4th Annuol Pormo Run/Wolk for Pierogies 5K Run /Walk ond 1 Mile
4th Annuol Pormo Run/Wolk for Pierogies 5K Run /Walk ond 1 Mile
4th Annuol Pormo Run/Wolk for Pierogies 5K Run /Walk ond 1 Mile Fun Wolk Sponsored by University Hospitols Parmo Medicol Center Soturdoy, July 5, 2074 - 8:30 om Tri-C Weslern Compus (11000 Pleosont Volley Rood) t*E - All pre-regktered runners will receive a f-shirt, post-race prerogies, drinks and snacks!! ', -#Aaalz"*e DivenbyeuitkLone otvdley Fotd *Pre-Registrotion $20 *Doy of Registration $25 *Ages 11 and gndgr: $10 Moil entries must be received by Wed., July 2. iAoke checks poyoble to: Hermes Sports & Events t624 Sf . Clair Avenue, Clevelond, OH 44114 Reoister online J u*iversity Haspitals , ot: www.hermesclevelond.com On - Online registration closes Thursdoy, July 3 ot 9:OO om. Site Registrotion/ Check-Tnz 7:00 om - 8:15 om Race Coordinotor: Pormo Council President Seon Brennan: (440) 884-0489 couneilmanb{ennon@sbcglobql.net 5K Aword Age 6roups: Top overoll mole ond femole and 11 ond under, 12-14, 15-19, ?O-24,25-?9,3034,35-39,40-44,45-49,50-54,55-59,60-64,65ond Over-Pierogie owordstotopthreemoleond femole finishers in eoch division. NEJ4/: *Pegister 3 or more from the same address for $5O (linit 3 f-shirts/goodie bags). *lhail in registrafion only. Extra shirts may be pwchased for $10. NEW: 5k run is a Hermes Poad Pace Series Chip Tined Pace!! Proceeds Benefit the Americcn Cancer Society Parma Arec Relay for Life, All Foiths Pantry, All Kids Ployground ond the Pormo Police Auxiliory. Pun/Walk for Pierogies Little Polish Diner 5772 Ridge Road, Parma First Nome: Lost Nome: Roce Doy Age: Dote of Birth: Genderz .J Address: City: Stote and Zipz M F ST. -: www.stvladimirs.org ffiOfficetrfiax' E-Mqil: Signoture (Parent/Guordicn, Sizez YS VLADIMIR'S PIEROGIES 5913 State Road, Parma Phone: Shirt Krakow Deli 5767 Ridge Road, Parma E!t. I816 if Yi 5 i L under 18): XL XXL Circle One: 5K Run, 5K Wqlk or 1 Mile I hereby understand that upon my entry into the Race for Pierogies 5K racelwalk or I mile firn walk, I waive any and all claims for damages that I may have against University Hospitals, Cuyahoga Community Collegc, the American Cancer Socicty, the City of Parma, Hcrmes Sports & Evenis, promote$, sponsors or anyonc involved in the production ofihis race, regarding any and all injuries suffered by mc while running, traveling to and from, or participation in this event, for myself, my heirs and/or assignors. I also understand that refunds wiil not be available for entry fees.
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