Sunday March 06, 2011 - Fort Gibson Church of Christ


Sunday March 06, 2011 - Fort Gibson Church of Christ
Song Leader
Opening Prayer
Closing Prayer
Wade Cothrum
Hayden Perry
Bob Young
Mat Laney
John Burdine
**March Shepherd to Contact
Dan Rouse ~ Pulpit Minister
Barrett Vanlandingham ~ Youth Minister
Everett Laney
Matthew Laney
Bob Loudermilk
David Perry
Jerry D. Walker
Robby Walkingstick
Chris Wilson
US Postage
Ft Gibson OK
Permit #1
Dowe Boulter
John Burdine
Steve Clinkenbeard
Gary Cook
Charles Dortch
Glen Elliott
Terry Hackworth
Jim Huggins
Fort Gibson Church of Christ
Jerry L. Walker
Mark Young
806 S. Lee
PO Box 787
Fort Gibson, Oklahoma 74434-0787
(918) 478-2222 ~ Office
(918) 478-2449 ~ Fax
Randy Branscum
Budo D. Perry **
9:30 a.m.
10:50 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
Evening Assembly
7:00 p.m.
Terrible Twos
Rob Wallace
Closing Prayer
Brent Townsend
Nursery Attendants: Gloria McDaniel & Tonia Martin
Morning Assembly Bible Classes Evening Assembly WEDNESDAY
Bible Classes
Tom Dodd
Dan Rouse
In Addition to Worship and Sunday/Wednesday Bible Classes
Opening Prayer
Morning Assembly
Mon. 6:30 p.m. Ladies Prayer Meeting
Mon. 9:15 a.m. Ladies Prayer Meeting Nursing Home Apts.
Thurs. 9:30 a.m. Ladies’ Bible Class
Room 17
Sat. 4:00 p.m. CASA Christians Against Substance Abuse
Sunday March 06, 2011
Thank You
Caregiver’s Day Out Volunteers
Volume 50 Number 08
March 03, 2011
Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens…
Psalm 90:10 speaks of the length of man’s life as 70 or perhaps 80 years. At the turn of the 20th century life expectancy in
the U.S. had fallen to less than 50 years for a male. With the advent of advances in diet and medical care, life expectancy at birth
in 2008 was nearly 78 years. It is estimated there are now over 100,000 men and women who are 100 years of age or older in the
United States.
Back Row: Jeanie & Tom Dodd, Harvey Young,
Barbara Wilson,Brenda & Charles Dortch, Lyle
Tolbert, Dale Byfield, Telitha Day, Art Young,
Mary Burton, Joyce Tolbert.
Front Row: Jim & Betty Martin, Marie Branscum,
Beverly Emmons, Dovie Young, Dowe Boulter
Volunteers not pictured: Oleta Buse, Jacob
Coombes, Josue Rodrigues and Nancy Steveson.
With these increases in life expectancy has also come an increase in the number of victims of maladies associated with
aging. One of the cruelest of these is dementia – a deterioration of the mental faculties. 2010 statistics estimate more than five
million people now suffer some form of dementia. The most infamous of these is Alzheimer’s. It is estimated there are now ten
million caregivers tending to these victims. Most of the caregivers are family members.
These caregivers face a formidable task: caring for a loved one who may no longer be able to perform even the most basic functions unaided. In a very thought provoking book entitled “The 36 Hour Day”, the authors outline the incredible demands
placed on family members caring for loved ones with dementia. There is never a “day off”. Simple things like going to the grocery store or picking up a prescription or getting a haircut become logistical nightmares. Often, one of the greatest needs of those
caring for victims of dementia is simply to have a window of time free of tending to their loved one.
Dale Byfield, Dovie & Art Young, Bob Boulter, Mary Burton
Scheduling a “Caregivers Day Out” twice a month is our effort to help those facing these tremendous challenges. From
ten in the morning to one in the afternoon on the second and fourth Tuesdays we offer caregivers the opportunity to bring their
loved ones to our building where they will be cared for, loved, and fed lunch. This provides the caregiver the opportunity to
schedule appointments or simply relax for a few hours. It is a very simple, but important, way of helping to bear one another’s
burdens (Gal 6:2) If you would like to volunteer for this very important ministry, please contact the church office. Dan Rouse
Dates to Remember
March 5 Scrapbooking Sisters 9:30-11:30 in
fellowship hall.
March 6 Important Missions Team parents
and all those attending Honduras trip meet at 2
p.m. in fellowhsip hall. It is crucial you attend.
March 6 Teen Connections in Henryetta
March 6 Widow’s Banquet prep K-6 grade
meet at 6 p.m. in fellowship hall.
March 8 & 22 Caregiver’s Day Out 10a.m.-1.p.m.
March 12 Dana Gist & Brian Center wedding
2 p.m. Reception to follow.
March 13 & 20 Meeting for Widow’s Banquet
participants 6 p.m. in fellowship hall.
March 25 Widow’s Banquet Rehearsal 5:30 p.m.
March 26 Widow’s Banquet 5 p.m.
April 1-2 Men’s Retreat at Fort Gibson Church
Building. Speaker: Steve Parker
April 8-9 Ladies Retreat at Camp Tulakogee.
May 6 & 7 Missions Garage Sale
May 14 Missions Dinner and Auction in the
fellowship hall at 6 p.m.
Special Collection this Sunday
Darlene Tibbles wife of Bud Tibbles had a cancerous
tumor removed several weeks ago. Darlene is now
undergoing chemotherapy treatments. Her chances
of a cure are very good. The problem is, it is over one
hundred miles round trip to the treatment center in Tulsa.
They have to make this trip several times a week. The
expenses just continue to grow and grow.
Bud has been a gospel preacher most of his adult life. For
the last twenty years he has been doing prison ministry
work at Dick Conners Correctional Center in Hominy.
He has been the volunteer chaplain there for several
years. He has worked at several other prisons and has
been instrumental in getting Church of Christ ministers
into several other State Prisons. Bud and Darlene served
the Fort Gibson Church of Christ about five years in the
sixties. He was the pulpit minister. Bud and Darlene are
faithful Christians who have spent their lives serving
the Lord.
The Park Plaza Church of Christ has organized a cancer
fund to help offset the growing cost of medicine and
travel expenses and have asked us to help.
Dowe Boulter & Charles Dortch
Joyce Tolbert & Ginger Moore
Lloyd Elkins & Beverly Emmons
Standing: Barbara Wilson and Paul Rainbolt
Seated: Sondie Rainbolt, Brenda Dortch, Harvey
Young, Tom Dodd, Ginger Moore, Joyce & Lyle
Tolbert and Marie Branscum. (in the back Jeanie
Dodd and Jim Martin)
The Fort Gibson elders have agreed to help by scheduling a special collection this Sunday morning (apart
from our regular contribution) to be sent to the Darlene
Tibbles Cancer Fund. If you would like to contribute
please make your checks out to the Fort Gibson Church
of Christ and note “Tibbles Cancer Fund.”
February 27, 2011
Sunday Worship
Sunday Bible Class
Sunday PM
Wednesday Night
2011 Baptisms
Remember Our Shut-Ins
Joyce Dillingham, Lloyd Elkins,Bonnie Pratt
Fort Gibson Nursing Home
Margaret Cook, James Lemons
Annabelle Murray, Arlie Perry, Jiggs Ramsey
Gore Nursing Home
Raymond Killian, Morna Voss
Eastgate Village Nursing Home
Edna Madding
Sympathy Goes Out to ...
...Charlie McDaniel and family in the loss of his
brother-in-law Andy Osburn. Funeral services
were held in Sallisaw March 2nd.
...Judy Higley and family in the loss of her
sister-in-law Willie Gower of Alamogorda, New
Notes of Appreciation
Dallas and I want to thank this church family for making us one of your own. We love all of you.
Thank you for making our 70th anniversary so special
with your prayers, phone calls, gifts, cards, and especially by being there. There are not enough words to
express our appreciation.
Love, Dallas and Carrie Jones
Dear Church Family,
Thank you all so much for all the calls, cards, visits,
food and most of all your prayers in the loss of my
mother. I could not have done this without you all. This
is such a wonderful loving church family. I love you
all. God bless you. Thanks again.
Dustin Stillwell and Family
To know you is to know people who are kind, considerate, and thoughtful. To know you is to be grateful for
the special things you do. You were all so very comforting in our time of sadness. I feel so grateful knowing
that Dustin is in such loving company! He is proud to
be a part of your family, and I can see why! You are all
such good people. Thank you for being there for my
sister Lesa. She was loved by many and will be greatly
missed. Tonya Collins (Lesa’s sister & Dustin’s aunt)
Please Remember in Prayer
Family & Friends
Fighting Cancer
John Burdine
Shirley Burns - aunt of Kathy Reich
Jack Craig - cousin of Charlie McDaniel
Jim Dixon- father of Jenni West
Homer England - father of Patsy Clinkenbeard
Bob Goodpaster - brother-in-law of Marie Branscum
Paul Harper - brother of Margie Arnett
Sharon Harris - friend of Jacki Jameson
Renee Hood- Sherry Young’s brother-in-law’s sister
Don Ingold - friend of Mike Henry
Debbie Jones - co-worker of Mike Ward
Terri King - friend of Janie Copeland
Kent Lashley - cousin of Kenny Lashley
Jay Lavorn - father of Lorri Schiller
Amy Maddocks - daughter of Mark Lee
Aimee Norman - niece of Barbara Wilson
Jim Owen - friend of Lashleys & Elliotts
Bob Points
Jane Phillips - friend of Mona Lashley
Dennis Reppond - brother-in-law of Joyce Huggins
Jana Rogers - daughter of McElmurrays
Travis Shumard - friend of Jerry & Vicki Walker
Anita Simmons - a friend of Sherry Young
Mike Smith - brother-in-law of Diane Fleming
Jean Sturgeon - mother of Earnie Sturgeon
Darlene Tibbles - wife of Bud Tibbles
Mary Thouvenel
Sam Voss - son of Morna Voss
Steve Voss - son of Morna Voss
Leah White - neighbor of Sandy Martin
Harvey Young
Mary Young - friend of Nancy Steveson
Prayer Requests and Updates
Tudy Cook is recovering from eye surgery.
B.J. Brooks is recovering from bronchitis.
Eric Vann was released from the hospital Tuesday.
Gary Shrum son-in-law of Ann Andrews suffered
a stroke paralyzing his right side. He is in Mercy
Hospital in OKC.
Anthony Wallace is attending school in Sanaa, Yemen.
Michelle White is recovering from carpal tunnel
surgery. Her shoulder surgery has been rescheduled
to June.
Sara Wilson is scheduled to have her tonsils removed
March 3rd at St. John Hospital.
Bryan Young is in battle training in preparation for going to Afghanistan.