January 2013 - Okeechobee Extension Service
January 2013 - Okeechobee Extension Service
IFAS Extension Okeechobee County 458 Hwy 98 N Okeechobee, FL 34972-2303 863-763-6469 863-763-6745 Fax http://solutionsforyourlife.ufl.edu December 21, 2012 Dear 4-H Family, I am proud of our Okeechobee 4-Hers that thought of others during the Holiday Season. We had many 4-Hers and volunteers that gave freely of themselves to insure that others had a good holiday. They sang Christmas Carols, decorated trees, baked and shared cookies and collected food and toys. Okeechobee 4-Hers, because of your giving spirit, many families had a wonderful Christmas. Please take this opportunity to thank your family for the gifts of time, patience and love they give you daily. The fair season is rapidly approaching. Please make sure you meet all deadlines and requirements. Double check the items in your show box, make sure everything is labeled, make arrangements for health papers, find your registration papers, etc. I hope you enjoyed your time off from school and that you used your time wisely (working with your animals and thinking of demonstration, illustrated talk or public speaking ideas for County (April) and District Events (May). Remember, people are always watching you…your conduct, attitude and language can be a good or a poor advertisement for 4-H. Let’s always make sure it is a positive message you are sending. Happy New Year, Debbie S. Clements Extension Agent III, 4-H/FCS DSC/lmg I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! Below are some additional newsletter reports that came in last minute – since I tricked everyone and asked for the reports early! There is also a change to the CC/JL report – they will have their meeting on January 15 at 7:00 PM at the Extension Office. Picture Perfect By: Katie Muldoon This month Picture Perfect met on the 10th. We discussed possible photo shoot opportunities and planned to take pictures at the lighted boat parade. We also met at the Humane Society on the 1st and photographed some dogs. We are happy to announce that lots of dogs have been adopted since! Chobee Crackers By: Brenda Soto I hope everyone had a good holiday. Our next meeting will be on January 10 at 7:00 PM. South Florida Fair is this month! I hope everyone is ready! Feathers & Furs By: Cathy Arthur We had our meeting on December 19th. We went over what we may want to do for the display board at the Fair. We also discussed doing a rabbit information display at the South Florida Fair (bring info to next meeting). We had pizza and drinks for the party. Our next meeting is January 16 at the Extension Office at 6:30 PM. This will be the last clinic before OYLS. Bring your animals so we can go over them. Anyone that is showing rabbits from any club are welcome to come and bring their animals. Lindsay Garrard 4‐H Program Assistant UF/IFAS Okeechobee Extension Service 458 Highway 98 North, Okeechobee, FL 34972 Phone: (863) 763‐6469 lmhoupt@ufl.edu Bacon Bunch By: Jordan Faircloth We held our meeting on December 11 at the Osceola Middle School cafeteria. Everyone brought their gifts that they had bought for our adopted family. Each member also brought cookies and we bagged them in Christmas bags for the Meals on Wheels program and Senior Center. We are so proud of our members and their families for going above and beyond this Christmas season to help others in need. Bacon Bunch will have a concession stand on December 28, 29 and 30 at the Agri-Civic Center for a three day barrel race. All the proceeds made from the concession will be donated to Cynthia Holmes, who has been fighting breast cancer since July. Cynthia is a single mother who has always been involved with Bacon Bunch. We need our members to show up and help out with the concession. Please contact Mrs. Joyce Thomas for times. I hope to see everyone there! Happy Holidays and see you at the January meeting. Barnyard Buddies By: Carleigh Henson Barnyard Buddies had their meeting on December 8 at the Christmas festival in the park. We had our club pet show and displayed our pets for visitors to see. We would like to thank Sammi Fischer for coming out and judging our show! Next month someone will be coming from the fair committee to discuss fair projects that we can participate in. We will also be having a showmanship clinic. Members who are 8 years old or older showing an animal at the Okeechobee Youth Livestock Show must participate in showmanship. We wish everyone a very Happy Holiday season! Big “O” By: Sam Durrance We would like to thank Bacon Bunch for letting us be a part of their Christmas meeting. Everyone enjoyed baking cookies for the Senior Services and collecting for Toys for Tots. Our next meeting will be January 8 at 6:30 PM. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! CC/JL By: Katie Muldoon This month in County Council we had two special events occur. On Saturday, December 1 our club met at Mims Veterinarian Hospital to set up our annual yard sale! The sale was a success and many of our members showed up to help set up, sell, and pack up all the items. Once the sale was over, all the remaining items were donated to Faith Farm. County Council also had their annual Christmas party at Mrs. Spann’s house on Friday, December 7. Here we enjoyed lots and lots of great food and laughed at all the great presents exchanged during the traditional white elephant gift exchange. We also brought toys to donate to Toys for Tots! We have our next meeting scheduled for January 21 at 7:00 at the Extension Office. OCA Lions By: Paula Daniel OCA Lions 4-H club hopes that everyone, young and old, had a very Merry ‘CHRIST’mas and a Happy New Year! Our January meeting will be Wednesday, January 16 at 3:15 in the school cafeteria. We hope to see you there. Remember, parents are encouraged to attend the meeting with your 4-H member. We will discuss fair entries and deadlines for entering “arts and crafts” into the fair as well. We will also be scheduling our “Buyer Basket” making event. Please be sure and sign up for a time to make the baskets as well as sell them at the fair. We need lots of help and will make the baskets on several occasions, so be sure and try and sign up for one day to make them and one day to sell them. See you at the meeting on Wednesday, January 16th! On The Hoof By: Kaylee Whidden At our December meeting we talked about our poinsettia sales. We also talked about our booth in the park on December 8th. Our booth was very successful. We also have found a family to adopt at Christmas. Our next meeting will be January 8, due to the first Tuesday being New Year’s Day. Places To Go By: Pat McCoy Places To Go had a wonderful December meeting. We caroled at Raulerson Hospital and at the Okeechobee Health Care Facility. To wrap up our holiday fun, we went to Dairy Queen for a treat and dinner. We will have our general meeting on January 14 at 6:00 PM at North Elementary. The club will travel to the South Florida Fair on January 26 and we will meet at the Extension Office at 1:00 PM. We wish everyone a happy and successful New Year. RSCA Swords & Sheilds By: Jenna Larson The RSCA Swords & Shields 4-H Club celebrated this Christmas season by giving back and spreading joy. Members sang Christmas carols and gave out homemade gifts at the Grand Oaks assisted living facility. The 4-H members and residents enjoyed this event. Members of our club showing swine reported a successful check-in at the Agri-Civic center this month. They are busy working with their projects. Members of our club showing small animals were reminded of the January 7 deadline to submit their entry forms (turn in to the Extension Office). Merry Christmas from RSCA Swords & Shields! Spice of Life By: Shelby Sumner Our December meeting was held on the 12th at IRSC. We cooked chili for supper, learned about the different types of ground beef and fat content, had a lesson on fresh vs. dried chili peppers, the Scovil rating, and enjoyed some sweet potato cupcakes with salted caramel cream cheese frosting. We also took apart and put a cooked chicken back together. Our next meeting will be January 9, 2013. Sharp Shooters By: Katie Muldoon Sharpshooters’ December meeting was held on the December 6. We decorated our club Christmas float and had pizza and cocoa. Everyone had a great time decorating and riding on the float. Our club put their heads together and came up with some great ideas to make our float stand out during the parade. We give a big thank you to Tree World for our float trailer and L Bar L Cattle Company for loaning us the hay. Another big thank you to all our members who donated time, food, and toys to this holiday season. On the 29th, we rang in the new year with a "bang" as we met at the Sheriffs range for a shoot. We have our January meeting scheduled for the 17th and another shoot on the 13th. Show Stoppers By: Katie Brummett At our past meeting we discussed going to the hospital and nursing home on December 17. We met with Places To Go and sang Christmas carols and gave out cards and candy canes to the residents. Our club will be meeting to work on horsemanship and showmanship (date and time TBA). Our next meeting is tentatively scheduled for January 5. See you than, and remember, new members are always welcomed. Swine Time By: Jay Zeller I hope everyone had a great holiday. Now it’s time to work on our projects. Our next meetings will be held on January 8 at 15 at 6:30 PM at Jay and Tomi’s house (12850 NE 22nd Ave). These meetings will include showmanship clinics. If you need directions call Tomi at 863-634-1061. We are planning on having our Farm Swap and BBQ on January 26. We will be discussing the details at the next meeting. On February 2, Bacon Bunch will be holding their Pig Preview and we will be hosting the Lamb & Goat Show. Please plan on participating, you can always learn new things and meet new people! See you at the next meeting. Udder Bunch By: Mariah Anuez Our next meeting will be a workshop at the Agri-Civic Center on January 19th at 9:00 AM. You are welcome to bring your heifers/cows if you would like to get them out or volunteer them for one of the demonstrations. Work on getting your information to your veterinarian to get your health papers in order. Hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! No news submitted from Bits & Spurs, Chobee Cattle Kids, Chobee Crackers, Chobee Minis, Chobee Roundup, Feathers & Furs, His Handiwork, Lamb & Goat Club, Picture Perfect, Raisin’ Em Right or Steaks & Chops. Members of these clubs should contact their leader for more information. UPCOMING EVENTS Livestock Judging and Meats Judging Clinics The State 4-H/FFA Livestock Judging Clinic and Meats Judging Clinic will be held concurrently on January 11-12, 2013. Basic instruction and sample classes are included on the first day, and on the second day are mock contests. The Livestock Clinic will be at UF’s Horse Teaching Unit and the Meats Clinic will be at the Animal Sciences building. Registration is required and form with payment is due by January 3. These programs are for all 4-H and FFA youth, ages 11 and older. Refer to the website for full event and registration information. Hog and Ham Program Workshop What is Hog & Ham? Participants experience the total process of pork production from beginning to end. Youth select a feeder pig and grow it to harvesting weight, keeping records on feed amounts and costs, health care, expenses, weights, etc. They harvest the hog, process it into wholesale or retail cuts, cure the hams, and prepare bacon and sausage for smoking. To finish the program, they do a retail comparison project, complete a record book, and present a demonstration or illustrated talk. Participation in the Hog & Ham Workshop on January 26 is required to be able to participate in the program. 2013 Okeechobee Market Lamb & Goat Preview Show February 2, 2013 12:00 PM (Goats followed by Lambs) Check-in: 8:00 – 10:00 AM (Animals will be weighed at check-in. Health Certificates required!) Okeechobee Agri-Civic Center $35 Entry Fee (show and showmanship) FREE T-SHIRT FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS!! AWARDS: Show: st 1 Place – Buckle & $200 nd 2 Place – Blanket & $100.00 Class Winners - $20 JUST FOR FUN COSTUMER CLASS!! For Goats and Sheep! 1st Place - $75 2nd Place - $25 Showmanship: 1st - $50 2nd - $25 To be held at end of show CONCESSION STAND ON SHOW GROUNDS! Contact Information: Goats – Debbie Deloney (863)634-6181 Lambs – Tomi Zeller (863) 634-1061 Lamb & Goat Show is being held in conjunction with the South Florida Pig Preview. For more information on the Pig Preview contact Scott Durand at (863) 634-0500. The Okeechobee FFA Alumni will be hosting a Livestock Judging Contest February 5, 2013 at the Okeechobee High School Ag Barn 4-H and FFA welcome! Registration will begin at 8:30am Any questions, please call 610-2946 Awards will be given to: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Senior team and Junior team 1st, 2nd and 3rd place High Senior and High Junior 3rd ANNUAL 2013 Florida Junior All-Breeds Convention UF/IFAS Straughn Center ● Gainesville, FL January 4 – 5, 2013 Registration Deadline: December 17, 2012 The Florida Jr. All-Breeds Convention will be held January 4-5, 2013 at the Straughn Center in Gainesville, FL. The weekend will be filled with many competitions and events to benefit and recognize our Florida Youth Dairy Program. JUNIOR ALL-BREEDS CONVENTION HEADQUARTERS UF/IFAS Straughn Center Gainesville, FL All Events will take place at: Address 2142 Shealy Drive, Gainesville, FL 32611 Tentative Schedule Friday, January 4, 2013 4:00-6:00 p.m. - Registration CHECK-IN 4:00-9:00 p.m. - Check-in - Folding Display Contest 6:00 p.m. - Dinner 6:00 p.m. - White Swap Begins 6:00 p.m. - Silent Auction Begins 7:00 p.m. - Youth Dairy Knowledge Exam 7:30 p.m. - Junior Brown Swiss Association Meeting 8:00 p.m. - Junior Guernsey Breeders Association Meeting 8:30 p.m. - Junior Holstein Association Meeting Directions: From I-75, take Exit #384 (SR-24). Go east on SR-24 (Archer Rd) approximately 2.2 miles to SR-226 West. Take a slight right on SR-226 West at the traffic light. Drive approximately ¼ mile on SR226 and turn right at the traffic light on Shealy Drive. The UF/IFAS Straughn Center will be approximately ¼ mile on the right. The address is 2142 Shealy Road. The building is on the right. Convention Contact: Chris Holcomb - UF IFAS/Extension Regional Specialized Agent Dairy 4-H Youth Please mail/fax/email registration form to: Chris Holcomb PO Box 9005 Drawer HS03 Bartow, FL 33831 Ph: (863) 519-8677 Ext 145 Fax: (863) 534-0001 E-mail: christophersholc@ufl.edu Make checks payable to “Polk County 4-H Foundation” Quiz Bowl Age Divisions/Regulations for Holstein & Guernsey Association Breed Contests Junior Age Division: Ages 9-15 (as of Jan. 1, 2013) Senior Age Division: Ages 16-20 (as of Jan. 1, 2013) Saturday, January 5, 2013 8:00 a.m. - Quiz Bowl Tryouts for Breed Convention Teams 8:00 a.m. - Silent Auction & White Swap Begins 9:00 a.m. - Final Check-in for Folding Display Contest 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Ethics Training Certification 10:00 a.m. - State Dairy Ambassador Interviews 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Workshops 12:00 p.m. - Awards Luncheon (Quiz Bowl Awards & Ambassador Questions) 2:00 p.m. - Speech Contest Begins 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. - Workshops/Seminars 4:30 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. - Free Time 5:45 p.m. - Silent Auction Ends 6:00 p.m. - Awards Banquet (State 4-H Dairy Judging Awards & State Dairy Ambassador Announced, Contest - Folding Display, Essay and Speech Winners Announced) Jr. Breed Association Fees (good until youth reaches 21 yrs) Jr. Guernsey - $10 Jr. Holstein - $15 3rd ANNUAL 2013 Florida Junior All-Breeds Convention UF/IFAS Straughn Center ● Gainesville, FL January 4 – 5, 2013 Event Information: WHITE SWAP – Please bring any used “white’s” (4-H dairy show attire) to be “swapped” at our white exchange area. SILENT AUCTION – Items for our silent auction will be on display during the convention and bidding for items will be open during convention (bidding closes Sat. 1/5/13 at 6:45 p.m.) All proceeds will benefit the Florida Youth Dairy Programs. YOUTH DAIRY KNOWLEDGE EXAM - A fun opening to the convention. Open to all ages – come see how much you know about the dairy industry! JUNIOR BREED ASSOCIATION MEETINGS – The Jr. Brown Swiss, Guernsey & Holstein Associations will likely be meeting at the convention. Please come and join these junior associations and be prepared to plan out junior association events and elect officers. AWARDS LUNCHEON – Past State Quiz Bowl Teams will be recognized and 2013 State Quiz Bowl Teams for the National Holstein & National Guernsey Quiz Bowl Competitions will be announced. AWARDS BANQUET – The State 4-H Dairy Judging Teams will be recognized and awards presented. The State Youth Dairy Ambassador winners will be announced. 2013 FLORIDA JR. ALL-BREEDS CONTESTS- (applications/rules attached) AWARDS FOR THE TOP 3 in EACH CONTEST in EACH AGE GROUP! Folding Display Speech Contest Essay Contest WORKSHOPS/SEMINARS – Many educational workshops planned for this year’s Florida Jr. AllBreeds Convention including a dairy products and marketing workshop, nutrition workshop, pesticide and nutrient runoff training & more! ETHICS TRAINING CERTIFICATION – There will be an ethics training going on during the Jr All Breeds Convention that is also in part of the Straughn Center. It is the three (3) hour course that is required to show at the Florida State Fair and many other fairs. You must pre-register by December 29 if interested in participating. 2013 Florida Junior All-Breeds Convention UF/IFAS Straughn Center ● Gainesville, FL January 4 – 5, 2013 Registration Deadline: December 14, 2012 Cost $25 (Adult/Youth 8 & over) $10 (7 & under) ADULT/YOUTH REGISTRATION FORM Name (s) : _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADULT ___________________ YOUTH __________________________ Chaperone to be responsible (if youth participant is under 18):_____________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ City: _____________________ State: ___________ Zip: ___________ Phone: (_______) ____________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________ RELEASE I authorize UF IFAS Extension and the Florida 4-H Foundation or their assignees to record and photograph my image (or that of my child, if under 18) for use in research, educational and promotional programs. I also recognize that these audio, video and image recordings are the property of UF IFAS Extension and/or the Florida 4-H Foundation. YOUTH/ADULT CODE OF CONDUCT As a participant in the Florida Junior All-Breeds Convention, I agree to: 1) Obey local, state and federal laws. Follow policies set for county, district, state or national youth programs. I am responsible to know the rules for the event. 2) Speak and act in a responsible, courteous, and respectful way. 3) Act responsibly to maintain a safe environment for all participants. Report threats to the wellbeing of a participant. 4) Know that the use or possession of tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs is prohibited at all events. 5) Know that the possession or use of firearms is prohibited, except when part of an approved educational program. 6) Respect all persons, facilities and vehicles. I will be responsible for any damage caused resulting from my behavior. Know that harassment of any type is illegal. 7) Help others have a pleasant experience by making every attempt to include all participants in activities. 8) Be in the assigned program area. If I am unable to attend, I will tell the adult in charge. 9) Dress appropriately for each event. 10) Not use a cell phone during any scheduled events. I understand that abuse of this could lead to loss of cell phone privileges or confiscation of my phone. PARTICIPANT: I have read the Florida Junior All-Breeds Events Code of Conduct above and agree to live up to the expectations. I realize my failure to do so could result in a loss of privileges during the event and/or in the future. Participant Signature _____________________________________________ Date ____________________ MEDICAL RELEASE (if under 18) I give permission for emergency care to be sought for _______________________________________________________________________ at a physician’s office, clinic or hospital if the parent or guardian cannot be reached in the event of illness or injury. I hereby release the hospital, its medical staff, nursing staff and physician from any liability that may arise out of any medical procedure performed pursuant to this consent form that is necessary for proper treatment of medical emergency. I understand that I am financially responsible for charges and hereby guarantee full payment to the attending physician and/or health care unit. Birthdate:______________________________________________________________ Please list any food or drugs to which the above named is allergic: _______________________________________________________________________ Please list any other information, medical or physical that should be known: _______________________________________________________________________ I further give my permission for the above named to participate in activities planned for the Florida Junior All-Breeds Convention and agree to release the IFAS/Extension, and any others assisting in hosting this convention from any claim for injuries or damage of any nature sustained while participating in such activities. _____________________________________________ _______________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date _______________________________________________________________________ Telephone number(s) to contact in case of emergency, include area code Florida Jr. All-Breeds YOUTH ESSAY CONTEST Rules and Regulations I. Eligibility 1) To be eligible to compete for the Essay Contest, the contestant must be a youth that has not yet reached their 21st birthday as of Jan. 1, 2013. The contest is divided into three age divisions: Senior Division 18-21 years of age as of January 1st in the year of the competition. Intermediate Division 14-17 years of age as of January 1st in the year of the competition. Junior Division 8-13 years of age as of January 1st in the year of the competition. 2) All contestants in each division will be provided with an essay topic and must answer that response question. 3) All essays must adhere to the proper length as indicated below and should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt font, 1 inch margins, and double spaced. 4) All essays are due (postmarked) Dec. 17, 2012. 5) Contestants will be allowed to participate in their age division until they have won that division twice and then they may move up to an older age category. II. Subject – (Please do not use the same essay or you may be disqualified) Junior Division: Why the dairy project/industry is important to me? Intermediate Division: Name the 3 main factors influencing the dairy industry and why are these important? Senior Division: How has the Florida Youth Dairy Program influenced your life and prepared you for the future? III. Page Limits In the Senior Division, each essay shall be 3-5 typed pages. In the Intermediate Division, each essay shall be 2-4 pages. In the Junior Division, each essay shall be 1-2 pages. Deductions will be made from the score of each contestant by the judges for essays that are under or over the page limit. IV. Method of Selecting Winner 1) Competent and impartial judges will be selected by the committee to judge the contest. 2) A contestant will be judged based on their ability to answer the topic question completely and relevantly, using proper grammar and spelling throughout. Creativity is always welcome as long as the response answers the proposed topic question. 3) The essays must be the original work of the contestant and will be penalized if they include information that is not cited or their own. 4) Each of the judges will be furnished with typewritten copies of the contestants’ essays. 5) When all essays have been received by the deadline, each judge will score the essays based on the content of the essay and guidelines for formatting. Contestants will be ranked in numerical order on the basis of the final score to be determined by each judge. V. Awards Awards will be given to the top three individuals in each division. Part I. For Scoring the Content 1) Content Includes: Importance and Appropriateness of Subject Suitability of the Material Accuracy of the Statements Evidence of Purpose Organization of the Content Logical Development Language Used Accomplishment of Purpose – Conclusions 70 points 2) General Effect Includes: 15 Points Extent to which essay was interesting, understandable, well written, creative, and topic relevant. Part II. For Scoring the Format 1) Format Includes: 15 Points Proper length for each division as determined above Typed 12 pt font 1 inch margins Double Spaced Florida Jr. All-Breeds YOUTH ESSAY CONTEST ENTRY FORM Name________________________________________________________ Address___________________ ___________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Date of Birth____________________________________________________ Age_______________________ Division_________________________ Entry & Essay Due By December 17, 2012 to: Chris Holcomb RSA & Ext Agent 1, Dairy/4-H PO Box 9005, Drawer HS03 Bartow, FL 33831 E-mail: christophersholc@ufl.edu PLEASE EMAIL OR MAIL ENTRY AND ESSAY (NO FAXES) MUST BE RECEIVED BY 11:59 PM 12/17/12 if submitting by email MUST BE POSTMARKED BY 12/17/12 if submitted by mail Florida Jr. All-Breeds FOLDING DISPLAY CONTEST Contest Rules: 1) All entrants must be a youth that have not yet reached their 21st birthday as of Jan. 1, 2013. 2) There will be three age divisions of the Folding Display Contest: (Age as of January 1 of contest year) Senior 18-21 Intermediate - 14-17 Junior 9-13 3) Entry title or theme is due by Dec. 17, 2012. The theme must be dairy industry related. 4) All entries must be exhibited at the Florida Jr. All-Breeds Convention and arrive either Fri. 1/4/13 (between 4-9 pm) or Sat 1/5/13 by 9 am. 5) Display should be no larger than 3’ x 4’ and should be able to stand by itself. 6) Displays will be judged on content, organization, originality and neatness. Folding Display Contest Evaluation Sheet CONTENT 30 Points Is the theme well defined:__________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Accurate and appropriate information:________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Use of Materials:_________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ORGANIZATION: Arranged in such a way that theme portrayed can be followed easily and logically: 30 Points _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ NEATNESS: 25 Points Picture and clippings securely fastened:_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Captions neatly written:____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Display sturdy, durable, and attractive:________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ORIGINALITY: 15 Points Creativity:______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Total Points ________ Florida Jr. All-Breeds Convention FOLDING DISPLAY CONTEST ENTRY FORM Name(s)___________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Birth Date_________________________________________________________________ Age__________________________ Division_______________________ Folding Display Topic_______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Entry due by December 17, 2012 to: Chris Holcomb RSA & Ext Agent 1, Dairy/4-H PO Box 9005, Drawer HS03 Bartow, FL 33831 E-mail: christophersholc@ufl.edu PLEASE EMAIL OR MAIL ENTRY AND ESSAY (NO FAXES) MUST BE RECEIVED BY 11:59 PM 12/17/12 if submitting by email MUST BE POSTMARKED BY 12/17/12 if submitted by mail Florida Jr. All-Breeds YOUTH PREPARED PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST Rules and Regulations I. Eligibility 1) To be eligible to compete in the Public Speaking Contest, the contestant must be a youth that had not reached their 21st birthday as of Jan. 1, 2013. The contest is divided into three age divisions: Senior Division 18-21 years of age as of January 1st in the year of the competition. Intermediate Division 14-17 years of age as of January 1st in the year of the competition. Junior Division 8-13 years of age as of January 1st in the year of the competition. 2) All contestants must be registered to participate in the contest by December 17, 2012. 3) Contestants will be allowed to participate in their age division until they have won that division and then they may move up to an older age category. II. Subject Contestants may choose any subject pertaining to the Dairy Industry. For subject matter we wish to encourage exploration and understanding of any and all entities of the dairy industry. Current policies, affairs and trends in the industry are suitable topics. III. Time Limit In the Senior Division, each speech shall be a minimum of six minutes and a maximum of eight minutes. In the Intermediate Division, each speech shall be a minimum of five minutes and a maximum of seven minutes. In the Junior Division, each speech shall be a minimum of three minutes and a maximum of five minutes. Each contestant will be allowed five minutes during which the judging committee will ask questions related to his or her speech. Deductions of will be made from the score for speeches that are under or over the time limit in length. IV. Method of Selecting Winner 1) Competent and impartial judges will be selected by the committee to judge the contest. 2) A contestant will be permitted to use notes; but excessive reference to notes may result in deductions from his or her score. Contestants in the Junior Division (ages 8-13) will be permitted to use posters or props in order to promote their speeches. Juniors will be judged on how they present the material and not on creativity and design of the props and posters. 3) A timekeeper will be designated who will record the time used by each contestant in delivering his or her speech, noting under-time and over-time, if any, for which deductions will be made. 4) Judges will ask questions after a speech; and each contestant will be scored on his or her ability to answer all questions by all judges. 5) When all contestants have finished speaking, each judge will total his or her score on composition and delivery for each speech. Contestants will be ranked in numerical order on the basis of the final score to be determined by each judge, without consulting with each other. V. Awards Awards will be given to the top three individuals in each division. The winner of each division will deliver his or her speech at the Awards Banquet on Jan. 5, 2013 Part I. For Scoring the Content 1) Content Includes: Importance and Appropriateness of Subject Suitability of the Material Accuracy of the Statements Evidence of Purpose Organization of the Content Logical Development Language Used Accomplishment of Purpose - Conclusions Part II. Scoring Delivery of Presentation 1) Voice Includes: Quality Pitch Pronunciation Force 40 points 10 Points 2) Stage Presence Includes: Personal Appearance Poise and Body Posture Confidence Personality Ease Before Audience 10 Points 3) Power of Expression Includes: Fluency, Emphasis Directness Sincerity Communication Ability 15 Points 4) Response to Questions Includes: 15 Points Ability to satisfactorily answer questions on the speech, which are asked by the judges, indicating originality, familiarity with subject, and ability to think. 5) General Effect Includes: 10 Points Extent to which speech was interesting, understandable, convincing, pleasing, and held attention. Florida Jr. All-Breeds YOUTH PREPARED PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST ENTRY FORM Name________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Date of Birth____________________________________________________ Email Address_____________________________________________ Age_______________________ Division_________________________ Speech Topic _________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Entry Due By December 17, 2012 to: Chris Holcomb RSA & Ext Agent 1, Dairy/4-H PO Box 9005, Drawer HS03 Bartow, FL 33831 E-mail: christophersholc@ufl.edu PLEASE EMAIL OR MAIL ENTRY AND ESSAY (NO FAXES) MUST BE RECEIVED BY 11:59 PM 12/17/12 if submitting by email MUST BE POSTMARKED BY 12/17/12 if submitted by mail To promote Young Farmer & Rancher Leadership Development Okeechobee County Farm Bureau presents: 5th Annual 3-D Archery Shoot Saturday, Feb. 9, 2013 4351 Hwy 441 North Okeechobee Proceeds go to support the Young Farmer & Rancher Scholarship Program Shooters & Sponsors: • • • • • • There will be 20 targets. (2 rounds) Scoring will be on an individual basis. Cost is $25 per person. Children under 10 will be $15. Non-shooters pay $5 for lunch. Target sponsorships are $100 per station for business name or individual name to appear at one station. General Information: 4351 Hwy 441 north Okeechobee (across from ARS Motorsports) Vendors will be onsite to showcase new products. The event will feature donation drawings and awards for each class of shooters. Tim Craig of Okeechobee Farm Bureau is the event organizer with help from the Farm Bureau Staff. Registration 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. First Session 8:30-10:30 a.m. Lunch 10:45-11:30 Second Session 11:45-1:45 p.m. Iron Boar Shoot 2 p.m. Find us on Facebook See photos from last year’s event! For more information contact: Okeechobee County Farm Bureau (863) 763-3101 | Tim.Craig@ffbic.com Shoot participation limited, register early!* Please sign me up as a Shooter or Sponsor. ® (*May register after Jan 1, 2013) Enclosed is my check for $___________ (checks should be made payable to Okeechobee County Farm Bureau.) Sponsor Name:_____________________________________ Name:______________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:______________________ Email:________________________________ Order a t-Shirt by Feb. 1st, 2013 ($12/each or 2/$20) Size (circle one): S M L XL Color (circle one): Pink, Gray, Tan, Fluorescent Green Mail completed form and check to: Okeechobee County Farm Bureau 401 NE 4th Street, Okeechobee, FL 34972 January 2013 Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed 2 New Year’s Day! 7 OYLS Rabbit, Poultry & Dairy Entries due to E.O. 8 9 Big “O” 6:30 PM 3 Deadline to register for State 4-H/FFA Livestock and Meats Judging Clinics Extension Office Closed 6 Thu 10 Fri 4 Sat 5 Show Stoppers (tentative) Florida Junior All Breeds Convention Gainesville 11 Spice of Life IRSC – 6:30 PM 12 Barnyard Buddies E.O. – 10:00 AM On The Hoof E.O. – 6:00 PM State 4-H/FFA Livestock Judging Clinic Gainesville Bacon Bunch OMS – 6:30 PM State 4-H/FFA Meats Judging Clinic Gainesville Swine Time Zeller’s - 6:30 PM 13 Sharp Shooters Shoot 14 Chobee Roundup OMS – 6:30 PM 15 Swine Time & Lamb & Goat Zeller’s – 6:30 PM 16 OCA Lions OCA Cafeteria 3:15 PM 17 18 Sharp Shooters 6:30 PM Udder Bunch Clinic Agri-Civic Center 9:00 AM Places To Go NES – 6:00 PM 20 21 22 23 24 CC/JL E.O. – 7:00 PM 19 25 26 Swine Time Farm Swap & BBQ Hog & Ham Workshop Places To Go Meet @ E.O. – 1:00 PM to travel to SFF 27 28 29 30 31