Sunday February 13, 2011 - Fort Gibson Church of Christ
Sunday February 13, 2011 - Fort Gibson Church of Christ
Speakers: Dan Rouse: Look Before You Leap & Hunter Hackworth Communion John Burdine Jerry L. Walker Mark Young Ministers Dan Rouse ~ Pulpit Minister Barrett Vanlandingham ~ Youth Minister Deacons Everett Laney Matthew Laney Bob Loudermilk David Perry Jerry D. Walker Robby Walkingstick Chris Wilson Non-Profit Org. US Postage Ft Gibson OK Permit #1 Dowe Boulter John Burdine Steve Clinkenbeard Gary Cook Charles Dortch Glen Elliott Terry Hackworth Jim Huggins Fort Gibson Church of Christ Randy Branscum Budo D. Perry 806 S. Lee PO Box 787 Fort Gibson, Oklahoma 74434-0787 (918) 478-2222 ~ Office (918) 478-2449 ~ Fax Shepherds 9:30 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Evening Assembly 7:00 p.m. Picking up the “Peaces” Announcements Jerry D. Walker Closing Prayer Ruben Kisner Nursery Attendants: Michelle, Mycah & Madsion Higley SUNDAY Morning Assembly Bible Classes Evening Assembly WEDNESDAY Bible Classes Mat Laney Dan Rouse In Addition to Worship and Sunday/Wednesday Bible Classes Opening Prayer Sermon Morning Assembly Parlor Mon. 6:30 p.m. Ladies Prayer Meeting Parlor Mon. 9:15 a.m. Ladies Prayer Meeting Nursing Home Apts. Thurs. 9:30 a.m. Ladies’ Bible Class Room 17 Thurs. 6:00 p.m. CASA Christians Against Substance Abuse Sunday February 13, 2011 February Elder to Contact Randy Branscum Notes of Appreciation I would like to express thanks for all the prayers on my behalf and ask you to continue to pray for me and my fellow soldiers. Tyler Cook Mailing Address PFC Tyler Cook, Roster #11 2nd Battalion 19th Infantry Regiment (E/2-19) 9050 Kinsman Drive (Bldg 3305) Fort Benning, GA 31905-4776 (love notes need to mailed in envelopes) Volume 50 Number 05 February 10, 2011 RANDOM OBSERVATIONS Our oldest son, Adam, celebrated his birthday January 22nd. But that day holds a special significance to me for more than just the fact of Adam’s birthday. You see, that day also happens to be the anniversary date for Roe v. Wade, the famous case in which the Supreme Court legalized abortion in this country. So, every January 22nd, I thank God for the blessed fact Adam’s natural mother chose to give birth to him instead of aborting him. Because of her courage and selflessness she gifted Carol and me with an adopted son. She chose life over death, and I will always be grateful for her choice. We are beginning a new feature highlighting the talents and contributions of some of the wonderful volunteers we have here in the Fort Gibson family. I received word the other day of the passing of Helen Wilson down in Sherman, Texas. She, along with her husband Carroll, were spiritual grandparents to our children while they were growing up in Portales. They faithfully helped Carol during worship times and baby sat again and again for us. Words cannot express how much their love and help meant to us during the days we had four children under the age of four. If you’re older and you see a young mother struggling to keep up with her children, you cannot imagine the blessing you represent by helping her out. We will always be in Carroll and Helen’s debt. As Randy Branscum pointed out a couple of weeks ago in our Sunday morning service, we are blessed by faithful men who have served this congregation as elders for many years. Two of our present elders, Budo Perry and Jerry Walker, began their service twenty five years ago. That kind of dedication and sacrifice should never be taken for granted. When you have opportunity, please let those two men, and Sue and Noveta as well, know of your appreciation for their long years of service. Finally, we are truly blessed to have men among us with the willingness and equipment to clean off our parking lots and sidewalks after the blizzard of 2011. Many churches were unable to meet because their parking lots were impassable. Because of the hard work on Saturday of Steve Cook, Gary Cook, Louie Mosteller, Doyle Kelley, Johnny Kerns, and John Burdine, that was not the case here. Many thanks to these men for making our worship together Sunday morning possible. Dan Rouse Dates to Remember Feb. 2 Wedding shower for Tiffany Livingston in the parlor following Bible class. She is registered at Wal-Mart. Feb. 12 Roger & Krista Coombes will renew their wedding vows at 2 p.m. at the church building. Feb. 13 Teen Connections 5 p.m. Feb. 19 Ladies Brunch in fellowship hall 911. Sign up at welcome booth. Feb. 20 Wedding shower for Dana Gist and Bryan Center in parlor at 3:30 p.m. They are registered at Wal-Mart and Kohls. Feb. 27 Brother’s Keeper Feb. 25-27 Christ Teens Grades 9-12 $40. Includes 2 nights in hotel and meals. 1000 high school students attending. Vans leave 4 p.m. Friday. Back by 3 p.m. Sunday. Sign up at youth booth. March 04-05 Spring Sing at OC. April 1-2 Men’s Retreat at Fort Gibson Church Building. 25th Anniversary The honor of your presence is requested as, Roger & Krista Coombes celebrate their 25th Wedding Anniversary and renewal of their vows On Saturday, the twelfth of February Two thousand and eleven Two o’clock in the afternoon Fort Gibson Church of Christ Reception Following 70th Anniversary On the first and third Wednesday nights of the month we have Midweek Manna. Each meal different volunteers cook, serve, and clean up. January 19th this group prepared chicken and dumplings, green beans and corn bread. Desserts are always prepared by Louie Mosteller (not pictured). From left to right the volunteers are: The late Lesa Stillwell, Dustin Stillwell, Mark, Matthew & Mona Seabolt, Annie Critser, Mat & Mattix Laney, Sara & David Perry. Dallas and Carrie Jones ~M arried on F ebruary 06, 1941~ P lease join us As we celebrate their 70th Wedding Anniversary On Sunday the 19th of F ebruary, 2011 At 2:30 in the afternoon F ort Gibson Church of Christ 806 South Lee F ort Gibson, Oklahoma February 06, 2011 Sunday Worship 223 Sunday Bible Class 188 Sunday PM Canceled due to weather. Wednesday Night Canceled due to weather. Contribution $9,598.10 2011 Baptisms 1 Remember Our Shut-Ins Joyce Dillingham Lloyd Elkins Bonnie Pratt Fort Gibson Nursing Home Margaret Cook James Lemons Annabelle Murray Arlie Perry Jiggs Ramsey Gore Nursing Home Raymond Killian Morna Voss Eastgate Village Nursing Home Edna Madding Care & Concern Pantry Items Needed Chili Crackers Peanut Butter Jelly Tuna Tuna Helper Canned Fruit Please Remember in Prayer Family & Friends Fighting Cancer John Burdine Shirley Burns - aunt of Kathy Reich Jack Craig - cousin of Charlie McDaniel Jim Dixon- father of Jenni West Homer England - father of Patsy Clinkenbeard Willie Gower - sister-in-law of Judy Higley Paul Harper - brother of Margie Arnett Sharon Harris - friend of Jacki Jameson Renee Hood- Sherry Young’s brother-in-law’s sister Don Ingold - friend of Mike Henry Debbie Jones - co-worker of Mike Ward Terri King - friend of Janie Copeland Jay Lavorn - father of Lorri Schiller Amy Maddocks - daughter of Mark Lee Gerald Moore - cousin of Shirlene Walkingstick Aimee Norman - niece of Barbara Wilson Andy Osburn-brother-in-law of Charlie McDaniel Jim Owen - friend of Lashleys & Elliotts Jane Phillips - friend of Mona Lashley Dennis Reppond - brother-in-law of Joyce Huggins Jana Rogers - daughter of McElmurrays Travis Shumard - friend of Jerry & Vicki Walker Anita Simmons - a friend of Sherry Young Mike Smith - brother-in-law of Diane Fleming Jean Sturgeon - mother of Earnie Sturgeon Darlene Tibbles - wife of Bud Tibbles Mary Thouvenel Sam Voss - son of Morna Voss Steve Voss - son of Morna Voss Leah White - neighbor of Sandy Martin Harvey Young Mary Young - friend of Nancy Steveson Updates Andy Osborn is in ICU in Fort Smith in critical condition. He is the brother -in-law of Charlie McDaniel. Annie Ward has had the flu and it has turned into pneumonia. Sympathy Sympathy goes our to Dustin Stillwell and family in the loss of their mother and our sister in Christ Lesa Stillwell. A memorial service is scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 12th at the Fort Gibson Church of Christ. The family requests in lieu of flowers memorial gifts be made to the Care and Concern ministry.
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