Chimes 2009-10-01 - St. John`s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Chimes 2009-10-01 - St. John`s Evangelical Lutheran Church
THE CHIMES St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 301 West Main Street Walhalla, South Carolina We are called and empowered by God to spread the Gospel and to share the love of Jesus Christ in service to all. The Rev. David W. Coffman, Pastor Office Hours Mon.- Fri. 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Phone: (864) 638-6363 Fax: (864) 638-8238 Email: Website: Biggerstaff: 882-3337 398 Biggerstaff Road; Seneca SC 29672 Pre-School Phone: (864) 638-8099 Pre-School Email: OCTOBER 2009 Time Again for Oktoberfest! This year’s event is scheduled for October 16, 17 and 18th. St. John’s will once again host the always popular “Baked Sale Booth”. This is a primary fundraiser for Men in Mission and WELCA. Proceeds for sale of baked goods will benefit Oconee A.I.D. and United Way/Family Friends Diaper Fund. Thrivent Financial will donate up to $700 (depending on the proceeds). We depend on our congregation to donate both baked goods and their time. Sign-up sheets are out for both workers and food donations. Begin your baking now- there is plenty of room in St. John’s freezer to store items. We need LOTS OF HOME -BAKED ITEMS. Following is the updated price list. Remember to package, price and label all items. If an item is sugar free, low fat or contains nuts, label accordingly. Remember- there is no refrigeration at the booth. All baked items should be brought to the church before 2:00 p.m. on Friday afternoon, before 10:00 a.m. on Saturday and before 12 noon on Sunday. Items can be dropped off at the booth at any time. Price your items according to the following guide: SUGGESTED PRICING (feel free to raise prices accordingly) 2 ½ inch cookies 6 per bag- $2.00 Cupcakes $.50 each Layer Cakes $12.00-$19.00 each Cake Slices $1.00 Pound Cakes $12.00-$15.00 Pies $7.00 Muffins $ .50 2 X 2 inch brownies $.50 Large Bread $ 4.00 Small Bread $3.00 Fudge 4 per bag $1.00 Hot Chocolate $.50 Coffee or Tea $.50 Workers are also needed. Most shifts are 2 hours in length with 4 workers scheduled for each shift. This is a great opportunity to be a part of the festivities and enjoy good fellowship at the same time. Be sure to sign-up as soon as possible. Work slots fill up fast! Monetary donations are always welcome. Make a check payable to Lutheran Men in Mission and give it to Al Pittman or Joan Lewis. Contact Joan Lewis or Libby McLean with questions. St. John’s Lutheran Church Newsletter St. John’s NEW MEMBERS CONGREGATION POT-LUCK LUNCH SUNDAY, October 11th 11:30 a.m. ~One Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.~ The Fox’s Trot The question this month is, “Who is able to partake in the Lord’s Supper/Holy Communion/Eucharist?” The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America practices “Eucharistic Hospitality”. This means that all baptized persons are welcomed to Communion. It is up to the individual, either a visitor or a member, on whether they wish to partake in the meal. People are not demanded to come to communion they are invited. It is Lutheran tradition, since the late 1500’s when Lutheranism became organized with the publication of the Book of Concord, that we partake in Holy Communion every Sunday and at festivals. The tradition still holds true today. Holy Communion stopped happening every Sunday in America because there were not enough ordained clergy to have it every week. The clergy were circuit riders and so when they would come to town (once a month or quarter) the congregation would have communion. Today, we have ordained clergy in most every church; therefore, we have gone back to the tradition set by Lutheran Patriarchs in the 1500’s. The sacrament is needed by the church and so we celebrate it frequently. It is needed because this is where God’s people are fed and nourished and it is a time of forgiveness. I look forward to your questions for next month. Submit all questions via email or on my desk. MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES The Evangelism Committee is seeking workers to help with the meditation garden. Look for a sign-up sheet to donate plants for the garden at the Spiritual Opportunities Table. October 10th is planting day! BECOME PART OF A COMMUNITY EFFORT TO REACH OUT WITH “LUNCH FOR LIFE ~ FOOD FOR THE SOUL” Join St. John’s for our second Saturday lunch feeding to take place on October 10th. A menu and sign-up for food/monetary donations is located at the Spiritual Opportunities Table, along with a sign-up sheet for volunteers. This is a continuation of our INASMUCH ministry to help those in need in our community. LONG-RANGE PLANNING UPDATE The Church Council approved, at its September meeting, a basic Master Plan for St Johns which includes a new Fellowship Hall and a renovation of the Sacristy and old Fellowship Hall. The drawings presented offered phases for the work to be completed including space for a new preschool. The Council felt that there was ample need for a new Fellowship Hall (FH) AND Preschool (PS) and suggested it not be done in phases but the entire project at the same time. The plan approved for FH and PS space was sent back to the Long Range Planning Committee which is now awaiting additional drawings to be approved and sent back to the Council. Once these drawings are complete, we will present them to the Congregation for approval. Once the Congregation approves, we will begin to raise the necessary funds. Some of the features of the Master Plan include: ♦ A 14,500-15,000 sq ft, 2 story structure which would house a new Preschool capable of accommodating up to 120 students and a new Fellowship Hall complete with a commercial kitchen, restrooms and storage. ♦ Renovation of the current Fellowship Hall and Sacristy which would include restrooms, offices, work areas, Altar Guild Room and Choir Room. The current Sacristy would be enlarged and the roof raised behind the Good Shepard Window. A total of 2 rooms would be added to the current Fellowship Hall, which would still leave a large section of the room as open space. The committee and Council believe that this Master Plan is the most comprehensive way to utilize and improve the space we currently have. It also allows St. John’s the capabilities of expanding our ministries both outside the Church within the community. St. John’s Lutheran Church Newsletter 2 DATE TIME USHERS/GREETERS ASSISTING MINISTERS ACOLYTES 9:00 Usher/Greeter: Bob & Dolly Johnson Greeters: Kyle & Monica Addis Dottie Brandt Lector Mary Sprouse Ward Sprouse 11:00 Usher/Greeter: Bill & Ann Brackett Greeters: Dave & Joan Lewis Doug Wilson Micah Mann Bill Hill October 11 10:00 Usher/Greeter: Betty Mantell and Betty Sosebee Greeters: Ken & Sandra Pruitt Patty Shepard Lector Gary Cabbage Riley Shepard Sherwood Drexel October 18 9:00 Usher/Greeter: Chris Lawrence and Chris Lee Greeter: Sally Flodin Jan Long Lector David Holt Catherine Lee 11:00 Usher/Greeter: Gene & Barbara Dahlquist Greeter: Ken Johns Calvin Schoulties Madison Underwood 9:00 Usher/Greeter: Norman & Ann Henry Greeter: Doug & Ginny Deane Julia Ballenger Lector Bill Hughes Blakely Addis 11:00 Usher/Greeter: Charles & Hannelore McChesney Greeters: Lawrence & Laurie Gimas Barbara Wilson October 4 October 25 Altar Guild: ** Sandra Yuda, Karen Lawrence and Dottie Brandt Offering Counters: David Lewis, Gary Cabbage, Amy Klaren and Patty Shepard Life Transitions in our congregation during the month of September Baptized – Madison Underwood, daughter of Jeff and the late Debbie Underwood on September 20 Tina Barrett Vicar David Catherine Lee Rachael Norton WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY SUPPER ~menus for October~ October 7th October 14th October 21st October 28th Died – Marion Busch, September 14 Moved – Al & Jean Pittman 882-1725 537 Benton Street; Seneca, SC 29672 AUXILIARIES Oconee A.I.D.: The Men in Mission are asking for donations to Oconee A.I.D. for October. Items needed are: warm clothing, socks, hair brushes, and combs. These items or cash donations would be very much appreciated. The Snake Man is coming to MEN IN MISSION on Monday, October 5. Come and join us at 6:00 p.m. to here about our local snakes. Wives are invited. Dinner will be POT LUCK with cost for men at $5. Wives eat free. St. John’s Lutheran Church Newsletter CANTOR Pizza & Salad Hot Dogs & Beans Lasagna & Salad Subway Sandwiches Come join us for good food and fellowship $3 per person/$10 maximum Sign-up at the Spiritual Opportunities Table WELCA words from Libby. . . . . Fall is here with so many opportunities for our women. Hopefully everyone has already begun their Oktoberfest baking. Check out the article with pricing suggestions to help you, and sign-up to work a shift in our food booth at Sertoma Field if you are able. Our profits this year will benefit United Way's Family Friends Diaper Fund. Our next quarterly meeting will be Sunday, October 25th, at 12:15 following the 11:00 service. The Morning Circle will host. Those attending are asked to bring a salad, sandwiches, or dessert cont. next pg. 3 For our lunch prior to the meeting. All women are invited to attend and encouraged to bring a friend. Barbara Wilson has posted the minutes from the last meeting on the WELCA Bulletin Board for your convenience. SC Winter and Spring Retreat registration forms are available on the bulletin board. Find a friend to room with and sign-up for a spiritual weekend at Camp Kinard in February or Coastal Retreat Center in April. You might even want to attend both! Our ladies who went last spring found it well planned, inspirational, relaxing, and enjoyable. Five of our women attended the Foothills Fall Conference at Atonement in Laurens. We learned how Water Missions International, based in Charleston is changing lives through sustainable water systems in sixty countries. The ladies of Atonement were wonderful hosts in their small but beautiful church. On Saturday, March 27th (note date change), we will be hosting the Spring Foothills Conference at Biggerstaff. How wonderful it will be if we can have most of our women (all ages) in attendance that morning. I'm working on committees, so please be willing to help. New Guides to Women's Ministries will be printed for distribution in January. Anyone with changes in phone numbers or email address need to let me or Joan Lewis have the correct information by the end of November. If you're new to St. John's or have been here a while, but are not yet involved in a circle, we invite you to visit and hopefully join. Both circles meet on the third Tuesday of each month. The Morning Circle meets at the church at 9:30 a.m. unless otherwise noted. The Gloria Shealy Circle meets at 6:00 p.m. at the church unless otherwise noted. If your name is listed as a circle member, but you've been unable to attend in a while, let this be the time to reunite and become actively involved again. You have FALL COLOR been missed. ON THE Remember to check BLUE RIDGE often at the Spiritual PARKWAY! October 19 & 20 If you like cruising the parkway and taking short hikes to see the spectacular views and are 50 or older come join us for two day trip to the Waynesville, NC area. See sign-up sheet on the Spiritual Opportunities Table. For additional details. Doug and Ginny Deane 718-9265. St. John’s Lutheran Church Newsletter Opportunities Table to see what opportunities are available for us as Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. God's work. Our Hands. MORNING CIRCLE: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 20, at 9:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. Sally Flodin and Dottie Brandt will be cohosting. If you haven't joined a circle, we hope you will give us a "try". Please come to the meeting and invite a friend to join us for fellowship and fun. GLORIA SHEALY CIRCLE gathers to bake for Oktoberfest on October 12th, 6:00 p.m. This is an evening of fun and fellowship. Bring the ingredients for your favorite baked item and bake with us! There is lots of packaging and pricing to do as well. Please join us and bring a friend. PRIME TIMERS October meeting will be held at Biggerstaff Retreat Center on Tuesday, October 13th, at 5:30 p.m. Our hosts for the evening are Harvey & Fredi Hallman, and the program for the evening will be John Hawbecker and the Cloggers. Come and bring a favorite dish to share, your own plates and silverware. Please sign-up at the Opportunities Table. St. John’s Knitters/Crocheters: From our boutique, during the Tour of Tables on August 15, we donated $126 to the Kitchen Fund. We have recently donated dishcloths to Our Daily Bread and washcloths to Our Daily Rest. Plans are being made for another trip to Elmore-Pisgah yarn plant in Old Fort, NC on October 5. If you cannot go on the trip but need/want yarn, contact Barbara at 638-8818 or Use the same contact information if you need a household or baby gift? Also, if you would like to learn/renew knitting/crocheting during an evening (in January or February) because you work during days, please contact Barbara. INTERESTED IN GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER BETTER? INTERESTED IN MEETING NEW PEOPLE? INTERESTED IN GOOD FOOD, FUN AND FELLOWSHIP? BECOME PART OF ST. JOHN’S SUPPER CLUB Groups of 8 meet monthly at alternating homes for supper 4 Sunday School News The Reverend Neil MacQueen, a Presbyterian Minister with 23 years experience in Christian Education, recently wrote this article on the importance of church involvement for our children. Too good to be true? (but it is) --The life benefits of regular church attendance-What if I told you there was a well-researched and statistically proven program that can: increase the average life expectancy of your children by 8 years significantly reduce their use and risk from Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs dramatically lower their risk of suicide help them rebound from depression 70% faster dramatically reduce their risk for committing a crime improve their attitude at school and increase their school participation improve their performance in college and lessen problems with college-age substance abuse • reduce their risk for rebelliousness • reduce the likelihood that they would binge drink in college • improve their odds for a "very happy" life • provide them with a life-long moral compass • • • • • • • Is there such a program? Yes, there is. And it is supported by research from Duke University, Indiana University, The University of Michigan, The Center for Disease Control, Barna Research Group, numerous independent studies, and the National Institute for Healthcare Research. How much would a program like this be worth to you? What if I told you it was free, and only took about 2 hours a week? Take a look at the list again. It's not a dream. The program is called "active church participation” of which regular Sunday School attendance is an important part. ********************************************************** At St. John’s we are committed to teaching our faith to our children, to helping them grow spiritually, to increasing their knowledge of the Bible, and to offering opportunities for service to others. This Fall our young children are learning about the Biblical family from Abraham to Jesus and about our membership in the family of Christ. In the Winter, we will learn about the church calendar and Christian festivals. You are a vital part of this important ministry. Please consider teaching for one month or caring for the little ones in the nursery. Contact Elaine Griesheimer or 973-9152 or 412-260-4228 (cell) The Room for One More Sunday School Class has just begun the Augsburg Adult Bible Study. This study offers timely topics based on selected books of the Bible and studies the complete Bible over a six year period. It's not too late to join us. You can join at any time. We look forward to digging a little deeper into the scriptures and seeing what God has in store for us. Questions? Ask Elaine Wilson, 723-4875 or St. John’s Lutheran Church Newsletter 5 Thank you….so much. Jack Campbell Kenny Johns Jr. Lucy Klaren Rebecca Chmelar Allison Sims Carolyn Brandt Alexander Brandt Glen Nichols Donna Moss Juanita Johns Laura Sloan Bill Watt Dwight Baldus Campbell Parris Marjorie Conaway Jeanne Welch Kyle Addis Will Lee Jr. Zachary Sims Matthew Cobb Dale Hampton Lindsay Johns Robert Schmeelcke Meredith Lyle Benjamin Fulbright Elizabeth McCall Jimmy Beebe Delores Krueger Lee Trad Michelle Leggett Mike Miller Jane Harris 10/04 10/04 10/04 10/05 10/05 10/09 10/11 10/12 10/13 10/14 10/15 10/15 10/17 10/17 10/19 10/19 10/21 10/23 10/24 10/25 10/26 10/26 10/26 10/27 10/28 10/28 10/29 10/29 10/29 10/30 10/30 10/31 To our friends at St. Johns: Thank you so much for the use of the beautiful Challis for our Communion Service. We are so thankful and overwhelmed by the outpouring of love we have received from all of you. Please continue to remember us as we begin to rebuild. Sincerely, St. Luke United Methodist Church Dear St. John’s Friends, Horace and I appreciate, so much, all the cards, calls, prayers, and visits while I am home recovering from my knee replacement surgery. Everyone has been so supportive and thoughtful. I, especially, want to thank the Chef I Team for the meal they brought and also my circle, the Gloria Shealy Circle, for the beautiful flowers and thoughtful meal. St. John’s is truly a very caring church, and I am glad to be a part of such a wonderful group. In Christian Love, Tina Barrett Dear Ladies of the Church, Thank you so much for giving us such a nice baby shower. The decorations were beautiful, and the food was delicious. The gifts were all so thoughtful! Thank you all for sharing our excitement with us. Sincerely Ryan, Mary and Caleb SOUND BITES Vision and hearing are primary ways that we receive information about our surroundings. They determine our interactions with other people. Loss of either one of these senses reduces our ability and inclination to interact with others. Except for the formal services, church gatherings are noisy events. Those of us with hearing loss have a hard time distinguishing the speech we want to hear from the background noise of all the other speakers. If you have hearing loss, enlist the help of the speaker by asking him or her to face you. Also asking the speaker to move to a less noisy area will help you. Successful communicating requires both people to make an effort. Don’t shy away from human interaction because of hearing difficulty. In His service, David S. Holt Brandon & Angie Shepard 10/02 Cory & Erin Drennon 10/08 David & Judy Burington 10/17 Terry & Tina Stephens 10/19 William & Frances Carter 10/30 The Hospitality Committee invites the "Senior Saints" of St John's to a reception in their honor on Sunday, November 1st. It will be held in the Fellowship Hall, after the first service. Our "Senior Saints" include all members who are 80 years young and above. Combine your work-related errands into one trip. Vehicles don’t reach their maximum operating efficiency until they have been driven for at least 2 miles –so more trips mean more emissions created by the poor performance of catalytic converters during the early part of each trip. When you first start a car after it has been sitting for more than an hour, it pollutes up to five times more than when the engine’s warm! St. John’s Lutheran Church Newsletter 6 HONOREE/MEMORIAL DONATIONS JULY-SEPTEMBER 2009—THIRD QUARTER Memorial BY DONATION TO Rev. George Shealy Eloise Fidell Rev. George Shealy Rev. George Shealy Bobbie Duncan Book Fund Neal/Faye Workman Book Fund Rev. George Shealy Pete Boos Shirley Hayes Mark/Libby McLean Kitchen Fund Mr. & Mrs. RC Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. WC Hale Ann B. Westerlund David Westerlund Biggerstaff Valeria Wigington Kent Wigington Altar Guild June Edwards Marie Dilworth Paul/Barbara Wilson Altar Guild Phillip Sloan Ann Sloan Henry Biemann Neal/Faye Workman Undesignated Matthew Theiling Neal/Faye Workman Biggerstaff In/Out Honorarium Chefs I & II BY Gloria Shealy Book Fund Book Fund Altar Guild DONATION TO Kitchen Fund Coats for Christ During the month of October, St. John’s Lutheran Church and Ascension Episcopal Church, in Seneca, will be collecting coats for the winter for needy persons in our community. Then on November 8, at 7:00 at Ascension we will have a dedication service for all the coats and money collected in the month of October. Luke 3:11 says, John the Baptist said, “Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise.” How many coats do you use during the winter as opposed to the number of coats in your closet? I have one or two that I use and many more in my closet. How many people freeze to death in the US? Just last year in New Orleans, the newspaper columnist, Colley Charpentier wrote, “An Algiers resident took a blanket to a woman who'd been sleeping on benches along a bicycle path under the Crescent City Connection and found her dead, one of two hypothermia deaths of homeless people during Thursday morning's freeze, the Orleans Parish coroner's office said Friday.” A Note from the Spiritual Gifts Coordinator… Teaching: the gift that enables a believer to communicate a personal understanding of the Bible and faith in such a way that it becomes clear and understood by others. This is a Spiritual Gift that is one of the most important of our gifts- especially when it comes to teaching our children about Jesus. St. John’s is in need of teachers for our Sunday School Program. Sometimes it seems like the same people do all the work. We must keep in mind that we are a small church with a small group of children and an even smaller base of parents to call on. The church does not have paidprofessional teachers; it depends on parents to volunteer as teachers. Elaine Griesheimer has restructured the program to fit the needs of our parent/teachers. A teacher and a assistant will be scheduled for one month per year. They will work for approximately 40 minutes with a group of 12 students. All that is needed is 9 volunteers to teach and 9 volunteers to assist and a Sunday School year is covered. There could be no greater gift that you could share with our young people- your children. It would be tragic to see the Sunday School Program at St. John’s disappear because of lack of volunteers- tragic for our church and tragic for your children. “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6. This is your gift- it is your responsibility to open and use it. Please prayerfully consider teaching our children- your children. Please contact Elaine Griesheimer or myself (Joan Lewis) for further details. God’s Work- Our Hands! St. John’s Lutheran Church Newsletter We are constantly reminding ourselves that we are called to serve those in need. Along the way we collect too many things for ourselves and need to let go of a few things. Have you ever thought of the coats or extra clothes in your closet as sinful. It is if you are keeping them away from someone in need. Maybe God is waiting to use your gifts, your “old, tattered, gently used” clothing, coats etc. for someone in need. This year we were challenged and blessed by Project InAsMuch. Matthew 25 reminds us, “In as much as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” Jesus is cold and needs your extra coats. Jesus, the people in our community are cold and need our extra coats. Won’t you share out of your bounty? 7 Grief Care Corner By Edwina K. Wicker Ephesians 4:26—Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger. (Revised Standard Version) Anger is a natural human emotion that is highly charged with energy. In their book On Grief and Grieving, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and David Kessler encourage readers to feel the full spectrum of anger then find ways to release the anger without hurting themselves or others. Sometimes we have to get creative with releasing anger and know that if something works one time, it may or may not work another time. Here are some ideas for working through anger without sinning. Write out the anger then drop the writing into a shredder, or burn the writing and blow the ashes into the wind. Find a safe solitary place to scream or cry. Throw rocks into a pond and let each ripple dissipate the emotions. Exercise or work outside. Ask someone who owns a junk yard if you can beat a wrecked vehicle with a baseball bat. Talk to God and your loved one and tell them how angry you are. Take a deep breath and blow it out. Let the anger go, and know that God’s love for each of us is more powerful than our grief. Dear God, Anger can be frightening and makes us feel uncomfortable. Be with us as we manage anger in any life situations. Help us find ways to release our anger without sinning. Amen. NEW MEMBERS ON OCTOBER 11: Tommy & Jeannie Barnwell 944-0306 523 Sleepy Hollow Court; Tamassee, 29686 Scott & Lisa Biggers 710-2109 (Zachary/Hannah) 206 Playground Road; Walhalla, 29691 Nancy Carter 419-2020 PO Box 226/ 121 S. Dogwood Dr., Walhalla 29691 Allen Harden 882-4509 2004 Ironside Circle, Seneca 29672 Nick Harden 882-4509 2004 Ironside Circle, Seneca 29672 Showing the shoes collected Sunday. Your extra pair may be their only pair Terry Holcombe 638-8320 175 Creekside Drive, Walhalla, 29691 Ilia Schumacher 638-5252 (Laken Lanier) Thank you to St. John's! We had 788 Red Hill Farm Road; Walhalla, 29691 a tremendous response to "Soles 4 Souls." Think of how many peo- John & Miki Shealy 638-0311 ple will have shoes to wear be- 440 Pine Hollow Lane; West Union, 29696 cause we cleaned our closets! Without all of you, our shoe drive for Soles4Souls Coats for Christ – Service of Dedication on would not have been such a success. We were Sunday, November 8 able to collect hundreds of shoes from our closets. God truly has blessed us by giving us at Ascension Episcopal Church shoes to begin with; and now he is blessing us 7:00 p.m. by allowing us to share our blessings to those in need of shoes. This is a great example of us Collecting Coats at St. John’s on Sundays being stewards of the earth. I pray that the beginning on October 18. Gospel is spread even further after these shoes are received. St. John’s Lutheran Church Newsletter 8 Project Status Reports as of August 31, 2009 Biggerstaff/SCLRC Project – In August 2006 our congregation approved, in principle, partnering with the SC Lutheran Retreat Centers, the ultimate goal to ‘make Biggerstaff a year-round destination for the faithful throughout the Synod and the nation’. Thus, Biggerstaff would become the up-state site to complement Camp Kinard in the mid-lands and Coastal retreat on Isle of Palms. Synod approved a five year, 7.5 million dollar Capital Campaign for raising funds for the three sites, the ‘Building, Renewing, Believing Campaign’. Of the total, Biggerstaff was allocated 3.7m, Kinard & Coastal 1.9 million each. First priority being Coastal followed by Kinard, with us last. The pending ‘Agreement to Lease’ will allow St John’s to retain all monies generated until such time as the actual ‘Ground Lease’ is executed, which, in turn, will not occur until the SCLRC is in position to begin construction within six months and have expectations that the project will be completed within two years. Capital Campaign $34,884.72 Kitchen Remodel Project: This project is now completed. Long-Range Building Plan: The congregation approved borrowing $7,608.69 from the Cemetery Fund to pay for costs associated with a proposed LongRange Building Plan. This money must be repaid to the Cemetery Fund. Although it will be included in the 2010 budget, contributions can currently be made. Please mark your envelope accordingly. Lois Sharpe, Congregational Treasurer Comments: August contributions were sufficient to cover most of the expenses, but we are still behind for the year. TREASURER'S REPORT, ABBREVIATED MONTH ENDING 8/31/09 General Fund: Balance at Beginning of Month……………….….8,935.25 Received, Budget Support Offerings…….....….26,976.26 Received, Rents etc………………………….……1,025.00 Disbursed, Expenses……………………………29,499.07 Balance at End of Month………..………………..7,437.44 Required giving for 2009 $301,595/yr. $5799/mth Required giving for 35 Sundays………………202,965.00 Amount Actually Received…………………….189,066.33 Rents Received…………………………….……...5,525.00 Dollar Surplus or (Deficit)……………….……..(13,898.67) Percentage Surplus or (Deficit)………………….…..-6.8% Projected Annual Giving………………………….…….N/A Restricted Funds & Accounts: Altar Guild Funds……………………………….….(153.70) Bell Choir Accumulative Fund………………….…..248.30 Bell Clock Fund………………………………….…..235.00 Biggerstaff, In/Out………………………………....1,985.85 Biggerstaff Shoreline Project Fund…………….34,884.72 Capital Contingency Fund………………………..7,397.66 Cemetery Accumulative Fund…………………..44,645.66 Choir Accumulative Fund…………………….……..659.54 Christian Ed Building Fund…………………………100.00 Debt. Retirement Trailer…………….…………..(2,092.19) Evangelism, Restricted……………………….……..978.97 Interest Earned……………………………….……...170.97 Food Pantry…………………………………………..125.00 Kitchen Remodel Fund………………………….……..5.11 Long Range Planning Loan…………………….(7,608.69) LCY Accumulation Fund……………………….....1,705.06 Memorials, Undesignated…………………….…….125.00 Miscellaneous In/Out Accounts…………….……...975.95 Mission Endowment, In/Out…………….……….….475.00 Outreach Fund………………………………….….1,747.48 Preschool Restricted Fund…………………….….(283.12) Shealy Book Fund…………………………….…..3,062.00 Vicar Fund………………………………….………2,450.00 Worship Fund……………………………………...4,239.00 Total Restricted Funds & Accts LABELING OFFERING ENVELOPES The offering envelopes in the pews are designated for our visitors. If you are a member of St. John’s and you want to use a pew envelope, please take the time to write your name on the outside of the envelope. Without writing your name on the envelope, our Financial Secretary will not know for whom to give credit. St. John’s Lutheran Church Newsletter 96,078.57 Stewardship Note – We are called to be disciples in all aspects of our lives and that includes our checkbook. It is said, “Show me your checkbook, and I will show you your gods.” Stewardship takes a serious look at our own lifestyle. Are we living outside our means? Are we living too lavishly for our level of income? Are we serious about following Jesus? Or are we not worried about our level of debt? Take a moment and look at your expenses. What is in it for God? Are we responding to the grace we have been given? Giving is a part of our faith. It is our thanksgiving for what God has done in our lives. Are you thankful? How are you going to show it? 9 All proceeds go to the Kitchen Remodel Fund $10 each at St. John’ s Staff FOR A HOLIDAY GIFT David W. Coffman, Pastor David Fox, Vicar Debbie York, Parish Secretary Lisa Arrowood, Pre-School Director Ray Burroughs, Biggerstaff Christian Retreat Center John Perry Reed, Director of Music Joan Lewis, Gifts Coordinator Starla Bargmann, Youth Director Gerald Billington, Sexton Brandon Shepard, Cemetery Grounds Keeper Lois Sharpe, Treasurer Julia Ballenger, Financial Secretary Bill Brackett, Congregational President Connie Addis & Monica Addis, Altar Guild Co-Chairs Frances Devoe, Handbell Director Elaine Wilson, Praise Choir Christy Addis, Cecelia Lee, Children’s Choir The Rev. George B. Shealy, Pastor Emeritus 1989-2009 PURCHASING A Spiritual Opportunities Table or Church Office Non Profit Organization U. S. Postage Paid Walhalla, SC Permit No. 26 St. John’s Lutheran Church Newsletter St. John’s Lutheran Church 301 West Main Street Walhalla, SC 29691 The Fox’s Trot………………………..…….2 Ministry Opportunities…………..…...…2 Long-Range Planning Update…………2 October Assistant Schedule………..….3 Life Transitions…………………………....3 Wonderful Wednesday Menu………...3 Auxiliaries….…………………….......3 & 4 Fall Color……………………………………..4 St. John’s Supper Club…………………..4 Sunday School News…………………….5 October Calendar…………….…..…6 & 7 October B-days & Anniversaries……..8 Thank You…………………………………..8 Sound Bites………………………………....8 Senior Saint Invitation…….…………....8 Green Tip…………………………………....8 Honor/Memorial Donations…………….9 Note from the Gifts Coordinator……..9 Grief Corner……………….………………10 Soles 4 Souls………………………………10 Travel Mugs for Sale…………………...10 Coats for Christ Dedication Service.10 Treasurer’s Reports…………………….11 Offering Envelopes………………...…..11 Labeling Offering Envelops…………..11 Stewardship Note……………………….11 TIME DATED MATERIAL ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Opportunities @ St. John’s 10
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Chimes 2009-11-01 - St. John`s Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
301 West Main Street