Chimes 2009-11-01 - St. John`s Evangelical Lutheran Church


Chimes 2009-11-01 - St. John`s Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
301 West Main Street
Walhalla, South Carolina
We are called and empowered by God to spread the Gospel and
to share the love of Jesus Christ in service to all.
The Rev. David W. Coffman, Pastor
Office Hours Mon.- Fri. 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Phone: (864) 638-6363 Fax: (864) 638-8238
Email: Website:
Biggerstaff: 882-3337 398 Biggerstaff Road; Seneca SC 29672
Pre-School Phone: (864) 638-8099 Pre-School Email:
Join us in Celebration of Senior Saint Day
On occasion we pause and celebrate the elders of our congregation. We lift up your story of faith and faithfulness in a time of prayer and fellowship. Sunday, November 15, we lift up our Senior Saints, those in the congregation who are over 80 years old.
We would like to pray for you and recognize you in both worship services. We would like to have a group
photo at the beginning of 11:00. There are a few who attend the 9:00, and we will recognize you as well, but
want to get the group photo at 11:00.
From the Blessing of Elders in the This Far by Faith Hymnal, here is a prayer we will use,
Blessed are you O Lord our God, maker of heaven and earth. From everlasting to everlasting you
are God, our dwelling place in all generation. You are the source of holy wisdom, and the fountain of
all truth. We give thanks to you for the elders among us. We are graced by their wisdom and seasoning. We are touched by their knowledge and faith. Bless them O God, as they are a blessing to us.
Pour out your Spirit, that our elders may continue to dream dreams and testify to the Light of their
salvation, Jesus Christ. May we find inspiration in their years of faithfulness. May we follow their example by serving you with steadfastness and singleness of heart; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Hospitality Committee invites the "Senior Saints" of St John's
to a reception in their honor on Sunday, November 15th.
It will be held in the Fellowship Hall, after the first service.
Our "Senior Saints” include all members who are
80 years young and above.
Congregation Meetings -Information meeting Sunday, November 1, 10:00 & noon
Annual Meeting Sunday, November 8, @ 10:00
The Fox’s Trot
What is Advent?
The word Advent means “arrival” or “coming”. Advent is the season that begins the church year. We
often think that Advent’s meaning is only about the birth of Jesus. However, its meaning goes a bit
further and is a season that deals with the “second coming” of Christ.
Take notice this Advent season to the Gospel readings. Advent begins with the future of God’s
reign; and it comes to a close with the past, the birth of Jesus the Christ. So, this Advent season let
us celebrate by preparing the way of the Lord, both for His coming in the past and His future coming.
Let us pray. O Lord, fill us again this Advent season with the joy of your coming, and let us act in
response with praise and thanksgiving. Amen.
to God. Develop a pattern for praying. Kneel beside
your bed either before bed or after. Pray around the
The October emphasis was on tithing and encourag- meal time. Pray at stop lights. Develop a regular pating each of us in this aspect of our Christian disciple- tern for conversing with God.
ship. What other aspects of our Christian discipleship
do we need a little prodding? Rev. Michael Foss re- Foss concludes one of the sections on prayer with
minds us that there are six marks of discipleship: daily a quote from Lord Ashley, before the Battle of Edge
prayer, weekly worship, regular Bible reading, having Hill, “O Lord, thou knowest how busy I must be this
right relationships, generously giving, and serving day. If I forget thee, do not thou forget me.” God certainly has not forgotten us. I hope we can all grow in
those around us.
our time of prayer speaking to God and listening for
So, how is your prayer life? How is your relationship God.
with God when it comes to telling God how thankful
you are? Are you able to share with God your heart’s
request? How would you rate your conversation with
the Creator? How are you doing as you try to listen for
God’s voice. Prayer is dialogue.
Thank you
If many of you are like me, I find that the chaos of our
world, phones, TV, radio, internet all distract me from
hearing God. Where do we find the time to talk with
God about all that is on our hearts, minds, and souls?
I have to take quick moments between here and
there. I know I need more time with God and know
that others would love to have time to “catch up with
an old friend.”
Dear Pastor and members of St. John’s
We were talking about how good GOD has been to us
and how many churches and people have supported
us with prayers and financial donations. It dawned on
us that one of the donations precious to us was the
gift of the use of Biggerstaff for our third Sesquicentennial Celebration on August 30. We had a wonderful
day, were blessed with beautiful weather, and were
pleased and humbled by the turn-out that day. Again,
thank you for this precious gift, and forgive our oversight in not responding sooner.
In Christ’s Service, Pastor Cloninger and the body of
Christ who worship at St. Mark Methodist Church
“Prayer is a habit because it only comes naturally as
we practice it.” There are different styles of prayer.
There are different times we need to pray. Develop a
pattern for praying, either modeling it after the Lord’s
Prayer or other prayer. You can do the 5 finger prayer
– thumb to pinky, thumb is those closest to us family,
friends, etc.. The index finger is for those who point us
in the right direction, teachers, elected officials, pastors, etc,. The middle finger is for those who stand tall
in the world, police, emergency workers, first responders, nurses and doctors. The ring finger is the weakest and represents those who are weak in our world,
the homeless, sick, dying, those who are marginalized. The pinky represents ourselves as the smallest
of the fingers. We pray for our needs.
Dear Friends of St. John’s,
Thank you for all your thoughts, prayers and support during my pregnancy and recent birth of our son.
We appreciate the baby shower the church held for us
and the meal the Chefs group prepared and delivered. The meal was wonderful! We can’t wait for
Bailen to meet all the church family.
Sincerely, Rick, Shannon and Bailen Somerville
Maybe you need a regular time to pray and to listen
November 1
November 8
November 15
November 22
November 29
Blake Norton and Larry Gering
Greeters: Faron & Tracie Sims
Dwight Addis
Mary Sprouse
Rudy & Louise Nothdurft
Greeter: Lib Seigler
Rick Somerville
Betty Mantell and Betty Sosebee
Greeters: Dave & Joan Lewis
Dottie Brandt
Gary Cabbage
Betty Wallace & Paul Wilson
Greeters: Dave & Joan Lewis
Ann Brackett
Larry Gering and Gene Burnside
Greeters: Craig & Ilia Schumacher
Julia Ballenger
David Holt
John & Millie Hawbecker
Greeter: Lib Seigler
Edwina Wicker
Norman & Ann Henry
Greeters: Kyle & Monica Addis
Jan Long
Bill Hughes
Bill & Ann Brackett
Greeter: Ken Johns
Doug Wilson
Blake Norton and Betty Sosebee
Greeter: Sally Flodin
Tracey Author
Mary Sprouse
Rudy & Louise Nothdurft
Greeter: Lib Seigler
Paul Wilson
Life Transitions in our
during the month of
Baptized – Amy Wilson, October 11
Brett Arthur Norton, October 11
New Members –
Duane & Amy Wilson 638-2930
317 Holloway Street; Walhalla,
Brett Norton
475 Cheohee Valley Road
Died – Brain Davis, October 16
Hospitalized – Don Thornton
Bob Willbrandt
Bill Hill
Elaine Wilson
Senior Choir
Altar Guild
**Susan Watt, Mary Sprouse and Stephanie Cobb
Doug & Ginny Deane and Bill Hill
Coats for Christ—Ascension Episcopal Church—November 18
7:00 p.m.
Lay Assistant
Julia Ballenger
Gary Cabbage
St. John’s was nominated for SC DHEC Air Quality
award. This award acknowledges South Carolina’s most innovative air quality programs and projects. The recipients
exemplify what an individual, business, school or other entity
can accomplish by committing to improve the environment.
St. John’s was nominated because of its increased awareness of caring for the environment, the Bible studies offered
and taught at other churches. The awards banquet is November 18 at 11:30 – 2:00 in Columbia, see Pastor if anyone
is interested in attending.
A Note from the Spiritual Gifts Coordinator…
On October 8th Dave and I participated in another mission- we took the
shoes collected at Soles4Souls to the Alabama warehouse. We have all
participated in missions- INASMUCH, Lunch4Life, Katrina mission trips, to
name a few. Each time I am part of a mission, I experience the same emotions- hunger to learn more and help out, disbelief when I arrive and face
the reality and personal satisfaction when I leave that I have done something worthwhile. The trip to Alabama was no different- Four hour drive
there….Four hour drive back….Spending 15 minutes at the warehouse…PRICELESS! Wall to wall, floor to ceiling shoes- I was overwhelmed that so many shoes had been donated and more overwhelmed
that there could be this many people in the world without shoes. Impossible- I have many more pairs in my closet, even after I gave away so many,
makes me feel guilty and greedy. I love to be barefoot, but the feeling of
walking on a gravel road without shoes doesn’t do much for me. I know
we have done God’s work and look forward to the opportunity to do
Soles4Souls again. It is an unbelievable feeling to speak to these dedicated people about their ministry. It felt wonderful to drop those shoes off
and know they would be on the feet of those less fortunate. It was awesome knowing that God was with St. John’s, directing them through this
We are in the process of collecting “Coats for Christ”. These coats will remain in our own community, given to those less fortunate. Some will be used as coats, many will be used as
blankets. Can you imagine using a coat as a blanket? Take part in this mission- share your coats with your
neighbors. Please attend the dedication service on November 8th at Ascension Episcopal Church.
“Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me”
Why are we involved in the
SC Synod?
Come and find out!
On November 1, a synod Mission Interpreter, will come to St. John’s at 6:30
p.m. to join us for an ice cream social. It
is a chance to hear about the ministry of
the synod, the institutions, the work being done in mission congregations, and
the work we share in teaching and sharing the faith around the globe. Come
join David Vorpagel, a member of Faith
Lutheran Chapel in Pickens, as he
shares with us the amazing work being
done in the synod. He will also use this
as an opportunity to thank the members
of the congregation for their generous
mission support that carries out the ministries beyond the walls of the congregation. It is an opportunity to identify some
of the ministries we do together and to
see how God is making a difference in
the lives of people through generous
mission support.
~menus for November~
November 4
November 11th
November 18th
November 25th
Pizza & Salad
Build a Baked Potato and Salad
Cranberry Chicken with Stuffing
Thanksgiving Eve- no meal
Come join us for good food and fellowship
$3 per person/$10 maximum
Sign-up at the Spiritual Opportunities Table
Christmas is Coming
Suggestions for Christmas gifts that are appropriate for any age—any size, woman, man, boy or
girl—no shopping crowds—helps others—see
printed materials in the Sacristy for:
Heifer International
Lutheran World Relief—Handcraft Project Catalog
ELCA Good Gifts
World Hunger/Disaster Relief
Global Missions
Grief Care Corner
Judy Roth
Tina Stephens
Annie Campbell
Mari Shahid-Noorai
Robert Sloan
Jeremy Hedlund
Robert Sloan
Dorothy Algeo
Bob Johnson
Frances Carter
Laken Lanier
Judy Burington
Joseph Hall
Monica Addis
Tommy Crumpton
Ann Henry
Tracey Arthur
Olivia Lee
Sarah Wyatt
Brad Davis
William Nichols
Susan Holcombe
Misty Gilliam
Becca Mann
Calvin Schoulties
Frank Shealy
Heather Mathis
Stefanie Cobb
Allen Harding
Mildred Hawbecker
Erica Addis
Nancy Carter
Catherine Nowell
Gisela Griesheimer
Laura Wright
Pat Burnside
Beverly Evering
Luther Moss, III
David Burington
Katherine Mann
Michael Waller
Sydney Waller
Douglas & Elaine Wilson
Michael & Brittany Waller
James & Dot Beebe
Glen & Elaine Brolander
George & Ruth Theiling
Joseph & Patricia Sears
Derrick & Christy Addis
Calvin & Linda Schoulties
Thomas & Joan Miller
W. Lee & Christie Lee
Mike & Ronda Miller
John & Jan Long
Sherwood & Patsy Drexel
Luther & Donna Moss
Luther & Marcia Lyle
By Edwina K. Wicker
(Reprinted from December 2007 issue)
(I am sifting through my files for the November and December issues of
The Chimes this year and reprinting some Grief Care Corner devotions
that I submitted in past years. Some funeral homes offer programs near
Thanksgiving or Christmas for helping grievers through the holidays.
Matthew 11:28-“Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying
heavy loads, and I will give you rest.” (Today’s English Version)
The holidays are a time of celebrating traditions, and they are usually
filled with excitement and festive events. However, for someone who are
grieving, the holidays can be sad and lonely. Here are some ideas for
reaching out to those who are grieving and for taking care of yourself if
you are the griever.
Self-care tips for grievers:
Eat healthy foods even if you need to “graze” throughout the day.
Keep a routine as much as possible.
Do tasks in manageable pieces.
Get plenty of rest.
Spend some quiet time alone.
Spend time with friends who will honor your needs.
Accept offers of help from friends and family.
Try to get outside and exercise a few minutes each day.
Reach out to others in need.
Express your emotions in appropriate ways.
It is ok to laugh!
Reaching out to those who grieve:
Allow the person to talk about what has caused the grief: death, divorce, job loss.
It is ok to mention the name of the deceased person.
Help with shopping or take the griever shopping.
Wrap gifts and/or address cards.
Help the griever decorate if he/she wants to decorate.
Provide a meal for the griever or take the person out for a meal.
Take the griever for a short ride for a change of scenery.
Honor the griever’s wishes if he/she chooses not to participate in
some holiday events.
Dear God, Our grief continues even through the holidays, and it is hard
to understand how others can be joyful when we are hurting. Remind us
that your love is steadfast. Amen.
Arrive at work before 6:30 a.m. If you get to work
early enough, you will avoid traffic congestion on the
roadway and spend less time and gas in transit. This
will probably enable you to leave work earlier as well,
and to get home easily before the evening rush hour.
Arrive at work after 10:00 a.m. This later option will
help you to avoid traffic by delaying your commute until most morning traffic has died down. It should help you avoid dealing with the evening rush
Sound Bites
There is help for hearing loss, but be careful. Hearing aids cannot correct hearing problems to
the same level that glasses can correct vision problems. If you expect that high tech aids will
restore normal hearing, you will be disappointed. However, you’ll hear more (sometimes more
than you want).
Any hearing aid purchase should include a money back trial period and return visits to the provider for adjustments that are usually needed.
Hearing aids are expensive, and there is a high mark-up for dispensers. Have you noticed the full page ads
in the local newspapers? Be sure you know the level of training of your provider. A hearing aid specialist
needs only a high school diploma, but must pass a written, oral and practical state exam. An audiologist
holds a master’s degree in audiology from an accredited college, which includes an internship.
If you think you have hearing loss, ask those with hearing aids about their experiences. Also, you can learn
more on line at
Sing with the Walhalla Civic Chorale
Have you sung with a small group or church choir? Would you like to sing sacred and secular Christmas music with a larger group? Then plan to sing in
the Walhalla Civic Chorale Christmas Concert on Saturday, December 12, at
7:00 p.m. Rehearsals will be at College Street Baptist Church on Mondays in
November—2, 16, 23, 30, December 7. Dress rehearsal on Thursday, December 10. We will rehearse from 7-9 p.m. If you cannot attend all rehearsals, you should attend a minimum of 3 plus dress rehearsal. For more information call Barbara at 888-7830.
OCONEE A.I.D.: The Men
in Mission are asking for
donations to Oconee A.I.D.
for the month of November.
Items needed are: warm
clothing; non-perishable
food items of any kind;
soup; fruit juice.
items or cash donations
would be very much appreciated.
The honor of your prayers and your presence is requested
at the dedication of the Rip Rap at
Biggerstaff Christian Retreat Center
398 Biggerstaff Road
Seneca SC
Monday, November 1,
at 6:00
Come join the men for a
good dinner and a great
program! The speaker was
the subject of a large article
in the Seneca paper with
the headline indicating he
had walked from Maine to
Georgia. See the article on
the Men in Mission Bulletin
Board. All members of the
church are invited to the
program which will begin
about 6:45.
Auxiliaries Cont. pg. 10
November 22, 2009 at 3:00
rain or shine
Lite Refreshments to follow
The Church Office will
be closed Wednesday,
November 25, and
Thursday, November
26, for Thanksgiving!
It is truly amazing to feel the warmth that comes from the wide
smiles of “our little” ones, the tight hugs around the legs and the friendly welcoming
waves from the parents each day as I enter into the preschool. I realize how wonderfully blessed we are, and I give thanks to God.
We have been very busy the past few weeks and have many activities planned during
the month of November. We will travel to Denver Downs on November 2nd. We will also
be having our “Thanksgiving Feast” on Monday, November 23rd.
The preschool is now selling gift cards for local businesses; for each gift card we sell, the preschool will
receive a percentage of monies back. If you are interested in purchasing or would just like information on
the businesses, we have handouts available at the Spiritual Opportunities Table.
The preschool would like to send out a special “Thank-You” to Mrs. Marcia Lyle, who has volunteered as
our music teacher, and Ms. Dottie Brandt, for returning as the “Story Lady” as well. We are blessed to have
such talented ladies giving their time to us each week.
We would also like to thank you, the congregation, for your many prayers and blessing. You are always
welcomed to join us at anytime. We wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving season.
Lisa Arrowood, Director
ship Hall. Ginny Deane will be our host; and Sandy
Yuda will present the devotion. If you haven't joined a
circle, we hope you will give us a "try". Please come
to the meeting and join us for fellowship and fun.
WELCA words from Libby. . .
St. John's cooks and bakers did an awesome job
with their bountiful variety of delicious donations for
the Oktoberfest Food Booth. To all of you who prepared food, those who helped put up and take down
the tent, and those who cheerfully worked a shift or
two, THANK YOU. Although the weather was not
ideal, we had a very successful event with a steady
flow of customers. Everything was completely sold out
before 4:00 on Sunday. Proceed will be split between
Oconee A.I.D. and United Way Diaper Fund. Thanks
also to Thrivent Financial for Lutherans for supplementing this community project.
SC Winter and Spring Retreat registration forms are
still on the bulletin board for any ladies interested in
attending. Don't wait too long to register if you're
really interested in attending. Spaces fill up quickly.
Committee chairmen for the Spring Foothill WELCA
Conference hosted by St. John's at Biggerstaff on
March 27 were announced at the October 25th
WELCA meeting. These ladies may be asking for help
and donations of food items as plans are made. I do
hope that we have all of you ladies attending that Saturday. Many of you have never attended a conference meeting; this would be an excellent day to go.
Your attendance and help will be greatly appreciated.
Remember to get changes of phone numbers or
email addresses to me or Joan Lewis by the end of
November for the 2010 Guide to Women's Ministries.
Again, I encourage you to get actively involved by
joining one of the circles and coming to our quarterly
WELCA meetings. Continue to support the activities
available by signing-up at the Spiritual Opportunities
At our next meeting on November 17th, 6:00 p.m. in
the Fellowship Hall, GLORIA SHEALY CIRCLE gathers to assemble holiday goodie boxes for our Senior
Saints and Shut-ins. Bring small items to fill these
boxes- things that our Seniors need and appreciate.
This is an evening of fun, fellowship and ministry. Our
meal will be pot-luck; bring your favorite holiday dish
to share. Please join us and bring a friend.
PRIME TIMERS November 10th meeting will be held
in the church Fellowship Hall at 5:30 p.m. Hosts for
the evening are Sam and Joyce Shirey and Bob and
Barbara Willbrant. It will be a fun evening. Everyone is
asked to bring an unidentified picture of themselves
from their “younger” years. There will be a contest to
see how many we can recognize. Dinner will be potluck. Come and join us for a fun evening. Please signup at the Spiritual Opportunity Table.
St. John’s Knitters & Crocheters: On October 5
three members enjoyed a trip to Elmore-Pisgah yarn
plant in Old Fort, NC to purchase cotton yarn for projects. We really appreciate the shelves in the storage
area of the fellowship hall. Thanks go to Gary
McMahan and Dave Parkey. We hope to see you at
the Craft Show in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday,
November 14 from 9:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. for a great
selection of gift items. Our prayer shawl ministry continues. If you would like to learn/renew knitting/crocheting during an evening (in January or February) because you work during days, please contact
MORNING CIRCLE: The next meeting will be held Barbara at 638-8818.
on Tuesday, November 17, at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellow8
Comments: The loan on the Biggerstaff trailer has
been fully repaid to the Cemetery Fund. Expenses for
the first nine months of 2009 are on budget, but the
General Fund:
Balance at Beginning of Month…………...….7,437.44 contributions are approximately $7000.00 behind. We
Received, Budget Support Offerings……....23,009.91 need a super fourth quarter to close the gap.
Received, Rents etc………………………......1,125.00
Project Status Reports as of Sept. 30, 2009
Disbursed, Expenses………………………..26,007.82
Project – In August 2006 our
Balance at End of Year……………………….5,564.53
in principle, partnering with
Required giving for 2009 $301,595/yr. $5799/mth
the ultimate goal to
Required giving for 39 Sundays………..…226,161.00
for the
Amount Actually Received……………..….217,601.24
Rents Received…………………………...…...6,650.00
Dollar Surplus or (Deficit)……………...……(8,559.76) Thus, Biggerstaff would become the up-state site to
Percentage Surplus or (Deficit)………………….-3.8% complement Camp Kinard in the mid-lands and
Projected Annual Giving………………………..….N/A Coastal retreat on Isle of Palms.
MONTH ENDING 9/30/2009
Restricted Funds & Accounts:
Altar Guild Funds……………………………....(153.70)
Bell Choir Accumulative Fund………………….248.30
Bell Clock Fund…………………………………..285.00
Biggerstaff, In/Out…………………………………..0.00
Biggerstaff Cap. Campaign………………….35,084.72
Capital Contingency Fund…………………….7,062.41
Cemetery Accumulative Fund……………….44,647.05
Choir Accumulative Fund……………...………..659.54
Christian Ed Building Fund………………………...0.00
Debt. Retirement Trailer………………………..….0.00
Evangelism, Restricted……………………...…..977.90
Interest Earned………………………………...….…0.00
Food Pantry……………………………………….160.00
Kitchen Remodel Fund………………….……….431.00
Long-Range Planning Loan…………….…...(7,483.69)
LCY Accumulation Fund…………………...….1,705.06
Memorials, Undesignated…………………...……..0.00
Miscellaneous In/Out Accounts……………...….608.20
Mission Endowment, In/Out…………………….….0.00
Outreach Fund……………………………….…1,987.48
Preschool Restricted Fund………………...….2,350.90
Shealy Book Fund…………………………......3,638.50
Vicar Fund…………………………………….…..203.00
Worship Fund………………………………......4,239.00
Total Restricted Funds & Accts……….….96,650.67
Synod approved a five year, 7.5 million dollar Capital
Campaign for raising funds for the three sites, the
‘Building, Renewing, Believing Campaign’.
Of the total, Biggerstaff was allocated 3.7m, Kinard &
Coastal 1.9 million each. First priority being Coastal
followed by Kinard, with us last.
Mission Endowment Fund
ELCA Fund (A)……………………………….97,698.56
Total September 30, 2009
The pending ‘Agreement to Lease’ will allow St.
John’s to retain all monies generated until such time
as the actual ‘Ground Lease’ is executed, which, in
turn, will not occur until the SCLRC is in position to
begin construction within six months and have expectations that the project will be completed within two
Capital Campaign………………………….$35,084.72
Kitchen Remodel Project: This project is now completed.
Long-Range Building Plan: The congregation approved borrowing $7,608.69 from the Cemetery Fund
to pay for costs associated with a proposed LongRange Building Plan. This money must be repaid to
the Cemetery Fund. Although it will be included in the
2010 budget, contributions can currently be
made. Please mark your envelope accordingly.
Lois Sharpe, Congregational Treasurer
Financial Summary 1 , 2 & 3 Qtrs. ‘09
Income Statement:
Balance January 1, 2009……………..….$80,987.96
Contributions, YTD…………………………….2,315.00
Gain/Loss, ELCA Fund (A) YTD……………18,114.68
Gain/Loss, Miscellaneous, YTD…………………85.43
Balance September 30, 2009………….$101,503.07
Additional information was presented at the Informational Meeting on November 1st, and will also be presented at the Annual Meeting in November. Checks
to the six recipients will be distributed during the information meeting. Contributions can be made by simply
including as ‘Mission Endowment’ on special offering
of weekly or monthly envelope. A few dollars on a
Balance Sheet:
First Citizens Bank……………………………..3,154.51 regular basis will have a big impact.
Robert A. Harris, Endowment Chairman
St. John’s Restricted Fund……………………...650.00
Date: Thursday, November12
Time: 5:30-7:00pm
Place: Daniel High School
Have a taste of Vicar Dave’s
~and some other tastes of local ministers~
Sign-up today at the Spiritual Opportunities Table
St. John’ s Staff
David W. Coffman, Pastor
David Fox, Vicar
Debbie York, Parish Secretary
Lisa Arrowood, Pre-School Director
Ray Burroughs, Biggerstaff Christian Retreat Center
John Perry Reed, Director of Music
Joan Lewis, Gifts Coordinator
Starla Bargmann, Youth Director
Gerald Billington, Sexton
Brandon Shepard, Cemetery Grounds Keeper
Lois Sharpe, Treasurer
Julia Ballenger, Financial Secretary
Bill Brackett, Congregational President
Connie Addis & Monica Addis, Altar Guild Co-Chairs
Frances Devoe, Handbell Director
Elaine Wilson, Praise Choir
Christy Addis, Cecelia Lee, Children’s Choir
The Rev. George B. Shealy, Pastor Emeritus 1989-2009
Seventh Annual
Fill them with a pound of coffee, flowers or snacks
Give one to a college student
Give one to a shut-in
Give one to a family member
Give one at a holiday gift exchange
$10 each
Spiritual Opportunities Table or the Church Office
@ St. John’s
Non Profit Organization
U. S. Postage Paid
Walhalla, SC
Permit No. 26
The Fox’s Trot………………………..…….2
Pastors Ponderings…..…………..…...…2
Thank you………………………...…………2
November Assistant Schedule …….….3
Life Transitions…………………………....3
St. John’s Nominated..………………....3
Note from the Gifts Coordinator……..4
Why….involved with SC Synod……….4
Wonderful Wednesday Menu………….4
Christmas is Coming!.......................4
Coats for Christ……………………….…...5
November Calendar…………….….6 & 7
November B-days & Anniversaries….8
Grief Care Corner………………………….8
Green Tip..…………………………………..8
Sound Bites………………………………....9
Sing w/Walhalla Civic Chorale………..9
Biggerstaff Ded. Invitation…………….9
Auxiliaries….…………………….....9 & 10
News from Pre-School………………...10
Treasurer’s Reports…………………….11
Mission Endowment Fund…………….11
St. John’s Lutheran Church
301 West Main Street
Walhalla, SC 29691
All proceeds go to the Vicar Fund