August 2016 Lamp


August 2016 Lamp
Inside This Issue
Volume LXXXVIII | Issue 8 | August 2016
1 Potentate’s Message
2 Tabloid Times
3 Chaplain’s Corner
Potentate’s Watchwords - Fun and Fellowship
Special Events
6 2017 Costa Rica Trip
12 Chicken-Corn Roast/Aladdin
Car Show
12 First Lady’s Oglebay Trip
Membership Statistics
Membership As Of 1-1-2016
Associate Members 1-1-2016
Total Membership 1-1-2016
Yr to Date
Creations 28
Assoc. Members 0
Total Additions YTD
Current Yr to Date
Assoc. Dropped 0
Total Deletions YTD 99
Is it HOT enough for ya? The cool weather has really turned
around. Those of us who went to Tampa for the Imperial Session
found out how hot Tampa was—low to mid 90s with a heat
index at 113°. Everyone had a great time; the swimming pool
at the hotel was a great relief and the hospitality room was
appreciated by all. Thanks go to Jeff Kopp for serving as the
housing chair and to members of the Pote's staff for keeping
things moving. Next year will be a different venue as Imperial
will be at Daytona Beach and we will have an ocean-front hotel.
Check out the photos that will be posted in the hall on the way
to the Oasis Room.
The river cruise trip on the Danube, followed by three days in
Munich, was a fantastic trip enjoyed by 52 Nobles, ladies and a
handful of guests. Although the "Impression" ship has a capacity
of 166 passengers, there were only 99 on board which meant we
had 52% on board. I am sure everyone else soon learned who
we were as we were visible to all. Due to high water, caused by
a very rainy spring and early summer, the ship was unable to go
Potentate Ron and Elaine Leonard on Danube Cruise.
upriver past Deggendorf but Avalon Cruise Lines made sure that
everyone was bussed to Regensburg and to Nuremberg. The trip to Munich was everything that we had hoped—the Glockenspiel in the marketplace,
the trip to Neuschwanstein Castle and Obergammerau and the farewell dinner. Oh, did I mention the great beer that we drank in Germany!
Membership Committee Now at 5,002 Members!
Continued on page 3
by Mark Froehlich
Yes, you heard it right. Each and every Noble is an important part of the Aladdin Shriners membership team and we all are part
of this committee. Total Aladdin Shrine membership is now at 5,002 Nobles.
However, this committee is in danger of losing 503 Nobles if their delinquent dues are not paid. Almost ten percent of our Aladdin Shriners are in
this category. All of us can assist in turning this around by remembering and implementing the three “Rs” of membership—recruitment, retention
and restoration.
For recruiting new members, there are three easy steps a Noble can do:
1. Attend your local lodge meetings and functions. 2. Let other Masons know that you are a Shriner. 3. Ask a brother Mason to join.
Membership As Of 6-30-2016
Net Loss/Gain YTD
There are several things that clubs and units can do to assist new members:
• A club or unit can sponsor an interested Mason and pay all or part of his petitioning fee.
• A club or unit can provide a fez to a new member or recycle unused member fezzes.
• Let a new Noble work off the initial membership costs by volunteering at club and unit functions.
• A club or unit can invite a prospective member to one of its meetings or events and let them
experience first hand the fun we have.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, OH 43219-9001 and at additional mailing offices.
• The best way is to arrange a visit to a Shriners Hospital for Children® and let them actually see
why we do what we do.
Aladdin’s Lamp
Continued on page 3
1801 Gateway Circle
Grove City, Ohio 43123
Calender of Events
September 30 - October 2
Chicken & Corn Roast/
Aladdin Shrine Car Show
Lady Elaine's Trip
to Oglebay
p 12
p 12
Tabloid Collection Totals
Official Publication of Aladdin Shriners,
Shriners International
Volume LXXXVIII No. 8 August 2016
Published Monthly: Subscription Price $6.00/year
Aladdin’s Lamp
1801 Gateway Circle, Grove, City, OH 43123
(614) 475-2609
ALADDIN’S LAMP (USPS 011-800) published monthly
for $6.00 per year at 1801 Gateway Circle,
Grove City, OH 43123
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, Ohio 43219-9001
and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: send address changes to
Aladdin’s Lamp
1801 Gateway Circle,
Grove City, OH 43123
Editor: Frankie Foster, (614) 932-9522
Club and Unit News: 6260 Braelinn Drive,
Dublin, OH 43017
News Fax Line: (888) 788-1741
News Deadline: 6th of the preceding month
Advertising: (614) 475-2609, Ext. 110
or (800) 475-3850, Ext. 110
Advertising Deadline: 6th of month preceding
publication (Aladdin Shrine reserves the right
to reject submitted advertising.)
Stated Meetings
Regular meetings of the Aladdin Shriners are held
on the third Monday of each month except
June, July and August at 6:30 PM. (Dinner at 5:30 PM).
1801 Gateway Circle, Grove, City, OH 43123
(614) 475-2609
(800) 475-3850
Elected Divan
Potentate: Ronald H. Leonard
Chief Rabban: Jon M. Kinney
Assistant Rabban: Todd Jones
High Priest and Prophet: Rodney L. Holdren
Oriental Guide: Zale A. Maxwell
Treasurer: W. Garol Rogers, P.P.
Recorder: Donald G. Goodman, P.P.
Appointed Divan
1st Ceremonial Master: Arthur L. Wilson
2nd Ceremonial Master: Roscoe R. Smith
Chaplain: D. Dee Mowry, P.P.
Aladdin Shrine Center Directory
Tabloid Totals
Aladdin Arms
Athens SC
Baldwin SC
Belpre SC
Bucyrus SC
Gallipolis SC
Hardin County SC
Hilltop SC
Kambri SC
Legion of Honor
Licking County SC
Marion SC* $11,581.27
Monroe SC
Madison County SC
Marietta SC
Morgan SC
Past Masters
Pike County SC $2,578.27
Ross County SC $3,278.75
Pipes & Drums
Shiloh SC
Stuebenville SC $680.67
Union County SC $13,725.00
Washington C. H. SC
Utica SC
Worthington SC
Zavi SC
Cash - garage sale/misc cash
C Foster Boone Santee Donation
Licking County #2 (Photo not available.)
Northeast SC
Southeast SC
by Bob Stevenson, Tabloid Chair
* Funds received from disbursement from a CD
Shrine Center Office
614-475-2609 - Fax: (614) 991-6457
Outside Franklin County: (800) 475-3850
Executive Director:
Chad Dennewitz , Ext. 110
Circus Director:
Jeff Carter, Ext. 109
Kim Luckeydoo, Ext. 103
Circus & ASHAC
Building Rentals, Ext. 101
Amber Crosby, Ext. 113
Shrine Event Coordinator
Membership Coordinator
Elizabeth Shoemaker, Ext. 112
Dial 0 for Immediate Assistance
After 4:30 PM and on weekends - Ext. 111 for
Security Desk
Potentate’s Watchwords
Continued from page 1
Nobles, all I can say is if you have never taken any of the Potentate's trips that are planned each
year, you need to do so. They generally go places you can only dream about but they are wellplanned and you can visit places that are “once-in-a-lifetime” experiences. Again, check out the
photos in the hall and view the group photograph on page 10 of this Lamp.
We had a nice turnout for the Stag Picnic and the Family Picnic in July. (Photographs on page 7)
As stated at the beginning of the year, we hope to have some activity at your Shrine Center each
month. The Clippers game was well attended with over 400 tickets sold. Thanks go to Jim Badgley
for chairing another great activity.
Activities for August include the Baltimore Parade on August 6 and the Bucyrus Parade on August
19. (Note the change of date). The Divan and several Nobles and ladies will visit several clubs and
units. The big event will be the annual Chicken and Corn Roast together with the Aladdin Shrine
Club Car Show, both on Sunday, August 21. See the related information on page 12 .
Looking ahead to September: the Divan will attend the Great Lakes Shrine Association meeting
in Indianapolis, the Colorado Trains Potentate's Trip (reservations are closed) , several more parades
and the First Lady's Trip to Oglebay Resort. See article below.
Nobles, fun and fellowship have been the watchwords this year and based on what we have seen,
it is apparent that many of you have picked up on that. Unfortunately, many of our Nobles have not
attended any of the stated meetings or events that have been planned for your enjoyment. This is
your new home and we welcome you to come and take part. If you have concerns, we cannot address
them without your input. Give us a call or send us an email; we will respond as quickly as possible.
Several of our Nobles still have not paid their dues. You need to let us know if you are having
some type of health or financial problem. We cannot help you if we do not know what the problem
is. Many of you do not have an updated phone number in our system which makes calling you
impractical. If you do not hear from us, give the office a call.
We have a lot planned for the balance of the year and I have thoroughly enjoyed this year. Nobles,
please come out and see what we have to offer. The time is NOW to start lining up candidates for
the Ceremonial on December 3.
First Lady Elaine’s Trip
Visit Oglebay Resort & Conference Center
First Lady Elaine is planning a bus trip to Oglebay Resort
and Conference Center in Wheeling, WV on Friday,
September 30 to Sunday, October 2, 2016. You will
have two nights accommodations at the Wilson Lodge,
breakfast buffet on Saturday and Sunday mornings,
dinner buffet on Friday and Saturday evenings, food
service gratuities, a show and souvenir, admission to
the Mansion Museum, the Glass Museum, the Good
Zoo, pottery making, trolley rental and a guided tour
of historic Wheeling on the Oglebay trolley. The bus will stop in Zanesville and Cambridge at a
location to be determined for those Ladies desiring to go from those areas.
Costs are $450.00 per single, $325.00 each per double, $270.00 each per triple and $245.00
each per quad. Taxes, gratuities, baggage handling and parking are included. We have 30 rooms
available based on double occupancy. On the way to Oglebay and on the return to Aladdin, there
will be stops for lunch at either Bob Evans or the Olive Garden at your expense. Transportation
will be by Big Red and either the Provost bus or the transit.
This trip should be in cooler weather with the change of seasons just starting for the trees.
Check in time is 3:00 p.m. and checkout time is 11:00 a.m. The group will depart the n Shrine
Center at 11:00 a.m. on Friday and will arrive back at Aladdin at approximately 3:00 p.m. Each lady
will be limited to one suitcase and one small carry-on. Luggage must be tagged with guest's name.
Ad / Reservation Form on Page 12 - Online Reservations Available
We MUST provide a rooming list to AAA no later than Friday, August 26, 2016 with the names of
who will be in each room. Therefore, ALL reservations MUST be received no later than Wednesday,
August 24 by noon to allow the office staff to finalize the rooming list. Payment is due with the
reservation and can be cash, check payable to Aladdin Shriners or by credit card.
For Suspended Nobles
by D. Dee Mowry, P.P.
July is when we celebrate our nation’s birthday. Birthdays are usually
joyous events (depending on your age), however at the present time
for this birthday, our nation is having problems. There is unrest in
our nation; take a look at the evening news if verification is needed.
Psalm 33, verses 12-15, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the
Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage. The Lord
looks down from heaven, he sees all the sons of men: from where he
sits enthroned he looks forth on all the inhabitants of the earth, he
who fashions the hearts of them all, and observers all their deeds.”
President George Washington, Past Grand Master, said, “It is the
duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God,
to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly implore
His protection and favor.” If all people adhered to the Masonic
teachings all Shriners have been taught, this unrest referenced
above would not a problem. A “tip of my fez” goes to Ill. Sir Ron Chaplain D. Dee Mowry, PP
Leonard for his emphasis on Blue Lodge membership and activities.
The square and compass have a prominent place on the current (2016) Aladdin Shrine pin.
Verse 20 of the same psalm states, “Our soul waits for the Lord, he is our help and shield.” Let
us always remember that God has been our help in ages past and our only hope for the years to
come. It is time now for good people to pray for our nation and for the guidance of the Supreme
Architect. A local church sign notes that the way for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
I am sure you have heard this before.
God Bless.
by Bob Stevenson & Tom McNeil
“Get the lead out!”We are hearing that from all types of communities, schools and other educational
facilities where children are present, and public and government buildings. No question that the
lead in water has become a big issue and a very important one that deserves full attention.
A few months age your Board of Governors instructed the staff of SHC-Erie to have testing done
of our water supply. Rather than have something happen and then react, we felt we needed to
be proactive to protect our kids and staff. Testing was done at various places within the building,
including the entry point of water into the building. We are both pleased and relieved to report all
testing put us well below the minimum acceptable levels for not only lead but several other items
found in water that might cause future problems.
As this article is being written, we are just two days from the next BOG meeting. I will update
with the six month numbers next month.
We are pleased to bring on staff our own speech pathologist. This position will enhance our
ability to provide greater levels of service to our kids and their families. We look forward to our
speech therapy program bringing new patients to SHC-Erie.
It appears that our Highmark Walk for a Health Community was a great success again this year.
Again, members of your BOG formed Team Boardwalk and SHC-Erie raised a good amount of
money. We will know the exact total at the next BOG meeting and details will be reported in the
next Lamp. Consider joining us for this great weekend of activity in Erie; it is a great time.
On a sad note we report the passing of Imperial Sir Wayne Latchut. Wayne was a strong supporter
of Shriners Hospital for Children® and Erie in particular. Wayne was a past chair of the Erie BOG and
worked hard to insure our growth, future and success. Although quite ill, Wayne was at the Walk
on June 2 and although he could not walk, he was there to cheer us on. It was a great example of
his commitment to SHC-Erie. On a personal note, in my capacity as Tabloid Chair for Aladdin, I got
to know Wayne several years before my joining the BOG. I had called Erie to see if someone would
come for our annual Tabloid Seminar. Wayne called me to say he’d be pleased to come. I was so
glad he did. He give a great overview of what Erie was doing, the communities’ involvement and
successful outcomes for our kids. He and I talked over lunch about SHC in general and some of the
issues and opportunities we faced. I learned a great deal and was pleased to become a member of
the BOG three years later. Wayne will be missed by all who knew him and those of us who valued
his support and council. We can truly say of Wayne, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Remember, follow us on Facebook and YouTube. If you meet a Roadrunner, please say “THANKS!”
Continued from page 1
For suspended Nobles there is an easy process to be reinstated. Complete a petition for restoration
and pay a $65.00 restoration fee. It’s that easy. This offer is good through September 30, 2016.
Simple Things Can Yield The Greatest Results
Many times the simple things we do yield the greatest results. Let’s be creative and innovative.
August 2016
Chaplain’s Chat
We have all heard, “You can’t sell what you don’t have.”This especially applies to membership. To
grow membership we need to keep our members happy, excited and involved. It is this enthusiasm
that will bring new members to the Aladdin Shriners. By showing other Masons that we are proud
to be Shrine-Masons, our membership and membership committee will continue to grow!
Tampa, Florida
142th Imperial Session Of Shriners International
This is a quick update on what took place at the Imperial session in Tampa, Florida July 3-7, 2016.
Illustrious Sir Ron and Elaine, accompanied by staff members Tim Jones (Lynn), Bob Laird, Mark
Froehlich, Gary Fortner (Gretchen) and Gene Steineman (Betty) did a fantastic job making sure all
of our needs were met. We stayed at the Sheraton Riverwalk Hotel. Jeff Kopp and Donna made
sure the rooms were in tip-top shape and ready for us. All Divan and their ladies were present to
assist if and when needed!
We had a good turnout of Past Potentates with Illustrious Sirs Bill Selsam, Terry DeVassie, Owen
Johnson, W. Gary Parks, Dee Mowry (yeoman’s job as chaplain), Bill Estell, Steve Hathaway, Bill
Amspaugh, Garol Rogers and their ladies in attendance.
Needless to say Tampa was HOT! Nearing 95-100 degrees in the midday caused many to stay inside
the AC or in the pool. Some light refreshments might have been consumed merely to avert the heat.
Illustrious Sir Ron and Elaine hosted different gatherings in their suite on various evenings
as appropriate. The parade in Ybor city had a good turnout of Nobles in general. We appreciate
those coming from Aladdin, especially the Provost and Past Masters who braved the weather and
joined in to lighten the hearts of the citizens of the city who made all Shriners feel appreciated
and welcome while we paraded down Seventh Avenue!
I want to cover a few items of interest about what was decided or not at the Imperial session
since it wasn’t all fun and sun.
Imperial Sir Dale Stauss, who was the current president of the Colorado Corporation, was in the
running for another year’s term. Current Imperial Potentate Jerry G. Gantt also ran for the position
(as he was soon to leave office) and received the majority of votes as the new president for Shriners
Hospitals for Children® Board.
Deputy Imperial Potentate Chris Smith was sworn in as the new Imperial Potentate for 2016-2017
by his son and Noble, Alan Smith. Imperial Potentate Smith and his wife Ethel had a great pageant
at the Tampa Convention Center to start the year off in fine fashion. All other officers moved up.
The Deputy Imperial Potentate position was voted by the representatives to discontinue. This was
brought about with the vacancy of an Imperial officer last year and the unfortunate passing of
Imperial Sir Wayne Lachut. The new Imperial Captain of the Guard is Richard Burke (Yaarab temple)
and new Outer Guard is Kevin Costello (Cyprus temple). We also saw a new member on the Board of
Shriners Hospital for Children® as Chuck Pittman (Yaarab) was elected and Anthony West (Zamora
temple) was elected for another three-year term.
Our own Illustrious Sir Bill Selsam, chair of the Dispensations Committee and sits on the
International Development, was given the onerous task of being the official parliamentarian for
the Shrine Session. He even was tested a few times to justify the pay!
Your Recorder was also elevated to First Vice President of the Shrine Recorders Association.
Some of the items that failed to pass:
Balloting for temple membership was a proposal under Article 23 that would have had all temples
by Don Goodman, P.P. - Recorder
elect members by a majority vote with ballots and not the way we have done our voting with the
ballot box [balls and cubes]. This needed 455 to pass and received 377 votes. Some temples have
changed to the ballot method already.
An item that stipulated all Colorado business would be conducted prior to the noon hour on
Tuesday of each session failed by being ruled out of order. Certain language needed was not
contained and the feeling was that this was a Colorado vote that was being made at the main
Iowa convention.
Items that passed were as follows:
Article 5, dealing with reimbursement for representatives attending session who drove, was
reduced from the IRS fee to 30 cents per mile. This will be a good savings overall.
Article 6 (206.1) eliminated the previous Deputy Imperial Potentate position and basically
shortened the Imperial line to conform more to temple positions and save money.
Article 36 - Public Exhibitions and Civic Parades - In civic parades and functions, Shrine musical
groups may, with the approval of the Potentate, allow guest musicians to participate. The guest
must be distinguished from the Nobles in dress.
Some articles under prohibited practices (35) were changed. Now Shriners International is
permitted to furnish names to third party publishers for the purpose of providing a directory similar
to ones the temples publish. These would be made available for sale and would significantly help
with fundraising for defraying expenses.
Also, Shriners International (S.I.) would be permitted to solicit gifts, contributions and bequests
by offering for sale products or services by S.I. This just makes it known that gifts can be made to
the fraternity similar to gifts made to the hospitals.
Another item passed deals with S.I. being permitted to promote the sale of memorabilia with
proceeds benefitting our fraternity. Before this is put into action the Imperial Board of Directors
must develop and adopt guidelines (resolutions) stating how these actions are to be carried out.
These and other suggestions came from the Capital Evaluation Committee’s recommendations to
assist in covering operating and administrative costs and assisting in not having to consider future
dues increases. All of these decisions were made with the Nobility in mind and still conformed to
privacy concerns. They helped with making the revenue stream more robust to continue with the
services Imperial provides to the 196 temples. There is and was a true concern in approving these
revisions for the ultimate good of Shriners International and SHC.
So Nobles of Aladdin, we worked hard and played some too. All was done to continue the great
legacy we enjoy and the tremendous work being done each day at our 22 Shriners Hospital for
Children®. If you have questions, please feel free to contact a member of the Divan or the Recorder.
A copy of the Call for the Annual Session of 2016 is in the office should anyone wish to review it.
Thanks for allowing us to represent you, Aladdin’s Nobility, at this Imperial session. Thanks go
to Illustrious Sir Ron and Lady Elaine for hosting a fine trip. Es Salamu Aleikum!
Aladdin Official Parades - The Potentate and the majority of the Divan will attend. All units
and clubs should attend.
Aladdin Approved Parades - The Potentate and members of the Divan may attend. Units and
clubs should attend when possible.
Parade Marshall
Frank E. Habeker
Assistant Parade Marshall
Harold McDow
614-432-5551 Cell
Baltimore Parade
9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Bucyrus Parade
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Grove City Arts in the Alley Parade
8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
Jackson Apple Festival
6:15 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
Circleville Pumpkin Parade
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Westerville Christmas Parade
11:45 a.m.
12:45 p.m.
Canal Winchester Labor Day
1:00 p.m.
Lancaster Christmas Parade
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Approved 4
August 2016
Serving Veterinarians And The Public
Full Selections of Urns and Engraving
888 Frank Road West
Columbus, OH 43223
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August 2016
Aladdin Car Club
by Gary Parks, PP
(L-R) Woody Combs, B. J. Gischler (husband Fred took the picture), Betty and Gary Parks, Bill Ross, Jack VanGundy
and Ed Roberts
Trivia Question: What year did rearview mirrors become standard equipment in American
production automobiles? A-1908, B-1912 or C-1916 D-1920? (Answers appear below.)
On June 12 the club members met at the Ohio Eastern Star Home in Mount Vernon. After lunch,
the members were given a guided tour of the facility including the new addition that is about
halfway completed. A lot of changes are happening at the OES Home so if you get a chance, I
suggest you get a tour arranged.
After lunch and the tour, the club had a short meeting and then went out to enjoy the car show
on the grounds of the OES Home. Six of our members displayed their cars and five of our members
won a trophy (see photograph above). Not bad since there were over 75 cars entered. The club is
working hard to prepare for our Aladdin Car Club’s Annual Car Show. So come out, enjoy the chicken
and corn roast and see some great looking cars and motorcycles! If you have friends who have a
car or motorcycle that they like to show off, tell them about the show. Entry is still only $10.00. (I
received a flyer yesterday that had the fee at $25).
Interested in becoming a member, contact Gary Parks at 614-216-4449 for full details.
Answer to Trivia Question: C-1916
by Don Owens
by Roger Fausnaugh
The meeting was called to order by President Rocky Arledge at 7:00 p.m. Opening prayer and the
Pledge of Allegiance were given by Noble Rusty Green. Another fine meal was served by Noble
Bob Baranick.
Minutes of the May and June meetings were read by Noble Roger Fausnaugh and a motion
was made by Noble Bill Dountz and seconded by Noble Carl Hemming to accept the minutes. The
financial report was given by Noble Jim Willeford and a motion was made by Noble Kevin Hulse
and seconded by Greg Shires to accept the report. All Nobles voted in favor of both.
We received a communication from Rep. Gary Scherer complimenting us on our article in the
paper about Nobles Ned Young and Charles Galloway
Committee Reports: Noble Kevin Hulse reported on the Pickaway County Fair and the final tally
will be reported at the next meeting. A big “thank you” goes to Noble Kevin for his efforts. Noble
Carl reported that the annual Shrine KC golf outing date will be September 17. If you are interested
in playing in the outing or want to sponsor a hole, please contact Noble Carl or Noble Roger.
For good of the order Noble Kevin was going to check on setting up a food booth for the
sidewalk sale; Noble Rick Blankenship discussed maintenance on the outside grounds and things
that need to be done; and President Rocky would like to get a committee ready for the upcoming
pumpkin show. We also received a donation from Noble Steve Davis for the Tabloid and for the
building committee.
There were a total of 12 Nobles at the meeting. Meeting was closed at 7:45 p.m. by President
Rocky and the closing prayer given by Noble Rusty.
Flying Nobles
by Lee McKelvey
The Flying Nobles haven't had a meeting since May because the Ceremonial was in June and we
cancelled our meeting so the members could attend the Ceremonial. We don't meet in July and
August and our next meeting will be September 10 at the OSU Airport. Therefore, we didn't have
much going on for the club.
One of the candidates at the Ceremonial was a pilot and he might want to join our club. He lives
in Sardis, OH and will have a long way to travel to be with us.
I recently heard from PC Jack Moore (2000) who now lives at the Villages in Florida and comes
north for the summer. Jack and Ella just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. We hope they
have many more.
We had a visitor at our May meeting who was a WW II C-47 pilot who flew over the Hump during
the war. The Hump was the Himalaya Mountains.
Sad news to report that PC Del Kopp passed away on May 11. Del was our Commander in 2010
and he had a Cherokee 160 that was hangered at the Delaware Airport. Del did a lot for the Shrine
during the years and our sympathy goes to his family.
I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable summer and we hope to see you at one of our meetings.
Best of health to everyone!
We have been dark this summer. We’ve never been more dark, actually, with no parades or other
unit activities on the agenda. Hence, this article is something of a placeholder.
However, we can report that it has been a pleasant season so far for our members who traveled
to Europe for the week-long Danube River trip on June 12. Mike Johnson, Harry Webster, Bill Estell
and their ladies all report that “the sights along the Danube were wonderful, the tours were very
informative and the local beers and wines were superb.”
Moreover, there are many Aladdin Shrine events scheduled for the remaining summer months
such as the upcoming Aladdin Car Show Chicken and Corn Roast, both scheduled for Sunday,
August 21. This should be a very pleasant event in our new surroundings.
An August birthday is being celebrated by Past Assistant Unit Director Harry Webster. Past
Quartermaster Bill Compton still rates a birthday mention, too. Bill maintains a unit outpost in
North Carolina these days but stays in touch. Happy birthday to you, Nobles.
In Memoriam
Milton W. Alderman Ernest R. Bible
Clarence S. Bowser, Jr.
Jack R. Butts
Bruce R. Close
Donald W. Hieber
George L. James
Martin W. Shields
Wayne R. Ulrey
by Joey Brooks
Since I was unable to make the trip to Imperial, I contacted Director Rob Hartsell
and asked him to send me some highlights of the trip. Well, what I got was way
too good not to use. Although my name may be on this month’s article, the credit
must go to Director Hartsell. Take it away, Rob.
“The Provost Unit was well represented and we had a great time at Imperial.
Our hotel was right on the river and it was a nice walk along the river on the Tampa
Riverwalk to the Convention Center. Great weather, if you like it hot and humid, as
temperatures were in the 90s every day we were there. We were well represented
in the parade through historic Ybor City. The Aladdin Divan and Provost Unit members were
among the few that marched the entire parade route in the heat. There were large appreciative
crowds waving small American flags along the route and it was a fun event. After the parade, we
returned to the hotel and watched the local fireworks from our balconies. A great way to celebrate
Independence Day!”
“The traditional Provost Pizza Party was held Tuesday evening at the hotel. Our hospitality
room bartender recommended Eddie and Sam's for the best pizza in Tampa, so we ordered their
28" pizzas. They were huge and very good! Special thanks go to Bob and Tamara Warner, Bob and
Mary Jo Albright and Gene and Betty Steineman for sacrificing their rooms for the party and doing
a great job of organizing and hosting it. We had a lot of laughs and a great time.”
“We enjoyed surf and turf at the annual Aladdin Banquet hosted by our Illustrious Potentate
Ron Leonard at the hotel on Wednesday evening. A great time was had by all who attended.”
Celebrating birthdays in August are Christopher J. Baer, Dennis E. Campbell, William P. Fieger,
Michael P. Gray, Michael D. McDonald, Donald Shartzer, Mark J. Ulloa, Michael D. VanHuss, Herbert
A. Wise, and David Zeis.
That is all for now. Hope everyone is having a great summer.
by Larry Coler
The Marietta Shrine Club’s Marietta Belle paddle wheeler float steamed through the Fourth of
July Parade loaded with Shriners and candy for the children. The rainy day did not dampen the
enthusiastic crowd that turned out for the celebration.
The dog days of summer will have us in the Waterford, Ohio parade and the Parkersburg, West
Virginia homecoming parade with our NEMESIS Shrine brothers of Parkersburg.
Just Clowning Around
by Mike “P.N.C. BucketHead” Clark
The Aladdin Clown Unit participated in the Pike County Dogwood Parade in April. We had a good
time and weather couldn’t have been better. Once again Pike County Shrine Club put on a great
afterglow feast. A big “thank you” goes out to them for being a super host and for all their hard work.
We had nine clowns marching and one driving: Everett “Tex” Rainer (driver), Greg “Pozi” Osborne,
Tim “Timmers” Jones, Mike “P.N.C. BucketHead” Clark, Bob “Tuitt” Barton, John “Skates/Hip-Hop”
Knoepfler, Tom “Brushes” Wade, Matt “Nutt” Knight and our newest apprentice, Don Ferguson.
In June Greg “Pozi” Osborne, Don “Toots” Tootle and Bob “Tuitt” Barton provided the
entertainment with balloons and face painting at the Monterey School Festival.
Mike “P.N.C. BucketHead” Clark went to Burlington, Kentucky for the Shriners Hospital for
Children® — Cincinnati Camp YTILIBA to entertain with the Syrian Shrine Clowns. We did a circus
theme event with the kids on Tuesday and Wednesday. It also included face painting, balloons,
and magic. We had a really good time being with the kids.
In July we attended the Independence Day Parade in Dublin which included Greg “Pozi” Osborne,
Don “Toots” Tootle , Mike “P.N.C. BucketHead” Clark, Bob “Tuitt” Barton, Everett “Tex” Rainer, John
“Skates/Hip-Hop” Knoepfler, Dave Engle, Fred “Hobo Freddy” Gischler and Larry “Pockets” Middendorf.
We followed up with the Good Guys Hot Rod event at the Ohio State Fairgrounds on July 9-10. On July
14 we held our Ladies Appreciation Dinner and Potentate’s Visitation at the Aladdin Shrine Center.
We have the Reynoldsburg Tomato Festival and Bucyrus Bratwurst Festival parade in August.
Have to give a shout out to our three apprentices: Dan “Moxie” Knopp, Dave Engle and Don
Ferguson. They are energetic, hardworking, willing to learn and participate. All three are doing a great
job on makeup and costumes. Dave Engle participated this year at the GLSCUA’S Clown Competition
in Dayton. Dave did a very good job for his first time. We added another apprentice, Jeff Tackett.
Speaking of GLSCUA competition, there were five who competed: Bob “Tuitt” Barton, Brushes,
John “Skates/Hip-Hop” Knoepfler, Dave Engle and Mike “P.N.C. BucketHead” Clark. We all won
awards either in face painting, balloons, makeup, and/or skits. Don “Toots” Tootle served as one
of the judges for the competitions. Great job, guys.
May Birthdays: Jack “Bope” Bope 5/6, Randy “Curly” Bope 5/6, Mike “P.N.C. BucketHead” Clark 5/7.
June Birthdays: John “Skates/Hip-Hop” Knoepfler 6/6, Ron “Hobe” Hobensack 6/9, Jeff “Cee Jay” Carter 7/12.
Please remember those having a hard times or illnesses. Please pray for them and for those on
the front lines protecting us in our freedom and daily lives, 24/7.
God Bless to all and be “square on the compass!”
Past Masters
by Dick Bull
Our unit had eight couples attend the Imperial Session in Tampa over the Fourth of July week.
Many Thanks go to the following Nobles who made our stay more pleasant: Jeff Kopp, housing
chairman, for his dedicated work on hotel and dinner arrangements; Bob Laird, Mark Froehlich and
staff members who shuttled us to the restaurant and back for our annual Imperial unit dinner; Ron
Leonard and Elaine for hosting an open house for our members at their hotel suite after the dinner.
The annual unit summer picnic will be held again at the Eagle Pavilion in Fryer Park at 3899
Orders Road, Grove City on Sunday, August 14 from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. Pete Hammond is in charge
of arrangements, Charlie Neff will call the bingo games (he has strange rules). We will eat at 2:00
p.m. Bring a casserole to share. The unit will furnish chicken, lunch meat, vegetable tray, beverages,
condiments and table service.
Welcome goes to Ted Kudron, Past Master of Luther B. turner Lodge #732, who was initiated in
the last Shrine class and has joined our unit. We look forward to working together.
We will be participating in both the Baltimore Parade on Saturday, August 6 (lineup is at 9:30 a.m.
and step-off is at 10:30 a.m.) and the Bucyrus Parade on Friday, August 19. Lineup for this parade
is 6:00 p.m. and step-off is at 7:00 p.m.
The Black Camel took one of our long-time members, John Minnis, Past Master of Community
Lodge #684. He had been in ill health for some time. Our sympathy goes to his wife and family.
He will be missed.
Daun Knox has announced that he is retiring from heading our Muirfield parking committee
after about 11 years of dedicated service. We thank him for all his efforts.
by O. Wayne Fulmer
Preceding our meeting we were treated to barbecued ham sandwiches, potato salad, chips and,
of course, assorted beverages. Thanks go to President Chuck Vandine.
President Vandine called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with 20 Nobles present and Divan
Representative Noble Zale Maxwell. The pledge to the flag was given and our chaplain gave a prayer.
Our family picnic was July 23. A great day was planned and there was plenty of food.
Keep this date open!
On September 24 at 10:00 a.m., the Aladdin Past Masters will be conferring the Master Mason
Degree. Registration is at 9:00 a.m. and lunch will be around noon. If you have never seen the
Aladdin Past Masters confer this degree, you don't want to miss this.
Well, that's all for now. God bless and be safe!
August 2016
Thea Court
I hope you are having a good summer and will be ready to welcome the change of seasons again.
This has been a lovely summer; I can’t believe it will soon be coming to an end. The leaves will
begin to change colors and we will be welcoming our beautiful fall season.
We have had two great sewing sessions this summer and we will be holding our last one of the
year at the Aladdin Shrine Center on August 24 at 10:00 a.m. Again we invite anyone who likes to
sew or stuff items to join us and help complete our projects for the Shriners Hospital for Children®.
It is so rewarding knowing that we have been able to help make the children’s recovery a bit more
pleasant. After all this is what we are about!
If any lady is interested in becoming a member of our group, please contact our High Priestess,
Lady Ginny Conrad, at 740-763-3875. She will be pleased to tell you all about the work we are so
honored to do for the great philanthropy at the Shriners Hospital for Children®. We also have a lot
of fun while working! Our regular Thea Court meetings will be starting again September 16, 2016.
Thebes Temple
by Sylvia Ann Bast, Queen
Hello to all our Friends,
By the time this issue is read, we will have seen many of you at our annual Chicken & Noodle
Dinner at Thebes Temple No. 87, on July 29, 2016.
We thank all of you who attended and supported the event on behalf of the children. It is our
pleasure to provide this dinner each year and we appreciate the wonderful way you are there for
the children. It is such a good time for all of us to share in our efforts to care for the children in
these various functions.
We are looking forward to many of you at the banquet on August 17 for our Supreme Visit.
Good food and friendships are something to be valued as we work toward our mutual goals.
Hope to see you then!
The summer is flying by so quickly and we at Thebes Temple hope you are enjoying the great
weather. There are things coming soon that we will be supporting also.
Aladdin Shrine Band
by Violet Dubros, PHP
by Steve Titus
The Aladdin Shrine Band’s summer picnic was July 12. We had a cookout
on the back patio. Great get together!
Upcoming Events / Practices
3 - Dixieland Band - Friendship Village
6 - Baltimore Parade - Dixieland Band 9:30 AM Lineup, 10:30 AM Parade
9 - Concert Band 7:00 - 8:30 PM
14 - Hilliard Park- Dixieland Band 7:00 - 9:00 PM
16 - Concert Band 7:00 - 8:30 PM
17 - Masonic Home - Dixieland Band
19 - Bucyrus Parade Dixieland and Concert Bands 6:00 PM Lineup, 7:00 PM Parade
21 - Chicken & Corn Roast and Car Show. All Performing Groups
23 - Unit Directors Meeting 6:00 PM
23 - Concert Ban 7:00-8:30 PM
26 - Concert Band - Grove City 7:00 - 9:00 PM
1 - Dixieland Band - Parkside Retirement, Westerville 3:30 PM
3 - Portsmouth River Days Parade 10:00 AM, Lineup 11:00 AM Parade
See you at practice!
by Dick Brixner
by Wes Broseke
Your Kambri Shrine Club held its annual Guernsey County Masonic Picnic and Fish Fry on Saturday,
July 23 at the Freeport Lodge with more than 80 Masons and their guests. We had members from
Freeport #415, Guernsey #211 OES, Guernsey #66, Kambri Shrine Club, Valley of Cambridge Scottish
Rite, and York Rite Bodies of Cambridge. We received greetings and a welcome from Freeport Lodge
and we were led in prayer by Brother Ken Warnock.
This was a potluck dinner with hamburgers, hot dogs, and 70 pounds of pollock filets (not Wills
Creek carp). Special thanks go to the Freeport Lodge for hosting this activity. Also, a special thank
you goes to Noble Dave Black for transporting the propane grill and for being the "head chef” and
for frying the fish. He was assisted by Nobles Lew Smith, Dick Bates, Ron LePage, Russell McFarland,
Glenn Baker and several others who helped in the cleanup.
As with any potluck, the quality and variety of home cooked food was very good, and needless
to say, the amount of pies, cakes, sweets, was amazing. Naturally, on the weekend, none of the
treats contained any calories ! At the conclusion of the meal, we had drawings for 29 door prizes
which were all provided through Freeport Lodge.
Nobles, did you read your July issue of the Lamp? Did you see that Aladdin took in 29 new Nobles?
Did you see the photos of our 22 Shriners Hospital for Children®? Did you read about the OSU football
ticket raffle? Have you called and reserved your spot for the Aladdin Chicken and Corn roast and
Car show? Nobles, read the Lamp and keep informed on all the activities and events in Grove City.
Remember Kambri's Tin Lizzie Patrol? Would you like to get involved and have your own Tin Lizzie?
If you have any interest, contact Noble Frank Potts. There are cars available for purchase. We would
like to reignite the Tin Lizzie Patrol and get them into local parades and events, but we need your
help. Think about all the fun you can have and how you can help to put Shrinedom in front of the
citizens of our communities. Nobles, watch for the next events soon to be coming to your mailbox.
Our regular meeting was held on July 20 at Veteran's Memorial Park Clubhouse. Forty-three Nobles
were present. Noble Weaver opened out meeting with a prayer; President Garmon led us in the
Pledge of Allegiance. Our guest for the evening was Noble Roscoe Smith of the Divan.
President Rowe thanked everyone for their help at the Forest Tree Town Festival Parade. President
Rowe also reminded everyone of the Potentates visit on August 13 at the community building at
the fairgrounds. This is a joint visitation with Zenobia and the Grand Master will also be attending.
Nobles are asked to wear their fez. Social hour will be from 5:00-6:00 p.m. with super at 6:00. p.m.
We gave a big hand to our kitchen crew before we ate our meal prepared and served by Nobles
Williams, Rice, Musselman, and Walden. Good job, Nobles! Meeting was closed with a prayer by
Noble Weaver.
August 2016
Mail reservation form with payment to: Aladdin Shriners, 1801 Gateway Circle, Grove City, OH 43123
Name: _____________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: __________________________
____$450 Single ____$325 Double ____$270 Triple
____$245 Quad TOTAL AMOUNT______________
Payment Information:
{ } Check enclosed (payable to Aladdin Shriners)
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Credit Card #:_________________________________ Expiration: _______________ Signature: _______________________
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