heritage gazette - Heritage United Methodist Church


heritage gazette - Heritage United Methodist Church
May 2013
Inside this issue:
Witness Moment &
Outreach News
Announcements &
Calendar of Events
Birthdays &
(A copy of the full text of this article is located in the Narthex)
It could be said that we, here at Heritage, are at a crossroad. This year we have begun to look
at how we are called to serve God’s people in the 21st Century. The task of the Vision Group is
to listen, investigate, and compile a working paper for the Council on Ministries that offers possibilities and direction for short-term and long-term goals. Our challenge is not only for the
financial stewardship life of our church but also to make an impact on our spiritual growth and
development. The Council has charged our congregation to begin some of that work and in
time will see the fruits of our collective labors.
I recently read an article ‘Job or Ministry’ by The Rev. Tan Cheng Huat, Senior Pastor of the True Way Presbyterian
Church. His words resonate with me and how I have viewed my ministry in the Name of Jesus and how all Christians are
called to ministry. As you read, I hope it will cause a few ‘ah ha’ moments as we look to the future and our ministry with
and among God’s people. Below is an excerpt of his article.
The Rev. Huat writes:
“The Biblical basis for ministry is love; when love is abounding, you have people who will be more likely to persevere
even in difficult situations. You have people who are focusing on how their ministry helps others and not how it affects
them personally. Isn't this how we want people to serve? Bear in mind it’s ultimately God’s ministry, not yours. Rely on
God’s unlimited power to work through you, seek to discover God’s purposes for your ministry. Simply do your best. Remember your ministry is to please God alone not trying to validate yourself or please other people.
An encouraging poem by James N. Spurgeon tells it all:
A job is at your choice;
A ministry is at Christ’s call.
In a job you expect to receive;
In a ministry you expect to give.
In a job you give something to get something;
In a ministry you return something that has already been given to you.
A job depends on your abilities;
A ministry depends on your availability to God.
A job done well brings you praise;
A ministry done well brings honor to Christ.
Your ministry journey is not about you; it’s about God’s desire to use you in ministry to others. The calling is bigger than
you are, so it requires you to depend on God to fulfill it.
Some people have a JOB in the church; others involve themselves in a MINISTRY. What is the difference?
If you are doing it just because no one else will, it's a JOB.
If you are doing it to serve the Lord, it's a MINISTRY.
If you quit because somebody criticized you, it was a JOB.
If you keep on serving, it's a MINISTRY.
If you do it only as it does not interfere with your other activities, it's a JOB.
If you are committed to staying with it even when it means letting go of other things, it's a MINISTRY.
If you quit because no one praised you or thanked you, it is a JOB.
If you stay with it even though nobody recognizes your effort, it is a MINISTRY.
It's hard to get excited about a JOB.
It's almost impossible not to be excited about a MINISTRY.
An average church is filled with people doing JOBS.
A great and growing church is filled with people involved in MINISTRY.
Where do you fit in? What about you?
If GOD calls you to a MINISTRY, don't treat it like a JOB. If you have a JOB, give it up and find a MINISTRY. God
does not want us feeling stuck with a JOB, but excited and faithful to Him in a MINISTRY. ”
In faithfulness,
Rev. Joyce Wilkerson
Page 2
Heritage Gazette
Membership is not required
(Check out Upcoming Events below)
Our Purpose:
“The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women
whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the
global ministries of the church.”
CONCERNS: Debbie Hodges; Paul &Mildred Cunningham; Lois Foley;
Judy Briscoe’s Mother; Alease Askew’s daughter-in-law Linda; Mary Best on routine check-up at
UVA; Neil Allred’s sister, Brenda.
JOYS: Lana’s sister, Jonette is getting better.
BACKPACK BUDDIES - If you would like to help with purchasing, packing, delivering, or
in any way, contact Julie at 757-463-4899 or e-mail her at jthase@cox.net. Thank you to our children who filled 100 bags for delivery. More are needed and if you can help, even for a short time,
contact Julie. Normally, 2 deliveries are made each month, but May has 5 Fridays, so we will be
providing snacks for 3 Fridays—another reason for more bags to be filled.
ANNUAL BENEFIT TEA - Many thanks to all of you who helped in any way with our Tea.
It takes many hours of time, talent, planning, and preparation to make our Tea the wonderful event
that it is. It is a source of joy and pride as we share the Tea with our friends and members, and it is
an even greater source of joy to be able to provide food for the children of our Backpack Buddies
project. We appreciate your support!
RADA CUTLERY – UMW has Rada cutlery available all year with many selections.
Mother’s Day is very soon, May 12, and new or additional cutlery would be an excellent gift. Other
times to consider are weddings, bridal showers, birthdays, or any time you need a gift. Contact
Joyce Russo, 490-0249.
NEWBORNS IN NEED – Just a reminder that our May 14th UMW meeting is the date to
bring any donations you may have been gathering for Newborns in Need. Clothing is needed in 0-12
month sizes, blankets, diapers, and other items for newborn babies whose families may be unable to
purchase the items they need.
LADIES - REMEMBER you don’t have to be a member to attend our events. The May
14th meeting will be in the evening with a covered dish meal at 6:30 p.m.; General Meeting; lots of
fellowship; and lots of “OOHS & AHHS” over the baby clothes.
May 1, Wed. - Golden Oldies Circle, Library, 11 a.m.
May 14, Tues. - UMW General Meeting, Fellowship Hall, 6:30 p.m.
Covered Dish and Newborns in Need
May 18, Sat. – UMW Prayer Breakfast, 9 a.m., Deep Creek
By Nancy Eure
Page 3
Today I sit and I cannot get the images out of my head of all that has taken
place in Boston this week. My heart hurts for all who are maimed, killed, or
who witnessed the evil acts of others. I know my life will not be the same,
nor has it been since 9/11.
It is hard for me, feeling God’s love in my life, to even begin to understand
how others can calmly and unabashedly intentionally destroy lives. I can
only imagine how God must have felt when He created the beautiful world.
He must have been so happy and proud to see the earth flourish, and to
watch all that He had created grow and thrive. I can only wonder how He is
able to look upon us today. I wonder if He cries at what He sees. I believe
He does.
I believe that if I can feel so sad over what I have witnessed second hand,
how He must feel as His children turn from good into evil. This month I
would like for each of us to think about ways in which we can show His love
to others in order for them to feel and taste the goodness of this life. Take
time to recognize opportunities to do random acts of kindness. Take time to
tell the stories of Jesus as He has shown them to you in the living of your
life. This month pray for this country, this church, and this world. Ask God
to show you ways in which your life can make a difference for someone else.
Each of us has the ability to make a difference, if only by prayer. This month
seek His wisdom, ask for His strength in all things, and do one act of random
kindness in His name.
by Linda Chase
Caregivers Support Meetings - every 3rd Saturday of the month from 10am until
12pm in the Lounge. If you or anyone you know would like to come, there is always
good information, good fellowship and great support.
Senior Series will be held on June 29th from 12-2pm in the Fellowship Hall. We will
be having a speaker on this Saturday and “EVERYONE” is invited. This summer we
will be having our famous ice cream social, speakers, games and singing. Come join the
Heritage Food Pantry continues to serve the community families in need. We truly
appreciate all the donations of bags, food and money. Without your support, Lana
Bowe’s dedicated shopping skills and all the volunteers that show up to hand out the
food, the food pantry would not be as successful. God has truly blessed this mission!
Page 4
Announcements & Updates
Change the World Children's Project
The children of the church would like your help to 'Change the World' by counting your
blessings. Each week starting on April 28th through May 26th - Change the World
Weekend, we will list items in your home that can be counted. For each item that you
choose to count, put a penny in a jar (or any type of container) for the number of things
that you are blessed with owning. Bring your pennies each Sunday and place them in the
large church jar. The children will count the coins and then select an animal(s) to purchase through the Heifer International Project. We hope you will be able to count your
blessings and help us 'Change the World’.
Change the World Sunday, May 19th
Birthday Celebration for the Church
Home Mission Projects
Sunday, May 19th— One Service at 10:00 am
Pentecost Sunday
Lunch Following
Head out in Teams for Missions Projects
If you or anyone in your family is interested in a scholarship to further your education for the fall 2013– spring 2014 term, please contact the office at (757) 497-3943 or send an email with your name,
address and telephone number to heritageumcvb@yahoo.com.
Meals on Wheels week is May 28th
through May 31st. (No delivery on Memorial
Day.) Meals are picked up at the Sentara Nursing
Center off Rosemont Road about 10 am and two
hours later, you will be finished. One day left to
fill the week!! If you can volunteer please sign up
on the sheet outside the office on the bulletin
board. Thank you in advance.
Don Zeigler
Heritage UMM’s
monthly Flea Market
will be on May 11, 2013
from 8am to 2pm. This
is a great opportunity to
pick up some extra cash by cleaning out
your closets, garages and attics and selling items. The Men will be having Flea
Markets each month on the 2nd Saturday. Mark your calendars and tell your
friends and neighbors.
By Nancy Eure
Page 5
May is Asian American and Pacific Islanders Heritage
Congress passed a joint Congressional Resolution in 1978 to
commemorate Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week during
the first week of May. This date was chosen because two important anniversaries occurred during this time: the arrival of
the first Japanese immigrants in America (May 7, 1843) and
the completion of the transcontinental railroad by many Chinese laborers (May 10, 1869). In 1990 Congress voted to expand it from a week to a month long celebration. In May
1992, the month of May was permanently designated as
‘Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month. On May 1, 2009
President Obama signed Proclamation 8369 officially proclaiming May ‘Asian American and Pacific Islanders Heritage
Month’. It is a time of celebration of the culture, traditions,
and history of Asian American and Pacific Islanders in the
United States.
To everyone that has donated
their time, energy and love
from the Easter eggs, to cleaning the Church, Food Pantry,
Backpack buddies, Greeters,
Meals on Wheels, mowing
grass and all the other jobs
that keep Heritage UMC beautiful and running efficiently
“THANK YOU”. The church is
not a building, but a representation of God’s home. Your
time and effort does not go unnoticed and the spirit in which We at Heritage UMC give thanks for the cultural diversity of
the work is done is what makes our congregation, the United Methodist denomination, and the
our Heavenly Father smile. ecumenical and interfaith communities. We say ‘thank you’ to
our Asian American/Pacific Islander brothers and sisters for
You are appreciated!!!
your contributions to education, politics, medicine, music, science, the service industries, technology and the arts.
Thank you to all of our members, and your friends and family, who came out on Saturday April 13th to have dinner and
enjoy the concert by The Proclaimers Quartet. It was truly
an enjoyable evening! If you were unable to attend dinner,
but came to the concert, thank you for that as well. To those
that cooked, set up, cleaned up and assisted in advertising,
my deepest appreciation.
Very Respectfully,
Gene Hannan
Page 6
Kids Page
Page 7
May 2013
111am– Golden 2National
5Food Collection
8:30 Worship
9:45 Sunday
11:00 Worship
7am HUMM
5:30 Prayer
79 am Bible
5:30 Prayer
Day of Prayer
Choir– 7:30 pm
7:00pm Ladies
Study– Lounge
Choir– 7:30 pm
149 am Bible 15
19Change the
219 am Bible 22
268:30 Worship
9:45 Sunday
11:00 Worship
9am Stitch Aways
Food Pantry 11am1pm
HUMM Flea Market 8-2
Memorial Day
Office Closed
Meals on Wheels Week →→→
7:00pm Ladies
Study– Lounge
117am-jail min-
Choir– 7:30 pm
HUMW mtg.—
6:30 pm Fellowship Hall
5:30 Prayer
7pm Council
Mtg. 7pm
Worship 10:00
11:00 Lunch
Home Missions
Activities 124pm
7:00pm Ladies
Study– Lounge
8:30 Worship
9:45 Sunday
11:00 Worship
World Weekend
7:30 Trustees
Oldies Circle Mtg.
25FH rented
all day
Choir– 7:30 pm
289 am Bible 29
7:00pm Ladies
Study– Lounge
Choir– 7:30 pm
7:00pm Ladies
Study– Lounge
Non-Profit Organization
Heritage United Methodist Church
U.S. Postage PAID
815 Baker Road
Virginia Beach, VA
Permit No. 205
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Reverend Kathleen W. Haynes
Phone: (757) 497-3943
(757) 497-1592
Email: heritageumcvb@yahoo.com.
Website: heritageumcvb.org
in Christ’s Footsteps
By Caring, Sharing and Growing”
Or Current Resident
All articles, information, pictures and comments
for the monthly newsletter are due by the third
Wednesday of each month. Submissions can be
dropped off at the office or emailed to : heritageumcvb@yahoo.com
May 1st
Chip Cooper
Kathryn Ballantyne
May 3rd
Bob Koelling
May 8th
Christopher Dollins
May 10th
Brooke Chaney
May 5th–
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Gehring
May 14th–
Mr. & Mrs. Toney Dollins , Sr.
-May 16th
May 16th
Kyle Chaney
May 22nd
Alan Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Koelling