temporary bolcc handicap parking passes are available if needed


temporary bolcc handicap parking passes are available if needed
Office Hours:
Tuesday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Main: (901) 373-7219
Fax: (901) 373-9404
Toll Free:(800) 459-7691
If you have a suggestion or a recommendation for the ministry, please forward it
to Member Services, drop it in the member drop box, or send to info@bolcc.org.
9:00 AM (Memphis)
7:00 PM (Forrest City: Children services provided)
7:00 PM (Memphis)
Eagle’s Nest Nursery (6 wks-5 years)
Highway Children’s Ministry (1st- 8th grades)
181 Student Ministry (9th-12th grades)
CCM “Real Talk” Founder’s Room (18-24 yrs old) with Pastor Moss
10:15 AM & 7:00 PM (Memphis)
Life Transformation Institute
New Member’s Orientation Class
Christian Foundations Class
Helps Ministry Class:
Baptism Orientation Class:
11:30 AM (Forrest City, AR)
Sundays: 8:00 AM– Locations vary.
Sundays: 9:00 AM-Classroom 2
Sundays: 9:00 AM-Founder’s Room
Wednesdays: 7:00 PM– Classroom 2
Sundays: 8:00 AM (during LTI)
Sign up to attend at the Information Center
Every 3rd Sunday 8:00 AM– Altar Care Room
Prayer Line:
Member Services:
Emergency Line:
Emergency Evacuation:
(901) 383-5543
Anna Lacey, (901) 373-7219, Ext. 5538. If no answer, leave a
message for automatic page. (Sickness, Visitations, Prayer, Births,
Weddings & Funerals)
If loved ones need to reach you during service or you need to
reach someone attending service, call (901) 373-7219, ext.5526.
In case of an evacuation during service, please follow ushers to
the nearest exit.
The BOL Job Line: Are you or someone you know looking for employment? Visit the Breath of
Life job line created just for you, our valued member. The BOL job line will provide general employment information and a list of our current job opportunities. For more information call 901-3835532.
Leadership Opportunities: Marriage Connection 100 Officers. Visit the Information Center for
Position Descriptions.
Employment Opportunity: Breath of Life Preschool Teacher. Full time. Breath of Life Administration, Administrative Assistant. Part-Time. See job postings at the Information Center, Hospitality Table in Forrest City, Member Service office and our website.
BOLBA is a professional business networking association helping its membership to increase
commerce, make better connections to increase business and gain professional
development. BOLBA provides support to large, mid-sized and small businesses
seeking to develop business opportunities and maintain competitive advantage. To
become a member, call (901) 373-7219. (BOLBA Directories are available at the
Information Center; 1 per family please.)
Open to all Business owners who are members of Breath of Life. See the Information
Center for BOLBA directories, applications or more information about the organization.
Become a member today!
CONFESS: JESUS, OUR HIGH PRIEST, I am come into the kingdom according to
Colossians 1:12-13.
Give the tithes and offering believing Deuteronomy 26:4 & Hebrews 7:8
CONFESS: A sinner dead in trespasses and sin was I: and was held in that bondage by the
devil. Then I heard the gospel and called on the name of Jesus, and He heard me. And by a
mighty operation of God, He caused me to be born again into Christ Jesus according to
Ephesians 2:5 & 6. Also, He has given me all things that pertain to life and godliness
because II Peter 1:3 tells me so. And now I have brought my tithes and offering for you
Jesus, to set before the Father and worship before Him.
Now confess and repent of all sin and all transgressions of the Love commandment. After
having received forgiveness for all sin, Praise God for all that He has done for you, and for
the opportunity to willingly, cheerfully and joyously present your first fruits to Him.
After Praising and Worshipping God
CONFESS: I have given to the five-fold ministry and to the poor, and I have done so
cheerfully. Now I believe according to Malachi 3:10-12 that the windows of heaven are
opened to me, so that a blessing that I cannot contain is coming to me, and that the devourer
is rebuked for my sake; and that the very earth is giving to me.
Non Tithers Join Confession
CONFESS: Also according to Luke 6:38, because I have given, men give into my bosom,
good measure, pressed down and shaken together and running over. Father, I give and
receive it Now by Faith in the name of JESUS.
1. We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible and authoritative Word of God.
2. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons; God, the Father;
God, the Son; and God, the Holy Spirit.
3. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His bodily
resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in the blessed hope of His
personal visible future return to this earth to receive to Himself, His blood-bought church that
it may be with Him Forever.
4. We believe that the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and
Faith in the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
5. We believe that the rebirth of the human spirit by the Word and Holy Spirit of God is
absolutely essential for personal salvation.
6. We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides healing of the human
body in answer to believing prayer.
7. We believe that each believer is entitled to and will receive the baptism with the Holy
Ghost according to Acts 2:4 and/or Acts 10:44-46 and/or Acts 19:6 upon their asking for it.
8. We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling, the Christian is
enabled to live a holy life.
9. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and lost. The one to everlasting life and
the other to everlasting destruction.
Please review our Service Etiquette for our live
streaming services each Sunday, 9:00 AM.
Please refrain from chewing eating or drinking. Those on front rows of
each aisle: Please sit in an upright position, without stretching or slouching. Please refrain from napping. Please use the outside aisles of the
two center sections directly in view of cameras by the media booth.
Please refrain from using the center aisle of the auditorium during services. For those who may have emergencies or leave prior to the invitation, please sit in the outside or rear sections of the auditorium near the exits.
Welcome to Breath of Life, where Holiness is
taught and practiced as God’s lifestyle for
mankind to live victoriously. We are honored
that you have joined us today for worship. Our
desire is that you hear what the Spirit of God is
saying to you; whether it be through the Word
or song. It could very well be that the Spirit of
God has chosen you to be part of this cutting
edge ministry. We’re glad you’re here and
please be sure to come back and worship with
us again!
So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them,
and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.
Altar Care Meeting: Sunday, May 6, immediately following service.
Sparkling Seniors’ Expo: Wednesday, May 9. 9 AM– 2 PM. All seniors ages 55 & older, are invited to
attend a fun-filled day at the Agri-Center International. Free admission; venders and concessions available.
(Dutch Treat) The vans will leave 9 AM promptly. Transportation is $5 per person. Please wear your gold
Sparkling Senior t-shirt. Sign up at the Information Center to attend.
Breath of Life Worship service at the Sisterhood Showcase: Sunday, June 3, 2012. The Cook Convention Center. Please sign up at the Information Center if you are interested in volunteering in ANY capacity. Helps ministry status is not required for all areas. We are also asking all members to represent in
church T-shirts at this event. Pre-order your T-Shirt TODAY with Events after service. Begin now inviting
family and friends to our worship service to be held during the Sisterhood Showcase; free admission into
the showcase from 9 AM -11 AM.
Keith Lee Basketball Camp: June 11-5; 18-22, 2012. 8 AM-4 PM. Hawkins Mill FLC. Ages 5-15 years.
$125 weekly; $150 tuition for both weeks, per child. Lunch included. See brochures at the Information
Center for details and registration.
“What’s Going On?” Join us each Sunday for the new African-American Studies class, 8:00 AM, Bell
Manor Banquet Hall. Open to ages 10 & older.
Sports Ministry: Youth spring sports leagues for boys and girls ages 2-18. Sign up at the Information
Center to participate in soccer, basketball or baseball. See brochures for details.
Sports Ministry: 2012 Fitness Schedule. All classes are free to the public and held in the Hawkins
Mill - GYM. Non–instructed walking available during each class. Mondays- Line Dancing 5:45 PM-6:45.
Tuesdays- ZUMBA Dance class, 6 PM-7. Thursdays– Kickboxing, 6 PM-7. Children must remain
SEATED in bleachers during each class.
Ezekiel 37:10
Breath of Life Christian Center is a premier international ministry where Holiness is
taught and practiced as God’s lifestyle for mankind to live victoriously. It is a haven for
those seeking understanding of God’s Word and spiritual purpose for their lives.
Breath of Life Christian Center is a premier international ministry that possesses and
teaches a higher order of calling to the Lord. Its higher order and core values create an
environment that enables all who embrace BOLCC to go forth in the world living a life of
holiness and enjoying abundant life through obedience unto the Lord.
Covenant Keeper
Marriage & Family
Abundant Life
Fulfilled Single Life
New Sanctuary Name: Breath of Life International Ministry Center
I. To be completed by the end of 2003
1. Create a Business Association
2. Create a Credit Union
3. Create a Community Development Corporation
II. Begin in 2004
1. Develop a Pastor/Teacher Training Institute (2-yr program)
2. Plant churches to spread the vision
Breath of Life Christian Center: North, South, East & West
III. Pay all debt
IV. Wait to hear God’s Voice.
May 2
Linda Smith
May 3
LeLinda Cox
Barbara Norment
Darnell Williams, Jr.
May 4
Patrick M. Carter
Gregory Fleming
Annette Loche
Linda Rogers
Daisy Woods
May 5
Sabitha Ray
May 7
Selgyna McQueen-Brown
The mission of Breath of Life is to teach Holiness and the abundant life it
provides as we serve in excellence to the Lord.
In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD;
and the pots in the Lord’s house shall be like the bowls before the altar. Yea, every pot
in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the Lord of hosts: and all they that
sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: and in that day there shall be
no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts.
Zechariah 14:20-21
May 1
Lois Bryant
Kenneth Coker
Beverly Cox
Gerald Neely
Ruby Williams
May 9
Mack Johnson
Brenda Jones
Daily Prayer– IMC Prayer Room: Tues. - Fri. 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Sunday Morning Prayer- IMC Auditorium: 7:00 - 7:45 AM
Monday Night Prayer– IMC Prayer Room: 7:00 PM (early prayer available at 6 PM)
High Noon Prayer-IMC Prayer Room: Wednesday 12:00 Noon-12:30 PM
Fasting: 12:00 AM – 12:00 Noon Wednesday.
The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power
available [dynamic in its working]. James 5:16b AMP
May 10
Willie Renee Taylor
Ruby Wyatt
May 12
Denita Bass
Kevin Cox
Margaret Cox
Stephanie Dawson
Linda Latigue
Charlene Sager
May 19
Danita Calhoun
Rona Ray
Alissa Reed
Sonja Wilson
May 26
Jamin Allgood
Eric Gray
Pinkie Neely
John Strong
May 20
Ravyn C. Jones
Marcus Steward
Torian Wallace
Jovan Williams
May 27
Kimberly Brown
Chase Clark
Lametrice Garrett
Danny Morrow, Sr.
Mae Patton
May 13
Shirley Blair
Gloria Crews
Reginald Dickerson
Shela D. Jones
May 21
Clarence Edwin Pegues Raymond Stewart
May 14
Charles Grove
Teresa D. Stewart
May 15
Dorothy Braden
Rose Herron
Virginia Hubbard-Harris
May 22
Pamela M. Anderson
Alfred Robinson
Oscar Sullivan
May 23
Leroy Jones
C. Ann Moore-Scurlock
Kenon Steward
May 16
Joseph Hebrew Barthelmy May 24
Charlotte Brown
Johnny C. Fayne
Rodney Hill
Wayne Watt
Eric Hardaway
Nicole Jackson
Lautenia Plymouth
Roger Streater
May 17
Sharhonda Brooks
John Hunt
Darro Robinson
Kartriece Ward
May 25
Don Erby
Phyllis Hill
Linda Jefferson
John Jordan
May 18
Beatrice Wortheam
May 28
Loreese Dilworth
Ivory Ervin
Bernice Fisher
Tyrone Johnson
May 29
Frankie Bennett
Sheridan Conner
Maria Folson
Bryant French
Phillip Moody
Delois Mosley
Rosheay Ragland, Sr.
Amory Sanders
May 30
Dedric Nelson
May 31
Aderion Hightower
Tiffany T. Lewis
Allen Oliver
Gregory Taylor, Jr.
SUNDAY: Intercede for today’s services. Pray that everyone who ministers will speak the
word of God with boldness and that healings, signs and wonders be done by the name of
Jesus. Offer prayers of thanksgiving.
Acts 4:29-30
Romans 8:26-27
Psalm 92:1-2
MONDAY - TUESDAY: Intercede for the 30th Year Celebration Services of Breath of Life
Christian Center. Pray for Pastor Ricky Temple, Dr. Jennifer Johnson, Pastor Stephen Wiley,
CeCe Winans, Helen Baylor, Jonathan Slocumb, Merlon Devine, Lisa McClendon, Cayerio
and Speakerboxx. Pray for our pastoral staff, ministry leadership, the Helps Ministry
Volunteer Team, and their families.
Isaiah 10:27b; 55:10-11 Philippians 4:19
Romans 8:26-27
Monday, July 9- 7:00 PM Celebration Opening Ceremony with words from Dr.
Holloway & musical guest CeCe Winans. (Nursery & Children Services provided.)
WEDNESDAY: Intercede for Pastor and Mrs. Holloway, our pastoral staff, ministry leaders,
members and their families. Pray for our services at the Sisterhood Showcase on June 3.
Acts 4:29-30
Isa. 54:17; 55:10-11
Matt. 6:10b
Romans 8:26-27
Wednesday, July 11- 7:00 PM Homecoming Service featuring Elders of the Gospel
salute; Sons and Daughters of Holiness salute our Man of God; and the Legends of
Holiness Award presentation featuring Cayerio and Spearkerboxx Band, Jackson
Avenue and more.
THURSDAY: Intercede for President and Mrs. Obama, Vice President and Mrs. Biden,
Congress, Supreme Court Justices, and our local, city and state leaders. Pray for our nation.
Psalm 33:12
Psalm 72:1-2
Proverbs 21:1
1Timothy 2:1-4
FRIDAY: Offer prayers of thanksgiving and pray in the Holy Ghost.
Psalm 95:1-3
Psalm 107:1-2, 21-22
Romans 8:26-27
Tuesday, July 10– 7:00 PM Celebration Service with musical guest Minister Helen
Baylor and Pastor Ricky Temple of Savannah, Georgia. (Nursery & Children Services
Thursday, July 12- 7:00 PM Celebration Service with Saxophonist Merlon Devine and
Dr. Jennifer Johnson, of Little Rock, Arkansas. (Nursery & Children Services
Friday, July 13- 8:00 PM Comedy Lounge with Jonathan Slocumb, musical guest Lisa
McClendon and a delectable dining experience. Tickets are $25 per person.

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