Sunday April 24, 2011
Sunday April 24, 2011
David Perry Dan Rouse Closing Prayer Communion Evening Assembly A Remarkable Rabbi? Shepherds Randy Branscum Paul Rainbolt Ministers Dan Rouse ~ Pulpit Minister Barrett Vanlandingham ~ Youth Minister Fort Gibson Church of Christ Jerry L. Walker Mark Young 806 S. Lee PO Box 787 Fort Gibson, Oklahoma 74434-0787 (918) 478-2222 ~ Office (918) 478-2449 ~ Fax Randy Branscum Budo D. Perry Brother’s Keeper Kenny Lashley Gary Cook Dan Rouse 9:30 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Song Leader Opening Prayer Sermon 7:00 p.m. Game Changer Announcements Darrell Hamby Closing Prayer Nick Reich Nursery Attendants: Paula Fontenot & Becca Burrows SUNDAY Morning Assembly Bible Classes Evening Assembly WEDNESDAY Bible Classes Morning Assembly In Addition to Worship and Sunday/Wednesday Bible Classes Opening Prayer Sermon Parlor Mon. 9:15 a.m. Ladies Prayer Meeting Nursing Home Apts. Thurs. 9:15 a.m. Ladies’ Bible Class Room 17 CASA Christians Against Substance Abuse Sat. 4:00 p.m. Sunday April 24, 2011 Deacons Everett Laney Matthew Laney Bob Loudermilk David Perry Jerry D. Walker Robby Walkingstick Chris Wilson Non-Profit Org. US Postage Ft Gibson OK Permit #1 Dowe Boulter John Burdine Steve Clinkenbeard Gary Cook Charles Dortch Glen Elliott Terry Hackworth Jim Huggins to our Elder of Month of April to Contact Jerry L. Walker Note of Appreciation Thanks to everyone who helped make our anniversary special. We greatly appreciate the many cards, gifts and words of encouragement. Your attendance at our celebration was indeed a blessing. We love you, Jerry & Beverly Emmons Volume 50 Number 15 April 21, 2011 GETTING RID OF HELL??? Time magazine recently ran a cover story entitled “Is Hell Dead?” The article focused upon an evangelical preacher in Minnesota who has written a controversial book entitled “Love Wins: a Book About Heaven, Hell and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived.” Rob Bell, the author, argues for a kind of universal salvation in which everyone, no matter how heinous their lives might be, will be saved because of the love of God. Because of its anti-Biblical, “everybody is ok,” non-judgmental stance, the author and book have been widely praised and reported upon in the secular media. He has become something of a hero to those who see the Christian view of hell as harsh and bigoted. Big Thanks to the volunteers from the Mission Core Group who came out and helped me fill a huge dumpster and cleaned out my mom’s flower beds. We should have taken a before and after pic! Love you guys! Johnny & Barbara Kerns ..Leon Strain and family in the loss of his brother-in-law Leslie Bryan. Funeral services were here held Wednesday in Lawton. ...Dodee Hammond and family in the loss of her grandmother, Carolyn Ratcliff of Sherman, Texas. Funeral arrangements are pending. Jesus is unequivocally clear Hell exists (Mt 10:28). He speaks of “eternal punishment” (Mt 25:46). The “great white throne” judgment of Rev 20:11-15 describes the fate of those found wanting as being “thrown into the lake of fire.” The fates of the wicked and slothful servant (Mt 25:30), the selfish rich man (Lk 16:23,24), and the devil himself (Rev 20:10) make it clear punishment awaits the wicked and rebellious. If everyone is saved, the message of the Bible is rendered meaningless. If unrepentant rapists, child abusers, murderers, and blasphemers will face no punishment then there is no justice. God’s judgment is a joke, and loving kindness and cruel depravity are all the same. Bell’s book, in seeking to eliminate hell, also eliminates justice, mercy, and grace – for they can only exist if there is the reality of punishment for wrongdoing. I will celebrate the resurrection this Sunday because it is an integral part of the actions of a loving God in saving me from the “second death” (Rev 20:6). May we never cheapen its meaning in the name of a misguided tolerance. Dan Rouse April 23 Easter Egg Dash - Registration 1 p.m. April 26 Caregiver’s Day Out 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. May 6 & 7 Missions Garage Sale May 22 Baby boy shower for Eric and Angela Fleming in the parlor at 3:30 p.m. They are registered at Babies R Us, Wal-Mmart and Target. May 1 Senior Night May 8 Mother’s Day May 22 Baby boy shower for Eric and Angela Fleming in parlor at 3:30 p.m. They are registered at Target, Wal-Mart and Babies R Us. May 14 Missions Dinner and Auction in the fellowship hall at 6 p.m. May 29 Fifth Sunday Singing June 30 - July 7 Mission Trip to Honduras Our Sympathy Goes Out to ... While none of this is particularly surprising, it is, nonetheless, disheartening. The last thing lost people need to hear is they’re not really lost. The judgment of Hell is a powerful incentive to turn from a rebellious sinful life and to commit one’s life to Jesus Christ as Savior. Whatever Bell’s intention, his ultimate result is to destroy the Biblical incentives that move one toward repentance and salvation. According to the apostle Paul, the core of the gospel message rests in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Cor 15:3). He died as “the atoning sacrifice for our sins” (1 John 2:2). Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection have meaning only if they actually save us from something and to something: if they save us from death and to life in Him. Dates to Remember Mission Challenge The 3rd grade Bible class is asking for donations of drinks and baked goods to sell during the Mission Garage sale on May 7th, 2011 under the direction of their teacher Gean Hackworth. The class wants to actually be a part of Missions after being inspired on Mission Sunday. Their goal is to raise enough money to purchase a cow for a family to have milk to drink and use the surplus milk as a source of income. If you are interested in donating to this fund raiser please contact Gean Hackworth. Sign up at welcome booth if you are interested in helping in the nursery once a quarter during a.m. worship. Lyle Tolbert has taken over the volunteer job of routine maintenance of the church vans. Jim Arnett was in charge of this for many years. We appreciate Jim volunteering for so long and appreciate Lyle stepping up to take on the responsibility. Lyle also helps with the Caregiver’s Day Out program, and helps with the upkeep of the church building. There are many ways to volunteer. If you have some extra time and would like to volunteer call the office and we will help you find what is right for you. Care and Concern Pantry Items Needed Vienna Sausages Pinto Beans Jelly Peanut Butter Spam Mac & Cheese Mini Ravioli White Beans Hamburger Helper Syrup Canned Fruit Canned Soup April 17, 2011 Sunday Worship Sunday Bible Class Sunday PM Wednesday Night Contribution 2011 Baptisms 269 153 193 167 $13,728.88 6 Remember Our Shut-Ins Joyce Dillingham Lloyd Elkins, Bonnie Pratt Fort Gibson Nursing Home Margaret Cook, James Lemons Annabelle Murray, Arlie Perry Jiggs Ramsey Gore Nursing Home Raymond Killian, Morna Voss Eastgate Village Nursing Home Edna Madding 2011 Graduating Seniors Jon Huggins ~ Stephen Keese ~Sertha Kisner Trey Lashley ~ Ashlee Townsend, Ashton Vanlandingham Brooke Walker ~ Nana Wallace Senior Night to honor our graduates is scheduled for May 1st. Please Remember in Prayer Family & Friends Fighting Cancer Larry Bonner - friend of Randy & Barbara Wilson John Burdine Shirley Burns - aunt of Kathy Reich Jack Craig - cousin of Charlie McDaniel Jim Dixon- father of Jenni West Homer England - father of Patsy Clinkenbeard Robert Ford Bob Goodpaster - brother-in-law of Marie Branscum Paul Harper - brother of Margie Arnett Sharon Harris - friend of Jacki Jameson Renee Hood- Sherry Young’s brother-in-law’s sister Don Ingold - friend of Mike Henry Debbie Jones - co-worker of Mike Ward Terri King - friend of Janie Copeland Kent Lashley - cousin of Kenny Lashley Jay Lavorn - father of Lorri Schiller Amy Maddocks - daughter of Mark Lee Aimee Norman - niece of Barbara Wilson Jim Owen - friend of Lashleys & Elliotts Bob Points Jane Phillips - friend of Mona Lashley Dennis Reppond - brother-in-law of Joyce Huggins Jana Rogers - daughter of McElmurrays Travis Shumard - friend of Jerry & Vicki Walker Anita Simmons - a friend of Sherry Young Mike Smith - brother-in-law of Diane Fleming Jean Sturgeon - mother of Earnie Sturgeon Darlene Tibbles - wife of Bud Tibbles Mary Thouvenel Sam Voss - son of Morna Voss Steve Voss - son of Morna Voss Leah White - neighbor of Sandy Martin Harvey Young Mary Young - friend of Nancy Steveson Pray for Mason Keith Lamrouex son-in-law of Glen & Betty Hopfer is now serving in Afghanistan. Letters of encouragement may be sent to SGT Keith Lamrouex Operation Enduring Freedom TF Spartan A CO/2-34 AR FOB RAMROD APO AE 09370 Ryder Scott Hobbs newborn great grandson of Clarence and Ethel Huggins is having difficulty breathing. Mason Hopfer is recovering from surgery. Due to some minor complications his release has been delayed. He may get to go home by this weekend. Cindy Owen is scheduled to have a pacemaker put in April 21st at MRMC. Mark Seabolt is undergoing tests. Lee Slay still has not been cleared from the doctor to go back to work. The cortisone shots in his knee did not work, DVD recordings of the Spring Fling Banquet Entertainment are available in the office for $1.00.
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