According to Livy - Sarasota Garden Club


According to Livy - Sarasota Garden Club
November, 2015
According to Livy
The General Meeting on Monday was the official beginning to our Garden Club year. What a delightful event it
was! After the business part of the meeting an entertaining skit was provided by Jean Ruff, Emily Yaffe and Dorothy Thompson. The Kangaroo Court was a delightful way to "roast" the officers and have a good laugh. The Pot
Luck Lunch was delicious as always. Garden clubbers seem to be outstanding cooks. It was a great day to welcome back our seasonal members.
GardenFest, our first two day Garden Festival, was another event to be proud of, and what an accomplishment it
was. We congratulate Jeannie Renderer and Melanie Babineau for giving us a blueprint for future GardenFests. One of our missions as a Garden Club is to educate the community in the "appreciation and promotion of
Florida gardening principles." All our speakers, demonstrators, and the participation of so many plant societies
certainly echoed this message.
The 50th Anniversary Celebration of Civic Beautification was Wednesday, October, 14th. Pat Bonarek, with the
help of Adrienne Wagner, Jennifer Walker and Penny Thomas, did a stellar job of highlighting this very special
program, which began in 1964. Honoring businesses, associations, and the city for making Sarasota beautiful is one
of the very special projects of the Sarasota Garden Club. It reminds us of the rich history we have with our community.
We have much to look forward to this year. We have outstanding programs in both design and horticulture. We
have a very sophisticated flower show, Architecture With Pizzazz, coming in January, with a kickoff tea at
new member Cheryl Burke's Antique Shop on Palm Avenue on November 13th. Don't forget to save the date of
February 12th for our annual fashion show " Tutta Bella" at the Hyatt. This is a popular event, so make your reservations early. Another date to save is March 19th. That is the date of our third Gardens in Paradise Garden
Tour. Last year almost 1000 people attended and we hope that this year will be even bigger.
We hope that all of you will lend a hand to help with these ambitious programs. TOGETHER WE CAN do all this
and have great fun, too! I look forward to working along with you to make this the best year ever!!
Note: The photo at the top right side of this page shows President Olivia Haynes with FFGC President Arlene Rand at the District VIII Meeting accepting National Garden Club awards for the SGC Therapy Tea and the publication Combined Wisdom.
The Sarasota Garden Club on October 14, 2015 was turned into a "Lounge of Stars" to celebrate 50 Years of
Civic Beautification. The CBC Committee; Andy Papineau, Adrienne Wagner, Jennifer Walker, and Mary
Papineau, reviewed various properties that have previously won this award, searching for those which continually maintained outstanding landscaping. It was a recognition of significant contributions to the beauty of the
Sarasota Area through excellence in landscaping a civic property with attractive curb appeal. There were 33
awards that included commercial buildings, parks, churches and condominiums.
The theme of "Good Landscaping is Good Business" was evident in the chosen Award Winners. The Award
Winners were greeted by the soft sound of Jason Hobert's guitar, the breathtaking floral centerpiece by Clare
Milligan, and the inviting golden arrangement by Adrienne Wagner at the entrance. Shirley Cook had the honorees sign the special visitor's book and Penny Thomas with all of her kitchen help served the 126 honorees
and garden club members. There was also a special visit by Mable Ringling (Jean
Ruff) and John Ringling (Wilmer Pearson).
Our President, Olivia Haynes, made an interesting speech about the history of the
awards and the impressive certificates, revised by CJ Danna, were presented with
humor to the honorees. Again the Garden Club Members joined in to make this event
a roaring success. Thanks to Kathryn Johnson our
mentor and congratulations to you all!!!!
Pat Bonarek, Civic Beautification Chair
Above right: Chair Pat Bonarek introducing the awards
Left: Boyd Phillips, Grounds Manager of Village Walk, center is SGC’s Andy Papineau,
and on the right is Bob Malan, Town Manager of Village Walk. Mr. Malan was one of
the first recipients of an SGC college scholarship in natural sciences, graduating with a
horticultural/business degree which plays an integral part of his position today managing
one of the largest properties on Palmer Ranch.
Sarasota Garden Club has been responsible for many years for the plantings at the Blue Star
Marker and the Dough Boy Statue in JD Hamel Park (across Rt. 41 from the marina). We won
a state award after the renovations in 2010. For Memorial Day and Veterans’ Day we clean up
the area and put in new plantings if needed. This year we would like a group to work on this
project on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, at 9 am. We will be done in time to get back to the
Garden Club for the HORTICULTURE FLOWER SHOW WORKSHOP… We will be meeting at the park, corner of Bayfront Drive (RT 41) and Main Street …bring gloves, clippers.
Trash bags and small tools will be provided.
The more help we have the less time it will take. The County is very helpful and does the
heavy work and gets everything watered. No experience necessary! Hope you can join us because, as President Livy says, together we can, and we want to honor those who served so
Barbara Rao
General Membership Meeting
Monday, November 16 at 10:00
What’s Happening: Meetings and Events
OCT. 28: Special Workshop: Hort for Flower Show p7
OCT. 28: Blue Star Marker and Dough Boy Cleanup p2
Bd. of Directors 10
Succulent Society 7 pm
Library Committee 9:30
Flower Show Committee 9:30
CONA 6 pm
Therapy Tea 1 pm
Hort Study 9:30
Sierra Club 6 pm
Flower show kick-off tea -offsite, see p. 4
General Membership Mtg. 10 am
Membership Committee 10 am
Floral Design Class #5 9:30
Appalachian Trail Club 6 pm
Butterfly Club 9:30
Floral Design Class #6 9:30
Tropical Fruit Society 6:30-9 pm
Office closed
Ikebana Society 9-12:30
On November 16th, Harold Bubil will be the guest
speaker at our General Membership Meeting. Mr.
Bubil has been the real estate editor of the HeraldTribune since 1994. He is a great resource when it
comes to Sarasota real estate. This month’s topic is
different than our usual programs but is very timely
because of our upcoming Flower Show, “Sarasota
Architecture with Pizzazz.” He will speak to us
about Sarasota’s architecture in general and about
our mid-century building. The program will begin at
10:45. Guests and the public are welcome for $5;
members are free.
-Judith Hydeman
Succulent Society 7 pm
Floralia 10
Chamber of Commerce toy drive $5 + toy 5 pm
Library Committee 9:30
Executive Committee 11:30
Board of Directors 10 am
Rented 6 pm
Hort Study 9:30
Sierra Club 6 pm
Flower Show Committee 9:30
CONA 6 pm
Membership Committee 10
Appalachian Trail Club 6 pm
General Membership Meeting: offsite, more later
Tropical Fruit Society 6:30 pm
Christmas holiday
New Year’s Eve
New Members, Welcome!
Susan Brown
Chris Hersberger
Marcie Rickenbacker
Claire Rusen
Sarah Stern
Recent renewals: Dawn Dellavedova,
Alice LaFollette, Nancy Schott
New mail address: Aurora DeFex
Any new/updated contact info is available in the
The Pleasure of Your Company is Requested:
Flower Show Special Annnouncement
SGC Goes Downtown to Launch the Flower Show
The Sarasota Garden Club is presenting a flower
show called “Sarasota Architecture with Pizzazz” on
Jan 23 and 24. For the first time we are adding a photography section and we want all our club photographers to enter. We have so many photographers that
all the classes should fill up quickly. It would be a
shame for you to miss this opportunity to show your
work, so start thinking about which photos you want
to enter.
We have asked the merchants on Palm Avenue to
decorate their windows for our flower show and
three local businesses are supporting this effort early.
There will be a tea, lectures and demonstration at
Burke Antiques on November 13 at 1:00 pm, 12
Palm Ave. Tea and a lecture will be provided by
Doug from As Good As it Gets. Cookies and scones
will also be served. Also, there will be a demonstration on floral arrangements in containers and Eileen
Hampshire from Art to Walk On will talk about floral designs in rugs. Please RSVP to SGC by Nov. 6.
Come enjoy this innovative approach to adding some
extra interest for the flower show this year!
Each of six classes for entries will be limited to four
photos and are all related to architecture. The rules,
entry forms, dates to enter and subject matter are all
included in the Flower Show Schedule which was recently emailed to all members. All photos must be
vertical shots, 11 x 14 and mounted on black foam.
These are the classes for entries:
1. Sarasota School of Architecture
2. Contemporary design
3. Landscape architecture
4. Mediterranean Revival
5. Spanish Revival
6. Beach pavilions
Please contact Jewell Emswiller with any questions.
New Project…
Florida Federation of
Garden Clubs Native
Plants and Wildflower
as well as District 8 Native Plants and Wildflower chairs are working with the Girl Scouts
of Southwest Florida, located here in Sarasota to promote the NGC Girl Scout Native Plants Badge. This
badge gives the girls an opportunity to learn about
native plants, to appreciate using them in landscape
planting and to engage them in protecting natives
and wildflowers. We have planned four after-school
programs beginning in January at the Girl Scout
Center on Proctor and Tuttle. Lesson plans and activities are being created to make this badge-earning
experience challenging as well as fun . Anyone interested in participating, please sign up. This is can be a
wonderful opportunity for us to foster a youth group.
“How to Enter Horticulture
in the Flower Show” workshop
Weds. Oct. 28 10 am at SGC
Needed: 7 Hard Hats
Volunteers are needed to work with the girls. Times
and dates will be announced later.
Thank you. If you can help with
either of these projects, please
contact Barbara Rao, barbara_rao
If you have a hard hat you can loan for the
flower show on Jan. 23-24 please call Judith
Hydeman. It will be returned in good condition.
Notes from the Board of Directors Meeting - Oct.5, 2015
The highlights of the meeting were the various announcements about the recent GardenFest chaired by Jeanne
Renderer and Melanie Babineau. Everyone praised the great effort and planning done by them, the great
lunches available, and the large number of volunteers. The set up and organization were well done and crowd
control was fine. The profit total was over $4400 after expenses. Public reaction was all positive, with compliments from many attendees.
The next big event , Civic Beautification’s 50th Anniversary Party, has been well planned by Pat Bonarek and
her committee. They have evaluated all the past winners and checked up on current activities in deciding on a
winner for this year. Over 100 invitations have been sent, the press is well represented, local politicians are
expected, and volunteers are providing plenty of hors d’oeuvres for the feast, which will include wine and
Education Chair Barbara Rao is working with FFGC and the Girl Scouts on a project for girls to earn merit
badges for activities such as horticulture, children’s interests, and other skills. She was pleased with the Horticulture Study Group activities through the summer months. For the Botanical Gardens, Jean Hansen reported
that John C. has constructed the frames for a “Wall Garden” to be installed soon.
Membership Chair Catherine LaBrie was cheered at her return after some time off following surgery. She was
pleased to report that we now have 162 members. Eight new members have joined since May, and all new
members are active in at least one interest group. She and President Livy were consulted by Ringling Museum
employees Kevin Green and Karen Smith, who are planning the renovation of Mable’s Secret Garden, which
our members have been lovingly maintaining for many years. Their recommendations will be honored, and
plantings will be mostly Florida native or friendly plants and well as butterfly attractors.
All members are welcome to attend Board of Directors meetings. Complete Minutes are on file.
Jan Johannesen, Secretary Flower Show: Patrons and Sponsors Form
Let’s show some pizzazz . Support our FLOWER SHOW
Sponsor ………………………………………..$25.00
Friend ………………………………………….$50.00
Benefactor …………………………………….$100.00
Champion………………………………..over $100. 00
amount will be accepted-
___________________________________wishes to give $______and be a ______________________
( Print name as you wish it to appear)
( Patron, Sponsor, etc.)
Please make your checks to “Sarasota Garden Club—Flower Show” and mail to :
Shirley Cook, 3300 Duncan Ave., Sarasota, FL 34239-6603
Your generosity helps to provide this special event as a gift to the people of the Sarasota area.
Thank you!
Horticulture Study Group Wednesday November 11th 9:00a.m. At SGC
“Make -One-Take-One Dish Gardens"
Once again we will be creating small dish gardens as our philanthropic project for local assisted living facilities. This is the 4th time we have done this activity. Come join us to make something beautiful to brighten up
someone’s holiday. We will be using small 3-4" teacups, pots, mugs, cream pitchers, etc. Potting materials
will be provided as well as decorative stones, etc. Last year we donated over 150 of these small gardens to be
used on window sills or small side tables.
If you have any small containers that you would like to donate it would be much appreciated. We also need
small 3-4 " cuttings or rooted plants, for use in the gardens. Good examples are: Christmas cactus, succulents,
ivy, kalanchoe, spider plants, etc. Email me at if you have anything to help with this
Marge Josephson & Lisa Dodds are co-hostesses for this meeting. SGC members are always free & guests are
welcome with a $5.00 fee. Plan to join us for this fun hands -on- gardening project.
Our October 14th meeting was well attended by 21 members & guests.
Kathy Denler, owner of Sweet Grass Farms Hydroponic Gardens, gave
a very interesting history of how this type of gardening came into existence and followed with a walking tour of the site. She will keep us updated as to when their next crop will be ready. Thanks to my co-chair
Judy for arranging this interesting tour. All our programs are a joint effort & we could not do these programs without help from all of you.
Kay Weber & Judy Herman, Horticulture Study Group Co-Chairs
From Catherine LaBrie
Thank you is not really enough to say to the caring and loving members of our garden club who
sent beautiful cards and wishes during my recent surgery and ongoing recovery. However, Richard
and I do thank you from the bottom of our hearts. To the members who delivered delicious food:
you were angels everyone. It meant so very much and hopefully you will know how grateful we are for all the
love and care you have shown. Yes there are angels among us and they are in our garden club.
In gratitude, Catherine and Richard
Flower Show Horticulture Entry Info
The Green Room
On Wednesday, October 28 at 10 am we will
offer a workshop at SGC on how to prepare
horticulture entries for the January flower
show. If you’ve never participated before, this
will take care of all the questions and make you
wonder why you never entered before.
The new garden club season has begun and
with it comes the 2015-16 edition of the SGC
members’ Yearbook. To keep your information
at your fingertips, The Green Room has dividers
for sale. There are 5, 5½ x 8 ½ , dividers per
package for $3.00 each.
There are lots of new items for Fall, such as new
containers for floral design, Oasis tapes and
glues and U-Glu as well as other interesting
items. Buy supplies to make holiday gifts.
We apologize that the last date for purchasing a
plant to enter in the flower show January 23-24
was October 21st. Look in your yard for trees or
shrubs because you owned them by the deadline! Cut branches can be beautiful. Jan Johannesen got a blue ribbon for her bottle brush
branches. Who knew?
Stop by and take a look! We are open at all the
club meetings for your convenience.
Dorothy Thompson
Plant identification information will be available
on November 16 after the general meeting.
Those helping with plant ID will leave at 2 pm,
but members can continue to use the books to
identify their plants.
Oh, no: The Ringling Secret Garden?
Hort entry forms can be sent to me
( or can be left at the
SGC Office from December 1-28.
Cards will be made from the entry forms and
should be picked up between 9-1 on Monday,
January 18 and Tuesday, January 19. New entries will not be accepted after January 19th.
Do not panic if you are up at The Ringling and see
the Secret Garden all torn up. The concrete in the
garden was cracked and becoming dangerous. The
Ringling is replacing the concrete in the original pattern. The garden had to be removed to do the concrete work, so The Ringling invited the Secret Garden Gang to remove any plants that we wanted to use
for our GardenFest and we filled John C.'s truck with
them for our sale. (Thank you, John C!)
The garden will get better irrigation and its soil will
be amended. It will be a more educational garden
with different palm trees, butterfly plants and native
plants in each section and keeping Mable Ringling's
"onesy twosy" theme. Catherine LaBrie and I have
been invited to consult and we have had one meeting
so far. Kevin Greene thinks that the garden will be
back in operation by the end of November or the beginning of December with the Secret Garden Gang
taking care of it. JOIN us then!
Olivia Haynes
This information is available on the first page of
your Hort Schedule, which was sent by email.
Copies are available in the office in case you
had problems with your electronic copy.
-Ginger Vance
Photo credits for this issue:
Thanks go to members Jewell Emswiller, Doug
Gothier, CJ Danna, Page Jackson and Kathryn
Johnson for their contributions this month.
Also thanks to Andy Papineau for helpful information for content in this issue.
Sarasota Garden Club Webpage:
The Deadline for the December issue of Blooming Chatter is November 16
Please E-mail articles to or leave in the SGC Blooming Chatter mailbin
Blooming Chatter Deadlines
Blooming Chatter
Dec. 2015
Jan. 2016
Feb. 2016
March 2016
Apr. 2016
May 2016
June 2016
is published 11 times yearly by the
Sarasota Garden Club, Inc.
Office Hours: 9 AM to 1 PM
Monday - Friday
Phone and Fax: (941) 955-0875
1131 Boulevard of the Arts
Sarasota, Florida 34236-4809
Nov. 16
Dec. 15
Jan. 18
Feb. 15
Mar. 21
Apr. 18
May 20
June 20