The New Year Is Off and Running


The New Year Is Off and Running
Inside This Issue
Volume LXXXVI | Issue 3 | March 2014
1 Potentate’s Message
2 Chaplain’s Message
3 Membership Memo
Potentate’s Monthly Message
Special Events
The New Year Is Off and Running
4 Easter Egg Hunt
5 Circus
6 Santee Golf Trip
7 Fishing Stag
7 Mackinac Island Trip
12 Kentucky Derby Party
12 Shriner Imperial Trip
Membership Statistics
Membership As Of 01-01-2014
Associate Members Start 2014
Total Membership 01-01-201
Creations 0
Restored 3
Assoc. Members 0
Yr to Date
Total Additions YTD 14
Yr to Date
Assoc. Dropped 0
Total Deletions YTD 29
Membership As Of 2-28-2014
Net Loss/Gain YTD
Well, we’re back. Those of us who went to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic had a wonderful time. Leaving
snow and ice behind, we enjoyed sunshine and 80 degree days relaxing in the pool, sitting on the beach, or
even getting in a round of golf. All in all, a great time was had by all in attendance.
Upcoming events for this month and next, include the stated meeting on March 17, the circus from March 27
- March 30, and the Ohio Masonic One-Day Class on April 5.
Circus Director John Morris promises this year’s circus is going to be “fun-tastic” with elephants, lions, and
dogs; oh my. But we need your help to make it successful. We are in need of nobles to assist in ushering,
especially on School day (March 27, 11:00 a.m. show) and Guest day (March 28, 11:00 a.m. show). These are
two very special days, and if you have never attended them, you don’t know what you are missing. These
kids are so appreciative of being able to attend a real circus. So mark it on your calendar and plan to attend.
On April 5 the Grand Master of Ohio is having district wide One-Day Classes for new Masons. Aladdin plans
to attend as many of these as possible to hand out information to potential Nobles. But the success of this day
depends on all of us. If you know of someone who might be interested in Masonry and possibly the Shrine,
talk to them, get them a petition. Get involved, don’t wait for someone else. If you wait, they will probably
miss out on a great opportunity.
Our Ceremonial will be on June 14. It will be the complete first and second sections and in full dress. The
cost for the Shrine initiation is just $90.
The visitation season is beginning; Lady Dixie and I are eagerly anticipating visiting with each of your clubs
or units in the coming months. See you soon.
Remember, We Do It All for KIDS.
First Lady’s Heritage Fund Project
Aladdin’s Lamp
3850 Stelzer Road
Columbus, Ohio 43219-3044
by First Lady Dixie Rogers
The Potentate’s lady sponsors a fundraising project each year. This year I am raising funds for the Heritage Fund Project which
will support Aladdin Shriners who need a helping hand to pay their membership dues.
I am selling a wood replica of the Aladdin Shrine Building known as a Cat’s Meow Collector’s Item for $20.00 each. There
is also a patriotic cat pin known as “Casper” that will be sold for $5.00 each to those who want to wear a pin in support of
the 2014 project.
Membership is a very important part of Aladdin Shrine and once a person becomes a member it is important that the
member stays active. Hardships come to all ages, so this fund will be there to pay the way for those members who might
be having a difficult time paying their dues. Members encounter job layoffs, medical bills, medical needs, prescriptions
and many other things that no one expects to happen.
The Heritage Fund will be administered by the Recorder and Membership Committee. Any Aladdin member who needs a little help
can contact one of these resources for assistance.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, OH 43219-9001 and at additional mailing offices.
W. Garol Rogers, Potentate
Chaplain’s Message
Official Publication of Aladdin Shriners,
Shriners International
Volume LXXXVI No. 3 March 2014
Published Monthly: Subscription Price $6.00/year
Aladdin’s Lamp
3850 Stelzer Road, Columbus, OH 43219-3044
(614) 475-2609
ALADDIN’S LAMP (USPS 011-800) published monthly
for $6.00 per year at 3850 Stelzer Road, Col., OH 43219.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, Ohio 43219-9001
and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: send address changes to Aladdin’s Lamp,
3850 Stelzer Road, Columbus, Ohio 43219-3044
Editor: Frankie Foster, (614) 932-9522
Club and Unit News: 6260 Braelinn Drive,
Dublin, OH 43017
News Fax Line: (888) 788-1741
News Deadline: 20th of the preceding month
Advertising: (614) 475-2609, Ext. 106
or (800) 475-3850, Ext. 106
Advertising Deadline: 15th of month preceding
publication (Aladdin Shrine reserves the right
to reject submitted advertising.)
Stated Meetings
Regular meetings of the Aladdin Shriners are held
the third Monday of each month except
June, July and August at 6:30 PM. (Dinner at 5:30 PM)
Aladdin Shrine Center, 3850 Stelzer
Road, Columbus, Ohio
Elected Divan
Potentate: W. Garol Rogers
Chief Rabban: David E. Wolfe
Assistant Rabban: Ronald H. Leonard
High Priest and Prophet: Jon M. Kinney
Oriental Guide: Todd Jones
Treasurer: Dennis D. Feyh
Recorder: Donald G. Goodman, P.P.
Appointed Divan
1st Ceremonial Master: Rodney L. Holdren
2nd Ceremonial Master: Zale A. Maxwell
Chaplain: William E. Estell, P.P.
Aladdin Shrine Center Directory
Shrine Center Office
614-475-2609 - Fax: (614) 475-8225
Outside Franklin County: (800) 475-3850
Executive Director:
Gene Steineman , Ext. 106
Circus Director:
John Morris, Ext. 109
Kim Luckeydoo, Ext. 103
Membership, Circus & ASHAC
Brenda Springer, Ext. 101
Marketing Manager
Amber Crosby, Ext. 113
Shrine Event Coordinator
Ted Eisleben, Ext. 102
Business Development
Elizabeth Shoemaker, Ext. 112
Chad Dennewitz, Ext 110
Facility Manager
Dial 0 for Immediate Assistance
by William E. Estell, P.P.
When I am driving in my car, I usually keep extra money folded and tucked under the garage door opener clipped
to the visor. Why do I keep money there? When you are out driving, have you ever seen individuals standing at
the intersection usually holding a sign that says they are homeless, need help, unemployed, will work for food or
something to that effect? What does one do with that person? Ignore them and drive on usually saying something
like “why don’t you get a job”? I used to do that.
Then I remember that I’m not to pass judgment. I don’t know what circumstances brought that person to that
place. I am reminded by the good book that I should help people. In Masonry, I learned that I should support the
widow and orphan. Is this person an orphan from the family or an orphan of society? Is that my concern? I learned
in church that the poor will always be with us, and that if we have, we should help those who do not. Someone
said to me one time, “you give those people money and they just buy bad things with it.” Maybe so, but if they
spend their money foolishly, then that is their cross to bear. If I, however, in my state of plenty, drive by and give
nothing, that is my cross to bear.
“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
Matthew 25.40
Erie Hospital
by Bob Stevenson and Tom McNeil
There are so many different things going on at the Erie Ambulatory Surgery Center and Outpatient Specialty Care Center, it’s hard to know what to
report. So this month let’s talk a little sports.
First, in an accompanying article you will read about a “Pitch Count” study being done by our Erie Motion Analysis Lab (MAL), Mercyhurst University
and UPMC-Hamot. As you’ll read, they are trying to answer the age old question in baseball. When do you pull the starting pitcher? Is it 100 pitches,
120, 85? A lot of very talented baseball men have struggled with that. Perhaps the answer will come by way of our MAL!
Did you watch the Olympics? Great wasn’t it, except maybe for that hockey thing. Well, the second Olympics from Sochi began March 7, the
Paralympics. We at Erie have a special interest in these events. This year Shriners Hospitals for Children has five of our kids competing. One is our
own Dan McCoy who is 19 years old. Dan was introduced to sled hockey at the age of five. Dan has been playing sled hockey for 14 years and has
been a member of the US National Sled Hockey Team for three years. He helped Team USA win a gold medal in the 2012 International Paralympics
Committee Sledge World Championship in Hamar, Norway as well as in the 2012 World Sledge Hockey Challenge in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Way
to go, Dan! We wish Dan and our four other kids much success in Sochi (and hope they can bring home the gold, since the teams last week couldn’t).
If you would like to read the entire article, go to and also at
Did you know Aladdin’s involvement in Sled Hockey came from SHC-Erie helping to get it started?
So many great things happen in Erie. We are proud.
Erie’s Movement Lab of Study
Part of Study Assessing Pitch Count’s Bearing on Athletic Injury
In baseball lingo, pitch count is the number of pitches thrown by a pitcher during a game. The correlation between pitch count and throwing arm
injuries has been a hot-button issue in baseball for years and now is the focus of a new study by Shriners Hospitals for Children - Erie, Mercyhurst
University Department of Sports Medicine, UPMC Hamot.
Often a starting pitcher will be removed from the game after 100 pitches, which is regarded as the maximum optimal pitch count for a starting
pitcher. But is 100 an arbitrary benchmark? Studies have tried to address the question, but most have looked at the way pitchers throw and how
the motion changes with repetition as predictive of fatigue.
This new research project looks at motion, but it will also measure shoulder muscle strength and for the first time, biomarkers. Biomarkers (short
for biological markers) are used widely in medicine to predict serious illnesses like diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Could they predict joint
stress in a pitching arm?
Twelve student-athletes from the Mercyhurst University baseball team are serving as test subjects. Using high-speed cameras to track individuals’
movements as they throw, motion studies will be conducted by Shriners Hospitals—Erie under the guidance of project partner Kevin Cooney, PT,
manager of rehabilitation services and movement analysis at Shriners—Erie. He will be assisted by Jake Gdovin, a graduate student in exercise
science at Mercyhurst and a graduate assistant at the Shriners Movement Analysis Lab. Samples of student-athletes’ blood drawn before and after
pitching sessions will be tested by UPMC Hamot to possibly diagnose joint stress in their bodies. Using neuromuscular testing technology, players
will also be evaluated for shoulder strength before and after throwing.
This research project is a community partnership that pools resources from major health care facilities like Shriners Hospitals for Children and
the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) and academic institutions like Mercyhurst University.
This study may not change the face of Major League Baseball in the near future, but if it can demonstrate a linkage between the elements of
motion, strength and biomarkers in predicting fatigue, it might lay the groundwork for further studies and, ultimately, a more authentic measure
for determining pitch count that could be implemented at levels from Little League to Major League.
For additional information, contact: Bob Howden (814) 875-8782.
Catering Office: Deb (614) 471-2260
After 4:30 PM and on weekends - Ext. 111 for
Security Desk
Membership Memo
by Calvin Smith, P.P.
Our 2014 Grand Master's One-Day Class will be on us soon. Each Masonic district will conduct
its own class on Saturday April 5. The location of each district class within Aladdin's jurisdiction
is contained in the chart below. Simply find your district number and the site for your county or
Shrine club is contained therein. These classes will begin at 8:00 a.m.
District 7
Counties: Ross, Pike, Highland, Scioto
Shrine Clubs: Ross, Pike
Location: Lucasville - 322 Robert Lucas Rd.
District 8
Counties: Clinton, Fayette, Pickaway
Shrine Clubs: Washington CH, Pickaway
Location: Fairborn - 1267 W. Yellow Spring,
District 15
Counties: Union, Marion, Morrow
Shrine Clubs: Union, Marion
Location: Marion - 119 W Church St. 43302
District 16
Counties: Crawford, Wyandott
Shrine Clubs: Bucyrus
Location: Tiffin - 179 S Washington St. 44883
District 17
Counties: Madison
Shrine Clubs: Madison
Location: Ohio Masonic Home (Clark Co.)
Counties: Athens, Washington, Morgan
Shrine Clubs: Athens, Marietta, Belpre,
Location: American Union - 308 Front St.
District 10
District 18
District 9
Counties: Hardin
Shrine Clubs: Hardin
Location: Lima Masonic Temple, 2165 N. Cole
St. 45801
Counties: Monroe, Noble, Muskingum
Shrine Clubs: Monroe, Zavi
Location: La Fayette - 3867 N. Point Dr.
District 12
District 19
District 23
Counties: Jackson, Gallia, Meigs
Shrine Clubs: Shiloh, Gallipolis
Location: Morning Dawn - 3070 Third Ave,
District 13
Counties: Vinton, Hocking, Fairfield, Perry
Shrine Clubs: Hocking Hills, Tarhe
Location: Lancaster 224 S. High 43130
District 14
Counties: Franklin, Delaware
Shrine Clubs: North East, et al
Location: Northland - 5885 Cleveland Ave,
Counties: Licking, Knox, Coshocton
Shrine Clubs: Licking, Utica, Baldwin
Location: Heath - 875 Irving Wick Dr. W 43056
Counties: Guernsey, Harrison
Shrine Clubs: Kambri
Location: Freeport - 22577 Cadiz Road 43973
District 24
Counties: Jefferson
Shrine Clubs: Steubenville
Location: Wick - 223 Wick Ave., Youngstown
Ceremonial - June 14
These April One-Day Class members are our candidate pool for Aladdin’s June 14 full-dress,
two-section Ceremonial. We must make every effort to recruit theses candidates. You must try;
please. Remember, the fee is only $90.
Cincinnati Hospital
by Bob Lazenby and D. Dee Mowry, P.P.
The February meeting of the Cincinnati Board of Governors was not of the usual format due to the
annual board retreat. This meeting was a two day event held on Friday, February 21 and Saturday
February 22. Our new administrator, Pam VanSant, made her first formal appearance at this meeting.
She comes to Shriners with about 25 years experience in the hospital administration field. Pam
has completed her orientation period at the Tampa Headquarters and is becoming familiar with
the local operations at this hospital.
The usual round of committee meetings and lunch rounded out the activities prior to the
formal board meeting. During the normal reports from the various committees, one committee
was highlighted during this period. One activity that is not publicized too much is the research
committee. Dr. Wes Alexander, M.D., D. Sc., who chairs the research effort, made a brief presentation
of his interest area which is primarily in the nutrition field of children who are burned or compromised
health-wise. Tremendous strides have been made in his area of study and have resulted in successful
treatment modalities. Some of these developments have been made available on the commercial
market. We have approximately 20 highly educated researchers working at the Cincinnati facility.
Many of our fellow Shriners are not aware of this important function of the hospital.
For the month your hospital saw 58 intakes ranging in age from 3 months to 17 years. This
represented 17 Shrine Temples. Budget-wise your hospital was over budget this month mainly
because of the number of acute burns and an unusually high census. Contributions are running
ahead of last year and the numbers of the Press-Ganey patient satisfaction survey are outstanding
at the 96(+)% figure. This figure has been this high for the past three years. Your hospital also has
Magnet status which is a measure of outstanding nursing services. VERY few hospitals gain this status.
Saturday morning (and early afternoon) was spent in a learning situation. After the welcome from
the Chair Doug Sitzler and Administrator Pan VanSant, the 2014-2019 Strategic Plan for Shriners
Hospitals for Children formed the basis for the first session. Based on the information from the
main office, a strategic, marketing and business plan will be developed for this hospital. Individual
committees met and developed plans for improvements.
This was a two-day meeting but very productive.
Masonic Night with Shrine
Ill. Potentate W. Garol Rogers has set Monday, April 28 for the 22nd annual “Masonic Night with
the Shrine.” It will be at 6:45 p.m. in the auditorium of Aladdin Shrine Center, 3850 Stelzer Road in
Columbus. All Master Masons in good standing are cordially invited to attend and enjoy an evening
of fellowship while witnessing the Master Mason Degree being performed on one candidate from
Baltimore Lodge #475, home lodge of the Potentate. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m.
The work will be exemplified by the Past Masters Unit under the direction of Dick Bull, Phil
Clouse and Neil Elam. The following units from Aladdin will also be involved during the evening:
Reception, Registrars, Legion of Honor, Audio and Chanters.
Refreshments will be served after closing of Lodge at approximately 9:35 p.m.
Several Grand Lodge officers and Past Grand Masters are expected to be in attendance.
This should be an enjoyable and informative meeting for all, especially for newer members
and junior lodge officers. The only requirement for admission is your 2014 Lodge dues card. You
may bring your own apron if you wish, but aprons will be available at registration. Please plan to
attend and bring a brother with you.
Aladdin will conduct a restoration campaign this month among those who were suspended during
2012 and 2013. You may be asked to help. This will be done on an individual basis. The fee is $50.
Have you paid your 2014 dues?
Aladdin has mailed its second dues notice for 2014. If you read this and do not have a dues card
in your wallet, respond to this notice and mail us your dues.
In Memorium
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Call for quotes and
flagpole discounts
What’s New in Erie
Staff Recognized for Service During Child Life Month
March is National Child Life Month and Shriners Hospitals for Children—Erie Ambulatory Surgery
Center and Outpatient Specialty Care Center salutes Kristin Maguire and MichelleDeRooy, our child
life specialists, for what they do for Erie patients and families.
The child life workers are the only health care providers in a child healthcare setting who are
able to say they never cause discomfort to a patient.
Kristin and Michelle support the patients through many procedures and use distraction to make
it less stressful for the children. While it may look like play activity, these tactics are important for
the patient’s comfort and well-being. The child life specialists also serve as advocates for the child,
and offer something very special and unique in their care.
In addition, Kristin and Michelle teach the patients and families about procedures and surgical
experiences in terms the patient can understand. The psychosocial needs that children have when
they go through a fearful, stressful event are addressed, and interventions are delivered so children
can cope and leave the Erie facility with a positive, healthy mindset.
This is a service that helps Shriners - Erie provide the best quality care to our patients, and helps
make Shriners—Erie center a very special place.
New Shriners Website Up: Changes/Additions Continue
The new Shriners Hospitals for Children website has been launched and can be seen at: www. Everyone is reminded that the new site is a work-in-progress and
information is still being added, changed and fine-tuned.
The redesigned website has a new look and the overall functionality that is vastly improved from
the old site. Each Shriners Hospitals center has a distinct presence within the new site, providing
specific information about that center.
The new site is designed to help increase the number of patients receiving care at the Shriners
facilities, to increase donations to the system and improve the overall presentation of the site for
its visitors.
The site is maintained by the Shriners Hospitals for Children corporate Public Relations
Department in Tampa
Bus leaves Aladdin Shrine Center at 6:00 AM
$35.00 /per person - Aladdin Arms Member
$35.00 /per person - Aladdin Arms Member’s wife and children
$55.00 /per person - A Shriner who is NOT a member of Aladdin Arms
$75.00 /per person - A non-Shriner who is a guest of an Aladdin Arms member
The trade show area of the convention is FREE to all NRA members. The group
plans to staying for the evening entertainment (visit the NRA website for lineup). Ticket prices for that are yet to be determined as we are awaiting to see if
we will get a group discount.
Send money to:
Jack Jones
1248 East Dublin-Granville Road
Columbus OH 43229
Contact Information:
Phone: 740-504-6872
To Receive Tickets
Complete form and include a self addressed
stamped envelope and mail to:
Linda Rust - 5990 Darby Lane - Columbus, OH 43229
AGE GROUP: 0-3____ 4-5____ 6-8____ 9-12____
Indicate Number of Children in Each Group
Name _______________________________________
Address _____________________________________
City _________________________Zip ____________
by Don Owens
Being March, we’re thinking circus and Vidalia Onions. Frank Swiatek reports that response to his
solicitation for volunteers to usher at the circus is a bit thin.
He has applied his excellent imagination to possible solutions, including involvement of nonShriner friends and family. However, all solutions begin with cooperation from R-Unit members
and that has been lacking, sad to say.
The Aladdin Shrine Circus is March 27-30, so this message should be in members’ hands about
a week before it begins. There is time to think about who, among your physically able friends and
family, would be willing to donate time for as little as one or two performances.
Call Frank if you can help at all, or if you have an idea to help fill our ranks.
Vidalia Onion Campaign - We have talked about the importance of this annual exercise to
our treasury. Director Jack Bonn is still planning to order more onions from our source than we
will have orders in-hand. This means we will have to hustle to sell these little gems before they
turn to expensive fertilizer.
We can set up booths at farm markets, etc., but we may have to send out a press gang to recruit
R-Unit members to man them. We need volunteers, so call Jack. Transportation of the goods and
muscle for schlepping them around will be necessary. I’m putting my grandson on alert, and
members with trucks and trailers may be called upon to help. On a positive note, Mike Johnson
reports that sales got off to a good start at the February stated meeting of Aladdin Shrine.
Our director is calling for an unusual daytime meeting in April. We’ve booked a lunch meeting at
the Central Ohio Fire museum for April 24, ladies welcome. Should be fun, so mark your calendars.
Bill Stelzer reports that Ruth is holding her own in dealing with the effects of last year’s illness.
He would appreciate hearing from anyone who would care to call.
This month’s birthday list is headed by Ken Beckholt,remember him? Then there are Bill Childs,
Jim Paul, and me, Don Owens. Just happy to be here!
by Frank Petrie, Jr.
Ross County
by Randy Davis
Nobles and ladies, it's cold here at our oasis. It reminds me of my youth; we had an outhouse, a
coal stove for heat, our water came from a bucket in the well, and I walked to school–uphill both
ways. Our modern conveniences are great, but it is still uncomfortably cold. Oh well, spring has to
come sometime, so we are just hanging in there.
Noble Terry Lucas has been elected as Raban of Clan #7 Gallipolis Hillbillys. Congratulations,
cusin, I know you will do a great job.
We had a lively time at the Dog Track on February 8. Fortunes were made and some lost, but
a great time was had by all. Thanks go to our bus driver, Noble Jim Duke, for a safe trip. We have
a party planned for March 29–sort of a combination Valentine and St. Patrick's Day get together.
You can wear red or green or anything between.
Our Trail Ride Committee is making plans for our 5th Annual Trail Ride. It will be held at the Rio
Valley Stables in Rio Grande, Ohio, on April 26, 2014, riding out at 12 noon. If you or your kids or
grand kids like horses, come on out for a fun day.
We wish to thank our prime roadrunners, Noble Melvin Craft and Noble Glenn Ward, for their
many trips to the Shrine Hospitals.
In a thrilling competition, our annual Poker Champion was crowned. A “tip of the fez” and
congratulations go to Noble Dennis Salisbury for winning this year. Noble Doyle Saunders came
in a close second for the second year in a row. An "atta boy" goes to Doyle.
Remember, Nobles and ladies, a warm smile is the universal language of kindness.
Our meeting was called to order by Noble President Bobby Anderson and the Pledge of Allegiance
was given by all. The invocation was given by Noble Ronald Harper . Nobles Mike Haller , Dan Riddle,
Jay Morgan and Bob Baranick prepared and served us , baked spaghetti, salad , garlic bread and
brownies and ice cream for dessert.
Noble Mike Bell reported on the upcoming Shrine Circus March in March . And Nobles Tom
Barnitz and Dave Mitten spoke on our upcoming Tabloid days June 6 - 7 . Nobles, if you have not
signed up to help with the circus or Tabloids, please do so. Many hands make light work and these
are the reasons we wear the fez.
We sent out get well soon cards to Nobles Don Jones , John Dearth and Ned Young. Our thoughts
and prayers are with you all.
The third and final reading was made for our Distinguished Service Award recipients, Nobles
Lloyd Trego , Brad Burns and Bill Bell. They were all voted in. Congratulations go to these fine Nobles
and thank you again for your service and commitment to our club.
President Anderson made mention of our upcoming ceremonies on April 5 at the Aladdin
Shrine Club for the Blue Lodge One-Day Class.
The benediction was given by Noble Ron Harper and the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Aladdin Official Parades - The Potentate and the majority of the Divan will attend. All
units and clubs should attend.
Parade Marshall
Frank E. Habeker
Asst. Parade Marshall
Harold McDow
614-432-5551 Cell
Pike County Dogwood Parade
2:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
Utica Ice Cream Festival
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m
Worthington Memorial Day
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Imperial Parade7/76:00 p.m.7:00 p.m.
Baltimore Parade8/99:30 a.m.10:30 a.m.
Bucyrus Parade8/156:00 p.m.7:00 p.m.
Canal Winchester Labor Day
12:00 Noon
1:00 p.m.
Marion Popcorn9/45:00 p.m.6:00 p.m.
Jackson Apple Festival
6:45 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
Circleville Pumpkin Parade
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Optional Grandview Hts. Parade
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Masonic Home Day
1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
Marysville Balloon Festival
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Nelsonville Parade8/165:00 p.m.6:00 p.m.
Marietta Labor Day Parade
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Grove City Parade
8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
Gallipolis Veterans Day
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Athens Veteran Day
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
Lancaster Christmas Parade
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Washington CH Christmas
2:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
March 2014
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Each Golfer Must Complete Form and Return with 50% Deposit
Send to: Aladdin Shrine Center, 3850 Stelzer Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43219
Smoking ( ) Non-Smoking ( ) Handicap Accessible ( )
( ) Bus Package ( ) Drive Package
Check Enclosed
Card Number
(Payable to Aladdin Shrine Center)
Expiration Date
Credit Card
Amount Charged
Aladdin Shrine Center, Attn: Fishing, 3850 Stelzer Rd., Col. OH 43219-3044
Please make me
reservations for the Walleye trip. My check is enclosed.
DEADLINE : May 5, 2014. Reserve now!
X $150 each =
Total Attending
Check Enclosed
(Payable to Aladdin Shrine Center)
Card Number
Expiration Date
Credit Card
Walleye Fishing Stag
Amount Charged
Mackinac Island Weekend Getaway
Send to: Aladdin Shrine Center, 3850 Stelzer Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43219
$100 Non-Refundable Deposit Due with Reservation - Final Payment Due April 4, 2014
Check Enclosed
(Payable to Aladdin Shrine Center)
Card Number
Expiration Date
March 2014
Credit Card
Amount Charged
by John Rohal
Guess we are going to have to admit it, our "old geezers" have all headed for the
deep south, and our February meeting was not very well attended; however, the
meal was very good.
Director Gene Steineman (who came from Florida for this meeting) opened
the meeting with his usual joke, something about snow removal. He reminded
us about all upcoming events and trips, including the Imperial Council Session in
Minneapolis in July, one week later than usual.
The January secretary and treasurer reports were read by Jim Rohal and both were approved.
Jim Rohal also reported that the initial meeting at Muirfield for the Memorial Tournament was
scheduled for Tuesday, February 18.
Wesley L. Riley was presented with his Provost membership badge, and Ted Hall, of Cardington, a
retired Deputy Sheriff from Delaware and Morrow Counties, was approved for apprentice membership.
Director Gene read a “thank you” note from Bill and Carol Estell for our work at the Sled Hockey
Tournament which was attended by 17 of our Provost members and their ladies.
Don Campbell reminded us of the Shrine Circus on March 27 - 30, and explained some of our
newly added assignments.
The 2014 Provost Unit membership rosters were passed out at this time.
Bob Laird discussed the progress on the purchase of a parade trailer; Antioch Temple of Dayton
has one for sale which will be looked at.
Celebrating birthdays in March are Thomas E. Douglas Sr., Rex A. Emrich, Jon M. Kinney,
Douglass E. Marine, Terry D. McLaughlin, Kevin T. Moore, Larry M. Mosley, Robert M. Shaw, Thomas
J. Steltenpohl, Albert W. Taylor, and Alan S. Witherspoon.
Our ill and injured member list includes Steve Hathaway, who will not require surgery, John
and Teresa Demjen recovering from an automobile accident, and Bob Madill with heart problems.
Our sympathy goes to Jim Cooper whose mother-in-law, Elner Dyke, recently passed away, and
to Kathy Amspaugh who lost her father.
The Unit is saddened by the unexpected death of long-time Provost member Willard Leon Taylor.
Having just returned from Punta Cana with our Potentate W. Garol Rogers, it's time to end this
article to recover from a great time in the pools and on the beach.
by Arnie Fuller
Hello, Fellow Nobles. The New Year is fast on its way to being one of the snowiest years on record.
Mother Nature has spoken. She is still calling the shots.
While all this snow has been trying to bury us, the Chanters have been staying busy. Only one
of our sing outs was canceled due to bad weather.
Our new president, Bill Wirsching, has had our first board meeting and plans have been set for
the first half of the coming year.
In March we have two sing outs scheduled:
03/17/ 14 at Dublin Retirement Center
03/24/14 at Worthington of Gahanna
Another event scheduled is the Shrine Circus on March 27-29.
Coming up is the annual Chanters Spaghetti Dinner on April 25; mark your calendars, you do
not want to miss this!
Member Highlight
In this issue of the Lamp, we would like to highlight one of our most celebrated members. This
Noble has been a Chanter for 43 years. He recently served as assistant director of The Chanters
and he also holds the title of past director of the Circus after being chairman for several years. He
holds the title of past director and impresario of the Jesters and served as chief of staff to more
than eight Potentates. Most recently, he has been recognized as Veteran Emeritus 2014 for his long
and faithful service to the Chanters and the Aladdin Shrine.
If you haven’t guessed by now, yes, it is the one and only Ralph W. Hughes. Ralph is currently
recovering from surgery and we all wish him a speedy recovery.
Spaghetti Dinner
For the last 13 years we have been holding our Annual Spaghetti Dinner. The event has been
received so well that our Chef Gus Ruziicka’s recipe has become a celebrated brand. And we are
planning to hold our 14th dinner this year on April 25 and expect to serve 450 - 500 meals again
this year. But the number of members able to participate has dwindled. We are unsure if we can
continue holding these dinners. We are considering an option. If you, or your friends and families
who have participated over the years, would enjoy an opportunity to purchase the infamous
sauce and meatballs as a carry-out as others have in the past, we are considering packaging it to
sell in the future years.
If anyone has a desire to take advantage of this opportunity, mention it to any Chanter you
know. If there is enough interest we will consider it next year.
Should any Aladdin Shrine Nobles want to come down to our Monday night rehearsals and see
what a great time we have and don’t worry about singing, we can figure that out over a beverage!
Marching With The Legion
by Robert Spencer & Dick Luckay
FROM THE COMMANDER – March, April and May will provide many opportunities to support
Aladdin’s Legion Of Honor (LOH) and meet not only our new members but our fellow Shriners as well.
During our scheduled March meeting, we will welcome new members and vote on several
prospective candidates. Then comes the circus! There will be eleven opportunities to present the
colors with precision and full military precision. We will not only enjoy a great circus, but between
performances we will have time to catch up on the happenings in each other’s lives and watch
some NCAA basketball as well (hopefully our Buckeyes included). 1st Lt. David Quinn and 2nd Lt.
Commander James Kennan will be contacting our Legionobles to ensure all the performances are
well covered. LOH members will receive the circus schedule via email or regular mail, so sign up
and let us know how many flags we will need to have on hand.
In April, the Dogwood Parade at Piketon will be a great first chance for our new members to
get in step and to enjoy one of the best after-glows on the schedule.
May is always busy! We will host the Potentate’s visitation, march in the Worthington Memorial
Day parade, and work at the Muirfield Tournament (more information on these events next month).
As a reminder, June is Tabloid time. All the money we collect will support our Shrine Hospitals–one
of the very reasons we wear the fez. This year, our goal is to cover two locations which should
increase our hospital contribution significantly.
So! Press those uniforms, shine those shoes and get ready for a fun-filled, rewarding and
(hopefully) warm, sunny spring.
SPECIAL DAYS FOR SPECIAL PEOPLE –“Ding-Dong,” ring out those wedding bell memories for
PC Dave and Lucy Ozvay (4/4), PC, PCGLSA, Bob and Barb Faber (4/8), Assistant Rabban, LN, Ron
and Elaine Leonard (4/16) and LN Glenn and Judy Ferrone (4/26). Ring out the old and ring in the
new memories for a wonderful new year of happiness. Happy birthday wishes to PC Willie Fitchett
(4/1), PC Jim Rock (4/6), PC Robert Spencer (4/9), Corky Burton (4/22) and LN John Burton and Anne
Nixon (4/23). May that new candle light up a whole new year of happiness for you all. God Bless!
PROUDLY WE SERVED – Legionoble C. Gary Baker was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the
United States Marine Corps after completing officer training school in October, 1968. The Marines
needed helicopter pilots at the time, so he was sent to flight training at U. S. Army bases in Texas
and Georgia where he earned his Army Aviator wings in July of 1969.
Baker completed his advanced training in the CH-46 Seaknight “chopper” at the Marine Air
Facility, Santa Anna, CA and was awarded his Navy Wings of Gold in November of 1969. He was
initially assigned to the USS New Orleans, a Navy LPH (Landing Platform Helicopter) aircraft carrier
at Yankee Station in the Gulf of Tonkin. Later, he transferred to Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron
364 stationed at DaNang, South Viet Nam. Baker was promoted to 1st Lieutenant and proceeded
to fly over 500 combat missions which included reconnaissance insertions/extractions, medical
evacuations, re-supply, troop insertions and command and control operations. Virtually every flight
was over or into enemy controlled territory. There were no “routine” missions. He was awarded the
Bronze Star Medal for Valor in a perilous rescue mission under extreme circumstances. One of his
fondest memories was flying HOT CHOW to the dug-in Marines out in the field on Thanksgiving,
1970. Baker’s Viet Nam resume indicates he earned 25 Air Medals for his combat/combat support
efforts on behalf of our nation. He returned stateside in January, 1971, and was promoted to
Captain at Santa Ana Marine Station, California, where he served as Legal Officer for the Base and
as an Instructor Pilot for Viet Nam-bound Marine pilots flying the CH-46 helicopter. He finished his
military career as the Training Officer at El Toro Marine Air Reserve Training Detachment, California
where he was responsible for the training of 1,300 Marine Reservists and 300 active duty Marines.
Well done, Captain Baker! We are proud to have you as a member of Aladdin’s Legion of Honor.
Licking County
by Franklin C. Boner
After the latest snow storm, most of us are looking for some sign of spring. March is a month of new
beginnings. March 17 - St. Patrick's Day, March 20 - first day of spring, and March 27-30 - Aladdin
Shrine Circus.
When you receive this, we will have completed our first noon lunch with the ladies and speaker
Illustrious Sir William G. Selsam will have explained some of the finer points of Shrine law!
Nobel Bruce Thompson, Tabloid Chairman, is busy assembling information and sites for our
Tabloid event May 16 - 17. If you can assist with Tabloid, call him at 522- 9656. Following Tabloid,
Nobel Terry Hill and Mound City L. L. Baseball will be center stage. A busy start to another a busy year!
I have not received any reports of ill or distressed Nobles, but John Rine, Gene Smith and I am
sure others come to mind that need our prayers, calls, and cards.
Our next noon meeting at the Grotto will take place Thursday, April 3. When the heart weeps
for what it has lost, the spirit rejoices for what it has found.
Hardin County
by Ken Rossman
Our regular meeting was held on February 19 at Veterans Memorial Park Clubhouse. We had 39
Nobles and one guest in attendance. Noble Larry Weaver opened the meeting with a prayer, then
President Ridgeway led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Noble Rossman asked to get some help to keep our recycle newspaper trailer in order at the
Recycle Center. We need someone to go out there once or twice a week to empty plastic bags,
stack the papers and get rid of magazines and cardboard. He suggested anyone interested should
talk to Noble Bob Holmes and give us a hand in this project. All the money from the newspapers
goes to the Shriners Hospitals.
It was reported that Nobles Howard Watkins and Russ Ludwig are both recovering from surgery–
we wish both of them the very best.
Our guest was Adam Fletcher who filled out an application to become a Shriner. Noble Jim
Holmes told of the large number of children in our area who get books from The Dolly Parton
Imagination Library. Our donation helps with this project.
There was a mistake in our last report. In the list of officers for 2014, our 2nd vice president
should be Rowe Garmon.
Noble Rossman closed our meeting with a prayer.
We dined on a great meal prepared and served by our kitchen crew of Nobles Don Doll, Gilbert,
Wagner, Rex Good, Gannon, Rice, Osborn, Rob Wilson and Codee Morris. Thank you, Nobles, for a
job well done. We gave a big hand to our kitchen crew.
We say a big “thank you” to all who got the room ready for our meeting and then restored the
room to normal after our meeting.
Our next meeting will be on March 19.
Past Masters
by Dick Bull
Congratulations go to Daun Knox who received the Gold Honor Award from Thomas Smith Webb
York Rite College #192 on February 17. He is very deserving of this recognition for his contributions
to Freemasonry.
Members of our unit are looking forward to assisting the Reception Unit members at ushering
for the upcoming Shrine Circus.
First V. P. Doug Hoover has finalized plans for our annual March dinner meeting with the ladies.
It will be held on Monday, March 24 at Ann & Tony’s Restaurant in West Jefferson. Details will be
forthcoming in our March unit newsletter along with reservation forms.
We are beginning preparations for “Masonic Night with the Shrine” on Monday, April 28 at 6:45
p.m. See an additional article in this issue of the Lamp. Ron Leonard is coordinating this event.
We have signed up to participate in all the “official and approved parades” for 2014 except the
Worthington Memorial Day Parade. This parade almost always conflicts with the first day of the
Memorial Golf Tournament when our unit is committed to assist the Provosts in parking cars.
Bill Whittington was scheduled for bladder surgery on February 25 to remove a lesion. We wish
him a speedy recovery. Bob Diehl is back home, as of this writing, after spending time in a nursing
home in Marysville. He is very weak and has hospice care at home. He enjoys receiving cards. (14261
Hinton Mill Rd., Marysville, Ohio 43040-9778)
Neil Elam has secured the pavilion at Fryer Park in Grove City for our annual summer picnic on
Sunday, August 3. Bruce Kinsey, 2nd V.P., will be in charge.
by Bob Stevenson
We are pleased to announce that once again this year, that most popular and engaging Noble,
the man who knows so many ways to make a husband work, the man who never met a weed
he didn’t want to crush, and yes, it is time again for Noble Fred Hower, the Ohio Nurseryman.
Put April 3, 2014 on your calendar. Invite guests if you wish, for Fred is here to give you tips
on what to do this spring. And after this very long and awful winter, there are probably many
things that need to be done to get yard and garden back in shape.
Our first meeting of the year took place on February 6 at Brookside Golf and Country Club.
Our special guest was Ill. Sir Garol Rogers and First Lady Dixie. Members of the Divan were also
in attendance. Our new Potentate outlined a few of the special programs he has coming for
2014. Nobles, there is something in the activity calendar for everyone. Check it out and take
part. President Noble Russ Fish presented checks to both our Potentate and First Lady. Other
business was suspended so we could spend time with our guests. We appreciate them coming .
Remember a couple of important dates. First, is The Memorial Tournament from May 26 June 1. We will need helpers. Second, is our Tabloid Saturday June 21. We will need helpers
to work downtown Dublin and Worthington as well as a few local business locations. We are
trying to get more places where our Nobles can work but cannot be in the street.
Sooner or later, this winter will be over. Make a point to get out and enjoy when it finally
gets warm and sunny. See you in April!
March 2014
Aladdin Shrine Band
by Dave Haney
Well, varmints, if you missed Valentine’s Day you are probably in big trouble. Your only hope is to
blame it on global warming or is it climate change. I am sure Uncle Al Gore will surface soon with
more dire predictions for us and assorted animals especially the Polar Bears. I must admit I was
very amused when all of the climate-change folks got trapped in the ice at the South Pole. Not
supposed to be any of that stuff left, is there? Better yet, the guys stampeding to the rescue got
stuck, too. Had to get them out by helicopter.
Wait a minute! Aren't helicopters one of the machines that poison the air with carbon exhaust?
Should have told them the EPA wouldn't let us come and get them! Have to wait until it melts! And
don't kill any seals for food either! Really getting to be just a wee bit stupid with all of that stuff.
Should check to be sure to see if Obamacare covers frostbite!
Maybe those folks missed the Obamacare sign-up date whatever that has been changed to.
On to stuff that is really important–baseball! Spring training has started so it is now time for
trivia to begin. This month's question requires that you identify the following player:
He became the second player in major league baseball history to hit 500 career home runs. He
won three career Most Valuable Player awards. and played for the Philadelphia Athletics in 1925,
Boston Red Sox for 6 years, Chicago Cubs and Philadelphia Phillies in 1942. He was as a nine-time
all-star in 1933 through 1941. This player appeared on the cover of Time Magazine in 1929, won
the Triple Crown in 1933 with a batting average of 356, 163 RBI's and 48 home runs. The man was
one of the most feared sluggers of his time.
Nicknames: “The Beast,” “Double X.” The great Yankees pitcher, Lefty Gomez, once said of him,
“He has muscles in his hair.” Who was he?
Schedule Stuff:
18 - Band Rehearsal 7:00-8:30 p.m.
27 - Band 6:30-7:15 p.m.
23 - Band Rehearsal 7:00-8:30 p.m.
28 - Dixieland Band 2:00 p.m.
Exec Board 8:30 p.m.
28 - Band 6:30-7:15 p.m.
29 - Dixieland Band 2:00 p.m.
29 - Band 6:30-7:15p.m.
30 - Band 4:00-4:45p.m.
Thoughts for the month:
Dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand on
the very edge of the pool and throw them fish.
Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to use the Internet and they
won't bother you for weeks.
Is it true that you never learn how to swear until you learn to drive?
Thea Court
by B. J. Gischler, PHP
Ladies, it is time to come to the March meeting to show your appreciation for the year's work of
High Priestess Mary Lou Roberts and the Jan's Explorers. Yes, a year has passed and it is time to
elect a new group of officers. This will happen at the March meeting. Also, tribute will be paid to
all of the ladies who passed away during the year.
Another small ceremonial may be held and you would want to be there to meet and greet the
new members. Come join everyone for lunch at the Hometown Buffet at Easton Square at 11:30
a.m. Then attend the meeting at 1:00 p.m. at Aladdin Shrine Center on Friday, March 28.
Installation of the officers for next year will take place on Saturday, April 12, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. at
Aladdin Shrine Center. You will be receiving your invitation, but it is good to have the date on your
calendar early. Installation practice will be on Friday, April 11, at 9:30 a.m. The April LOS meeting will
be April 25 at 1:00 p.m. at Aladdin Shrine Center. Lunch will be also served at Aladdin at 11:30 a.m.
Make sure you are among those supporting the New High Priestess and her officers.
by Fred Stanley
We had a large turnout of Nobles for our Potentate's Visit February 27 with Potentate Garol Rogers.
Big Red was full of the Divan and their ladies. We also had several ladies in attendance of deceased
Nobles. Mark Abdella was presented a "Headdress of Feathers" by Charlie Adkins for being the
"Head Indian" in the Indian Mound Festival last fall. No one knew that Mark had attended a diesel
mechanic school and had received a PhD in gynecology. He over-hauled the engine in his truck
by working up through the tail pipe. Calvin Smith, P.P. wanted our club to be aware of Mark's
recent education! Dixie Rogers, Potentate Garol's lady, presented Lori Abdella, Mark's lady, one
of the symbols she is using as her project this year to help fund dues for Noble's who need help.
The date of our July Green Corn Dinner may need to be changed. We will let you know later.
Don't forget, our next meeting is New Member Night on March 27. Please attend with a new
prospective member!
The Black Camel just called Noble Danny Turner on March 3. His smiling face will be sadly missed.
I've got to go, this has been a long, hard winter and the wolf is howling at the door.
by Steve Bowman
The Bucyrus Shrine Club met for its monthly meeting on February 24 at the Youth Building on
the Crawford County Fairgrounds, in Bucyrus, Ohio. Besides the business of the club, the evening
included the ladies in a “weather belated” celebration of Valentine’s Day. Each of the attending
ladies received a rose.
Noble John Clime led the club in prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by President Wayne
Erwin. We enjoyed a delicious dinner consisting of ham, scalloped corn, succotash, salad, and for
dessert, cheesecake. Dinner was served by Katering Kountry Style. The club acknowledged the
work of the cooks with a rousing round of applause.
President Wayne Erwin asked that those present observe a moment of silence for our country’s
leaders and the men and women serving our country. Following the remembrance, he recognized
Noble Dave Bowman as a new member of the Legion of Honor Unit of Aladdin Temple. There was
discussion about the importance of getting “engaged” in the work of our Temple and how active
membership in its units and clubs gets and keeps Nobles engaged.
President Erwin reminded everyone of the new Facebook page for Bucyrus Shrine Club. The page
can be found at: or by
putting “Bucyrus Shrine Club” in the search box at the top of the page. We will be using the Facebook
page to help us communicate more effectively with our members and to encourage others to join
us. He encouraged everyone to visit and “Like” the page to help utilize it more effectively.
It was announced that Jesse Bowman, son of Legionoble Dave Bowman, is the Inspection
Candidate this Friday, February 28, at Bucyrus Lodge #139. He will be raised to the Sublime Degree
of Master Mason. Many Nobles will be taking part in the degree and he encouraged everyone to
come out for the evening.
Frank Habeker, from Aladdin’s Membership Committee, joined us for the meeting and presented
good information about Shrine membership. He discussed three important points: member
engagement, retention, and reinstatement. Noble Habeker reminded us of the need to find those
Masons eligible for Shrine membership, as well as being on the lookout for those who are worthy
and well-qualified for membership in our Blue Lodges. He gave information about the “one-day”
class and stressed that these are good days to actively search for prospective members. He also
reminded us of our June and October Ceremonials and asked that we help make them successful.
President Erwin presented several “Certificates of Appreciation.” Noble Don Hieber received a
certificate for his support of the Shriner’s Hospitals. Noble Stan and Cindy Eusey were awarded a
certificate and statuette for their work on the Tabloid Project.
To conclude the business portion of the evening, the installation of the 2014 Bucyrus Shrine
Officers was conducted by Immediate Past President Dean White. The 2014 officers are:
Noble Wayne Erwin, President; Noble Tracey Achtermann, Vice President; Noble Dave Crum,
Treasurer; Noble Steve Bowman, Secretary.
Tracey Achtermann led the club by calling the numbers in Robbers Bingo. Much “thievery” took
place and an enjoyable evening was had by all.
The next Bucyrus Shrine Club meeting will be March 31.
Flying Nobles
Thebes Temple
by Terry Smith, Queen
“When Irish eyes are smiling, sure ‘tis like a morn in spring.”Thebes Temple has made Irish smiles happen
for many. Sometimes, the smiles are on our faces as well as those we have helped at the Lexington
Shriners Hospital. Our sewing sessions have been productive and fun. I hope the members who did not
join in the fun and fellowship will consider joining us at our next sewing session on April 9. Different
tasks are available for everyone and many don’t involve sewing; don’t let the word “sewing” scare you off.
I have been proud to serve as Queen of Thebes Temple this year. This was the “Year of the Gems”
and we celebrated the 100th anniversary of Daughters of the Nile. Our fundraising and fun activities
were very successful – the Chicken and Noodle Dinner in July, the Sub Sale in October, and the
Games Party and Luncheon in November.
One of the highlights for the year was the initiation of more than nine women, many who have
become contributing members at Session and Sewing. We tried some new activities which have been
very successful: day-trips to the Frank Lloyd Wright Westcott House in Springfield, Ohio; The Wilds
Wildlife Park near Cambridge, Ohio; and The Ogelbay Festival of Lights in Wheeling, West Virginia.
Our automated message calling has been well received. It has simplified keeping our members
updated on the temple events, additions and cancellations. The newest addition for outreach to
our members and the community is the website that went live on February 13. A big “thank you”
goes to Brenda Layman, one of our newest members, who developed it and is the webmaster. If
you haven’t already done so, check it out at
At the March Stated Session on March 5, we honored our new members, remembered our
members who have passed away this past year with a Memorial Service and elected the officers for
2014-2015. The Open Installation of Officers will be held on Saturday, March 15 at 3:30 p.m. at the
Luther B. Turner Masonic Lodge on Valleyview Drive. I hope that many of you will be able to attend.
by Philip Miller
We didn't have a meeting in February because the weather was terrible. Therefore, we don't have
much to report.
Please keep in mind the Shrine Circus is from Thursday, March 27 to Sunday, March 30. Contact
a club officer for information on discount tickets and don't forget about your Circus Daddy Pin.
Upcoming event: Tabloid: Please contact a club officer to volunteer your times for the Tabloids
in June. Be sure to attend our next meeting and bring your lady and a friend. Are you a member,
why not? Dues are only $10.00 a year.
Any questions contact Philip Miller at 614-878-8761.
by Lee McKelvey
All officers of the clubs and units of Aladdin were installed at the seminar at the Shrine Center
in January. The Potentate and the Divan were installed, and Zale Maxwell was appointed as 2nd
Ceremonial Master. Zale was the Shrine Chaplain last year and is director of the Pipes and Drums Unit.
PC George Bell, Commander Don Shartzer and I were together for a very good dinner after the
Jim Patrick, who works the security desk at the Shrine, is a member of the Flying Nobles. Stop
by and meet Jim sometime when you’re at the Shrine. Jim is a fine gentleman whom I didn't know
until recently.
I know of three of our past commanders who have moved to Florida to get to the warmer
weather. George Motika, Jack Moore and Don LeFavour left Columbus for that beautiful Florida
weather. After shoveling about 10 inches of snow in the last two days I wish I were there with them.
Our commander in 1999, Dave Ackison, is not in the best of health at this time. We give him
our best wishes. Dave was a corporate pilot flying a Navajo and a Citation after retiring from the
phone company. I flew with Dave and he was a very good pilot.
The Inspections are going on at the Lodges and these men do great work.
The Shrine Circus is on March 27- 30. Circus Director John Morris puts a lot of time in preparation
for the circus and I hope it is a success for us all.
Everybody stay well and if you are under the weather, get well.
Our meeting will be on April 12 at the OSU Airport at 10:00 a.m.
Keep your airspeed up and I hope to see you next month.
Brutal Brothers
by George Bell
You Heard This at Last Month’s Meeting - Our leadership announced plans
for our future monthly activities. This month we enjoyed Chief Froehlich’s first
party and we have in place our work assignments for our newest members
and current apprentices. Be ready to take part in the upcoming meetings
and work sessions as we prepare new stunts for the June Ceremonial. The
Brutal Brothers Unit is in charge of the “Hot Sands” part of the Ceremonial
which we can assure you it is well worth attending by all Aladdin Shriners.
Packing Peanuts – Prelude to The Circus - Monday, March 24 at 9:00 a.m.
is our annual peanut packing day to get ready for the Aladdin Circus. “Peanuts! Get your peanuts
here.” is one of the first sounds you will hear from the Brutal Brothers when arriving ringside. So,
Nobles, help us pack the peanuts and sell the bags during the circus. The peanuts are an easy sell
to young and old alike. Come and enjoy.
Peanut Sellers at Every Show - Schedule to work the circus as often as you can. Arrive one hour
before each show and stay through the next show. Intermissions are very important times for
sales. This year we are preparing to have enough peanuts for all the shows. Wear your green shirt
and khaki pants. Make sure you bring your fez. The fez is your parking and admission ticket as well.
2014 Directory - If you missed the editor’s deadline, please come to a meeting and update your
input. You may find new Nobles on your committee to share the assigned work. Current email
updates and address changes are very important so we can communicate with all unit members.
Capture New Master Mason Candidates - Within the Grand Lodge of Ohio, for the one-day
events, our work is never finished. Reach out to new Masons. Future Shriners are Master Masons
FIRST! Find an opportunity at your lodge to ask a Brother to become a Noble. Every Master Mason
can be a Shriner. Sometimes, all that is needed by you is to ask that Master Mason.
MWB Norman Mick, Grand Master of Masons, has announced that a Grand Master's Class will be
held on April 5. The local location is Northland Masonic Temple, 5885 Cleveland Ave, Columbus.
Next Ceremonial - June 14, 2014 - Brutal Brothers Chief Mark Froehlich will be seeking volunteers
to assist at a Shrine table at the Grand Master’s One-Day classes in the Aladdin Shrine area to
encourage our new brothers to register for the Summer Ceremonial. All new, as well as present
Master Masons, can be asked to join the fellowship of our Aladdin Shrine Center. Let’s spread the
fellowship and begin recruiting now!
by Dick Brixner
Your kambri shrine club held its annual Ham & Bean Soup/Euchre Party on Thursday, February
27, at our local Elk's Club.
Noble President Ted Calvert opened the evening with a welcome to all and thanked the nobles
for coming out. Noble Tom Fisher offered a word of prayer prior to the main event.
Noble Ron LePage, assisted by Noble Buzzy Ferguson, prepared the ham and bean soup. We
also had corn bread, supplied by Kennedy's Bakery, and the necessary fixin', to include onions,
horseradish and ketchup. There was also ample liquid refreshments available. The bean soup was
very good, and we cleaned up all. Thanks to Noble Ron for the preparation of the soup.
We had 22 nobles in attendance for this event. Following dinner, we had a small Euchre event,
with 8 nobles taking part. The abbreviated game resulted in one winner, John Polascak, and a tie
for second and third; Gary Jones and Ron Herman. A good time was had by all.
President Ted reminded all of the coming events, and invited all nobles to encourage others
to come;
April 10 - Ladies Night At Southeastern Regional Medical Center
May 10 - Chicken Barbecue Opp. County Coins
May 29 - Potentate's Visit To Cambridge Country Club
June 7 - Tabloid Day
June 14 - Annual Golf Scramble At Wildfire Golf Club
June 19 - Children’s Health Fair At The City Park
July - Annual Fish Fry At Freeport Lodge
October 9 - Annual Steak Fry At Plumbers & Pipefitters Hall
November 20 - Annual Election Of Officers At Deep Cut
December 11 - Annual Christmas Party At Plumbers & Pipefitters Hall
The above dates are scheduled with you in mind; come and enjoy the fellowship and great food.
Mark your calendar now and watch your mailbox for additional details on each event.
Nobles, all the dates listed above are important, but let me highlight two which will require
additional Noble-power. We need as many Nobles as possiblefor Tabloid. The central idea, the
more nobles we can put on the street (9:00 a.m. - noon), the more opportunity to raise funds
for our Shriners Hospitals. Secondly, we need to begin gathering door prizes for our annual golf
scramble. Please feel free to come out and help your club.
See you at the next Kambri Shrine Club event.
March 2014
Just Clowning Around
by Mike “BucketHead” Clark
"HARCH! DA-LEFT...DA-LEFT... DA-LEFT RIGHT LEFT!!" As we go marching (no pun intended) into
March, our world of clowning is starting to get busy. Actually, it already started! Some of us clowns
had a busy February. We went to the Cincinnati Shrine Hospital and the Antioch's Shrine Circus.
We also attended ISCA convention in Fairview Heights, Illinois. The clowns who are in the circus
acts have been busy rehearsing.
Clowns in The Barrel! - Okay, it's my "Bucket" who possesses the infamous barrel! John "Skates/
Hip-Hip" Knoepfler and I were invited by Andy “Chilly Pepper” Mellmen to participate with the
Syrian Shrine Clowns at the Shriners Hospital and the McDonald House. The short version of the
story is this. I was nominated to drive the morning of February 1. With our full clown make-up/
outfits on we took off bright and early. So we were bee boppin along and heading south on I-71
when all hell broke loose. It was around Wilmington that my world went into a major tailspin.
It was like being inside a washing machine and on full spin cycle. Poor John was so scared he
almost filled his clown shoes–that was after his pants were filled. But I managed to pull off to side
of the road and we both got out. Now, I felt bad for John. I tried to share my breakfast with him,
but John declined and called 911 instead. Now as for the folks who were driving by on I-71, the
medics who had to load and haul my "heavy" Bucket and the Wilmington Hospital ER staff will
have tons of stories to tell about the two silly-spinning clowns who were on full display for all to
see! Of course our wives had to come to get us and take us back home where we would be safe
and the people who were out driving that day would be safe from us as well.
Circus Time - Bob "Tuitt" Barton and I went to Antioch's Shrine Circus. We were invited by
one of the greatest Shrine clowns there is, Brett "SnapTrap" Stahler, to come in full make-up and
participate with Antioch's Shrine Clowns. Great circus! Had a lot of fun and they had a large crowd
on hand. We went out after the circus with them to Hooters to enjoy a great meal and, of course,
to enjoy the provided entertainment at Hooters. Syrian Shrine Circus was the first weekend of
March. We were invited and (John) Skates/Hip-Hop, myself and Greg "Pozi" Osborne went.
Our circus is March 27 - 30. Please come to help make this a great circus or Jeff "Cee Jay" Carter
will haunt you down. Cee Jay is a feared correctional officer of the highest standard. Be warned!
With his two sidekicks, COs Rodney "U-Hoo" Holdren and Wayne "Wayno" Shiver, they make a force
that nobody wants to deal with. Save yourselves and be at the circus to help. Or, like that show tune
says, "Bad Shriner! Bad Shriner! What are you going to do when the Keystone COPs come for you?"
Other Happenings for March - We have the St. Paddy Day parade in Dublin on March 15.
Hatched This Month - Tim "Timmers" Jones, 10th, Tom "Brushes" Wade, 20th, Don (The Man)
"Toots" Tootle, 28th, and from an unknown type of tree felled the "Nutt" on the 30th– Matt Knight!
Sunshine Report - Please keep these folks in your daily thoughts and prayers: The Tootle family
(Barbara), Barton family (Wanda), Denune family (Jackie), Shriver family (Wayno-wife-kids-carshouse), McKitrick family (Lil Mac and his abused pet monkey... GEORGE), Gischler family (daughter),
and Fultz family (Lisa) and any others I might have missed. Remember those who put their lives
on the line for us day in and out–members of the armed forces, firefighters and law officers.
I forgot to mention that Irv "Fuzzy or Fussy" Denune was honored at the Fall Ceremonial back
in December. Sorry about that, Marine, Sir! OKAY BRING IT BACK DOWN... 1- 2 - 3 - 4... 3 - 4! This is
P.N.C BucketHead signing out. Roger. Out!
Kentucky Colonels
by Ron Fraser
President Bivens opened the meeting at noon by asking Past Potentate Dee Mowry to give the
Invocation and lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The 27 members and guests then enjoyed an excellent dinner. President Bivens asked the officers
and past presidents of the club to introduce themselves and their wive: Lynne, McCleary, Bivens
and Fraser. Past Potentates William Amspaugh, Dee Mowry and Cal Smith were also acknowledged.
President Bivens asked P. P. Smith to install the officers of the club for the coming year. P.P.
Smith duly installed President Joe Rike, V. President Howard Schuneman, Treasurer Neal McCleary,
Secretary Ron Fraser and Chaplain P. P. Dee Mowry.
President Rike asked for the minutes of the previous meeting to be read and they were approved
as read. Secretary McCleary gave the treasurer’s report and also stated that, prior to the meeting,
the Audit Committee, consisting of Bevins, Rike, Fraser and McCleary, audited the treasury books
and they were balanced.
In communications, circus ad and circus dates were discussed.
A motion by John Bivens and seconded by Art Baz to give $200.00 to the Potentate’s Fund and
$50.00 to the First Lady’s Fund. P. P. Cal Smith talked about membership and the One-Day Class.
Past President Bivens spoke about the Kentucky Derby and the Eagles Concert.
President Rike presented Past President Bivens with a Kentucky Colonel Jacket.
He also announced the passing of two of our long time members, David Webb and Ronald
Montgomery and that Dick Phelps is no longer able to attend meetings.
Then President Rike closed the meeting by asking PP Mowry to give the benediction.
Kentucky Derby Party
Send to: Aladdin Shrine Center, 3850 Stelzer Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43219
Shriner Name
Total Attending
@$10 each =
Check Enclosed
(Payable to Aladdin Shrine Center)
Card Number
Expiration Date
Credit Card
Amount Charged
Minneapolis, Minnesota
4 Nights Lodging at Minneapolis Marriott City Center
30 S. 7th St., Minneapolis, MN 55402
Welcome Party - Sunday
Banquet - Wednesday
Parade & Afterglow - Tuesday
Daily Hospitality Room
Mail to - Aladdin Imperial Trip, 3850 Stelzer Road, Columbus, OH 43219-3044
Noble LadyAddress
PhoneMembership Number
Unit/ClubChildren’s Names and Ages, if attending
If rooming with another Noble, other Noble’s name
Payment Options
Please Mark Selections Below
[ ] 1 King Bed [
Welcome Party
Parade Pre0Glow
Price Per Person
$ 850.00
$ 475.00
Number Attending
Total Cost
-Payment in Full OR $150 Deposit Per Person
-Balance MUST be PAID by May 30, 2014
Payment in full ( )
] 2 Double Beds
Aladdin Imperial Trip
3850 Stelzer Road
Columbus, OH 43219-3044
Deposit Only ( )
Check Enclosed ( )
Credit card ( )
Payment in full ( )
Deposit Only ( )
Credit Card #: _______________________________
Amber Crosby
614-475-2609,ext. 113
800-475-3850, ext. 113
Expiration Date:_____________________________