Country Register, Sept/Oct 2013
Country Register, Sept/Oct 2013
Gifts •Antiques •Collectibles •Primitives •Quilting Needlework •Home &Garden Treasures Special Attractions •Festivals cover art by Sydney Wright (aee page 3) The Country Register Story The Country Register began in Arizona in the fall of 1988 to provide effective and affordable advertising for shops, shows and other experiences enjoyed by a kindred of readership. Since then, the paper has spread to many other areas, all of which are listed below. Look for the paper in your travels. To receive a sample paper from another area, mail $3 in the USA or $4 in Canada to that area's editor. Advertising rates area available upon request. The Country Register is available at the shops that advertise and often at other unique locations. We hope you enjoy this bi-monthly publication and let the advertisers know. For additional information, vis it The Country Register Founder: Barbara Floyd, Phoenix, AZ, 602-237-6008. The Country Register Publisher Contact List USA: ~· Hello, Everyone! Well, fall is upon us the sunsets are coming earlier, temperatures are drifting downward, school has started - and IT' S OPEN HOUSE SEASON!!! Take a look at the Shows & Events on page I 0 (changed from where it usually is) and notice the special notices in the ads throughout this issue. All the shops are decked out with their new fall decor and ready for your visit! Alabama: Dana Wilburn, 301-698-2694 Arizona: Barbara Stillman/Lolly Konccky, 602-942-8950 Arkansas: Lenda Williams, 405-470-2597 California/ N. Nevada: Betty Fasseu, 800-349- 1858 Colorado: Jan & John Keller, 719-749-9797 Connectieu1: Michael Dempsey, 9 19-66 1- 1760 Delaware: Merle and Gail Taylor, 888-616-8319 Florida: Dave & Amy Caner, 866-825-92 17 Georgia: Linda Parish, 706-340- l 049 Idaho (N): Dec Sleep, 605-722-7028 Idaho (S): Barbara Stillman, 602-942-8950 Illinois: Lenda Williams, 405-470-2597 Indiana: Gail & Merle Taylor, 888-616-8319 Iowa: Linda Glendy, 64 1-751-2619, Kansas: Cindy Baldwin, 866-966-9815 Kentucky: Chris & Kelley Kennedy. 443-243- 111 8 Maine: Gail Hagcmnn, 207-437-2663 Maryland: Dave & Amy Caner, 866-825-9217 Massachusetts-RI: Michael Dempsey. 919-661 - 1760 Michigan: Bill and Marlene Howell, 989-793-42 11 Minnesola: Ki m and Mickey Keller, 763 -754- 166 1 Missouri: Lcnda Williams, 405-470-2597 Monrana: Dee Sleep, 605-722-7028 Nebraska: Barbara Stillman/Lolly Konccky, 602-942-8950 Nevada (N): Betty Fassell, 800-349-1858 New Hampshire: Kalhlecn Graham, 603-463-3 703 New Jersey: Merle and Gail Taylor, 888-6 16-83 19 New Mexico: Jan & John Keller, 719-749-9797 New York: Dave & Amy Caner, 866-825-9217 N. Carolina: Barbara Stillman/Lolly Konccky, 602-942-8950 Nonh Dakora: Dec Sleep, 605-722-7028 Ohio: Barb Moore, 937-652- 1157 Oklahoma: Lenda Williams, 405-470-2597 Oregon: Barbara Stillman/Lolly Konccky, 602-942-8950 Pennsylvania: Dave & Amy Caner, 866-825-92 17 Rhode Island: Michael Dempsey, 919-661-1760 S. Carolina: Barbara Stillman/Lolly Konecky, 602-942-8950 Sou1h Dakota: Dee Sleep, 605-722-7028 Tennessee: Chris & Kelley Kennedy, 443-243-11 18 Texas: Lenda Williams. 405-470-2597 Utah: Daniel & Siacy Tueller, 801-592-8498 Vcnnont: Chris & Kelley Kennedy, 443-243-11 18 Virginia: Dave & Amy Caner, 866-825-92 17 Washington: Barbara Stillman/Lolly Konccky, 602-942-8950 West Virginia: Dave & Amy Caner, 866-825-9217 Wisconsin: Sco11 & Jennifer Hughes, 715-838-9426 Wyoming: Dec Sleep, 605-722-7028 CANADA: Alhena: Rulh Burke, 780-889-3776, British Columbia: Bryan S1onehill, 800-784-671 1 Maniloba & Saskatchewan: Scot1 & Marj Keams, 306-736-2441 On1ario: Laurie Holcombe, 613-864-8667 We 've included several fall-type recipes and some special fall tips. The Secret Shopper has made a trip to 656 Shoppe just outside of Millersburg this time; I'm sure you'll enjoy her article. And - I have a very special announcement - I have a new granddaughter! Laine Ashley Moore was born on June 28th and she's beautiful! She joins her brother Lucas (4), sister Ella (3), and cousins Zack (15) and Lexi (13). When I'm not working on The Country Register, they keep me busy! So, if you call and hear noises in the background, you can guess it's probably one or more of them. Please do give us a call if you have any comments or suggestions, a recipe to share, or would like-t9 tar1/!Jubscription. We'd love to hear from you! Happy Fall! ~ \IV. / / .v ' The Country Reeleter le dletrlbuted ae a c;ompllmentary elft from lte advertleere. and we enc;ouraee you to etop l7y your favorite ehop every two monthe to plok up your new c;oPY. However. for the c;onvenlenc;e of thoee who may not be able to eet to a ehop. we do offer eubeorlptlone for $16.00 per year (Continental U.S .) to c;over the c;oet of poe ge and handlfne. ~~o~~~ 2 2 3 6 10 11 14 22 23 25 30 32 33 39 Subscription Form National Publishers' List Southeast Ohio Section Northwest Ohio Section Shows & Events Northeast Ohio Section Secret Shopper Out of State Section Southwest Section Mystery Quilt Clue #4 About the Cover Artist Country Squares & Web Ads Central Ohio Section State Map & Ad Listings ·::( The Couh+r'y Regis+er' Ih Your' Ma.ilbox? ----~: . We Ca.h Do Tha.+... SUBSCRIPTIONS ~~ 13 17 17 26 29 30 I Name: I Addreaa: ........... . .. .. ..... . .. . Candy Buckeyes Easy Oven Stew East Beef Roast Crock Pot Mac & Cheese Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms Caramel Apple Dessert Photos from above: Pioneer Mills in Findlay; Balloon Rally Mural in Marysville; Ohio Flags at the Ohio State Fair. .. ······· ··· ····· ···· ···· . ). ..................... . Begin With: Jan/Fel:I: July/Aug: _ _ Sept/Oct: _ _ Nov/Dec: .,. D The ()/di> Country Register Barb Moore. Editor & Publis her P{ease P. 0. Box 37 - Cable, OH 43009, 937-652-1157, Fax: 937-484-8963 Email :, The Ohio Country Register Is one of a notional networl< of Independently owned and published specialty ~~=~=N~~~~:~;;;z;; conl:em in any tltanner is pn1~VI ' The paper is disllibuted FREE lhrough its advertisers and selected lourist Information cenlers, bul subscrfpUons are offered at $18 per year, single copy $3. 'Recyc{e!! [2J The Country Register, Sept/Oct 2013 $18.00 Enclosed t - Chillicothe - Wheelersburg - Chillicothe Craft Mall 674 N. High Street, 740-779-3434 Chillicothe, Ohio Unique crafts & gifts for every occasion! · s howcases over 70 crafts people · one-of-a-kind gifts · handcrafted it ems ·now accepting new vendors -~ Hours: Mon-Sat 9:30-6 ."1 ~: :_.chill_icothecraftmall . com ~-. &i'~---:;:__--.-,..._- Travelers are invited to join Hocking Hills Adventures in the 7th Annual Paddle for the Battle, where participants will canoe and kayak the scenic Hocking River to raise money for the Logan Cancer Support Group. Paddle for the Battle takes place Saturday, September 7, starting at noon, with 100% of the $25 entry fee benefitting local cancer patients via the Logan Cancer Support Group. Additional donations are also welcome. 1 Robin s Nest 430 Centei-- Sti--eet, Wheelei--sbui--g, O HI O ~ .~ b -~.J.40-574-6565 E V E RYTHIN G COUNTRY & P R IMITIV E ! Handmade Furniture - Quilted Throws & Handbags - Braided Rugs Do lls - Barn Stars - Saltbox Houses - Cards - Treenware Custom Wreaths & Floral Arrangements by our own In-House Designer Reg Hours: Candles by McCalls, Candleberry, Swan Creek, Crossroads and Others Mon-Fri 10-6, Candle Warmers - Mini Lamps - Quilted Placemats & Runners Sat10-3 Si s - Pictures - Plus Much Much More!!! Pumpkin Dip 2 C. powdered sugar 1 8 oz. cream cheese Let cream cheese soften@room temperature. Blend w/powdered sugar. Add: 1 C. canned pumpkin 1 tsp. cinnamon 1 /2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice Refrigerate until ready to serve. Serve in a real pumpkin shell for a festive look! (put dip in a plastic container then drop into pumpkin) Great served with gingersnap cookies. Ohio River Road ,..., 1lf99 SR 5ZZ. Wheelersbur9. Ohio lf569lf (71.fO) 571.f-ZZ 18 Cake1 CaV\dy1 Cv-aft & S c v-apbookil'\9 51App li es - .AV\tiq1Aes _ _ ....i~~v-aftev-s W elc ome - Booths .Avai lable ~\ ~-·_!EJ ~ OpEN6 DAys AWEEk •<.......... · -· ~ Direction! from 52 Weit:TakefintWheelmburgexit Right off exit. One milrn right. Mon -thru Fri 10-6 Oirernoni from 52 Ea1t: Take fint Wheelenburg exit. Left off exit.Turn right at the light. One mile on the right. Sa -t 1 0 - lf. closed Sun J\j -~~- ~- [3J Frazeysbur - Rio Grande - Lo Crafts Demonstrations Kid's Activities Hiiis Crafts & 12801 St. Rt. 664 S., Logan, Ohio O ver 90 Crafters Special izing In - Free Primitive camping Handcrafted Items - Painted Furniture - Oak Furniture Ceramics - Candles - Painted Signs - Jewelry Cornhole (James & Bags - Primitives - Tutus Butterfly Wings & Bows - OSV Items - Solar Lights Qrapevine Trees -Seasonal Decor and much, much more..... New Crafters Welcome! .. ---•n~""( r -I ~ .' # 10 Sorv1ETK1N@ 1N THEAuTuMN \HAT 10 NAT1VE To MY 5Loooc--. ~ -- . . .. . ' ·--' l c. blAtte...- ,softeYle.d /?> c. 'JY"°'"'lAl.:;\+ed su~o..,,. I tsp. v~ni !lo.. e.xh·~c+ oJ oY1e le.moY"I ~Tf\iX fOTT[R:S DIARY·!} J ecf'et 6arden W \ L Di: l 0 vi F R 5 Y'eo.m bu*e.'('., S1.A50.Y">, Vo..,,·1/I~, 1 ~ <7io?AIW<d6 crrd & iY1BY'ec:lief'lf5;, YY)i')( ~ ;i;, IAV"lt~I Smoo+h :,o.dd dY".j lA"'+·.i jl.4s+ in co·q:.o'('~+e.J... Use Wlk,ced po.~ev- to ? Y"ol\ clou5h \l"\to +wo 8-i>'lcl-i lo~F» cookie..) wy?""P in plo.stic W'l"a.? \,iour oV' so. P('enea.t cve.n to ~so·. +n·, ck:, TllE COTJ#OLOJ l 1/-:J.. c.,. IA>'lb le"cl-ie.d '91ou'(' 1 /z c. ~e.llow cov-"'me."'-l 1 /'f c.,. Co'ft"ISto.>"C~ 5u~o.v- C1"'~5f "'I-:. r•fO-<' extvo.. oruY"> c\.i~' bt.1topf) 2 flv...+ oY\. u.vi9.,.,ea.sed. cookie, (Glbo""+ tl-ie- wicfth of~ &> '('ef'<'i~eY'o.te. -fo'f'o.n :,_/" 01-ice cook3es"'t Y..<f" Sheefs; Sf> 'l"ir'lk \e. oY1 su9a'I"' cr"!:)St01ls (o~ l"oll +he. lo~~ ·,n 5u50.Y" be..+'o'f'e, C1.,d·tiy'I~). Bo-.k~ lS'YV1i>"l.,UY\til sli~h+l~5oldeY\ . CJ,ol O'(') wo.:>led". M"'kes o.\?ov:t' 40 C'"'-Y'l 'oe. Y"olled ot.Ai<D:> Cl.4t w·1+h wtteY'5 iYlto +-e<A?oT o't4 he.o.'f"r s~~pes. Ju!>i- Yur' My u.i"tth ""- specioJ c.o..-nmeo..I c..Y-1.AV'- ch f Art from Susan's newest book, A FINE ROMANCE - Falling in Love with the English Countryside. For more Autumn entertainment, visit .. , .. The Country Register, Sept/Oct 2013 ' o I •• ... - Belpre - Cambridge - A COUNTRY STORE AND A QUILT SHOP 2514 Washington Blvd, Belpre, OH 45 714 Phone/Fax 740-423- 1965 BROWSE AND ENJOY SHOPPING IN OUR UNIQUE COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE WHERE YOU Will BE INSPIRE1J BY OUR COUNTRY ACCENTS 6 DISPLAYS *Rowe Pottery Certified Dealer * Redware & Pottery * Primitive Folk Art *Custom Framing * Moda Fabrics - over 2000 bolts * Hinterberg Dealer * Wools *Classes * Primitive Stitching * Punch Needle Embroidery Houre:Mon-Fri 10-6 5at 10-5 web e-mail: Downtown Cambridge A Ptat'e to Be! , , _ F'l111 "Like" these Downtown Sho s on Facebook m4~.;i;,~ ~ryBilS October Falt Festival The TDWne House 738- l /2 Wheeling Avenue 740-439-4778 Distinctive Selection of Jewelry, Purses, Beads, and Home Decor. Mon-Fri l 0-6, Sat l 0-5 Fri & Sat, October 4 & 5 Walk Wheeling Avenue a nd enjoy the Feel and Taste of Fall. Crafts, Food a nd Music! Dickens JJictorian JJillage Dicllem Jlictorian Jlittage l@li 643 Wheeling Avenue Mon-Sat l 0-6, Sun-12-6 Novl st - Jan 4th Penny Cot1rt 63 7 Wheeling Avenue 740-432-4369 Antiques, collectibles, Accessories, 3 floors to Explo re! Open 7 days! Mon-Sat l 0-6, Sun 12-5 LearningJtl 723 Wheeling Avenue 740-435-031 9 Educational Toys, C lassroom Supp lies, Books Mon-Fri 10-6, Sat 10-2 . _ _ Share the Sights a nd Beauty of the Vic to rian Age with our Unique Scenery and Courthouse Light Show. ' ]QrW~~ling Avenue 740-432-7241 Hom e De'co, Fur~iture, Jewelry, Antiques, Collectables, Hobb ies, Primitives & more! Open 7 do s! Mon-Sat l 0- 7, Sun l 2-5 mllliiiiliilllll oonteys Hatt1111lrk Courthouse Light Shl!llJ 73 1 Wheeling Avenue 740-432-608 1 Sta ndard Ha llmark Greeting Cards & Gifts Plus Much More! Extensive Sele<ttion Of OSU Buckeye Gift Items. Mon-F ~ 9-5 Nov 1 - Ja n 4, from 5:30 - 9pm NIG HTLY! umitg Resta111an1 & Receptioll Hatt Christmos Parade Nov 30, 5p m Piccadilly Yi 646 Wheelind Avenu Distressed & 1~edr Tues-Sat 10-5 lliilliiiiillili eeling Avenue -3333 ... . • od, Fun, Parties, Receptions, Reunions, etc. ~ Lima - Botkins - --- --- Heavenly Stitches; 2696 Greely Chapel Road, Lima, OH 45804 I 419-979-0218 Henry Fine Yarns - Addi Needles - Patter ns Quilting Fabrics - Books - Needles - Notions Now offering Longarm Quilting Services with the Intelliquilter COmputerized Lona.rm System WooJ Upcoming Events: Grand Lake One Stop Shop Hop - Sept 27-28 @ UNOH Event Center in Lima Ohio One Stop Shop Hop - Oct 18-19 @ Hope Hotel on the Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton Shop Hours: M,W, F 9-5 Tues-Thurs 9-6, Sat 8-1 ' *We're Easy to find Exit # 124 off I-7 5 ~ebsi te : he~enlystitche~uilts~m - sign u£..!:o r o~ ne~ette.!:..?n ~bsi~ \ ~Lan.~ ~~;$1· ~ ~<rni1~~ Chuuud fl-all 6 pen ~e Fri. Sept 6th & Sat. Sept 7th 10-6, Sun. Sept. 8th 12-5 Come see what's new for the sea,s on 17009 REILAND KIES ROAD BarK.INS, Kegu/ar Shop Hours: omo 453o6 (937) 489-3907 18 Shops under ONE roof?! l'dday; leptemlaer 27' 2013 9:00 am - 5:00 pm latanlay; leptemller 28, 2013 9:00 am - 4:00 pm $5.00 admission UNOH Event Center 1450 N Cab le Rd ., Lima, OH 45805 For more info contact: Cozy Cabin Quilts, LLC 419-394-6762 Accomplish Quilting Stevensville, Michigan Sew Nice Upper Sandusky, Ohio Cotton Junky Quilt Shop Wilmington, Ohio Little Scrap Quilt Shop Kokomo, Indiana Engine House Quilt Shop Berne, Indiana Smith Merchants Arcanum, Ohio Heavenly Stitches Lima, Ohio Caroline's Cottage Cottons Rome City, Indiana lavender Street Cincinnati, Ohio Lima/Findlay Sewing Center Lima/Findlay, Ohio The Mason Jar Quilt Shoppe Beavercreek, Ohio The Little Shop of Stitches Miamisburg, Ohio Sewing Treasurers Angola, Indiana The Village Quilt Shoppe Lake Orion, Michigan Nautical Needle Port Clinton, Ohio [KJ The Country Register, Sept/Oct 2013 A Little Touch of Heaven Quilt Shop Wayne, Ohio Forever In Stitches Bluffton, Ohio Country Creations Decatur, Indiana - Van Wert - St. Henry - Celina Countr~berries Designs 11830 us Rt. 127 s. Viuc. We.tit. Olc0 45891 (419)238-2271 ~: WetL-'flwu-Flli I0-5 & Sat 10-3 Fall Open House Sept. 12-13-14 "Tke ~t twq~ G~t Skoppe ht ~t 0(W,." Home Decor... Gifts...Boutique... Gourmet Foods • Materials: 15" square piece of 1/4" (or thicker) plywood one S' xl "xl" wood tomato stake one 3' lathing strip acrylic paints old flannel shirt hay This pattern is free for you to use. Please give the artist credit. Not for commercial use. illhe Saltbox H ome Furnishings H ardwood & Vpholstered Furniture * Tabletop *Lighting Needful Things * Seasonal * Candles * Treenware Fall Open House Sept 6 & 7 1. Sketch the head pattern onto the plywood, enlarging to approximately 15" high. It is not necessary to make an exact copy- just quickly sketch the shape onto the wood. Add hair later (glue on hay). Cut out plywood, sand and paint as desired. 2. Nail head to the top of the stake. 3. I nsert the 3' lathing strip horizontally into the sleeves of an old flannel shirt. Insert tomato stake verticallly into shirt. 4. Screw the lathe strip to the stake just below the head. 5.Button shirt and stuff sleeves with hay if desired. Glue hay to face for hair. This scarecrow would also be really cute done smaller uSing a child's shirt. Insert the scarecrow stake into a pot of fall mums. Have fun! Designed b!:J Kath!::! Graham Countr~berrries LLc ??O North Road Deerfield, NH 0?0?7 60)-46)-7615 www .cou ntr!::lberries.corn ., . ' Looking for a fun Halloween activity to do with the kids? Make witch's hat cookies! Start with striped shortbread cookies, the kind with the hole in the middle. Turn them upside down on a piece of waxed paper so the chocolate bottom faces up. Let the kids put an unwrapped chocolate kiss in the middle of each one. Tint some vanilla icing with red and yellow food coloring until it's as orange as you'd like. Put the icing in a Ziploc bag and snip a small corner of the bag . Gently pipe a ring of orange around each chocolate kiss to keep it from slipping off. Let your witch's hats dry and enjoy! Susan Tipsord 2013 - -- .- - - l 0w QUICK TIPand be the roost eye Look above ( slightly above popular zonet knee level) when l to aboU h lf and leve . g The top s e 'll find shopp1n h. lf is where you bottom. s ~ \ the bargams . - - - - - - - - - -- -- - PRiMitiV05 P.R81·'R·ewoot> 1 couNTRV;PRiMiTiVe oecoR beautiful florals, lighted branches . 'th Our store is burstm~ a~ ~he se~~~w~olls and crows, antiqued baskets, and garlands, pnm1twe ra ' I riroitive cupboards and tables, potted trees to dec?rate, co~n~P rag rugs, all kinds of pottery, Olde Century Pamt~, brat e . linens colonial lighting. ~ homespun fabrics, curtams, ' ~ Christmas Open H ouse Nov 7-8-9- 10 · 11 6 s t l 0-4 Sun 1-4 Thurs 11-5, Fn - ' a ' Extended Hrs thru 12122 Thurs-Fri 11-5, Sat J 0-3 Sun 1-4 ... - Findlay - Arlington - Dunkirk - Forest - Kenton - EarlI American Home AUTUMN HOMESPUN GATflERING 11 I 11 II ~ Primitive and Reproduction Home Furnishings We all take cash, checks, catds Apple Cteek Anflques Bittersweet Harvest Gathering Fall Open House - Fri, Sept 6 & Sat, Sept 7 In the Spirit of Friends Folk Art & A ntiques Show @ Malabar Farm, Sat, Sept 28 Peddlers on the Farmstead - Sat, Oct 5 Artists, Antiques & Primitive Crafters on the Lawn 820 Broad Avenue, Findlay, Ohio (419) 425-0522 I- 75 to 224 E. Turn Right on Broad Ave. Find us on Facebook -£:.~. ',· ~; ' f ., Hites ~~·~3 Homesteqd ' .., \ .l' Dtawing at each shop 8980 Twp Rd 189, Kenton, Ohio Greg & Julie Hites 567-674-2553 or 4 19-674-1506 Six restured bzald~s to tour on our fcrrrn. C'orne ? Enjoy.' For All Your Fall Pecoratin~ i/eeds - CVer 100 varieties of !Umpl:ins. Gourds. .lndian Corn. JJroorn C'orn. tV/t<mS. Pried Gourds. ::;:p~ash. IOI N. MAln st. Arllngfbn Off 'l/9-'1<9-9rfJ3 AntlquRs, Pl'irN'ttves, Candles, Meft's, and Ne11d(u/ things (or Hea/'fh Al'ld Home. Wed - Frf 10-f S1.itltd11y's 10..1(> fnchAnt« Fotest Ptirnitlve t Country l>ecot lf/2' Twp id. #'10 I>unlcll'lc, OH (2 rniles eASf o( I>unlcitlc o(( 11) '119-273-229' Wed - FN 10-f Safutday's 10.Jf Naha's GRANT> OPENING Fot all yout homll clecotatlhg ahcl gilt giving ntltlcls. 180'13 Twp Rd. 'O Mason's Mete@ntile Folk At1. Pl'imt'ttves, t Antrques 3>3 S. Walnut Sf, I>unlcirlc, OH We will be at the following shows this fall: Country Living Fair, Columbus, Ohio - Sept 13- 14- 15 Burton A.rt Show, Sept 28 Fall in the Fields @ Mt. Dora, Oct 5 Pop-Up Barn Show, Franklin TN - Oct 11-12 Fotsst, OH. Ftorn l<enfbn: State Rte S'3 to /$f Rd tight past 8 mile rnarl<el'. Ftorn Fot11sf: State Rts. S'3 to 2nd Rd /tl(t past tl>e stone quotty. '11'1-&7'1-6822 W11d - FN 10-S Sot. 10 -I/ We'll be selling at the f arm all season! ----omeJ·tea Co ection Vour Compfete 1-fome ~urnishin_JS &.::,{jiff .j'Yore Visit our Village of Shops featuring 1 o,ooo sq.ft. tilled with gifts tor all ages & home furnishings tor an_y home! oon,1: forge-c: 1:0 ViSi1: us for your Vera Bradley, Chatnilia o/ Katneteon accessories -c:o s-c:y1e up your Fall! We can also help you wi-c:h your bereavemen-c: needs. Check out our Vintage Treasures for your fall decorating needsH - : - - - - - · -.311111 House Christmas Qpen q & ~o N oveVV\bev- 8 _, • .J ~u ~0-<0 FV'lV\.IA~ -r l ~0 Sr...tV\.d.o.y ~;i.-5 . Watch for Black Friday SALES too! • And LiKe us on I(] ~.,tore 1-1-300 CouV\ty Road qq 1-fours: Nfon-~ri 10-G ~at10-7 ~.,un 12-7 FiV\d fay_, OH f-75 Exit 1-61- (41-q) 422-8286 - Bloomville - Bettsville - Willard - Greenwich -Gibsonburg - Tiffin ~~~P~r==im ~ i t~iv=e-=C~ro_s_s=r=oa;;:;;ad-==s:::::=:;;;;;:==:::;~!ii!=IJ 1201 New Washington Road, Bloo~~~ft4~~fs~-3106 · ·' ' ' rlte f)(J(Jf M(JllSC t ~, W e now ci;wry D~ 5he!rp tr l'.>elle! T e!ylor Pul"Ses Glnd DC1Vinci !Xoo::. .Jewelry Cu::.tOM MGlde Curte!ln5 with choice of ZOO FC!bricsl HC!ndMC!de Fumiture tr S helves - FrC!Med Prints He!nd PC!inted Siqti:; - Lighting - Soy undies - Re!g Ruqs f>rC1ided Rugs - RC!g Dolls - !'.>erry 0C1rlC1nd5 l.Ap &uilt::., !Xdding tr Crib &ts - lAMp 5he!des AMericC!rn - lfl~{{ SC1ltbox - FC!rM - Northwoods CurtC1in5 W ooden P1C1tes - A 9{//{/)/llQs T reenwC1re - Unfinished F umiture '{/{{ 01 C!?AIT:. B R - join us on facebook & check out our new '"Sf A Country Quilt & Gift Shop ..\/.. ·~;::' :.::,{:-: :i:: Over 14,000 Bolts of Cotton Calico, Quilt Books, Patterns & Supplies Many Classes Available - Call for Info f /£.. , i~:. i'- · . ~:; ~ website @ __ f.":;,·.: .~~<·.:.r::~fr:"~~~f..:@.:~.::::L~:.f.::~...~~r:·;·~'-~t·:~~.~~:.::;::~!f:"~:.~t·:~i,)J 1.t. :; Feil! Open Hou5e - 5ept 27-29, 10ciM-5pM ~~--== --..-~~~~~~~_..~I"!""""'-------~~.,_~---~~.,_.__,. ~- ·t...:.....' }~ -.~'~\. Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs 10-5 • Wed 10-8 Fri & Sat 10-5 • Last Sun of Month 12-5 :tt.t ~:;:.:~ ....f?!.: ·~'. The Picket r=ence 16Park St. Willard, 0-I 419-933-7600 Open Wed-Fri I 0-5, Sat I 0-3 Fall f-farvest Open f-fouse - gept. 28 ~ 29 Lots of new fall findings for !::JOUr decorating needs! - We also have lots of ne w prints. shelv es. larnps. rugs. curtains and one-of-a-kind folk art furniture for !:JOU to pick frorn! . .... ,_ . _.. , _, the Painted •&--"'~ Loot. tor'"' 9·,~ out fron • Chair Tue. - Fri. 10-5 • Snt: LO--' C losed Sun. & Mon. 120 W. Madison St. Gibsonburg "'19-637-3224 W'n'01<) We've been busy gathe1ing up autumn favorites for yoLu- home. Stop by and ''fall in love" with our new Fall & I lallowccn collections. * plus wondetful handmades from our talented crafiers * ~ Made in USA Items Artist On-Site I'~'VT'""'~ ) sr11rt srott,~ lttow~; :lATU1trs WHOSN UTS OM c_omer Rt. 1a & Rt. 224 Ttffln, OH 44883 • 614-325-2447 ·c .........··.' .······~ · I.·······......... . : ;. ~I l'Fff!fitS Mathew Molyet, President & Buckologist * CH RJSTM.A.5 OPEN HOUSE NOV. 7-10 .. NovB-9 Authentic Buckeye Merchandise and More Scarecrows • Pumpkins• Runners & Hand Towels • Braided Rugs Florals • Grapevine Trees • Lamps & Shades • Candles• Tarts & Warmers BIO Candles w/timers •New lighted Canvas Prints • Homespun Materia l Gift Certificates • Special O r·dcrs * Convenient Lay-Away fright Hight Oct. 24th Sp-8p 419-752-0405 Hours: 10-5 Tues-Fri, 10-3 Sat Holiday Open House Anlique1, Flower1 & r Handmade /lem1 1111 40 Main Street Greenwich, OH 44837 • ... :· '" * . .·. ., . . / .. [ill A tJiJ~~~1~~tio~a~~::d9~~~Y~~~~p~ a ctivity in this low- co s t Shows & Events colu m n of T h e Co untry Regi s ter--Ca ll 937- 652- 1157 Great Shopping • Seminars & How·To's • Meet The Editors SEPT. 13-14-15 . OHIO VILLAGE - 1·71@ exit 111 • COLUMBUS, OH VlSit for fair videos, photos, and morel • For dlK..,,. oc!.ooca licub & loor deooll.: 1·866-500-FAIR West M ilton Specialty Shoppes • 24 th Annual Holiday Open House Saturdays & Sundays 10-5 November 21-22-23-24' 2013 180 Cr al't:smen. continuous entertainment. great home cooked food, fun for the w hole family! Ohio SR 97 between Butler/; Mohican 740-417-9136 State Park (Just 12 miles east of 1- 7 I l . ,, nmr.£ 0 ~ sat sw, An Outdoor Festival & 10am-5pm Crarts-Uving History Encampment Attica, Ohio Oct 19 & 20, 2013 44th Annual Arts & Crafts Festival 4,::~2-~~11 Now Accepting Vendors with Handmade items for t he Homespun Christmas Craft S how November 16, 201 3 :~:; ~ at the Greene County Fairgrounds in Xenia, OH ::·~ * (. 1 -;,j,.; Thur s 10-5 ' Fri 10-7' Sat 10-5 ' Sun 12-4 Uni ue Gifts - FES'"'~ · ~~ _ &&f, .. Deadline for applications October 16. 2013 (';:,: For more Information vis it www.homespunchristmascratts Ohio's Thrill of the Hunt Antique & Collectible Show Assem bly Buildi ng, _t\.DM $'3 G reene Co Fairgrounds, Xenia SAT, OCT 26 - 8AM-4PM HOTBREAKFAST& LUNCH AVAILABLE Participating Shope: Angel Heaven eou0 1"'F1owetBin Cozv Cottage Fmmo MiDOall"'ll & Homa OaUery Flooring - -- - - - * Refreshments * Door Prizes Hon• Nest RoaUy Cool 9tuff Wertz Varietv store ------ - *2 GREAT SHOWS IN MANSFIELD, OHIO!* GATHERED TREASURES Nov.2 lOAMtotPM*Adm.$2 .. SIMPLE GOODS Nov. 2 AM to PM* Adm.$5 ic an Co. airgroun s R&LBan9uet Center 70 North Home Rd. .r 781 f itth Avenue ts &Cra~ building ~ ore info:tl9-7+7-7726 • More into: J+0-8t8-to05 _ __....,, <Jl"~t l> Miamisburg Starving Artist \ ~~· 44t h Ann~al Arts 8- Craft s Festival IJ.iidel" s~~s in Miamisb urg s tree shaded Library Park (SR 72~) , For dealer info: Call Penny @ Weekend after Labor Day, Sept 7-8, Sat 8am-5pm & Sun noon-5pm Fox Antiques 937-372-25..:1111:~:oc:s.."-""• 3'\ st p..nnua\Leesburg Grand Lake One Stop Shop Hop Artisan Folk Fair Sat, Nov 2, 2013, 1 Oam-5pm , o . ' . .. . FREE Admission Questions? @ Fairfield High School, Route 771/S. Fairfield Rd, Leesburg, OH 20 Shops Under One Roof Sept 27, 9 AM-5 PM & Sept 28, 9 AM-4 PM Held at UNOH Event Center, Lima, OH Sponsored by Cozy Cabin Quilts LLC Call for info: 419-394-6762 e-mail: i6Yf' Friday - Meet Editor of Quilter's World, Carolyn Vagts Christmas Around Sabina Town N'n\.lO\ St.Rt. 22 & 3 to Howard Street. Sabina, Fri, Nov 8, 9am-7pm, Sat, Nov 9, 9am-5pm Approx 50 crafters & 25 homes participating. All handcrafted items with great gifts & decorations for the season! Quality handmade goods from skilled artisans and crafters. Pottery-Crocheting/Needlecrafts-Woodcrafts-Primitives-Jewelry-And Much More! * 11 Hardin County Chamber & Business Alliance 27th Christmas Around the Square .... • • Craft Fair Home Decor • Jewelry Arts & Crafts Baske t Auction Ch eck out our new vendors in clu d ing a couple from the Country Livin g Fair • Saturday, November 9, 2013 9 am to 2 pm Hardin County Courthouse, Kenton, Ohio 419-673-4131 or Champaign County Historical Society presents -4\s\ ~nnuaOCTOBERFEST 809 E. Lawn, Urbana, Ohio *SATURDAY, OCT. 12, 2013 * * 9 AM - 4 PM * 70 DEALERS ROBERTS CENTRE *WILMINGTON , Il 0 * OH 513-738 - 7256 Adm $ Sunday, Oct 6, 20 13, 10am-4:30pm 2 Children's activities, arts, crafts & vintage booths, live music. Hourly door prize drawings. Demos including sheep trimming, dyeing & spinning wool. Jail Photo Booth! Brats & German Potato Salad ! I@@# I The Country R egister, Sept / Oct 2 013 Call 9 3 7 - 6 5 2 - 115 7 to adv ertise y our shows & events - New Middletown - Vienna - Steubenville - North Lirna Sum- Porteige ill mit '-----t ,,___.,_ Mahoning Merca)]Jltile Primitive, Antiques and More Two Floors of Country & Primitive Items Candles • Braided Rugs • Shelves • Signs O~en'\ o-t;:i Homespun Fabrics & Osnaburg ues-Sa.\ Concrete Statuary • Silk Floral Arrangements Holiday Open House Fri, Nov 1, 5pm-8pm & Sat, Nov 2, 1 Oam-5pm 104 77 Main Street, Rt. 170, New Middletown *CiPS Systems type in 104 77 Youngstown Pittsburgh Rd for directions 330-542-9271 Hallo wee Witches flying past on broomsticks, Black cats leaping here and there White-robed spooks on every comer, Mournful moaning in the air, Goblins peering out of windows, Spirit-things that rap and runBut don't be scared-it's just October, Having one last hour of fun! C(juhft)~ Cr-a..Pts ~ .Pr(jrn the Hea.~+ The Honey Pot 337 Youngstown-Kingsville Rd Vienna, Ohio 44473 330-219-5122 Come spend a 9POOKTACULAR Day with us! Ghosts - goblins - witches - all your fall needs! Wreaths Yard Decor Curtains Candles Braided Rug Shelves Signs Furniture Store Hours: Tues-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4 S':ll Find 1.11 on . . Facebook Located in Ft. Steuben Mall , Steubenville, Ohio 7 40-264-2996 New c~a:Pts ¢ Gj.Pts A~~jvjhg Da.ny! Now Carrying Earth Rugs & Crossroads Candles Berry Wreaths 'I Garlands 'I Florals Country Pictures 'I Country Wall Borders Warm Glow Candles 'I Crossroads Candles Tarts & Tart Burners ITIJ Cortland - Boardman Twinsburg Shop Cortland Furniture Decor &More Just Pizzelles 116 N. High Street, 234-244-4206 Hours: Mon-Fri 10-6, Sat 10-5 Primitive & Vintage Furniture & Decor, Sydney Candles 204 W. Main Street 330-638-8707 www.JustPizzel Offering the World's La rgest Selection of Gourmet Italian Pizzelle Cookies! Goodacres Home & Garden Accents 128 N. High Street, 330-637-0660 Hours: Tues-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-3 Antiques, Vintage & Handcrafted Items & More! Quilting B's 254 S. High Street, 330-637-0002 Hours: Mon-Fri 20-5, Sat 10-2 Fabrics, Quilting Supplies, Patterns & Books, Machine Quilting Quilter's Fancy 124 N. High Street, 330-637-3106 Hours: Mon-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-3 Beads, Fabrics, Ribbon, Trim & Embellishments Upcoming Events: The Harvest Wal k - Sept 14 Trick or Treat - Oct 26 , '' BIRNINA STORE & SO MUCH MORE • Largest thread selection in Northeast Ohio • Embroidery designs in most machine formats • Over 2000 bolts of fine quality quilting cottons • Cabinets by Roberts, Unique, Horn & Koala • Bernina Dealers & Handi Quilt Dealers As the month of August melts into the month of September there is a distinct change in the days that awakens me to the anticipation of fall. Fall greets New Englanders with crisp, ~~~,ooler days, often arked by spectacular ~~~~r;s~~un~shine that beckons you outdoors to gather the remaining abundance in the garden or to experience the simple blessing of the fallen leaves rustling under your feet as you stack wood or prepare your surroundings for the season of fall. Fall Favorites - Preparing the interior of your home for the season includes many of my favorite activities - visiting my favorite antique shops to look for perfect additions to a display, attending fall harvest festivals that capture the spirit of autumn and using elements found in nature to decorate my home. Gathering natural materials for fall decorating is one of our weekend joys. Each year I gather bittersweet, cornstalks, pumpkins, primitive gourds and small and large Indian com to enhance autumn displays. The antique barrel on my porch becomes adorned with simple bittersweet vines encircling a plump, vibrant pumpkin just waiting to be carved. The contrast created between the dark brown wood of the barrel staves and the warm orange of nature says true New England fall. Inside I fill my early carriers with cream-colored primitive gourds and large dark pine cones. Indian com with its beautifully colored kernels and crisp husks look at home nestled in a bed of straw in my antique trenchers and in my early splint baskets. I weave gathered bittersweet around my antique stoneware collection in my early red corner cupboard and the result that nature brings to the display is simple and soothing. My smaller antiques such as redware bowls or pewter basins become filled with gathered horse chestnuts, hickory nuts and often a few dried leaves. Layering the display with warm, woven textiles in brick red and cream complete the setting and add autumnal warmth to the room. Fall's Truest Blessing - Larger antiques such as my antique cider press or my com thresher in early oxblood paint can become centerpieces of the season and both remind me of earlier days when the abundance of fall usually meant hard work and family cooperation. After the mutual gathering, preparing and storing of all of nature's bounty, fall, no doubt left its truest of blessings, the sense of fulfillment and reward that comes from working hard. This fa ll season experience all that Fall has to give, enjoy the simple blessing of a vivid sunset sparked with an unexpected glowing glint of winter, feel the energized excitement of creating your own fall interior displays using great antiques warmed with the essence of nature, feel the contentment that a day of bard work in the invigorating fall air can provide. And when you have "gathered and harvested" all of fall's truest blessings, you will be able to draw upon its harvest all year and share its unlimited abundance with the ones you hold dear. Annice Bradley Rockwell is an educator and owner ofPomfret Antiques. She is currently working on her book, New England Girl. Robin Rock is the owner of Milltown Primitives. For further information and inspirational photos Facebook them at Milltown Primitives. Order on line at Hours: Mon-Tues-Wed 10-6, Thurs 10-8, Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4, closed Sun 7081 West Blvd, Boardman, OH 44512 330-726-9396 8900 Darrow Road Hours: (Rt 91 & 480) Mon, Wed, Thurs 10-6 Twinsburg, Tues 10-8, Fri 10-5 _ Ohio _ 44087 Sat 10-4, Closed Sun 330 487 0460 ._.......~---~---i--...-....11mt1-'•'.... .l-... , L...,l--~~--l-.~--------......-..............._, TI~ ~rty) l q l12 !The Country Register, Sept/Oct 2013 ~ RJt>V(] tJ ~t ~V!6 le9;(~ Louisville -Alliance :AnnaLouisa 's Neecf[e:ArtsLLc 1408 North Chapel Street, Louisville, OH 44641 330-875-5300 Canfield - Dalton NSEDLES-N-PINS STl'rCHERISS Great selection of Specialty Quilting Fabrics and Quilt Kits • Homespuns 100% Wool • Hand-Dyed Woolens • Kits • Yams • Rug Hooking Supplies PunchNeedle • Books • Patterns • Many Classes Offered You will truly be inspired when you visit our New Wool Room and Civil War Rooms. Visit our website for more·information and directions to our shop Hours: Tues & Thurs I 0- ' Wed & Fri 10-6 Sat 10-4 T h is pattern is free for you to use. Not for commercial u se. En large reduce to your desired size . May be used for embroidery. pillows, paintings , the uses are n u merous! P lease give credit Lo the artist. N££DL:SS- N-PINS STITCH:sRI:sS Find more patterns at Colleen B ru;:s P.O. B ox 1233 • Kenai. AI< 99611 907-394-1578' • cb Candy Buckeyes Shop for Fabrics and Quilting Supplies Shop for Finished Quilts 1-1/2 c Creamy Peanut Butter 1 I 2 c butter, softened 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 I 2 tsp salt 3-4 c powdered sugar 2 c semi-sweet chocolate chips 2 T shortening Combine peanut butter, butter, vanilla & salt in large bowl. Beat with mixer on LOW until blended. Add 2 c. powdered sugar, beating until blended. Beat in additional sugar until mixture, when shaped into a ball, will stay on a toothpick. Shape into 1-inch balls. Refrigerate. Place chocolate chips and shortening in microwavesafe bowl. Microwave on MEDIUM for 30 seconds. Stir. Repeat until mixture is smooth. Reheat as needed while coating peanut butter balls. Insert toothpick in peanut butter ball. Dip 3/ 4 of ball into chocolate, leaving top uncovered to resemble a buckeye. Place on wax paper-lined tray. Remove toothpick. Smooth over holes. Refrigerate until fir:i;n. Technique Classes Quilt Displays Quilt Guilds September 12-14, 2013 Buckeye Bvent Center Quilt Contest 624 Henry St ( off R.o ute 30), Dalton, OH 44618 Amish Quilting Bee Thu/Fri/Sat 10-5 Admission: $7.00 I 1 Hr. Classes: $10 I FREE Parking 800-249-3154 The Cracked Crock *Antiques *Primitives *Interior Decorating Linda Matulek 330-720-4730 361 Lisbon Street • Canfield , Ohio 44406 Wed. & Thurs . 10-5 , Fri. 10-4, Sat. 10-3 Made to order Curtains, Drapes & Sewing Requests ohiocormtryregister.corn. 01· - Amish Country - Copley - Fredericksburg Frorn the Journal of the Country Register Secret Shopperl 2013 Ohio Amish Country Quilt Shop Hop "C"ereating CJ"raditions" Oct 30-31 , Nov 1-2, 2013 Dear Country Register Reader, This summer has been a wet one so my days in the garden have been limited so what do I do? I get my Country Register out and read about all of the unique shops and events then pick a direction to go for the day. The Country Register always has in the front a listing of events that both are interesting and always give me something to look forward to and always worth the trip. I attended A Humble Past in N. Lima this year at Piney Creek Primitives and loved all of the antiques and crafts that Debbie's vendors provided. The setting is beautiful for this show. Debbie's outbuildings, the crowing roosters, with the artisans set up on the lawn and the horses in the pasture make for a very relaxing day. I loved the primitive dolls, the small wood pieces made to look old and of course all of the antiques. The artisans had many things that would look wonderful in an Ohio country home or out on your porch. Debbie's shop was all decked out for the day's event and she was burning a pecan pie soy candle that made the shop even more inviting. Debbie's family helps out for the day and the food they made was yummy. They had corn on the cob and pulled chicken sandwiches that were so good. It was a treat to walk around and talk with all of the vendors and dealers. I couldn 't resist a few antiques there either. Be sure to mark your calendar for next year's A Humble Past and in the mean go and visit Piney Creek Primitives when you are in the N. Lima area. It's a beautiful drive out in the country away from the traffic and crowds. Then the other day I was on my way to Berlin in Ohio Amish Country and made a point to stop at a new store I found in the Country Register, the 656 Primitive Shoppe. What a treat. The owner is Amish and his work shop is right there next to his store so you can see how a lot is made right there on the premises. The owner bas been making furniture for 29 years and bis designs have those early furniture lines you maybe looking for. I loved his handmade Windsor chair I think the best of all. It was beautiful and very comfortable and very reasonably priced. Other favorites were the curly maple coffee table, the woven seat wing chair and the period sofas. He bas an extensive catalog with comb back Windsors and many other styles of chairs and upholstered goods that he makes. I also liked the small tea caddies, pipe holders and counter top paper towel holders. And the benches were wonderful and the small stools were great. He uses Old Century Paint and of course sells it in his shop. He does layered painting on pieces which I really enjoyed. The black, red and mustard combination he was showing on a small stool was really unique. Be sure to check out the jelly and corner cupboards when you visit his shop. He is truly a talented craftsman right here in Ohio. It's out in the Amish countryside between Kidron and Berlin and very easy to find. When I was there a couple came in from Ontario Canada and of course they found him in the Ohio Country Register, too. This is a shop that I will return to very soon. Remember to tell the Country Register merchants that you saw their ad in the Country Register. Enjoy this Fall here in Ohio and be sure to check out the Country Register for both new shops and old shops and events to visit. Country Blessings from, Secret S~~QX Wed, Thurs & Fri 8:30 am - 7:00 pm Sat 8:30 am - 6:00 pm lnfoonotion may be obtained at any of the participating quilt shops listed below. Area quilt shops j oin ~-------------~ together to make this a Ohio Star Quilts LLC { formeny A Pieco In Tim•) Akron -3:30·6#-61 Country Charm Fal:>rfce - Jerome1wille - 419-:368-640:3 Country Cra~ Cupl:>oard - Berlin - :3:30-89:3-:316:3 The Fal:>ric Peddler - Wadsworth - :3:30-:3:36-1101 Gramma Fannie's Quilt Barn - Berlin - :3:30-89:3-:324:3 Helping Hande Quilt Shop _ Berlin _ :3:30-89:3-22:3:3 Lone Star Quilt Shop - Mt. Hope - :3:30-674-:3858 Meraantile on Main LLC - Coshocton - 740-622-5956 Miiier'~ Dry Goode - Charm - :3:30-89:3-9899 Paw Patch Quilt Shop - Mt. Vernon - 740-:397-9450 Pickup your FREE PASSPORT and MAP .. . . Sh H at any of th epart1C1pating qui.1tshops dunng op op. fabulous 4 day event filled with fabric, fun and prizes. You wi ll receive a FREE pattern, with the option of purchasing a fabric kit for that block at each shop. There wi ll be additional project kits displayed us ing the theme fa b r ics a lon g w i t h demonstrations at various oo s h o p s. o ve r 13 prizes were awarded last year. website: 2014 Ohio Amish Country Quilt Shop op Dates - Oct 29-3 l-Nov I SiVYJpfer TiVYJeS Anti~UeS cfo~rly tl1e G.rllrJlll)' of Copley & 1he Hudson sc.wYJpler> located 1Yl the new Copley Circle AYltiCJUeS 1Lf51 S. Cleve-/"l(ISS Rd Copley Oho /"\OYJ-SClt1o-6,SUYl1J-5 AJOOf> ot deolers Sf>eC1ol1z.i~ 1rJ ~al l111E' ot antiques 1nclud1~ sips. prw111tiVe~,, Vidor1on, repurposed fumdure, horJdl"'l)(1c/e5, collectibles, ~re, tools, W111fk bottles, old quilts ond m.ich V110re &56 Primitive ~ Shoppe "Jf, Hand Painted Primitives Upholstered Furniture Come visit us at our new retail store and workshop! 8356 Township Road 656, Fredericksburg , Ohio 44627 Uust six miles from Berlin) Open 9am-5pm , Mon-Sat Historical Period Upholstered Furniture Hand-painted Furniture - Windsor Chairs Tables - Jelly & Corner Cupboard - Shelves So Much More! Furniture maker with many years experience All furniture is built on premises with maple hardwood mortise & tenon frames. l14 !The Country Register, Sept/Oct 2013 - Walnut Creek - Uniontown - Navarre CJ{;mespu"'1~urJFV Cone Gift Shoppe .1:1. Pine Early American & Primitives ArYli4- ~ :PeM!et ~ Homespun Treasures and Amish Country Peddler have now merged into the Amish Country Peddler building. Now - for your convenience - all home decor is in one location! Come and be inspired with some great new decorating ideas, including NEW Fall and Christmas decor! *Family Heirloom Weavers * Area Rugs * Curtains *Olde Century Paints Table Top Accessories Wrought Iron *Florals Garden Accents Fairy Garden Grapevine Trees * * * * * WHEN YOU'RE READY FOR QUALITY WE'RE HERE FOR YOU Custom Drapes & Curtains ,..., Upholstered Furniture Lighting ,..., Redware ,..., Pottery ,..., Olde Century Colors Family Heirloom Weavers ,..., Gourmet Foods Hooked Rug Classes (call for details) The former Homespun building is another new exciting adventure called Fall Open House - Sept 13-14 b.fearless Newly expanded Croes™ Footwear Area, Jewelry, Women's Apparel and Many New Accessories. Stop in and see!JJ Summer Hours: Mon-Sat, 9 am-5:30 pm ~ 'Ml 'Ml 0 ~ 3239 State Rt. 39, Walnut Creek, Ohio (112 mile west of Walnut Creek ) 330-893-2701 Store Hours: Tues-Wed-Fri 10-6, Thurs 10-7, Sat 10-5 Shop 24 Hours www.p also visit 11742 Cleveland Avenue NW; Uniontown, OH 44685 330-497-9840 ~ ~ §-(9 o/I -~u - ~... •1 li)c3 iPc5 s&>j ~ Doors open 4-8pm on Friday and 10am-5pm on Saturday Sale! - Shopping, Food, Fun! ! Bring your Friends for a GREAT TIME!!! ~ =~El +· 5 ~ (~~~ C»~Y=Y·fi#XLSX27) Primitive Country Gift Shop Open Tuesday thru Saturday llam to 5pm 6 Lintner Court Navarre, OH 44662 1111 ~ ... 0 ~-no ~ 1111 "'"' ~9i ~ ~ lflll8'.,.· Stock Your Cupboa.rd For Fall!<:I'~ ·.'" : Harvest Fest & Sidewalk Sale - Sept 7 All Cotton Prints 20% OFF - Sept 16-21 100'Ya Wool, Homespuns, Patterns, Original Designs, Free Patterns w!Towel Purchase, Yarn for Scarves, Punchneedle, Rubber Stamps. Local Scrapbook Papers, Kids Fabrics & Patterns Watch for new & exciting changes in our lower level! Open: Mon-Sat, 10-5 COUNTRY CRAFT CUPBOARD 330-893-3163 The Primitive Porch 481$ E. Main Slreel, Berlin, OH 44610 (/111t1tl n1tt to Country C11/t cu,/Jo11tl} 110-891-tOtl Also visit "The Basket Shoppe" in Frazeysburg CSe~t~v1~n~g~;;;;~-----To GoD Bi:: Tut:: GLOHY 11004 CR 320, Millersburg, OH 44654 330/674-1677 or 866/558-9739 7800+ Bolts Quality Quilting Fabrics Books - Patterns - Notions Winter Hours: Thurs-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-3 Authorized dealer c.g.:s.g+ a v Back to school means back to a routine in most houses! Don't let dinner time trip you up - add it to your routine and make it easy on yourself. Ask each member of the family for a couple of their favorite meals. This is a great start to your plan. Once you know what everyone likes, plan your weeknight dinners a week or at least a few days in advance. This will keep you from running to the store after work each night. Having some crock pot options, some make-ahead and heat meals (i.e. casseroles), and some grab and go options (i.e. subs) that you can mix and match to fit the evening's activities will make it much easier to stay on schedule without worrying about dinner every night. l16 IThe Country Register, Sept/Oct 2013 - Wooster Easy Oven Stew from A Primitive Place & Country Journal Magazine 2 lbs. stew meat 8-10 carrots 8-10 potatoes I large onion 1 can tomato soup I can cream ofmush. soup 1 112 cans ofwater Salt and pepper, to taste Combine all ingredients. Cook on low in crock pot for 4-8 hours. You can also simmer on the stovetop until done, or bake at 350 degrees in a covered casserole for about 2 hours or until done. S11bmitted and photographed by Kristine Berg Doss. Kristine is the owner. editor, and p11blisher ofA Primitive Place & Country Journal magazine. A Primitive Place & Co11ntry1 Journal magazine is the fastest growing primitive, colonial, and countlJ' magazine on the market today. For more information. visit WWlt( or email --UICK TIP - Q . batteries·· · Don't miX "life" from your to get more s that are the . use one batteries' d and age. same bran --- ....... -~ ~ - .......... -- -- - . Use this pattern fo r embroidery, wool applique, punch needle o r rug hooking, painted projects or whatever your imagination can dream up! Reduce o r enlarge pattern as desired. Commercial use is strictly prohibited. Find more We love to see the projects that you have made fro m our patterns. If you decide to post pro jects based o n o ne of our patterns o n a blog o r website, please give design credit to Jacquelynne Steves. Thank you! " E asy B eef Roast Oft/ FnshioJJtd Ohio Christmas Christ111as 'Preview ~ \·or.•cm/Jcr 211tl & Jrtl A ffOn derland Every thing you need for C hristmas: 3# beef roast 1 envelope dry Italian Salad Dressing 1 envelope dry Ranch Dressing 1 envelope Brown Gravy Mix 2 c. water Brown roast. Place in crock pot. Combine mixes in water and pour over meat. Cook on high for 4 hours or low for 8 hours. Trees• Dccorar ions • C ifrs •Gourmet Lunch ohioconntryregister. com ~ 71 A true ~ Friend 1s ~~.;, "'someone ·~~ wr11 nfiver . · : !.·~ e s ired .\~ .,-_ o~ istening \; _. LO \JQUr .. ' pointless dramas over and over again ~ ~ 4alJ'E11 COrJ'Od dli'e ~artermaster !i;eneraf Primitives, Co[onia[ and Country Purnisliings <Treenware - Curtains - < - Wooa Sma{{s Lighting - Pewter - Jfantf-<M.aaes - }lntiques <R.§proauction Pumiture - <M.a/is..(])o Chairs - Wa{{JI.rt . _. .!11'1 Step 6ack, in time in our warm ana inviting shoppe! ~~~~ ~·~ <Deafer Sp_ace }lvai(aJj(e If.,, ~ 36840 <Detroit CJ?.sJacf In tlie S li.oppes of CCosea'M.onaays ft!, Jfofiaays Q(cfe }I.van o/i(fage 440-934-1819 www. tliequartermastergenera[ com I Bl Simple Displays - Grouping pumpkins and gourds along with bales of straw, cornstalks and mums will create eye-catching displays. Focus on your porch, entryway, or even just a random spot in your yard to create a pop ofcolor to an otherwise dull area. Be creative! Create a focal point with an old wheelbarrow or wagon. Fill them with miniature pumpkins, gourds or Indian com. Set an old chair next to your display and add a primitive fall sign or festive fall wreath. Wrap porch or fence posts with com stalks, attaching with wire, and then adding your favorite fall-themed ribbon giving added color and interest. Fill bushel baskets or crocks with colorful mums in bright colors ofyellow and orange. Place on your porch, near your front door or in flower beds that need an extra pop of fa ll color. Find decorating inspiration from Mother Nature and incorporate the fall harvest inside and out this autumn. Kristine Berg Doss is the owner, editor, and publisher of A Primitive Place & Country Journal magazine, the fastest growing primitive, colonial, and country magazine on the market today. For more information, visit or email Mansfield - Shiloh ~~ fabrics-Housewares-Gifts Hours: Mon.Tues. Wed. Fri 9-5. Sat 9-3.Thurs 9-7. Closed Sun , ' I ......, ,~ !,. ,.., - \..,• ' 1 .. .. r, \,Oo .. ' •.. .. .. - ... Sept 17t o 21 2013 ·' ~\\ \,\\e.. .. .. .. . •'" '1JO \ \ . ;;J ~ .,~ "f '";.' "J' J.,,.pf>ens , , .._·, ...;·, •' . 11nl•.ss ~t J uE:>a n v .....~.... w~ df'(am " h'"R• ,s...... o&u~6' , ~anc ., I ~ ~ ~ .., J' ., 1 I ·· • gfalling t n l ove wi{h ·the c nglis'h eoun'lcysirie I . "ENCHANTING" • "CHAR MING" • ·~N ANGLOPHILE' s DREAM!" • , , 7'I 103 Off Storewide 1 • ~ >' '.J (except consigned ond discounted items) watercolored dial)· about her •• • drcam-comc·tnac \'Oyage on board the ocean liner QuCl.'n Mary!? and her two-month ramble through :!> the quaint villages and misty country backroo~ of England . • 1 .,.. .... In Tent - lots of discounted closeout tables and more ... Super Fluff, 55" quilt batting, 30 yd. rolls $25 - nice quality for quilting. 100% Cotton Quilt Prints - Poly-Cotton Prints 90" Cheaters Tops - Tropical Breeze - Polyesters - Quilted Fabrics Ruiv.~ fN6LA~o is 'Ibo &t-1ultf\ll 10 e.E ~ "~ l\)¥01'\fu ~\ 1 \:/ • \'('\():k ~e FT our t/oooRj. , ., ""°"' kT..;oi"' _ f) Ji akeyoursel~nc11pof_1ea,_li~h1_1hefirc. cJU" t\ I:. and sc111e'" for an m•pinngJourney ...._.__.... "'ilh Susan lhrough wildOowcrhcdgcrows to the historic coltay.cs and gardens of her litcrai;' and a11istic heroes, including Jane Austen and Beatrix Polter 26o delicious pages I lundrc'<ls of \ photos Stories. ri'Cipc~. travel tips and so much more CQ Don't Miss It - The Largest Sale ofthe Year! ----- - -----------------:_ -- - - -- - ::-::-:, ' QUiCK TIP - .- n a.ripped With Put Unens that have bee (unless it's an 1 in the freezer ; candle wax . hould go to a antique and then rt s ) When the wax is professional drY clean1·~roff With a dull scrape frozen, gently . n launder as usual . If _ butter knife, ~he ce wax paper on an 1 residue remains, Pa lath and iron the ' ironing board, flip th~ meit onto the ' ' underside. The wax ·th a fresh Unen. ' ' _pape_:, le~_g ~o~ WI - - - - / Amish Made Rustic & Fine Furniture • Authentic • Amish Hats • Baskets • Rugs & Dolls • Barnwood Hutches • Benches • Boards • Amish Wedding Jam • Jellies & Pickles • Honey • Maple Syrup & Popcorn • Amish Crafted Bird Houses & Feeders • Quilt Racks • Lighthouses Your Link To The Amish, Antiques And Crafts Grapevine Trees • Decorative Lights & Bulbs . Oil Lamps & Supplies . Amish c kb k • Sh bb ch· • Fl I • . ,, , . Galva~1zed Barn Stars From 3 To 10 I • WoodW1ck Candle Unkers & Chickweed • Soaps • Tarts • Tart Warmers • * Crossroads Candle G~~en~~ ~Pip :erri~s . ~ictur~~a·sTable Amis~ Made Unfinished Pine Shelves • Veggie Bins • Linens • Primitive & Vintage Items • Home Decor • Patriotic • Americana • Walking Ca.nes • Model T Wagon Wheel • Clocks • Tobacco Stick Stars & Fences • Ya rd & Porch Decor Nautical • Country & MUCH MORE!!! @@@ @@o 00,, * Swan Creek Candle @\'1@1? 'fl@o O " Y @{l @)lJ@fPJll~ o ;~:::::::_:=,.=-----.11 Ml~~ 0 2151 Stumbo Rd. Mansfield, Ohio 44906 419-529-0504 tracerinv " * Am i sh Wares 2151 Stumbo Rd Mansfield. Ohta 44906 a' z '< :J . ; ;(' . ~ · .: \ ,J,,,., ......... ""'' ., ·~"'···--- '"' "' "' ""'-""~ .., •;.·~~._t.. I~ aillr Annual fabric Tent Sale .. .... \\> "-e~a ,• ~ \ot M\"e., ,_.. d\ ~iie c:R,q-nl(l1JCe (1;! . :? •(' I '~' · 73eca<(J"t f ' ~~)( r -~~ t '"l-.~ .. I I I ... ... ... t · P"· ' ir • ::·;;o·~r : ···! ~.. ~·- ~:r.,f 1 ::~1>.i~"r : ···:1.· ~~:.i·:..r }I [_:..t' , .:_ f -"':~~• ,t' o• ,1 ::.....t'>I~• I { ·~,-;,:_ f."'.t:~• ,.. <' ,1 :...!. '.>:""-(! I l(,!.t)(,. ,., . 1 I~"\ I • , . • • • ~..:"X 0 ( ' .),r- .,- ,, • 0~"\ I • • , • ~- - Lexington MansfieldGirtfrisznd Wi~dom ~ c ele-Orca-~ Furniture • 'Pic.turet. • ~hadu Ughtt. • North~oodt. Nautita\ • l.hic.ken • l.att. e01ai/ Lott. of Vumm1 t:.and\u clutteriu~s at: aof.co01 Clutter Makes AHouse a Home! 305 E Main (Rt. 41./ 97) Lexington, Ohio 41904 ( 419) 8&4-1901 Open! Mon-5~t 10~M-0pM 1. Miles west of I -71on Rt . 97 or 1. Miles South of t1cn;f1eld on Rt. -12 Drive Carefully' School's Back In Session' t:Yuv St:~ of L lfrv Through my wisdom years, I have noticed that life's events seem to fall into mini-Stages of Life. Many times in life we are: ON- TRACK - we have a plan, we can see that things will work out with patience and perseverance. Then there is the old IN-BETWEEN a most uncomfortable stage. We don't know what will come next, we don't really know what we are supposed to do, and life just feels out of balance. It is the struggle of the caterpillar before the realization of the butterfly stage. Then we have the ON THE VERGE stage. We feel that we are close to a new stage, our energy heightens; its the light at the end of the tunnel feeling. Oh, we can almost taste the success! The last stage in the circle of events is IN-THE-FLOW. In-the-flow stage is the best! We are singing , laughing; seeing life as fun and exciting . Absolutely nothing can go wrong. It is a great ride on the Road to Success and we don't want it to end . However , because change is inevitable and we actually like growth in our daily lives; change occurs and we find ourselves moving into another mini-Stage of Life where we learn, grow, make new decisions and plans, and the cycle continues. My GIRLFRIEND WISDOM for today is: Name the stage you are currently in : it will bring you comfort, and it will give you a realization that life is a cycle and we are here to experience a full life, a fun life with a sense of passion and compassion for ourselves and others on this unique Journey called LIFE. Joy In Your Day, lJ-1- ~1" . £Y1~ ~ Girlfriend Wi'idom is \\Tillcn and illu!>lr•.11cc.J b) Jody I loughton. Kci/cr. OR Do" nload a color cop) of this "riling: "'''''· Olivesburg -Ashland Jerome ~\\\ ajS w· PAST ~~\ ~ 1 p t p,al!\'91' (419) 895-1038 Vud t\.~~\\1,\'I~'~'''' 0 11et\ .91'11'·9s~_sp11' www.oJiw:sb..--1...._~ ~\ -.~ <J>••~ J' 1a1!\ I\ a w1515""""'......,."""1W 514 \\\'\\\~ 9-fi,~\~ ~-f 4778 St. Rt. 545, Ashland, Ohio 44805 :• STEP INTO THE Annual Holiday Ope1t House Nov 23rd - 1 Oam to 3pm * Old Fashioned Ice Cream Counter * Oil Lamps & Supplies * Deli Sandwiches, Pizza & Hot Subs* Cookie Cutters * Americana Item5* Candles & Melting Tarts Crocks * .. :·.• • COUNTRY CHARM FABRICS Large selection of Homespuns, Quilting Fabrics, Notions, Repro. Prints, Stencils, Patterns, Quilting Classes, Plus MuchMore NEW CLASS SCHEDULE IS ON OUR WEBSITE ALSO WATCH FOR WEEKLY SPECIALS ON OUR BLOG! Make plans to attend the 20f3 OHIO AMISH COUNTRY QUILT SHOP HOPOCT30-3f-NOV f-2 x )( Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4, Closed Sun & Wed e Parsley Pot Fall Decorations and Pumpkins Galore including our Georgia Clay Pumpkins! New 2014 Wall & Towel Calendars Christmas Cards are in! 3 9th Christmas Open House Fri, Oct 25 - Sat, Oct 26 & Sun, Oct 27 ' 697 Co. Rd. 1302, (1 mile off U.S. 42 N), East of Ashland, OH 419-281-7514 Tues-Sat 9-5, Sun 12-5, Closed Mon Thoughts of summer coming to a close bring the reality that our children will soon start back to school. There they will exchange stories of summer activities, events, vacations and maybe just some "good, old, lazy-day fun" they experienced. Then, of course, the next things that will be shared are coughs and colds, the flu, and even head lice. Often these come home from school and are then generously shared with the rest of the family -- including grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Here are some essential oil blends you will find helpful to have and use as school starts and fall approaches that can help you keep the above mentioned "unwanted gifts" away or at least minimize the effects. As you breathe the essence of essential oils, messages are not only sent to the brain, but the vapor also travels to the lungs, then enters the circulatory system. Because essential oils contain anti-bacterial, antiviral and other properties, using them in a home or room diffuser can help keep the respiratory system clean and clear, therefore decreasing the inviting habitat in which germs live. The following pure essential oils and blends can be used for this purpose. Sinus Opener Spa Blend and My Defense Spa Blend are Pure Essential Oil Blends from Flinthills Aromatherapy, Inc. that are already blended and ready to use. These blends are easy to use (they come in a dropper bottle), carry an essence that is pleasing to most, and can be use in multiple ways. Some of the ways I like to use them include: - Adding 6-10 dro s to a whole-house humidifier or 3-6 drops to a room diffuser. - Make a Spray by adding 16 - 20 drops into a twoounce glass or metal spray bottle and filling it with distilled water. You can then spray this mix on your hands, in the room, on linen and even your clothing (always protect the eye area). - Make a massage blend to use as a chest rub if you have a cold by adding six drops of either Sinus Opener Spa Blend or My Defense to two teaspoons of Olive Oil and rubbing it on your chest, back and feet at bedtime. I think it helps to put socks on your feet with this. I prefer the Sinus Opener Spa Blend for colds and coughs and the My Defense Spa Blend for flu. Sometimes I even use three drops of Sinus Opener Spa Blend and three drops of The My Defense Spa Blend in a massage rub. - My favorite use is to add 10-12 drops to a bathtub of warm water with some Dead Sea Mineral Salt and soak for 30 minutes. Individual Pure Essential Oils you might like to try include: Lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, rosemary, ravensara, pine, cajeput, cypress, cedarwood, lemon and ginger. Mix them using this simple recipe - Lemon, 5 drops; Eucalyptus, Peppermint, or Tea Tree, 3 drops; Ginger, 2 drops; Lavender or Rosemary, 10 drops; Ravensara or Cajeput, 3 drops; Cypress or Cedarwood, 5 drops; Pine, 2 drops. Mix the essential oils in a bottle with a tight fitting lid and then use it in any of the above-mentioned ways. The essence of the oils blend will continue to change for at least four days. You can always add a different oil or more of one you have already added to change the essence to please your specific "smell" preference. Experiment and have fun! For Pure Essential Oils and supplies contact Flinthills Aromatherapy, Inc. @ 620-394-2250, e-mail to info@fl.inthillsaromatherapy. com or check website at ohiocormtryregi I 21 I - Out of State - The Gather, Dream. Create Inner Circle is an online membership site hosted by Teresa Kogut We will share in: * Store Visits i\~\\'\~ Ear~lJ * Studio Visits * Art & Craft Tutorials * Artist Interviews ~ 8am-10am ~ 0 * Show Reviews * Art Licensing Info $20 Admission www.teresakogutcom/inner-circle/ , • --- - le- an old sweater Recy~ to make a pillow, a use I b g or cut the sleeves tote ad make a vestl Be out an n cut sure to stitch alon~ a lines to avoid fraymg. - - - - ~ f,p.tvRI lwe music, and other treats \.:C Pv/G/IJ "119).);·1 wP_ ..~, tAf' r · r &)l{0ppin~ f+0urs ~ 1r:zcludes free shopping tote, For more details. visit r> ~tf'ftll ¢ 10am-4pm $5 Admission Kids under JO free (No strollers) CNELSEft mICNIGftn fftillGllOUnDS 2050 1 Old US- 12 H wy • Che lsea, Michigan Free Parking! Show Con/ad: Scali Smith (269) 553-1852 j , ------ Kentucky Exposition Center • Exciting Vendor Mall • Top Industry Educators 937 Phillips Lane, Louisville KY 40209 East Hall AB-enter Gate# 1-Main gate • Classes For All Levels (Enter thrv the Freedom Hall on the nght to the Expo entrance) Vendor Mall Hours: 10 AM - 5 PM I FRI-SAT-SUN Classes begin Thursday 29th Daily Admission $10.00 / 3-Day Pass $20.00 Under Age 12 FREE (with adult) Bus Loads Welcome (special rate for 20 or more) Parking $8.00 (Lot A) • Traveling Quilt Exhibits • Fashion & Trunk Shows • Make it, Take it Projects • Daily Prize Drawings • Grand Prize Drawings • Lots of Fun & Inspiration To Order tickets: For more info visit our website 775.971.9266 • BERNI~ CRO GAMMILL I Happy Hearts Quilting & Fabric Bring this AD to the Expo & receive $1.00 OFF (1) Day Admission to the Expo ...... unique sewing Furniture -- ·~... _.,~l.U- threflOS 1221 The Country Register, see ~ow.... WCM Quilters Slidelock • Sept/Oct 2013 - West Milton - Huber Heights Visit tlie Specialty Shoppes of *West Milton* 1 The Hen s Nest Angel Heaven 50 N. Miami Street, 937-698-6985 11 N. Miami Street. 937-698-WING (9464) New Fall Gathering!; for in5ideand out now arriving! Couitry & PrimitiveConsierments Accepted. Rag Rugs, Birdhouses, Olde Century Paint, Scented Candles. Florals, Curtains, Dish Towels, Framed Prints, Fumiture Tues-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4 Angelic Gifts & Colle ctil:>les for All Occasions. Greeting Cards, Wall Art, Memorial and Inspirational Gifts. Hours: Mon 12-5, Tues-Sat 10-5 TOLL FREE 1-866-HEAVEN-1 Cozy Cottage Wertz Variety 47 N. Miami Street, 937-554-7764 Comeseeour new stcreexpanslon! Great Antique Finds & Vim:ageDesl(:ll'lS of Fumltureand CoilectibleHomeDecor. Great Sele ctlon of Gift Ideas! Tues-Sat 10-4 6 N. Miami Street, 937-698-5212 OldeFashionea Dime Store! Curly Yam & Artificial Flowers Flatfold Fabrics - 108" Quilt Backing Hard-to-find Items - Lots of EIWroidery & Quiltin(l Sl.f'Plies. Moo-Fri 9-6. Sat 9-5 Country Flower Bin 344 N. Furlo110 Road, Laura, 937-947-1546 Country Shop full of l.kriqueTreasures -AntlllueS, Candles, Coffees.Teas and Candies. Dried Floral Arrangements, Heros & Dried Flowers Grown on Site! Look for us on Facebook - Hours: Tues-Sat.12-6 Frame Mill Gallery & Home Gallery Flooring 109 S. Miami Street, 937-698-7037 Custom Framing. Floonng, Interior Decorating, Cons1gmient: Antiques & Crafts Tues - Fn 10-5, Sat 12-4 The Feddbrs Homestead * Christmas Open House* Saturday, November 16, 2013 Major Credit Cards Accepted Gift Certificates & Layway Available Gift with $50 Purchase - Storewide Discounts Door Prizes - Refreshments Visit us on Facebook! or emai l us at Dealers, Crafters & Consignors Welcome! Primitives, Handcrafted Furniture, Gifts & Home Decor Hard-to-Finds & Unique Items C>< [_23] - Urbana - West Liberty Kicl oU !JOlll' Ho~cla y Sl10pplu9 ln m slorlc Dowulowu Urbruaa T.Jrban..a Ohio 17£1LIL ~W(Q)lJ>IP>lli'!<I ,.... FM £'11' ll'll'~ Wll~'ll' g wour c:aec:nda-1 .. O h ris t .Tn a.s Open I I o u Ro November t,2,!J Bills Enchanted Flowers 221 Nol1h Macn Fruit Salad Antiques • 224 Scioto Street Old World N - Home Scioto S ttoctl Holiday Opc11 House November 1st, 2nd, &3rd Country Gentleman Over 2 0 parHd pn l·lug 107 Scioto Street Ben and Me lontlly ownecl rtncl opera~e,I speda l~y f sl101>s nncl lnc cn~crlcs. 18 Monument SI Huckleberry's 111 S. Main The Trading Company 202 Scioto St. Secret Garden 119 East Court St. MSD "T "°""" ~-#~ ·~ DIS l RIC. SOOlPf ~ument Square District Organization Frida~ 10-B Saturda~ 10-6 Sunda~ l-5 '937.653,57641800.873.5764 located in Logan County on State Route 68, (one hour from Columbus & Dayton) The Home of The Ohio Caverns & The Piatt Castles Restaurant, Bakery & Gift Shop ~ Restaurant 904 Miami Street Sun 7am-2pm Sat 7am-8pm Mon - Fri 6am- 8pm (937) 653-3276 Urbana, OH Bakery & G ift Shop 106 N. Oakland Street Sun lOam-2 pm Highland Country Store Kara Lynn's Gifts We're now carrying Olde Century Paints, Canus and European Soaps 93 7 -465-8222 Gathering P lace Home-Style Restaurant 937-465-3081 (937) 508-4072 Stop by and enjoy a home cooked meal just li ke Grandma used to make, then make sure to walk next door and browse through our farmhouse bakery and gift shop where we have something for ever>yQ ne. """"'~""""""""' I \ Handmade candles, u nique gifts and decorations 937-465-871 1 (closed Wed) The Market Place Marie's Candies Chocolates & Confections 937-465-3061 MCC Thrift S h op Benefitting the work of Mennonite Central Committee 937-465-3077 Hidden Treasures An Eclectic Collection of Treasures 93 7-465-0466 Handmade & special gifts plants, & much more 937-465-8728 Bowman's Ice Cre 93 7-465-8435 The Trumpet Vine &Flowers Furniture, lighting, pictures & more 937-465-1270 U pcoming Events: Sept 6-7 - Fall Open Houses Novl-2 - Christmas Preview Nov 29-30 - Christmas in the Village Contact an merchant for further details 1241 The Country Register, Sept/Oct 2013 -Springfield r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .., ~ Featuring a full line of home decor, a wide variety of seasonal decor, Scentisible Scents, Candleberry, 1803, and Store Signature candles, table linens, throws, primitive pictures including Billy :Jacobs, curtains, rugs, custom cupboards and shelves, York wall borders, Olde Century paints, grapevine trees, jewelry, handbags New ! Upholstered and Amish furniture, childrens toys & puzzles Autumn in the Country Fall Festival ....., September 28 • Many outdoor crafters • Kettle corn and food vendors • Beautiful mums, pumpkins, I ndian corn, gourds and str aw bales for all of your Fall decorating needs • 10% off all items inside t he store Decorate to Entertain Sale ....., Oct ober 25-26 • Get decorating ideas for the holidays • Print signing by Billy :Jacobs (Sat. 1-Spm only) • 20% off in-stock Billy :Jacobs prints • 10% off storewlde NEW LOCATION: 5880 Urbana Road, Springfield, OH 45502 937-629-0705 • Store Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-5:30pm, Saturday lOam-Spm ~~;; ; , ~~P:t~' · ;~;~,j~~~~":· '.~ t/(1mi1ivis ~ ()J\fiqu.e..s : Antiques - Home Decor - Gifts - Swan Creek Candles Located at The Murray House Bed & Breakfast'.~•c!:Y"''" 3774 Urbana Road, Springfield, OH 45502 t<Poo £. Leffe\ Lane in 4t>prin9fie\d, Ohio Once an old schoolhouse, built in the 1800's, H eart of Country is one of the largest gift shoppes! For the.finest selection of unique gifts, home decor and furniture stop in & stroll thru our beautifully decorated shoppe! F ~\I Open House Oct 4 fr 5, 10-4 Door> P r>izes, 20% OFF One I t eMI * Candleberry and Village Candles * Braided Rugs * Grapevine Trees *Furniture * Garden Flags * Magnabilities J.. ·-- I * Heritage Lace Tt:Asc -:; * Willow Tree Angels Mon-s RRrcs . * Country Curtains at 11 -3.00 • Our C.ountr1 Tea lZ-oom inside tieart of C.ountr1 with · *Battery Candles * Mailbox Wraps five beautifu\ rooms in whic.h 1ou ma1 dine. * Beaded Bracelets Offering de\ic.ious homemade soups, * Waxed Perfume Bowls sandwic.hes, sa\ads and D£'5'5£12-T'5! *And Much More! A\so. c.a\\ T£Ae>£1Z-1Z-l£'5 to host 1our brida\ ~ Con veniently located 1 1/2 mile off l -70, exit 54. Go to the first intersection (Leffel Lane) turn right, go thrn 4 traffic li!:ghts and we are on the left. bab1 showers, birthda1 parties, business meetings and retirement parties! I2s I Waynesville - - Lebanon DoN·T Miss THE Leamto decorate with WCHS FALL SHow! October S U 6, 2013 Saturday 10 am I:\() Decorators Showcase by Patti Johnson Interiors ANTIQUES 5 pm 0 * Sunday 11 am - 4 pm ... Admission $8 • Food on Site • Free Parking WCHSMUSJ!UM.ORG • 513-932-1817 Antique Reproduction Furniture• Windsor Chairs• Home Accents for the Fine American Home 61 S. Main Street, Wa nesville Crock Pot Mac &: Cheese Phone: 513-897-9000 Visitors to the Quaker Heritage Center immediately notice the 1500+ origami paper cranes suspended from the gallery ceiling. Now visitors have the chance to witness how those cranes inspired one artist, and share their own inspirations. Inspired by Cranes: The Art of Craig Dove is the newest exhibit at the Quaker Heritage Center. The exhibit will be on display at the Quaker Heritage Center through September 27, 20 13. The Quaker Heritage Center will be open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with special extended hours until 9 p.m. on Tuesday, September 24. The Meriarn R. Hare Quaker Heritage Center of Wilmington College is an educational center designed to help learners of all ages discover the rich heritage and living traditions of the Religious Society of Friends through a variety of exhibits, tours, presentations, lectures, activities, and programs. For more information about special events, hours, and upcoming exhibits, visit, or at 1 can cheddar cheese soup 1-1/2 c milk 1 bag elbow macaroni C16 oz) 2 c shredded cheddar cheese 1-1/2 c sour cream Cook macaroni 2-3 minutes less than what packaging instructs - to Al dente. Put in crock pot. Add cheese, soup (undiluted) and sour cream to macaroni and mix. Cover and cook on low for 1 hour. Add milk and stir. Cook for 1 more hour. LCNB Q; pepsi National Bank ...,.rr.. '" \rn ('h... 4 L 513-897-8855 N O P l::"I S P LEA SE. SER VICE A N I MA LS ON l .V ! county Saturday Sunday October 12th October 13th 9am-8pm 9am-6pm · ·· .~. ~ [!]_ .. 460 Juried Craft Exhibitors. Entertainment and Sauerkraut... Served in Many Traditional and Some Very Unusual Ways! - 1ohio'slamest playgroana Tourist Information: 1-800-791-4FUN - Wilmington - Lynchburg - Xenia Tke :5k"rre5 ~t Tke r>t~ Mitt (?0+ knti~ePe~ler5) l'.n~ 'lfCl~e A-~ t'-i~:.::i2t:. tj 'ff~::! ~fc~::ries * Framed Pictures * Country Curtains * Jewelry * Vine Trees * Home Decor * Wind Chimes * Olde Century Paints * IHF Braided Rugs * Donna Sharp & Victorian Heart ~Z-:~~~~~ 5~~ Handbags Mon-5c;lt 10-5:30, 5undc;ly Clo5ed --·t~~--IMI~ .~,·n.m .'~ . ... ~ Jib E. 5ugortree 5treet WilMington, OH 45177 937-3~3-1 ~99 *SATURDAY, OCT. 12, 2013 * * 9 AM - 4 PM * 70 D EA LERS ROB ERTS C EN TR E *WILMINGTO N, _,J~kk_ OH * 513-738-7256 Hhmespun C ristmas Craft Show -~-lY.Llf. ~!~!• ~aturday November 16 9am-3pm at the Greene County Fairground~ in Xenia, Ohio ~ The show features a wide range of handmade items by Ohio artisans Free Door Prize for the first 100 guests Free horse drawn carriage rides from 1-3 pm Meet with Santa from 1-3 pm (Have your picture taken as well for $2) Charity silent auction from 9am-1:30 pm Confession time: I am an addict. Although not addicted to substances (well, maybe a little bit to caffeine) whenever I see or hear the phase "mystery quilt" I run for my rotary cutter and start pawing through my stash. Waiting for the next "fix" can be agonizing. Is the current segment here yet? Did I miss it? Help! What is so compelling about mystery projects? Well, first of all, who can resist a mystery of any kind? Not me! For the uninitiated, mystery quilts are those for which we receive partial directions at intervals, not knowing until the very end what the completed project will look like. Ideally we make each block or segment as directions are received, often monthly, and by the end of the project we will have a complete set of blocks to assemble into a quilt. Colour choice is usually left up to the piecer, so we have the choice of staying within our colour comfort zone or experimenting with new-tous colours and combinations. And it's painless: because directions arrive at intervals, smaller chunks of time are required, making it easier to fit into busy schedules. Since each month's "assignment" takes only an hour or two, there is less danger of being overwhelmed and adding yet another project to our pile of UFOs. A close relative of the mystery quilt is the BOM (block of the month). Usually we know ahead of time what the finished project will look like, and our colour/fabric choices may be limited if fabric is provided as part of the program. The mystery is gone, which is a boon to those of us who are insecure about such things, but even so there is room for individual creativity in the setting of blocks, quilting designs and border arrangements. Many BOMs are learning opportunities. Some progress from easy to more-difficult blocks; others introduce new techniques. Where can we find mystery quilts and BOMs? Many quilting periodicals (e.g. Quilter's Newsletter, Quiltmaker) offer interesting ongoing projects. Some organizations (e.g. American Quilters' Society) offer them online. Many guilds do one yearly as part of their program, as do a lot of quilt shops. Googling mystery quilts reveals dozens of patterns for mystery quilts and BOMs; many are free. If you like to quilt in company, you will even find online groups who do the same mystery quilts at the same time and keep in touch with one another as they progress. So ... are you up to a challenge? The next time you'd like to add a little unpredictability to your quilting life, considering adding a mystery. I could tell you a lot more about the advantages, but I have three of them on the go at present, and I can't be late with my "homework!" ©Barbara Conquest, BlueSky Quilting . pr!~~3r~m~~~e~\t1Jits 240 N. Main Street, Lynchburg, OH 45142 937,364,9000 "A great place to shop for the comforts of your country home" Olde Century Paints • Candleberry Company Candles Park Designs • Dolls • Salem Treenware Homespun Tea Dyed Fabrics by the Yard Lamps • Handmade Wooden Items The Gingerbread Shop will t be open during the show for children's only Christmas shopping (gifts ranging from $1-$5 and include gift wrapping) ohiocountryre gis t e r .corn Clayton - Brookville - Trenton - Anti9ue Shops with a primitive Ha ir~ loca ted in both Town & Countr_:j in a 9uaint town ... Talmadge Road Mercantile 65 Talmadge Rd, Clayton, Ohio 45315 (937) 626-5115 and, on a n old tarm ... The Little Shop Antiques & Gardens 11716 Baltimore-Phillipsburg Pike Brookville, Ohio 45309 (937) 884-5948 ,I Fall Open Houses -Sept 27-289:11 find us on ai Facebook .·'·" ..\ /I • Open Every Fn-Sat-Sun • • • ) ,, ,'~ · · · , #'~,•, , An annual event at Barn 'N"Bunk is their Fall Festival Weekends. Join them at the farm for lots of family fun! Activities, entertainment, food, pumpkins, etc. Six weekends - from September 21st to the end of October. Check online at for more information. State Rt. 73, Wayne-Madison Rd in Trenton Visit Our 100 Year Old Barns! Main Barn w /three lofts - over 50 local crafters, orals, candles, framed prints, collectibles, furniture, fabric crafts, antiques 2nd Barn - Ice Cream & Candy Shop. Deli - More Gifts & Crafts, Yankee Candles 1893 Barn - Weekly Sunday Brunch Buffets 10:30-3p ' ••..,,. ....., I •,~••L' I As a Certified Tea and Etiquette Consultant, it bas been my joy to teach etiquette classes. Last spring, I had the pleasure of presenting an etiquette program to a 4th grade class of eleven boys and two girls. The challenge was to talk for one hour to a class of primarily all males. Not one to shy away from a challenge, I set about modifying my presentation in a way that would be geared toward the interests of the boys. When I arrived, the children bad just finished a snack break, so they were settling down. I set up my display, took a deep breath, and launched into my speech. By asking questions, and then proceeding to expound upon some principles, it didn't take long for the students to respond by eliciting examples of their own experiences, or cite examples to further illustrate the points being made. Their participation was a welcomed response, as that is a key component in assessing the success of the program. For active participation equates with interest, interest equals retention, retention equals practical application. As the class ended each child received a bookmark that gives a few tips relative to manners. As I was packing the display pieces, a young man came up and offered to help me put the china away. What a generous offer, as he was putting into practice what he had just learned. I thanked him and turned to say a few departing words to the teacher. As I was about to leave, another young boy with a sheet of paper came running up to me. Smiling, he proudly presented me with a hand drawn picture. It was not the words that he wrote, but the sentiment that he was sharing bis thoughts, and found a creative way to do so. That kind gesture so moved me that I have framed it, and gave it a prominent place on my desk, so that I can be reminded of the difference being made in the lives of young people. Later, I learned that the students, who took the etiquette class, told the principal that the etiquette lesson was delightful! If I bad to describe my job, I would have to say it is one of the most rewarding jobs ever, because my hope is that if children learn at an early age how to respect, and treat one another, we will have a far better world in which to live. Janet Young, Certified Tea and Etiquette Consultant, is a founding member ofMid-Atlantic Tea Business Association and freelance writer/national tea presenter. Visit her website at www.overtheteacup. com. comin Events at Barn 'n' Bunk: FALL FESTIVAL WEEKENDS - Saturdays & Sundays Sept 21 -21 , 28-29 and Oct 5-6, 12- 13, I 9-20 & 26-27 *Hanging Baskets, Bedding Plants, Mulch* 513-988-9211 pen D aily A ril - D ecemb er l2slThe Country Register, Sept/Oct 2013 PdL W~J-&~~ Unscramble the words. Key is below. _ _ _ _ _ tsuctneh glossy brown nut that may be roasted and eaten _ _ _ _ _ brnrcreeaissmall, red, acid berry used in cooking _ _ _ _ _ ueidudsco shedding its leaves annually _ _ _ _ _ duorg fleshy, typically large fruit with a hard skin, some are edible the usually round, red or yellow, edible fruit 5. _ _ _ _ _ palep of a small tree bracing, invigorating 6. _ _ _ _ _ rpisc 7. tumuan season of the year between summer and winter _ _ _ _ _ cilyhl Uncomfortably cool or cold _ _ _ _ _ nrcoa ovoid fruit or nut of an oak _ _ _ _ _ eahtyr of the nature of or consisting of soil _ _ _ _ _ rainocpcuoornamental container shaped like such a horn _ _ _ _ _ onbwr a color produced by mixing red, yellow, and black ftyrso Very cold with _ _ forming on surfaces _ _ _ _ _ hrstvae process or period of gathering in crops _ _ _ _ _ efla usually green organs borne by the stem of a plant _ _ _ _ _ eaplm a flavor of syrup processed from tree sap _ _ _ _ _ ocnr cereal plant that yields large grains, or kernels, set in rows on a cob _ _ _ _ _ ebyrlstu to blow in loud, violent gusts _ _ _ _ _ naelfnl a soft, slightly napped fabric of wool or wool and another fiber _ _ _ _ _ figeola ornamental representation of leaves, stems, and flowers Sydney Wright has loved drawing and painting since early childhood. With the encouragement and support of her parents, Sydney took private art lessons throughout her adolescent years. A love of art followed her to college where she expanded her knowledge studying illustration and graphic design. She graduated with a BFA from Tyler School of Art, Temple University. After graduating she landed a job working in the art department for the magazine Opera News. Later, Wright went on to work for the well known national publication, Ladies Home Journal. Sydney is now a :freelance artist working from her home on the coast of New Jersey. With a beach house overlooking the Atlantic Ocean she is blessed with infinite inspiration. As part of her :freelance work, Sydney creates illustration for Scholastic, a company providing teaching aids and educational material for children. She has also recently completed the illustration of her first children's book. A fun, whimsical style gives her work wide-reaching appeal in today's market. Thanks for sharing your artwork with The Country Register, Sydney! Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms From fabric A, background fabric, cut 60 - 3 Yi'' squares. Make 24 of row one. Make 12 of row two. Using the row from the last part, Make 12 blocks like photo. 24 medium mushrooms 2 T. olive oil 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1 5-oz pkg baby spinach, chopped Kosher salt & black pepper 3 /4 c. panko bread crumbs V2 c. Gruyere, grated Remove stems from mushrooms, finely chop and reserve. Coat a baking sheet w I oil. Bake the mushroom caps, stemside down 10-12 min@ 375°. Heat oil in medium skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and chopped stems and cook, stirring, until tender, 3-5 min. Add spinach, 1/4 tsp . salt and 1/8 tsp. pepper. Cook to wilt spinach, 2-3 min. more. Combine spinach mixture w /bread crumbs and cheese. Spoon into mushroom caps and bake until golden brown, 12-15 min. II And, finally, the last part will be sewing it altogether. Join us each issue of the Country Register in 2013 for another clue. (If you miss a clue ask your favorite shop for a back issue, check online at or You can purchase a kit for this project from Red Rooster Quilts. Just go to and search for Country Register Kit. The kit is $69.99 and it includes all the fabric for the top and binding. Just designate what color you want for the main color, (color B) and a winning combination will be selected by Red Rooster just for you ! L-.Jill!M~1; l~ ~-.~~~;J~~~l ,. ~A-J-:-,. ;: .r 1 ·~~·-....:..,;.. Lt. . i:.:414~~~. .: ...... 2 9 ] J Greenville Arcanum ~ ,. "{2,.,fry ~,~ __....... -.,,,,, For many years, I've shared my life with cats. It wasn't always that way. I grew up with a dog. Lucky was a terrier and beagle mix, the runt of the litter, and given to me by my uncle when his dog had pups. My late husband was a true dog lover. As part of the Military Police, when he served, his partner was a German shepherd named Pasha. Several dogs came in and out of our lives. After he died, we found ourselves without a pet. The girls wanted cats, so I became a cat person. 'Pri/ .L'J / ' ~I fl 'e -rhe p/qee for CJ!l your needs.' 5 !Hrs: -rues-Fn· ff - 5 ¢ Sqt tr- f I Ccmd/es • /Jrqic/ed Ru~s • flctndpqi:J1tec/ Fo/KifTt ?rirritiye J£cor ¢Custom ~de FurnitJ<re • Olde Cerrtwy ~int ~per Mxhe • HqndrncJc/e Ibl/S ¢/I/pre! . +11 S. f/roadwa Creenvi!le, OH f 5JJ1 CJJ7-5f J-O;?..J1 I miss the companionship of a good dog. For several years, I've been flirting with the idea of adding a dog to the fami ly. Breeds have been investigated and a list developed of the attributes I hoped to find, including: 1) mediumsized; 2) mixed breed, preferably a rescue; 3) male; 4) white with some color markings; and 5) a short coat. Although I was not seriously looking, a puppy crossed my path that ticked all the boxes and then some. Two weeks ago, I adopted Brian, a boxer and dachshund mix with a sad story. Only three months old, he's alive because of the dedication of a local rescue group. Oh my gosh! Having Brian is a LOT of work! There are frequent trips for "potty outside," although most of the time that's really finding sticks and eating them. There are frequent clean-ups in the house of you-know-what. Because he's still so young, everything goes into his mouth- fingers, clothes, noses, shoes and socks. You would think that he's trying to unhinge his jaw to swallow those items. He's found his voice and is learning to bark when people come to the door. After every "disappearance," even if it's only for about 20 seconds, he greets me with wagging tail and happy dancing like I've been gone almost forever. He is really, really good at playing fetch, although he loses interest after about five rounds. The cats are adjusting. ,- ---- -- - - - -- -- -- -- :.· The Olde Pore 3372 Alt. SR 49, Arcanum, OH 45 04 Fall Open House s t 13 &14 We begin obedience training this month. I do realize that's more about my learning bow to be a good dog owner than it is about Brian leaning bow to be a good dog. I'm sure we will practice and do well in class. My quilting has just about ground to a halt! I'm hoping that Brian will learn bow to be a good quilting companion, sitting in my studio with me while I sew. I think we're probably several months away fro m that. -1 During my involvement in this puppy madness, there have been some unpleasantries in my work world. It all boi led down to technical difficulties that had another, literally, on a different page than me. But, before we discovered the problem, tempers flared (mine) and apologies were offered (hers.) There are times when I long to be "retired," play in the dog park with Brian, work in my studio, and avoid interactions with people. As David Duchovny said, "I love dogs. They live in the moment and don't care about anything except affection and food . They're loyal and happy. Humans are just too damn complicated." Barbara Polston is a writer by vocation and a quilter by avocation. You can see Barbara's quilts, join her on Facebook or book her class and lecture offerings at She is the editor ofThe Quilting Quarterly, the Journal of The National Quilting Association, Inc. Barbara, who has lived in Phoenix, Arizona, for over 27 years, is calmly quilting in Studio Narnia. ©Barbara Polston, Phoenix, AZ, August 201.3 EnjoyOIUO in theFall! Checkoutpage 10 for a listingof greatfestivals! l3olThe Car a mel Apple Dessert 2 c. vanilla wafers, crushed (about 60) 1/ 3 c. butter, melted 1 8 oz. pkg. cream ch eese 1/ 4 c. sugar 3-1/ 4 c. milk, divided 8 oz. whipped topping 2 pkg. vanilla instant pudding V2 c. caramel ice cream topping 1 each r ed & green apple, chopped 1I 4 c. peanuts, chopped Mix cookie crumbs and butter. Press into l 3x 9 " pan. Beat cream cheese, sugar and 1/ 4 c. milk with mixer until well blended. Stir in 1 c. whipped topping. Spread over crust. Beat pudding mixes and rest of milk with whisk about 2 min. Stir in 1I 4 c. caramel topping. Spoon over cream cheese layer . Top with remaining whipped topping. Refrigerate 5 hours until firm. Top with apples, nuts and remaining caramel topping just befor e serving. Country Register, Sept/Oct 2013 'i '· Leesburg - Hillsboro - West Union Sabina - Washington Court House ~~--~ oouol~ 31stA :§: ~ ~ ~ ' j Leesburg Artisan Folk Fair ~. Saturday, November 2nd, 2013 I 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Fairfield High School on Route 771/S. Fairfield Rd. Leesburg, Ohio The Leesburg Folk Fair Committee would like to welcome you to our 31st Annual Show in scenic Leesburg, Ohio. This year's oneday show includes a variety of quality hand-made goods from skilled artisans and crafters. Admission is free! ~~~ Crafts included in the show: Pottery · Crocheting/Needlecrafts · Woodcrafts Primitives· Jewelry· And More! ~I 26tl"I /\nnual Christmas Around Sabina Town Sabina, Ohio s Open House (St. Rt. 22 & 3 to Howard Street) "OV Nov 8 & 9, 2013 Fri, 9am-7pm & Sat, 9am-5pm 2:~d'. • ~ • '. ff Home D Can Locally M e Furnit re Quilt Squa s d Ma Approx 50 crafters & 25 hornes participating. All handcrafted items with great gifts & decorations for the season! f'\eart o~ ?th Annua\ Wheat 12-idge O\de Th1me Herb Fair 1';,.:~"' c 0 untr! ~~ ~ ~ Harvest Festiva\ Oct 11-12-13, 2013 Fri-Sat & Sun, 10am-5pm Fr~sh }f~hs, }f~h~r 1>r~duets, ~~~d t'~~d. ~u~Lity Cr~fts, ~umpkins, 'Mums, c'flntiqu~s. ~umpkin c'flntiqu~ Tr~ct~rs c~nn~n. 817 Tater Ridge Road, West Union, Ohio -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- S-1~~ ----------.-.-.-.-.-. < War AM IT -- SELL IT -- FIND IT -- TELL IT* WHITE PINE BOARDS Sara's Herbs & Wh ol esal e Ohio based lumber distributor is currently stocking kiln dried White Pine Boards for the pine furniture and craft industry. For mure tn/ormation call 330-3/JS-5550 .lG1·eat Lakes .lLlunbe1· Con1pany Everlastin~s 1842 Hillandale Road NE New Philadelphia OH 44663 Primitive C upboard, Oak Harbor Novelties and Nostalgia, Woodville Packer Creek Pottery, Genoa Country Cupboard, Gibsonburg Thyme For All Seasons, Curtice The Summer Kitchen, Helena Beeker Genera.I Store, Pemberville Riverbank Antique Market, Pemberville 330-364-3407 Christmas Open House Nov9& 10 sarasherbs.blogspot.corn I if;~~~~~· Open Wed 10-3, Thur-Fri-Sal I0-5, Sun in Nov & r' Dec 12-5 For Info call 419-707-3636 .~~. beech street candleworks 1~~· Luxury Soy Candles Hand Poured In Hiiisboro Ohio 651 5 Mad River Road Hillsboro OH 937-661-1437 cs@beechstreetcandleworks The OldeCounfrg Shoppe 3$ OldXenia Rd.. London. OH q3J!j() 7!j()-S52-3!Y7S Prtmttlv~-Framcd Prints-Rugs aewelrg-Candleberrg &BlackCrow Candi~ PotpourrHeriod L! Furniture Stephanie Dawn &BellaTaglor Hand gs 1'lfE PLACE TO SHOP . Ill THE GOOm'Rr . ·j Visit ..... -Ir Aftordable, professional web design -lrOn-line shops with Pa~pal read~ cart -lrWeb Hosting indudes site maintenance -Ir Product eriir~ for new & existing sites -Ir Print Design -It To find s h ops online for FREE! Or order the 6th Edi tion of our Travel Guide for only $15.95 Follow us on WWW.PftlMhOUSCDCSIGNS.COM SJ :ft.lltf:tn.,s Courrt;ry Horne For all your Country and ?tirnrtivP. Pecor 11/eeds untry ister: ,. . . ... . ' " , .... ··.. . . ··. ....'f.. ··....·.. . . .. . ·· ~ ... ,· ~ .. .. 't . ' . .. Marysville - Dublin 117 s ~ain.St. ~arysviffe, Ohio 937-645-0247 The shop is ready for fall , are you? We' ve got what you need to make your home feel cozy and inviting! Of course ANTIQ ES, and the fun stuff like florals, candles, linens and Sheryl's wonderful handmade PRIMITIVES ! 10% off all candles when you say you saw us in ti Country Register! ind us on Facebook W\.Vw.face · Wed 11 to 5 - Thurs 11 to6 - Fri 11 to5 - Sat 10 to 4 Fate Fe6tival Aw & CJtaib SW October 5, 2013, 1Dam - 5pm - - 264 W. Fifth Street, Marysville Otte1t 30 Aw & C~b Uwlou f FoM & Ftut b01t fke WJu,ee FlUtlify f JUST OFF SR f6f S 1-270 48 CORBINS Mill DRIVE DUBLIN, OHIO 430f7 6f4-734-9007 SHOP HOURS: M, W, F6 SAT f0-5, TUES 6 THURS f0-8, Saturday, September 7, 2013 - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ~earl ,; Over ~ 50 Uliligue \teAdors CelebratiAg oLJJr 33nd Vp.tJJ;um 9vt_arysvi,{{e, Ohio ,,==~=~~ II CLOSED SUNDAYS OVER 3, 000 SQUARE FEET! MACHINE QUILTING ON PREMISES JANOME ELMA 6 NECCHI DEALERS NEW '70P OF THE LINE" COMING SOON! I [33 [ - Heath {J-l VtdeJtS 0 leeep eJlS 1101111111111 CRAFT AND ANTIQUE MALL Handcrafted Gifts, Antiques, Art, Home Decor and much more... WOW! THIS PLACE IS INCREDIBLE! 789 Hebron Road Park Plaz a Center Check out our website Heath, Ohio C Major Cred· ards <lccept~~ Ou-e.JL 200 UKcque SR.o ps Our cust omers and c rafters find unique t heme booths suc h as our... • V i ntage & Retro I tems • Antiques • Primitiv e s • Furniture a n d Accents • B as kets & Linens •Jewelry • W illow Tree Angel s • Windchimes • Bird House s • Bath & Body Luxuries • Candle s • Ceramics • Cottage Collectibles • Country Crafts • Dolls - Ceramic & Primitive • F lorals • Framed Prints • G ee se Cloth es • Greeting Cards • L ongaberger Baskets • P ark I mports L i nens • Pottery & C eramics • OSU I t em s • Wood Crafts • Seasonal and Nautical Items Tour Buses Welcome! r--~"'"'-~-==--.;.&....::;;~ Area Map to inders Keepers Join us for our Annual October Midnight Madness Sale Thursday, Oct 10 after hours from Bpm to 11:30 pm A ll merchandise will be marked down a minimum of 10% off regular price. Guess the Weight of the GREAT PUMPKIN Contest! Winner will receive a $75 Finders Keepers Gift Certifi cate! FREE Gift at the Door - FREE Refreshments Numerous Finders Keepers Gift Certificates until 11:30 PM! 740-522-3233 or 800-843-9301 ~l_..·~ ~ The Pottersburg Bridge, just twelve miles west of Marysville, Ohio, will be the host site for the 6th Annual Covered Bridge Bluegrass Festival, Sept. 20-21-22. PHOTOS FROM LAST YEAR'S FESTIVAL The venue will feature several bluegrass bands and string music, oldfashioned games, kids activities, quilt displays, heritage artistry, pie baking contest, bridge tours and a marketplace. Horse drawn wagons rides and a professional pumpkin craver will also be on site. The festival wi11 open at noon on Friday with bridge tours, marketplace, wagon rides and a dinner at sunset on Pottersburg Bridge (pre-sale tickets required.) A full day of events will take place on Saturday from 10 a.m. to dusk, including a pie baking contest and auction, pumpkin carving display and storytelling, Historical Society displays and heritage demonstrations, special activities by Marysville Art League and Partridge Co-op. Folk artist Billy Jacobs will be in attendance signing books and prints and painting a picture of the bridge. A Lion's Club pancake breakfast will be served on the bridge from 8:30-10:30 AM. A special concert featuring several bluegrass groups will be held at 8PM at Veterans Memorial Auditorium in Marysville. Festivities will come to a close on Sunday mornjng with a community church service. Various food vendors will be on the grounds during the festival. This event is sponsored by the Urnon County Chamber of Commerce. Some events require pre-sale tickets. Call 937-642-6279 for more information. For a complete list of events, visit lltfl IJ iI ttl illfttfjJ~ 11 COVERED BRIDGE BL~E6RASS r:>~~l!Yi~ ... ...FESTIVAL ...... SEPIENBE 20, 21 I SEPT..18.ER ?O. ll &Z?.?Oll L.. '-.. ~ ~ 1,1...mlJones URE . ~_,..... Looking for a weekend of fun for the whole family? The Festival has it COVERED! Columbus Russells Point 'ftU JovR fAvof{I1'f J 'fol\E you i '~.~~c~~~~tH~~~.rr~~:J JAWTHEii{ AP '·.·· Home • Harvest Antiques • Artisans Great Shopping! 0v<>r 20() booths O( IUlliQUt'S &nd handcrafuid goods PLUS a Oourmot Harv<.'51. Mark<•t AND tho Count,,. Livinq General Store. Ff'1<1uN'd v<>ndors includ1> Bohemian Bird. Caf'om&l Colours, Ccmury Farmbuuso Sooips, Earth Angels Studio.1, ~'indings (a Summer Hou!;(', French Laundry Homo, The J8ffi & Jolly Lady, Jeni's Splendid loo Cl'('ams. Miss 1'1u'Oloo's Pil's, Modf'rn Jun<>, Artist Will Mo:!Cs. llcd Door Anwquos, Rough & Tumble Vintage, South Porch Antiques, Tinsel 'l'rnding Co .. & Wholly Cru.ftl Special Guests 'l'V"s 'l'ho Fabulous ll<>t•km1tn Boys, Cari Cucksey of HOTV·s Cash lllld Cari. and many more. Septeinber 13-14-15 Ohio Villago at tho Ohio History Ccntor, exit I 11 of l-71. Appraisals "What is it? Wh1<t is it Worth?" Liv(I! Seminars &How-To's Cooking. Crafting, Droorating. Book Signings. Dt:>mons1 rations &. how-to"s throughout tho fair - paper making, furnilul'(', pottery. and more. Meet The Editors I I Columbus, OH co,.ntM'livinl!.oo"" r... r disoount lldvan<'C' tiekot.'J \AJUn l"V &. fair info: Swlla Show Mgmt. Co. r"n:--f L LJ .___ ymg · ~~ 1-866-500-FAIR ---=-et: ·=- S'-Ho<n: 10-5 each day·,• ., or.i.... Ad""'''"'" One day S16/S13 ..i.aoce, We«end poss S20/SIS ""'-· E..ty t>td S•O ad.>nce orly· 1..ty lwds ..,.., • 8:301.11\ "'di°' S... lo< 90........,of ptonty"'°""'ng. Ad· vonce bdeu m•loOle ...,19110; b<,. tlw1)' ..,.,. obit,.,, cloys., !he bO>< officolt<d<., ,..i., tent Addreu ~ f0t GPS • 800 East 17th Avt , Columoua. OH 43211 .=. Rogdat f.., a(>ply daoly Pets ore not "°""'tted. onfn. - $30FF Special Guest This Fall - Mark Your Calendar! Sun, Oct l 3th - l 2 to 5pm Jeff Abrams will be in-house with his handcrafted wooden jigsaw puzzles. He will be showing the pieces and discussing how they're made. He will have work on hand that may be purchased or ordered. Light refreshments will be served. 184 W. Main (behind RiteAid Pharmacy) One Full Price Admission To The Country Living Fair With This Ad Russells Point, OH 43348 Hours: Mon & Wed 2-6, Thurs-Sat 11-6, Sun 12-5, Closed Tues Vaid lorSJ olf one one-day or weekend pass admission at the door on far days only, Septembe< 13-14-15, 2013. - ~scoon= lora~.;;.. - omll The Country Register, Sept/Oct 2013 855 Coshocton Ave I ~ ~ Mt. Vernon 740-397-0300 WE CARRY FULL LINES OF: Hand-Made Furniture Donna Sharp Purses Pottery Park Curtains Warm Glow Candles McCalls Candles Primitive Glow Lights Swan Creek Candles Beautiful Pictures Candle Warmers Stars - Flags Potpourri Merchandise Arriving Dailyl Store Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30-5:30, Sat 9:30-4 THINGS THAT MAKE YOUR HOME SMELL 6 LOOKGOOD6 MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD! 4000 SQ FTOF HOME DECOR ~: ~:· i ~: ... ,; . ,; ;. ·.- ,... We c:re next to Kroger's in " shopping p\Glztl with plenty of FREE pGrking\ f>uses welcOMC \ Lancaster - Johnsto-w-n - Pataskala Canal Win chester - vj sit our rear courtyar (") 0 ;:!! ~ Vl c.> ?fe/ ·c ""'" .::: ........ ro u Tiinber Tunes Sept Hours: Fri 10. 6, Sat 10. 5, sun 1-5 E +-" I '·~ "" · ''! I ' :\: j • l ... , l· ~,... .· l~ L. : i~ :'0 ! ! '"\ ' Octthru ~ec Hours: Thurs, Fn, Sat 10-5 & Sun 1-5 ""'" ro love our ~ids! ~ I - ~ ~ Q IFTS & A NT IQVES FOR HOME & QARDEN Vl ;:) F®uit>z.. " (1) I ~ ¢ Qi ~ I ~ 9862 Johnstown-V Rd (Rt 6 2~ Johnstown, OH 43031 call 7 40-967-0421 ~ mile east of dow ntown J ohnstown * handcrafted furniture * bowls * cuttin ::i;· i * Z" a> c:: ~ '--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5choo\'s Back in 5ession - boards DRIVE CAREF\Jll Y Cafieo. C'!f>boJul 74 Oak Meadow Drive, Pataskala, OH 43062 740-927-2636 • 'Boak6 • 'Pailew • ~ Aww. tuUL ICalUj(lltM ~ C~ 'f~ check our website for classes and upcoming events: Hours: Mon-Wed, 10-5, Thurs, 10-8 Fri-Sat 10-5 eurry' ~ lintique~ .... . ..1°fle ~au3fli~3 /2,we 25 N. High Street Canal Winchester, OH 43110 - -- - rr- A Unique Quilting & Rug Store Come see all the scarecrows, crows, witches and every color pumpkin. Fresh bittersweet garlands and wreaths. New England antiques and old hand hew log cabins for sale. Autumn Gathering Fri, Sept 20 & Sat, Sept 21 10am to 4pm Christmas Gathering Fri & Sat, Nov 1 & 2, 1Oam to 4pm Huge show with snowmen and santas of all sizes. We hand dip our own Christmas lights (these are wonderful). Tim Tanners new book out and we are featured - we have it now. Fresh bay wreaths and greenery. Holiday Open House The week of October 8, we will be moving our shop to 360 W. Waterloo in Canal Winchester. We wi ll be closed from Oct 8-1 1. Please visit us at our new location! Candleberry Candle Dealer! Large Selection of Civil War Reproduction Fabrics Homespuns and Brushed Flannels New Bolt Wool - Hand Dyed Wool Rug & Quilting Supplies Classes Available Quilting & Rug Hooking We carry numerous kits including wool applique kits Sat, Dec 7 - 4 hours only - 2-6pm House will be totally decorated for you to tour! We'll feed you well ! Shop will be open with lots of fresh greenery and holiday goodies. 16 hand-crafters work at Curry's Antiq ues making the best hand-made items. Always something new and great! All shows are admission free! email : web: [381The Country Register, Sept/Oct 2013 Hours: Tues I 0-5, Wed 10-5, Thurs 10-8, Fri 10-5 & C'n• I ~ OHIO 1 2 3 The Heart of it All! 4 5 6 The Count1) Register is available at our advertisers' businesses. The map dots represent the towns advertising. 1 7 8 e111e111ber to let the shops k1101v .vou saw their ad i11 9 Tlie C-01,11tr' "'legister' 10 Send any comments and/or questions to: 11 Barb Moore, Editor & Publisher 12 PO Box 37· Cable, OH 43009 937-652-1157 13 14 e-mail City/Page/Shop City/Page/Shop Map A B C DE F G H I J K LM N0 P Q R Northeast Northwest Arlington 15 Map P-5 Alliance 13 Bridgewater Plimftlvee F-5 & Appl" Creek Antlquee Attica 1-4 10, 40 Oak Ridge Feetlval Ashland K-5 10 Fall Fe5tival of the Arte 21 Oliveel:>urg General Store 21 Pareley Pot Bettsville H-4 9 Door Mouee Bloomville H-4 9 Primitive Croeeroade Curtice G-2 32 Thyme For All Seasons Dunkirk F-5 & Maeon'e Mercantile & Enc:hanted Forest F-4 Findlay 10 Christmas In the Jones House & Early Americ:an Home & Homeetead Collec:tlon F-5 8 Nana's Gibsonburg G-:3 9 Country Cupl:>oard·Ohlo Greenwich J-4 9 Painted Chair F-6 Kenton 10 Hardin County Chaml:>er & Hltee Homestead Lima D-6 6, 10 Grand Lake One Stop 6 Heavenly Stltc:hee J-:3 M iian 32 Gatherings J-:3 Norwalk 10 Prairie Peddler Festival St. Henry 7 The Saltl:>oK B-7 Tiffin H-4 9 Who's Nute B-5 Van Wert 7 De Shla Willard J-4 9 Pic:ket Fenc:e Woodville G-3 32 Fall Frolic: Shop Hop Out of State Michigan 22 Ghoultlde Gathering 22 Tereea Kogut West Virginia 32 Primitive House Deelgne Oregon 22 Qulltere Sllc:teloc:k Kentucky 22 Sew Original Quilt EKpo Canal Winchester 3& Laughing Ewe City/Page/Shop H-7 Dela ware 10 Rolling Ac:ree Show Dubli n H-8 33 Red Rooster Quilts Heath K-8 34 Finders Keep" re J-8 John&town 32 Jillian's Country Home 3& Timl:>er Tunes N-4 Copley 14 Simpler Timee Antlquee Cortland R-:3 12 Cortland Shope Frederic:kel:>urg M-6 14 656 Primitive Shoppe Q-1 Geneva 10 Village Peddler Feetlval Jeromesville L-5 21 Country Charm Fal:>ric: Kidron N-6 14 Amish Country Quilt Shop Hop Loui!:wille 0-5 13 Annalouiea'e NeedleArte Lucas J-5 10 In the Spirit of Friends Show Mansfield J-5 20 Added Touc:h 19 AmlehWaree.c:om 20 Crahy Clutter 10 Gathered Treasures Show Cambrid ge New Philadelphia 0-6 3 2 Great Lakee Luml:>er Co. 32 Sara's He!Ve & Everlastings 32 Sally'e Shop North Lima R-5 Walnut Creek N-6 11 Piney Creek Primitives 13 Amish Country Quilt Show Shiloh J-5 15 Homespun Treasures 19 Country Fal>ric:e Woo&ter M-5 R-7 Steubenville 17 Olde Crowe Homestead 11 Country Crake From the Heart 17 Pin" Tree Barn Uniontown 0-5 15 Pine Cone Gift Shoppe Vienna R-4 11 Honey Pot C-9 Clayton 2& Talmadge Road Mercantile B-8 Greenville 30 Country Ptimltlves Hiiisboro F-12 32 Beec:h Street Candleworks 31 Janl.,'e Closet 31 Merl" Norman Cosmetic:5 Huber Heights D-9 23 Peddlers Homestead Lebanon D-11 26 Warren Co Hist Soc:iety Lynchburg 27 Rusty Star N -11 5 Neffs Country Lok M-4 Brookville C-9 2& Little Shop Antiques London G-9 32 Olde Country Shoppe Mary&ville G-8 33 Maryeville Art League 35 Union Co. Chaml>er 32 Uptown Antiquee 33 Feetifair K-7 Mt. Vernon 37 Country Treasures 10 Simple Goods 32 Woolson Company Belpre Wad&worth B-9 Leesburg F-11 10, 31 Leeel:>urg Artisan Folk Fair Southeast Northeast (c:ont'd) Arcanum 30 Olde Porch Lanca&ter J-10 3& Curry'e Antiques Newark K-8 37 Old Crow Pataskala J-8 3& Calic:o Cupl:>oard E-7 Russells Point 36 Signature Antiques/A Rol:>l:>lne Nest M-6 Miiiersburg 16 Somewhere Sewing Map Southwest 1-9 Columbus H-9 33 Columl:>us Marketplac:e 36 Greater Columl:>ue Antique 36 Heritage Market 10, 36 Country Living Show Berlin M-6 16 Country Crak Cupl:>oard 16 Country Gatherings 16 Primitive Porch R-4 Boardman 12 Bernina Store 0-4 Canfield 13 Crac:ked Croc:k Navarre N-6 15 Billy Jac:ol>e Art Gallery New Middletown R-5 11 Hampton Hill Mercantile Map Central Avon L-:3 1& Primitive Country Memoriee 1& Quartermaster General Botkins D-7 6 Country Lan" Crake Celina B-6 7 Prairiewood Primitives Forest City/Page/Shop N-8 5 Caml:>ridge Main Street Chillicothe 1-11 3 Chillic:othe Crah Mall Frazeysburg L-8 4 The Basket Shoppe Logan K-10 4 Hoc:king Hille Crahe & More Rio Grande K-1:3 4 Bo!:> Evans Farms Wheelersbu rg 1-14 3 Rol:>ins Nest 3 Sout hern Ohio Crah Mall Thanks for reading The Country Register! E-12 Miamisburg C-10 10 Mlamiel:>urg Starving Artiets Sabina F-11 10, 31 Christmas Around Sal:>ina Springfield E-9 25 Heart of Country 25 Homespun Blessings 25 Ruetlquee 25 Under the Shady Tree Trenton C-11 2& Barn 'n' Bunk Farm Market F-8 Ur bana 10 Champaign Co Hist Soc:iety 24 Farmers Daughter 24 Url:>ana Group 24 Url:>ana Monument Square Washington C. H. G -10 40 North Shore Primitives 31 Simply Home Waynesville D-10 26 Benner'e Colonial Traditions 26 Waynesville Area Chaml:>er We&t Liberty E-8 24 West Lll:>erty Merchante We&t Milton C-9 10, 23 West Milton Shoppes We&t Union F-1:3 31 Wheat Ridge Olde Thyme Wilmington E-11 27 Old Mill Antiques 10 Ohio Country Antique Show Xenia E-10 10 Fox Antiques & Suc:h 10, 27 Homespun Christmas October 19 & 20, 2013 An Outdoor Family Festival SHOW HOURS: Saturday & Sunday 10am to 5pm QA!.!.YADMISSION: Adults $6.00 Seniors $5.00 8-12 yr olds $4.00 7 & under Free Next Show. Hand-Made Crafts - Over l 70 Quali1y Vendors Delicious Food - Savory, home cooked country vittles Live Entertainment - Fiddlin', Singin', Banjo Pickin' Kids' Activities - Games, Face Painting, One-Room School Living History - Encampment, Competitions & Demos Antique Farm Equipment - Displays and Demos Sheep Shearing Demos - Saturday & Sunday Military Vehicle & Weaponry Displays Country Auction - Sunday Only @ l pm ATTICA, OHIO July 19 & 20, 2014 Oct 18 & 19, 201 Free Parking • No Pets Free Shuttle Rides Festival Held Rain or Shine Handicap Accessible For Information: 41 9-426-0611 15498 E Twp Rd 104, PO Box 286, Attica, OH 44807 &1f ~v-U- • 1-tfld-0:f rrtt Av1- • :C~v-~ #~ AJ{,1£1~ • ~-P-r Cww- C~ • t~ -:rn.-~ r~1uu- . ~tul r~