Hermosa Church of Christ Darrell Brown Military Prayer List Family


Hermosa Church of Christ Darrell Brown Military Prayer List Family
Class 1:
Class 2:
Class 3:
Class 1:
Class 2:
Class 3:
Fall Quarter Teaching Schedule
Sunday Morning - Adult
Book of Acts (2nd half) - Jack Joy
(Rm F2)
Counter Culture (Fusion class) - Taylor
Robles (Rm F3/4)
Book of Acts (2nd half) - Bill Ross
(Rm 165)
Wednesday Night - Adult
Messianic Prophecies - Doug Rodney
(Rm F2)
Dumb Things Smart People Believe (Fusion
class) - Jeff Mayberry (Rm F3/4)
Healing & Choices - Vaughn Klontz
(Rm 165)
Children’s Education
Class Teacher/Helper
Cradle Roll:
Sun. Karen Bates / Crystal Bruton
Wed. Donna Canada / Della Foster
2 & 3 year olds:
Sun. Lisa & Stephen Rounds
Wed. Jennifer Fields / Heather Pollard
4 & 5 year olds:
Sun. Joyce Lewis / Marva Mathews
Wed. Amy Scroggin / Sharon Mauldin
Sun. Jean Hamill / Jennifer Fields
Wed. Vana Conner / Rosella Castro
6th, 7th & 8th grade:
Sun. Mark Williams / Sean Wood
Wed. Mark Williams / Sean Wood
High School:
Sun. Michael Weast
Wed. Taylor Robles
Journey Land: (Rotation 1, Sept 4 - Oct 12)
Yellow Team - Chelsey Collins
Green Team - Jennifer Brown
Purple Team - Allyson & Stuart Joy
Orange Team - Valri Grayson
Workshop Leaders:
Kingdom’s Characters - Rhonda Rodney
Solomon’s Study - Laura Williams / Jon Young
Reel Life - Ric Gatewood
Wilderness Trek - Glenda Young
Hop, Skip & Jump - Dianna Neel
Mary’s /Joseph’s - Denise Sevcik
Joyful Noise - Jessica Prude
Live from Jerusalem - Paula Gatewood
Military Prayer List
Bryan Barnett, Cody Black (Palmer), Oren Booher,
Toby Hall (Prude), Megan Juliana (Villa), Kwantell
Kinsey (Moore/Rios), Josh LeBlanc,
Gabriel Mauldin, Jake McGhee, Aaron Shipman III
(Monk), Andrew Teel (Elrod), Donnie Turner Jr.,
Bryan Whittingham (Grayson)
For Your Information:
 Wi-fi is available: jesussaves3301
 To receive information on youth events, text
"HERMOSA" TO 41411.
 For your convenience, a Nursery is available
during Sunday morning worship for 0-2 yrs old.
 Automatic draft is available for contributions.
Please see Bob E Mayberry.
The Pregnancy Center is in continuous need of the
following items:
Baby wipes
Diapers - sizes 3-6
Blue Similac Formula
Our Mission Efforts
Osvaldo & Laura Valdez, osvalaura@gmail.com
David & Adriana McKinney, Davidm.mckinney@gmail.com
Joseph & Edda McKinney, josephmckjr+bltm@gmail.com
Michael & Aureni Pruitt, Redeemingrecife@gmail.com
Bahailu & Alam Abebe, Behailu.abebe@gmail.com
Alemayehu Desalegn, adg3us@yahoo.com
Mogus Wolde, Mogus_wolde@yahoo.com
New Mexico:
Leroy & Jean Aragon, aragons@me.com
PO Box 181, Buena Vista, NM 87712
8316 Petrirojo NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120
New Zealand:
South Pacific Bible College, maustin@spbc.org.nz
Forrest Gatewood, Fgate88@gmail.com
3413 35th St. Lubbock, TX 79413
Jeff Smith, Disciple Trips
Other Mission Efforts
Landon & Courtney Shuman
Volume 57, No. 37
Schedule of Services
Bible Class 9:00 AM
Worship 10:10 AM
Evening 5:00 PM
Hermosa Church of Christ
September 11, 2016
2512 W Bush Ave Artesia, NM 88210
Office: 575 748-3301 Fax: 575-748-3302
www.hermosacoc.org E-Mail: secretary@hermosacoc.org
Sermon videos online: https://vimeo.com/hcoc/videos
Bible Class 6:30 PM
Services interpreted for
the deaf upon request
Michael Joiner
Taylor Robles
Dee Moore
Family Report
September 4, 2016
Bible Class……….……….. 128
AM Worship................... 253
PM Worship………..…... 113
Auditorium ……....... 87
Small Groups …..… 26
Contribution... $11,071.85
Budget……..….. $15,000.00
September 7, 2016
Wednesday class….….. 202
Elder for the month of
Darrell Brown
Paul Klontz Dennis Maupin Doug Rodney Lawrence Young
Matt Brewer Gary Conklin Richard Gatewood Tracy Geschwender Jack Joy Lee Mallett
Bob E Mayberry Ken Murphy Doug Neel David Pascoe
Mike Prude Dickie Reedy Jon Ross
Tommy Scroggin Michael Weast
Darrell Brown
John Foster
September 11, 2016
Song Leader … Ken Murphy
Opening Prayer … Don Canada
Mission Prayer … Westen Stewart
Scripture … Jacob Fields
Shepherd’s Prayer … Dennis Maupin
Communion Leader … Jim Bates
Preston Peterson
Richard Gatewood
Randy Marrs
10. Steve Hamill
Tyler Deans
11. Al Deans
Tracy Geschwender
12. Tommy Chaney
Roby Zumwalt
13. Eric Molina
Wynn Anderson
14. Mark Williams
Jeff Mayberry
15. Tommy Scroggin
Russell Wagoner
16. Ronnie Jackson
Evening Service
Song Leader … Adam Wright
Opening Prayer … Small Groups
Communion Prayer … Small Groups
Closing Prayer … Small Groups
Scripture Reading … Small Groups
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Devotional … Don Tidwell
Song Leader … Terry Maupin
Announcements/Prayer … Rix Lewis
September 18, 2016
Song Leader … Johnny Shuman
Opening Prayer … Jon Ross
Mission Prayer … Tyler Deans
Scripture … Riley Hestand
Shepherd’s Prayer … Doug Rodney
Communion Leader … Dennis Maupin
Bill Mathews
Darrell Brown
Eric Conklin
10. Bill Joy
Sid Giles
11. Caton Conner
Matt Whitmire
12. Tracy Fields
Robert Lewis
13. Owen Puckett
David Pollard
14. John Foster
Rene Moya
15. Jeremy Maupin
Michael Weast
16. Alan Williams
Evening Service
Song Leader … Roby Zumwalt
Opening Prayer … Small Groups
Communion Prayer … Small Groups
Closing Prayer … Small Groups
Scripture Reading… Small Groups
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Devotional … Jim Bates
Song Leader … Adam Wright
Announcements … Al Deans
Prayer List
Don Smith: is in Senior Care at Artesia General.
Shari Conner: Perry & Connie Conner’s cousin,
will be going to the heart doctor in Lubbock on
Continue to pray for: Ethan Huffman, Donald Sutton,
Velma Matthews, Miracle Perez, Delfa Cruz, Donna
Marsh, Trey Yates, Jane Partain, Laurie Tebo, Allie
Wade, D’Naye Conklin, Peggy Letcher, Jerry Stephen, Jerry & Judy Yates, Mutt & Nina Shannon, Bill
& Marian McGeachy.
Please remember our Shut-ins:
Willora Bryant, Bill Johnson, Dean Robinson
& Mary Smith
Thank you for serving with a heart like Jesus
Our sympathy is expressed to Jerry & Sue Dodd
& Mitzi McCaleb in the passing or Lauren
Landavazo. She was a granddaughter to Jerry &
Sue, a niece to Mitzi. Services were held Thursday
in Wichita Falls, Texas.
Lord’s Supper
Scripture Reading: Acts 4:8-13
Teacher Training Workshop, Sept 24th
Green Lawn Church of Christ,
Lubbock, Texas
A workshop for Bible teachers of all age groups,
church leaders & parents, equipping them for
more effective Bible teaching. There is a sign-up
sheet at the Welcome desk. Any questions, contact Mike Prude.
Exciting News!
Hermosa Bright Beginnings Preschool is now enrolling 3 year olds for the 2016-2017 School year. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8:00 am–11:45 am. Tuition is $130/
month. Registration forms are in the office & at the
Welcome Desk. If you have any questions. contact
Paula Gatewood at 432-386-3176 or email:
 There are a few spaces left for the 4 & 5 year old
September 11, 2016
718 We Shall Assemble
Soldiers of Christ Arise!
Opening Prayer
You Are Holy
Mission Prayer
Low In The Grave He Lay
Don’t Be Afraid
Sermon: Be Bold
Acts 4:1-31
Taylor Robles
Don’t Be Afraid
Shepherd’s Prayer
There’s a Stirring
PM: Nahum
Scripture Reading: Nahum 1:7-8
Stuart Joy
At the close of Year 4 in Journey Land,
Christ triumphantly rose from the tomb
& appeared to his disciples. Year 5 begins with Jesus’ ascension, the choosing of Matthias, the Holy Spirit given at Pentecost & the
birth of the church! The theme of Rotation 1 is
“The Holy Spirit gave the early church, as it gives
us now, power & courage to tell others of the
Good News of Jesus.” Join our children as they
continue on their journey through Acts!
Ladies Retreat “Flying High”
Bonita Park, Ruidoso
Sept 30th-Oct 2nd
$75 per person
Sign up on TODAY at 3:00 pm
Hermosa Church of Christ
Monday, September 12th, 6:30 pm
Young At Hearts Banquet
Hermosa Church of Christ
September 15th, 6:30 pm
If you will be needing a ride to the banquet contact Gary Conklin.
Ladies 3D
Hermosa Church of Christ
Monday, September 26th, 6:30 pm
September 11, 2016
Brooks Sexton, Addison & Reagan Throneberry
Open & close building for month of September:
Mike Prude & Lee Mallett
Audio Ministry - September/October:
Joan Joy
Thank you for loving our kids and putting
smiles on their faces. Thank you for the tremendous help with getting them ready to go
back to school. You make a difference!
NM Christian Children’s Home