Talking Together


Talking Together
Talking Together
the weekly newsletter of
Concordia Lutheran Church
17906 Garden Lane Hagerstown, MD 21740
Concordia Home Page address:
E-mail address:
March 28, 2010
Our Stewardship of God's Gifts
Attendance for March 21, 2010 ………......……..……...…..………………………………………..……………...……..……….………...…..….....…..…
Tune in April 4th
Giving for March 21, 2010 ………………………………………………………………..………………………..…….………………….......…..… $6,140.25
Year-to-Date Regular Offering Received …… …………….…………………………..……………....…….…………………………….…...…. $48,595.47
Budget Needs Through Week 12 of 2010 …………………………...…………………………..……………………..……..….….……..…...…….. $44,769.24
Only)………………...………….……....…………..….…………………....…….…… $194,000.00
Our 2010 Total Annual Budget (Operational Expenses
No Nursery
this Svc.
Assisting Ministers
Serving in
1st No Nursery
No Acolyte
Chad Shumaker
No Acolyte
Check BlockDrew Baker
Schedule this Svc.
No Nursery
this Svc.
No Nursery
Schedule this Svc.
Bob Shives
Mike Jorgensen
No Communion
(Selection based on today’s New Testament Lesson) “What Luther Says”, (CPH 1959)
No Communion
Sub for Kreymborg
Bruce Flanick
No Communion
This Week:
Holy Week …………………….…. Good Friday Worship Service, 7:00 p.m.
Monday ………………...… Evening Bible Study (at Flicek home), 7:00 p.m. Saturday ………………….. Men’s Group, Easter Breakfast Prep, 9:00 a.m.
Holy Week ………………… Maundy Thursday Worship Service, 7:00 p.m. (see Holy Week schedule on this page)
Prayer Requests:Brenda and Prayer Ministry
pain) Heidelberger family,
family and Prayer Ministry Team
- MMitzie Bowman & family Team
Keane and Prayer
- Kim Morey - (accidental death of her
(accidental death of Mitzie’s son, Michael
Ministry Team
- Katie Stains - (fighting
brother. Specific prayer for Ann & Bob Othis past week) Bowman family and Prayer
- Erica - (Friend of the
cancer) Pam Sines and Prayer
Bleness, Mother & Dad) Kim & Prayer
Ministry Team
Ministry Team
Jesse’s - recurrence of
- MBob Rosicky - (is now recovering
cancer) Jesse’s and Prayer
- (Prayer for continued - Petrice Long - (dropping
from back surgery at a rehabilitation center)
Ministry Team
healing of the recurrence of cancer) Rudow
Carol Rosicky and Prayer Ministry Team
attacks & anxiety, friend of
- Alexa - (2 year old Alexa
- MMike Dawson - (Mike has begun the
Rachel Shirk) Rachel and Prayer who was diagnosed with a
- Zachary Miller - (praise and
regimen of chemo. No negative effects to
Ministry Team
brain tumor and had surgery
thanksgiving for positive response to the
date. Family asks that we pray that his body
on Jan. 3. Alexa's tumor was
- Danna Heidelberger strep and pneumonia and a partially
can handle this chemo treatment.)Dawson
(fighting cancer and severe back found to be malignant.)
collapsed lung - grandson of BrendaEEllis)
Prayer Ministry Team.
- Member
- New Entry
“Nurturing the Faith”
Keeping Informed…. Note from the Mar 18, Planning Council Meeting
The following readings are provided for your
preparation for next Sunday’s worship. Scripture
readings for the Easter Sunday, April 4, 2010;
Isaiah 65:17-25; 1 Cor. 15:19-26; Luke 24:1-12
* School of the Scriptures *
Sunday Christian Education
Sunday School
Adult Bible Study
9:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
ON PAGE 2 Announcements
Birthday/Anniversaries LWML
Church Mouse Report Luther says
Holy Week schedule Maundy Thursday Worship, (Apr. 1),
w/communion ………………...… 7:00 p.m.
Good Friday Worship, (Apr. 2), 7:00 p.m.
Sonrise Worship (no communion), 7:00 a.m.
Easter Congregational Breakfast, ,, 8:00 a.m.
Easter Resurrection of Our Lord Worship, w/communion ……...…….. l0:00 a.m.
Missed in last week’s report:
Treasurer February Regular Income $ $15,862.41 February Regular Expense
$11,830.64 ■ Giving for February PACE: Phase 2, $50.00; Ablaze, $ 80.00;
CCDC, $0; Elevator, $ 3,694.32. ■ Giving for Principal Reduction: $100. ■As decided by the council in an earlier meeting, all “special funds” have been allocated to
the elevator line item.
Tips for Sharing during Lent
Lent is a time of personal reflection—a period when Christians turn their thoughts
inward to examine their lives and ask forgiveness for sins they've committed. This
Lenten season, take the time to think soberly about your life and the witness it
For you:
Take a moment between now and Easter to think about how your life compares
with the life God intended you to have before sin entered the world. Then, confess
your sins to the Lord and read Colossians 1:13-14. Then, go one step further and
commit this verse to memory, reciting it every day when you wake up and when
you go to bed until Easter.
(Continued on page 2)
Birthdays and Anniversaries This Week
31 - Mike Dawson
3 - James Myett
Baptismal Birthdays
31 - Maggie Brown
31 - Howard Holben III
31 - Daniel Stanley
31 April
Karol Stanley
Timothy Davidson
Shelly Hector
Karla Baker
Michael Myett
Sylvia Shives
None this week
Listening to the “Lutheran Hour” You are invited to tune in next Sunday
to one of the radio stations listed below:
Tune in April 4th
WNAV (Annapolis) 143 FM 7:00 a.m.
WMZQ (Arlington) 98.7 FM 7:00 a.m.
WBAL (Baltimore) 1090 AM 10:30 a.m.
WTRM (Winchester) 91.3 FM 7:01 p.m.
No Nursery
“Playing Second Fiddle” The reality of Christ and
His resurrection
Schedule this Svc.
enables Pastor Ken Klaus to write one of his most difficult sermons.
(Luke 24:11-12) Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus
No Nursery
Schedule this Svc.
God Loves to Make Something out of Nothing.
So our Lord God passes by the greatest and highest
might of the angels in heaven. He takes the very
simplest, plainest, most unlearned, and weakest on
the earth. He sets them against the highest wisdom
and power of the devil and the world. These are the
works of God, for He is a God “who gives life to
the dead and calls into existence the things that do
not exist” (Rom. 4:17), Such are His nature and His
attributes. He proves it with the grain in the field;
unless if “falls into the earth and dies,” Christ Himself says (John
12:24), “it abides alone.” But if it dies, rots, and loses its husk and
flour in the earth, it grows roots, blade, and ear (Mark 4:28) and
“bears much fruit.” In summary, it is God’s nature to show His majesty and power through vanity and weakness. He Himself says to
Paul (2 Cor. 12:9): “My power is made perfect in weakness.”
(Selection based on today’s New Testament Lesson) “What Luther Says”, (CPH 1959)
Check Block
Enjoying the Easter Eggs!
Aubrey and Erin Davidson
Adam and Maggie Brown
Lauren and Hadley Fleishman
50th Anniversary Note
Excerpt from a note dated March 18, 1960 to Pastor Stenzel from
SED President Frerking “Dear Brother: ...The Mission Board of
the Southeastern District is issuing a call for a (seminary) candidate to explore the mission possibilities of Hagerstown, Frederick,
etc. This has been in the making since more than a year ago. Pastor George Sommermeyer of Baltimore plans shortly to come and
talk with your group. He will personally visit the field and will be
authorized to “negotiate” regarding the Hagerstown mission.”
(Note: This was one of the first steps in officially making Concordia a subsidized mission congregation of the Southeastern District.)
Children’s Easter Activities Thanks to Brenda Ellis for organizing the egg coloring activity yesterday. 15 children enjoyed coloring about a dozen eggs each. In addition to coloring eggs they
made a decorated stand-up cross and they snacked on cupcakes
decorated like a bunny face. An Easter egg hunt will be held
Easter Sunday at 9:00 following breakfast for children up through
elementary school age. Candy and prizes will be in plastic eggs.
Donations of candy and prizes are welcome. Bring your own basket to collect eggs (bags will be available).
N Open Arms CCDC To date we have two students enrolled for
next year. Two promotional events in the works include participation
in the “Celebrating Moms” event at Valley mall on Saturday April 17,
with a booth that will have information handouts and an activity to
draw children to the table. This will be followed up by an evening
Open House on Tuesday April 20, at the church. We need volunteers
to man the table at the mall in 2 hour shifts. We should have at least
two people there at all times so one can oversee the activity while the
other greets and speaks with people. See Carol or Sylvia if you can
Good Stewardship includes taking care of this wonderful facility
we have been blessed with. As of the first of the year we have had no
one sign up yet to take care of the sanctuary. We still need individuals
or couples who can share this duty. It involves dusting and vacuuming, maybe a bit of spot cleaning and other tasks as indicated on the
sign-up sheet.
 NEGifts From the Heart Thanks to all who donated clothing for
Children in Need, Inc. All clothing will be taken to their center this
week. It will be much appreciated.
New LifeLight® Class The Wednesday Brown-Bag Bible Study
(aka LifeLight®) class will take break until after Easter. The new
spring LifeLight® class will begin on Wednesday April 7 with a study
of the book of Mark. The class will run 9 weeks until June 2. Classes
meet Wednesdays from noon until 1:30. New class members are welcome. See Sylvia Shives if you wish to join the upcoming class.
Mission Grant Proposals Chesapeake District LWML is seeking
proposals for mission grants to be awarded in the 2010-2012 biennium. See the LWML bulletin board in Harmony Hall or Sylvia
Shives for grant guidelines.
The April meeting will be held on Thursday April 8. The
activity of the evening will be a nice mini-album designed
by Bernie Davidson. (actually a choice of 3 designs) Cost
for materials will be $5. Please see Cheryl Fertitta to sign
up if you didn’t sign up at the March meeting. Part of the
evening will be devoted to planning for the May tea. .
Les and Diane Braun were blessed with a new granddaughter, Lillian, born to their son and daughter-in
law on Saturday. Regina Haines is in Charlotte this weekend with family to welcome her newest (the 20th)
great grandchild.