Paw PRAISE - Cedar Park Christian Schools
Paw PRAISE - Cedar Park Christian Schools
PAW PRIDE October focus: SHOW COMPASSION What is COMPASSION? COMPASSION is a combination of love and understanding. COMPASSION is more than just feeling sympathy; it also involves doing something that helps someone else. Sometimes we get involved directly, and other times we might get involved by sending money or gifts to help people in need. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: SCRIP INFORMATION 10/13/15 McTEACHER NIGHT 10/30; 11/11; 11/2027/15 EXTENDED CARE FOR KF-6 CHRISTMAS BAZAAR 11/14/15 Understanding how people feel helps us recognize what they need and helps us respond to their needs with COMPASSION. Jesus responded to the needs of those around Him by showing COMPASSION. He healed the sick and fed the hungry. God wants us to do the same — to look at the people around us, see what they need and then serve them. When we see the needs of others (empathy) and then help them (COMPASSION), we are serving God. What better place to practice COMPASSION than with the people you live with? A lot of times we love our kids, but we don't express it in the way they can understand it. Children understand love in three ways: affection, affirmation, and attention Affection. Children need lots of hugs and touch and kisses. They need to feel your love. Affirmation. They need to hear it! You need to tell your kids every day — and more than once a day — how much you love them. Affirm them, and build them up with love. Attention. One of the greatest gifts you can give others is listening to them. When you look at a child on his level, you're saying, "You matter to me. You're important to me. I want to hear what you have to say.” In doing this, you show COMPASSION. Could it be that my parental COMPASSION is even a hint of what God feels for us? God feels an immense COMPASSION for us, which far exceeds mine. And because of that COMPASSION, we can have hope. Jesus made it clear that not only does God have COMPASSION on sinners, but He desires that we have that same COMPASSION. He wants to turn our hearts of stone – as a result of hurts, betrayal, cynicism, or selfishness – into hearts of flesh that long to love God and make His love known to the world. When we struggle with our own set of “what ifs” and “if onlys,” God wants to shower us with COMPASSION, even if we have been unfaithful or messed up more times than we want to count. We come face to face with the depth BOXTOPS FOR EDUCATION CAMPBELL SOUP LABELS lynnwood 17931 64th Avenue West, Lynnwood, WA 98037 425-742-9518, Fax 425-745-9306 Paw PRAISE WE THANK YOU—WILBUR, BRIDGETTE, AND ELLIE BEAR! This awesome family has undertaken the transformation and care of our front Cedar Park Christian School brick sign area. Have you noticed the flowers, rocks, and cedar log border? Now we ask that you help us care for this beautiful area by not parking in the gravel area so as not to damage it. of God’s mercy at Easter, as we celebrate the greatest act of COMPASSION ever known — the death and resurrection of Jesus. God was a Father on a mission, compelled by overwhelming COMPASSION and a willingness to do whatever it took to scoop us up into His arms and atone for our mistakes, making them nothing more than history. He died to carry our burdens so we wouldn’t have to, and so we could be free to live in peace, not regret. Jesus was resurrected so we can experience His mercies anew every day. Now that is an act of COMPASSION worth celebrating!! The Lord never runs out of COMPASSION for us, and He meets each one of us in the place we are at in our walk with Him. He doesn’t require us to be ‘better behaved’ or follow all of His rules before working with us. We need to be conscious of God’s COMPASSION in our lives, all of the ways He has blessed us, and the things He has spared us from on a daily basis. We need to remember how He has taken us- in baby steps, over timefrom the lost person we were to being grounded in Christ. We don’t have to draw from our own strength. We can draw on His COMPASSION, which is never-ending. COMPASSION is the heart of God. By His grace, may it also be our heart. PAGE 2 CUB COMMENTARY I love the month of October! The bright fall colors and crisp cool mornings remind me of my dad. times we talked of important matters, but more often, we just talked about the simple things of life. My dad was a logger in Northern Idaho and he loved all things related to forests and trees. I can remember sitting on the front steps of our house with my dad as he “whittled” on a piece of wood. Some- I believe it is the same with our Heavenly Father. He loves to hear the important matters that are on my heart, but I think He finds the simpler, dayto-day conversations just as important. God loves to hear what is on the heart of His children— whether simple or profound. May you pause today and lift your voice to the Lord, no matter the concern. He longs to hear what’s on your heart and mind! Mrs. Isakson EXTENDED CARE CUBS Our summer extended care students had so much fun! They started the summer off with ZOO WEEK and went on a field trip to Woodland Park Zoo. They had an awesome PIONEER WEEK where the students learned how to wash clothes by hand with an antique washboard and also panned for gold, like in the Gold Rush days. During COOKING WEEK they learned the story of ‘Stone Soup’ . They cut up their own vegetables (the stone was a large potato), and had so much to go around that they shared it with staff and parents! ECOLOGY WEEK found them learning about the different layers of soil and making a pudding snack layered to look like dirt. At different times of the day or week they were out riding their bicycles or running under the sprinklers or walking to Daleway Park. After eight weeks of awesome fun and activities with their friends they headed to Edmonds Beach to wrap it all up. CUB CHUCKLE PAW PRIDE VOLUME 7, ISSUE 4 PAGE 3 CUB REMINDERS RESERVED PARKING SPOTS Some of our families have purchased parking spots at our auction. These parking spots have Reserved Signs on them, but we are finding that other families are taking those spots. Please be aware of these signs and not park in the reserved spots. “HALLOWEEN” Please remember that we do NOT recognize or celebrate Halloween at CPCS. Halloween costumes are not permitted at school. HOMEWORK REQUESTS – must be called in by 10:30 a.m. If your child is home because of illness and you are requesting homework– that request must be in by 10:30am so that the teacher can have the opportunity to put it together for afterschool pick-up. Parent and scroll down to Parent Preferences to update. TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES COLD/FLU SEASON One of the most exciting features of our RenWeb software system is the ability to provide families with an on-line family directory. This will allow users to access contact information for other CPCS families via and on their mobile device via the app! You may remember when you enrolled/re-enrolled where you were able to opt in or out to block your contact information. This can also be updated via your Parents Web account by following the How to Change Family Demographic Information directions listed above – click on Custodial Students who have had a fever are not to return to school until they are fever-free for 24 hours. If your child vomits before coming to school, please do not bring him/ her to school. Please, please help us keep our kids healthy by observing these guidelines! CUB KUDOS CAMPUS SPRUCE-UP THANKS! Have you noticed how nice it looks around our campus? That is THANKS to a great group of people who came out on Saturday, August 22, and spread bark, weeded, painted, cleaned, etc. It’s because of people like you who make us look good! WE ALREADY HAVE SOME WINNERS! Our summer collectors winning a $5 Target gift card are: Boxtops – Abby Seim Campbells – Hannah Morriss BACK-TO-SCHOOL NACHO NIGHT THANKS! What a fun night we had at our Back-toSchool Night August 27th!! The weather was amazingly cooperative and we all had a great time together as a school family. THANK YOU to our wonderful PSO committee for the great and yummy nachos. Those of you that just showed up and pitched in were a blessing. Around 200 people came out. So many new families and old friends – it was great to say hello to you all! PICK-UP & DROP-OFF The parking lot is running quite smoothly. Please remember that the lane next to the building is for Kindergarten and 1st graders only. Preschool and Prekindergarten families need to park in the visitor (moms with babies) or North lot to walk their children to the classroom. Parents using lanes 2 & 3 must not leave the car to escort their children to class. Please have your children use the crosswalk. Please drop your child off in the front of the building. We have a wonderful volunteer parent that will supervise your child across the crosswalk. In the north lot, no cars are allowed to drive down into the playground or be used to drop off your child. Use the courtyard to walk your child (ren) from the north lot to the playground. Just a reminder – the right 2 lanes are to turn right and the left 2 lanes are to turn left when leaving the parking lot. Please do not cross over the lanes to exit. CUB LIBRARY NEWS Welcome to the Cubs Library! Our goal is to provide students, faculty and staff with access to print and online resources for curriculum support and their leisure reading interests. The Lynnwood campus library/ Media Center is the heart of information for our school. We have a collection of over 15,000 books. We have a selection of literature that covers all different kinds of genre. In our collection many hard copy resources are represented such as, encyclopedias, non-fiction information books, almanacs, dictionaries, etc. We, also, have seven computers that are able to access our OPAC (online public access catalog). We are excited to introduce our new Library Management system called Follett Destiny. Students will now be able to find books using the typical OPAC or they will be able to use a visual search function. Teachers and students will be able to rate books, write comments and create book summaries for our library books in Destiny. Soon online catalog can be accessed from home on any computer or mobile device. Students will be able to place holds on items as well as download ebooks. As the months progress we will introduce more news about this exciting system and what it has to offer our school community. MakerSpace Cubs CUB CALENDAR SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Chapel CUB FRIDAY MIP 8:30-9:30am K-6th VISIONHEARING SCREENING Chapel STUDENT COUNCIL ELECTIONS KF-6 SPECIAL ASSEMBLY 2PM Cub Club 3-4:30pm PSO MEETING 3:15 Chapel 3rd-4th-5th-6th to The Farm 9:00-2:30 MIP 8:30-9:30am PS to Fairbanks Animal Farm 9-11am McTEACHER NIGHT 5-7pm PK to Fairbanks Animal Farm 9-11am MIP 8:30-9:30am Chapel Kindergarten to The Farm 9:00-2:30 MIP 8:30-9:30am Chapel Watch for November PAW PRIDE EARLY DISMISSAL 11:30 for KF-6th CUB CALENDAR CONTINUED CHAPELS – THURSDAYS, 8:45-9:30AM! October 1—Mrs. Jan Isakson October 8—Dr. Clint Behrends, Supt. October 15— Pastor Robin Munshaw October 22— Mrs. Brockmann’s 5th/6th grade October 29—Mrs. Whiteman’s 2nd grade PSO MEETING—THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8th at 3:15pm in the library. WE NEED YOU to get involved! YOU are the backbone of the school and our teachers need YOU to lean on. Would YOU be interested in supporting our teachers and planning some fun social events for our school families? Please join us as we make plans for the year. OCTOBER 13th McTEACHER NIGHT Please join our teachers/staff as we serve you at the McDonald’s at 2608 196TH Street SW, Lynnwood (across from Barnes & Noble) on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 5:007:00pm (see attached). Come and cheer our teachers on as they serve you! MONDAY, OCTOBER 5th— VISION/HEARING SCREENING for grades kindergarten through six. We have a team of Northwest Christian University staff/students coordinating this event for us. If your student needs further testing, a note will be sent home. If you do not want your child tested, please let the front office know. Students in grades 1-6 will be electing their STUDENT COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6th. FIELD TRIPS: October 13—PS to Fairbanks Animal Farm 9-11am October 14—PK to Fairbanks Animal Farm 9-11am October 16—3rd/4th/5th/6th to The Farm in Snohomish, 9:00-2:30 October 20—Kindergarten to The Farm in Snohomish, 9:30-2:30 End 1st Quarter SCHOOL PICTURE RETAKES 8:30-9:30AM OCTOBER 28th is SCHOOL PICTURE RETAKES for those who missed the original picture day and for those who need retakes. This will be from 8:30-9:30am. OCTOBER 30th is an EARLY DISMISSAL DAY at 11:30 for KF6th grade for the end of the 1st quarter. Reservations must be made for Extended Care (see attached). PAWS TO PRAY MOMS-IN-PRAYER Wouldn’t you like to be a part of a growing number of moms who meet in the teachers’ lounge every Monday morning, 8:30-9:30? What an awesome opportunity to surround our school and families with prayer! Please call Patti Berline for more information: 425-774-9779 or email her at