reachingIN - Ferris Hill Baptist Church


reachingIN - Ferris Hill Baptist Church
reachingUP (worshipJESUS)
Sundays @ 10:30
Wednesdays @ 6:30
1/4– “A Good Defense”
1/11–”Who is God”
January 7– “chapter 24”
January 14– “chapter 25
January 21– “chapter 26”
January 28– “chapter 27-28”
1/18–“Why the Bible and not other
holy books”
1/\25– “How to determine value of life”
Ladies Winter Bible Study
Begins January 15th
6:30pm in the Worship Center
Books are $12
You are encouraged to invite others.
Ladies Winter Spectacular
Contact Candace Nall for details—8506267463
aturday, January 10th, 8:30-2:30pm
Join together with ladies of all ages and
backgrounds for a day of worship,
discipleship, crafts, food and fun.
RSVP for childcare
Childcare is available
The Cold Weather Shelter
remains in full swing until the
first week of March. Because
of your generosity FHBC is
well equipped with resources
and volunteers; however we
desire to connect with more
potential guests. Please take
several CWS promo cards,
available in the foyer or office,
and hand them out to any
homeless or heatless that you
meet during the week.
If you did not live in your
neighborhood, would the light
of Jesus be dimmer? If not,
what could you do to shine
your faith into your neighbors?
While you are making New
Year’s Resolutions, consider
committing to prayer walk your
neighborhoods, ask your neighbors how you can pray for
them, and try to learn the faith
story of every one around you.
missionFIELD 3
FHBC is heading
back to CapHaitien June 20-26th. The cost
of the trip will be approximately
$15,000. Prayerfully consider
how you can be a financial team
member this year. All financial
gifts need to be designated
“missions.” If you are interested in going, please submit a
copy of your passport to Pastor
Brian no later than February 1st.
More information is available in
the brochure located in the
foyer media rack.
The mF4 team meeting on Dec 12th went
great! We have about 16 people currently
on the team. If you want to join God and
partner together to reach the Chinese unreached people group in North Korea and
plant a Chinese church please contact
Corina Lavenberg.
Anthony Ball, the Missions Director from
First Irving Church in Irving, Texas, will be
coming February 28, 2015 for a Saturday
night training and will then share that Sunday morning. He has been to North Korea/
China at least once a year over the last 7
years and will share insight, experience, and
give some training to our mF4 team that
will be beneficial as we move forward.
reachingIN (servingJESUS)
412 Leadership Ministry
Jan 4–Church Council
Jan 11–Ministry Teams
Jan 18–SS Teachers
Jan 25–Deacons
All meetings @ 4pm.
412 ministry is built off of Ephesians 4:12
Benevolence Team is looking for someone to oversee resource gathering for specific needs in the community
Stewardship Team is researching expanding giving methods.
Greeters Ministry is looking for people to serve on our parking lot team.
Ladies’ ministry is gearing up for Winter Bible Study and women’s day of Worship and Discipleship
Plans are beginning to launch a military ministry.
Transportation ministry is expanding.
All 4 mission fields are developing the opportunities for FHBC to reach the world
through our 4 mission fields.
Hospitality Team is making improvements to our kitchen (deco and equip)
A Homecoming Team is being assembled for our celebration in October.
Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus!
Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that
when the day of evil comes, you will be able to
stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand… (Ephesians 6:13)
The dawn of 2015 will bring with it new hope and
new challenges. Hope, as we have learned, of
promises fulfilled in the past and promises yet to be
fulfilled in the future. Challenges, as we also learn,
meet us with each new day. 2015 will (not may)
bring deep valleys of trouble, frustration and sorrow, but it will also bring the highest of mountain
top joy, victory and celebration. Regardless of
which one we currently face, or will soon experience; our feet must be firmly planted on the foundation of Jesus Christ in order to progress forward in
this life.
In the spring of 1858 there was a great revival in
the Philadelphia area. One of the influential leaders
of this revival was a young minister named Dudley
A. Tyng. Not long after the revival had ended, Mr.
Tyng’s arm was accidently caught in a piece of
machinery and damaged beyond repair by the doctors of his day. The arm was successfully amputated, but just a few days later, this noble young man
died from a severe infection related to the surgery.
On his death bed, he sent a message to all the ministers who had served with him during the revival
and the message began with these words, “Tell
them, ‘Let us all stand up for Jesus.’” The words
made a deep impression on the ministers after
Tyng’s death. They were often quoted before large
assemblies, and they made the foundation of more
than one well known poems penned in the local
Among Mr. Tyng’s most devoted friends and fellow ministers was Rev. George Duffield. A few
weeks after the sad death of his friend, he preached
in his own church in Philadelphia, taking as his text
Eph. 6: 13 – 18, and at the close of his sermon sang
a new hymn that he had written especially for this
sermon, “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus.”
The song a favorite of solders on both sides during
the Civil War.
As you experience both great joy and harsh troubles
in 2015, let the words of this hymn comfort and
strengthen you to stand firm for Jesus this New
Stand up, stand up for Jesus! Ye soldiers of
the cross; Lift high His royal banner, it must
not suffer loss: From victory unto victory,
His army shall He lead, Till every foe is
vanquished, and Christ is Lord indeed.
Stand up, stand up for Jesus! The trumpet
call obey: Forth to the mighty conflict, in
this His glorious day; Ye that are men now
serve Him against unnumbered foes; Let
courage rise with danger, and strength to
strength oppose.
Stand up, stand up for Jesus! Stand in His
strength alone, The arm of flesh will fail
you, ye dare not trust your own; Put on the
gospel armor, and watching unto prayer,
Where calls the voice of duty, be never
wanting there.
Stand up, stand up for Jesus! the strife will
not be long; This day the noise of battle, the
next the victor’s song; To him that overcometh a crown of life shall be; He with the
King of glory shall reign eternally.
wanted to let everyone
know, this month on the
21st the youth and parents are invited to The
Silver Ring Thing at Pine
Terrace Baptist Church. It
starts at 6:30. There will
be a special parents session from 6:30 to 7:15.
Prayer Service—Each
Night at 5pm FHBC gathers to
pray. This is our most powerful
corporate gathering of the week
as God has promised to unleash
His power and the resources of
heaven when His people pray.
Please make it a weekly priority
to pray together with your family of faith. Childcare is provided
Answered Prayer Board—It has
been exciting to see God answer
numerous prayers during 2014.
We are clearing the board to
make room to display what God
does in 2015. Please use the
connectionCARD located in the
foyer, email us at; or use the
prayer box in the front of the
church to submit prayer needs.
As you see those prayers answered, please let us know so
that we can celebrate with you.
I have to admit that one of my
favorite things to buy is a new cd and then
listen to it non-stop and learn all the lyrics.
I have always enjoyed listening to music and
even more than just listening to it I love to
sing along with it. When I am driving around
in my car I am a rock star. Move over Mariah Carey because here I come. When I am
alone in my car my voice is on key and my
dance moves up to par. I have to say I just
love being able to sing along with my radio
and praise God all at the same time.
For me music is something that has always
spoken to me. I am not trying to sound all
cliche but it is true. Whenever I am feeling
down it never fails that God will send me a
song to comfort me, uplift me, or just help
me through the rest of my day. I find my
music to be such an encouragement and it
just helps me get through my day to day
Recently I went on a bit of a cd shopping
spree. I have spent the last month trying to
learn all the songs on my new cds so, I can
thoroughly rock out to my music. One of the
cds I bought is For King and Country’s newest release Run Wild. Live Free. Love
Strong. There is a song called Matter on
this new album. The chorus is my favorite
To the one who spoke and set the sun ablaze
To the one who stopped the storm and walked
the waves
To the one who took the tree so He could say
You matter, I hope you know you matter
As we begin this new year I wanted to share
some encouragement that God has shared
with me. As I have listened to this song
several times these lyrics just hit me like a
ton of bricks. I matter. I don’t matter because I am skinny enough or smart enough
or righteous enough. I matter not because
of what I have done but what God has done.
Jesus left the perfectness of heaven to
come to this earth to die for my sins. Better
than that He died for all of our sins and
desires that no one miss out on the opportunity to experience His forgiveness. So as
we begin this new year I want you to know
that you matter. You don’t matter because
of what you have to offer Jesus but because Jesus loves you. You Matter!
the year of SHARPENING our HEARTS
Ferris Hill Baptist Church
6848 Chaffin St.
Milton, FL 32570
Developing Authentic Followers Of Jesus Christ
Special Day of Prayer
And Combined
Worship Service
Ladies Ministry Event
FHBC Leadership Team
Dr. Brian Nall
Children/Preschool Ministry
Nina Johnson
Ministry Assistant
Brandi Opager
Ministry Area
Ministry Mobilizers
Student Ministry
Zack Cutts
$ 5,287.13
$ 4,365.34
$ 3,011.50
Amount Required to Date: $224,001.01
Amount Received to Date: $226,020.82
Music Ministry
Travis Oran
Ladies Bible Study
Prayer Seminar
Immanuel Baptist
If interested, call:
mF1: Around FHBC .…………………………...……....Tom Turman (623-4788)
mF2: Your Community ………………….….…….. Tricia McKinnon (910-3620)
mF3: Haiti……………………………………...………..….Brian Nall (686-6175)
mF4: Unreached People Groups…………..………..Corina Lavenberg (313-9138)
Benevolence………………....……………………………….Marcelle Thompson (623-6336)
Blog………………………………………………...……………...Erica Stephens (723-3883)
Building & Grounds……………………………….…..…...………..Bryan Unruh (972-7951)
Children/Preschool Ministry……………...……...……………..…...Nina Johnson (400-0102)
Deacon……...……………………….……………..…………..…….Bryan Unruh (982-7951)
Facebook………………………...………………….…….……..Cassie Holloway (623-3500)
Greeters …………………………………………....…………….….... Judy Hurst (994-9831)
Hospitality…………..………...………………………..……...….….Casey Pierce (995-8221)
Ministry Grid (Leader Training)…………………...………..……David Stephens (291-0508)
Music Ministry…………...……………………..…..………...………Travis Oran (449-9382)
Personnel Team ………...…………………..…..……………..…… Tom Turman (623-4788)
Prayer Team…………..…………..…………………...……..Michelle McKinnon (723-1804)
Stewardship………….………………………………………....…. Dewitt Nobles (983-5402)
Student Ministry…….………….....................................................……Zack Cutts (261-0213)
Sunday School……..…..……………………………………....….. ..Bryan Unruh (982-7951)
Transportation……..…………………………………………Michelle McKinnon (723-1804)
Ushers……..………….…….……………………………..………..Church Office (623-3500)
Website…………...………………..……………...………...…..….Todd Johnson (400-0102)
From the Pastor...
Another year ends and a new year begins—
~ The majority of people in our county are
unchurched and are in need of someone to direct them to Jesus—ARE YOU READY?
~ Your next door neighbor needs to see what
an authentic follower of Jesus looks like (imperfections and all) ARE YOU READY?
Nations and People Groups of the world are disconnected from
the message of Jesus Christ and need people who hold the good
news of grace to serve on a spiritual search party—ARE YOU
Don’t Miss A Message!
Listen ONLINE at
As we transition into a new year it is essential that we respond to God’s
invitation to join Him where He is working all over the world. We are
thankful that He is supplies the resources we need to get the job done
in the Holy Spirit, but we need to be ready to receive His invitation.
As God has called me to be your pastor and spiritual equipper I wish I
could share with you all the bumps in the road that you need to prepare to overcome in 2015. I can’t. But what I can do, plan to do, is to
Those guests/attenders
prepare you with God’s word so that you will be ready whatever this
who are interested in
year may hold.
church membership are
I am deeply thankful and amazed as I reflect on what God has done asked to contact the
through each of you in 2014. I know that there are still greater things church office to set up
that need to be done in the days and months to come. If I have any an FHBC orientation
primary goal for each person of FHBC in 2015, it is this: to become a meeting with Pastor
person of prayer. By that I don’t mean someone who faithfully asks
God to bless the food before a meal, but one who enjoys ongoing communication with God and listens faithfully to what He says as He
speaks through His word. If we can move in this direction, it will be a
good year. If we can become a people of prayer, who act
on the move of God as we pray, there are no words that can
describe what this 2015 will hold. Are you Ready?
Log-on to
January 2015
An 8 week Small Group beginning January 4th @ 9:15am Singles and Couples are invited to attend. This is also a great group to invite your family
and neighbors to. Fliers and additional available beginning December 14 th.
You are encouraged to
meet with your battleBUDDY on a weekly
basis. Pray, ask
questions, help each
other wherever needed.
Resources and discussion
guides are available on
the website. If you need
a battleBUDDY, speak to
your SS Teacher.