Report on CYCLOPS Pre‐Commissioning Tests (Apr 24‐27) Version Control 1.0 First version – CGT 8 June 2010. 1. Introduction Over the period April 24‐28 Chris Tinney & Guy Monnet (with assistance from Jurek Brseki and Steve Lee, in addition to other Site & Epping staff) carried out tests of CYCLOPS mounted on the AAT. These tests aimed at addressing the items 5.1‐5.6 of the CYCLOPS Commissioning plan. The report consists of an overview of what was learned during the commissioning, and specific reports on the commissioning plan items. 2. Issues to address 1. Quartz lamp too bright – needs to be about a factor of 10 fainter. 2. Relative fibre throughput – throughput varies by 20% from best 3 to worst 3 fibres. 3. Filter holder – design needs a rework, as the holder holds the filters very well, but the holder flops about in the CYCLOPS cass unit introducing image movement on the guider. 4. Because the back‐viewing mode of the guider focuses on the front face of the microlens array, rather than the fibres, it will not be much use for aligning stars onto CYCLOPS. CGT will have to develop some code to process images to get a reconstructed image out so that we can position a reference star on the centre of the CYCLOPS field. 5. Commisisoning Tests from 5.1‐5.6 still to do a. 5.2.2 – Slit unit removal to test position repeatability. b. 5.5 – Repeat measurements of fibre offsets over time, and especially as a function of pre‐slit area temperature. 3. Overview CYCLOPS Status at Commissioning : CYCLOPS currently has a fibre bundle in whoch 3 of the 15 fibres are broken or not connected. The mapping between the entrance array and the pseudo‐slit formed at UCLES is shown in the following figure. CYCLOPS Cass Feed Layout X3 X2 X6 1 5 4 7 9 8 11 13 10 12 15 14 • orientation currently unknown • three fibres dead (6,3 & 2) CYCLOPS Pseudo‐slit Layout. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 X6 5 4 X3 X2 1 Calibration Lamps : both the internal Quartz flat field lamp and the ThAr arc lamp work. However, it is clear that nether of them uniformly illuminate the CYCLOPS fibre bundle, as the both show significant (and different) illuminations of the fibres. The Quartz lamp is actually too bright (amazing but true….). Observations with it have to be just 0.5‐1.0s and taken with an ND filter. As ND filters can’t be relied on to be truly neutral density at the precisions relevant for CYCLOPS work, we need to be able to take flats without filters, which means reducing the lamp flux by about a factor of 10. Image quality : Image quality is generally good. When images of arcs are taken with the detector unbinned, the individual fibre images are clearly seperated. Tests indicate we can get a focus of ~2.5‐2.7 pixels across the whole field (though also indicate the best focus surface of UCLES is tilted relative to the detector – fortunately the depth of focus on UCLES is good enough still produce good images over the field). The images produced, though, have the 'flat‐topped' profile you'd expect from a fibre, convolved with the instrument PSF. As a result making a direct comparison between the 70um fibre diameter, and the 63.4um FWHM (at the fibre exit plane) that 2.55pix at the detector corresponds to, is not straightforward. I show on the following pages a full unbinned ThAr arc image (left), and a zoom on the central regions (right) Throughput : Test observations of the interior of the dome (ie through the telescope and CYCLOPS and UCLES) have been used to measure the relative throughput of the fibres in the CYCLOPS system (we can’t measure absolute throughput until we get on‐sky). The worst 3 fibres are about 20% down in throughput compared to the best 3, with the remainder sitting in between. This is not great. Operations : a few operational issues became evident • the bayonet kinematic mount fitting for the CYCLOPS fibre head into the cass unit is a great idea, but needs work on the implementation. At the moment one has to remove ~12 non‐captive screws (at least one of which has already become cross‐ threaded) to plug/unplug the fibre. This is insane, as it makes a 5 minute job take almost an hour to get done. • When removed the bayonet kinematic mount fitting for the CYCLOPS fibre head needs a safe and secure location to store it in the cage where it will be immune to bumps people and hardware in the cage. It also needs a better, bayonet fitting cover for the fibre head, which has optical surfaces that must be protected. Fringing : at the level of 2% (peak‐to‐peak) was found in the flat field exposures. The period of the fringing is quite short at ~10 pixels. We have not yet determined whether this comes from the lamp, the lamp mirror, the fibre unit itself, or the neutral density filter we had to use. Analysis is proceeding – the most likely culprits are the ND filters and/or the lamp or its mirror. Software : a number of infelicities were identified with the GUI/software that controls the CYCLOPS calibration unit. Some of these are being addressed by Minh already • The calibration hardware has timeouts built into it at a low‐level (ie the Quartz and ThAr lamps time out and switch off after quite a short period of time). The problem with this is that because the CYCLOPS GUI is not integrated with the detector controller, there is no way, when you start an exposure, for the ODC to check whether the lamps have timed out and turn them back on! Until CYCLOPS is integrated into the ODC, these timeouts needs to be set to some timescale long enough that they cannot impact on observing or calibrations (~2h). • The control of ThAr,Quartz and their mirrors is clunky. Astronomical users will only ever want one of three things : take a flat, take and arc, observe. So there only needs to be three buttons for these states “Flat”, “Arc”, “Star”. Fibre positioning (Y=dispersion direction): the fibres forming the pseudo‐slit at the entrance of UCLES have a peak‐to‐peak range of position in the dispersion direction of 0.1pixel, which corresponds to 1.35um in the detector focal plane, or 17.9um at the UCLES entrance slit (for an UCLES de‐projection factor in the spectral direction of 13.25). This corresponds to 2.5um at the physical fibre exit (for an assumed magnification of 5/36=0.139). This means the fibre positioning in the dispersion direction has a peak‐to‐ peak variation of 3.5% of a 70um fibre. Analysis of arc exposures, where care is take to ‘derotate’ each pseudo‐slit, show that these offsets can be modelled as being the same over the whole field. Fibre positioning (X=spatial direction): The fibres forming the pseudo‐slit have a peak‐ to‐peak variation in the X (or spatial) direction of 0.52 pixels, or 8.4um at the fibre exit plane (for an UCLES spatial de‐projection of 8.63, and a CYCLOPS slit‐unit magnification of 1/7.2=5/36=0.139. Fibre spacing : The same fitting process enables us to look at how the fibre spacing varies over the field. The fibre spacing (ie distance fibre centre‐fibre‐centre) has a mean value of 5.8 (though it is linearly correlated with X position on the detector (due to the use of a prism cross‐disperser), and ranges from 5.60 to 6.0 pixels. This means that the spacing between fibre centres is ~144um. 3. Reports against Commissioning plan items 5.1 Obtain test exposures with new ThAr and FF lamps in CYCLOPS • Verify useful exposure times with these lamps, and that they meet the FPRD. o 1-2s exposures with the ThAr lamps produce useful exposures. 10-20s will see much fainter lines, but saturate brighter ones. o 0.5-1.0s exposures with the Quartz lamp will saturate UCLES even when the detector is used unbinned. The lamp needs to be about 10 times fainter. • Verify image quality from arc lines meets that expected from UCLES when illuminated with the CYCLOPS exit fibres. o Image quality is acceptable – a focus can be obtained that delivers 2.5-2.7 pixel images over the whole field. 5.2 Map Fibre Output in Direction along the Slit • Each of the individual fibres at the input end of CYCLOPS must be illuminated with a continuum lamp source or laser, so that the position of the output spectrum along the pseudo slit at the entrance to UCLES can be mapped. (2 days to set-up and implement) o Individual fibre illumination could not be achieved – however, we were able to determine that arc exposures could obtain good position information across the whole detector, and so this test was not necessary. • This measurement will need to be repeated following a cycle of removing the CYCLOPS slit unit, and remounting it. (1 day) o A cycle of slit removal and replacement was not done, and needs to be done during on-sky commissioning. 5.3 Map fibre relative throughput Using the mapping between position along the slit obtained above, a uniform flat-field illumination of the fibre input end will be used to determine the relative throughputs of the fibres, both at a nominal wavelength (~5500A), as well as as a function of wavelength. o Dome flats were obtained, but gave adequate counts for relative throughput measurement at just a few emission lines present in the dome fluorescent lights. I analysed three lines (at 5757,5779 & 5525A). I treated each fibre image for each line as a ‘star’ in a 2D image, and used Sextractor to identify the positions of the flux coming from each fibre. These were then used as the starting positions for a DAOPHOT analysis of all these lines (this was necessary as all the fibre images overlap, and so a simultaneous solution for all 12 fibres in a pseudo-slit is critical). The fluxes from each fibre in each of these three lines were then normalised to the flux from the fibre with the highest throughput, to produce the following plot. The green trace (line at 1075,3082) is the faintest line and so has the least weight. The fibres are numbered from the left (1,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) – fibres 2,3 and 6 are broken. The fibre throughput variations clearly repeat, with the worst three fibres (ie the worst quartile of the 12 available) ~20% worse than the best three fibres. o Data to determine fibre throughput as a function of wavelength this was taken (ie internal flat exposures, and dome exposures that uniformly illuminate CYCLOPS), but has not yet been analysed. 5.4 Map CYCLOPS wavelength formats Using a set of UCLES echellograms pointings (ie. ET,EG pointings) that provide echellograms covering the full useful wavelength range of UCLES (ie 350-1000nm), obtain mappings between echellogram x,y pixel position and wavelength. Flat field exposures at the same echellogram pointings wil indicate the wavelengths at which no useful data can be obtained from UCLES+CYCLOPS. o Observations were acquired in three wavelength settings that I will hereafter refer to as “blue”,”mid” and “red”. “mid” was specifically set up to place the key wavelength range for planet search work (5000-6100A) near the centre of the wavelength format. A full analysis has been done to date for only the “mid” setting – in general, all this shows is that we achieve exactly the wavelength formats and coverage expected, given we are using the 79l/mm echelle. The processing done consisted of straightening the images using the FIGARO sdist & cdist functions, by tracing the well-seperated fibre 1 image in a flat-field, and then doing a standard extraction and wavelength calibration. Dispersions obtained were was expected for the UCLES 79l/mm echelle, and had typical scatter about the 5th order dispersion calibration polynomial of 1/10th of a pixel (in each order). The wavelength coverage provided in this configuration when using the EEV2 whole detector mostly complete (though gaps appear as you go further to the red). There will be no coverage gaps short of 5500A. Order 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 Coverage 4542 4652 4635 4749 4735 4850 4838 4955 4945 5065 5057 5180 5174 5300 5297 5426 5426 5558 5562 5697 5704 5842 5854 5996 6012 6157 6178 6328 6354 6508 6541 6699 6739 6902 6949 7117 7172 7346 Missing 4 7 12 16 21 26 33 40 47 55 However, there is significant vignetting of the camera that appears at the red and blue end of each order. This manifests as a sharp inflection point or ‘kink’ in the throughput, which can be easily seen in extracted flat-field exposures, like the following Note also the fringing pattern, which shows a 2% peak to peak with a period of about 10 pixels – I still don’t know the source of this fringing. This vignetting is well known in UCLES, and is present in all 31l/mm and 79l/mm data taken with a slit. The wavelength coverage if one clips each order when this vignetting sets in for the “mid” configuration is then Order 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 Coverage 4560-4637 4655-4733 4754-4835 4858-4940 4966-5050 5078-5165 5195-5284 5320-5410 5450-5540 5585-5680 5728-5825 5880-5980 6038-6140 6205-6310 6380-6490 6569-6680 6765-6882 6980-7100 7200-7322 Missing 18A 21 23 26 28 30 36 40 45 48 55 58 65 70 79 85 98 100 5.5 Map Fibre Output Offsets in Direction Orthogonal to the Slit (3 days + 1 day) Each of the individual fibres at the input end of CYCLOPS must be illuminated with a laser lamp and/or a ThAr arc spectrum. • • • • The resulting spectra must be analysed to determine the offset of each fibre from the mean central axis of the slit (ie. in the direction orthogonal to the length of the slit) can be determined. This offset will need to be determined to a level of at least 1/100th of a spectral PSF, and preferably higher. The spectra must be analysed to verify that each fibre meets the image quality expected, and to determine the level of variability in PSF (if any) between fibres. This measurement will need to be repeated following a cycle of removing the CYCLOPS slit unit, and remounting it. This measurement will need to be repeated on a night when the slit-unit temperature has been changed significantly (ie. by at least 5 degrees, and preferably by 10 degrees), compared to the first test. As noted above individual illumination did not turn out to be feasible. However, the arc spectra are well separated, and so analysing the images as an individual ‘star’ for each arc line in each fibre turned out to be feasible. Sextractor was used to identify arc lines – its deblending and simultaneous fitting allowing reasonable centroids to be obtained even when images overlapped. I then analysed these individual images to look at how the individual arc images in each pseudo-slit were offset relative to the slit. Each pseudo-slit was fit with a linear slope, to take account of the changing distortions of the slit produced by the UCLES optics. These manifest as a changing slit angle on the detector over the field. Some time was spent coming up with a simple geometric model that could model and remove these slit angle variations (which have a magnitude of +- 4 degrees over the field). Amazingly a model consisting of two convergent points off the edge of the detector (presumably corresponding to the two off-axis reflections/beam deviations produced by the (1) Echelle and (2) prisms) and one radial distortion (presumably produced by the Schmidt camera optics) was able to model this slit angle variation with residuals of just 0.01 deg over the whole field. (While this is not terribly exciting for CYCLOPS, it suggests that UCLES Echelle reduction could be massively simplified by re-mapping the spectra using a very simple geometric transformation, rather than having to trace orders and arc lines ……) The following figure shows the effect removed by each succeeding component of the model – top left are the raw slit angle data, then top right are the residuals after a convergent point off the bottom of the detector is removed, then lower left are the residuals after a convergent point off the left edge is removed, and then lower right are the residuals after a radial distortion is removed. After rotating all the pseudo-slit X-Y data (using either the fitted slopes or a the model) it is then possible to look at the systematic offsets we see for each fibre about the pseudoslit mid-line. The results for the X and Y offsets for the entire field are shown below (red dots are individual measures, squares and error bars are the means and starndard deviations. The data values that arise from this for each of the 12 fibres available are Fibre Xoffset +- RMS Yoffset +- RMS =================================================== Fibre 1 : 0.319 +- 0.018 0.021 +- 0.011 Fibre 4 : -0.083 +- 0.034 -0.061 +- 0.010 Fibre 5 : -0.052 +- 0.021 0.028 +- 0.015 Fibre 7 : -0.202 +- 0.017 -0.031 +- 0.013 Fibre 8 : -0.106 +- 0.015 -0.017 +- 0.012 Fibre 9 : -0.125 +- 0.020 0.020 +- 0.011 Fibre 10 : 0.003 +- 0.023 0.049 +- 0.017 Fibre 11 : -0.024 +- 0.021 0.048 +- 0.017 Fibre 12 : -0.000 +- 0.025 0.028 +- 0.020 Fibre 13 : 0.057 +- 0.017 -0.052 +- 0.017 Fibre 14 : 0.053 +- 0.022 -0.069 +- 0.016 Fibre 15 : 0.162 +- 0.017 0.036 +- 0.012 =================================================== The peak-to-peak variation in the Y (or spectral dispersion) direction is 0.1pixel, which corresponds to 1.35um in the detector focal plane, or 17.9um at the UCLES entrance slit (for an UCLES de-projection factor in the spectral direction of 13.25). This corresponds to 2.5um at the physical fibre exit (for an assumed magnification of 5/36=0.139). This means the fibre positioning in the dispersion direction has a peak-to-peak variation of 3.5% of a 70um fibre. The precision with which these offsets can be measured is ~0.6% of a spectral FWHM. The fibres forming the pseudo-slit have a peak-topeak variation in the X (or spatial) direction of 0.52 pixels, or 8.4um at the fibre exit plane (for an UCLES spatial de-projection of 8.63, and a CYCLOPS slit-unit magnification of 1/7.2=5/36=0.139. The same fitting process enables us to look at how the fibre spacing varies over the field. The fibre spacing (ie distance fibre centre-fibre-centre) has a mean value of 5.8 (though it is linearly correlated with X position on the detector (due to the use of a prism cross-disperser), and ranges from 5.60 to 6.0 pixels. This means that the spacing between fibre centres is ~144um. 5.5 GUIDER calibration (1 day) Back illuminate CYCLOPS bundle and determine bundle centre on guider camera as a function of • Guider filter The guider back-viewing mode turns out to not be terribly useful for aligning anything onto the guider. This alignment will have to be done using stars and code to reconstruct and image from an UCLES spectrum (as for SPIRAL). • Telescope DEC and HA (ie use back-illumination to examine flexure between guider camera and fibre entrance) The guider back-viewing mode was useful (using back-illumination) to measure flexure of the lever-arm in the Cass unit between the guider camera and the fibre entrance (or at least the microlens front surface). An initial flexure test carried out in this way showed significant flexure – however, this was potentially due to the (many!) screws on the Cass unit not being installed and tightened. After tightening these, another test was done. This showed some ‘flexure’ however it was flexure with hysteresis (ie that ‘flip-flopped’ as the telescope slewed from one side of the sky to the other). This flexure is suspected to be due to the flopping of the filter-holder for the guider – as this holder sits in the collimated beam, movement of it will move images on the guider CCD. A test without the filter was carried out, and showed greatly reduced flexure. A detailed analysis of this data has still not been done, though image centroids of the files were obtained as the data was written at the AAT. Images saved as g27may0001 … Run Position ZD X,Y(pixel) ============================================ 2,3 Up 0 121.7,151.9 4 dec=-75 43.7 5 dec=-90 58.7 121.6,151.8 6 dec=+30 61.7 122.1,152.4 7 dec=+15 46.3 122.1,152.0 8 Zenith 0 121.9,151.9 9 +5:00 (ie W) 62.7 121.5,152.3 10 +4:00 50.6 121.7,152.0 11 +2:00 25.6 121.9,151.7 12 -2:00 25.6 122.6,152.0 13 -4:00 50.6 123.1,152.3 14 -5:00 62.7 123.3,151.8 15 Zenith 0 121.9,151.8 ============================================ It would appear that when the filter is NOT present, that whatever flexure is present is repeatable and without hysteresis. However, there is evidence that when the telescope went into the East, that almost a pixel of flexure occurred. That corresponds to a 0.3” shift. Most of this flexure seems to happen between 2:00h and 4:00h. More data and a more detailed analysis is needed to map this effect, so we can determine whether it is real, and worth modelling. It should be able to be taken out in software in the guider.