July 2016 Lamp - Aladdin Shrine


July 2016 Lamp - Aladdin Shrine
Inside This Issue
Volume LXXXVIII | Issue 7 | July 2016
1 Potentate’s Message
1 Tabloid Times
3 Chaplain’s Corner
Welcome 29 New Nobles into Aladdin Shrine
Special Events
4 Aladdin Family Picnic
5 Stag Picnic
6 2017 Costa Rica Trip
12 Chicken-Corn Roast/Aladdin
Car Show
12 Aladdin Night at Clippers
Membership Statistics
Membership As Of 1-1-2016
Associate Members 1-1-2016
Total Membership 1-1-2016
Yr to Date
Creations 1
Assoc. Members 0
Total Additions YTD
Current Yr to Date
Assoc. Dropped 0
Total Deletions YTD 90
Membership As Of 5-31-2016
Net Loss/Gain YTD
Thanks go to all Nobles who volunteered their time and talents to park cars, check-in patrons, man gate cuts and all
the various tasks needed to handle Muirfield. Thanks go to Dave Peters and everyone for another great money-making
project for the various units and clubs.
We now have 29 new Nobles who traversed the Hot Sands on Saturday, June 11, 2016. To those who took part in
the cast, applied make-up, registered all, setup the facility and anyone else who had a job, large or small, THANKS
for all that you did.
I have heard a lot of really favorable comments about how nice the Ceremonial was. (See article/photographs on
page 7.) This was our first Ceremonial in the new Aladdin Shrine Center and we had to make several changes to the
way we used to do it. Thanks go to Ill. Sir Bill Selsam, Noble Aaron Langhirt and the Brutal Brothers for making the
necessary changes to make the Ceremonial a huge success. To those who came in as candidates and are now Nobles,
thanks for joining Aladdin Shriners and being a part of the inaugural class. Now you need to stay involved; join a
unit or club, or both, and take an active part. Remember what I said, "You will get out of it just what YOU put into it!"
As I write this article, I am anticipating having a great time for the next 13 days as 52 Nobles and ladies travel to Ronald "Ron" H. Leonard,
Europe to take the Danube River Cruise and then spend three additional days in Munich. I will report to you next
month how things went but you will need to ask those who went about the great time they had.
Nobles, the east patio has been approved for liquor. This will allow you to consume alcoholic beverages there. Stop by the Oasis, purchase a
beverage of your choice and enjoy nature at its finest. The mezzanine in the garage has been completed. Now it needs to have the city of Grove City
make its final Inspection. Once completed, the Brutal Brothers and Clowns will have additional storage space under the mezzanine for storage of
over-sized items. The upper level will be used to store the Christmas decorations, the extra LED lights from the old ballroom on Stelzer Road and a
few other items. I would like to thank our High Priest and Prophet Noble Rodney Holdren (U-Hoo) and his work crew for constructing this. It saved
us a considerable amount of money
July events include the Imperial Shrine in Tampa, Florida at the Sheraton Riverwalk Hotel from July 3 - 7. The Stag Picnic will be at Aladdin on
Saturday, July 9. (See information on page 5.) The Family Picnic is the following week on Saturday, July 16. (See ad on page 4.) Clippers Night is set
for Tuesday evening, July 19 at Huntington Park. Tickets must be purchased in advance. (See ad on page 12.) The Divan and several staff members
will be attending five unit and club visitations as well.
Tabloid Times
by Bob Stevenson, Tabloid Chair
Time sneaks up on you like a windshield on a bug. ~ John Lithgow
The printing schedule for this month’s Lamp does not allow us to report the 2016 Tabloid results. We will have them in the August issue, but more
important we will have them at the Aladdin Shrine Stag Picnic. It will be held at our Aladdin Shrine Center on Saturday, July 9, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Please plan to attend. The awards for the first through fifth place amounts raised by clubs/units will be presented. As I’m writing this to beat the
deadline, I have no idea who has done what so far and we have 5 days yet to go before our deadline.
Once again it is a good time to give a hugh “thank you” to all who have helped make Tabloid 2016, and the many years before this, the successful
program it is. It is safe to say that Tabloid helps, in very large measure, define what the Nobles of Aladdin Shrine are all about. I hope you are as proud
of what you’ve accomplished over the years as I am. God bless you all and your ladies, family, friends and businesses that help you. See you at the Stag!
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, OH 43219-9001 and at additional mailing offices.
Aladdin’s Lamp
Calender of Events
1801 Gateway Circle
Grove City, Ohio 43123
JULY 3-7
Imperial Session
p 12
Summer Picnic
p 12
Stag Picnic
Aladdin at Clippers
Chicken & Corn Roast/
Aladdin Shrine Car Show
p 12
Our 22 Shriners Hospital for Children®
Official Publication of Aladdin Shriners,
Shriners International
Volume LXXXVIII No. 7 July 2016
Published Monthly: Subscription Price $6.00/year
Aladdin’s Lamp
1801 Gateway Circle, Grove, City, OH 43123
(614) 475-2609
ALADDIN’S LAMP (USPS 011-800) published monthly
for $6.00 per year at 1801 Gateway Circle,
Grove City, OH 43123
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, Ohio 43219-9001
and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: send address changes to
Aladdin’s Lamp
1801 Gateway Circle,
Grove City, OH 43123
Editor: Frankie Foster, (614) 932-9522
E-mail: frankie@thebytesite.com
Club and Unit News: 6260 Braelinn Drive,
Dublin, OH 43017
News Fax Line: (888) 788-1741
News Deadline: 6th of the preceding month
Advertising: (614) 475-2609, Ext. 110
or (800) 475-3850, Ext. 110
Advertising Deadline: 6th of month preceding
publication (Aladdin Shrine reserves the right
to reject submitted advertising.)
Stated Meetings
Regular meetings of the Aladdin Shriners are held
on the third Monday of each month except
June, July and August at 6:30 PM. (Dinner at 5:30 PM).
1801 Gateway Circle, Grove, City, OH 43123
(614) 475-2609
(800) 475-3850
Elected Divan
Potentate: Ronald H. Leonard
Chief Rabban: Jon M. Kinney
Assistant Rabban: Todd Jones
High Priest and Prophet: Rodney L. Holdren
Oriental Guide: Zale A. Maxwell
Treasurer: W. Garol Rogers, P.P.
Recorder: Donald G. Goodman, P.P.
Appointed Divan
1st Ceremonial Master: Arthur L. Wilson
2nd Ceremonial Master: Roscoe R. Smith
Chaplain: D. Dee Mowry, P.P.
Aladdin Shrine Center Directory
Shrine Center Office
614-475-2609 - Fax: (614) 991-6457
Outside Franklin County: (800) 475-3850
Executive Director:
Chad Dennewitz , Ext. 110
Circus Director:
Jeff Carter, Ext. 109
Kim Luckeydoo, Ext. 103
Circus & ASHAC
Building Rentals, Ext. 101
Amber Crosby, Ext. 113
Shrine Event Coordinator
Membership Coordinator
Elizabeth Shoemaker, Ext. 112
Dial 0 for Immediate Assistance
After 4:30 PM and on weekends - Ext. 111 for
Security Desk
by Bob Stevenson & Tom McNeil
Summertime and the living is easy, or so it says. But at your SHC-Erie ASC/OSCC (Ambulatory Surgical
Center/ Outpatient Specialty Care Center) much is happening. On June 14 there were interviews for
a new medical director to replace Dr. James Roach, MD, who retires June 30. We had representatives
from Tampa including our SHC VP of HR, Medical Director for SHC and our SHC Corporate Physician
Recruiter for the interview. Also attending was the chair of SHC Medical Advisory Board. Interviews
took place with members of both the medical staff and governance/leadership. The participants
are indicative of how serious this position is taken and the importance placed upon making the
right selection. We hope to report on our new medical director in the near future.
There is no question that our success, by having successful outcomes with our kids, can only be
achieved by our people. In May the annual Employee Service Awards Presentation and Reception
took place. Twelve staff members were recognized for years of service from five years to 25 years.
Also begun this year is SHC-Erie Quarter Century Club. We inducted an initial group of 20 employees
for service from 25 - 41 years; yes 41! We must be doing something right for that kind of service to
Shriners and our kids. We thank them. In addition 52 members of the staff were recognized who
volunteered in the greater Erie Community for a total of 470 hours in the past year. It is truly an
honor to know the people who are SHC-Erie!
Well, enough of the fun stuff; how about some business? Through May our local operating
expenses were $59,696 or 1.7% under budget and total operating budget (after Tampa stuff was
added) was $327,609 or 7.2% under budget. This one has a tendency to catch itself up as the year
progresses, but in all, our numbers are solid. A speech pathologist added was to our staff at the end
of June. We are very excited to have this position to add significant therapy for a large number of
our kids. Again, we are trail blazers as SHC will look at adding this as a position at LA and Lexington
when they move to our ASC/OSCC model. For the YTD numbers of May, we saw 1,031 new patient
intakes and our staff averages 48.13 encounters per day, up from 46.5 per day in 2015. We continue
to improve, year after year, and we are looking at new opportunities to expand our services to kids
and their families in our service area.
I encourage you to follow not just Erie, but all our SHC locations on Facebook and on Shrine
Village and YouTube. So much happens in any given month, it’s hard to know what to write about.
As always, if you meet a Roadrunner, please say THANKS! We could not do this without them.
Cincinnati Hospital
by D. Dee Mowry, P.P.
Now that summer is in full swing and most fields and gardens are
pretty well planted, it is time to give some thought to food and food
production. One is reminded of the exodus from Egypt. Psalm 78
gives some insight of this event.
A few years ago your author (me) had an opportunity to visit
the Sinai Peninsula which is an extension of the continent of Asia
and lies between Egypt and the Red Sea. This is the route which the
people leaving Egypt would have had to cross. After driving a few
miles, I asked the bus driver what was ahead to which he replied,
“More sand.” My reply was to turn around as I had seen enough sand.
With this backdrop, it is very easy to see why the travelers began
to rebel against their leaders and eventually God. Food, obviously
was not plentiful, if any at all. In Psalm 78:23 we find the words,
“Yet he (God) commanded the skies above, and opened the doors
of heaven; and he rained down upon them manna to eat and gave Chaplain D. Dee Mowry, PP
them the grain of heaven. Man ate of the bread of angels; he sent
them food in abundance.” Webster defines manna as:
• a food miraculously supplied to the Israelites on their journey through the wilderness
• divinely supplied spiritual nourishment
• something likened to the biblical manna
• sweetish dried exudate esp. of a European ash that contains mannitol (a form of
sugar) used as a laxative and demulcent.
We need to keep in mind this exodus journey was about 250 miles and took 40 years to complete!
We need to be thankful for the food we have today which is quite varied and of many different
types. Eating the same thing day after day would be very boring. Our ample food supply is
something for which we need to be very thankful, but we need to keep in mind those who are
on the edge of food bankruptcy. Driving to the Aladdin Shrine Center on Marlane Drive, you pass
the Mid-Ohio Foodbank which is an example of dealing with the food bankruptcy in our area. Let
us all be thankful for the many blessings we have received including an abundant food supply.
by Bob Lazenby & D. Dee Mowry, P.P.
The regular June meeting of the Board of Governors was not the usual “run of the mill” operation.
The meeting and events began earlier than usual with a 9:00 a.m. training session for people who
would like to be spokespersons for the Cincinnati Hospital. This was followed at 10:00 a.m. with tours
of the newly renovated and refurbished third floor of the hospital. Completely remodeled patient
rooms, nursing stations, and associated facilities have been completed. Two Imperial Sirs were in
attendance, Dale Strauss, Chair of the Board of Trustees for Shriner’s Hospitals from Kem Shriners
and Jim Cain, the Cincinnati Liaison to the Board of Trustees from Al Menah Shriners. In addition,
representatives from the Bona and Egypt Ladies Oriental Shrine and the Grand High Priestess of
LOS, Lady Diana Schmitz, presented your hospital with a check in the amount of $4,000.00. Regular
committee meetings followed the “Third Floor Celebration.”
The Research Committee is in the midst of the grant application season with 20(+) grants
proposals ready to be submitted to various funding agencies. Your hospital Research Department
is recruiting for a biomedical engineer and a stem cell researcher at the present time. There is about
$130,000,000.00 (that’s correct 130 million dollars) in grant money in process at the current time.
Your hospital has 249 employees at the present time with nine vacant positions ranging from
Chaplain’s Chat
patient care to security officer; year-to-date turnover rate is 2.9%.
During the regular board meeting, a report on the recent Camp Ytiliba (ability spelled backward)
was presented to the board. This camp is for patients and former patients of your hospital and
included 49 campers this past season. This is the 27th year for the camp and the first time that it
was held in Kentucky. Participants participate in zip lines, fishing contests, horseback riding, high
ropes, bounce houses, etc. A special feature for the girls was pampering by pampering specialists
while the boys enjoyed mountain bikes, archery, self defense and other activities. The Burlington
Fire Department made a special presentation.
The Donor Relations Committee reported that $1,148,222.00 has been received from 1,490
gifts to date. The Intake Committee reported that, to date, your hospital has seen patients from
23 states and six international countries. Intakes are up 41% so far this year with a 79% increase
in non-burn cases.
Ed Robb, a 50 year employee of Cincinnati, gave an interesting historical and pictorial sketch
of the hospital dating back to 1964. The next meeting of the board is scheduled for July 27. Your
representatives invite you to take a look, first hand, at your hospital—you are always welcome.
First Lady Elaine’s Trip to
Oglebay Resort
September 30 - October 2, 2016
Details Coming Soon
July 2016
Photography by: The Aladdin Shrine Photography Club
Aladdin Official Parades - The Potentate and the majority of the Divan will attend. All units
and clubs should attend.
Aladdin Approved Parades - The Potentate and members of the Divan may attend. Units and
clubs should attend when possible.
Parade Marshall
Frank E. Habeker
Assistant Parade Marshall
Harold McDow
614-432-5551 Cell
Imperial Parade
5:00 p.m.
Baltimore Parade
9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Bucyrus Parade
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Grove City Arts in the Alley Parade
8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
Jackson Apple Festival
6:15 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
Circleville Pumpkin Parade
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Westerville Christmas Parade
11:45 a.m.
12:45 p.m.
Canal Winchester Labor Day
1:00 p.m.
Lancaster Christmas Parade
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Approved July 2016
Serving Veterinarians And The Public
Full Selections of Urns and Engraving
888 Frank Road West
Columbus, OH 43223
You Won’t Want To Miss This Trip...
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Based on double occupancy and availability. Airfare & transfers available @ $699pp. Optional travel insurance additional.
A Ceremonial to Remember
by Mark Froehlich
The first Ceremonial held
in the new Aladdin Shrine
Center was indeed an event
to be remembered!
If only one out of every 50 Aladdin
Shriners recruits just one Mason to
join, we would have 100 candidates
at the next Ceremonial.
A class of 28 walked the Cold and Hot Sands. Ten Nobles were created earlier in the year with a total of 38 new Nobles for 2016. Since
last October our membership has increased with 82 Masons joining.
This year's Spring Ceremonial was significant as many Nobles from last October's class were present. Their attendance acknowledged
a seamless transition from the last class at the previous Aladdin Shrine Center in 2015 with the first class at our new Aladdin Shrine
Center in 2016. For Nobles keeping track of such things, the new members ranged in age from 20 to 80 years with an average age
of 47. The current average age of our Nobility is 69 years. Statistically, the numbers look very good for the future of Aladdin Shriners.
As those in attendance observed, Ceremonial Director Aaron Langhirt, Ritualistic Director Ill. Sir Bill Selsam and Assistant Ritualistic
Director Ill. Sir Dale Cline performed an excellent job in directing the first ever Cold Sands at our new facility. Without question, the Hot
The Spring Ceremonial honorees were Noble Bill L. Dountz,
Sands was one of the best productions in years. The Brutal Brothers Unit stepped up to the challenge and provided a first class and an recognized for his membership recruitment of over 100
over-the-top experience for the candidates and Nobles. Noble and Brutal Brother Patrick Blaine Lewis, aka Seamus, served as emcee Masons to join Aladdin, and the late Noble John W. Quigley,
and made the program come alive.
in memoriam, for his many years of membership service to
the Aladdin Shrine. As Nobles, we all need to reach out to our
lodges and promote the good works we do like these two
honorees have done.
A job for all Nobles is beginning again. The Fall Ceremonial
will be held on Saturday, December 3, 2016 and fellow Masons
need to be recruited by each one of us. The last Ceremonial
was awesome but you have seen nothing yet according to
the Brutal Brothers. Let’s show our brother Masons that we
are proud to be Shrine-Masons. Ask one to join and get ready
now for December!
Photography by:
July 2016
Aladdin Car Club
by Gary Parks, PP
Aladdin Shrine Band
Photography by: The Aladdin Shrine Photography Club
The Aladdin Shrine Band participated at the Masonic Homecoming Day on the newly
redesigned float ready for the big parade.
Q: What license plate motto did the state of Florida introduce that was somewhat controversial?
(A) Sunshine State (B) Florida Oranges (C) In God We Trust (D) First in Space
It was a dreary, rainy morning when the members of the car club met in the parking lot on May
21 but 19 members and wives showed up in spite of the conditions.
We had a nice caravan (slightly spaced) to Chillicothe and everyone got to eat at the Sumburger.
Food was good and the prices were reasonable. Since they allowed us to eat in their banquet
room, we had a short meeting while the food was being prepared. After all business (and food)
was taken care of, we headed out to the Adena Mansion where the group received a private tour.
Afterward, we headed back to Columbus and last word I received was everyone made it home safely.
The next event for the club will attending/participating in the car show at the Ohio Eastern Star
Home. Details will be in the next club newsletter.
Any interest in joining the club? If so, contact Gary Parks at dd827n@yahoo.com or 614-216-4449.
A: C
Past Masters
by Dick Bull
We lucked out on the weather for parking cars at the Memorial Tournament recently. We had a
reasonable turnout of workers but can always utilize several more workers. On May 30 we had
five members, 90 years old and over, who worked the parking lot: Lou Ardit, Tom Thornton, Rolli
Lattaner, Don Lund and Cal Bozeman. That is real dedication. Thank you so much. Daun Knox and
Garry Fortner did their usual efficient jobs keeping the troops happy and in line.
Our unit furnished 12 candidate escorts for the recent ceremonial and we had eleven performing
“Evolution of a Shriner.” A total of at least 27 members were involved in this Ceremonial.
Pete Hammond is in charge of our annual summer picnic. It will be held on Sunday, August 14
again at Fryer Park Eagle Pavilion on Orders Road in Grove City.
At least eight couples from our unit will be attending the Imperial Session in Tampa over the
Fourth of July. Garry Fortner will be taking the unit’s van.
Lorena Long is home from rehab after a severe ankle injury. She is under the superb care of
husband, Carl, who is complaining about the lousy pay. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers
as well as John Jones and Jim McGruder (prostate issues) and Daun Knox, Phil Close and Kermit
Sawyer (heart issues). We wish them all safe and speedy recoveries.
Ed and Lois Dressel recently spent a week in France visiting Paris and Normandy.
by Roger Fausnaugh
Our regular monthly meeting for May 23 was held with the visitation
of the Potentate and his caravan from the Aladdin Temple. We had a
social hour at 6:00 p.m. and a meal at 7:00 p.m. Noble Bob Baranick
did an excellent job of preparing the meal for everyone.
President Rocky Arledge introduced all of the members
attending and Potentate Ron H. Leonard introduced his visiting
caravan. We had a total of 45 Nobles and their ladies at the meeting.
Gifts were presented to the Potentate’s lady for her research charity
at the Shriners Hospital and to the Potentate. The Potentate also
presented a gift to the president.
Pictured above is Potentate Ron with Noble Bill Dountz. Potentate Ron announced that Noble
Bill will be honored at the next Aladdin Shrine Ceremonial for his outstanding contribution for
recruiting new Nobles into the Aladdin Temple.
A few announcements were made by Noble Carl Hemming. He said the Shrine KC Golf outing
would be September 17. Treasure Noble Jim Willeford passed around a paper referring to a budget
and expenses to operate the club on yearly status.
If anyone is interested in renting the building, contact President Rocky at 740-412-3208. This is
a reminder that the Pickaway County Fair is coming and all help would be appreciated. Contact
Noble Kevin Hulse at 740-983-2986.
Remember our meetings are always the fourth Monday of the month.
In Memoriam
Kenneth R. Adcock
McEldon L. Baker Sr.
John R. Bivens
John C. Campbell Jr.
Howard E. Fouss
Robert F. Gagle
Charles E. Gregg
Ronald F. Harber
Eugene E. Herron
Delbert R. Kopp
James F. Leonard
Curtis B. Littlegreen
Harold E. Miller
John C. Minnis
Everett L. Montgomery
Dale E. Patterson
Donsel L. Post
John P. Wyatt
Medical Unit
by D. Dee Mowry, P. P.
The May meeting of the Aladdin Shrine Medical Unit was held the last week in May at the Columbus
Maennerchor with about 30 members and guests in attendance. Those attending included one
Past Grand Master of the Masons in Ohio, MWB Ron Winnett, and five Past Aladdin Potentates, Ill.
Sir Owen E. Johnson and Lady Joyce, Ill. Sir Calvin Smith and Lady Terry, Ill. Sir D. Dee Mowry and
Lady Kathy, Ill. Sir Dan Stainbrook and Ill. Sir Mike Tyne and Lady Karen.
President David Mowry opened the meeting by asking Chaplain D. Dee Mowry to ask the
blessing. The main focus of the meeting was the work schedule for the Muirfield Golf event. Past
President Rodney Hemming ably performed the scheduling task.
The educational component prepared for the evening was EHAC prepared by the Snider
Cardiovascular Institute at Fairfield Medical Center in Lancaster. As the room was not conducive
to an educational program, Director Dr. Keith Blair suggested the program be presented at a later
date in a different setting.
The medical unit will recess for the summer and resume regular activities in the fall.
by Dick Brixner
by Don Owens
The Muirfield Tournament is still underway at this writing, so a full report is pending. However, we
can say with certainty that Director Jack Bonn has done a really outstanding job in getting enough
volunteers to fulfill our obligation at gate 15, many coming from his own family.
The Reception Unit breakfast was held May 21 in the new Oasis Room. It’s worth noting that
the caterer, Simply Delicious, lived up to their name. Moreover, the meal was served nicely, buffet
style, with a full selection of customary fare.
Mike Johnson took the time to give a short walk-through for those who were visiting the Temple
for the first time. The place is better than nice and improving every day as we settle into it. Anyone
who has not been there should make a point of doing so soon.
Corrinne Bickel informs us that Noble Bill Bickel is now residing at the Echo Manor Extended
Care Center, 10270 Blacklick Eastern Road NW, Pickerington, Ohio 43147 (614) 864-1718.
Speaking of Bill, he has a birthday this month as do Director Jack Bonn, Dave Fultz, Carl Riley
and Ralph Vaughn. So there’s another reason to call or visit Bill. Happy birthday is sent to all.
July 2016
Kambri Nobles served at the local hospital’s health fair.
Your Kambri Shrine Club took to the streets on Saturday, June 4 to raise money for our 22 Shriners
Hospital for Children®. We had 18 Shriners on the street corners in Cambridge, Caldwell, Byesville,
and Senacaville, while more Shriners counted the donations received. We did an acceptable job
with raising funds. Watch the Lamp for totals. We could have used more Shriners on the streets. We
had areas that were not covered. If you did not make it out to help on this Tabloid Day, you can still
send in your donation. You can make the check payable to Shriners Hospital for Children® and get
the check to Noble Tom Fisher. A big "Noble thank you” goes to those who did help.
Nobles, did you know that Shriners Hospital for Children® are leaders in orthopaedic care?
pioneers in pediatric burn treatment, innovators in spinal cord injury rehabilitation, experts in
cleft lip and palate care? In addition to providing exceptional medical care to children in need, the
mission of Shriners Hospital for Children® also includes conducting innovative medical research
to increase and improve upon available treatments, and offering educational opportunities for
medical professionals. This make you proud to be a Shriner.
On Saturday, June 11, we held our Annual Shrine Golf Scramble at Wildfire Golf Club in New
Concord, Ohio. It turned out to be a beautiful, warm, sunny day for golf. We had a total of 36 golfers
and we had over 30 hole sponsors. A big “thank you” goes to John P. for his work on the hole
sponsors and to Dave B., Ron l. and Buzzy F. for obtaining the door prizes and to Noble Treasurer
Tom Fisher for handling registration. A special “thank you” goes to all Shriners who helped with
the event. Every golfer received a gift. A “tip of the fez” goes to Buzzy and Blackie for cooking the
brats and hamburgers. The winning team, N. Bennett, D. Brill, M. Whiteman and J. Wheeler shot a
55; that was 16 under par. We had five closest to the pin winners: D. Kasper (2), R. Kaiden, D. Brill,
and B. Hopkins. We had three long drive winners: R. Kiser, l. Cartell, and J. Wheeler. We also had
a "luck of the draw" winner which gave the other eight teams a chance to get their entry money
back. The lucky team was P. Hardy, L. Hardy, S. Jackson and R. Kaiden. We played a skins game and
recognized five winners. We thanked all for coming and invited them back to our next year's event.
Your Kambri Shrine Club took part in the SEORMC Health Fair on Thursday, June 16 with seven
Nobles taking part in the activities. We handed out coloring books from the Imperial and had a
drawing for nine Star Trek toys.
The theme was to have the “healthiest kids in the galaxy.” We served over 300 kids during the
hours of the health fair. We made a good presence and shared our hospitals with the community.
Thanks go to all those who helped make this event a success.
Nobles, have you visited Aladdin's new location in Grove City? There are several events coming
in the next few months: July 9 is the Stag Picnic, July 16 is the Aladdin Family Picnic and July 19 is
Shriners Night at the Columbus Clippers baseball game. Be sure to make reservations.
Nobles, our next event is on July 23. We will hold our annual fish fry/picnic at the Freeport Lodge,
beginning at 6:00 p.m. This is a joint endeavor of Kambri Shrine, Lodge #66, Freeport Lodge #415
and Eastern Star. All you need to do is show up with a covered dish (with food inside) and enjoy
the fellowship. This is a family event. Watch for the flyer in your mailbox.
Nobles, watch you mailbox for details on the upcoming events, and come out and enjoy the
fun, food and fellowship.
Licking County
by Mike Hammond
Richard Carter and Danny Bounds manning the baseball and program booth at the Annual Licking
County Shrine Tournament.
Pictured is Jean Hammond at the Shrine tee shirt booth.
Nobles, I hope everyone is enjoying their summertime activities. Tabloid days are behind us as
are the baseball games of the Annual Licking County Shrine Tournament. We had great success
at both events and are now in a little down time before the Hartford Fair.
Remember the first Thursday in July is to be set aside for the regular stated meeting. Try to make
these stated meetings as business is discussed that will affect the club the rest of the year. I will
report in our August Lamp how we fared money wise at the baseball games. Remember to sign
up to work at the fair as we need all the help we can get. That's all for now.
by O. Wayne Fulmer
Our meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Noble Chuck Vandine. We gave the
pledge to the flag and the chaplain gave a prayer. We had 20 Nobles present.
It was reported that, as of the first of the year, the Aladdin Shrine has lost a total of 78 Nobles.
President Vandine stressed the importance of petitions.
The Motor Patrol has parades coming up in Cannonsburg and Wintersville. Work is always being
done on some of the Tri Rods.
The Shriner kids made two trips to Erie so far this month and we have two more to make. Tabloid
started at 9:00 a.m. and lasted until 2:30 p.m. We raised $3,828.00 which was sent to Aladdin Shrine.
A big “thank you” goes to all who helped. The shelter house roof has been inspected further and
the trusses need to be replaced. The updated cost will be $15,600.00. The Paint and Sip had 15
ladies in attendance. It was a good fundraiser.
The Steubenville Shrine Club picnic will be held on July 23 from 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. This is a
family picnic with games, rides and prizes. Plan to attend.
On September 24 at 10:00 a.m., the Aladdin Past Masters will be putting on the Master Mason
Degree. Registration is at 9:00 a.m. and lunch will be at 12:00 noon. Save the date!
Prior to our meeting we were treated to barbecue ham sandwiches, potato salad, assorted
chips, banana cream pie and chocolate pie and associated beverages. Thanks go to Noble Wes
Darling and President Chuck Vandine.
by Ken Rossman
Our regular meeting was held on Wednesday June 15, 2016 at Veterans Memorial Park Clubhouse.
We had 42 Nobles in attendance with no visitors and no new members. Noble Rossman opened
our meeting with a prayer. President Garmon led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Noble Don Doll gave a report on our annual onion sale.
President Garmon gave a brief talk on the meaning of Tabloid Day. It is our only annual fundraiser
to help support our Shriners Hospital for Children®. We need to have more help on this important
day. We ask Nobles to work a shift of two hours. We hope next year we have more help on this day.
Noble Morris Johnson gave a report on Tabloid Day. Thirty-five Nobles worked and we received
$6,236 for our efforts. Thank you, Morris, for all your work on Tabloid Day.
Our fire truck will be in the parade at the Tree Town Festival. We need Nobles to walk along with
the fire truck to hand out candy. We cannot throw candy from the fire truck. The parade forms at
5:30 p.m. and moves out at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, July 8. We need riders and walkers for this parade.
President Garmon reminded us of Potentate’s Night, Saturday, August 13 at the Community
Building located on the Hardin County Fairgrounds. We will have visitors from several areas of
Ohio. We need a big crowd at this important meeting.
Noble Jim Holmes reported that he will be gone most of the month of July. He noted that
anyone who has time should check out the paper trailer at the recycle center several times a week
to take care of the papers.
We gave a big hand to our kitchen crew.
Noble Rossman closed our meeting with a prayer and we dined on a great meal prepared and
served by our kitchen crew of Nobles Williams, Rice, C. Morris, Walden and Hinebaugh. Thanks,
Nobles, for a job well done. Our next meeting will be July 20 at Veterans Memorial Park Clubhouse.
Thea Court
by Violet Dubros, PHP
Thea Court just had the privilege of hosting the annual visitation from the Grand High Priestess
of the Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America, Lady Diana Schmitz, PHP of Dendarah Court #10,
Toledo, OH. This was Lady Diana’s first visitation on her journey across North America and Canada.
We held a Thea Court meeting on Saturday, June 4, 2016. In spite of our ladies having to attend
weddings, graduations and vacations, we had good attendance at the meeting and an enjoyable
time visiting with Lady Diana. We also enjoyed having dinner with her that evening at Giammarco’s
Restaurant in Westerville. Unfortunately we got drenched in the downpour as we left the restaurant
for home. We wish Lady Diana safe travels as she continues on her journey.
We will be making our annual visitation to see our members who reside at the Springfield
Masonic Home on Thursday, July 21, 2016. This is always an enjoyable trip as the ladies enjoy having
lunch with our members who cannot get to our meetings. It is an excellent time to see the home
and lovely grounds adjoining them.
We will also have a sewing session at the Aladdin Shrine Center on Wednesday, July 27, 2016.
We again invite anyone who likes to sew or stuff to join us at 10:00 a.m., have lunch and leave
anytime in the afternoon. The more people we have, the more we will accomplish and be able to
send to the Shriners Hospital for Children®. It is such a rewarding day and great fellowship. Hope
you are able to join us!!
Thebes Temple
by Sylvia Ann Bast, Queen
It is our pleasure to share with you our 100th Annual Session of Supreme Temple Daughters of the
Nile held in Indianapolis, IN. Supreme Queen Sharon K. St. John conducted a fun, informative and
interesting session at the J. W. Marriott Hotel culminating with the installation of our new Supreme
Queen—Cathy Carol Rose, Koran Temple No. 30, Indianapolis.
Ohio is definitely recognized this year with the installation on Sunday, June 19 of Shirley Henley,
Past Queen of Ishtar Temple No. 54, Cincinnati, OH to the station of Supreme Princess Tirzah.
Our Temple, Thebes Temple No. 87, Columbus, OH was honored with four appointments:
• Shirley Henley, Past Queen, Ishtar Temple No. 54 - Supreme Princess Tirzah
• Katharine “Kate” Brewer, Past Queen, Thebes Temple No. 87 - Supreme Attendant
• Mary Jo Daughtery, Past Queen, Thebes Temple No. 87 - Supreme Goodwill Ambassador
Central Area
• Janet May, Past Queen, Thebes Temple No. 87 - Supreme Escort to the American Flag
• Lois Vail, Past Queen, Thebes Temple No. 87 - Supreme Escort to the Canadian Flag
It is an pleasure and honor for our temple to be included in such a manner to work for the children
using our Supreme Queen's slogan "Let's have a FUN year working hard so the children can RUN!”
Special greetings were given by Deputy Imperial Potentate of the Shriners International, Chris
Smith. He thanked the Daughters of the Nile for all they do to work with them and to make their
job easier and more successful. We are invited to Tampa, FL for their session on July 3 and they will
be happy to see as many of us as possible.
We look forward to serving our area Shriners, Masons and friends at our annual Chicken Noodle
Dinner on Friday, July 29 at 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. We look forward to sharing good food, time and
friendships with you soon.
by Joey Brooks
As the heart of summer descends upon us, another successful Memorial Tournament
detail is in the books. Praise goes out to Dave Peters for all of his time and effort.
To all the Nobles and groups who participated in making this year’s tournament
a success, here’s a hearty “thank you” for a job well done!
Director Rob Hartsell opened the June meeting with the prayer and the Pledge
of Allegiance was led by Jim Cooper. The secretary’s report was approved and the
treasurer’s report was filed for audit. The membership committee read three new
applications for membership. The transportation committee reported all went well
on the fishing trip to Lake Erie. One driver did become disoriented on the trip home, although he
claims he was merely taking a circuitous route. In the end, as always, everything worked out and
everyone had a great time.
The Provost Unit Family Picnic will be August 6 at the Aladdin Shrine Temple where there will
be food, fun and fellowship for all. Watch for the flyer and make your reservation. If you have been
away, this will be a great way to reconnect with your unit and see your new Aladdin Shrine Center.
Summer will continue to be busy as the unit members will be working the 2016 U. S. Senior
Open Championship at the Scioto Country Club on August 8–14, 2016. Contact Dave Peters. Next
up will be the Nationwide Children’s Championship at The Ohio State University Golf Club on
September 19–25, 2016. Our contact is Charlie Linek.
Congratulations go to our own Bill Dountz who was recognized by Aladdin at the June
Ceremonial. Bill has brought in 108 new Nobles during his many years in Aladdin, including eight
at the June 2016 Ceremonial. Well done, Bill!
Sunshine reported Bob Shaw was recently hospitalized, but has been released and is
convalescing. Get well soon, Bob!
Celebrating birthdays in July are Robert C. Albright, Howard L. Beane, Donald L. Cox, F. John
Demjen, Franklin D. Edwards, Christopher P. Fannin, Dennis D. Feyh, Heber M. Fellure, Charles D.
Law, James C. Light, Jon F. Rhoades, John W. Rohal, Malcolm C. Talbot, William W. VanGundy and
Arthur L. Wilson.
Hope everyone is having a great summer. See you at the events.
July 2016
by Larry Coler
The Marietta Shrine Club participated in the Memorial Day Parade with our Marietta
Belle Float, our fire truck and midget cars. The children love our midget cars and
candy. We, of course, treated ourselves to lunch afterwards. It was a good day for all.
We have the Fourth of July Parade and a pool party for all Shriners and their
families coming in July.

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