HaBinyan Vol. 1, No. 1


HaBinyan Vol. 1, No. 1
‫ העיתון החדש של‬,‫ברוכים הבאים למהדורה הראשונה של הבניין‬
‫ במקומות שבהם הבונים‬,‫ מבחינה היסטורית‬.‫הבונים דרור עולמית‬
‫ כך גם היו ההוצאות לאור של הפעילויות של‬,‫ודרור היו קיימים‬
‫ גליון‬,‫ זו המהדורה הראשונה של הבניין‬,‫ לאחר שנים רבות‬.‫התנועות‬
‫ ואנחנו מקווים להמשיך ולעדכן אתכם על‬,‫מיוחד לכבוד חג הפסח‬
‫הקנים השונים ברחבי העולם ועל הבונים דרור בישראל במהדורות‬
.‫אנחנו מצפים להרפתקה החדשה הזו בעולם הבונים דרור ביחד‬
‫סמו ושי‬
‫ הגשות ומשובם‬,‫נשמח מאוד לשמוע מכם! אנו פתוחים להצעות‬
‫ כך‬,‫ המהדורה הבאה של הבניין תצא לפני יום העצמאות‬.‫על הבניין‬
‫ באפריל‬22-‫ נא לשלוח עד ה‬,‫ת להוסיף מאמר‬/‫ה מעוניין‬/‫שאם את‬
.dansamo@gmail.com ‫לסמו‬
Welcome to the first edition of Habinyan, the new Habonim
Dror Iton. Historically, wherever Habonim and Dror existed, so did
publications of our activities. After many years this is our fist edition
2-3 Dvar HaMazkir
of Habinyan, a special Pesach issue, and we hope that in the
coming editions we will continue to update about the different kenim
around the world and Habonim Dror in Israel.
The four chanichim
5-7 HD Europe Seminar
We look forward to this new adventure in the world of Habonim
Dror together
Samo and Shai
We’d love to hear your thoughts! We’re open to submissions
Pesach at Hurst Grange,
Habonim Hachshara Farm, UK (1951)
and suggestions. Please email Samo at dansamo@gmail.com if
you’d like to add a piece or give feedback.
Kehillat Punta del Este
Tnuat Noar - What’s going with
the Haredi Draft?
Bienvenidos a la primera edicion de "Habiniyan", el nuevo Iton
Fazendo e vivendo história /
Meet an Oleh
de Habonim Dror.
Historicamente, donde existio Habonim y Dror tambien
12 V.I.I. - Very Interesting Israeli Uri Avnery
hubieron publicaciones sobre nuestras actividades.
Despues de algunos años, esta es nuestra primera edicion de
"Habiniyan", una publicacion especial de Pessach y esperamos que
Fantasy premier league scout /
Pesach Bracha
en las proximas ediciones nos sigamos actualizando sobre los
diferentes Keinim alrededor del mundo y sobre Habonim Dror en
Estamos entusiasmados con esta nueva aventura en el mundo
de Habonim Dror.
Samo y Shai
Nos encantaria conocer tus opiniones y estamos abiertos a
Por favor escribirnos al mail de Samo dansamo@gmail.com
para poder ser parte de este proyecto y hacernos tus comentarios.
‫‪Pesach 2014‬‬
‫דבר המזכיר‬
‫מחשבות מעת ג’וליאן רזניק‪ ,‬המזכיר הכללי של הבונים דרור עולמי‬
‫לכל החברים והחברות בתנועתנו ברחבי העולם‪ .‬אתם יושבים בטוקומן‪ ,‬בלונדון‪ ,‬באן ארבור‪ ,‬בוונקובר‪ ,‬בקייפ טאון‪ ,‬במלבורן‪ ,‬בריו‪ ,‬במרסיי‪,‬‬
‫באמסטרדם‪ ,‬במקסיקו סיטי‪ ,‬בפרנקפורט‪ ,‬במונטבידאו וגם בחיפה‪ ,‬ירושלים‪ ,‬תל אביב‪ ,‬יזרעאל‪ ,‬חצרים‬
‫ורביבים ‪ ....‬והרבה מקומות נוספים‪.‬‬
‫מאז שנכנסתי לתפקיד עברו הרבה מאוד חגים ומועדים ויחד איתן מכיוון כי זהו טבעו של הלוח העברי‪,‬‬
‫הזדמנויות רבות להרהר על משמעות החיים‪.‬זה משהו שמתאפשר כל שנה וקורה לי כל שנה אבל השנה‬
‫אני מהרהר בפעם הראשונה כמזכ"ל הבונים דרור עולמי וזה מביא אותי לחשוב על נושאים שלא‬
‫העסיקו אותי בעוצמות דומות בשנים האחרונות‪.‬‬
‫אני רוצה לרגע להרהר יחד איתכם כי אין מועד מתאים יותר מפסח הקרב ובא אלינו לטובה ‪ .‬בפסח‬
‫קמנו ויצאנו‪ .‬התחלנו מסע מרתק שכלל סכנות רבות וגם חוויות חזקות מאוד‪ .‬מסע שעיצב את זהותנו‬
‫כעם לטוב ולרע‪ ,‬בסיס שאת הדיו אנחנו שומעים עד היום הזה‪" :‬עבדים היינו‪ ,‬שלח את עמי‪ ,‬בני חורין"‪,‬‬
‫אילו עוצמות יש למילים אלה‪ .‬איזה דרישות מגיעות במשך הדורות אלינו‪ .‬מסע שמביא אותנו דרך מעמד‬
‫הר סיני (היה או לא היה‪ ,‬החשוב הוא שהיינו שם ‪ -‬נכון שולמית לא שכחנו אותך)‪ ,‬עמלק (מי יכול לשכוח‬
‫אתכם!)‪ ,‬הר נבו (המקום שאני הכי ממליץ עליו לקריאת תנ"ך אם אתם כמוני מתרגשים מעומק רגשי במקורות שלנו ‪ -‬איך יכולת משה?)‪.‬‬
‫גם אנחנו היום‪ ,‬חברים וחברות בתנועתנו‪ ,‬חייבים להיות במסע מעין זה‪ .‬להיות בתנועה היא פשוטו כמשמעו‪ :‬להתקדם לעבר‪ ,‬להיאבק עם‬
‫הקיים‪ ,‬לעלות אל ההר כי אם אנחנו לא ניקח אחריות ייקחו אחרים וייקחו אותנו למקומות שאנחנו לא רוצים להגיע אליהם‪.‬‬
‫בואו נחליט כל אחד ואחת מאיתנו בחג הפסח הזה שנחפש בכל כוחנו לא את החמץ אלה את הארץ המובטחת שלנו ובואו נסכים שלמרות‬
‫שיש סיכוי גדול שמה שנמצא לא יהיה לגמרי לרוחנו אך לא נוותר עליו‪ ,‬לא נסתפק מהנוף מהר נבו וגם לא מסיפורי המרגלים‪ ,‬אלא נעלה‬
‫ונגשים‪ ,‬במגוון רחב של דרכים ונכיר בכוח של העשייה המשותפת וגם בצורך של חלקינו ליצירת היחיד‪ .‬ונחגוג את שירי היחיד והיחד כולנו‬
‫כחברי הבונים דרור‪.‬‬
‫חג שמח‪,‬‬
‫‪HD Europe‬‬
‫‪Seminar 2014‬‬
To all Movement members throughout the Habo world. To those of you from Tukoman, London, Ann Arbor,
Vancouver, Cape Town, Melbourne, Rio, Marseille, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Frankfurt, Montevideo and also
Haifa, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Kibbutz Yizre'el, Hatzerim and Revivim .... and many other places.
Many Chaggim have passed since I began my tafkid and, as is the case with our Jewish calendar, there have
been many opportunities to consider the world we live in. This is not a new experience for me as such is the
nature of the rhythm of Jewish time, but what is new for me, is that I have done this as the Mazkir of World
Habonim Dror and therefore have been dealing with certain issues which have moved to the forefront of my
So, I want to think out loud with you now, as there is no time more appropriate for this than the Chag fast
approaching, Pesach. On Pesach we got up and left. We began a fascinating Journey filled both with
significant dangers and extraordinarily powerful experiences. A Journey which formed the foundation of our
identity as a People, for good and for bad; a foundation whose echoes continued through the centuries until
these very days: "We were Slaves in Egypt, Let My People Go, Free People"; what power is still contained
within these phrases thousands of years later? What demands continue to be made of us generations later? A
Journey which takes us via the great moment at Sinai (whether it happened or not - we have not forgotten you
Shulamit Aloni), Amalek (who could forget you guys!), Mt Nebo (the place I recommend more than any other to
read from the Torah if you, like me, are moved by the emotional depth of our sources - Moses, how could
We too, members of the Movement, need to be on a Journey such as this. To be in a Movement means, literally,
to be on a journey towards something, to struggle with that which already exists, to climb the mountain of
responsibility because, if we do not, someone else will take responsibility and create something very
different from what we wish to see created.
Let us decide, all of us, that on this Pesach we will not go looking for Chametz, but rather for the
"Promised Land"; and lets agree, that if we find that the "Promised Land" is not exactly what we hoped it
would be, we will not give up on it; let us not live only with the view from Mt Nebo or with the stories told
to us by the Spies; let us rather Go Up and Build, in a diversity of ways; let us recognize for many the
power of group action and the need for individual creativity for others. Let us celebrate the songs of the
self and the chorus' of the choir (‫)שירי היחיד והיחד‬, all of us as members of Dror Habonim.
Chag Sameach,
A todos los javerim y javerot de todo el mundo. Ustedes se encuentran en Tucumán, Londres, Ann Arbor,
Vancouver, Cape Town, Melbourne, Rio de Janeiro, Marsella, Ámsterdam, Ciudad de México, Frankfurt, Montevideo
y también Jersualem, Tel Aviv, Izra´el, Hatzerim, Revivim y muchos otros lugares.
Desde que asumí el cargo, hubo una gran cantidad de fiestas y junto a ellas, porque esa es la
naturaleza del calendario judío, se presentan muchas oportunidades para reflexionar sobre el significado de la
vida. Estas circunstancias nos permiten todo año pero especialmente, este año me toca a mí reflexionar por
primera vez como Mazkir Olami de Habonim Dror y esto me lleva a pensar sobre temas que no traté con similar
intensidad en los últimos años.
Me gustaría por un momento reflexionar juntos a ustedes, porque no hay otro período más adecuado que
Pesaj. En Pesaj nos levantamos y salimos. Comenzamos una travesía fascinante que incluía muchos peligros y
experiencias muy fuertes. Esta travesía diseñó nuestra identidad como pueblo para bien o para mal, y de aquí
ésta frase que escuchamos hoy en día: "Nosotros éramos esclavos, dejarlo ir, los hombres libres", ¿Qué
fortalezas tienen estas palabras?, ¿Qué requisitos llegarán a través de las generaciones hacia nosotros? Este
viaje nos lleva a través del Sinaí (fue o no lo fue, los importante es que estuvimos allí - verdad Shulamit,
no nos olvidamos de ti), Amalec (quién puede olvidar de ustedes!), El Monte Nebó (el lugar que yo más
recomiendo en la lectura del tanaj si ustedes como yo se emocionan de nuestras profundas fuentes emocionales cómo pudo Moisés)?.
Nosotros también hoy, javerim y javerot de nuestra tnuá, debemos ser parte de este tipo de travesías. Estar en
la tnua es literalmente: avanzar hacia el pasado, luchar con lo que hay, subir la montaña porque si nosotros
no tomamos la responsabilidad, la tomarán otros hacia caminos que no querríamos llegar.
Decidamos todos y todas en conjunto en esta festividad de pesaj que buscaremos con toda nuestra fuerza no el
hametz, sino nuestra tierra prometida. Pongámonos de acuerdo que hay una gran probabilidad que lo que
encontremos no será lo que nos guste completamente sin embargo, no renunciaremos a él. No se conforme con la
vista de la Montaña Nebó rápidamente ni con la historia de espionaje, sino que subiremos y nos realizaremos en
una variedad de caminos para que reconozcamos la fuerza del trabajo en conjunto, también por la necesidad de
algunos de nosotros para crear individuo. Celebraremos con las canciones en forma conjunta todos los miembros
de Habonim Dror.
Feliz Pesaj,
Are you excited to watch the
soccer World Cup later this
year? Check out this
horrific tackle in the
Israeli football league! We
would love to hear your
thoughts – how long do you
think this player should be
banned for?
“The Four Chanichim”
A Passover resource based on
With the right hadracha he'll become an
amazing madrich.
3) The simple chanich. This chanich
“The Four Children”
is a pretty inconspicuous one, who has
By Shai Bar Ephraim
been to Habo for a while, but for some
Blessed is the Mazkirut, blessed be
reason after all these years people still ask
him if this is his first machaneh. He is very
Blessed are they who organized
kind, will participate in whatever peula you
machanot to their people, blessed be
prepare, won't run away from toranut and
will be liked by everyone. Because of this,
Habonim Dror speaks of four
he's often overlooked and taken for
chanichim: one wise, one wicked, one
granted. If no one pushes him to open up,
simple, and one who does not know how
form opinions and indicate what he does or
to ask.
doesn't like, he'll remain in his anonymity.
1) The wise chanich. This chanich is
4) The one who doesn’t know how to
the son of parents who met through
ask. The one that doesn’t know how to ask,
Habonim Dror, and who has been a member
could be any one of the previous three. The
before any of the other chanichim in his
way to deal with this chanich according to
shichva. He knows exactly what his
the traditional Hagaddah is by telling him
madrichim want to hear when they ask a
the answers to questions he doesn't know
question in peulot, he will be the one
to ask. At Habonim Dror rather, we teach a
leading the cheder ochel in making ruach,
chanich how to ask the hard and critical
and from age 13 all the madrichim say he's
questions. Give a chanich an answer to a
destined to be mazkir. However, no one
question and he'll sit through a peula, teach
ever challenged him properly and when he
a chanich how to ask the question, and he'll
becomes a madrich he has a hard time
become a great madrich that will take a lot
adjusting to his new role
of responsibility.
2) The wicked chanich. The wicked
Madrichim in Habonim Dror have an
HABO Riddle - send
answers to
chanich is very loud and generally gets in
obligation to see the best in their chanichim.
trouble. It seems that whenever a group of
Whether it's because of a disciplinary issue,
chanichim are caught doing things they
too high expectations of a chanich or simply
shouldn’t, he's right in the middle of it.
not granting chanichim the attention they
Riddle. Ten Habo kids
(wearing a chultza
backwards) and 10
Hashies (wearing a
Chultza backwards), are
given the tast to walk
into a room one by one
and stand in line next
to each other, with all
the Habos on one side
and all the Hashies on
the other. They are not
allowed to communicate
at all. They cannot see
what color their chultza
string is, but can see
the color of the string
of the ones that have
already entered the
room. How do they line
up according to the
Almost every machaneh the rosh will decide
require, we as madrichim tend to overlook
to contact his parents, and he'll receive
this basic rule of hadracha. Seeing the best
multiple warnings. The problem is,
in chanichim and recognizing his bigger
madrichim have never bothered to properly
picture as a person, is fundamental in
find out why this chanich is acting this way.
building a relationship with our chanichim.
Chag Sameach!
(answer in next edition)
'We Jews are a community based on
memory. A common memory has kept
us together and enabled us to
survive… one generation passed on
to the next a memory which gained in
scope… This expanding memory was
more than a spiritual motif; it was a
power which sustained, fed, and
quickened Jewish existence itself.'
-Martin Buber
Jamie (HD United Kingdom)
Hi I'm Jamie from Habonim Dror United Kingdom. The seminar
in Brussels was an incredible experience to be a part of; I'm not
sure whether my highlight was HD Europe Mifkad at the amazing
Brussels Ken, or perhaps the treasure hunt around Brussels City.
Either way the seminar contained all the necessary ingredients for a
really exciting and really inspiring two days with our European Habo
family in a beautiful city. HDUK is extremely keen in fostering the
existing relations with our European counterparts and are actively
looking for ways to combine our movements with Machanot or
Siyurim around Europe. Allez L'Habonim!
HD Europe Leadership Seminar 2014 (cont’d)
Jeremy Baron (HD Belgium)
Bonjour à tous,
Je m'appelle Jeremy Baron, je suis le maskir de l'Habonim
Dror Belgique. Ce fut un honneur pour moi et pour la tzevet
madrihim de Bruxelles de pouvoir accueillir le deuxième séminaire
Europe dans notre Ken. Je tiens donc à remercier tous les
membres de l'Habonim Dror pour avoir pu organiser cet
événement incroyable! Bien entendu, je remercie également
l'HDUK, l'HDNL et l'HDFR
En ce qui me concerne et je crois parler au nom de l'HD
Belgique, ce séminaire nous a permis d'apprendre d'avantages
sur les pratiques et les idées des autres Habonim Dror d'Europe,
mais aussi cela nous a permis de changer notre visions de
l'Habonim Dror. Avant le séminaire nous étions chacun de notre
côté, chacun dans notre pays, mais à partir de maintenant nous
formons l'Habonim Dror Europe! Et c'est pour ça que je trouve ce
séminaire fantastique.
Ale Veagshem !
Itay Garmy (HD Holland)
Ik ben Itay Garmy uit Haboniem-Dror Nederland. Twee weken geleden
zijn we met het maziroet op een seminar in Brussel geweest van Haboniem
Olami. Tijdens het seminar leerden we alle Haboniem landen uit Europa
kennen. We gingen met elkaar overleggen en kijken hoe we Haboniem in
onze eigen thuisland kunnen verbeteren. Daarnaast gingen we met
zijn allen verhalen uitwisselen en kijken hoe elke Haboniem land zijn
idealen nastreeft.
Voor mij persoonlijk was het seminar in een woord fantastisch.
Brussel is een hele indrukwekkende stad en om op zo een plek
allemaal mensen te ontmoeten die hetzelfde met jou gemeen
hebben is heel interessant. Ik heb veel nieuwe dingen geleerd die
ik straks kan toepassen op Haboniem Nederland zoals de mifkad
van de Belgen tijdens elke afdeling of ideeën van de Engelsen
omtrent Shnat. Elk land voegde wat anders en nieuws toe en dat
maakte het seminar heel speciaal.
Haboniem Nederland kan ontzettend veel leren van Haboniem Europa
en er kan ook veel van ons geleerd worden. Het is aan HDN om te zorgen
dat we een leidende rol nemen binnen Europa en zorgen dat we uitgroeien
tot de grootste en levendste jeugdbeweging die er bestaat!
Aleh VeHagshem!
HD Europe Leadership Seminar 2014 (cont’d)
Benjamin Zeitoun (HD France – Paris)
Je voudrais commencer par remercier tout ceux qui ont contribué à l'organisation
de ce deuxième séminaire.
La rencontre des différents locaux nous a montré à quel point nous pouvons être
si différents mais pourtant si proches parce que tous réunis sous la bannière d'un
même mouvement, l'Habonim Dror.
Le Dror qui illustre encore une fois ici sa capacité à rapprocher les gens de
manière naturelle, familiale. Il nous montre aussi que le peuple juif est, et restera
un peuple soudé, regardant dans la même direction : Jérusalem.
L’État d'Israël a été l'objet de nombreuses activités, j'ai vite compris que nous
avons des visions différentes, des analyses et des critiques plus ou moins fortes à
son égard.
Nous nous sommes toutefois mis d'accord notamment sur le travail que nous
devons accomplir en tant que juif de diaspora pour que celui-ci soit reconnu à sa
juste valeur ou encore sur l'importance de l'Alyah dans les communautés juives.
Communautés juives qui se remettent fondamentalement en question aujourd'hui en lien avec les actualités plus ou moins
brulantes que nous vivons en Europe.
Nous remercions très chaleureusement la maman d'Arnaud Goldberg, siégeant au Parlement européen, qui nous a fait
l'honneur de nous rendre visite pour nous parler de toutes ces thématiques, ce fût une rencontre très enrichissante.
Concernant le Judaïsme, nous avons réussi à parler d'une même voix, constatant que notre judaïsme est celui de l'ouverture,
de la tolérance, de la volonté d'inclure un maximum de haverim afin de perpétuer nos traditions, nos valeurs, et notre histoire
commune en tant que juif.
Enfin, ce séminaire a été l'illustration de la communauté " Habonim Dror ".
Nous avons, à Paris, lancé comme beaucoup d'entre vous le savent déjà, un groupe facebook : " Habonim Dror's Couchsurfing
" qui vise à établir un réseau mondial afin de pouvoir se rencontrer et exploiter du mieux que l'on peut cette communauté, on tenait
à cet effet à vous remercier et à inviter ceux qui ne savaient pas à s'inscrire !
Ce n'est qu'un début, mais je constate que nous pouvons faire beaucoup si nous arrivons à nous rapprocher. Nous devons
resserrer les liens presque inexistants entre les différents locaux européens et mondiaux, cela peut nous être très bénéfique !
Le mélange des cultures, des traditions, des façons de penser, a toujours été un moteur dans l'histoire des peuples, alors
allons-y !
Ale Veagshem
Melanie (HD France – Marseille)
The seminar in Brussels was great! The meeting
between the countries was cool, we had a fantastic
Shabbat and we all had a lot of energy even after our 7am
flight delay!
This seminar allowed us each to understand the
different ways in which Habonim Dror operates worldwide.
We got inspired by all the ideas of people from different
countries and by the fact that so many Chaverim were
present on Saturday in Brussels!
Habonim Dror is my second family worldwide!!
See you soon!
Shalom Javerim:
encuentro con nosotros con el fin de pensar juntos sobre el
Queria compartirles un encuentro muy significativo y lindo
futuro del pueblo judio en esta zona del mundo. Nos contaron
que tuvimos dentro de nuestro seminar "Jazon" de Hanagot
un poco de historia de la comunidad y nos actualizaron con su
AMLAT este ultimo marzo en Punta del Este- Uruguay.
presente, sus puntos fuertes, sus exitos, sus desafios, sus
En Punta del Este (ciudad a dos horas de viaje de
dificultades, etc... Luego nos dividimos en tres grupos de
Montevideo- en Uruguay) hay una "relativamente" nueva
pensamiento y analisis conjunto, siendo que en cada grupo
comunidad judia (este ano cumple 10 anos) que cuenta con
habia manhiguim (lideres) de la tnua en Argentina, Brasil y
aproximadamente 100 familias que viven todo el ano en la
Uruguay y tambien de la comunidad de Punta. Juntos
ciudad y muchas mas que
pensamos en tres aspectos
vienen a pasar sus
vacaciones de verano
_ Como reforzar la identidad
judia en los ninos y en toda la
aproximadamente dos
_ Dilemas en relacion a la
anos que Madrijim de
educacion (tanto formal como
Habonim Dror viajan
no formal) y la relacion con la
semana a semana a dar
peulot a los chicos de
_ Como aumentar el contacto
dicha comunidad (entre
entre Habonim Dror en
5 – 15 anos), con la
Montevideo y la comunidad en
intencion de fortalecer
Punta (vision a futuro)
la identidad judia y
Fue un encuentro muy intenso,
transmitir valores judios
interesante y todos los que
tradicionales de nuestro
estuvimos en el salimos muy
Chazon Amlat 2014
Nuestro seminar
contentos y hasta emocionados
de lo que habia ocurrido alli.
La hanaga de Brasil, pudo
Jazon este ano se realizo en la chacra de Ronaldo (uno de los
aportar mucho de su exitosa experiencia con la comunidad de
directivos de dicha comunidad- ex-javer de habonim dror
Manaus desde hace unos 3 anos y con la reciente relacion
curitiba- brasil) quien de manera totalmente abierta y con la
con la comunidad de Fortaleza este ultimo ano.
mejor predispocicion que podriamos imaginar, nos ofrecio su
lugar para realizar el seminario.
Una vez mas , podemos decir que Habonim Dror continua
Ademas de permitirnos hacer el seminario alli, nos invito y
accionando en su quehacer educativo para fortalecer la
preparo un asado para todos, donde pudimos conocer
identidad judia de todo aquel que asi lo desee y por supuesto
tambien a toda su familia y nos invito a navegar, cosa que los
dando un marco nacional y mundial de pertenencia a un
bogrim aceptaron con enorme alegria!
marco judeo humanista-cultural.
Pero el encuentro mas importante y hasta emocionante
fue cuando unos 10 adultos de la comunidad llegaron al
Ale ve'Hagshem!
Miri Safirsztein
Everyone who could was expected to contribute something to it.
Pesach at Hurst Grange, Habonim
Much of it was humorous, full of "inside" topical references and
allusions, poking fun at ourselves, our way of life, our beliefs and
Hachshara Farm, UK (1951)
ideals, our elders; no sacred cow was safe from our satire. We worked
on it for many weeks in advance; when the manuscript was complete,
By Lionel Holland
it was typed on waxed paper sheets, to which decorative illustrations
were added by hand with a metal stylus, and finally mimeographed.
Life on hachsharah at Hurst Grange wasn't by any means all
I'm sure that in some Habonim archive, one or two of these
work and noisy argument. Habonim, although avowedly a secular
remarkable documents must be preserved (author's note: I was right, I
organization, attached great importance to Jewish festivals, which are,
recently saw a couple of them at Ami' ad)
after all, manifestations of Jewish national identity. One annual event
During the last couple of weeks before Passover, we would even
to which we paid particular attention at Hurst Grange was the
cut back on meetings and ideological discussions; preparations for
celebration of Passover. The central event of the Passover festival is,
the Seder took precedence over all else. Besides the production of the
of course, the reading of the "Hagadah": a compilation of stories,
Hagadah itself, the dining-room had to be decorated, with huge
recitations, prayers, songs, blessings, anecdotes, quotations from
coloured pictures of Passover themes covering the walls. In the
Jewish sages, psalms, hymns of praise to God the Deliverer - all
kitchen, special traditional Passover goodies were prepared and
having to do with the Exodus from Egypt. The Hagadah has existed in
baked, using matza meal, coconuts, sugared carrots, almonds - age-
its present form for longer than anyone knows - maybe two thousand
old recipes, used by Jewish cooks for century after century. This was
years. At an Orthodox Jewish Passover celebration, the Hagadah is
my first experience of Passover, and I was fascinated by every detail. I
read from beginning to
was just beginning to discover the
end; the reading
incredible richness of texture which
(presided over, and
Geoffrey Felberg
at the Hurst
Grange Refet
mostly led by, the family
patriarch) is interspersed
with songs, feasting, and
homiletic anecdotes and
Jewish culture has acquired, during
more than three thousand years of
continuous development.
Our Third Seder company usually
included several guests among
stories told by the elder
them, inevitably, Mr. and Mrs. W.,
males. Less strictly
Louis' parents. Louis was one of
religious families have
our unattached bachelor members.
each their own mode of
His mother was a Big Wheel in
observance. I've seen
many Zionist organizations, and
non-observant families
took a maternal interest in our
where the ritual part of
commune. She was a good woman,
the Passover feast is
who did us many kindnesses. Her
abbreviated to a few
visits remain associated in my mind
minutes. For these, the important aspect of the festival is the family
with an incredible temporary abundance of cigarettes. Louis was a
gathering (as is the case with Christmas, for many Christians).
heavy smoker who, like the rest of us, found it hard to make do with
At Hurst Grange we celebrated Passover on our own terms,
our tiny tobacco ration. It was ideologically unacceptable for his
based on the Socialist- Zionist doctrines of Habonim. Our festival was
mother to bring cigarettes only for him; whatever she brought had to
all about freedom, emancipation, national independence, and such
be shared out equally. So she would bring dozens and dozens of
like; with much emphasis, also, on the Spring aspect, in recognition of
packets, enough to ensure that even after an equitable distribution,
our commitment to cultivating the Land, and making the desert
Louis had plenty of smokes for a while, at least.
blossom like the rose. Our poetry readings at this season were heavy
with selections from "The Song of Songs", which we would read with
great relish, as erotic poetry. 'Thy belly is like an heap of wheat, set
about with lilies" ... heady stuff - perfect Spring fare for healthy
twenty-year-olds, through whose veins the hormone-rich blood was
racing joyfully. God the Deliverer of Israel was not mentioned - except,
oddly, in the ritual blessings which punctuate any Jewish ceremony,
for which we always stuck to the traditional formula "Blessed art Thou,
a Lord our God, King of the Universe ... " etc., etc. These pious words
always struck me as a bit incongruous, for such a godless bunch of
freethinkers as we were.
Our "Third Seder" took place during Hal Hamo'ed, a couple of
days later. For it, we wrote our own Passover Hagadah, a new one
every year. It was half paraphrase, half parody of the real thing.
Habonim members at the Hurst
Grange Hachshara farm
‫תנועת נוער‬
What’s going with the Haredi Draft?
By George Stevens
The issue of drafting ultra-Orthodox Jews has
dominated Israeli headlines for the last two
years. It brought Yair Lapid stunning electoral
success and a seat in the Finance Ministry. It
has been the source of large protests (in favor)
in Tel Aviv, and absolutely massive protests
(against) in Jerusalem. Thousands of ultraOrthodox have threatened to leave Israel over
the issue.
This rage helped make the brand-new
members are increasingly looking for work in
Yesh Atid party the second largest in Israel's
the outside world. But when they have a
Knesset in the 2013 elections, and its primary
primary school education in English,
condition for entering Netanyahu's coalition
mathematics, and science (if that), the vast
was drafting the ultra-Orthodox.
majority of jobs are closed off to them before
After much wrangling, a draft law was
finally passed last month. The law gradually
they begin looking.
The Israeli Ministry of Education needs to
increases the number of ultra-Orthodox meant
demand that young Haredim learn the basic
to be drafted, and by 2017 it will begin to
skills necessary to participate in the job market.
impose criminal sanctions on ultra-Orthodox
And perhaps more importantly, it needs to
men who do not enlist (though a significant
demand that they learn the basics of
number of exemptions exist). The law was
democracy and modernity: civic participation,
takes the future of the Haredi public as a life-
passed in a marathon session along with the
equality, critical thinking skills, the scientific
or-death issue for the Jewish state. Jeffrey
"governability" law (which increases the
method, the workings of nation-states, and
Goldberg, perhaps the preeminent American
electoral threshold from 2% to 3.25%, and
Jewish journalist, concluded that the
which will probably force the Arab parties to
Haredim threaten Zionism. Aluf Benn, chief
unite), and the referendum law, which will
stake regarding the integration of Israel's
editor of Haaretz, views them as more of an
require any future peace deal with the
rapidly growing ultra-Orthodox minority. Their
existential threat than the occupation or Iranian
Palestinian to pass a popular referendum in
continued self-segregation will cripple Israel's
which all Israeli citizens can vote on the
economy, threaten Israel's existence as a
outcome of the poll.
democratic state which accepts the norms of
More than that, much of the Jewish world
So what's going on? And what exactly is
at stake?
In the early days of Israel's existence,
The entire Israeli opposition – the Left, the
The future of the Jewish state really is at
the Enlightenment, and undermine the
ultra-Orthodox parties, and the Arab parties –
revolution the Zionist movement brought to the
Ben-Gurion granted draft exemption to 400
boycotted the votes on all three bills. Isaac
Jewish world. While military integration may be
outstanding yeshiva scholars. That number
Herzog of Labor has enjoyed a bit more
a partial step in the right direction, more
swelled to 8,000 by 1977 and 40,000 per year
popularity since these votes, and there are
fundamental shifts in the school system and
by 2005. These numbers, which were at first
rumors afloat that the ultra-Orthodox parties –
the job market are the only way to solve the
meant to be a token gesture, now threaten to
which once supported Rabin and Labor but
problem at its core.
undermine the concept of a "people's army"
have been with Netanyahu and the right for the
which has always been at the heart of Israeli
last two decades – could again be moving
democracy. The "people's army" concept,
back towards an alliance with Avodah.
which was largely formulated by French
What can we conclude from this? Firstly,
socialist Jean Jaurès, is one of the few things
more ultra-Orthodox men will likely don IDF
that has near-total consensus in the Zionist
uniforms in the coming years, which will be a
movement and in mainstream Israel (though,
painful but good adjustment for the unity of
quite clearly, not among the ultra-Orthodox or
Israeli society.
Arab sectors). But secondly, the ultra-Orthodox will
The army in Israel is not just a military
remain on the margins of Israeli society, far
force; it is an educational institution, a force for
from the norms of modernity, science, and
social cohesion, a great equalizer in which
democracy. While Israel has a profound, gut-
social class is largely irrelevant and in which
level attachment to its army, ultra-Orthodox
highly divergent cross-sections of Israeli
integration requires massive educational and
society – Ashkenazim, Mizrahim, Russians,
economic shifts, not military ones.
Druze, Ethiopians, Bedouin – spend years of
their lives together.
The mainstream Israeli public has grown
The Haredi school system is separate from (but
funded by) the more mainstream Israeli
angrier and angrier as the ultra-Orthodox have
education system. That needs to end, or at the
increasingly avoided military service and
very least, students need to learn core
moved away from participation in society and
curriculum subjects beyond eighth grade.
the economy.
Crippling poverty is rampant in the ultraOrthodox sector, and their younger
Fazendo e vivendo história
-Richard Sihel
A grande maioria dos judeus sabe que o seder de pessach de uma casa é diferente da outra. Existem as casas que fazem o seder completo,
as que fazem só a parte antes da comida, as que só comem, as que fazem algumas rezas ou algumas canções. Há uma infinidade de estilos e
não tem como dizer que um é melhor do que o outro.
Sempre foi comum as tnuot fazerem encontros referentes ao judaismo como um Kabalat Shabat na sexta-feira de vez em
quando, contruir e fazer uma refeição na suca, um seder de pessach entre outros, mas nos ultimos anos algo nitidamente mudou. Não é mais
fazer um simples encontro judaico com modificações dos tradicionais para atrair pessoas e ser simplesmente agradavel. Esta crescendo um novo
estilo de judaismo, o cultural humanista. Essa linha que preza em trazer a história e a cultura trazendo pessoas para sedarim, muito além da “lei
Neste ano, o Habonim Dror Brasil declarou que estamos vivendo o ano do Judaismo Cultural Humanista e com isso estamos
nos esforçando para melhorar os nossos marcos judaicos para ficarem cada vez mais com a nossa cara. A ideia é que da mesma maneira que os
ortodoxos, os reformista, os conservadores e todos os outros tem a sua maneira já mais consolidada de praticar o seu judaismo, nós estamos
criando o nosso jeito de seguir o que acreditamos e provavelmente não será algo regrado e sim sugestões e ideias de como realizar esses
marcos, prezando pela individualidade e produção cultural de cada um.
A festividade de pessach sempre foi especial para o nosso povo e para nós do Habonim Dror não é diferente. Normalmente o
seder cultural humanista, que é feito antes dos sedarim das casas de cada um, é um dos grandes eventos do ano para os snifim que o realizam,
unindo cada vez mais pessoas que sabem que cada ano é diferente do outro e sempre vão para descobrir “o que esta noite tem de diferente de
todas as outras”.
Ido Hersko Habonim Dror Belgium
Name / Age / Aliyah-age: Ido
from Habonim Dror Belgium.
Part of Habo since when:
Hersko,18. I made Aliyah
Age 13.
Where do you live now and what do you do?: I live in
Haifa, I'm serving in the IDF, got drafted this February.
Israel to you is…: Home, Shelter, very simple, I don’t
have better words to describe it.
Besides your snif, which Habo snif is the best?: Paris
(sorry Marseille…)
Gordon or Katznelson?: Gordon, I'm all about manual labor.
Bonfire or Ash-Layla?:
If Habonim Dror were a fruit or vegetable, what would it
be?: Watermelon, it looks funky from the outside, but only
when you get to know it from the inside, you realize how
amazing it is.
What song can't you get out of your head right now?: Shlomo Artzi – Teta'aru Lachem.
What do you have to say to Habonim Dror bogrim who are contemplating making Aliyah? I’d tell them
to do it. You come closest to the essence of these magic words that we've been hearing in the
movement; Alo Na’aleh, it's really a closing of circle. Also when you’re here will you realize
how much you belong here and how much olim are being appreciated.
Uri Avnery
Avnery was born as Helmut Ostermann on
For forty years,
September 10, 1923, in Beckum, Westphalia.
Haolam Hazeh
His father, member of an old-established well-
attracted an unusually
to-do German Jewish family. As a veteran
large dose of both
Zionist, he took his family to Palestine
admiration and hatred,
immediately upon Hitler's rise to power (1933).
because of its untiring
In Palestine, he quickly lost the considerable
opposition to the
capital he had brought with him, and had to do
official "consensus"
hard manual work, as did his wife. Avnery
on nearly all issues. At
attended elementary school in Nahalal.
the base of the
In 1938, just before turning 15, he joined
controversy was
the Irgun underground (Etzel), in order to take
Avnery's unflinching
part in the fight against the British colonial
opposition to the
regime. He served for three years, but left the
Irgun in protest against its anti-Arab and
theocratic 'Jewish
reactionary social attitudes and terrorist
state" created by Ben-Gurion, and his advocacy
Bank and the Gaza Strip, which had just been
methods. Later he explained his attitude in a
of a modern, liberal state, belonging to all its
occupied by the Israeli Army. This idea, which
booklet entitled "Terrorism, the infantile disease
has been put forward by Avnery since 1948,
of the Hebrew revolution" (1945).
In September 1947, on the eve of the
Israeli-Palestinian war, Avnery published a
Perhaps the most important battle won by
Avnery was the gradual change in Israeli
national consciousness from a total negation of
and which he outlined in a detailed plan in
1957, became his central theme since.
In 1974, with the beginning of the change
booklet entitled "War or Peace in the Semitic
the very existence of a Palestinian people
in the PLO line, Avnery established contact with
Region", which called for a radically new
towards the general recognition which made
senior PLO officials. At the beginning these
approach: An alliance of the Hebrew and Arab
the Oslo agreement possible. This was a weekly
contacts were at secret, but Avnery reported on
national movements in order to liberate the
effort that took some 40 years.
them to the then Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin.
common "Semitic Region" (a term coined by
The most resolute attempt to silence
For Arafat, the contacts were conducted by the
Avnery in order to avoid the colonialist term
Avnery was made in 1965, when the
PLO representative in London, Sa'id Hamami,
Middle East) from imperialism and colonialism,
government enacted a special press law,
who was murdered because of this in 1978 by
and create a Semitic community and common
admittedly aimed mainly against "that certain
Palestinian extremists. The contacts assumed a
market, as a part of the emerging third world.
magazine" (as Haolam Hazeh was always called
new dimension in July 1982, when Avnery
by Ben-Gurion) This provided the final push for
crossed the lines at the height of the battle of
his experiences as a combat soldier in the
starting an operation which has been in
Beirut and publicly met the leader of the
Givati Brigade who took part in nearly all the
Avnery's mind for a long time: the creation of a
"enemy", Yassir Arafat, with whom he has met
major battles on the Jerusalem and southern
new political party to fight for the principles
since then many times.
fronts. These reports, which appeared in
advocated by Haolam Hazeh.
Throughout the war, Avnery reported on
Ha'aretz, were published after the war as a
The new party (which adopted the name of
In 1977, Avnery's party joined with several
other peace groups in forming a new party,
book, "Bisdoth Pleshet 1948" ("In the Fields of
the magazine and called itself "Haolam Hazeh -
"Shelli", which won two seats in the elections of
the Philistines, 1948"), which became overnight
New Force Movement") came into being on the
that year. Avnery returned to the Knesset in
the biggest bestseller of that .
eve of the 1965 elections as a citizens'
1979, but gave up his seat in 1981, to make
volunteer movement. It astounded the
place for an Arab colleague.
In 1949, the editor of Ha'aretz invited
Avnery to join his staff as a writer of editorials.
establishment by winning a seat in the Knesset,
The city of Osnabrueck has awarded
After one year Avnery quit, protesting that he
at that time an unprecedented feat for a
Avnery the Erich Maria Remarque Peace Price
was not allowed to express his opinions,
completely new party. In the 1969 elections it
for 1995. Since then, he was awarded the
especially concerning mass expropriation of
gained two seats. During his first eight years in
Aachen Peace Prize (Germany), the Kreisky
Arab lands by the Ben-Gurion government.
the Knesset, even his enemies described
Price for Human Rights (Austria) and the Lower
Thereupon, in April 1950, he bought a moribund
Avnery as one of Israel's foremost
Saxony State Prize (Germany) as outstanding
family magazine and turned it into a unique
parliamentarians. He had a lasting impact on
publicist (awarded personally by Gerhard
Israeli institution. Haolam Hazeh was a
the Knesset, making more than a thousand
combination of a mass-circulation
speeches in the Knesset plenum.
newsmagazine, and a mouthpiece of aggressive
On the fifth day of the Six-Day War, Avnery
In 1999 Avnery called for the election of
Ehud Barak, but was soon disappointed by the
political opposition to the establishment, with
addressed an open letter to the Prime Minister,
inability or unwillingness of Barak to move
exposes of political and economic corruption
Levi Eshkol, calling upon him to make a
decisively towards peace and by his continued
and proposals for a radically different national
dramatic gesture and offer the Palestinian
settlement activity. Nowadays, Avnery still
people the opportunity to create an
publishes articles for several media and makes
independent State of Palestine on the West
regular appearances on Israeli and foreign TV
and radio.
‫ לסיפורים שבמרכזם‬,‫ לאכילת מאכלים לא כל כך טעימים‬,‫ משירת שירים‬.‫פסח הינו פעולת החינוך הבלתי פורמאלית בטובה ביותר של העם היהודי‬
,‫ מידיהם של אחרים‬,‫ אנחנו נלמד על גאולת העם היהודי‬,‫ בערב בליל הסדר‬.‫ הכל נמצא שם‬,‫עומדות השאלות ׳מי אנחנו׳ ו׳היכן אנחנו רוצים להיות׳‬
‫ אין אדם העומד מעלינו עם‬,‫ כיום‬.‫ פעם בשנה אנו מתכנסים ומזכירים לעצמנו שפעם היינו עבדים לפרעה במצרים‬.‫לחופש של בחירה והגדרה עצמית‬
‫ אך הבה ניקח את הזמן בליל הסדר ונאתגר את עצמנו עם השאלה מה משעבד אתנו וכיצד נוכל להשאר עם‬,‫שוט בידו‬
.‫ אהבה ושמחה‬,‫ שותפות‬,‫ מלא משמעות‬,‫אנו מאכלים לכם חג פסח שמח‬
.‫חג שמח‬
Pesach is the best informal education pe'ula the Jewish people have. From singing songs, eating not so tasty
stuff to just telling stories that have at their center who we are and who we want to be, it's all there. Tonight at the seder we'll learn about the
redemption of the Jewish people, from the hands of other to a freedom of self-determination and choice. Once a year we come together and
remind ourselves that once we were slaves onto Pharao. Today we do not have a man with a whip standing over us, but let us take the time at
the seder challenge ourselves with what is enslaving us today, and how we can remain a free people.
We wish you all a happy Pesach, one filled with meaning, partnership, love and happiness.
Chag sameach
love HDNL
Fantasy premier league scout
Leandro Bacuna (Aston Villa)
Low cost player, who always plays. Gave 8 assists this season, and Villa has a
relatively easy schedule ahead.
Our next issue of Habinyan will be coming out Before Yom Hatamaut if you would like to submit
somthing for our next issue please be in contact with Samo (Recuz Chinuch HDO) dansamo@gmail.com
you have until the 22nd April to submit all content.
This publication is the official World Habonim Dror magazine. Habonim-Dror is a Socialist-Zionist
Jewish youth movement, formed by the 1982 merger of Habonim and Dror youth movements.
Editor: Daniel Samowitz and Shai Bar-Ephraim
Authors: Julian Resnick, Benjamin Zeitoun, Miri Safirsztein, Lionel Holland, George Stevens,
Richard Sihel
Catalog design: Daniel Samowitz
Director of publications: Shai Bar-Ephraim
Project manager: Daniel Samowitz
Every effort has been made to contact copyright holders and to ensure that all the information
presented is correct. Some of the facts in this volume may be subject to debate or dispute. If
proper copyright acknowledgment has not been made, or for clarifications and corrections, please
contact the publishers and we will correct the information in future reprintings, if any.