Claudio Pisa, UK


Claudio Pisa, UK
CLAUDIO PISA CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL INFORMATIONS NAME: SURNAME: DATE OF BIRTH: PLACE OF BIRTH: HEIGHT: WEIGHT: RESIDENT IN: POSTE CODE: RESIDENT IN GERMANY: NATIONALITY: TELEPHONE NUMBER: MOBILE NUMBER: GERMAN NUMBER E-­‐MAIL: Claudio Pisa 05/12/1987 Naples 1.80 m 72 Kg Via dell’Epomeo, 16 80126, Napoli, Italy Bahnhofstraße 69 35390 Gießen, Germany Italian +39 0817144627 +39 3349763219 0176 27063139 EDUCATION AND TRAINING He graduated in dance from “Centro Regionale della Danza Lyceum di Napoli” directed by Mara Fusco. High school graduate at Liceo Scientifico Statale “Galileo Galilei” in Naples. LAST EMPLOYMENT •
2013 – 2014 From the summer 2013 he works with the Stadttheater Gießen – TanzCompagnie.
2003 – 2012 Fabula Saltica PINOCCHIO; PRESTO LENTO PRESTO; PULCINELLA, choreography by Claudio
Ronda. Opera UN BALLO IN MASCHERA, directed by Ivan Stefanutti, choreography
by Fabrizio Paganini. He is assistant of Ismael Ivo in his dance class for the festival ImPulsTanz 2012, in Wien, and he is choreography assistant for the production of La Biennale di Venezia -­‐ Arsenale della Danza 2012 and for the show BUTTERFLY EFFECT, for the festival "Tones on the Stones" in Verbania (VB). RBR Dance Company VARIETAS DELECTAT, choreography by Cristiano Fagioli and Cristina Ledri. Fabula Saltica PRESTO LENTO PRESTO; PULCINELLA, choreography by Claudio Ronda. La Biennale di Venezia BABILONIA -­‐ IL TERZO PARADISO, choreography by Ismael Ivo. He danced in the veneto tour in the capitals of the region and in the brasilian tour in the city of St. Paul and Santos. He is invited for the second
year from the director of Biennale di Venezia, Ismael Ivo, as worthy dancer
from Arsenale della Danza 2010, to join at the new project of Arsenale della
Danza 2011. Les Danseurs Napolitains SACRIFICIUM – VICTIMS OF MUSICAL SENSUALITY, choreography by Ismael
Ivo. Borderline Danza LEGAMI; VARIAZIONI BAROCCHE, choreography by Claudio Malangone. Les Danseurs Napolitains LES SACRE DU PRINTEMPS, choreography by Ismael Ivo. La Biennale di Venezia THE WAST LAND, choreography by Ismael Ivo. OXYGEN, choreography by Ismael Ivo, live music by “Orchestra di Padova e
del Veneto”. He participated in the project “ARSENALE DELLA DANZA 2010, THE ART OF
PERFORMER” at “La Biennale di Venezia”. He took part in the creation of
the opening show of “7° Festival Internazionale di Danza Contemporanea
Capturing Emotion”. Balletto di Napoli PAR UNA CHAUD; IL PIPISTRELLO, choreography by Ricardo Nunez. LE FIABE DANZATE, choreography by Mara Fusco. THE UNCONSCIOUS, choreography by Mara Fusco, live music by “Nuova
Orchestra Scarlatti”. LES SACRE DU PRINTEMPS, original choreography by Maurice Bejart revisited by Susanna Sastro. Compagnia di danza Korper LA BISBETICA DOMATA, choreography by Giuseppe Parente. FORMATIVE WORKSHOP ATTENDED
In July 2007 he attended the summer school at “Ecole Supérieure de Danse de Cannes, Rosella Haightawer” directed by Monique Loudieres. Ballet Contemporary Dance Denys Ganio, Vladimir Vasiliev, Roland Price, J. Barret, Eric Quilleré, Brigitte
Hermetz, James Urbain, Ivan Tzanov, Ricardo Nunez, Agostino D’Aloja, Fabio Molfesi, Ugo Ranieri, Gigi Neri, Guy de Bock, Stefania Aloj. Wim Vandekeybus, Brock Labrenz, Máte Mészaros, Tuomo Railo, Emilio Calcagno, Marion Ballester, Niels “Storm” Robitzky, Fernando Machado, Plinio Ferreira Dos Santos, Othella Dallas, Francesco Nappa, Francesca Harper, Kenji Takagi, Geyvan McMillen, Tan Temel, Sernaz Demirel, José Navas, Daniel Léveillé, Sophie, Corriveau, Ryuzo Fukuhara, Inaki Azpillaga, Yasmeen Godder, Itzik Giuli, Karl Alfred Schreiner, Ismael Ivo, Diego Watzke, D. Larin, Giacomo Calabrese, Claudio Malangone, Christopher Duveau, Roberto Zappalà, Fortunato Angelini, Giuseppe Parente, Alessia Scala. Modern Dance Max Luna III, Roberto Salaorni, Max Bartolini, Eugenio de Vincenzi, Ettore Squillace, Jeffrey Carte. Character Dance Michael Berkut, Paola Scelzo. Caraibic Dance Antonio Carlino, Roberta Piccolo. LANGUAGE SPEAKING First language: Italian Other languages: English Il sottoscritto è a conoscenza che, ai sensi dell’art. 26 della legge 15/68, le dichiarazioni mendaci, la falsità negli atti e l’uso di atti falsi sono puniti ai sensi del codice penale e delle leggi speciali.
Inoltre, il sottoscritto autorizza al trattamento dei dati personali, secondo quanto previsto dalla Legge 675/96 del 31 dicembre 1996.
Gießen, 04/02/2014