

The Trinitarian
This Week
Pages 1
 Rector’s Note
Page 2-4
 Ministry News
Page 5
 Day School News
Page 6
 Youth News and
Diocesan News
Page 7
 News, Notes, and
Deuteronomy 26: 1
Psalm 91: 1-29-16
Romans 10: 8b-13
Luke 4: 1-13
A Note from the Rector
My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We have had more than our share of losses these past few weeks and my prayer is that it be
quite a while before we have another funeral. We are grieving the recent deaths of Sarah
Shortess, Bryan Luikart and Sherrill Lane, and these follow the many deaths we had in the
fall. I am hoping to find someone to lead grief support sessions as the pastor who was leading them in the fall has retired. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Although
these deaths leave many of us with heavy hearts, they have also allowed us to see the wonderful work so many of our parishioners have provided. Our new Funeral Guild has shined
brightly in its assistance with our funerals. Members of the Altar Guild, Flower Guild, Usher
Corps, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, our organist Elvia, and many others have helped make the
funeral services be truly holy and grace-filled. The Garden Angels have done wonderful
work before the funerals (and the work of heroes after the Southdowns Parade) to make our
grounds look beautiful. Our many greeters and hospitality volunteers make sure everyone is
welcomed and has refreshments to get them through what can be a long stretch between the
visitation and end of the service. Finally, Trinity’s staff works overtime each time we have a
funeral and I am grateful for their ministry and faithful work.
I had an interesting question after Monday’s funeral – I was asked why an Offertory is listed
when no collection is taken up at a funeral. If you take a look at the instructions in italics on
page 361 of the Book of Common Prayer you will see that the Offertory begins the second
part of our worship service (Holy Communion; The Liturgy of the Word is the first part of
the service). The Offertory consists of an Offertory Sentence (such as “Walk in love, as
Christ loved us and gave himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God”), the presentation
or offering of the bread and wine to be consecrated, money offerings (if any) and the Offertory hymn or anthem. The Offertory, therefore, is more than the collection and offering of
money. You might find it interesting to compare the terminology used in the orders of worship for the United Methodists (Offering), Presbyterians (Offering) and Lutherans (Offering,
Offertory and Offertory prayer) to see some of the differences in our liturgies.
We are now in the liturgical season of Lent. Our Wednesday Evening Lenten Series will
begin February 17 and end March 16. We will have Stations of the Cross at 5:30 pm, Soup
Supper at 6 pm and Evening Program at 6:30 pm. Jesus’ Supporting Cast, our evening program, February 17 through March 9 will be a discussion of the supporting characters in the
Gospel readings during Jesus’ last few days. These characters include the woman who asked
Peter if he was part of Jesus’ group resulting in Peter denying Jesus three times, Pontius Pilate’s wife, the centurion at the Cross, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. Each of these
and others played an important role, which we will explore.
The Rev’d Sharon A. Alexander
T r i n it y E p is c o p a l
C h u rc h
3552 Mo r ni ng G lo r y A v e .
B a to n R o u g e , L A 7 0 8 0 8
(225) 387-0396
w w w . t ri n i ty b r. o rg
February 10, 2016
The Trinitarian
Page 2
Ministry News
Worship Ministry
A Note from Elvia
Handbell rehearsals will begin Wednesday, February 17, at 5:30 pm in the Music Room. We are looking
for any interested people who would like to join us. Music can be adapted to the ringer’s ability. So if you
would like to try, speak to me, Elvia, or give me a call in the office.
Lin He will play violin on the 21st during the 7:30 and 11 am services.
The Best Way to Start the Day
Please join us on Thursdays at 6:30 am for the “Early Bird” service in the side chapel. This service welcomes the dawn of each day with a Eucharist service which ends at about 7 am. After the service, attendees enjoy coffee, pastries (including the infamous “gutbuster” – you have to attend to find out what it
is), and fellowship in the Common Room until about 8 am. This is a wonderful opportunity to worship
and get a short homily to start your day with men and women of our parish before we go out to love and
serve the Lord.
Stations, Soup, Study
Trinity's annual Lenten series begins Wednesday, February 17 and continues each Wednesday evening
through March 16. The studies will examine supporting characters in the Gospel readings during Jesus’
last few days– the woman who asked Peter if he was part of Jesus’ group resulting in Peter denying Jesus
three times, Pontius Pilate’s wife, the centurion at the Cross, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. We
invite everyone to share in this educational and spiritual opportunity. The evening starts at 5:30 p.m. in
the Church with Stations of the Cross. At 6:00 p.m. guests enjoy a “soupluck dinner” and conversation in
the Activities Building until the time of the program at 6:30 p.m. Childcare is provided.
Morning Glory Help
Volunteers are needed to help with the running the slides during the Morning Glory service. Volunteers
typically serve 2-3 times in a 3 month scheduling period. Contact Kyle Viator if you are willing to help.
Christian Formation
Children’s Chapel
Children's Chapel will take place this Sunday during the 9 and 11 am services.
Christian Formation– 10 am
February 14– Christian Formation will not take place this Sunday.
(Cont’d on next page)
Page 3
Ministry News
Christian Formation Continued
WOW Book Study
WOW’s next gathering will be held on Sunday, February 21st at 12:15 pm in the Howe Conference Room
when we will begin our discussion of Let Your Life Speak by Parker Palmer. We will be discussing Chapters I and II. WOW is open to men and women, parishioners and non-parishioners, of all ages. Please
join us.
Pastoral Care
“Loving Stitches” Prayer Shawl Ministry
There are a few classes available locally for those of you interested in joining this ministry but do not yet
know how to knit or crochet. First, the Knitting Nook will meet at the Bluebonnet Library from 10:30 am
– 12:30 pm on Thursday, February 11th. All skill levels, left-handers, adults and teens are welcome to learn
to knit projects such as hats, scarves, blankets, and afghans. Please bring one pair of size 8,9,10 or 10-1/2
knitting needles and at least one ball of yarn to the class. There is no charge to attend.
Also, on Thursday, February 11th, the Crochet Corner will meet at the Bluebonnet Library from 3:30 pm –
5:30 pm for people wanting to learn how to make hats and scarves. (Prayer shawls are just wide
scarves.) Please bring a crochet hook, size H (5.0 mm or larger). Yarn will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own. There is no charge to attend.
Finally, LSU Continuing Education is offering a crochet class this spring for advanced beginners. The
class is for ages 12 and up; minors must be accompanied by an adult. This class objective is to learn basic
stitches used to make projects such as scarves, hats, prayer shawls, and blankets. The cost of the fourweek class is $79. Bring a metal size H hook, scissors, and a small ruler or a measuring tape to the
class. Yarn will be provided. The classes, taught by Stacy Pizzolato, will meet on 2/25, 3/3, 3/10, and
3/17 at 8 pm in Tureaud Hall. Click here to register or to get more information.
Lay Eucharistic Visitor
If visiting your fellow Trinitarians who can’t make it to church for various reasons seems like something
you would like to explore. Please contact Fr. Ashley to gather more information.
Outreach Ministry
Youth Oasis
Saturday, February 20, volunteers will be visiting the Youth Oasis, 260 S. Acadian Thruway, from 11:30
a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Anyone is welcome to participate. All you have to do is simply show up at Youth Oasis
at 11:30 a.m. For more information about this project, contact John Boyd.
The Trinitarian
Page 4
Ministry News
Day School News
Day School Open House
Static Electricity
The third graders and their prek buddies enjoyed their “hands on” experience experimenting with static
Throw Me Something, Mister
The Day School students enjoyed the prek parade last Thursday.
The Trinitarian
Page 5
Ministry News
Youth News
Job Well Done at the Southdowns Parade!!! (A Note from Fr. Ashley)
The EYC had a great time at the Southdowns Mardi Gras parade on Friday the 5th. As we have done in
the past, the EYC sold parking spots, refreshments, and snacks in an effort to raise money for future
events and ministry. Although our numbers were small on Friday, because many of our students were out
of town on school field trips, Bea Flournoy, Tiffany Perry, Ashton Freeman, and a few of their friends
did a fine job representing Trinity during the parade. Not only did these students raise over 500.00 dollars
and help clean up the church campus after the parade, they displayed a level of hospitality to the broader
community that we all can learn from. I hope you will join me in thanking and congratulating the EYC
and its members the next time you see them.
Father Ashley
Diocesan News
Stewardship Summit
Presentations will include: The October Beg-A-Thon or A Way of Life?, Do I Have Ten Percent to Give?,
How to Conduct a Ten Step Stewardship Campaign, I Work for The Church and I’m Supposed to Give, Too?, and
more… Saturday, February 20, at St. Andrew’s New Orleans, with keynote speaker, The Rt. Rev. Gregory
Rickel, Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia. Registration opens at 9:00 AM, Presentations from 9:30 AM –
2:00 PM. Co-hosted by the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana Stewardship Congregational Consultants
and St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, New Orleans. For more information, contact The Rev’d Canon John
Kellogg at (504) 895-6634 or Registration due: Friday, February 12.
Youth Volunteer Day @ SECC
Join the youth of the diocese for a day of service at the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center, on Saturday from 12:00 - 4:00 PM. Lunch provided. Contact Marvin McLennon with questions.
Camp Hardtner– Pollock, Louisiana
The Camp Hardtner Summer Camping Program continues to create an atmosphere of love and acceptance for campers, counselors. and staff to engage God's mission. This is accomplished each summer
with an organized program of worship, music, and recreational activities that encourages creativity and
acceptance allowing God’s love to flow freely. Each summer, more than 600 young people attend the
camp sessions and continue a tradition that is nearly seven decades old. Camp is open to students in
grades 1-12. For more information and registration information, click here.
Page 6
Notes and Prayers
News and Notes
Friday Deadline
Direct all news to Please note, articles are due the Friday prior to publishing.
The Server Schedule
Click here to view the server schedule.
Parish Calendar
Click here to view the parish calendar.
Church Leaders
The 2016-2017 Vestry members are Nancy Stich (Senior Warden), Will Landry (Junior Warden), Susan
Newman (Secretary), Andrew Olinde (Treasurer), Gay Bruser, Laura Dallam, Kim Ford, Jennifer Johnson, Stephanie Kurtz, Matt Lynch, Sean Sperry, Bill Wilson, and Rev. Sharon Alexander (Rector).
Finance Committee
Bill Silvia-Chair, The Rev. Sharon Alexander, Jennifer Johnson, Skip Smart, Louise Bruce, Aminta Dupuy, Dan
Stari, Kim Ford, Clay Flournoy, Jenny Hastings, Kyle Viator, Will Landry, Warren Ber, Tracy Rutledge, Bill Wilson
Pray for Those Serving Our Country
Jeff Argrave, Stefan Arnold, Ronnie Brooke Atkins, Barrett Ball, Kyle Baumann, Michael (Benson), Ray
Blanchard, Bryan, Trevor Buban, Clark Cavalier, Chris, Sean Coco, Cpl. William P. Dunn, Lt. David
Durr, Specialist Don Ellen, Eric, Wayne Fergerson, Jaelyn Gambrel, Ken Green, Warren Green, Craig
Henderson, Bill Herbert, Sgt. E. Walker Herlitz, Tim Hill, J.D., Ken, Kirby, Bryce Landry, Caroline
Lane, Brien Leblanc, Captain Ollie Lewis, Daniel M., Franklin McAnally, Ty Manson, Kernaa D. McFarlin, Kyle McKemy, Brant Mitchell, Jason Moore, David Palmer, Scott Poitevent, Branson West Rivett,
David Sandridge, Adam Shilling, Karl Smith, David Stockinger, Capt. Travis Stutes, Steven Tackett, Peter Tobin, Steve Vargo, Chris Vidrine, Jason Webb, Charlton Williams, Tyler Williamson, and
John Yaew.
Parish Prayer List
Please send all prayer requests and other prayer related information to the church office,
Helen, Pierre, Tracey, LuAnn, Meg, Verna, Peyton, Lola, Hunter, Melissa, Lydia, Maria A., Branson, Michael, Jacob, Larry, Emily, Desiree, Kate, Frances, Ed, Will, Fred, Tom, Maggie, Marilyn, Jose, Jamilet,
Ryan, Kristopher, Clay, Samuel, Eric, Jack, Robert, Joe, Darren, Mackand, the Luikart family, the Lane
family, Jerry, Stacy, Jacob and Terri.