STEM Education - Research Program on Digital Communications


STEM Education - Research Program on Digital Communications
STEM Education:
A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Luis Torres, MA.T.
Christopher Peña
Karina Camacho
Priscilla Silva
League of United Latin American Citizens
Washington, D.C.
Other Time Warner Cable Research Program on
Digital Communications Publications
Richard Bennett
Remaking the Internet: Taking Network Architecture to the Next Level
Sara Champion, Katrina Kosec, and Christopher Stanton
The Effects of Internet Access on Labor-Supply Decisions
Charles M. Davidson and Michael J. Santorelli
Realizing the Smart Grid Imperative: A Framework for Enhancing Collaboration Between Energy
Utilities and Broadband Service Providers
Krishna Jayakar
Between Markets and Mandates: Approaches to Promoting Broadband Access for Persons with
Fernando Laguarda (editor)
The Future of Digital Communications: Policy Perspectives
John Palfrey, “The Challenge of Developing Effective Public Policy on the Use of Social
Media by Youth”
Nicol Turner-Lee, “The Challenge of Increasing Civic Engagement in the Digital Age”
Scott Wallsten, “The Future of Digital Communications Research and Policy”
Fernando Laguarda (editor)
The Future of Digital Communications: Technical Perspectives
Dale N. Hatfield, “The Challenge of Increasing Broadband Capacity”
Christopher S. Yoo, “The Challenge of New Patterns in Internet Usage”
Matthew D. Matsaganis
Broadband Adoption and Internet Use Among Latinos
Philip M. Napoli
Program Value in the Evolving Television Audience Marketplace
Jeffrey Prince
The Dynamic Effects of Triple Play Bundling in Telecommunications
Scott J. Savage, Donald M. Waldman, and Scott Hiller
Market Structure and Media Diversity
Catherine Tucker
Social Networks, Personalized Advertising, and Perceptions of Privacy Control
Madura Wijewardena, Chanelle Hardy, and Valerie Wilson
Connecting the Dots: Linking Broadband Adoption to Job Creation and Job Competitiveness
All publications are available at
Table of Contents
Foreword................................................................................................................................................... 3
By Fernando R. Laguarda, Time Warner Cable
Message from the League of United Latin American Citizens.................................................. 4
By Margaret Moran, LULAC National President
Abstract..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Section One: The STEM Landscape...................................................................................................6
What is STEM?.......................................................................................................................................6
What are STEM Jobs?............................................................................................................................6
Trends in STEM Field Employment....................................................................................................7
Obtaining a Higher Education is Critical to Securing a STEM Job................................................8
Challenges in Access to STEM-Focused Education .........................................................................8
STEM Jobs Accessibility and Competition.........................................................................................9
Statistical Benefits of STEM Employment........................................................................................10
Profile of Employees in the STEM Sector.........................................................................................10
Section Two: Latinos in STEM............................................................................................................. 11
Latinos Leading U.S. Population Trends ..........................................................................................11
Latinos Pursuing STEM Career Opportunities in Low Numbers.................................................11
Latino Support for Higher Education Strong, But Challenges Exist............................................11
Disparities in the STEM Education Pipeline for Latinos...............................................................12
Early Participation in and Exposure to STEM Education are Key ..............................................12
STEM Preparedness is Low ...............................................................................................................12
Education Disparities among Racial and Ethnic Groups...............................................................13
Teacher Preparation, School Funding, Resources Hinder Latino STEM Success.......................13
STEM Retention Challenges in College Linked to Lack of Preparation .....................................13
Section Three: Women in STEM ........................................................................................................15
Gap between Women and Men in STEM Employment, Earnings, and Education....................15
The Gender Gap Persists in Spite of Early Academic Achievement.............................................15
Difficulty for Latinas in STEM...........................................................................................................16
Section Four: LULAC’s Current Work ...............................................................................................17
Nuestra Historia: Decades Committed to Education Equality .....................................................17
Youth Engagement Efforts..................................................................................................................17
Opportunities for Leadership, Mentorship, and Support.........................................................17
Supplemental Financial Support through Scholarships ...........................................................18
Parent Engagement Efforts.................................................................................................................18
Community Engagement Efforts.......................................................................................................19
Engagement and Education Infrastructure......................................................................................20
Education Centers..........................................................................................................................20
Technology Centers........................................................................................................................20
LULAC National Educational Services Centers (LNESC)........................................................21
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Section Five: LULAC’s Role in Improving STEM Education, and Recommendations .......22
Youth Education and Engagement.....................................................................................................22
Parent Education and Engagement....................................................................................................23
Community Access to Technology, Technology Programming, and Information in
Underserved Areas...............................................................................................................................24
Increased Financial Resources for Low-Income Students Wishing to Pursue Higher
Section Six: Closing Thoughts..........................................................................................................25
Appendix ................................................................................................................................................26
About the Authors/Research Team................................................................................................ 32
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
By Fernando R. Laguarda, Time Warner Cable
On behalf of the Time Warner Cable Research Program on Digital
Communications, we’re proud to present this important examination on
the state of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education
for the Latino population.
The Research Program exists to support scholarship on communications
and the web of interrelated topics. Recent analysis shows that the United
States is doing well with respect to broadband availability. Nationwide, we
have wider access, better pricing, and more options than in the European
Union. As more education shifts online, this infrastructural advantage
can help students better compete for STEM careers. The issue goes beyond the classroom. Time
Warner Cable’s “Connect a Million Minds” program has dedicated resources to the informal education space, exposing students to the wonder of STEM out of the classroom. We’re proud to have
recently connected our one millionth mind, but the program is not the end. The idea is to inspire
children to study hard by piquing their curiosity. But it’s not enough to rest on our laurels. Despite
our strong performance, we must push ourselves to improve.
This makes STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success particularly
timely. In 2011, the National Academies called attention to systemic problems in Expanding
Underrepresented Minority Participation: America’s Science and Technology Talent at the Crossroads.
As they put it, “Minorities are seriously underrepresented in science and engineering, yet they are
also the most rapidly growing segment of the population.” The National Academies learned that
the gap has enormous costs, obstructing our ability to grow the STEM talent pool and compete
Three years later, Luis Torres and his colleagues at the League of United Latin American Citizens
(LULAC) have continued the conversation. This report notes that 26 million jobs in the United
States require specialized STEM knowledge, and by 2020 this figure will top 35 million. The need
is far outpacing the available workforce. The numbers also demonstrate Latinos are still underrepresented. Despite being 17% of our population—a figure that will double by 2060—Latinos only
constituted 7% of the STEM workforce in 2011. For those who’ve entered the field, their median
salary was over $10,000 less than non-Hispanic whites. LULAC offers constructive ideas on closing the gap. The report points out the value of youth education and engagement and the need for
more parental and community participation as key drivers for improvement, along with scholarships to make education a reality. These strategies, among others, are needed to help the Latino
community—and the country—compete for the long term.
Our hope is that this report continues a much-needed ongoing conversation on how to make
tomorrow’s economy more inclusive. We’ll all benefit when the STEM workforce reflects our
nation’s rich diversity.
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Message from the League of
United Latin American Citizens
By Margaret Moran, LULAC National President
Since 1929, the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) has
worked to expand the educational attainment of Latinos. As we celebrate
the 85th anniversary of our organization’s founding, LULAC remains committed to continuing this work. With a vast grassroots network of over
135,000 members and 1,000 councils in 37 states, the District of Columbia,
and Puerto Rico, LULAC is the oldest and largest Latino advocacy organization in the country. It is LULAC’s capacity for outreach that provides
the mechanism to advance education and other initiatives that empower
Latinos with the information, skills, and networks necessary to succeed.
Among other existing initiatives, STEM education is especially important to LULAC. As STEM
fields’ employment and career opportunities rapidly expand, our organization seeks to educate
and engage our community in opportunities that facilitate meaningful experiences, network connections, awareness, and empowerment. With over 50 technology centers in key states across the
country, LULAC provides underserved areas with critical access to computers, the Internet, and
a host of community programming opportunities that set a foundation for enhancing important technical skills required for STEM. Our national events — including the LULAC Legislative
Conference, National Convention, Latinos Living Healthy Community Health Festival, ACTober
Advocacy Days, Women’s Conference, and various state conventions — convene and serve thousands of people each year, providing spaces to disseminate critical information, and opportunities
for the Latino community to interact with countless experts, policy leaders, and advocates on relevant and immediate issues of importance. We hope to include STEM education as an important
component of these events.
LULAC is grateful for the opportunity to partner with Time Warner Cable on this STEM report.
We are proud to feature talent from our policy department, which includes policy fellows and
interns—the next generation of LULAC leaders. As a volunteer organization, LULAC relies on the
commitment and expertise of its vast membership to drive community change. This STEM report
is no different. With a grassroots perspective and a focus on engagement and advocacy, our organization hopes that the information in this report will help empower Latino advocates, parents,
students, and others with the information to expand the pipeline of Latinos into the STEM fields.
We also hope to raise critical awareness of the potential of STEM education as a bridge that connects Latinos to future economic opportunities and success.
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Leaders in education and industry have long emphasized the need for high school graduates to
have improved knowledge and skills in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Given the immense impact of STEM fields on both the domestic job market and
the global economy in the 21st century, STEM preparation will be critical for achieving a successful academic career and professional development, providing well-prepared students the skills
needed to pursue careers in cutting-edge fields. Through this report, LULAC will show how a
STEM education provides excellent opportunities for future economic and career growth that can
help serve as a bridge to opportunity and success.
This paper examines the career opportunities that exist in the STEM fields, as well as the current
educational landscape for Latinos and women in STEM, and highlights LULAC’s work in positively contributing to STEM career development. The paper also highlights recommendations for
improving access to STEM preparation and resources in the Latino community, with a particular
emphasis on community engagement.
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Section One: The STEM Landscape
“... Leadership tomorrow depends on how we educate our students
today—especially in science, technology, engineering and math.”
— President Barack Obama, September 16, 2010
Our technology-driven world has increased demand for qualified employees in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. These areas of study have been grouped due
to their intertwined relationship and their interdisciplinary application in the professional world.
What is STEM?
The National Research Council defines STEM as follows:1
Figure 1: The NRC’s Definition of STEM
Science is the study of the natural world, including the laws of nature associated with physics,
chemistry, and biology and the treatment or application of facts, principles, concepts, or conventions
associated with these disciplines.
Technology comprises the entire system of people and organizations, knowledge, processes, and
devices that go into creating and operating technological artifacts, as well as the artifacts themselves.
Engineering is a body of knowledge about the design and creation of products and a process for
solving problems. Engineering utilizes concepts in science and mathematics and technological tools.
Mathematics is the study of patterns and relationships among quantities, numbers, and shapes.
Mathematics includes theoretical mathematics and applied mathematics.
What are STEM Jobs?
In its 2011 report, the Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA) categorizes functional
STEM positions into professional, technical, and managerial support occupations in the areas of
computer science and mathematics, engineering, and life and physical sciences:2
STEM careers are essential for economic growth and competitiveness in an innovation-driven
economy. Companies search for students who can use an understanding of science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics to develop projects and concepts as global leaders.3 STEM expertise
provides employees with foundational skills such as effective leadership, critical thinking, problem
solving, and communication along with technical skills to equip future employees with the tools to
successfully complete professional projects.
Note: This paper was written with financial support from the Time Warner Cable Research Program on Digital Communications, 2014. The
views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of Time Warner Cable or the Time Warner Cable Research Program on
Digital Communications.
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Figure 2: The ESA Classifications of STEM
Computer Science
and Mathematics
Life and Physical
Trends in STEM Field Employment
In 2010, the Economics and Statistics Administration found that there were 7.6 million employees
in the STEM fields, accounting for as much as 5.3% of the workforce, and these figures are steadily
The largest group of STEM positions are within the computer and math fields, which account for
47% of all STEM jobs. Applied mathematics is represented by engineering and surveying occupations, which account for approximately 33% of all STEM jobs. 4 Just 12% of the jobs in the ESA
study are in fields related to life and physical sciences, although these fields are crucial in improving health and increasing understanding of natural scientific processes. The remaining 8% of jobs
are classified as STEM management, which is important to the day-to-day operations of some of
the most innovative industries.5
The economic outlook for STEM positions in the near and medium term is strong. Because of
heavy reliance on computers and technology, firms of all sizes search for innovative employees to
create the next generation of technology. The sciences will also play an ever-larger role in improving the health of the public with groundbreaking treatments and medication. The overlap of
medicine and computers in the emerging bioinformatics field continues to accelerate. In all these
disciplines, mathematics, statistics, and high-throughput data analysis will continue to be at the
core of any new developments.
Projected Percentage in Job Increases (2010–2020)
Figure 3: Projected Percentage Increases in STEM Jobs: 2010–2020
Mathematics Computer
Source: Department of Education,
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Positions in STEM fields, and those supported by specialized knowledge of STEM, currently make
up 20% of jobs in the U.S. market, accounting for 26 million positions. This figure will continue
to increase. 6 By the year 2020, the number of STEM jobs will increase by 9.2 million, 4.6 million
of which will be directly related to computing. 7 This is significant, as employment in computer
system design and related services depends heavily on high-level math and problem-solving skills.8
Although there are abundant career opportunities in STEM, it is important to note that the skills
learned through STEM education are easily transferable to non-STEM positions.9 These skills
include, but are not limited to:
• Multitasking
• Critical thinking
• Research
• Problem solving
• Perseverance
• Effective communication in writing and speech
As such, a STEM education can provide a set of foundational skills that carry over into many different career paths, ultimately highlighting its importance in the classroom.
Obtaining a Higher Education is Critical to Securing a STEM Job
Today’s job market requires a high level of education from potential employees. A study in 2008
demonstrated that 59% of all jobs in the U.S. economy require education after high school.10 In
2012, more than 50% of the 30 fastest-growing occupations required some level of education
beyond high school. The National Math and Science Initiative also states that “all of the increase
in employment over the past two decades has been among workers who have taken at least some
college classes or who have Associate or Bachelor’s degrees—and mostly among workers with
Bachelor’s degrees.” 11
The need for higher education is especially true for STEM jobs, which almost always require
a college degree. In fact, the demand for the specialized learning of technical skills and foundational skills specific to the STEM field has led to an even greater increase in the number
of STEM degrees awarded. Between 2009 and 2013, the number of science and engineering
(S&E) Bachelor’s degree completions grew by 19%. Within the next four to five years, it is projected that 63% of all jobs in the nation’s economy will require postsecondary education. Of
these, 92% will be related to STEM.12
However, the growth in the STEM field job market is quickly outpacing the availability of qualified
workers who have completed a college-level STEM education. This situation raises serious concerns about the workforce and our education system. In light of this, it is important that students
be equipped to pursue a postsecondary education, a de facto requirement for a job, which will lead
them to a prosperous life. To prepare for this, we should not expect STEM education to be limited
to the domain of higher education, relying on universities to transform students into experts in
their field. STEM skill learning should begin at an early phase in students’ education in order to
give them a running start upon entering the university setting.
Challenges in Access to STEM-Focused Education
Recent data reveal that low levels of STEM readiness in elementary and secondary schools are due
to low student participation in advanced level math and science courses. Consequently, less than
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
half of 2013 U.S. high school graduates are prepared for college mathematics.13 This is a significant problem, especially since math is not only necessary for the STEM field, but for non-STEM
areas of study. Although solid foundations in math should begin at a young age, 58% of American
fourth grade students and 65% of eighth grade students performed below proficiency in mathematics in 2013.14 In addition, many schools lack an emphasis on science, and 64% of 2013 U.S.
high school students have not received the necessary preparation for college-level science. 15
Low proficiency in advanced math and science continues at the college level with underperformance and under-enrollment of students in STEM field majors. As many as 38% of students who
begin as STEM majors do not graduate with a STEM degree. More than half of Bachelor’s degree
students as well as Associate’s degree students who entered STEM fields between 2003 and 2009
had left these fields within a six-year span. Of this group, half of students continued their undergraduate education while the rest dropped out of school before earning a degree.16 The retention
rate for STEM majors is challenging due to a lack of preparation in mathematics and science during K–12 education.
The challenges students face in STEM education represent the cracks in the educational pipeline
(a metaphor for students’ progression through the K–12 and postsecondary education systems).
Scholars use the educational pipeline to shed light on the number of students who are able to
complete their education and succeed in the workforce (See Figure A.1 in Appendix). The cracks
in the educational pipeline are a myriad of socioeconomic, cultural, linguistic, academic, and other
factors that prevent students from successfully navigating the pipeline toward graduation and
completion. Low student proficiency in math and science is a significant crack in the pipeline that
students fall through along the way. The onus is on education advocates to push for reforms and
create programs that address why students fall through the cracks. The STEM educational pipeline
is leaky and requires immediate attention in order to increase math and science proficiency in
schools and help more students obtain the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in STEM
Figure 5. The STEM Pipeline
• Basic skills in
core subject
• Interest and
in math and
• Immersion in
math and
• Highly
qualified and
• A-G
• AP math and
• Extracurricular
• Undergraduate
• Research
• Internships
• Mentorship
• Graduate school
STEM Jobs Accessibility and Competition
National demand for STEM-educated students is high, but demand tends to be concentrated in
certain locations. Top cities for STEM employment growth in the next five years include Atlanta,
Baltimore, Boston, Dallas, Houston, Minneapolis, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, California,
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Seattle, and Washington, D.C.18 These cities, along with other metropolitan areas, are developing as U.S. centers for innovation to keep up with demand for a professional world increasingly
oriented toward STEM.19 (See Figure A.2 in Appendix.)
Due to the large number of high-paying STEM jobs, these cities tend to be affluent, and/or places
of employment tend to be centered in affluent areas of the city. Cities expecting increased STEM
job opportunities have income inequality gaps that are among the highest in the nation.20 (See
Figure A.3 in Appendix.) Many of the states, and the District of Columbia, with the highest percentage of STEM jobs are also states with the highest Latino populations.21 22 Despite how close
Latinos live to STEM cities, they are limited in their resources to tap into STEM opportunities due
to the quality of education they are receiving and the general lack of STEM information provided
to students and parents. It is crucial to partner and develop the current infrastructure in these
key areas in order to effectively reach out to the community and provide them with the resources
needed to maximize nearby STEM education and opportunities. Connecting Latinos to STEM
opportunities would have a positive effect on correcting the inequality gaps in STEM cities.
Statistical Benefits of STEM Employment
The income and stability provided by STEM jobs create high demand for these positions.
According to a 2011 U.S. Department of Commerce study, employees with STEM degrees average
26% higher incomes than their non-STEM counterparts earn, and have a better chance at staying employed for a longer time.23 The average yearly salary for all STEM occupations was $77,880
in May 2009, and only four of 97 STEM professions had mean wages below the U.S. average of
$43,460. The four jobs that fall under the U.S. average have high income variability, but their high
paying positions are well above the average. 24
An education in the STEM field offers job seekers many transferable skills and the flexibility to
pursue careers in a variety of fields not only limited to STEM. Regardless of whether working in
STEM or non-STEM jobs, STEM degree holding employees enjoy higher earnings.25 (See Figure
A.4 in Appendix.) The earnings premium for holding a STEM occupation is 13%, while that for
possessing a STEM degree is 11%.26 Also, at various levels of education, STEM employees earn
11% more than non-STEM employees with the same level of education. At the Bachelor’s degree
level, the 10 jobs with the highest median earnings are all related to the STEM field.27 Jobs in
STEM have the highest entry-level pay and also provide the opportunity to have the highest paying jobs after years of continued work in the field.28 (See Figure A.5 in Appendix.)
Profile of Employees in the STEM Sector
A September 2013 Census report shows that STEM field jobs are dominated by white, non-Hispanic males aged 24 to 54. The profile of all STEM employees is diversifying as the percentage of
STEM-employed whites decreases and ethnic minority employment in the STEM field rises. Still,
the STEM workforce remains dominated by whites, who make up 71% of STEM workers. Blacks,
Latinos, and Native Americans do contribute to the STEM workforce but are better represented in
jobs outside the STEM field.
Disparities exist not only in overall employment, but in median wages. Whites and Asians are
the highest paid ethnic groups, with $88,400 and $89,500 in median earnings, respectively, while
African Americans remain at $75,000 and Latinos average $77,300 in median earnings. Women
have also been historically underrepresented in the STEM field.29
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Section Two: Latinos in STEM
Latinos Leading U.S. Population Trends
The population growth rate of the United States is 0.7% annually.30 In contrast, the Latino population has grown 43% in the last two decades, a figure that has attracted significant domestic
attention. The Hispanic population is now the nation’s largest ethnic minority, making up almost
17%31 of the total population, a proportion that is set to double by 2060. Accounting for over half
of the nation’s growth, 56%, from 2000 to 2010, the Latino population had a higher growth rate
than all other racial groups over the last decade.
Latinos Pursuing STEM Career Opportunities in Low Numbers
Despite rapid population growth, in 2011, Latinos held only 7% of STEM jobs.32 In fact, while the
number of STEM job opportunities is steadily increasing, Latinos are not reaping the benefits.
Even among those Latinos with STEM degrees, Latino employment in STEM fields is low. Data
also show that although 60% of Latinos are employed in the workforce, only 19% of Latino STEM
graduates are employed in STEM fields.33,34 For Latinos who are employed in STEM fields, other
disparities exist. For example, the median salary for a Latino employed in a STEM position is
$77,300 compared to $88,400 for their white counterparts.35
Addressing the underrepresentation of Latinos in STEM education and the workforce is key, given
that the Hispanic population is projected to become 30% of the U.S. population in the next 25
years and will be the majority in several states.36 Due to this population surge, a greater proportion
of Latinos will have the opportunity to fill vacancies in STEM professions and will require extensive STEM knowledge and STEM degrees.37
In addition, while the reason for the underrepresentation of Latinos in the STEM workforce is
usually attributed to lack of student preparation, it is important to note that underrepresentation
can also be attributed to a lack of STEM network and career opportunities in both formal and
informal spaces (both inside and outside of school). In some cases Latinos have a more challenging time meeting STEM mentors and acquiring social capital that will ease them into a job. As
such, a focused commitment to increase Latino representation in STEM careers will provide a
greater number of role models and mentors for the Latino community.38
Latino Support for Higher Education Strong, But Challenges Exist
According to a 2009 Pew Hispanic Center survey, 89% of Latinos ages 16 and over agree that a
college degree is necessary to get ahead in life. The same survey also shows that 77% of Latinos
ages 16 to 25 say their parents are supportive and think going to college is the most important
thing to do after high school, with only 11% saying their parents think getting a full-time job is
more important. The problem is that the number of students who actually attend college, let alone
graduate, is much smaller than the level of support that exists for attending college. As mentioned
previously, a college education is critical to a career in STEM, but evidence suggests that Latinos
face difficulty in making it through this area of the STEM pipeline.
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Disparities in the STEM Education Pipeline for Latinos
Latino interest in various STEM fields has risen considerably. From 1995 to 2004, STEM areas
have seen enrollment increases of nearly 21%, compared with increases of only 11% in the nonSTEM sector. 39 These numbers are misleading, however, when they are viewed proportionately
among non-Hispanic individuals.40 Furthermore, serious STEM graduation disparities remain
unaddressed. For example, although Hispanic students have shown initiative in majoring in
STEM, they typically do not complete a STEM degree in rates comparable to those of their white
counterparts. 41 The Higher Education Research Institute has shown that a mere 16% of Latino
students who began college in 2004 pursuing a STEM major actually completed that degree,
whereas the number of whites completing a STEM degree was significantly higher, at 25%. These
discrepancies at the undergraduate level are also seen in graduate/professional schools, where
Hispanic students are less likely to earn a master’s degree in the health professions, engineering,
computer information sciences, and business.
Despite considerable progress in recent decades for underrepresented minority groups earning
Bachelor’s degrees in any field, the gap in educational attainment between young minorities and
whites continues to persist. In fact, the percentage of the Hispanic population ages 25 to 29 with a
Bachelor’s degree or higher is just 12%.42
Early Participation in and Exposure to STEM Education are Key
A growing body of evidence shows the importance of K–12 academic experiences, cognitive factors, and sociocultural factors in a Latino student’s decision of whether to even begin to pursue a
STEM major in college.43 Academic preparation of students, as well as their interest in high school
math and science coursework and in pursuing a STEM career, are highly influenced by mathematics and science training at the elementary and secondary level.44 Moreover, evidence suggests that
the number of math and science courses taken throughout high school serves as a major predictor
of STEM college majors.45
STEM Preparedness is Low
According to the National Math and Science Initiative:46
• In 2013, only 44% of U.S. high school graduates were prepared for college-level math and 36%
did not receive the necessary instruction for college-level science.
• In 2013, 42% of American fourth grade students and 35% of eighth grade students performed
at or above the proficient level in mathematics.
• In 2012, only 19.5% of AP test takers earned a qualifying score on an AP exam.
• In 2011, only 27% of AP test takers took an AP science exam and only 26% took an AP math
• In 2011, 32% of eighth grade students performed at or above the proficient level in science.
• In 2009, only 26% of students took Algebra I before high school.
• In 2009, 34% of American fourth grade students and 21% of 12th grade students performed at
or above the proficient level in science.
These numbers suggest a low level of STEM preparation that spans all ethnic groups in the United
States. From a global standpoint, the U.S. lags behind most, if not all, developed countries in
regard to STEM education at the secondary level as well as the college and university level. The
National Math and Science Initiative explains that in 2012, high school students from 29 and 22
other industrialized nations performed better than U.S. students in math and science, respectively.
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Even more troubling, in 2008, only 4% of U.S. Bachelor’s degrees were awarded in engineering;
by contrast, 31% of Bachelor’s degrees equivalents were awarded for engineering in China. In
2008, 31% of U.S. Bachelor’s degrees were awarded in science and engineering fields vis-à-vis 61%
conferred in Japan and 51% in China.47 Taken together, these results demonstrate the need for
better quality STEM education in the American school systems. This is especially important for
Latinos, who already represent a large population in the United States and face great educational
Education Disparities among Racial and Ethnic Groups
K–12 education data demonstrate the need to improve the quality of education for Hispanics in
STEM areas. The Department of Education recently released the science results for the federally
mandated National Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP) in grades 4, 8, and 12 and found
that of 300 possible points, fourth grade Latinos scored an average of 131 points vis-à-vis 163
for white students; eighth grade Latinos scored 132 while white students averaged 162; and 12th
grade Latinos scored 134 compared with 159 for white students. Moreover, 47% of white students
scored at or above proficient in fourth grade, while only 14% of Latinos achieved the same score.
At grade eight, the gap remains high, with 42% of white students proficient or above vis-à-vis 12%
of Hispanic students. In 12th grade, in general the scores are lower, but Latinos still struggle with
8% at or above proficiency, as opposed to 27% of white students and 36% of Asian/Pacific Islander
students. 48
Not only have traditional test scores been low, but data from the National Math and Science
Initiative suggest that Latinos tend to lag behind in STEM-related coursework. For example, 9%
of U.S. Hispanic students took advanced algebra or calculus in 2008, compared with 22% of white
students and 43% of Asian students. Latinos do not fare much better vis-à-vis other demographic
groups in the STEM field in their observed grades. Indeed, while only 12% of black students and
17% of Hispanic students took Algebra I before high school in 2009, 48% of Asian students took
Algebra I before high school in the same year.49
Teacher Preparation, School Funding, Resources Hinder Latino
STEM Success
Unfortunately, the quality of academic preparation that many Hispanic students receive is further affected by disparities in teacher quality and instructional resources. For example, Hispanic
students are more likely to be taught science by teachers who did not major in their field of
instruction, or by inexperienced teachers. Furthermore, Hispanic students experience more funding inequities in the K–12 educational system than their white counterparts do. 50
Overall, this information shows that Hispanic students are less likely to have access to challenging, high-quality math instruction, which can further discourage their interest in mathematics
or science.51
STEM Retention Challenges in College Linked to Lack of Preparation
Successful students that overcome initial educational obstacles and make it to college still face
challenges in terms of staying in a STEM discipline all four years. Of all STEM entrants starting a
Bachelor’s degree program in 2003–2004 who left their postsecondary education without obtaining
a degree or certificate, 23.1% were Latino.52 Among STEM entrants starting an Associate’s degree in
2003–2004, Hispanics made up 39.9% of those who left without obtaining a degree or certificate.53
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Precollege academic preparation as measured by grade point average (GPA) and difficulty of math
courses completed in high school can strongly predict STEM attrition rates. For example, 46%
of STEM entrants with a high school GPA of less than 2.5 dropped their STEM major, compared
with 14% of those with a high school GPA of 3.5 or higher. Additionally, 32% to 33% of STEM
entrants who took less advanced math courses (algebra, trigonometry) in high school switched
majors, while only 24% of those who took calculus did so.54 In summary, preparation at the earliest level (grades K–12) is crucial for improving GPA and the difficulty of courses taken, which in
turn has an impact on STEM retention rates for all students, including Latinos.
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Section Three: Women in STEM
Gap between Women and Men in STEM Employment, Earnings,
and Education
Mirroring patterns found among ethnic minority groups and their white counterparts, women
remain severely underrepresented in the STEM fields in spite of strong enrollment and graduation
by women at the collegiate level. Women make up 50.8%55 of the nation’s population and 47.4%56
of the civilian workforce, yet their underrepresentation in many professional areas, including the
STEM field, is profound.
Working opportunities in the STEM field are plentiful, with STEM employment expected to grow
17% between 2008 and 2018, compared with 10% growth projected for overall employment.57
Women occupied only 26% of STEM field jobs in 2011, while men made up 74% of the STEM
workforce.58 Among college-educated employees in the STEM fields, the percentage of women
remained at 24% from 2000 to 2009.59 Although the proportion of women in STEM has generally
increased since 1970, the growth has been uneven, and women remain significantly underrepresented in the engineering and computer area, a field that makes up more than 80% of all STEM
employment.60 In 2011, 13% of engineers, 27% of computer professionals, 41% of life and physical
scientists, 47% of mathematical workers, and 61% of social scientists were women.61
Women in STEM jobs earn 61.5% more than their female counterparts in non-STEM occupations and experience a smaller gender wage gap.62 Still, the wage gap persists. On average, men and
women earn $36.34 and $31.11 per hour in STEM jobs, respectively, compared with $24.47 for
men and $19.26 for women in non-STEM occupations.63 A STEM-employed woman earns 14%
less per hour on average than similarly employed men.
A large gap between women and men can be found in STEM higher education degree programs as
well.64 In 2012, 56.8% of all college students were women65 and 31.4% of women 25 and older had
obtained a Bachelor’s degree or greater66 but STEM degree enrollment does not reflect these figures. Specifically, 23% of STEM workers are women, a number that remains low despite increases
over time.67
The Gender Gap Persists in Spite of Early Academic Achievement
Current U.S. Department of Education data illustrate that girls start off well: 8.1% of them participate in gifted and talented education programs versus 7.4% of boys who do. 68 A greater percentage
of junior high school girls (20%) are enrolled in first year algebra compared with boys (18%).69 Data
also show that in high school science courses, girls are evenly represented in biology at 50%, and
outnumber boys in chemistry at 52%, but are underrepresented in physics at 46%.70 Girls outnumber boys in enrollment in AP science, AP foreign languages, and several other AP subjects. In AP
mathematics (calculus and statistics), however, boys consistently outnumber girls by up to 10,000
students.71 In addition, the number of girls enrolling in AP classes is not proportional to the number passing the exams. A U.S. Department of Education report shows that in 2009–2010, boys took
and passed AP tests at a higher rate than girls; 73% of boys and 70% of girls enrolled in AP courses
took an AP exam; 60% of boys passed an AP exam, compared to 55% of girls.72
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
The number of girls enrolling in STEM courses in primary and secondary education is not
proportional to the number graduating from college with STEM majors. It is possible that a lack
of female role models in the STEM field, societal gender norms, and stigmas around women in
STEM occupations contribute to this.
Difficulty for Latinas in STEM
Minority women are the most underrepresented STEM group, and some suggest that as “doubleminorities,” they may face additional negative pressure and stereotypes based on their gender
and race.73 Minorities make up only 20% of employees in STEM fields. Only one in 10 minority
women are scientists or engineers. Due to decreased access to high-quality education programs,
low-income students and students of color are put at an educational disadvantage before they start
kindergarten.74 The schools they attend have fewer highly qualified and experienced math and
science teachers teaching within their field than schools serving white and higher income students
have. They lack adequate facilities, labs, and textbooks to teach critical math and science courses,
which also presents enormous obstacles to their education.75
Latinas are a growing and influential constituency in the United States. Latinas are projected to
be 25.7% of the United States population in 2050.76 Their level of educational attainment has risen
in the past few years, yet is still significantly lower than that of white women. According to the
Center for American Progress:77
• College graduation rates for Latinas have increased faster than for any other group of women.
• Graduation rates for Latinas were at 31.3% in 2008, still significantly lower than graduation
rates for white women, at 45.8%.
• Latinas hold only 7.4% of the degrees earned by women, though they constituted 16% of the
female population in 2012.
• Only 3% of Latina women are occupied in the STEM fields, while women in total make up 24%
of the STEM workforce.
• Latina women represented 49% of all Latinos who matriculated in medical school in 2004. From
1980 to 2004, the number of Latina medical school graduates per year jumped from 93 to 485.
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Section Four: LULAC’s Current Work
Nuestra Historia: Decades Committed to Education Equality
Founded in 1929, the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the oldest and most
widely respected Hispanic civil rights organization in the United States of America. LULAC was
created at a time in our country’s history when Hispanics were denied basic civil and human
rights, despite their contributions to American society. In response, the founders of LULAC
created an organization that empowered its members to develop opportunities for Latino advancement. LULAC leverages its network of 1,000 local LULAC councils, 16 educational service centers,
and over 50 community technology centers to engage over 135,000 members in 37 states, the
District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
From its founding, LULAC has provided Americans of Latino heritage with networks, resources,
and support as they strive for equality in the United States. LULAC’s milestones mark many difficult, at times even life-threatening, struggles, that the organization and its members endured
to achieve equality in justice, employment, housing, health care, and education for all Latinos.
LULAC has been involved in the fight for equal education since its founding, from filing the first
class-action lawsuit against segregated “Mexican schools” in Texas to the Mendez v. Westminster
lawsuit which ended 100 years of segregation in California’s public schools and became a key
precedent for the decision in Brown v. Board of Education. Striving for education equality has been
a constant focus for LULAC. Although progress has been made, the work has not been finished.
LULAC continues to make progress in addressing inequities in our nation’s schools that directly
affect a disproportionate number of low-income and minority students. LULAC’s work on this
issue has included developing programs and leveraging partnerships with outside organizations
to help advance Latino educational attainment. The work LULAC does to continue its mission to
serve the Latino community and advocate for STEM education is described below.
Youth Engagement Efforts
LULAC’s work with youth highlights the importance of leadership skills, mentoring, and academic
success. Through key education programs and strategic policy advocacy, LULAC helps advance
the educational attainment of Latinos in the United States and Puerto Rico. Current programs
include ¡Adelante! America Youth Leadership Program, Upward Bound Programs, Ford Driving
Dreams, the LULAC National Scholarship Fund, and the Collegiate Emerge Latino conference,
among others.78
Opportunities for Leadership, Mentorship, and Support
All these programs provide youth with opportunities to gain leadership skills, mentorship, career
advice, and supplemental academic support to reach higher education. As we have shown, these
factors play a key role not only in galvanizing student interest in STEM, but also in helping
students navigate the STEM pipeline. The strong academic skills developed through tutoring and
workshops benefit students in all facets of their education, allowing them to be more successful
in school. Students are exposed to real people in the field of their interest and are able to see the
real-life application of their studies. LULAC tries to offer cutting-edge leadership development
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
incorporating self-awareness, community service, social interaction, cultural awareness, and advocacy training to improve students’ educational experience. It is LULAC’s aim to provide students
early with the resources that will allow them to succeed in higher education and beyond.
Supplemental Financial Support through Scholarships
LULAC’s commitment to investing in the education of our students dates back to 1932, when
members first began fundraising to provide scholarships to help students pay for higher education.
In 1975, LULAC formed the LULAC National Scholarship Fund to centralize its scholarship gifts..
Today, members from 1,000 councils continue to donate and fundraise for LULAC scholarships
awarded to underserved Latinos. The money awarded from the scholarship fund keeps students
in school and focused on their education, rather than having to work for money or drop out of
school. This is especially important for STEM, as STEM-related courses and materials tend to
be, on average, more expensive, rigorous, and time-consuming. 79 Financial support coupled with
mentorship, leadership, and academic development creates a holistic approach preparing students
for success at the university level and beyond.80
Spotlight on LULAC’s ¡Adelante! America Youth Leadership Program
This leadership development program for underserved youth from grades 8 through 10 encourages
participants to conduct community service projects, meet with positive role models, and explore
alternatives to violence and crime. The program works with Latino youth to cultivate optimism, build
resilience, and improve academic skills with the goal of successful high school completion. Mentoring
programs are crucial to help motivate youth who reside in underrepresented communities. Currently
programs operate during the school year in select cities, including Chicago, El Paso, Holland, Hollister,
Los Angeles, Pueblo, South Bend, Toledo, Tucson, and Wallingford.81
The ¡Adelante! America Youth Leadership program develops services and activities that link classroom
learning to the challenges that students face in postsecondary education and the workplace of the future.
The goals include increasing rates of on-time promotion to the next grade; improvement of academic
performance as measured by grades and test scores; improvement of interpersonal relationships between
children and their peers, teachers, family and other adults; reduction of the dropout rate, delinquency
and gang involvement; and achievement of a higher graduation rate for participants.82
Parent Engagement Efforts
LULAC is committed to increasing Latino engagement in the community with the Parent
Involvement Initiative. LULAC believes in the power of involving parents and wants to engage,
educate, and empower parents to become advocates for students’ education. LULAC works with
local councils to host education reform and advocacy seminars throughout the United States.
LULAC develops field teams of parent and community advocates, and the expertise gained from
their training sessions builds the knowledge base of these field teams to better advocate for access
to equitable education at the local, state, and federal levels.83
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Spotlight on LULAC’s Parent Involvement Initiative
Re: Common Core State Standards
LULAC is committed to empowering parents, students, and education advocates to ensure that Latino
students are prepared for life, college, and careers in the 21st century. Through workshops at conventions and events, community trainings and presentations, media outreach, and bilingual literature,
LULAC has leveraged the support of partners to help advance the interests of Latino children.
With the education landscape ripe for reform, and issues like Common Core State Standards, STEM
promotion, ESEA waivers, Measures of Effective Teaching, and Data Models dominating policy discussion, LULAC National has been able to provide the Latino community with pertinent information and
advocacy tools to engage Latino parents and education leaders in critical education reform conversations. LULAC has helped bridge the information gap by providing parents with bilingual presentations
and pamphlets. LULAC engages and educates the Latino community on critical issues like college-andcareer readiness, access to financial aid, and the new Common Core State Standards.
Community Engagement Efforts
Since its founding, LULAC has fought for full
access to the political process for Latinos and
works to improve opportunities for Hispanic
Americans. LULAC advances its mission
through three primary and complementary
Programming. LULAC programming focuses
on the following key areas: civic participation, civil rights, economic development,
education, health, housing, immigration,
leadership, public service, technology,
women, youth, young adults, and the 50+
demographic. Each of these issues presents unique challenges and opportunities. LULAC programming varies based on available funding as well as the current needs of the community.
Advocacy. As the Latino community’s government liaison in Washington, D.C., LULAC monitors legislation and provides policy makers with a Latino perspective on education, immigration,
civil rights, health care, business, and other issues impacting our community. The community is
provided with information through advocacy newsletters, trainings, and presentations. LULAC
also provides opportunities for community members to become advocates through meetings with
government representatives.
Membership. LULAC’s extensive membership base works to achieve LULAC’s mission through
programming and advocacy at the local level. The strong network of over 135,000 members in
1,000 councils gives LULAC the power to directly work with and serve the community.
LULAC uses national events and conferences as an opportunity to reach out and connect all community members. Community events create an opportunity to keep the community involved and
provide them with resources. Speakers and invited guests hail from all fields of study and areas of
the professional realm.
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Sample of LULAC’s Signature Community Events
National Convention and Exposition:
National invites LULAC members and community members to come together for seminars and
workshops which feature expert panelists to discuss many key issues to the Latino community, including immigration reform, education, health care, and civil rights. Separate tracks for youth and young
adults provide our emerging leaders with workshops on community service, leadership development,
career opportunities and advocacy training. LULAC works with over 300 corporate partners, government agencies, colleges and universities, labor unions, armed forces, and non-profit organizations in the
LULAC Expo and Career Fair. Workshops and seminars are always free and open to the public.
Legislative Conference and Gala
The LULAC National Legislative Conference and Awards Gala highlights critical legislative issues
affecting Hispanic Americans and recognizes key leaders who have served the Latino community well.
Several panels of experts discuss issues of key importance to the Latino community, such as health care,
comprehensive immigration reform, broadband adoption by minority communities, education, and
childhood obesity. Proceeds from the LULAC Gala support the important work of the LULAC National
Office which includes LULAC’s policy and legislative advocacy, as well as its organizing of Latino communities through the creation of LULAC councils throughout the United States.
Womens’ Conference:
The LULAC National Women’s Conference provides professional development workshops and seminars
targeted to the needs of Latinas, and also highlights the contributions that Latinas have made to this
country. Our mission is to raise consciousness and build the capacity of Latina women of all ages across
the country. Our goal is to help them become leaders and agents for change, working for the betterment
of their communities and their families by elevating their social condition through education, economic
development, political empowerment, leadership development, health care, and women’s rights.
Engagement and Education Infrastructure
Education Centers
LULAC is a leader in community engagement and mobilization with a network of 1,000 councils,
over 50 community technology centers, and 16 educational centers all over the country. These
education centers create spaces that help provide resources to empower the Latino community.
LULAC councils across the United States hold community events such as voter registration drives,
citizenship awareness sessions, health fairs and tutorial programs, and organize to raise scholarship money for the LULAC National Scholarship Fund. These councils enable LULAC to reach
thousands of members along with their families when disseminating important information and
creating programs that impact Latinos.
Technology Centers
As part of LULAC’s technology initiative,
a network of over 50 community technology centers provides free broadband access
and computer-related training to students,
parents, and low income individuals. The
emphasis is to empower those without access
to the Internet by providing both access and
training on using computers and the Internet
for school work, college and financial aid
searches, job training, job searches, managing money, English language courses, and
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
citizenship preparation courses. The training provided at the tech centers is a way to give students
and community members basic computer skills that will allow them to be more prepared for a computer-driven society and to develop personally into technology-savvy individuals. These skills are
essential for pursuing a STEM education and STEM-related career. Thanks to partners like Time
Warner Cable, LULAC is able to update and maintain its computer centers for the community.
LULAC National Educational Services Centers (LNESC)
With the creation of the LULAC National Educational Service Centers (LNESC) in 1973, LULAC
centralized its educational effort in a network of 16 counseling centers coordinated by an office
in Washington, D.C. LNESC’s mission is to increase educational opportunities for Hispanic
Americans through the development and implementation of effective programs in Hispanic communities throughout the United States. Many of these programs operated through LULAC are
managed at LULAC National Educational Centers. LNESC serves more than 18,000 students each
year, providing educational counseling, scholarships, mentorships, leadership development, and
literacy programs through its network of 15 educational centers. Since 1973, LNESC has assisted
over 300,000 students, seen 140,000 advance to college, and awarded over $8 million in scholarships to more than 12,000 students.84
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Section Five: LULAC’s Role in Improving STEM
Education, and Recommendations
Because the STEM field offers access to some of the highest paying jobs in today’s economy, and
the demand for educated STEM workers is expected to increase, careers in STEM are the future
for our students. The current STEM situation reveals the challenges students face in STEM education, including underrepresentation of Latinos and women in the STEM field. LULAC leaders,
along with our partners and other education advocates, see the potential in developing STEM
education and resources for students. Earning STEM degrees and pursuing careers in STEM will
help to advance historically underrepresented and underserved groups such as Latinos.
LULAC’s infrastructure offers a unique opportunity to address some of the challenges issued in
this report. LULAC’s programs, councils, and centers allow LULAC to reach out to youth, parents,
and the community for advancing STEM knowledge while addressing three common gaps faced
by Latinos in pursuit of a STEM education. The Latino STEM Alliance defines these gaps as: 85
• Achievement gap: poor academic performance on STEM-related subjects in schools
• Opportunity gap: lack of educational resources experienced by Latinos
• Inspiration gap: lack of motivation to pursue STEM due to misperception and stigmas in the field
Youth Education and Engagement
Recommendation One: Increase investment in focused, culturally and linguistically appropriate academic support for students in all subjects, but especially mathematics and science.
A majority of Latino youth does not receive an adequate education in math and science, and it follows that only a small minority achieves academic success at the K–12 level. Their challenges then
continue in postsecondary education. Increasing K–12 math and science proficiency is the initial
step in helping students achieve success in STEM and closing the achievement gap. LULAC councils currently partner with community organizations and private funders to design programs and
curricula that take into account the Latino perspective on education issues, resources, and support
systems in the communities. The academic support for these programs allows youth to obtain
needed help outside the classroom. Students finally receive the attention they need in critical
subjects such as math and science. Essential skills such as test preparation, note taking, analytical
reading and writing, and organization should be incorporated into these programs in order to help
students succeed in important STEM college readiness exams such as Advanced Placement Tests.
These informal spaces outside of school provide opportunities to help supplement existing school
educational opportunities.
Recommendation Two: Increase opportunities for students to become exposed to careers
in STEM, STEM applications, professionals in the STEM field, and the benefits of STEM
More students need to be aware of the great possibilities from studying STEM subjects and of the
opportunities available for them to pursue careers in STEM. Latinos are geographically located in
areas of STEM growth, but nonetheless lack exposure to STEM and thus are not interested and/or
do not succeed in STEM education. It is necessary to give Latino students opportunities to experience the world of STEM that surrounds them and close the opportunity gap they face.86 Thanks
to partners like Time Warner Cable, LULAC is able to update and maintain its computer centers
which provide students with access to technology.
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
In addition, expanding access to programs like Time Warner Cable’s Connect A Million Minds
(CAMM), which promotes interest in the science field by convincing students of the benefits in
pursuing a STEM education in underserved areas, is key to reaching more Latino students. By
interacting with youth, parents, and the community and promoting awareness of neighborhood
STEM programs via their “Connectory,” CAMM provides the opportunities students need to foster
interest in STEM and correct any misrepresentations of the STEM field that students and parents
may have. With this partnership, LULAC and Time Warner Cable continuously exchange ideas as
to how to improve the STEM landscape and make STEM accessible for more Latinos.
Though LULAC partnerships are important, funding for LULAC programs that connect younger
students with STEM mentors would additionally help expand and create more STEM programs
in other areas. Further development could be undertaken to make STEM-focused programs more
effective in sparking students’ interest. STEM components could be introduced to LULAC education programs. Staff could be trained in how to better help students in STEM subjects. Mentorship
initiatives where a Latino STEM expert visits a classroom, lectures on their area of study, and
works together with the class to solve a current problem in their field would go a long way in
promoting STEM awareness as well as developing problem-solving skills needed for STEM. In
addition to Latinos in general, women can greatly benefit from added STEM components to these
mentorship initiatives as these mentors can be young, promising females in their line of work.
This would give them the encouragement to enter male-dominated fields of study. Research indicates that one of the greatest factors hindering women from entering the STEM field is not their
academic performance, but their lack of mentors and support for pursuing STEM careers.87
Recommendation Three: Use networking and technology to provide students with access to
STEM opportunities.
In addition to achieving academically, students need to develop professional know-how and
networks to succeed in the STEM job market. One struggle is the acquisition of the social capital
needed to be successful, resulting in a widened opportunity and inspiration gap. LULAC offers
leadership programs designed to engage university students in STEM discussions and connect
them with leaders in the STEM field. Increased funding would allow more students to participate in leadership programs and conferences. For example, a larger Collegiate Emerge Latino
Conference would enable a larger number of college students to gain professional skills from
workshops, discussions, and meetings with potential STEM mentors and experts. Larger events
with leaders and professionals in the STEM field would give students a greater network to access
an increased range of jobs available as STEM-educated job seekers.
Funding could also be applied toward further developing LULAC’s United Latino Job Bank, www., to include a comprehensive STEM job and internship search for job seekers. With
these expansions and developments, more Latinos would be employed in the fast-growing and
dynamic STEM field.88
Parent Education and Engagement
Recommendation Four: Increase education and engagement opportunities for parents to build
support for STEM careers and education.
Increased demand for STEM education not only affects youth, but has implications for parents
who need to adjust their support systems to focus on promoting STEM education. Parents can be
powerful advocates for education and very influential in their children’s success. Providing parents
with knowledge about higher education and the issues that surround education would help them
better understand their children’s experience. LULAC is working to increase parent education and
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
engagement through the Parent Involvement Initiative, among other LULAC projects. LULAC’s
current parent engagement model could be expanded to reach more parents and redesigned
to focus on STEM education. Advanced training will teach parents how to communicate their
concerns to teachers and encourage students to take advantage of all the opportunities available
through STEM. 89 An example of the information LULAC can help disseminate would include
providing parents with information about university-sponsored STEM research programs that
provide students stipends and college credit for doing lab work throughout their college career.
There are many of these programs that are available to first-year college students and LULAC
representatives would help parents seek these out.
Community Access to Technology, Technology Programming, and
Information in Underserved Areas
Recommendation Five: Invest in centers to improve access to technology in underserved areas.
Students cannot develop technological skills unless they have the opportunity to become familiar
with computers. Providing access to technology gives students the opportunity to develop technical skills and develop an interest in working with computers. 90 However, computers are expensive
and difficult for some families to buy, especially in low-income communities. LULAC’s 50-plus
technology centers give students in the community access to free high speed broadband Internet
and computer related training. Increasingly, the Internet is the starting point for students’ exploration of the world and a necessity for academic success, especially in STEM. Along with more
computers, better program training in advanced computer systems would allow students more
opportunity to gain exposure and continue learning after mastering basic skills. More technology
centers could be built and more partnerships with schools could be developed in order to perform
outreach to different communities. With increased funding, LULAC technology centers could
expand their reach and provide services to a greater proportion of the Latino community.91
Increased Financial Resources for Low-Income Students Wishing to
Pursue Higher Education
Recommendation Six: Increase scholarships to supplement dwindling financial aid resources
and offset costs of rising tuition at colleges and universities.
It is important to acknowledge the financial barriers students face in receiving an education. The
current financial aid system is designed to accommodate traditional students who attend universities full time, live on campus, and work less than 20 hours a week. 92 However, a majority of all
students are considered non-traditional, working more than 30 hours, enrolling part-time, and
taking longer than four years to complete their degrees as they face other challenges. Minority and
Latino students make up a large proportion of non-traditional students, making their struggle to
earn a degree much harder. The financial aid system excludes non-traditional students and leaves
them receiving less financial aid than their peers. 93
Scholarships from organizations like LULAC help fill in the monetary gaps where the financial
aid system fails to help Latino students. This lessens the financial burden on Latinos and helps
them maneuver an education system that was not created for them. LULAC has always recognized
the extra challenges Latinos face in pursuing education, which is the reason it has spent decades
dedicated to awarding financial assistance to students when the government has not provided the
needed funds. Funding could be put toward the LULAC National Scholarship Fund and provide
more students the financial means to pay for education with less school debt looming over them
when they enter the workforce. The scholarship money LULAC has been able to award has helped
lessen the economic burden for thousands of families.
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Section Six: Closing Thoughts
Going back nearly a century, W.E.B. Du Bois and other activists championed education as a lever
that can uplift a people and as a means for achieving civil and economic liberties, as well as leadership. 94 We have shown that education, specifically STEM education, will play an important role
for the Latino community in this respect. Given the immense impact Latinos will have on the
U.S. population in the coming decades, the education and economic divide they face demands
our nation’s urgent attention. LULAC has a unique opportunity to leverage its infrastructure to
help empower Latinos with the information and tools they need to unlock the benefits of a STEM
education, which can ultimately serve as a bridge to opportunity and success.
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Figure A.1: The Case for STEM in Oregon.
Source: Portland Metro STEM Partnership.
Figure A.2
Share of workers in STEM occupations
11.1% – 17.9%
18.0% – 19.5%
19.6% – 20.4%
20.5% – 21.4%
21.5% – 33.2%
Source: Richard Florida, A Better Way of Measuring America’s Science and Tech Jobs. The Atlantic Citylabs http://www.theatlanticcities.
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Figure A.3
Boston, 15.3
San Francisco, 16.6
Atlanta, 18.8
Miami, 15.7
Circles sized according to ration of 95th percentile
income to 20th percentile income:
6.0 to 8.0
8.1 to 10.0
10.1 to 15.0
15.1 to 18.0
Source: Alan Berube, All Cities are Not Created Unequal. The Brookings Institution
Figure A.4: Median Annual Earnings by Field of Bachelor’s Degree by Class of Worker and
Education Attainment—2011 (Population 25 years and over, full-time workers. For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions, see
Science and
Science and
Arts, humanities,
and other
Self-employed workers, bachelor's degree
Self-employed workers, advanced degree
Wage and salary workers, bachelor's degree
Wage and salary workers, advanced degree
Source: Camille Ryan, Field of Degree and Earnings by Selected Employment Characteristics: 2011, U.S. Department of Commerce
Economics and Statistics Administration U.S. Census Bureau.
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
Figure A.5: Top 10 Majors by Salary Potential
Petroleum Engineering
Actuarial Mathematics
Nuclear Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Mechanical Engineering
Starting Median Pay
Mid-Career Median Pay
Source: Majors That Pay You Back, 2013–2014. Payscale College Salary Report.
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
National Research Council
U.S. Department of Commerce: Economics and Statistics Administration
California STEM Learning Network.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration.
Brookings Institution.
U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
National Math and Science Initiative.
Phil Dee, A Toolkit of Transferable Skills for Post-Docs, Science, September 2004. http://sciencecareers.
National Math + Science Initiative.
Xianglei Chen and Mathew Soldner, STEM Attrition: College Students’ Paths Into and Out of STEM Fields,
U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, November 2013.
Allison Scott, Dissecting the Data: The STEM Education Opportunity Gap in California, Level Playing Field Institute,
November 2010, p. 4–6,
Kelly Services (infographic), STEM Careers: Demand Is Up for Today’s Innovators.
Richard Florida, A Better Way of Measuring America’s Science and Tech Jobs, The Atlantic, June 10, 2013. http://
Alan Berube, All Cities Are Not Created Unequal, Brookings Institution, February 20, 2014. http://www.brookings.
Anthony P. Carnevale, Nicole Smith, and Michelle Melton, STEM State-Level Analysis, Update 2, Georgetown
University, Center on Education and the Workforce,.
Pew Research, Hispanic Trends Project, State and County Databases, Latinos as Percent of Population, By State, 2011,
National Math + Science Initiative, Why STEM Education Matters, April 16, 2014, p. 1–2.
Ben Cover, John I. Jones and Audrey Watson, Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) occupations:
a visual essay, U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Monthly Labor Review, May 2011, p. 5.
Camille Ryan, Field of Degree and Earning by Selected Employment Characteristics: 2011, U.S. Census Bureau,
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32. Landivar, Liana Christin, Disparities in STEM Employment by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin, U.S. Census Bureau,
American Community Survey Reports, September 2013, p. 16.
33. U.S. Department of Labor, The Latino Labor Force At A Glance, April 5, 2012, p. 1.
34. Landivar, Liana Christin, Disparities in STEM Employment by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin, U.S. Census Bureau,
American Community Survey Reports, September 2013, p. 23.
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36. U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey; Matrices generated using American Factfinder., December 12, 2012.
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46. National Math and Science Initiative.
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50. Hollie Young, Secondary Education Systemic Issues: Addressing Possible Contributors to a Leak in the Science
Education Pipeline and Potential Solutions, Journal of Science Education and Technology, June 2005, p. 206,207,209.
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52. United States Department of Education, STEM Attrition: College Students’ Paths Into and Out of STEM Fields,
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55. United States Census Bureau, State and Country QuickFacts,
56. Infoplease, Women by the Numbers,
57. STEM Education Coalition, The Case for STEM Education as a National Priority:Good Jobs and American
Competitiveness, June 2013, p. 2.
58. American Community Survey Reports, Disparities in STEM Employment by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin,
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60. U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey Reports, Disparities in STEM Employment by Sex, Race, and
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67. National Math and Science Initiative, The STEM Crisis,
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STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
About the Authors/Research Team
Karina Camacho is an undergraduate student at the University of California,
Irvine, majoring in Criminology/Law & Society with minors in Chicano/
Latino and International Studies. She is actively involved in the Latino community at UC Irvine, participating in various student organizations, and also
works for the UC Irvine Office of Admissions and Relations with Schools.
Her research interests include the integration of Chicano/Latino students in
higher education, communities of color in the criminal justice system, and
Latinos’ influence in American politics. Karina served as an Education Policy
intern for LULAC in the spring of 2014 as a participant of the University
of California Washington D.C. program. For more information, feel free to
contact Karina at
Christopher Peña is a fifth year PhD student in the Cancer Biology program at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.
He is a native Texan and received his biology degree from UT San Antonio.
Currently, he is generating data for a publication regarding the role of the
immune system in invasive and metastatic behavior of different cancers.
Though he enjoys making important discoveries in the lab, he is especially
passionate about public policy, where his goal is to advocate for additional
funding for science colleagues and for more programs geared towards promoting science education among the Latino community. Christopher can be
reached at
Priscilla Silva is an undergraduate at the University of California, Los
Angeles, double majoring in Political Science and Chicana/o Studies and
minoring in Spanish. At UCLA, Priscilla functions as the project director of
Adelante Tutorial Program and a tutor for the Incarcerated Youth Tutorial
Project. Priscilla’s research interest is on increasing high school graduation
and college admittance rates among historically underserved and marginalized groups in the United States. She served as an Education Policy intern
with the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) in the Spring
of 2014 as a participant of the University of California Washington D.C. program. For more information, feel free to contact Priscilla at silva.priscilla.v@
Luis Torres currently serves as Director of Policy and Legislation for the
League of United Latin American Citizens in Washington, D.C. Before joining LULAC, Luis served as Legislative Director for Congressman Silvestre
Reyes, former Chairman of the House of Representatives Permanent Select
Committee on Intelligence, and was one of a handful of Latino legislative
directors on Capitol Hill. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Government
and Sociology from Georgetown University, a Master of Arts in Teaching
from American University, and is pursuing a Master of Arts in Business
Administration from Johns Hopkins University. For more information feel
free to contact Luis at
STEM Education: A Bridge for Latinos to Opportunity and Success
About the Time Warner Cable Research Program on
Digital Communications
The Time Warner Cable Research Program on Digital Communications will be
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The Research Program will focus on the following areas:
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Increasing knowledge about innovation in digital communications
About the Research Stipends
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