February 2016 - Humane Animal Welfare Society


February 2016 - Humane Animal Welfare Society
Tattle Tails
February 2016
Humane A nimal Welfare Society of Waukesha County, Inc.
By Lynn Olenik, HAWS Executive Director
In this issue:
Direct Line 2
Humane Education
Highlights 3
It’s All About
the Animals! 4
Volunteers 6
Thank You 7
AWS is constantly working to
achieve and maintain the benchmarks as outlined by the No-Kill
Coalition. (The complete list – and
how HAWS compares – is available at
But, at HAWS we are striving to reach
an even larger goal: Building a NoKill Community.
As an open admission shelter, HAWS is
dedicated to helping all of our community’s animals in need. We cannot simply
close our doors when we are full. This
presents challenges to our facility and
programs, challenges that are met each
day, and often overcome!
Accelerated growth in three key, donor-funded
programs has helped HAWS make crucial strides
towards our dream that every domestic animal
which is healthy or medically treatable, that has a
sound temperament or modifiable behavior, gets
the help it needs to find a new home.
• Annie’s Fund has made it possible for us to
treat animals with medical issues that, in the
past, would have prevented their adoption. We
do not believe in extending the suffering of an
animal; Annie’s Fund allows us to help where it
is in the pet’s best interest.
• Our Behavior Department’s Mod Squad
has changed the lives of dogs with challenging
behaviors. Behavior problems/lack of training are a
key reason dogs come to HAWS; when dogs were
returned after adoption, often it was because these
undesirable habits were still with them. We now
change these issues before they leave the shelter,
helping keep them in their new families for life.
• Project Guardian, the free spay/neuter program
for outdoor cats, has lowered the incoming number of stray cats to our shelter by 42% since 2005.
T-N-R (trap-neuter-return), the concept of Return to
Field, and quality barn homes are all options we are
exploring which should help lower these numbers
even further, and help change the outcomes for
cats which are not house pets.
License #267280-DS
Visit us on the web:
701 Northview Road
PO Box 834
Waukesha, WI 53187-0834
To reach the dream of becoming a No-Kill
Community will take a community-wide effort!
Waukesha County is very fortunate not to have the
entrenched poverty that many other areas face.
What we may have, though, is apathy – a feeling
that “someone” (someone else!) will step up to
help. Exciting to us is that our younger generation,
much like the
founders of
HAWS, shares
a grassroots
mentality that
the difficult can
be achieved
efforts. They
inspire us all
to be an active
part of Building
a No-Kill
What can YOU do – if you happen to be that
“someone” that wants to step up?
oster animals in need, to lighten the burden on
our shelter and give those animals some muchneeded family time!
onate to Annie’s Fund to help the medically
challenged, and to HAWS’ other programs that impact not only our animals but our youth, to imbed
humane sentiments for the future.
• T hat stray cat “hanging around”? Chances are he
is a TNR/Project Guardian candidate.
• Help get the word out that these programs are
available – and FREE!
• If you have a barn, give an outdoor cat a job!
For no charge, we can place with you a neutered
or spayed, vaccinated cat (who is not a house pet)
for your barn or outdoor building and give you the
tools and knowledge to provide shelter and care.
Continued on page 2
The Humane Animal
Welfare Society of
Waukesha County leads
the community in animal
welfare and assures sanctuary for animals in need.
Published by:
701 Northview Rd.
Waukesha, WI 53188
(262) 542-8851
Jennifer Smieja, Editor
HAWS Board of Directors
Bill Stone
Fred Hilton
First Vice President
Mike Nell
Second Vice President
Nick Drewsen
Sabrina M. Bryant
Todd Cleary
Sandy Hoffmann
Gretchen Jaeger, DVM
Nancy Mayo
Cindy Pechanach
Kenneth J. Petershack
Kerry Schnier
Russ Tilsner
(In)Direct Line By Jennifer Smieja, Development Coordinator
Lynn and Jen trade places again for this issue.
n 2015, HAWS took on another capital
campaign, to raise the money needed to
again expand our shelter and meet the rapidly
progressing needs of our SNIP program and
Behavior Department. A newsworthy and
historical hoarding case, plus additional facilities for cat care and housing rounded out the
argument for growth and led to a proposed
new floorplan.
lessons she’s learned from our past leaders
– how things used to be and how far HAWS
has come. Raising a large amount of money
for a project is one big roller-coaster, but Jes
(outwardly, at least) concentrated on the
My officemate, Jessica Pinkos, was presented
with the challenge of taking on the role of
Donor Relations, coordinating the aspects of
the 2015 FEC (our department’s shorthand for
“facility expansion campaign”). Having been
part of HAWS’ last expansion campaign, I
knew the task she was facing – and didn’t envy
her one bit!
In mid-December she sent out this email:
“We have some exciting news to share. Today
we received a large donation from [the family
of a founding member]. Mark had talked to
her a couple months ago…today I met with
her and gave her a tour. We also received
a $15,000 grant [from a business partner].
Lynn and I went over the numbers and…that
puts us at a total of about $1,015,000!!!!!!!
I have another big meeting at the end of the
week so send me some good vibes.”
Those of you who have met with Jes during
this FEC, or have worked with her previously,
know her deep passion for HAWS and our mission. It’s been a joy to hear her talk about the
tour groups she’s led, recounting the history
By the time you are reading this, we hope to
be finalizing the timetable for construction –
and especially the groundbreaking ceremony.
When you see Jes there, be sure to tell her it
was definitely all worth it! C
HAWS Staff
Lynn Olenik
Executive Director
Mark Hess
Field Service/Facilities Manager
Kelly Rohda
Shelter Manager
Khris Erickson
Humane Educator
Leann Boucha
Behavior Department Manager
Cassie Gugin
SNIP Clinic Manager
Johanna Schmanski
Mobile Adoptions Coordinator
Jennifer Smieja
Development Coordinator
Jessica Pinkos
Donor Relations
Sara Stoss
Volunteer Coordinator
Kim Kalczynski, Jaime Merkel,
Alysha Hansen
Kennel Leads
Kristie Benjamin,
Whitney Callies, Andres Garcia,
Ashley Haley
Adoptions Leads
Nichole Janny
Adoptions Lead/Special Events
Staff Spotlight
Jessica Pinkos
Donor Relations Manager/Adoptions Lead/Special
Events (B.S. in Sociology, certified/appointed
Humane Officer for the State of WI)
What do you do all day? What DON’T I do?!
What makes you good at your job? My
ability to multi-task, willingness to learn…and
I really enjoy making connections with adopters
and the public. I love to talk about all of the cool
things HAWS does.
What did you want to be when you grew up? A stay-at-home mom.
Who are your pets? Greta the Boxer, Jinx & Dax the cats and an everchanging assortment of foster animals!
What are your hobbies/interests outside of work? When traveling
in/out of state I always try to visit the local shelters. And I love Aaron Rodgers.
Why do you work at HAWS? I love my co-workers and truly believe in
our mission. This job is truly fulfilling.
Visit Us
Receiving/Office Hours
9-6 Monday-Friday
9-4 Saturday
12-4 Sunday
Viewing/Adopting Hours
1-6 Monday-Friday
11-4 Saturday
12-4 Sunday
at hawspets.org
2 Tattle Tails
February 2016
Continued from page 1
• Volunteer to assist
with programs in the
shelter that have a
positive impact on
our community’s
animals and youth.
From office work and
greeters to animal
socializers and spay/
neuter assistants,
there are many opportunities to make
a difference.
With all of HAWS’
programs working to
make our dream a reality, and with the continued strong support
of our community here
in Waukesha County
– including assistance
from area partners like
the Elmbrook Humane
Society – we are Building a No-Kill Community. We are ALMOST
there: we believe this
is not only possible,
but well within reach
for all of Waukesha
County. A
Enthusiasm for Animals
By Khris Erickson, Humane Educator
t the beginning of the school year
I received an email from Randall
STEM Academy:
“Our 2nd/3rd graders are doing a unit on
Community. Their final project will be for
them to work in small groups and carry
out a service project to help the Waukesha
community and be good citizens. We are
looking for representatives from Waukesha
area service groups to come in and explain
what the group does to help the community and how kids can be involved
(either now or in the future).”
Of course I met with the kids – and had
a really fun time talking about HAWS
and what we do here!
and started to wonder if maybe
none of the groups had chosen
us for their project.
As I came around one of the
tables, I looked up at a doorway
leading into another room and
saw the door frame labeled with
“HAWS.” We didn’t just get
a table, we had a whole room
because 8 groups of kids had chosen us!
I was touched and overwhelmed by the
magnitude of the desire that so many
2nd and 3rd graders had, wanting to
help the animals of Waukesha County.
In November I received another email from
the teacher saying they were holding a
service expo and that the students would
like to show the representatives from the
non-profits what they had done.
I approached one of the groups and
introduced myself and asked to see their
project. They were thrilled to see me,
excited to show me the video they had
created to promote their project, and
proudly presented me with a plastic
baggie, telling me that it held $43.
As I walked into the school’s media center,
I saw groups of kids surrounding tables
labeled with the name of the non-profit they
had chosen to help. I walked past several
tables, not seeing a sign that said HAWS,
As I spoke to the next group I started getting tugs on my arms – children from other
parts of the room asking me to come see
their projects. I assured all the students that
I was planning on visiting every table. Every
Fido Bit! What Happens Now?
By Jill Miorana, Waukesha County Humane Officer
id your dog just bite the
delivery guy or the neighbor
kid? Now what?
Our Humane Office receives all kinds of
questions regarding bites – from the person bitten, the owner of the pet who bit,
questions on filling out bite reports from
police, parents, animal shelters, veterinarians, medical offices…. Everyone wants to
know: “What happens now?”
WI Statute 95.21 requires the quarantining
of dogs and cats that have broken the skin
of a person with their teeth. In Wisconsin,
rabies is found primarily in skunks and
bats, but it can spread to domestic pets
through contact. A 10-day quarantine from
the day of the incident can ensure that
rabies, a fatal disease, is not spread.
Waukesha County has a rabies control
program to comply with this law, run by
the county humane officers. They handle
over 600 exposures per year.
Upon receiving an animal bite report, Humane Officers will verify your pet’s vaccination status through your vet. We will
contact you to arrange the quarantine.
Animals with a current rabies vaccine can
be quarantined at the owner’s home;
the County will send a certified rabies
observer out to view your animal twice
within the quarantine. There is no charge
for these scheduled home visits, but you
must arrange for your pet to have a vet
exam on the tenth day after the incident.
You can also choose to have your vet see
your animal for all three of these home
observations. Completed paperwork
faxed from the vet’s office to the humane
program completes the process.
If a pet is not current with its rabies vaccine, it will be ordered to a quarantine
kennel (animal shelter, participating veterinary clinic or boarding facility) at the
owner’s expense. While at the kennel,
your pet will be checked by a certified ra-
group of kids was proud of the video or
slide show they’d created, and even more
proud of the results, since every group had
collected donation items from HAWS’
Wish List.
I hear sometimes that kids today are being
raised to be selfish and materialistic. I think
the Randall STEM 2nd and 3rd graders
prove that just isn’t true. A
Dates, details and registration available at
hawspets.org or by calling 262-542-8851, x123.
bies observer
to make sure
it is showing
no signs of
issues. Prior
to reclaiming
your pet, you
are required
to make an
appointment with your vet and
pre-pay for a rabies vaccination; this should
be completed immediately after picking
up your pet from the kennel. In Wisconsin,
law mandates that every dog over 5 months
old, with a few exceptions, be vaccinated
for rabies. But if any pet has bitten a person
(or goes outside), I would suggest it
receive a rabies vaccine for safety sake!
Failure to cooperate with a quarantine
carries stiff penalties, due to the concern
for public health. Most quarantines are
uneventful, and the animals are found to be
rabies-free. The rabies prevention response
is for protecting public health, not a punishment. By state law, this process is required.
County workers are just doing their jobs
and appreciate your cooperation. E
Waukesha County Humane Officers are always available to discuss your concerns about animals.
Log on to waukeshacounty.gov/humane or call 262-896-8330.
February 2016
Tattle Tails 3
It’s All About the Animals!
Share your HAWS Adoption Story – use the form on our website under “Adopt” or just email us at office@hawspets.org.
Don’t forget to send us your Alumni pictures, too! For more great stories check out “Rescue Tails” at hawspets.org.
Animal Rescue
Team member
Anna received a
call about a raccoon
in an apartment
building dumpster.
He’d been there for
2 days, and despite
putting two logs in
as a way for him to
climb out, he wasn’t
leaving. Turns out,
he had food, warmth
and safety in there
– so he was a happy
camper! Anna was
finally able to coax
him into a net and
let him go in a more
appropriate wooded
area nearby. Happy
tails, indeed!
Staff Spotlights
Andres G.
With the warmer than usual December
weather, creatures were stirring a bit
more! Field Services Manager Mark
answered three calls on skunks in different predicaments, including this fellow
stumbling around a back yard. The yogurt
container was safely removed and our
friend returned to his habitat…without
his plastic helmet.
In November, Animal
Rescue Team member
Andres received multiple
reports about a loose sheep
running on a road parallel to
I-94. Rescuers Trina, Johanna, Sue and Andres
all took time to assist, along
with two Good Samaritans
and five police officers! But
this sheep had other ideas,
and after playing a game of
tag with everyone for about
an hour it ran out of sight
into a heavily wooded area
with tall brush. Tired and
defeated, everyone went
home. The next day, Mark
responded to more sightings
and reports – it had now
made it across I-94! Sightings continued for days, but
at last report our slippery
sheep was still…
on the lamb….
By Leann Bo
ith ea
the year be
reached an
our 1,000th
as we ente
on continu
adopt out d
or engaged
who spend
comfort an
ent rapport
focus on bu
tinuity in ou
hotline, int
Squad “On
Behavior D
to fulfill HA
Change is i
previously m
maintain. A
it? Our Beh
focus this y
staff and vo
clients and
Adoptions Lead, SNIP Tech, Trainer, Animal
Rescue Team (degree in Biology/Animal
What do you do all day? Evaluate dogs
for adoption, take in/adopt out pets, assist in
our SNIP clinic, lead the education component of the Citizen
Project, every 3rd week I’m the overnight on-call person.
What makes you good at your job? I can stay
calm in stressful situations. I can be professional but still have
fun! Because I work for different departments I can fill in as
necessary and multitask.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
A professor.
What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?
Running, reading, spending time with family.
Why do you work for HAWS? I love the environment,
staff and volunteers at HAWS. And I love animals and want
to help them.
Anna W.
Caretaker, Animal Rescue Team (degree in
What do you do all day? Pick up poop,
cuddle kittens and puppies, wrangle wildlife
and help people find their lost pets!
What makes you good at your job?
I am passionate, dedicated and truly enjoy my job.
What did you want to be when you grew up? A vet.
What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?
Sports, hanging out with my friends, fostering HAWS animals.
Why do you work for HAWS? I always wanted a job
where I can help animals and feel like I’m giving back.
4 Tattle Tails
February 2016
Here is Cali, relaxing at home. She loves laying in
the sunshine in the window! She is a great cat and
is very friendly. We love her. ­— Donna & Chuck C.
Arnie began as a foster
with a respiratory problem.
After several months, lots
of medications and great
support from Kim and Kelly,
it was determined that he
wouldn’t be adopted because
of this chronic condition.
My husband and I decided
to keep Arnie because, even
though he frequently coughs,
wheezes and sneezes he is
the sweetest cat. He’s bright, playful and is great
friends with our 3 dogs and 2 cats. Arnie is loving
and gentle and will be with us for as long as he
lives. He makes our lives richer. — Kathy T.
tinuity, Strength, Resolve!
oucha, Behavior Department Manager
ach New Year comes a brand new set of resolutions, and
e resolutions often set the pace for change and growth as
egins. In the Behavior Department, our Mod Squad program
n outstanding milestone in August 2015: the adoption of
h dog since the program’s inception in 2009! In light of this
us event, my personal resolution for our Behavior Department
er 2016 is not one that focuses on change at all, but rather
is the strength of our Mod Squad program, which works to
dogs that need a bit more help to become well-mannered
d with people. Continuity in the dedication of our volunteers
d countless hours here month after month to ensure the
nd quality of life of our shelter animals. Continuity in the clit developed through our community training classes, which
uilding a trusting relationship between dog and owner. Conur community impact, through our Behavior Department
ternship program, 1:1 behavior consultations, and the Mod
n the Road” program. And continuity in the support that our
Department receives from our community overall as we strive
AWS’ mission day in and day out.
inevitable, and can even be very beneficial. But in the
mentioned contexts, I see nothing wrong with a desire to
After all, when you have a good thing, why try to change
havior Department has grown so beautifully, and I’d like to
year on maintaining strong relationships with our dedicated
olunteers, and maintaining a level of commitment to the
animals we serve.
It’s been more than a
year since we brought
Holly home with us,
and a month plus
since Maddie joined
our family. What
wonderful additions
to our home and
lives!! Holly showed
Maddie the ropes
on our summer trip
to Perrot State Park.
What a true gift these
girls are to our lives!
— The Krauses
Sunday, February 21st
Gametime: 3pm
Take your dog to the
hockey game – purchase
your tickets to benefit
Use the link at
hawspets.org, or call
Brian at 414-227-0567
and mention HAWS.
We had two cats for most
of my life. One passed
away 3 years ago, the
other just last year. After
several months we knew
there was a hole in our
family. I wanted to find
our addition at HAWS; I was so pleased with the
service and assistance I received while looking for
our new family member! I saw “Brutis” and knew
his fluffy tail was flicking for me. We were concerned
about his “big brother” – our 125 pound Greater
Swiss Mountain Dog – but after a few days of introduction they became best buddies. Our family now
feels full again. Thank you to everyone at HAWS for
a great experience. — Laurie W.
I adopted Piggy (now Lucy)
from HAWS, and wanted
to update you on how she
is doing in her new home!
Lucy lives with 3 new
friends (Gracie, Matilda
and Piggy Smalls) and has
plenty of space to run and
play! She loves to get out
of the cage every chance
she gets to snuggle up to
her humans and watch
TV…or maybe even eat
some of their hair. So happy Gracie and Lucy were
able to get along and be cage mates in their new
forever home. Thanks! — Makayla and Lucy
Mobile Connection Makes a Match
By Susan Suleski, Mobile Adoptions Team
After losing their dog to
illness, the Plew family realized their home was too
quiet. It lacked the special
kind of energy and love
only a pet could bring. Sara
and Matthew set out on a
quest to find their family a
new addition. They were
looking for a dog that
enjoyed long walks and
that would make a good
companion for their two
young children.
One Sunday afternoon, the family decided to visit CeCe
during a HAWS Mobile Adoption stop at Pet Supplies Plus
in Brookfield. CeCe was a quiet, young dog with beautiful
blue eyes. The family was instantly drawn in by her calm
and loving demeanor. They spent time getting to know her.
Then, after a private discussion, Sara and Matthew returned
to our Mobile table to announce they wanted to adopt her!
They filled out an application right there in the store and
made an appointment to pick her up the next day.
CeCe is now called Evita, and is enjoying her new family
immensely. She is living a life of love and joy, thanks to the
Plew family.
Mobile events are great opportunities to meet your potential
new family member! Please watch the Mobile calendar for
an event near you.
Want to host HAWS’ Mobile Team?
Email us at mobile@hawspets.org.
February 2016
Tattle Tails 5
Volunteer News
Would you like to become a volunteer at HAWS?
Log onto hawspets.org and click “Get Involved” or call our
Volunteer Coordinator, Sara Stoss, at 262-542-8851, x120.
The staff at HAWS truly appreciates the time, energy and passion that our volunteers devote to the animals. HAWS volunteers play a vital role
in bettering the lives of the animals during their stay here, and in helping to get them adopted to loving, forever homes!
HAWS needs foster homes for single dogs, mom dogs and puppies, and just puppies. This is a great way to enjoy extended time
with a pet without making a long-term commitment, or to find
out if you and your family are ready to commit to having a pet.
• 2-8 week commitment on average
Brenda Serio
• Animals are fostered for illness, socialization or
when they are too young for adoption
Stephanie May
• HAWS provides all supplies – you provide the TLC!
Visit HAWS for an application and foster care manual
or contact Volunteer Coordinator Sara at
volunteer@hawspets.org for details!
Rosemary Clancy
Earn Money for Homeless Animals While You Grocery Shop
The Friends of HAWS is a volunteer group dedicated
to supporting the mission of HAWS through
community involvement and fundraising activities.
Read more about us at hawspets.org/friends-of-haws!
HAWS receives 1% credit for receipts from the following stores. Be sure to send your receipts
to HAWS often because the receipts do expire! Please leave the date portion on the receipt.
Sentry Stores: Ask for
Fox Run:
Piggly Wiggly:
3255 Golf Rd.,
Hartland and
a Funds For Friends sticker 701 Meadowbrook Rd.
2304 W.
when you check out.
St. Paul Ave.
Saturday, Feb. 13th
It’s back! Come enjoy some
yummy treats and support
HAWS. The Have-a-Heart Bake
Sale returns on Saturday, February 13th. Treats will be for sale
at HAWS from 9am – 3pm.
While you’re here, why don’t
you roam the shelter? You
never know; you could meet
your new best friend! Animal
viewing hours start at 11am.
Bakers Needed: The Friends are looking for volunteers to bake the goodies to
sell. Cookies are always popular, but we’re also looking for sweet breads, muffins,
cupcakes, puppy chow (the human kind), rice krispie treats…you get the idea.
Drop off at HAWS during adoption hours, 1pm – 6pm, on Friday, February 12th.
Questions? Please email Sandy at gary.hoffmann@att.net.
Saturday, Feb. 27th
Looking for a new
book to read or DVD
to watch? The Friends
annual Media Sale to
benefit HAWS is Saturday, February 27th from
9am – 2pm. There will be plenty of secondhand
books, movies and games for sale, most under
$2. Don’t miss the ‘bag sale’ from 1pm – 2pm!
Donate Your Used Books: Do you have gently used books, DVD’s, puzzles, board games and
video games to donate to the media sale? Drop
them off at HAWS’ front desk during adoption
hours prior to Saturday, February 20th. Please
no VHS or cassette tapes. Email Nicole at
nmorrell1@wi.rr.com with questions.
New Members Always Welcome!
The Friends of HAWS’ Romp ‘N Rally annual pet walk is May 7th!
Lure course - Trail Challenge - Large vendor market - Live music and more!
Sponsorship/advertising available. VIP treatment for early/pre-registration;
details at hawspets.org.
The Friends of HAWS meet on the second
Wednesday of every month at 7pm at HAWS.
We would love to meet you, hear about your pets,
and tell you about our group! Do you have an
idea to help raise funds for HAWS? Contact any
Friends of HAWS member or email your idea to
Do you have an idea to help raise funds for HAWS? Contact any Friends of HAWS member or email your idea to FriendsofHAWS@gmail.com.
6 Tattle Tails
February 2016
“All Animals” from
Maribil Murray
“Ally” from Kelly
“Batman” from Carol
“Boomer” from Larry
& Lynn McCann
“Boots” from Barbara
“Buddie” from Mary
Anne Dable
“Buddy” from James
& Cynthia Colborn
“Butch” from Rose
“Charley” from
Mike & Sandy
“Charly” from Tom &
Judith Rotter Pelt
“Coco” from Karen
“Cody” from Carol
“Denali” from Sandra
“Emma” from Rose
“Fins the Fish” from
Susan, Kara &
Logan Schmit
“Frankie” from
Eugenie Cox
“George” from Rose
“Gidget” from Gary
& Jacqueline
“Ginger” from
Claudia Gaulke
“Hannah” from Bill &
Geraldine Kuehn
“Hunter” from Susan
“Hunter” from
Deborah Schulz
“Jenny & Charlie”
from Martin Schulz
“Junior” from Rose
“Kassie Jo” from
Joanne Keller
“Kat” from Rose
“Katie & Foster” from
Dorothy Ebert
“Kelly” from Mary
Ann Wasick
“Kelsey” from Brenda
“Kenzie” Biggins
from Jamie & Steve
“Killian” from Richard
& Susan Knutson
“Kindle” from Mari &
Joseph Quam
“Laddie & Sheba”
from Alex & Liolyda
“Lucky” from Shirley
“Lucy” from William &
Linda Pielmeier
“Maddie” from Carla
H. Hay
“Maggie” from Greg
& Sharon JungBloch
“Max” from Marilyn
“Maxwell & Cooper”
from Rita & Gary
“Molly & Thor” from
Richard Hassa
“Molly” from Lynn
“Molly” from Nancy
“Morris” from
Marilyn Hill
“Mugsy” from Gerald
& Eva Liebner
“Nellie” from Betty
“Nyjel” from Jodi
“Panther” from
Sharon Vaughn
“Peppy” from Krista &
Erwin Von Der Ehe
“Pogo” from James &
Dianne Duszynski
“Primm” from Laurel
& Joseph Starosta
“Rainbow the Fish”
from Susan, Kara &
Logan Schmit
“Redtail” from Tom &
Sheila Carignan
“Rocky” from
Deborah Schulz
“Sadie” from Gloria
“Scooby” from Judy
“Seeger” from Betty
“Shadow” from
Sharon Bickert
“Smokey” Maas from
Jane & Fred Maas
“Sneakers & Sonny”
from Jan & Kenneth
“Stella” from Marlene
“Stevie” from Betty
“Tabitha” from
Thomas & Beth
“Tally” from Linda
“Tally” from Jeffrey
“Truman” from
Christine Cychosz
“Tuffy” from Marjorie
“Val” from Ron
“Zach, Alex &
Chancey” from
Joan & Jane
“Zoey” from Edward
& Tina Sexton
“Zottel” from Robert
& Judith Kaminski
Abbondaza, Stacy
from Beth Ettl
Blatter, Steven from
Jennifer & Jeff
Bopp, Tom & Maureen
from Janet &
Lawrence Horning
Brown, Julie from RJ
Nolan & Associates
Bruha, Carrie &
Ross from Kristin
Johnston - Remax
Carlson, Julie from
Cathleen Walters
Cissa, Avery & Gavin
from Joele Cook
Debord, Sara from
Family & Friends
Dell, Thomas from
Barbara Jennings
Ditter, Karl & Kim from
Nancy Durig
Erickson, Evelyn
from Sydney
Ernie And Jean from
Jeremy Chounard
Fischer, Mary from R J
Nolan & Associates
Fowle, Melissa from
Barbara Mcguire
Frymark, Cheryl from
Julie Kirby
Good Shepherd
from RJ Nolan &
Gray, Annmarie from
Linda Rosland
Hardison, Brittany
from Beth Ettl
Heil, Wendy from RJ
Nolan & Associates
Hess, Mark from Mary
Ann Russell
Holden, Julie from
Beth Ettl
Jahn, Jeremy from RJ
Nolan & Associates
Jahnke, Sarah & Brett
from Elizabeth &
Patrick Craney
Johnson, Gavin from
Melissa Holmes
Keller, William from
William Keller
Knowles, Holly &
Dallas from Kristin
Johnston - Remax
Krautkramer, Dawn
from Karen Bewer
Kremer, Kristen from
Beth Ettl
Kupkovits, Scott &
Jenn from John
Lukas, Elaine from RJ
Nolan & Associates
Marker, Vicki from
Thomas & Joan
Marker, Vicki & Cali
from Jean Marsh
Mashack Family from
Corina Welch
Mayo, Nancy & Rick
from Jeffrey &
Alison Riedi
“Abbey” from Sue
A. & Thomas R.
“Abby & Lily” from
Sandra Rupnick
“Abby” from Sean &
Leslie Floeter
“Abby” from Kelly
“All Animals” from
Maribil Murray
“April” from Joele
“Aris” from Dale &
Patricia Schraml
“Baba Boy”
from Marlene
“Bailey” Pfeiffer from
Ann Spear
“Bailey” from Peggy
& Dennis McEvoy
“Bailey” from
Candace & Daniel
“Benjamin” from Gail
“Bentley” from Kim &
Ryan Kalczynski
“Big & Boo” from
Cathy Schnitzler
“Brandie” from
Candace & Daniel
“Bucky” from Dan &
Mary Weber
“Buddy & Sophie”
from Jeanne &
Curtis Pitel
“Buddy” from Darlene
“Buffett” from Peggy
& Dennis Mcevoy
“Bullet” from Carla
James, Captain Julink
T. from Lancelot
“Casper” from Lori
“Casper” from Jean
“Chelsea” from Carol
“Chi Chi” from
Colleen Rux
“Chiuas” from
Claudia Gaulke
“Clancy O’neil” from
Barb & Glenn
“Cody” from Pam
“Colt” from Prairie
Animal Hospital
“Colt” from Pat &
Randy Rohe
“Comet” from Prairie
Animal Hospital
“Cosmo” from Prairie
Animal Hospital
“Csoki” from Prairie
Animal Hospital
“Curly” from Prairie
Animal Hospital
“Daisy” from Mary
“Dakota” from Pat
“Doc” from Kelsey
“Dolly & Cody” from
James & Cynthia
“Duffy, Blizzy &
Squirt” from
Karen, Jim & Mike
“Dutchess” from
Prairie Animal
“Ebony” from Nancy
& Terrance Patin
“Ellie” from Prairie
Animal Hospital
“Elliott” from Prairie
Animal Hospital
“Emma Lou” from
Jane Kohl
“Fox” from Deborah
“Frankie” from Robin
“Fritz” from Thomas &
Janice Donohue
“Gabby” from Lee &
Donna Wojcik
“Ginger & Midnight”
from Carola
“Gizmo” from Todd &
Lynn Sprecher
“Gracie” from Beverly
“Harley Girl” &
“Maggie Mae”
from William &
Linda Pielmeier
“Harley” from Gerald
& Susanne Carman
“Harley” from Prairie
Animal Hospital
“Heidi” from Francis
& Jacqueline Kisley
“Henry” from Tracy
“Hershey & Tasha”
from Judy & Jim
“Hogan” from
Deborah Schulz
“Holly, Rose, Moose &
Cats” from Kurt &
Sandra Cash
“Hunter” from Robert
& Susan Pyzyk
“Issac/Ike” from the
Ott Family
“Jake” from Jerry A.
“Jenny” from
Candace & Daniel
“Jessie” from Marge
“Joy” from Prairie
Animal Hospital
“Junior” from Becky &
Kerry Krueger
“Kacee” from Rita &
Gary Suputo
“Karma” from Mari &
Joseph Quam
“Kelli” from Charles &
Jean Montgomery
“Kissy Max” from Carl
& Joyce Budde
“Kobe” from Kelly
“Kodi” from Ronald &
Kathleen Ressman
“Lark & Willow” from
Kathleen Kersten
“Lily” from Susan
R. Hart
“Lily” from Michael &
Judy Sherwin
“Linzi, Rosi & Emma”
from Karla J Getzel
“Loco” from Marjorie
“Lucky” from Michael
& Mary Rode
“Maggie Mae” from
Mary B Gram
“Maggie” & “Mandy”
from Craig & Carol
“Maggie” from
Prairie Animal
“Maggie” from Mary
& Joe Ptaszek
“Maggie” from
Dennis & Jeri
“Mandy” from Rita &
Gary Suputo
“Midgnight, Becky
& Daisy” from
Marjorie Manke
“Mikey & Bailey” from
William & Kathie
“Miles” from
“Millie” from Prairie
Animal Hospital
“Milo” from Dale A.
“Mojo” from Allison
“Molly” Quaden from
Denis & Patricia
“Moses” from Mary &
Mark Kubesch
“Muffin” from Perry &
Kelly Zylke- Roth
Nick & Anna from Jim
& Sylvia Jafferis
“Nicky” from Jan &
Kenneth Ruben
“Nikki” from Dan &
Marilyn Pawlak
“Oakley” from Prairie
Animal Hospital
“Obie” from Marilyn
“Ollie” from Prairie
Animal Hospital
“Oscar” from Joseph
& Renee Marion
“Pandora” from
Kathleen Seivert
“Penny & Bandit”
from Beverly
Piotrowski, Lisa from
Carol Piotrowski
“Piper” from Jodi
“R.B.” from Richard
“Reggie, Button &
Spunky” from
James & Bev Wilde
“Riley” from
Barbara & Steven
“Rogue” from Adeline
“Rudy” from Laurie
“Rusty” from Alvin &
Florence Cohen
“Rusty” from Sue
“Rusty” from Mark &
Sally Pass
“Rusty” from Timothy
S. Poulson
“Sam & Spudz”
from Jodi & Doug
“Samantha & Corki”
from Char Haack
“Sammy” from Leticia
“Sasha & Lucky” from
Edward & Tina
“Schatzi Mosca” from
Colleen Burke
“Scooter” from Joan
“Scooter” from Carol
“Shadow” from Sean
& Leslie Floeter
“Shadow” from
Randy Kiepert
“Sheba, Lady, Casey
& Max” from
Thomas & Patricia
“Sophie” from
“Souki, Buddy &
Mardi” from Char
“Sparky, Kt & Bailey”
from Kurt & Sandra
“Spottie” from Carla
“Steve, Edie, Pooka
& Mouse” from
Karen, Jim & Mike
“Tango” from Cindy
“Tank” from Prairie
Animal Hospital
“Tess” from Marjorie
“Thor & Emma” from
Dolores Kolakowski
“Thunder” from Julie
& Gerald Dlouhy
“Tigger” Meyer from
Jackie Hansen
“Tishka & Boomer”
from Cheryl & John
“Tubbins” from
Prairie Animal
“Zazi” from Prairie
Animal Hospital
“Zena” from Prairie
Animal Hospital
“Zoey & Charlie” from
Marjorie Manke
“Zoey” from Pamela
& Robert Gummer
Anderson, Leroy from
Candis Englund
Bergeson, Molly from
Helen Curley
Bozich, Arlene from
Family & Friends
Callow, Geri from
Family & Friends
Caracci, Rocco from
Paula Caracci
Bensons, Betty &
Vern from Paula
Czerwinski, Ray from
Family & Friends
Drake, Linda from
Donald & Carly
Eckert, Loretta from
Larry & Suzanne
Falk, Ruth Susan from
Family & Friends
Favero, Tina from
Thomas & Mary
Ann Hausmann
Fleming, Joy from
Franklin L Smith
& Krishna Dasgupta
Freyer, Judith from
Mr. & Mrs. Ray
Fritz, Sonia M. from
Family & Friends
Gell, Julianna from
Anthony Gell
Gendrich, Deborah
from Family &
George, Trudy from
Allied Health Club
Bryant & Stratton
Gerds, Jon D. from
Family & Friends
Gilbert, Sam from
Miles & Barbara
Family & Friends
Glover, David from
Judith & Kathryn
Gronewold, Andrew
from Richard &
Judith Clements
Hahm, Jim from
Jonathon &
Mari Ohl
Hanseder, Joan from
Family & Friends
Hanson, Donald from
Family & Friends
Harbort, Anna from
Phil & Dolores
Harding, Elmer from
Christy & Robert
Henke, James from
Loren & Diane
Hoye, Heather from
Bradley Dalhoe
Humphreys, Bertha
from Denise &
Kenneth Spaits
Jahnke, Wally from
Christine & Ruben
Jenson, Daniel from
Tina & Alex Ojeda
K., Lee from Laurene
& Kenneth Marlis
Karbash, Mae from
Karpinski, Joseph from
Apple Tree Credit
Klass, Barry from
Michael & Sherri
The Finial, Inc.
Klawitter, Richard
from Scott Perrow
Kleinhans, Barbara
from Family &
Kutschenreuter, Helen
from Family &
Kutschenreuter, Lois
from Family &
Meier, Leigh from
Jennifer & Jeff
Melcarek, Debbie
& Emily from
Beth Ettl
Meyers, Jasyn from
David & Linda
Milbrath, Mary from
Kim Jones
My Dad from Amy
Napieralski, Rita from
Carlette & James
Pass, Mark from Sue
Pedersen, Colleen
from Marjorie
Pedrotti, Elda from
Roland & Lillian
Quaden, Karen from
Linda Malosh
Reichert, Dr. Kenneth
from Scott Grigg &
Judy Chambers
Rody, Geri from
Dennis & Joyce
Severson, Jan
from Alexandra
Sherwin, Michael
from RJ Nolan &
Smith, Geno & Dawn
from Laura Vilar
Steele; Angela, Greg
& Josh from Peter
Stewart, Keith &
Laurie from Heather
Stone, Bill from John
& Meg Shannon
Sulsberger, Georgia
from Vicki
Tetzlaff, Vicki from Lori
& Howard Olson
Tilsner, Russ &
Marlene from Neil
& Karlene Broesch
Wangard, Stu from
Berit Pietsch
Wilhelm Family from
Reichl Orthodontics
Wiza, Robert from
Kristen & Heath
Did You Know…
HAWS’ Tattle Tails
newsletter is available
Read Tattle Tails on-the-go, send
the link to friends, zoom in for
better readability! Simply go to
the “Events & News” section
of our website and click on
These kids and their groups made awesome
donations to HAWS through special service
projects, donation drives and more:
Julia Bach, Addison Bodus & Heidi Talbert,
Megan Ellington & Alyssa Weissman, Melissa
Ganiere, Grace Hooge, Max LaJoie, Grace
Ryan, Mackenzie Samanske, Sarah Weier,
Jordyn Young; Brookfield Academy French
Club, Daisy Scouts & students; Elmwood Girl
Scouts, Girl Scout Troops 4685, 8616, 8997
& 20023; Girls on the Run/Marcy School,
Brookfield Central Key Club, Falls Busy Beavers
4-H Club, Les Paul Middle School, Pewaukee
High School Culinary Class.
Celebrating their birthdays for HAWS
were Vanessa Barnes, Anna Barry, Elle Brunner,
Evie Erickson, Brayden Gall, Sarah Janssen,
Gavin Johnson, Amanda Kadlec, Jonathan
Kveen, Alanna Logemann, Brianna McLaughlin, Nicholas Minue, Vera Newell, Cora Smart,
Reese Soetenga, Charlotte Weiss, Paige
Westerman, Gabby Westphal.
Surrounded by a
Thank you to all these businesses, groups
and individuals for their support!
Lancour, Rachel from
Mary Lancour
Landers, Alfred from
Jane Landers
Laporte, Larry from
Karen Laporte
Lempel, Rosemary
B. from Patricia
Lindsay, Gloria from
Charles Miner
Linski, Steven from
Jeane & John
Liska, Mrs. Helen from
Laurie Liska
Loeding, Kim from
Cindy Stewart
Mack, Bobby from Jeff
Madisen, Donald
from Anne Marie
Marcus, Estelle from
Alis Peterson
Mayer, Dr. Beth Dvm
from Phillip &
Jeanne Gore
Memorial “Brindy”
from The Donald &
Lisa Esche
Metzinger, Michael
from Jodi Boeding
Miller, Richard “Dick”
from Family &
Oman, Rose from
Family & Friends
Paton, Richard from
Kim Paton
Pilak, Greta from
Family & Friends
Pipke, Nancy from
Family & Friends
Polster, Yvonne Fay
from Robyn Gence
Pronold, William from
Nick Allen
Ramazini, Reeanna
Lynn from Mary
Rewolinski, Renea
from Wayne & Rita
Ridolfi, Lucia from
Patricia Hawk
Rodberg, Janis E. from
Susan Winzenried
Roepe, Marian from
Sandy & Fred
Rudolph, Paul from
Kori Hilton
Sager, Mary Ellen from
Family & Friends
Sarnowski, Lincoln
from Diane
Schmidt, Constance
from Family &
Schreib, Jane-Marie
from Bill & Kathie
Schroeber, Lorraine
from Family &
Schultz, Marlene from
Family & Friends
Shorts, Reggie from
Thomas & Barbara
Smiltneek, Cheryl
from Jen Rather
Snyder, Craig from
Judy Ann Bronsdon
Stachalski, Matthew
from Michael &
Nina Ludwig
Sweeny, James from
Patricia Sweeney
Terwileger, Blanche
A. from Shannon
Tester, Charles from
Rebecca Lorenzen
Tischer, Beth A. from
Raymond & Anne
Nikolai- Higby
Torossian, Rosalie
from Dennis Kloss
Townsend Sr., Tom
from Family &
Walker, Mitzi from
Family & Friends
Walters, Robert from
Claudia Hintze
Winkler, Jennifer from
Patricia Winkler
Winzenried, James
R. from Ken
Wittenberger, Gene B.
from Sue Carden
Glenn from The
Zeman, Robert from
Zeman, Virginia
“Ginnie” from
Family & Friends
Ziebell, Marguerite
from Dunning
Honor your loved one, person or pet, with a donation to HAWS. Donations can be made via mail,
phone or through hawspets.org using Paypal. Click on “Ways to Give” or use our website “Tribute” form.
Rosie Millen’s online fundraiser in memory of
Zappa the dog…Pizza Man – Tosa’s drink of
the month…Sharon Gale and her team at
Fiserv…Waukesha County Health & Human Services/Child & Family Social Workers
(pictured)…Petlicious Dog Bakery through
Stella & Chewy’s Feeding Friends program…Stella
& Chewy’s LLC...Random Acts international
non-profit funds…Lake Country Racquet &
Athletic Club…Waukesha Olde Car Club…
Brook-Falls Veterinary Hospital…Nolan
Accounting Center/Payrolls’R’Us…Pet Chef
Express…Pet Supplies Plus, Brookfield…the
residents of The View at Pine Ridge…Allied
Health Club/Bryant & Stratton College…customers of Canine Campus Pet Resort…Middle
West Pet Foods…Waukesha Antique Mall.
The quarterly rebate for your Kwik
Trip Kwik Card Plus can be
donated to HAWS! Designate
HAWS as your charity by
calling 1-800-305-6666. Also,
Did You
Kwik Trip, Inc. will donate an
additional 5% of the amount
equal to your eligible in-store
purchases made with your Kwik
Card. Fill-up AND shop for HAWS!
February 2016
Tattle Tails 7
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Milwaukee, WI
Permit No. 1770
Humane Animal Welfare Society
of Waukesha County Inc.
701 Northview Road
PO Box 834
Waukesha, WI 53187-0834
If you’re moving and you don’t want to miss an issue of the
Tattle Tails, please let us know your new address! Contact
us at office@hawspets.org, or call 262-542-8851, x112.
DO WE HAVE YOUR EMAIL? Don’t miss our e-news and updates! Get on the HAWS e-list by logging
onto hawspets.org and clicking on SIGN UP on our home page. Don’t miss all the e-xcitement!
Events are held at HAWS unless otherwise noted. Check hawspets.org
regularly for updates and Mobile Adoption tour stops!
Purchase yummy treats
to support HAWS!
Monthly Friends Meeting 7:00 PM
Our monthly planning meeting - all adults are welcome!
See page 6 for details.
February 27th
Join HAWS’ Mobile Team at the Bradley
Center - and bring your K9 pals along!
Gently used books,
CDs, DVDs, games
and more – most
items under $2!
Link to purchase tickets at hawspets.org
or call Brian at 414-227-0567 and
mention HAWS!
Presented by the
Friends of HAWS.
6:00 – 7:00 PM
HAWS volunteers will be available at Pet Supplies Plus,
18610 W. Bluemound Road, Brookfield, for small animal nail trims. Please bring your pet in a carrier; no fee - cash
donations to HAWS’ small animal fund greatly appreciated!
February 21st
Gametime 3pm
February 13th
10Pedicures for Rabbits & Guinea Pigs
13 Cat Pedicures 9:30 – 10:30 AM
23 Cat Pedicures 5:00 – 6:00 PM
HAWS staff and volunteers help with a challenging grooming
HAWS staff and volunteers help with a challenging
issue; get tips for home pedis, too! Suggested donation of $7
grooming issue; get tips for home pedis, too!
per cat; please bring your pet in a carrier for safety and comfort.
Suggested donation of $7 per cat; please bring your pet
in a carrier for safety and comfort.
20Pedicures for Rabbits & Guinea Pigs
9:30 – 10:30 AM
27 Greyhound Meet’n’Greet 1:00 – 3:00 PM
Volunteers are available for small animal nail trims.
Visit with reps from Greyhound Pets of America (GPA-WI)
Please bring your pet in a carrier; no fee - cash donations
to learn about adopting this “greyt” breed.
to HAWS’ small animal fund are greatly appreciated!
9Pedicures for Rabbits & Guinea Pigs 6:00 – 7:00 PM
See February 10th listing for details.
March 6th
Guest speakers,
demos and
Details at
March 20th
Learn, meet’n’greet
with other chin
guardians and
swap stories.
Details at hawspets.org.
Our monthly planning meeting - all adults are welcome! See page 6 for details.
Monthly Friends Meeting 7:00 PM
12 Cat Pedicures 9:30 – 10:30 AM
See February 13th listing for details.
19Pedicures for Rabbits & Guinea Pigs 9:30 – 10:30 AM
See February 20th listing for details.
22 Cat Pedicures 5:00 – 6:00 PM
See February 23rd listing for details.
26Greyhound Meet’n’Greet 1:00 – 3:00 PM
See February 27th listing for details.
Save the Dates!
APRIL 10th
MAY 7th
Presented by the Friends of HAWS at Sussex Village Park.
Classes ongoing; see full schedule online.
Now also offered at Central Bark
in Sussex.
Details/registration at hawspets.org
& 262-542-8851, x114.
Support the HAWS’ cause – hands on!
Many opportunities are available!
Register for an orientation session at
hawspets.org or call 262-542-8851, x120.
Help Homeless Animals
by Joining HAWS!
Log onto hawspets.org
for information on how to become an Annual
or Sustaining Member. Join online using Paypal!

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