April 2016 - Humane Animal Welfare Society
April 2016 - Humane Animal Welfare Society
Tattle Tails April 2016 Humane A nimal Welfare Society of Waukesha County, Inc. WALKING THE TALK: HAWS‘ NEXT STEPS P In this issue: Direct Line 2 Humane Education Highlights 3 It’s All About the Animals! 4 Volunteers 6 Thank You 7 rogress in the animal welfare world can come quickly, in Great Dane-sized leaps! When we can run at HAWS, we do: we’re looking to soon “plant” shovels in the ground and see the walls of our facility expansion “sprout”! We’re embracing the chaos of construction, because the growth of HAWS means we are ever closer to building a No-Kill Community – and an entire society that is humane. We are grateful that our community stepped up to help us raise the needed building funds in a relatively short timeframe. But, life in animal welfare can also move at the pace of a cat napping in the sun. This isn’t always a bad thing – extra time at HAWS can mean more training for an adoptable dog or TLC for a cat with an injured paw. And, it is enjoyable for us humans, too, because of those daily interactions with the animals entrusted to our care. Being around animals means you can soak up the love and joie de vivre they possess. Live for today, revel in the moment, stop and smell the roses (once they’re not covered by snow and are actually in bloom, that is)! At whatever speed, HAWS will continue moving forward, taking those next steps for the animals. We invite our entire community to get in step with us – in this Tattle Tails we present ideas for everyone to do just that! Programs need your support, animals need us to advocate for them, children need our guidance and events need attending! All ages can take action for the animals and help continue the progress we’ve made at HAWS. A Come walk – and chase and shop and play! Romp ‘n Rally is a day for the entire family, 2- and 4-legged members alike! License #267280-DS Visit us on the web: hawspets.org 701 Northview Road PO Box 834 Waukesha, WI 53187-0834 262-542-8851 Featuring lure coursing, trail challenges, vendor marketplace, live music, food, contests… everything you need to celebrate spring and HAWS. Set up an online fundraising page and rally for donations before you romp! SAVE THE DATE TO ROMP ‘N RALLY! May 7, 2016 ~ Sussex Village Park All the details and links are on the Pet Walk page at hawspets.org! The Humane Animal Welfare Society of Waukesha County leads the community in animal welfare and assures sanctuary for animals in need. Published by: HAWS 701 Northview Rd. Waukesha, WI 53188 (262) 542-8851 hawspets.org Jennifer Smieja, Editor marketing@hawspets.org HAWS Board of Directors Bill Stone President Fred Hilton First Vice President Mike Nell Second Vice President Nick Drewsen Treasurer Sabrina M. Bryant Secretary Todd Cleary Sandy Hoffmann Gretchen Jaeger, DVM Nancy Mayo Cindy Pechanach Kenneth J. Petershack Kerry Schnier Russ Tilsner Direct Line By Lynn Olenik, Executive Director A s we close out our facility expansion campaign, the natural question is “What are the next steps for HAWS?” The bricks and mortar expansion will consume quite a bit of time, but meanwhile we remain focused on the needs of our community’s animals. HAWS is much more than a building. We are committed to caring for animals by helping people care for animals; through collaborative efforts we will save as many animals as possible. Education is, and always will be, a huge part of what we do. Education and commitment are the foundation for an entire culture of animal welfare advocates. Many of our original Kids ‘N Critters campers have graduated from college and are now taking the message of compassion forward into their homes, jobs and families. This is an exciting time for education as we see the fruits of our efforts. Assistance offered through our Behavior Department, SNIP clinic and Animal Rescue Team will be enhanced. Visit Us Receiving/Office Hours 9-6 Monday-Friday 9-4 Saturday 12-4 Sunday Viewing/Adopting Hours 1-6 Monday-Friday 11-4 Saturday 12-4 Sunday Some of the most exciting additions will take place in Adoption Services. More proactive programs for our “cat” people are being explored, including hospice foster caregivers, taming “tigers” (cats that are marginally feral) and barn cat placement for healthy, altered outdoor cats. We already have additional staff for dog behavior consults – a dedicated place for consults is coming! We are more than a building…although the building helps! Thank you to all who have so generously given. HAWS’ future is bright! C JOIN OUR TEAM AND RALLY FOR HAWS! Log on to HAWS’ Team page on Razoo.com and create your own fundraising page – it’s easy and ANYONE can do it! Personalize your “ask” with pictures of your pets and your reason for rallying for HAWS – then post on Facebook and share on Twitter, even email to your family and friends and co-workers. Challenge friends and family and fellow pet fans to create their own pages…and guess who wins in the donation race? The paws and claws at HAWS! HAWS Staff Lynn Olenik Executive Director Mark Hess Field Service/Facilities Manager Kelly Rohda Shelter Manager Khris Erickson Humane Educator Leann Boucha Behavior Department Manager Cassie Gugin SNIP Clinic Manager Johanna Schmanski Mobile Adoptions Coordinator Jennifer Smieja Development Coordinator Jessica Pinkos Donor Relations Sara Stoss Volunteer Coordinator Kim Kalczynski, Jaime Merkel, Alysha Hansen Kennel Leads Kristie Benjamin, Whitney Callies, Andres Garcia, Ashley Haley Adoptions Leads Nichole Janny Adoptions Lead/Special Events Additional training classes for cats and volunteer opportunities will be available in our Behavior Department. Our SNIP clinic will be able to assist more rescue groups and provide additional TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) services to further reduce cat overpopulation. The addition of GIS mapping software – and combined efforts of our Animal Rescue Team and SNIP clinic – will allow us to target specific cat breeding areas and concentrate our resources. This type of targeting also opens us up for competitive grant opportunities. Let your fingers do all the hard work and collect donations from your couch – while you save your walking for HAWS’ Romp ‘n Rally on May 7th! See you soon in cyberspace – and see you in May at the Romp ‘n Rally! https://www.razoo.com/team/ Romp-N-Rally-Pet-Walk-2016-1 Staff Spotlight Nichole Janny Your hobbies/interests outside of work? I enjoy traveling, going to concerts (Luke Bryan!) and spending time with family and friends. Adoptions Lead/ Special Events Coordinator Why do you work at HAWS? I get great enjoyment from helping people and animals alike. Like “Humane Animal Welfare Society – HAWS of Waukesha” on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram at “HAWS_Waukesha”! (B.S. in Business Administration) What do you do all day? Find forever homes for our adoptable animals and educate the public about the services we offer, plus plan special events that support HAWS. What makes you good at your job? I love to help people and pets. I have 10 years previous experience in customer service. What did you want to be when you grew up? A lawyer. Who are your pets? Three dogs Ella, Cleo and Maggie. 2 Tattle Tails April 2016 HAWS’ Companion Circle Event Wednesday, April 27th 6:00 – 8:00 pm Pet Trusts and Planning for Your Pet in an Emergency, with Wendy S. Rusch Join us for a tour, light appetizers and an informative program! Please RSVP to Sara at 262-542-8851, x120. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT HIGHLIGHTS Youth Community Kindness Award By Megan Katzuba, Education Assistant H AWS is seeking nominations for the 6th Annual Diana Boettcher Youth Community Kindness Award. This award is presented in memory of Diana Boettcher, a longtime resident of Lac La Belle who cared equally for the animals and people in her neighborhood throughout her life. 2014 winner, Sophie G. The Diana Boettcher Award seeks to honor a youth who exemplifies kindness to animals in the community through volunteering, promoting awareness and/or other acts of humane animal treatment. The honoree will be selected by a panel of HAWS’ employees and friends. Selection is based on the nominee’s commitment to animal welfare through public service and community life. Nominees must be 18 years or younger. Family, friends, community members and teachers are allowed to nominate deserving youth; in addition, students may also nominate themselves. If chosen, the recipient must be available to accept the award at the Friends of HAWS’ 33rd Annual Romp ‘n Rally Pet Walk on May 7, 2016 at Sussex Village Park. Applications must include the nominee’s name, address, birth date, school and an essay (not to exceed 500 words) explaining the youth’s commitment to animals in their community. Applications must be received at HAWS by April 15th and can be emailed to Megan at education@hawspets.org or sent to HAWS/Award, Attn: Megan, PO Box 834, Waukesha, WI, 53187-0834. A Join us at HAWS for camp this summer! For ages 7-14; sessions from 1 day to 1 week. Special theme weeks include: • Art Camp • Science with the Animals • Camp Gone to the Dogs • Shutterbug Camp • Horseback Riding Fieldtrip Camp Log on to hawspets.org or call 262-542-8851, x123 for details and registration! What is “Science With The Animals” Camp? Campers will discover facts about some of the latest animal research, such as how Chaser the border collie learned the names of over 1,000 of her toys, and studies showing that dogs respond better to a human pointing at a container holding food than does a chimpanzee. Additionally the campers will do some of their own research! How long does it take for a rodent to run through a maze for cheese versus a sunflower seed? Does a dog respond to a hand signal or a word better when asked to sit or lie down? What species is more likely to feel comfortable in a new environment – cats or dogs? Join us! HUMANE OFFICER’S CORNER will return next issue! April 2016 Tattle Tails 3 It’s All About the Animals! BEHAVIO Great By Leann Bo Share your HAWS Adoption Story – use the form on our website under “Adopt” or just email us at office@hawspets.org. Don’t forget to send us your Alumni pictures, too! For more great stories check out “Rescue Tails” at hawspets.org. RESCUE TAILS... HAWS’ Animal Rescue Team assisted an interesting mix of animals yet again! Calls for assistance included a stunned deer, a snake… and a Polish Rooster! This fancy gent was found wandering in Menomonee Falls; our staff found it to be very tame, even willing to sit on a lap during check-in! HAWS – At the READY! HAWS provides resources for capture and removal of domestic and wild animals in Waukesha County: • Call HAWS for assistance with skunks, bats and raccoons due to dangers from a bite. HAWS also handles injured deer along with the DNR and local law enforcement. • HAWS is able to capture stray animals at large or in dangerous situations. • HAWS has “how to” info for wildlife posing a nuisance in your yard. HAWS’ Rescue Team includes state and federally licensed wildlife rehabilitators and personnel permitted in endangered species care. They are trained in the use of chemical immobilization for all animal species. HAWS also maintains equipment suitable for capture of many different types of animals, and training to assist large domestic animals and wildlife confronted with an emergency. HAWS even has an inflatable boat for water rescues! We are ready to respond 24/7/365 to provide care and assistance! Staff Spotlights KIM K. Kennel Lead (degrees in Psychology and Sociology) What do you do all day? I can’t even begin to describe! Every day is busy and VERY different - managing every animal in the building and their needs, managing the kennel staff, going on rescue calls...making LOTS of tough decisions.... What makes you good at your job? My compassion and love of animals, my dedication and my education. What did you want to be when you grew up? Vet or zookeeper. Who are your pets? Big Red the Betta fish (actually belongs to my son, Nikolas); and a regular line-up of fosters, like cats Abraham and Boxer and many puppies! What are your hobbies/interests outside of work? Painting, home remodeling, reading, eating. Why do you work for HAWS? Why NOT?! It’s the best – fulfilling life’s purpose of helping animals. That, and I really rack up the steps on my Fitbit! 4 Tattle Tails ALYSHA H. Kennel Lead, SNIP Tech, Animal Rescue Team What do you do all day? Medicate, vaccinate, document! Check-in strays and surrendered animals and then prepare animals for adoption. Guide the kennel staff and advise fosters. Schedule SNIP appointments, prep animals and assist with surgeries and recovery, prepare meds and document some more! Go out on rescue calls and help citizens. What makes you good at your job? I have some schooling as a vet tech, plus my compassion for animals and passion for learning new things involved in the shelter workplace. What did you want to be when you grew up? Vet or architect. Who are your pets? Dogs Rue and Chelsea, cats Sox and Stubby. What are your hobbies/interests outside of work? Outdoor activities like hiking, plus craft projects from scrapbooking to refinishing furniture. Why do you work for HAWS? I work at HAWS for the happy endings – seeing an animal go to its forever home after all the effort we have put in giving it the best potential for adoption. Also for my co-workers – we all lift each other up when going through tough times. We’re family, and that’s how we treat every animal here, too. April 2016 ith w W soun children la anticipated clients and to make on As we mov becoming m being value leads to les individual p pets menta Adopters a pets and do tunity for a ity to not ju The future with fellow public in th ships that w those that Help us tak views, sma of your bel those dono room that w to be able t animals. He ...AND ADOPTION STORIES MILLIE ROSE Hi HAWS – Millie Rose is doing well. We are adjusting to Jack Russell life – we love her. People comment on how beautiful she is… the neighbor dog comes over to play- it’s so cute! Millie Rose has been a great addition to our family – thanks, HAWS! — Millie Rose and her owners before HAW healthy chin ing on hay w he is feeling you, HAWS, chinchillas in — Kera & Ch REGGIE & STEWIE So grateful to HAWS’ animal behavioral consultant Leann Boucha. She is amazing. We unexpectedly lost both our beloved cats, four months apart. We took our sad hearts to HAWS, where we fell in love with Reggie (Spud). But we found that Reggie was too timid for a mate. Leann gave us some coaching to build his confidence, then she helped us find Stewie (Puff), who had the perfect temperament for everyone in our home. Both Reggie and Stewie were fostered by HAWS’ excellent volunteers, and it shows! Now we have a perfect match. See their wild kitten antics on Facebook at “Reginald Braveheart Macpherson & Stewart Little.” — Bonnie & Gary H. Satu Adoption prizes, OR DEPARTMENT HIGHLIGHTS t Progress, Great Expectations oucha, Behavior Department Manager warm weather right around the corner, HAWS is preparing for the nds of spring: kittens purring, baby birds chirping, summer camp aughing and…ground breaking! As we prepare for our much d facility expansion, it is important for our donors, adopters, d volunteers to know how much of an impact they can continue n the future of the Behavior Department. ve closer and closer towards becoming a No-Kill Community, it is magnificently apparent that our work and humane sentiments are ed. Owners are seeking help to keep their pets in their homes, which ss surrendered animals and a deeper understanding of meeting an pet’s needs. Clients are taking multiple training classes to keep their ally engaged and learning a variety of cues for appropriate behavior. and foster caregivers are opening up their homes to special needs ogs from down south that otherwise wouldn’t have had the oppora good life. And lastly, more people are becoming aware of our abilust help with dog behavior issues, but cat behavior issues as well! of our Behavior Department will likely involve more networking w rescues and shelters, and more educational opportunities for the he form of seminars and interactive training workshops. The relationwe make with our clients are lasting, and we want to empower have been touched by the Behavior Department to give back. ke the next steps towards our future with your feedback, positive reall donations of toys, food, treats – and monetary donations in honor loved pet that has had an impact on your life. We are so grateful to ors who have laid the groundwork for our new behavior and training will be built during the expansion. And with this new area, we hope to make an even greater impact on the lives of many more shelter ere’s to the future – let’s see what we can accomplish! CAPTAIN JACK Captain Jack came to HAWS from the 2015 hoarding situation. He was terrified of people and had several health issues. When he finally came home with us, we were able to start socializing him and give him the love and care he had never had WS. Almost a year later, he is a happy and n! He gets out for wall surfing and munchwith our rabbits every night. And, when g more mellow, he loves to snuggle. Thank , for taking care of Jack and the other n their time of great need. hris B. HAPPY HENRY Everything is going really well. Henry is fitting in great with our other dogs and loves sleeping on our couch pillows! He’s so sweet! I can’t believe anyone could give him up. Thanks for asking about him since the adoption – it really shows you care how things are working out! — Anne Marie LUCY SPARKLES You’re invited to a KITTEN SHOWER! urday, June 25th 11am – 3pm specials, Kitty College sneak-peek, spay-neuter info…and KITTENS! Details at hawspets.org. EXTRA SPECIAL HAWS’ MOBILE ADOPTION EVENT with North Shore Animal League America TOUR FOR LIFE April 22nd Stein’s Garden & Home 2220 E. Moreland Blvd., Waukesha Join HAWS as we celebrate pet adoption and Earth Day… Bringing Happy Tails to our Community! Details at hawspets.org. Adopted our Little Lucy (formerly Sparkle) a short time ago. She is adjusting well! What a sweet, spunky little girl – we absolutely adore her! — Dolores C. April 2016 Tattle Tails 5 Volunteer News Would you like to become a volunteer at HAWS? Log onto hawspets.org and click “Get Involved” or call our Volunteer Coordinator, Sara Stoss, at 262-542-8851, x120. The staff at HAWS truly appreciates the time, energy and passion that our volunteers devote to the animals. HAWS volunteers play a vital role in bettering the lives of the animals during their stay here, and in helping to get them adopted to loving, forever homes! FOSTER HOMES NEEDED CONGRATS TO HAWS’ VOLUNTEERS OF THE MONTH! February: Rosemary Tobiaz FRIENDS of HAWS HAWS provides the supplies – you provide the love! Contact Sara at volunteer@hawspets.org for details! March: Wanda Fobian The Friends of HAWS is a volunteer group dedicated to supporting the mission of HAWS through community involvement and fundraising activities. Read more about us at hawspets.org/friends-of-haws! ARE YOU READY TO ROMP ‘N RALLY FOR HAWS?! It’s almost time for our annual Pet Walk: the Friends of HAWS are excited to announce our event is going to top them all! Bring yourself, the family and Fido – we can’t wait to see you there. Saturday, May 7th 10am-3pm Sussex Village Park Back by popular demand - lure coursing! Trail challenges Expanded vendor marketplace Live music Great food and games for you and your pet Sponsorship and advertising opportunities available! Details, registration forms and directions to Sussex Village Park are available at hawspets.org. Rally on Razoo! Support HAWS by creating an online donation page on Razoo, and sharing your page with friends, family, coworkers, neighbors and everybody else through social media and email. Use the link on hawspets.org to get started! Not online? Not a problem: just collect donations for the Friends of HAWS in person from your friends and family! The animals at the shelter thank you! Calling all volunteers! It takes a small, enthusiastic army to pull off the Romp ‘n Rally! Are YOU able to help with set-up, clean-up or even run an area during the event? Email Jo W. at narraoz@yahoo.com. Plant Sale Spring Cleaning? Support HAWS! New Friends Always Welcome! Saturday, May 14th 10am – 3pm at HAWS Purchase pretty perennials and hanging baskets, too! Visit hawspets.org for more information. Clothing & Textile Drive Saturday, August 27th Mark your calendar to donate textiles in any condition! Details at hawspets.org. 2nd Wednesday of each month 7pm at HAWS’ shelter Help raise funds for HAWS! Contact us at FriendsofHAWS@gmail.com. 6 Tattle Tails April 2016 HAWS THANKS YOU! DONATIONS MADE IN HONOR OF… “Ali” from Terry M Ray “Archie” from Richard & Sheryl Manhoff “Beau” from Renee Kirsch “Bella” from Addie Thurow “Bennie And Bart” from Karen North “Bob” from Delilah & George Colburn “Carra” Cobb from Ben & Denise Waller “Casey” from June & Robert Braun “Charlie” from Edward Bladow “Chloe & Max” from Barbara Simmons “Colonel Mustard” from Jackie Hintz “Denali” from Sandra Wilcox “Eli” from Nancy & Thomas Marsh “Elizabeth” from George Forish Jr “Felines” from Judith Berthelsen “George” from Gary & Bonnie Halvorsen “Hunter” from Kay Kratz “Jimmy” from Valerie Trower “Karma” from Dona Rae & Herbert Lundin “Kitties” from Jeanie Ahrens “Kizzie & Kiki” from Dan & Lynn Bruett Jones “Lily” from Susan Goldsmith “Linden” from Renee Reitman “Luca” from Becky Steward “Lucas” from Edward Bladow “Lucy” from Sharon & Mike Memmel “Mariah” from Patricia Stelzer “Mario” from Maris & Mary Dambekaln “Markie” from Dennis & Betty Ann Riesen “Marta” from Ann & Kim Pemble “Past Pals” from Sue & Robert Kleppin “Peter Kittentail” from Kim & Mary Olson “Pye” from David & Jacqueline Hendricks “Ricky” from Sharon & Mike Memmel “Sam” from Nancy & Thomas Marsh “Sammy” from Pauline & James Kopatich “Schatze” from Mary J Wamser “Schatzie” from Deborah & Michael Endres “Seltzer” from Marilyn & Richard Rousseau “Shadow” from Sharon Bickert “Snickers” from William & Vivian Schueler “Sparkie Dries” from Monica & David Dries “Stewart, Chloe & Willow” from Dona Rae & Herbert Lundin “Tessa & Tigger” from Kathleen Walrath “Tritan” from Richard & Sally Harthun “Waverly” from Donna Blonski Barta, Jaette from Barbara Burnell Beach, Sandy from Helen M Meyer Berg, Richard from Alison Hammack Boucha, Leann from Gary & Bonnie Halvorsen Bowen, Dick & Roberta from Aimee Good Brickler, David & Clara from Wayne & Belinda Abendschein Broesch, Neil from Iewc Corp Busche, Laura Vilar & Carol from Darla Wack Cleary, Rachel from Vernon & Barbara Hockerman Cranston, Lamont from William & Karen Kuckenbecker Downey, Anita & Ken from Bruce & Marcia Campbell Exner, Colette from Gerald Meyers Fischer, Prof. Paul from Pamela & Howard Weindling Flick, Mr. & Mrs. Gary from Jennifer Kupkovits Gehl, Katherine & Alexandra from Jean Gales Gibeau, Jan from Mike Wilkinson Goertz, Nancy & Dale & “Potter” from Prudence Precourt Graf Family from Barrett Graf Graham, Ellen from Jean Bunke Grisa, Mary Lafond & Mark from Heidi Surprenant Halbauer, Pete & Carrie from Joseph & Jessica Riedlinger Turner Hall, Mary Ellen from John & Shannon Zur Hinners, Nellie from Mary J Wamser Jim & Diane Graham from Jim Graham Jones, Dave from Carin & George Quinones Keller, William And Carla from Karen Kruger Kelly Smith Photography from Alison Krueger Kowalsky, Jerry from Daniel Kowalsky Krans, Kristen from Fred & Barbara Syrjanen Lando, Duane from Family & Friends Lewis, Peggy from Janis & Jim Trebby Lock, Susan & Carl from Rachel Keller Lucas, Pamela from Anonymous Mack, James & Stacey from Christine Mack May, Terri & David from Molly Simon “Piper” from Janet A Smith “Princess” from Gloria & Josh Lemke “Pumpkin” from Debra & Allison Mallatt “Reagan” from Janet M Damato “Ricki” from Elizabeth Hobbs “Romeo” Campbell from Ann Spear “Romeo” from Samuel Cloud “Ruben” from Joan Smith-Wade “Ruby” from Geri Coen “Rudy” from Cyd Phillips “Sable” from Janet M Damato “Sadie” from Joseph & Patricia Justiliano “Sammy” from Debbie Volar “Sassy” from Margaret Gran “Scrappy” from Prairie Animal Hospital “Shadow” from Claudette Robinson “Shadow” from Ewald & Linda Schmidt “Shasta” from Jeffrey & Beth Jozwiak “Sheba” from Prairie Animal Hospital “Stella” from Janet M Damato “Susie” from David & Dawn Flessert “Sylvie” from Gary & Susan Mrotek “Tatum” from Bonnie Stanke “Thor” from Patricia Ruff “Thor, Bailey & Max” from Rose & Ronald Kasza “Tigger” from Dianne Dixen “Toby” from Debbie Volar “Touche” from Sherryl Klumpp “Trixie” from Donald & Martha Hansen “Turbo, Lightning & Thunder” from Jeffrey & Patricia Burg “Zappa” from Rosalie Millen “Ziffer” from Linda Chivers “Ziffer” from Lois & Stuart Schlachter “Ziggy” from Walter & Pamela Swiger “Zoey” from Mary Jane Kennedy Ahrens, Carl from Jeanie Ahrens Baumann, Jane from Joseph & Paula Jo Medd Bennett, Richard from Richard & Susan Bennett Berg, Dick from Family & Friends Bessay, Michael from Georgia Battermann Bonesho, Virginia from Daniel & Kathleen Bonesho Brodeske, Kurt from Michael L Gendrich Canepa, Ric from Bonnie Brannen Caracci, Rocco from Paula Caracci Bensons, Betty & Vern from Paula Caracci Chop, Andy A. from Jim & Shelley Anderson Cleary, Paul from Vernon & Barbara Hockerman Clough, Barbara from Sara Bollmann Corona, Kayla from Richard And Laura Weigold Devriend, Pat from Joan Beauchamp Dillmann, Clarence & Carol from Family & Friends Drakos, Patty Ann from Family & Friends Dressler, Philip from Family & Friends Euller. Ruth from Family & Friends Feller, Dorothy from Bill Wasemiller Freyer, Judith A. from Marvin Freyer DONATIONS MADE IN MEMORY OF… “Abby” from Sally Alexander “Abby” from Prairie Animal Hospital “Amigo” from Georgia Battermann “Aussie” from Patricia Binkley “Autumn” from Prairie Animal Hospital “Baily & Buffet” from Peggy & Dennis Mcevoy “Barney” from Carol Potter “Beaner” from Jackie Evenson “Beau” from John & Pauline Maggelet “Ben & Harley” from Katherine Hauser “Ben” from Cheri & Richard Hunn “Bently” from Lisa & David Lepine “Bogie” from Eric & Kim Tweeden “Bonz” from Michelle Schimmel “Bossy” from Kari & John Madson “Brandy I” from Sandy L Scherer “Brandy II” from Sandy L Scherer “Brice” from Prairie Animal Hospital “Brie” from Prairie Animal Hospital “Brodie & Gus” from Brian Roper “Bucky” from John & Pauline Maggelet “Buddy” from Jim & Rosalie Means “Buddy” from Jodi Miller “Buffy” from Pauline & James Kopatich “Bunky” from Karen North “Buster” from Diane & James Graham “Casey” from Donna & Kurt Roemer “Celtic” from Merry & Tom Justin “Charly” from Tom & Judith Rotter Pelt “Chevy” from Mark Schirripa “Chili” from Georgia Battermann “Cinnamon” from Steve/ Carol/Rachel Blattner “Clancy” O’Neil from Family & Friends “Cody” from Gloria & Josh Lemke “Cody” from Denise & Kenneth Tuggle “Daisy” from Georgia Battermann “Dakota” from Diane & James Graham “Digger & Niki” from Jeffrey & Debra Blessing “Dundee” from Jill Vorpahl “Dusty” from Dennis Lecher “Dusty” from Lisa Mcclintock “Dusty” from Marilyn & Richard Rousseau “Farrah” from Tomm Renk “Francine” from Lynn Heeren “Friskie” from William & Vivian Schueler “Fritz” from Anonymous Donor “Gertie” from Mari & Ronald Schmidt “Ginger” from Susanne L Walulik “Gus” from Eric & Kim Tweeden “Harley” from Ann Hill “Hillie” from Mark & Kathleen Conrad “Hope” from Andrea & Ted Wuerslin “Jay” from Bettie Petersen-Dicks “Josie” from Prairie Animal Hospital “June” from Ronald Kurtz “Katie & Mollie” from Judy Ostermeyer “Kc” from Lisa Mcclintock “Kit Kat” from Janet M Damato “Kody” from Janet M Damato “Koko” from Dan & Lynn Bruett Jones “Kooch” from Timothy & Diana Boblin “Lady” from David & Jacqueline Hendricks “Lexi” from Crystal Grayl “Lexi” from Colleen Schwarz “Lexie, Milo, Pattycake” from Dale A. Morgan “Libby” from Prairie Animal Hospital “Little Guy” from Donald & Lori Ward “Lobo” from Bernard & Linda Schlaeger “Louie” from Prairie Animal Hospital “Lucky” from Prairie Animal Hospital “Lulu” from Ken & Carol Mila “Luna” from Brian & Amy Huber “Lyddie” from Carver & Lyn Nixon “Macey” from Prairie Animal Hospital “Maddie” from Nancy Stillman “Maggie” Kraft from Family & Friends “Maggie Mae” from Richard & Barbara Calland “Max” from Cari Retzlaff “Mayvis” from Renee Kirsch “Millie” from Kimberly Wasser “Misty” from Richard & Gaye Clark “Misty” from Karen M Duss “Mitten” from Nancy & Terrance Patin “Muffin” from Gary & Kathy Finch “Muldoon” from Donald Chambers “Pedro” from Frank & Kristen Ulicki “Pepper” from John Cline & Annimarie Wasielewski Novak, Shirley from Marcy Sauer Orlikowski, Joshua from Janet Schoba Phillips, Cyd from Joyce Halitsky Poisl, Suzanne from Margaret Dugan Razo, Jason from Lisa Ibarra Riemer, Jordan from Alana Riemer Robert & Lacey from Judy Ostermeyer Rohde, Joraine & Fred from Angie Valdez Scott Ritenour Family from Cheryl D. & Wendy Roberts Schulz Severson, Jan from Annette Rolfsmeyer Simard-Graham, Claire from IEWC Corp Stearns, Connie & Dave from Kent & Julie Turkoske Streff, Janie from Jim & Nancy Hannen Tilsner, Russ & Marlene from Kathleen Tilsner Timm, Linda from Chris Timm Utech, Dennis from Michele Loehner Van Till, Ken & Pat from Jerry & Sara Packard Waller, Addy from Ben & Denise Waller Walsh, Mary from Kathy & Emma Chambers Wangard, Stu from Robert & Shirley Patzke Wenniger, Mary Dee from Jean Bunke Zgonc, Emily from Eric Bublitz Ziegler Family from Martha Davis Did You Know… HAWS’ Tattle Tails newsletter is available online! Read Tattle Tails on-the-go, send the link to friends, zoom in for better readability! Simply go to the “Events & News” section of our website and click on “Newsletters.” Fritz, Sonia from Linda & Bob Koszyczarek Hansen, Catherine from Judith & Jake Wood Herro, Charles from David & Gretchen Stevens Hilgart, Seamus from Susan Keber Hoeft, Mae from Family & Friends Humphreys, Betty from Family & Friends Jackson, Lorraine from Tom & Cindy Cain Jenkins, Mervyn from Thomas Bequest Johns, Elizabeth “Betty” from Family & Friends Johnson, Rosetta from Family & Friends Kanuck, Dave from Judith Steinke Karpinski, Joe from Mary Carlson Keepman, Margaret “Peggy” from Rebecca Faherty Kober, Diane from Family & Friends Krause, Shannon from Charles & Patricia Pomerenke Le Gros, Nancy from Family & Friends Lesinski, John from Family & Friends Little, Jennifer from Private Asset Management Lurvey, Joyce from Martin & Linda Lurvey Mack, Eleanore from David & Sandy Halverson Madisen, Donald from Jeff Madisen Mariyah from Elizabeth Bach Mathes, Sid from Gary & Lois Dequardo Meyer, Dr. Beth from Nancy T Hazard Honor your loved one, person or pet, with a donation to HAWS. Donations can be made via mail, phone or through hawspets.org using Paypal. Click on “Ways to Give” or use our website “Tribute” form. Mika, Georgiana from Family & Friends Miller, Dick from Gerald Murray Muehlbauer, Eileen from Helen Martin Murphy, John Joseph from Michael Murphy Olsen, Karl G. from Family & Friends Oman, Rose from Linda & Reynold Barran Ortmann, Sunday from Family & Friends Ortmann, Lexi & Sunday from Monica Schwarz Piller, Jake from Elaine Piller Poirior, Gerald from Yvonne Graebner Raatz, Kayla Rose from Megan Luepke Rodberg, Janis E. from Patricia Winzenried Rusk Family from Andrew J Sorby Russell, Greta from Alice & Ronald Russell Shorts, Reggie from Donald Bingenheimer Sorby, Andrew & Gloria from Andrew J Sorby Sorenson, Michelle from Judy Ann Ludwig Streff, Jane from Chuck & Linda Compton Terwileger, Blanche A. from Patricia Winzenried Tracy, Sarah from Casey Wierzchowski Brendemuehl, Darla from Casey Wierzchowski Valenti, Jeff from Family & Friends Winzenried, James R. from Patricia Winzenried Zastrow, Irene from Family & Friends Zeman, Virginia from Judy Lomas CARING KIDS SUPPORT THE HAWS CAUSE These kids and their groups made awesome donations to HAWS through special service projects, donation drives and more: Jack Dos Reis, Bradley Frasch, Alyssa Germain, Natalie & Connor Heiden, Olivia Reiter, Hailey Schoff, Greta Schreiber, Caleb Seay, Evan & Julia Van Beek, Kira & Courtney, Kimberly Duke/Kettle Moraine HS, Owen Hess/Marcy Elementary, Grace Wollmer/Elmwood Elementary, Anthony/Kenzie/Kendal/South Milwaukee HS, Brookfield Academy Middle School, Rachel Illgen & Michelle Teng/Brookfield Central HS “PAWS” club, Elmbrook Elements of Design class, Woodside Elementary “Students of Service” Club, Brownie Troop 8305 – Wales, Tiger Scouts Den 7 Pack 41 – New Berlin, Girl Scout Troop 4701 – New Berlin, Girl Scout Troop 8977 – New Berlin, Girl Scout Troop 9074 – Oak Creek. Celebrating their birthdays for HAWS were Oliver Bieruin, Skylar Dean, Luke Morris, Loxley Newell, Olivia Voelker. Surrounded by a CARING COMMUNITY Carroll University demonstrated their continuing generosity to HAWS with donations made by the Carroll Students for Animal Welfare, the CU Holiday Giving Tree and Spring Remarks Social. Thank you to the students, faculty and entire Carroll community for your support! Thank you to all these businesses, groups and individuals for their support: Barb Davis, Duane Lando, Caliendo-Savio Enterprises, Farm & Fleet Waukesha, Neroli Salon & Spa Brookfield, Pewaukee Veterinary Service, Rogers Memorial Hospital, Kelly Smith Photography, Waukesha Animal Hospital, Waukesha Memorial Hospital GI Dept., Waukesha Pediatric Association. The quarterly rebate for your Kwik Trip Kwik Card Plus can be donated to HAWS! Designate HAWS as your charity Did You by calling 1-800-305Know? 6666. Also, Kwik Trip, Inc. will donate an additional 5% of the amount equal to your eligible in-store purchases made with your Kwik Card. Fill-up AND shop for HAWS! April 2016 Tattle Tails 7 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Milwaukee, WI Permit No. 1770 Humane Animal Welfare Society of Waukesha County Inc. 701 Northview Road PO Box 834 Waukesha, WI 53187-0834 DATED MATERIAL - PLEASE DELIVER PROMPTLY NEW ADDRESS? If you’re moving and you don’t want to miss an issue of the Tattle Tails, please let us know your new address! Contact us at office@hawspets.org, or call 262-542-8851, x112. DO WE HAVE YOUR EMAIL? Don’t miss our e-news and updates! Get on the HAWS e-list by logging onto hawspets.org and clicking on SIGN UP on our home page. Don’t miss all the e-xcitement! CALENDAR OF EVENTS Events are held at HAWS unless otherwise noted. Check hawspets.org regularly for updates and Mobile Adoption tour stops! April May BUNNY DAY Sunday, April 10th NOON – 4PM $7 admission; children under 12 free With Amy Free of WHRS, Dr. Keith Collins of Eye Care for Animals and Dr. Denise Follett from Brook-Falls Veterinary Hospital and Exotic Care. Event details at hawspets.org. TOUR FOR LIFE ADOPTION EVENT! Friday, April 22nd Stein’s in Waukesha Details at hawspets.org. 8 Rabbit Hopping 6:00 – 9:00 PM Think agility for bunnies – get involved with your best rabbit friend! Contact Sara at volunteer@hawspets.org or call 262-542-8851, x120 for details and registration. 9 Cat Pedicures 9:30 – 10:30 AM Help with a challenging grooming issue and tips for home pedis! Suggested donation: $7 per cat. Bring your pet in a carrier for safety and comfort. 12Solving Common Canine Behavior Problems 6:30 PM DEALING WITH THE BOGEYMAN Jumping? Counter surfing? Barking? Housetraining issues or chewing? Come to this FREE seminar and get solutions! Please leave canine friends at home; pre-register at hawspets.org. Spring Seminar featuring Dr. Amy Cook Western Waukesha County Dog Training Club Details/registration at hawspets.org/spring-seminar. 10AM – 3PM Sussex Village Park Details on page 6 and at hawspets.org! 13Pedicures for Rabbits & Guinea Pigs 6:00 – 7:00 PM At Pet Supplies Plus, 18610 W. Bluemound Rd., Brookfield. Bring your pet in a carrier; cash donations to HAWS’ small animal fund greatly appreciated! PLANT SALE See page 6 for details. 10AM – 3PM Pretty perennials and hanging baskets – welcome spring and help the HAWS cause, too. Details at hawspets.org. See page 6 for details. 16Pedicures for Rabbits & Guinea Pigs 3Solving Common Canine Behavior Problems 6:30 PM See April 12th listing for details. 23Greyhound Meet’n’Greet 1:00 – 3:00 PM 10 Canine Body Language 6:30 PM Visit with reps from Greyhound Pets of America Learn how to “read dog” – improve your (GPA-WI) to learn about adopting this “greyt” breed. relationship with your dog and keep you and your children safe. For adults and chil26 Cat Pedicures 5:00 – 6:00 PM dren ages 10+; $5.00 registration HAWS staff and volunteers help with a fee at hawspets.org. challenging grooming issue; get tips for home 11Pedicures for Rabbits & Guinea pedis, too! Suggested donation Pigs 6:00 – 7:00 PM of $7/cat; please bring your pet in a carrier for safety and comfort. See April 13th listing for details. June 11 Monthly Friends Meeting 7:00 PM Saturday, May 14th Monthly Friends Meeting 7:00 PM 9:30 – 10:30 AM At HAWS; please bring your pet in a carrier. Donations to HAWS’ small animal fund greatly appreciated! May 21st - 22nd Saturday, May 7th 13 Rabbit Hopping 6:00 – 9:00 PM See April 8th listing for details. 14 Cat Pedicures 9:30 – 10:30 AM See April 9th listing for details. 21Pedicures for Rabbits & Guinea Pigs 9:30 – 10:30 AM See April 16th listing for details. 24 Cat Pedicures 5:00 – 6:00 PM See April 26th listing for details. 28Greyhound Meet’n’Greet 1:00 – 3:00 PM See April 23rd listing for details. 30 MEMORIAL DAY HAWS will be closed to the public. July 11 Cat Pedicures 9:30 – 10:30 AM See April 9th listing for details. KITTEN SHOWER Saturday, June 25th 11AM – 3PM Kittens, kittens, KITTENS! Details at hawspets.org. 7 Canine Body Language 6:30 PM See May 10th listing for details. 8Pedicures for Rabbits & Guinea Pigs 6:00 – 7:00 PM See April 13th listing for details. Monthly Friends Meeting 7:00 PM See page 6 for details. 10Rabbit Hopping 6:00 – 9:00 PM See April 8th listing for details. 18Pedicures for Rabbits & Guinea Pigs 9:30 – 10:30 AM See April 16th listing for details. 4 HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! 13 Monthly Friends Meeting 7:00 PM HAWS will be closed to the public. See page 6 for details. 8 Rabbit Hopping 6:00 – 9:00 PM 16Pedicures for Rabbits & Guinea Pigs 9:30 – 10:30 AM See April 8th listing for details. 9 Cat Pedicures 9:30 – 10:30 AM 25Greyhound Meet’n’Greet See April 9th listing for details. 1:00 – 3:00 PM See April 23rd listing for details. 28Cat Pedicures 5:00 – 6:00 PM See April 26th listing for details. 13Pedicures for Rabbits & Guinea Pigs 6:00 – 7:00 PM See April 13th listing for details. See April 16th listing for details. 23Greyhound Meet’n’Greet 1:00 – 3:00 PM See April 23rd listing for details. 26Cat Pedicures 5:00 – 6:00 PM See April 26th listing for details. Save the Dates! HAWS’ PET FAIR IN MENOMONEE FALLS SATURDAY, AUGUST 20th HAWS DOG U & KITTY COLLEGE, TOO! Classes ongoing; see full schedule online. Now also offered at Central Bark in Sussex. Details/registration at hawspets.org & 262-542-8851, x114. 9AM – 4PM VOLUNTEER ORIENTATIONS Support the HAWS’ cause – hands on! Many opportunities are available! Register for an orientation session at hawspets.org or call 262-542-8851, x120. CLOTHING/TEXTILE DRIVE SATURDAY, AUGUST 27th Presented by the Friends of HAWS Help Homeless Animals by Joining HAWS! Log onto hawspets.org for information on how to become an Annual or Sustaining Member. Join online using Paypal!
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