Terms and Terminology For CIRP and ICISF - Air Safety Forum
Terms and Terminology For CIRP and ICISF - Air Safety Forum
Terms and Terminology For CIRP and ICISF Louise Cullinan Air Line Pilots Association, International Critical Incident Response Committee (CIRP) National Chair Critical Incident Response Program Purpose: To mitigate the impact of an incident or accident and aid recovery before stress reactions damage job performance, careers, families, and health. Recognize that it is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) First responders ► Firefighters ► Police officers ► Emergency room health professionals ► Critical Incident Response Program ► Aloha 243, Mimi Tompkins ► Peer to peer Demobilization Demobilization After disaster or large-scale incident ► For large groups of emergency responders ► Goals: ► Secondary psychological screening Psychological decompression Rest Refreshment Information Outreach Crisis Management Briefing (CMB) Crisis Management Briefing ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Provide information Provide a sense of leadership Reduce sense of chaos Re-establish a sense of community Enhance credibility Psychological screening Rumor control Provide coping resources Engender cohesion, morale Defusing Debriefing CMB 3-Phase 7-Phase 3-Phase • Introduction • Exploration • Information • • • • • • • Introduction Fact Thought Reaction Symptom Teaching Re-Entry • Introduction • Facts • Information Crisis Management Briefing Phase 1: Introduction ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Introduce team members State purpose / describe process Motivate participants Set ground rules Stress confidentiality Not investigative No one forced to speak All viewpoints are important Crisis Management Briefing Phase 2: Facts Ask for brief description of event ► Group members share experiences of the event only as much as they wish ► Ask clarifying questions ► Look for themes / concerns ► Assess need for more help ► Reassure as necessary ► Crisis Management Briefing Phase 3: Information Acknowledge / summarize the group exploration ► Normalize experiences and / or reactions ► Rest / family life / stress management ► Offer additional help such as one-on-ones ► Teach key stress survival skills ► Emphasize taking care of self ► Questions? ALPA National CIRP Chairman Louise Cullinan Louise.Cullinan@alpa.org 970 291-9367 ALPA National CIRP Vice Chairs Bill Cheney Bill.Cheney@alpa.org 732 979-4993 Tony Faul Tony.Faul@alpa.org 703 624-2352