Payable Check Register 11:09:34 AM 07 07 lOL12016 107 12016 Bank Account: 5 - AP Checks Account Check/ Tran Pmt Date Type Vendor General Ledger Vendor Name Div GL Reference CouplersA.{ipples/kessure Washer Hose A3t2495 t02482 0710712016 cHK 102483 0710712016 Lacquer cHK Thinner/Solvent/Gloves/Silicone Radio Adv expense Radio Adv expense IN-RO-116063505 KNK.ALPHA rc2484 O7IO7I2OL6 CHK 1748 Radio Adv expense IN-XK-I16065070 r0248s 0710712016 cHK 419 At79253 102486 0710712016 cHK 740 cHK s02 ";;;;:;ii*iioirzoro 102492 07 /0712016 0398839 5r213 375.00 375.00 0 909.0 360 0 55.36 5s.36 950 0 17l.16 L7t.16 950 929 929 0 165.29 165.29 0 639.17 639.t7 0 0 910.83 11.15 910.83 929 950 0 17s.07 17s.07 Total for Check/Tran - l024E7z 2,r28.03 184-7 16,459.83 16,459.83 Sfraw Bales 0 107.0 26.02 26.02 MOTORS & CONTROLS CORPORATION Black Stranded Copper Wire 0 154.0 228.12 228.t2 12,853.73 12,853.73 16,817.50 16,817.50 0 163.0 0 163.0 0 163.0 0 588.0 0 588.0 0 588.0 0 163.0 MASCO PETROLEUM INC CHK 4413 Vehicles 0 MONTESANO FARM & HOME cHK 20600 NATIONAL INFORMATION SOLUTIONS S cHK 585.00 950 Gas/Diesel for District 338878 160.00 Total for Check/Tran - 1024E3: MALLORY COMPANY 1232 CLgZ1n -"- 425.00 160.00 t18.32 4108183 555 42s.00 360 tt$.32 4t07820 cHK 360 0 t84.7 4106355 102490 0710712016 0 909.0 0 909.0 LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER Wheelbalrow Bearing-Tire Hub 4107856 038001 1,140.51 241.30 4t07592 43374 1,140.51 24t.30 4106610 102489 0710712016 932 MEDIA.GRAYS HARBOR Shrink Wrap Rain Bibs Sting & Bite Kits FR Shirts FR Pants/Jackets High Visibility Ranger Hat Buckaroo Gloves cHK 0 595-0 0184.7 4t064ls 102488 0710712016 Amount 246.92 L G ISAACSON CO INC Aerokroil Aerosol 31 100305912 t02487 0710712016 Distr Amount Actv BU Project 933 KXRO.ALPHA MEDIA GRAYS HARBOR 459 cc-Ro-116063508 DePt 0 935.901 K&LSUPPLYINC 440 3gg23 Account 0 923.0 oftrv are License s/]vlaintenanc e NESCO LLC.#774T27 21680 EquiPment Rental| 0 rcponl 5 107.0 l2l 3/rptcustom/acct/GH-AP-CHK-REGIS 630 0 TER. xm I' rpt DRAFT 1 1.15 GRAYS I{ARBOR PUD 07/1112016 Accounts Payable Check Register 11:09:34 AM 07 l0u20r6 07 Bank Account: 5 - AP Checks Account Pmt Check / Tran Date Type 102493 ---ts6l24 A7rc7nurc CHK t0249s 0710712016 cHK 598 Paper Clips/Refill Leads Paper ClipVRefill Leads PenslDrawer Organizer 847180995001 847180996001 102496 A7rc7D016 Pens CHK to24g7 07107/2016 6069255 Vault Bases IO24g8 0710712016 cHK 1091 CHK 4938 332468 102500 0710712016 cHK 782 3665636 102501 0710712016 cHK 631 07107/2016 CHK 3002624809 102503 0710712016 ---t{AilRoAD cHK 819 102504 0710712016 cHK 17s70 436.41 313.09 0 163.0 950 0 0 0 0 810 0 7.08 921 872 200 0 1,6.47 0 25.35 0 20.19 2A.9 Total for Check/Tran - 1024952 69.09 921.0 921.0 921.0 92r.0 ?"11_9_? 23.5s 2s.35 0 154.0 10,949.90 0 923.0 398.04 398.04 " "l!2!?:e0 0 588.0 929 108.74 108.74 0 589.0 832 t76.86 t76.86 204.7s 204.7s MAilcEMENT CoMPANY I Crossing STELLAR IND/CONST SUPPLY LLC Triple Expanding Foam Triple Expanding Foam 0 154.0 0 154.0 176.s0 t76.50 Total for Check/TrrD - 102500: 381.25 TEREX SERVICES 38 0 588.15 s THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP 3978 Phone Monitoring Elevator-7llll6-9130/16 tt4957 5t2t3 Defibrilator Pads Traininglnspection & Hydraulic 803064 Total for Check/Tran - 102493t PHILIPS HEALTHCARE License # 305629 Power Line 3664llr 130.40 306.01 oNE CALL CONCEPTS INC Excavation Notifications for June 2016 933089548 **i;es rltrlml;cHii;ffi 130.40 306.01 OLDCASTLE PRECAST INC 850 010205 154 Amount OFFICE DEPOT INC 604 847180972001 Distr Amount Actv BU Project OAK HARBOR FREIGHT LINES INC Shipping-Pole Hardware-Wagner Smith cHK DePt 0 107.0 0 108.03 5/8" Minus Gravel Demolition-Aberdeen Pole Yard t02494 0710712016 23800076 Account NORTHWEST ROCK INC 590 t56123 TO25O2 Div GL Reference Invoice 12016 General Ledger Vendor Name Vendor 107 TRAFFIC SAFETY SUPPLY CO INC Traffic Sign: Pilot Car, Follow Me eport/ 5 | 21 2:l:o oy 0 923.0 933 62.t3 62.r3 0 588.0 942 71.05 71.05 TWIN COUNTY SECURITY Ir 2,700.00 3/rptcustom/acctlGH-AP-CHK-REGIS TER' xm l. rpt DRAFT GRAYS HARBOR PUD 07 /ILl20l6 1 1:09:34 Accounts Payable Check Register AM 07 l0ll20L6 07 107 12016 Bank Account: 5 - AP Checlcs Account Pmt Check / Tran Date TyPe Vendor General Ledger Vendor Name 102506 07 /0712016 S cHK cHK 22202 061645056 o7 cHK 923.0 DePt Trimming-No Beach-Wishkah Rd Trimming-No Beach-Wistrkah Rd Trimming-Oakville Area Trimming-Oakville Area 4,058.40 0 935 7-ep LEONARD FEASTER 07107/2016 CHK 99998 Cred Bal Retund 20160706101549979 ALYSSA M FORBES 102510 0710712016 cHK 99998 Cred Bal Refimd 20160706101616686 " - 9,055.78 Total for Check/Tran - 102506: 23,275.96 1,385.08 1,385.08 140.38 140.38 0142.99 17.48 17.48 014299 49.13 49.13 571.0 593.0 571.0 593.0 571.0 593.0 163.0 860 860 860 860 860 0 860 0 950 0 0 0 0 0 TO25O9 cHK 99998 WILLARD A FRANCIS ^ 1:!?j3.7 8,150.20 905.58 3,393.25 3,393.26 2,230.10 5,203.57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *;Itirlio-iD 40 Spray - 4,498.37 --- ZEP MANUFACTURING CO 6;C0iicHK* ;eeqi**--- 102s1| 0710712016 Amount Distr Amount Actv BU Proiect 933 0 1s4.0 WRIGHT TREE SERVICE, INC. Tree Trimming-Kirkpatrick Rd Tree Trimmi"g-Kitkpatrick Rd Tree Tree Tree Tree t02507 07/0712016 900232s505 0 | 6-6 /30 I 16 Tap Clamps 061645055 "-1025# 16 I WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC 898 0616450s4 " ecnrity Service-6/ Account Div GL Reference 000000473s 102505 0710712016 702733 Revision: 6,786.51 7,433.67 20t6O7O6tOt64ZZ60 CrcdBalRefimd 0142.99 0 0.32 0.32 cHK 99998 Cred 20160706101714326 0142.99 0 t4.63 14.63 014299 0 73.t4 73.t4 t42.99 0 85.79 85.79 #niiN*.---20160?06101809417 CrcdBalRcftnd 014299 0 6.77 6.77 CHK 99998 Cred 20160706101833183 0142.99 0 130.98 130.98 102512 07107/2016 HOME SWEET HOME Bal Refirnd DAVIDJLANGLEY CIIK 99996 20160706101729755 CredBalRefirnd rc251.307/O7NOrc CHK 99998 Cred 20160706101748405 *-i0dr5 IO25I4 0710712016 -wiounle-d{K LO25I6 07/07120T6 5t213 STEVEN T LARSON Bal Retund 0 "-- ffiffi leees*- KENNETH W PETERS Bd Retund I repon/ 5 l2l 3/rptcustom/acct/GH-AP-CHK,REGISTER. xml. rpt DRAFT GRAYS FIARBOR PUD 07 10112016 To 07 Bank Account: Check / Tran rc25n Revision: Accounts Payable Check Register 0711112016 I l:09:34 AM 107 12016 5 - AP Checks Account Pmt Date 07rc7/2016 Type Vendor cHK J clil< 99998 Amount 0142.99 28.03 28.03 0142.99 s.28 s.28 0142.99 119.00 119.00 0142.99 124.4r t24.41 0142.99 t37.85 137.85 0 142.99 85.82 85.82 76.64 76.64 151.08 762.18 Account Actv BU Project RAPP VICToRHSERRANOGALEANA Cred Bal Refirnd 20t60706r019264s Dept Distr Amount Div Cred Bal Refirnd 20t6070610190259 to25l8o7lo7lzol6 General Ledger Vendor Name GL Reference LINDA 99998 DRAKE T SHAW 99998 2016070610194305 Cred Bal Refirnd rozsrg 07/0712016 cHK **ii,2520 0?07n016*CHK-*eed r02s2l 07/0712016 cuRfIS-s;{ERwbo; Cred Bal Refirnd 20160706102003307 cHK 99998 20160706102032944 CRESSIDA SHOUSKY Cred Bal Refirnd CHK 99998 Cred 20160706102059740 10252307rc7a0ft CHK 99998 102522 O7IO7I2OL6 ALEXIS D SPENCER Bal Refirnd MARIAHAWILLTAMS 0142'99 20160706102122529 CrcdBalRetund CHK 21653 Travel/Mileage 20160701145912 SHANE ANDREWS 102524 A7rc7DOT6 t02525 07107/2016 276-8177-A62416 t02526 07/0712016 cHK 0 exp-Hydraulic Training 0 905.0 Telephone Charges CHK ANDREA HARRIS 365 0 9zl.l5 cty MasonCty*_*__*9,:ltJ _- TwevMileage expRorndtable Masm Trwcl/Milease exFRoudable JACOB IVERSEN cHK 223s0 TWIC Card 20160706082108 to2s27 0710712016 0 588.0 0 588.15 TTaveVTWIC Card IO2528O7IO7DOI6CIfK 2016070610t022 960 37 38 22351 KATYMOORECHANGEFTJNDCUSTODI 0 To increase change fturd for Cust Srv HANNAH WIRKKALA CHK 2218T Mileage expPost Office 20160701135328 ROB L HANNY 102530 07107/2016 cHK 346 512r3 10 921.0 6t.99 6r.99 37 38 24.30 30.00 54.30 0 934 720 .729* 872 872 128.00 15.00 143.00 38 720 0 750.00 750.00 102529 0710712016 20160707104734 ZVLOVLLV+I)4 6l l. CENTURYLINK 136 20160701135710 588.15 0 rrw'-vr Travel exP/{rrAexp-APPA-Trailer Pick'UP rr4vErEAltl{r^-rrdter Ir epot/ 5 LZl 0 92t.Ls 720 37 25.27 25.27 0 921.t5 810 38 380.00 380.00 3/rptcustom/acctlGH-AP-CHK-REGIS TER. xm l. rpt DRAFT GRAYS I{ARBOR PUD 0711112016 I 1:09:34 Revision: Accounts Payable Check Register AM 07 10112016 To 07 107 12016 Bank Account: 5 - AP Checks Account Pmt Check/ Type Vendor Tran Date 102531 0710712016 20t60707105241 cHK 22035 General Ledger Vendor Name Div GL Reference MEGA}.I JOHANNES Mileage expPost Office Account 0 92t.r5 Dept 720 Actv BU Project Distr Amount Amount 21.06 21.06 37 Total Payments for Bank Account - 5 : Total Voids for BankAccount- 5 : Total for Bank Account - 5 : Grand Total for PaYments : Grand Total for Voids : Grand Total : 5tzl3 h ep ort! 5 | 2l 3/rptcustom/acct/GH-AP-CHK-REGIS TER. xm l. rpt DRAFT (1) (92) (el) (el)@ (1) (92) 20i,3s2.33 143.00 208,535.33 143.00 208,535.33 GRAYS HARBOR PUD 07l1112016 Accounts Payable Check Register l1:09:34 AM PARAMETERS ENTERED: Check Date: 0710112016 To 0710712016 Bank: All Vendor: All Check All Journal: All Format: GL Accounting Distribution Extended Reference: Yes Sort By: Check/Transaction Voids: Current Payment Type: All Group By Payment TyPe: No Minimum Amount: 0.00 Authorization Listing: Yes Authorization Comments : No Credit Card Charges: No 5t213 / r ep on/ 5 121 3/rptcustom/acctlGH-AP-CHK-REGIS TER. xm l. rpt DRAFT Gravs I HaTbor PUD Accounts Payable-DETAILED CHECK REGISTER Signoture Poge Date- 07lr4lil6 Check- 102532-102656 Tota li ng-( 125) s765,985.79 the undersigned, certify that the attached is a listing of due and unpaid obligations against Public Utility District No. 1ot Grays Harbor county, washington, anct that the material supporting each claim is on tile in the districts general accounting office. l, Au d itor/D ep uty Au d itor l, General Manager of Public Utility District No.1 of Grays Harbor County, Washington , do hereby certify tnat Ine mercnanolse or servlces nerelnaner specllled nas Deen receryeo. Generol Monager We, the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Grays Harbor County, Washington, do hereby approve the following vouchers for payment. Commissioners: 7- 2- 3- Pry Cycle: AP Bonk Account: Bank of America DRAFT GRAYS FIARBOR PUD Accounts Payable Check Register 0711412016 11:14:11AM 07 Bank Account: Check / Tran 113/2016 To a7 l14120T6 5 - AP Checks Account Pmt Date Type General Ledger Vendor Name Vendor Div 102532 0711312016 cHK 20t6071310M36 ANCHOR BANK MEDICAL TRUST 12960 Employer's Dental PremiumEmployer's Dental PremiumEmployer's Dental PremiumEmployer' s Hospital Employer's Hospital Employer' s Hospital Employer's Hospital Employer' s Hospital 20t60713104807 u;ad'on-7 / | 6 bation'7 / 16 Account 0 232.029 0 253.04 0 930.21 0 232.02 0 232.024 0 2s3.02 0 253.05 0 930.21 lzation-7 I | 6 ization'7 I | 6 izaion-7 I | 6 Dept Actv BU Project 0711312016 cHK 102534 0711312016 cHK rczfi3 lLzL 484 LINA.SPECIAL BENEFITS DIVISION Basic Life, Supplemental Life&AD &D'7 I 16 Basic Life, Supplemental Life&AD &D'7 I 16 20t607131055 14 OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT cHK 605 Employee Deductions-7 I 16 *"-1d;#0?il)20r6-AHK-'-604t** "pncmic t02535 0711312016 20t60713105352 Amount 26,581.84 281.34 s21.47 27,384.65 365,832.17 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 25,733.56 0 0 3I9,847.62 0 0 5,808.60 0 0 100 0 12,374.65 2,067.74 lotar GRAYS HARBOR PUD EMPLOYEES ASS Distr Amount r_11 !nectci-1" : 03. 1 -t-3.1' 670.00 670.00 6,133.41 55.80 6,189.21 1,310.64 1,310.64 600.01 600.01 0 232-026 1,077.50 l'97::50 0 232.026 44,745.08 44,745.08 0 n2.422 0 2s3.01 0 100 0 232.023 ibuiice Employee Deduction 20160713105952 102537 0711312016 cHK Employee CHK 10533 -rc2;;;;7tw26il b;K-17532 zArcO/]Jl 102540 O7n4t20r6 249683 r0254r 071r4120t6 UTILITY EMPLOYEES FED CRED UNION Employee Deductions-/114/16 - ;i:i; ABC'sIN CoiirRiti:rNC* cHK 1009 o;;iA;oil cHt' r279996 5r2r3 903.87 2,462.71 3,126.99 2,462.71 3,126.99 Total for Check/Trtn - 102541: 5,589.70 353.20 376.70 ABERDEEN SANITATION 6 0 %a.2 0 930.2 933 933 **" r? 903.87 0 903.921 Garbage Service Garbage Service " e:!Il:1"6-! ABERDEEN OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC. CoPier Charges cHK 9,447.56 0 107.0 Safety Film Install-Lobby Windows 0616 -;;;;{2 DeductionsT/|6 848 6675 --- 0 232.02 6 LINITED WAY OF GRAYS HARBOR 840 20160713110324 102538 07113/2016 s-7 I | 4 I | @ ACTIONAIRE INC 0 Service Radio Rm-Neilton I 935.9 933 0 repon/ 5 l2l 3/rptcustom/acctlGH-AP-CHK-REGIS TER. xm l. rpt DRAFT GRAYS FIARBOR PUD Accounts Payable Check Register 0711412016 l1:14:ll AM 07 Bank Account: Check / Tran l13l20L6 07 11412016 5 - AP Checls Account Date Pmt Type General Ledger Vendor Name Vendor Div Service Radio Rm-Neilton *- 1648 t02543 0711412016 cHK 734610 ;; oti 4/20 i?"iilK ALARM CENTER INC. 9726 Replaced Nichols Bldg Outside Siren Replaced Nichols Bldg Outside Siren 1022088 102545 0711412016 cHK t02546 07114/2016 3242294-Al 3242234-00 3t79852-01 3244834-02 Heat Pump Rebate-325 Cockle St SW, cHK *- Carriage Bolts 32s9tl l-00 PVC Conduit/Elbows Pole Mount Transformer Insulators Aclara CMT Replacement Module Kit 3230108-00 Secondary Connectors 3259986-00 Termination Cold Shrink/Fuse Links Insulators/Guy Grips/Galv. Pins 6zs4;o7fq/20r6tifi"";e 0616 cHK 9s4 114576 114577 r02s49 0711412016 cHK I 1 1-1696098 "" -"]ffi; ; o7i;l;nu;-cHK 27361 27332 5r213 **"- *-*- 350 0 93s.0 0 935.901 933 933 0 908.701 350 0 163.0 0 154.0 0 107.0 0 154.0 0 107.0 0 163.0 0 154.0 0 154.0 9s0 0 209.11 209.t\ 0 0 7,799.80 7,799.80 0 0 0 1,325.29 801.69 1,325.29 0 0 0 5,263.12 5,263.12 950 0 111.35 111.35 0 0 5,822.57 0 0 5,822.57 6,693.78 e_90 - 91 0 930.2 0 930.2 eoi:99 189.87 96.57 286.44 750.00 750.00 6,693.78 ARAilARK-uNIFoRM sERvIL,ES INc ARO GLASS CO Admin Building Window Installed Admin Building Window Installed 801.69 28,A26.71 65.r2 65.t2 865.62 86s.62 Total for Check/Trsn - 102547: 930.74 727.90 727.90 933 933 0 107.0 0 107.0 49s.94 495.94 Total for Check/Tran - l0254Ez 1,223.84 350.00 350.00 18,536.69 18,536.69 64s.84 37,073.38 Total for Check/Trtn - 102550: 37,719.22 BANK OF NEW YORK 13 0 921.0 610 lo i*- 0 908.701 Total for Check/Tran - 102546: Laundry Service-06/16 Larurdry Service-06/16 0616-A 102548 0711412016 O.S. Amount 23.50 ANIXTER INC 909 3259992-00 Distr Amount Actv BU Project 933 MARK ALBERTSON 22353 524510 DePt 0 935.901 ADVANCED HEATING & AIR Heat Pump Rebate-Jon SkjonsbY -ioz;; Account 610 BRUMFIELD CONSTRUCTION INC RigtrtofWay Mattingffowing/Access Neilton Rightofway MattingMowing/Access Neilton Lowboy Equipment Moves'Moves I r ep ortl 5 | 21 0 107.0 0 107.0 0 107'0 3/rptcustom/acctlGH-AP-CHK-REGIS TER. xm l. rpt DRAFT 645.84 GRAYS HARBOR PUD 0711412016 1 1: 14:1 Accounts Payable Check Register I AM 07 11312016 To 07 11412016 Bank Account: 5 - AP Checls Account Pmt Check / Type Vendor Tran Date Vendor Name 102551 0711412016 cHK 22354 481302 *ffi;i ROBERT BRUNZIE oTtl;i;or?-Ciir---iiisi *;;Riln,i-aH Ductless Heat Pump Rebate-239 Brady Loop cHK r4l CHEHALIS TRIBE 0 903.923 Collection Services-06/l 6 --1025ffi 9-- Water/S ewer/Storm Drain/Utility Tax 0l 1055-000-070616 Water/Sewer/EMS/Storm Drain/Utility Tax Water/S ewer/Storm Drain/Utility Tax iot555 o?/il/2o16tHK --z3s s63.48 563.48 0 437.2s 437.25 0 s92.97 592.97 0 504.55 504.55 64.42 148.47 t48.47 :29_ 9 0 930.2 0 930.2 0 930.2 933 933 933 0 930.2 0 930.2 933 933 CITY OF ABERDEEN 011054-000-070616 01 1056-000-070616 -* Amount Distr Amount Actv BU Project Ductless Heat Pump Rebate-ll9 6th St S 559350 t02553 07/1412016 20160711084022 Dept Div Account GL Reference - CITY OF ELMA Water/S ewer/Ambulance Water/S ewcr/Ambulance 1366.0-070116 1477.0-070116 Total for Check/Tratr - 102555: CLEARFIELD, INC. cHK 22347 Panel Buffer Patch-Mounting INV0169331 cNR" INC t02557 0711412016 cHK 16479 64.42 " ?13 1? t02556 0711412016 66946 Phone Phone Phone Phone i"ofiil;l4Dor6tHK;oi; * o2sf-;;n4/2u;"a,HK*- 168 5t2r3 COLUMBIA PRECAST PRODUCTS 0 154.0 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DIST 0 935.901 Duplex Receptacles 0105-618194 102560 071t412016 rNV406098 System System System System Vault Tops 20786 r cHK 764s -"-91-?:9. 0 905.0 0 905.0 0 905.0 0 905.0 0 923.0 SWA-Voice Border SWA-Voice Border SWA-Voice Border SWA-Voice Border Labor-Server S oftware Confi grration Mitel Mitel Mitel Mitel 67020 - " COPIERS NORTHWEST Copier charges Copier charges Copier charges / r ep 0 0 0 ortl 5 | 21 3 ,?33s:!"? "?:3"2?'9-2 " "-" 934 934 934 934 934 "9 933 903.921 720 100 921.0 950 92r.0 196.83 2,509.35 1,192.12 556.62 238.99 4,454.92 Total for Check/Tran - l02S57z . 1_%:1 0 0 0 0 0 238.99 "1019:?i" 9 . 0 0 0 0 /rptcustom/acct/GH-AP-CHK-REGIS TER. xml. rpt DRAFT 132.49 23.42 13.95 ... , 30..'7.? 169.86 GRAYS HARBOR PUD Accounts Payable Check Register 0711412016 11:14:l1AM 07 11312016 To 07 l1412016 Bank Account: 5 - AP Checks Account Pmt Check / TyPe Vendor Tran Date Vendor Name Div Account GL Reference t0256t 0711412016 cHK I l43l 20160708L0M28 t02562 0711412016 30682-l 102s63 0711412016 CERB-267862 102s64 071t412016 32330 cHK cHK t02s6s 0711412016 cHK cHK 216 cHK 243 00201601 *^-ffiE oti;/2d;cHK rc2s69 0711412016 cHK *-1";;:;;0-;; I |4t:,rLro 5 I t02s7r 0711412016 t260496 5tzL3 cHK 304 960.00 17,240.00 Y?40:90 5,595.00 810 5,595.00 200 1,479.71 1,479.71 Total for Check/Tran - 102564: 7,074.71 3,295.63 3,295.63 ENERYSYS INC Spill Containment 0 107.0 1,021.00 ERGONOMIC SOLUTIONS Work Capacity Test 0 588.0 929 120.00 120.00 0 588.0 0 588.0 929 929 2s9.40 2s9.40 *-EdRcREENIAFETT CffiCir 3;- -- * 0 s82.0 932 932 0 107.0 0 0 592.0 *- GENERAL PACIFIC INC Double Side Tie Cff Neck h eport/ 0 5 121 163.0 1,021_9"-9 498.46 Total for Check/Tran - 102568: 757.86 504.00 0.87 504.00 0.87 55.53 55.53 Total for ChecVTran - 1025692 560.40 62.03 63.36 62.03 63.36 Total for Check/Tran - 102570: tzs.39 9t6.45 916.45 FI{oNrIER 0 905.0 0 905.0 . "" " 498.46 FASTENAL COMPANY Telephone Charges Telephone Charges 268-1992-0701 16 267-0102-070116 1,042.85 -82.85 0 107.0 263 1 210.00 ELECTROSWITCH Cap ScrewsAlex Bolts/lvlasking Tape Machine Screws Ocean Shores Colo Parts/SuPPlies cHil-- 950 0 0 224.16 0 557.0 0 923.0 Basic First Aid/CPR/AED Books-Inv 070847 Combo FA/CPR Student/Instnrctor Packages WAHOQ88786 WAHOQ88838 WAHOQ88685 210.00 24P labor Relay, Highlands rss? 070847 070866 Amount EES CONSULTING INC 237 90003479 102567 0711412016 0 236.07 Grays Harbor IRP 2016 Labor 2016 WPAG Expense w007415 r02s66 0711412016 0 163.0 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Contract #C2006-179 GH Paper Expansion 232 32335 Distr Amount CT SPECIALTIES, LLC 11400 15s83 Actv BU Project 38 0 909.28 Logo Creations Coated Frame Racks Coated Frame Racks cHK Dept CORRIE DORNHECKER 934 934 950 3/rptcustom/acctlGH-AP-CHK-REGIS TER' xml' rpt DRAFT GRAYS HARBOR PUD Accounts Payable Check Register 07/1412016 ll:14:11AM 07 11312016 To 07 l|412016 Bank Account: 5 - AP Checks Account Pmt Check / Type Vendor Tran Date 1260336 t260494 t260499 t260502 102572 0711412016 Vendor Name GL Reference Div Guy Wire Heat Shrink Rod fuichors Machine Bolts o CHK 18146 957300 102573 0711412016 CHK 2O3O 10257s 0711412016 cHK 223s7 cHK 17450 102576 07/14/2016 cHK 490049 102578 07114/2016 1193 176L6 102579 0711412016 LO2s82 0711412016 -- - 3421t0 5tzr3 350 1.385.50 1,385.50 0 930.2 200 11,889.00 11,889.00 933 378.87 378.87 0 930.2 932 30.00 30.00 0 935.901 0 935.9 933 45.68 45.68 933 76.60 76.60 Total for Check/Tren - 102576: t22.28 932 0 593.0 0 935.901 942 933 0 0 592.0 932 0 *- 8,440.00 -iifrsiRrAyDirAudas Hose Push-Ons 166.17 33.31 t99.48 tt9.28 119.28 0 588.0 128.00 128.00 0 908.701 307.50 307.50 9 ROGENE KAY Floor Insulation Rebate-247 Chenault **- KBKw*-*" h ep ort! 5 8,440.00 12,478.00 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES cHK 22359 ;43 7,240.83 0 582'0 Jift r025d-o:,n;l;6ffi-CHK Total for Check/Tran - 102571: HARTFORD STEAM BOILER Transformer Oil & Gas ld;s --"" -*--drEr{ ERi6-i;cKSoN- * 1,422.18 470.91 0 350 ;;;ADu;-cHK*-fo;--*07it";r,l016-tHi{* 1,389.65 1,422.18 470.91 0 908.69 Impact Tool Kit Paint Supplies A312623 -"--il;sl 1,389.65 0 HARBORSQUARE Lighting UPgrade Rebate CHK 3743 0616 -*"id5ri 0 0 908.69 cHK 22358 cHK 0-o 0 0 HARBOR SAW & SUPPLY CO INC Cable and Sleeves for Cable Gate Weed Eater Repair 376861 Amount 3,041.64 GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY WATER 8-NE 357 375444 102577 O7/14/20t6 Distr Amount Actv BU Project GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY Water Service 800005 154.0 154.0 154.0 Dept GRAYS HARBOR COUNCIL OF GOVERN Semi Annual Dues for 2016 t02574 0711412016 01233 i545--o GRAYS HARBOR ADVENTIST CHRISTIA Lighting UPgrade Rebate 8940 HSB01 0 0 0 Account l2l 3/rptcustom/acct/GH-AP-CHK-REGIS TER. xml. rpt DRAFT GRAYS HARBOR PUD 0711412016 11:14:11 Accounts Payable Check Register AM 07 11312016 To 07 l|4lzArc Bank Account: 5 - AP Checks Account Pmt Check / Type Vendor Tran Date Invoice --- General Ledger Vendor Name Div GL Reference 102584 0711412016 cHK 102585 0711412016 cHK rr49 Account Dept Distr Actv BU Project 350 KSWW KSWW Radio Advertising 0 909.0 cHK 472 10EE456-01 r02s87 0711412016 cHK 19551 LARSCO INC Parts'supplics for 2-Way 0 588 4s0213 Water Heater Rebate-522 O.S. Blvd NW t02586 0711412016 102588 0711412016 4484268 102589 0711412016 Radios LEMAY ENTERPzuSES, INC. Mobile Document Shredding Service 4109828 Foam Sealant 41 10940 Hearing Protection Ear Muffs Chore Muck Boots Chore Muck Boots 4t12430 cHK to2s93 0711412016 0616 CHK 22360 cHK 2016 391.95 0 921.0 250 2.89 2.89 929 950 00 00 950 950 cHK t78s2 112.07 tt2.07 2s7.58 55.53 257.58 55.53 70.27 632.44 70.27 632.44 Total for Check/Tran - 1025E9: 1,211.05 0 0 2,139.63 350 504.00 504.00 0 592.0 823 118.99 118.99 0 930.2 933 721.39 721.39 594'0 820 r233A.46 12,330.46 903.0 903.0 720 720 1,619.37 1,619.37 L9,447.54 23,488.58 0 NATIONAL INFORMATION SOLUTIONS Postage-PackageslBills/On'Line Banking 0 339903 Billing Service 0 I rep ortJ 5 | 21 2,139.63 0 908.701 MT VIEW LOCATING SERVICES, LLC LocatingScrvices46/16 l6 83.16 0 MOUNTAIN MIST Bottled Water 83. 0 CHARLES MCCLATN 340481 5tzr3 39t.9s 500.00 0 923 0 Aluminum Fabricated 20600 540.00 MILLER'S SMITH & LOSLI s42 14970 540.00 500.00 0 163.0 0 154.0 0 154.0 0 163.0 0 163.0 VinYl Windows Rebate cHK 22351.25Eg8 l02s9s 0711412016 cHK t02594 0711412016 0 MuNiloRrTzutTr & sriillIvaN Legal Serviccs-WPAG 460334 t02592 0711412016 3s255 -*-ilARJH 510 142 570.00 350 0 588.0 4110939 4lI240l 570.00 0 908.702 MALLORY COMPANY 502 FR Shirt Vehicle First Aid Kits IO259I 0711412016 934 CHK 3824 cHK 209.00 JOHN LAWRENCE YVq9v 4rIA746 102590 0711412016 0 Amount 209.00 MICHAEL KIRST 223s6 16060320 Amount 3/rptcustom/acctlGH-AP-CHK-REGIS TER. xm l. rpt DRAFT GRAYS HARBOR PUD 0711412016 I l: 14:1 Accounts Payable Check Register I AM 07 11312016 To 07 1141201,6 Bank Account: 5 - AP Checks Account Pmt Check / Type Vendor Tran Date General Ledger Vendor Name Div GL Reference Newsletters-Billing S Account 0 909.0 ervice DePt Amount Distr Amount Actv BU Project 360 4.041.04 0 Total for Check/Tran - 102595: 102596 0711412016 cHK 590 cHK 5104 OESER COMPANY t02s97 0711412016 604 OFFICE DEPOT INC NORTHWEST ROCK INC I Il4" Minus ts6l7l Gravel 12991 102598 0711412016 84832212s00r cHK File Folder LabelVsteno BooVPencils 848691231001 8.5 8.5 8.5 t02599 0711412016 cHK J749734 J750540 J8l516l J796333 cHK 102601 07114120t6 cHK WTOCY-Take cHK OffClips I1843 3306562187 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE Canon Magenta Printer Cartridge File Folder with Pockets Mono Correction TaPe 3306562188 Stamper t02603 0711412016 3306562185 33A6s62t86 5r2t3 cHK h eportl 5| ?:2?.e:l? 48.49 0 0 14.26 14.26 720 200 921 0 35.33 12.88 13.67 61.88 Total for Check/TrNr - 102598: t24.63 570.31 0 0 0 9s0 0 s70.31 0 0 84.21 84.2t 0 0 196.90 0 s82.0 0 935.901 0 586.0 932 933 872 0 196.90 355.18 0 27.59 355. l8 27.59 121.22 121.22 Total for Check/Tran - 102599: 1,355.41 528.40 528.40 950 t34.40 134.40 0 909-0 360 218.40 2t8.40 0 921.0 0 921.0 0 921.0 0 92r.0 810 350 0 391.05 59.95 391.05 59.95 350 0 10.60 10.60 932 0 60.29 60.29 0 16599 130796 "* 0 163.0 0 107.0 0 107.0 ROHLINGER ENTERPRISES INC 722 SENIORS SUNSET TIMES Il4PgFull Color Ad-Energy Effic.Kits t02602 0711412016 41.58 6.91 s2.16 620 810 620 0 0 903.923 Collection Services-06/l 6 57258 n:7l?-1e QUINAULT INDIAN NATION 693 20t60711083049 0 154.0 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC Tool Batteries C onduit/Elbow s/C onne ctors/C oupling s Super Flex Weld Cable/Condiut/Corurectors Impact Wrench Conduit FittingiReaming Screwdriver Fast Acting Fuses J75s33l 102600 0711412016 X I I Paper/Tape/Binders/Stamper X I I Paper/TapelBinderJStamper X I I Paper/Tape/BinderVStamper 661 J72267s 52.16 0 92r.0 0 92t.4 0 921.0 0 903.921 0 921.0 0 921.0 Badges/Flole PuncherlFolders/Paper Pads Badges/Flole Puncherff oldersiPaper Pads 848322160001 0 107.0 163.0 0 2l 3/rptcustom/acct/GH-AP-CHK-REGIS TER. xm l. rpt DRAFT GRAYS HARBOR PUD 07/1412016 11:14:11 Revision: Page 8 Accounts Payable Check Register AM 0711312016 To 07 11412016 Bank Account: 5 - AP Checls Account Pmt Check / Tran Date Type General Ledger Vendor Name Vendor Div GL Reference to26o4 07lL4l2}l6 CHK 21411 314681I r0260s 07114/2016 cHK rc37 19392 t02606 0711412016 12606 t02607 071t4120r6 cHK 483 102608 0711412016 cHK CHK 0 107.0 4,524.44 TEXT POWER 0711412016 r026t2 0711412016 cHK 898 07t646t82 071646183 07t646184 River-Elma 934 0 1,850.00 Iff9"90 847.65 2,769.14 3,616.79 0:.9J9 0 594.0 15.48 15.48 92t.15 0 107.0 2016 WAGNER-SMITH EQUIPMENT CO 0107.0 WASHINGTON PUD ASSOCIATION 930.2 2016 Monthly Dues 0 WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC Eye Sockets Triplex Wire 0 154.0 0 154.0 0 557.0 0 557.0 WRIGHT TREE SERVICE, [NC. 22202 Tree Tree Tree Tree Tree 0 1,108.35 1,108.35 200 11,141.00 11,141.00 908.4s 908.45 16,546.52 16,546.52 Total for Check/Tran - 102612z 17,454.97 WESTERNELECTRICITYCOORDINATIN WREGIS Cert.-Issuance/Created Volume Fee WREGIS Cert. -Retired/Transfer Volume Fee cHK 249.00 0 12086 27658 28026 102614 0711412016 249.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL CO 885 702732 703320 10261307114/2016CEIK 4,524.44 0 0 905.0 THE LIGHT BRIGADE Fiber Optic Training/Certifi cation Ratal-RcclilRope/Cotrollo cHK - 934 Monthly Account MessagingAJsage Fee 3s22 6313 5t2t3 1,967.57 .--"-*Jkgme*l"v::-'JPg*v::*k: UTILITIES UNDERGROLIND LOCATION 0323349-IN t026tl I:257:sl 0 593.0 Excavation Notifications for June cHK szt.89 13560 6060553 102610 0711412016 Amount TALLMAN EQUIPMENT CO, INC Flagging Service-North 102609 07114/2016 Distr Anount Total for Check/Tran - 102603: Actv BU Project TECHNOLOGY FOR ENERGY CORPORA High Voltage Arnp Litewire Probe 818 5831 Dept Hearry Duty Poly Ground Mat w/flandles cHK 22140 tu4AQ42l I Account 0 0 0 0 0 Trimming-Humptulips Area Trimming-Humptulips Area Trimming-Aberdeen-SR I 09 Trimming-Aberdeen-SR I 09 Trirnming-East County I rep ortl 5 LZl 571.0 s93.0 571.0 593.0 571.0 810 9.32 9.32 810 201.00 201.00 Total for ChecVTren - 102613: 210.32 8,150.20 905.58 6,115.30 679.48 L,7LL.96 9,055.78 860 860 860 860 860 0 0 0 0 0 3/rptcustom/accdGH-AP-CHK-REGIS TER. xm l. rpt DRAFT 6,794.78 6,847.84 GRAYS FIARBOR PUD 07/14/2016 11:14:11 Accounts Payable Check Register AM 07 11312016 To 07 l1412016 Bank Account: 5 - AP Checks Account Pmt Check / Type Vendor Tran Date General Ledger Vendor Name Div 0 593.0 Tree Trimming-East County t02615 0711412016 cHK 102616 071t412016 ZEP MANUFACTURING CO 93s cHK BRETT D ADAMS 99998 102617 " *:tP*-l:**--29'191*I119f-* 102618 07/1412016 cHK 99998 to26ls 07/1412016 cHK 99998 20160712113413363 CHK 99998 Cred 20160712114523230 o7tr4t20r6 cHK- eeees cHK 296.90 296.90 00 6.91 6.91 0142.99 00 178.09 178.09 0 t42.99 00 8s5.46 855.46 0142.99 00 173.84 t73.84 0 t42.99 00 331.48 331.48 0 142.99 00 13E.14 l3E. 14 0 t42.99 00 235.88 235.88 0 14299 t2.79 12.79 0 t42.99 237.90 237.90 0 t42.99 43.51 43.51 0142.99 25.45 25.4s 0 t42.99 tt7.3l tt7.3l JENNIFER GRANT cHK KARMA R HAAR 99998 Cred Bal Refirnd cHK MrclrAd;Hffi;if-** 99998 Cred Bal T02625 07IT4/2016 CHK 99998 Cred 20160712113501734 102626 07 /1412016 20160707133544 cHK 99999 5tzt3 * Refirnd RANN S HEWLETT Bal Retund HOQUIAM JEHOVAHS WITNESS Refimd pmt for nat gas Pmt CHK 99998 Cred Bal Refiurd 20160712113346480 JAMES 102628 07/1412016 cHK 99998 Cred Bal Refirnd 20160712114221931 102627 O7IL4I2OL6 FIdAYsdi; Cred Bal Refund 20t607r2ll32s7sl2 t02624 0711412016 20t60712112940911 G 99998 2A1607121147347s6 102623 0711412016 *BRENDA Cred Bal Refund 20t607121139s8767 102622 0711412016 Bal Refirnd 22,698.40 0 JONATHAN CUSHING LO262O 0711412016 **10262r Amount 0 JOEL E BURKHOLDER Cred Bal Retund Distr Amount 5,135.88 _ Total for ChecVTran - 102614z 184.49 -ll1-?:?? - Cred Bal Refirnd 0 184.49 JOSEPH T BOOTHROYD 20160712113130399 Actv BU Project 860 0 0142.99 CredBalRcfirnd KEVEN G BALLEW 0711412016 cHK 99998 20160712113933249 DePt 950 0 163.0 ZEP 2000 Aerosol 9002332439 Account DAWN L HOUGHAM HOY I report! 5 | 21 3/rptcustom/acctlGH-AP-CHK-REGIS TER. xml. rpt DRAFT GRAYS HARBOR PUD 0711412016 ll:14:ll AM Accounts Payable Check Register 07 11312016 To 07 11412016 Bank Account: 5 - AP Checks Account Pmt Check / TyPe Vendor Tran Date 102629 0711412016 CHK 99998 General Ledger Vendor Name Div GL Reference KATLYN R JACKSON 20160712113850183 CredBslRefimd susAN M JONES to263o a7 n4/20r6 cHK 99998 2016071211364170 Cred Bal Retund RYAN JUMP t02631 0711412016 cHK s084 Ductless Heat PumP Rebate 703181 DANYA S KELLY t02632 0711412016 cHK 99998 t02633 0711412016 cHK 99998 20160712113050685 CHK 99998 Cred 20160712113025805 '- i0263;Vfi+norc cHK CHK 99998 20rcA7U8608622 t02637 0711412016 cHK 99998 T02636 0711412016 102638 07114/2016 cHK 99998 102639 0711412016 102640 0711412016 cHK t0264r 0711412016 cHK 102642 0711412016 0 900.00 900.00 00 3s2.20 3s2.20 00 257.72 257.72 345.45 345.45 t42.99 99998 0 00 101. r6 101.16 0 t42.99 00 517.61 st7.6l 0 t42.99 00 350.88 350.88 0 t42.99 00 213.08 2'3.A8 0142.99 00 505.84 505.84 0 t42.99 00 37.98 37.98 0 00 67.73 67.73 t2 83.12 t44.76 144.76 BRIDGET K NELSON 99998 0 0 142.99 MARK C MILLER Cred Bal Refirnd 102643 07/14/2016 CHK 99998 Cred 20160712113225940 512t3 350 JAIVIES D MCCARTY Cred Bal Refund cHK 28.02 DAVID L MILLER 99998 20t60712114703314 28.02 0 Cred Bal Refirnd 20160712113320909 0 DAVID L MILLER cHK 99998 201607121 14313855 0 0 t42.99 Cred Bal Refund 20L607l2II425Is4l 0142.99 MIGUEL E LIMON HERNANDEZ Cred Bal Refirnd 20t607121 13818839 3t.72 EUI JIN LEE GARRY A LUARK JR Cred Bal Refirnd Amount 3t.72 GOIT Cred Bal Refund 20160712113708657 Distr Amount 0 0 908.701 Bal Retund Actv BU Project 0 DEANNA M LOONEY eeees DePt l4Z'99 0 Cred Bal Retund T02634 07IT4120T6 Account 142.99 RICHARD T PETERSON JR 83. ANTONIO M PUGA DELA ROSA Bal Refirnd Ir eport/ 5 | 21 0142.99 0 0 3/rptcustom/acctlGH-AP-CHK-REGIS TER. xml' rpt DRAFT GRAYS HARBOR PUD Accounts Payable Check Register 0711412016 11:14:11AM 07 11312016 To 07 l|412016 Bank Account: 5 - AP Checls Account Pmt Check / Tran Date Type General Ledger Vendor Name Vendor Div NICOLE A RAY 99998 20160712114153373 Cred Bal Retund TALLULAH F RIETVELD 102645 0711412016 cHK 99998 tozu+ ot 11412016 cHK Cred Bal 20t60712t14037628 102646 07114/2016 cHK Account 0 t42.99 Refirnd 0 142.99 JAMES S ROBINSON 99998 DePt Actv BU Project Distr Amount Amount 4.80 4.80 214.15 00 0 0 0 t42.99 00 2t3.12 213.12 0 t42.99 00 85.78 85.78 2016W12114408556 CrcdBalRcftnd 0 14299 00 s6.75 56.75 DANIEL T02649 O7IL4I2OL6 CHK 99998 Cred Bal Refirnd 20160712113755126 0 t42.99 3t0.57 3t0.57 96.54 96.54 256.80 256.80 326.16 326.t6 0 142.99 61.00 61.00 0 t42.99 4.45 4.45 56.95 56.95 Cred Bal Refirnd 20160712114638382 WAYNE RUSHFORTH cHK 99999 Deposit Refirnd acct7387777780 2OL6O7l3l5L646 102647 07 /1412016 102648 0711412016 102650 0711412016 201607121 131098l 102651 0711412016 cHK SHILA SARAN 99998 cHK 99998 cHK 99998 ROSALIE S SHAPANSKY SARAH A SILVA 0142.99 Cred Bal Refirnd 20160712114337713 t02652 071142A16 cHK 102653 0711412016 cHK 99999 SALLY J SWEETEN 99998 ROUANNA TODD Credit Balance Refirnd-Water Dept Payment 7730L63882 102654 0711412016 CHK 99998 Cred 20160712114433233 1026ss 0711412016 R SEBASTIAN cHK 99998 JENNIFER L VAUGHN Bal Refirnd WA STATE CORRECTION DEPT 20160712113/;36725 CrcdBalRefiurd r026s6 07/1412016 cHK 99998 0 142'99 0 0 142'99 0 MARGARET L YOTING WEITZEL 20160712113010879 CredBalRefiurd 76.2r Total for Bank Account - 5 Grandrotal 5tzt3 h eport! 5 l2l 3/rptcustom/acctlGH-AP-CHK-REGIS TER. xml' rpt DRAFT : (125) z (12il @ 76.21 765,985.79 GRAYS FIARBOR PUD Revision: Accounts Payable Check Register 0711412016 11:14:11AM PARAMETERS ENTERED: Check Date: 07113/20t6 To 07114/2016 Bank: 5 Vendor: All Check All Journal: All Format: GL Accounting Distribution ExtendedReference: Yes SortBy: Check/Transaction Voids: None Paynent Type: All Group \ Paynent TyPe: No Minimum Amount: 0.00 AuthorizationListing: Yes AuthorizationComments: No Credit Card Charges: No h eport! 5 121 3 /rptcustom/acctlGH-AP-CHK-REGIS TER. xml. rpt DRAFT u .- - Qrays lHarbor ryPUD TAB 4 DRAFT COMM LIST 07 18 PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT No. 1 OF GRAYS HARBOR COUNry WIRE TRANSFER LISTING APPROVAL I, THE UNDERSIGNED, CERTIFY THAT THE LISTING OF WIRE TRANSFERS BELOW REPRESENTS OBLIGATIONS, DUE AND UNPAIO, AGAINST PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT No. 1 OF GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AND THAT DOCUMENTATION SUPPORTING EACH WIRE IS ON FILE IN THE DISTRICT'S GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE. I, THE GENERAL MANAGER OF PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT No. 1 OF GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE MERCHANDISE OR SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE VENDORS LISTED BELOW HAS BEEN RECEIVED. WE, THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT No. 1 OF GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT THE WIRES LISTED BELOW, AND WHOSE SUPPORT WAS ATTACHED FOR OUR REVIEW. WIRE TRANSFERS TO BPAARE BEING PAID UNDER PROTEST DUE TO RESIDENTIAL EXCHANGE LAWSUIT,) COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER Wires Transfers Approved on: 07t18t2015 Vendor Bank of America Wires ' . Benton PUD 712012016 FRDR Start-Up BPA 712612016 Transmission for June, 2016 , BPA . Citigroup ' EDF Trading . Energy Northwest . Franklin PUD . ' . . . ' $3,200.00 583,767.00 3,214,342.00 712812016 Final Power for June , 2016 19,741.15 711512016 Gas Purchases for June, 2016 711512016 Electricity purchases for June, 2016 202,505.28 712012016 9 Canyon Charges 373,149.55 530.94 712512016 Pasco CT Charges for 06115116-07/05/16 1,920.00 Franklin PUD 712812016 FRDR Start-Up Fredrickson Power 712112016 Wholesale Power for June , 2016 Great West 711512016 Employees 401k & 457 contributions for 07114116 lRs 711512016 Payroll Taxes for PPE 07108116 160, 1 82.36 Powerex 712512016 Gas Purchases for June, 2016 291,838.39 Sierra Pacific 712012016 Power Generation for June, 2016 602,544.55 , The Energy Authority 644,365.49 74,003.12 90,252.29 711512016 Member/Partner & Consulting Fees Timberland Bank Wires , HRA VEBA 1,844.09 711412016 Employees VEBA contributions for 07114116 DRAFT Total Wires Note: Wire transfier may have been made prior to Board approval, stafutory approval is nonetheless rquested. Approved $6,264,1 86.21 $ray;5 'arbor \Harl ryPUD "lt's your PUD!" TAB rM 5 DRAFT Payrollllabor Pay Period Signoture 06125/I6-07,/8/,L? Poge Payday Checks Numbers Advices Numbers Total Net Pay Deposit Amount: Total Gross Pay Amount: 5567,128.05 Taxable Gross Pay Amount S+80,952.89 Total Deposit Amount Total Check Amount: 5255,299.30 Grand Total S306,s78.83 Thursday, July L42016 123001-123029 549001-549L42 izss,z98.30 $s t,280.53 Total Employees: Total Direct Deposits: Total ChecKs L7L I42 29 APPROVED & ORDERED PAID STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNW OF GRAYS HARBOR COMMISSIONER I, DAVID A. WARD, HAVING BEEN DULY SWORN DEPOSE AND SAY THAT THE SERVICES MENTIONED IN THE WtTHtN PAYROLL, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE SALARIES OF THE COMMISSIONERS, OVER WHICH I COMMISSIONER HAVE NO SUPERVISION, HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN RENDERED A5 THEREIN CHARGED, THAT THE SAME ARE TRUE AND CORRECT, AND THAT THE SAME OR ANY COMMISSIONER PART THEREOF HAS NOT BEEN PAID. APPROVED FOR PAYMENT CERTIFIED CORRECT: General Manager AUDITOR SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME ON: (Print Notary Name) (Signatu re) DRAFT - Qrays lHarbor ryPUD "lt's your PUD!" TAB rM 6 DRAFT APPLIGATION FOR APPROVAL OF TR/AVEL SUBMIT TO TRACY DUGAS IN ADMINISTRATION FOR PROCESS/NG. DO NOT FILL IN SHADED AREAS. 0960 Name: Shane Andrews Title: Mechanic Department: Name: Title: Department: Account: Name: Title: Department: Account: Account: 588.150 Purpose of Travel: HCT Hydraulic Certification Training - Mobile Hydraulic Mechanic Destination: Eugene,OR I From will need to borrow a District card for this HOTEL RESERVATIONS: f,Yes INo travel: Date: 08/16/2016 To Date 08/19/2016 INo f,Yes Number of Nights:4 Check-in Date: 08/15/2016 Check-out Date: 08/19/2A16 *x'r See Tracy Dugas to arrange for exfya nights at your own expense. S l@-lperNight Confirmation Number REGISTRATION FOR SEMI NAR/TRAI Please specifo N I Roomrotal ,5 +2+= NG the seminar classes and pre-conference seminar/workshops you wish to attend and attach registration information. dietary needs. (Pre-approval required.) Please advise of any special TRANSPORTATION ffi Personal Vehicle IDistrict Vehicle ff nirline I Carpooling with *4 /nL(i) Roundrrip Mileage S 217= FLIGHT PREFERENCES Name as it appears on Driver's License Desired Seating: Window Aisle I f Birth Date Center t] Preferred Departu re Time Airfare Preferred Return Departure Time RENTAL CAR [Yes INo (only approved if necessary) Airport/Hotel, S PirkingS', Rental Car S ', - rG ruorrffi n .'.1'..'''.. -w( Meal ruuwance Employee Signatures Approximate Total of Travel " s Supervisor Approval Department Head Approval General Manager Approval Com missioners Approva I S lU0f DRAFT lqhb%^ro ,l APPLIGATION FOR APPROVAL OF TRAVEL SUBMIT TO TRACY DUGAS IN ADMINISTRATION FOR PROCESS/NG. DO NOT FILL IN SHADED AREAS. 0610 Name: Kathryn Skolrood Title: CFO Department: Name: Schuyler Burkhart Title: Engineering Manager Name: Steve Easton Title: Operations Manager 0810 Department: 0915 Department: Account: 921 .1 50 Account: 588.150 Account: 588.150 Purpose of Travel: NISC Member Information Conference From Destination: St. Louis, MO I will need to borrow a District card for this travel: [Yes ffiYes INo HOTEL RESERVATIONS: Date: 09/11/2016 To Date XNo Number of Nights: 3 Check-in Date: 09/11/2016 Check-out Date: 09/14/2016 *** See Tracy Dugas to arrange for extra nights at your own expense. s lSff; Confirmatidh Number. 09/14/2016 PerNisht Room Total S 6 REGISTRATION FOR SEMINAR/TRAINING to attend and attach registration information. Please specifo the seminar classes and pre-conference seminar/workshops you wish dietary needs. (Pre-approval required.) Please advise of any special TRANSPORTATION 'U Personal Vehicle !District Vehicle f,Airline f Carpooling with Round Trip Mileage FLIGHT PREFERENCES Name as it appears on Driver's License Desired Seating: Window Birth Date Aisle I I Center t] Preferred Departure Time Preferred Return Departure Time RENTAL CAR [Yes E No NorEstnu*fu (only approved if necessary) I- (fu Employee Signatures r+ 7._lZ-Ul (o DRAFT <(5 alaii+nhe\ 77 Supervisor Approval Department Head Approval *r-\3-\6 General Manager Approval Com m issioners Approva *w I APPLIGATION FOR APPROVAL OF TRAVEL SUBMIT TO TRACY DUGAS IN ADMINISTRATION FOR PROCESS/NG. DO NOT FILL IN SHADED AREAS. Name: Helen Berglund Title: Customer Service Name: Lisa Melton Title: Senior Credit Name: Title: Department:0720 Account: Rep Department: Rep 072A Department: 903.921 Account: 9A3.921 Account: Purpose of Travel: NISC Member Information Conference Destination: St. Louis, MO I From will need to borrow a District card for this HOTEL RESERVATIONS: f,Yes INo travel: [Yes See Tracy Dugas To Date 09/14/2016 Check-in Date: 09/11/2016 Check-out Date: 09/14/2016 to arrange for extra nights at your own expense. s Confirmation Number 09/11/2A16 XNo Number of Nights: 3 *reie Date: ETryPerNisht RoomTotaf 5 , 2 REGISTRATION FOR SEMINAR/TRAINING Please specifu the seminar classes and pre-conference seminar/workshops you wish to attend and attach registration information. Please advise of any special dietary needs. (Pre-approval required.) Registration Fee S 146= TRANSPORTATION f,[ nersonal Vehicle IDistrict Vehicle tr f,nirline Carpooling with \OQ, *(ft) RoundTrip Milease S I I0 7 FLIGHT PREFERENCES Name as it appears on Driver's License Desired Seating: Window tr -Ho€," Birth Date f] Center I Preferred Departure Time Airpor#rffie{ Preferred Return Departure Time RENTAL NorES CAR f]Yes f No Sh TN,o\uru'{tcS S SOOT Parking S I OO Z Airfare (only approved if necessary) Rental Car 1fu){n 4uo rt. n$/\A4) ecN ax#attf Shuttle Cab Supervisor Approval General Manager Approval Commissioners Approva I s DRAFT 1- \)- t\ ,ry S nppro"i*ut" iotjr Employee Signatures Department Head Approval S Or rravel l'47*cn APPLIGATION FOR APPROVAL OF TRAVEL SUBMIT TO TRACY DUGAS IN ADMINISTRATION FOR PROCESS/NG. DO NOT FILL IN SHADED AREAS. Name: Rob Hanny Title: Chief Information Officer Department: 0934 Account: 588.150 Name: Bruce Travers Title: Department: 0630 Account: Name: Title: Department: Account: lS Analyst 921 .1 50 Purpose of Travel: NISC Member Information Conference Destination: St. Louis, MO I From will need to borrow a District card for this travel: lYes Date: 09/11 /2016 To Date 09/14/2016 XNo f,Yes I No Number of Nights: 3 Check-in Date: 09/11/2016 Check-out Date: 09/14/2016 *** See Tracy Dugas to arrange for extra nights at your own expense. HOTEL RESERVATIONS: REGISTRATION FOR SEMINAR/TRAINING Please specifu the seminar classes and pre-conference seminar/workshops you wish to attend and attach registration information. Please advise of any special dietary needs. (Pre-approval required.) . : : :: -. . .: :a .:,.:: .: ,,..:: , .:. :.a... a. . : ..:t . Regiitretion TRANSPORTATION I Rersonal Vehicle I District Vehicle f,Airline f Carpooling with no u n O ttip, nn {ii,*risd; .:-:::.' . . .. .' FLIGHT PREFERENCES Name as it appears on Driver's License Seating: Window Desired Aisle I I Birth Date Center I Preferred Departu re Time Preferred Return Departure Time RENTAL cAR f]Yes INo NorES :\n*1p. f/vu ffin^ {o lwnutts, (only approved if necessary) 4-Vo r'l bm265r Employee Signatures Supervisor Approval Depaftment Head Approval General Manager Approval Com m issioners Approva I DRAFT TDIat 7z $rays lHarbor FPUD "lt's your PUD!" rM TAB 7 DRAFT Washington State Governor's E @ Industrial Safety & Health Advisory Board Educating Washington's Workforce Since 1949 Electricql July 12, 201 6 Utilities Woshington Stote Electricol Utilities ond Electricol Line Controctors Plqnning Committee SUBJECT: 2016 Annuol Pole Top Rescue Competition of the Conference September 28 &29 in Spokone, Woshington 55th Governor's Industriol Sofety & Heolth On beholf of the Pole Top Rescue Committee, lwould like to extend on invitoiion for you to provide sponsorship to the 43ro Annuol Pole Top Rescue Competition. Eoch yeor teoms from ocross Woshington gother to compete for the top spot in the Annuol Pole Top Rescue Competition thot is held in conjunction with the Woshington Stote Governor's lndustriolSofety ond Heolth Conference. The competition chollenges two-mqn teoms of the stote's best high voltoge linemen to rescue o victim from otop o utility pole in o mock industrioloccident. The top four teoms move on to lhe intense finol round to vie for the chompionship honor. All porticiponts outomoticolly receive FR shirts ond FR hots for their porticipotion. finolfour teoms will be honored for their hord work ond proficiency during the owords luncheon held on the finol doy of the Governor's lndustriolSofety ond Heolth Conference. Eoch first ploce teom memberwill be oworded o custom hond-crofted wooden line belt ond hooks thot were mode exclusively for this event. Eoch member of the remoining top three teoms will be oworded custom hond-crofted wooden hooks. The Sponsorships ore criticol to the continuing success of this voluoble ond troditionol event for promoting sofety in the Electricol Utilities industry. Your tox deductible contribution of $300 or more would be greotly opprecioted ond will be recognized in the printed conference progrom ond website, listed on the bock of the Pole Top competitors FR shirt ond on the entronce towers into the Spokone Convention Center of this yeor's conference. Thqnk you for your much needed porticipolion ond supporl. Select "Pole Top Rescue" when osked which porl of the Conference you would like to direct your sponsorship lo. You con "Print Poge" of the end to obloin o receipt. http://www.wogovconf .org/sponsors/conference/ Since Governof s I nd u strial Safety & Health Conference 100 Andover Park W #150-289 Tukwila, WA 98188 Phone: 360-902-5735 Fax: 360-902-5455 E-m ai I : Lee r23 5@ Ln i. w a. a ov DRAFT ce Stqt6 Electric Panel Member Pleose forword to oppropnofe personne/ os necessory. Thonkyou. Pole Top Rescue Competition Sponsorship For questions obout sponsorship opportunities, pleose contoct Teri Neely oI360-902-5735 or emoil directly ot lhe link below to provide your sponsorship. Selecl "Pole lop Rescue" when osked which port of the Conference you would like to direcl your sponsorship lo. You cqn "Prini Poge" ol lhe end to obloin o receipl. Thonk you! Use 20 I 6 S po n sors h i p o Company name & logo Levels - http :// . on entrance tower . Company name & logo on registrotion website & mobile opp o Company nome & logo o Compony nome & logo in Conference progrom in the Conference program o o Full page black & white ad in the Conference . . page block & white ad in Conference Program % program o Exhibitor booth, choice Exhibitor booth, choice of any locotion (based on avoilability) o lnclusion on the Company nome & logo on entronce tower o Company nome listed on the Company name & logo on registration website & mobile app . entrance tower Company nome listed in Conference Program Company nome& logo in Conference program 7 complimentary Co nfe re n ce re g i strati o n of stondard location "Passport To Safety" (with exhibit booth) lnclusion on the "Possport To Safety' (with exhibit booth) . Company nome & logo on entrance towerCompany nome & logo on registration website & mobile app o Opportunity to present a breokout session (dependent on spoce Opportunity to present availobility) a breakout session (dependent on space ovoilobility) o 3 complimentory Conference registrations o 5 complimentory o 70 Exhibit Hall Conference posses registrations . 20 Exhibit Hall posses Addilionol Benefils only for Pole lop Rescue Sponsorship ***** . Compony name/logp Pboro rtrp[ on anent banner AND Company name on FR shirts provided lor each partkipant coqv of vour Fomoonv loqo lo L?q235e[nlwq.oov NO IATER THAN AUGUST l6tx wr con rmun rour comoorw h ncoodnd In or on orlnlod mobrloh fheGovernor'slndustrialSofefy&HealthAdvlsoryBoardiso50l(c)(3)orgonizolion. TsxlD:91-1061635 DRAFT CURREM20T6 SPONSORS Avisfo Ulilltles, Coming Hot Clothing, DrogonWeor, IBEW Locol77, lewis County PUD ond Nolionol Sofety Apporel lo
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