Four Wheelin` With Feelin` - MW4WDA


Four Wheelin` With Feelin` - MW4WDA
Responsible use of Public Lands through Conservation, Education, and Safety
Winter 2003 Volume 2, Issue 1
Official publication of the Midwest 4 Wheel Drive Association
Four Wheelin’ With Feelin’
March of Dimes Rally 2002
Written by: Luana Schneider
It was decided that Four Wheelin’ with Feelin’ for
the March of Dimes 2002 would be held in honor
of Harland “Boots” Meseberg. Boots was a major
supporter of the rally for years with pledges and
working it until he had a serous stroke a few years
ago and died Christmas morning in 2001--even
after his stroke with the support of his wife and the
rest of his family he continued to collect pledges for
the March of Dimes.
Special points of interest:
• MN OHV Sticker Program:
Yearly Stats inside.
• WI STAC Update:
Find out how you can help!
It was also decided the rally would be held in the
Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest starting at
McCaslin Mountain Campgrounds. This was because the Pipeline Rehabilitation Project should be
finished by then and we could use this as a kind of
grand opening of the finished project. It turned out
as many of you already know that due to the Environmental Assessment being delayed, the project
could not be finished so the “grand opening” did
not occur as hoped but we were able to at least have
• MW4WDA Spring Convention:
Registration info inside.
• Vote for Rig of the Year?
Check Out Hard Core R&R!
Inside this issue:
Letters From the Officers
Club News and Editorials
MW Committee Reports
MW4WDA Land Use
State Association News
Hard Core Rides & Rigs
Members of the
Family and
the award!
the brochure Pipeline Corridor Trail System available for all and use a part of the Pipeline.
When the first work weekend came around we
found ourselves with quite a challenge. Apparently the area had about 22 inches of very wet
snow that late Spring that bent over and/or
broke many trees and brush. Trails that would
normally have been very clear were near to impassable. We were breaking our way through these
trails and exploring new areas became almost an
impossibility. Also using McCaslin Mountain trails
was not a choice since the mountain was being
logged and the trails were constantly changing--not a
realistic place to establish a rally route.
The committee worked very hard opening up the
trails. Two committee members were there with
chainsaws Labor Day weekend still clearing out
some of the trails where more damaged trees kept
falling into the trails.
Article continued on page 7...
Page 2
MW4WDA Officers
Mark White
(Trailgators 4 Wheelers, Inc.)
W762 State Rd. 23 & 49
Green Lake, WI 54941
Butch Chapin
(Dakota Dirt Diggers)
1404 East 3rd Street
Hastings, MN 55033
Dan Bergin
(Extreme Offroaders)
947 Pierce Ave.
Oshkosh, WI 54902
Letters from the Officers
From the 1st VP
The insurance is coming due, and now
would be a good time to make any necessary changes. If anyone has any questions,
changes (if we can make them), or want to
try and get more for our buck, you need to
let me know ASAP, because I will be talking to the insurance contact real soon,
Also, if anyone has any questions, concerns
or remarks on the insurance, please let me
Butch Chapin
MW4WDA Merchandise Order Form
Order No.:
Club Affiliation:
Jennifer Weir
(Central Iowa 4 Wheelers)
301 Hillside Ave.
West Des Moines, IA 50265
Kert Peterson
(MN 4x4 Highrollers)
1407 Hulet lot G
Fairbault, MN 55021
MW4WDA Pins 1” round, gold trim
MW4WDA Patches 4” round cloth
MW4WDA Decals 5” round self adhesive
MW4WDA T-shirt transfers large iron-on
MW4WDA T-shirt transfers small iron-on
“I Love My 4X4” Button 2” round
“I fought for my 4X4” Sticker 2” round
MW4WDA Rain Poncho Orange
Please send this form and payment to:
Laura or Dan Bergin 974 Pierce Ave., Oshkosh, WI 54902
(920)232-8483 e-mail:
Volume 2, Issue 1
Page 3
MW4WDA Editorials
New MW4WDA Bulletin Board
Written by: Reuben Gosewisch
I wanted to make all of you aware of a new
feature to the MW4WDA website. I have
added a Bulletin Board to allow for on-line
communication between all members of
the MW. To access the Bulletin Board all
you need to do is go to
and click on the Message Board button on
the left. You will then be asked to register
to the board, by entering a username and
password. Once you have done that you
can view messages, reply to messages, and
post your own messages. I find that a
bulletin board allows for much better communication than an e-mail list because
different topics can be separated and the
information remains on the site.
My hope with the Bulletin Board is that it
will keep all members of the MW4WDA
in the loop on information, and allow for
much better communication among the
members, delegates, and MW board.
Please take the time to check out the MW
Bulletin Board and have fun with it. If you
have any questions or comments about the
Board, post up under the comments section
or feel free to e-mail me at:
Reuben Gosewisch MW Webmaster
Page 4
MW4WDA Committees
Tim Liepert
7682 St. Rd. 110
Fremont, WI 54940
John Nutter
Brenda Stoneberg
W230 Buffalo Rd.
Neshkoro, WI 54960
Carl Overland
400 Plarmigan Ct.
Waseca, MN 56093
Dan and Laura Bergin
947 Pierce Ave.
Oshkosh, WI 54902
Chris Hannis
2091 Claireville Rd.
Oshkosh, WI 54904
Chris Hannis
2091 Claireville Rd.
Oshkosh, WI 54904
Luana Schneider
6793 CTH “C”
DeForset, WI 53532
MW4WDA Committee Reports
TO: United Four Wheel Drive Associations
FROM: Carla Boucher
DATE: February 19, 2003
WHAT: H.R. 652, the National Forest Ecosystem Protection Act, was introduced by
Rep. Robert Andrews (D-NJ).
WHAT IT IS: H.R. 652 would:
1). Eliminate all commercial grazing on
National Forests
2). Eliminate all recreation (except primitive recreation ie. hiking) in areas adjacent to Wilderness Areas
3). Require the Forest Service to prepare an
Environmental Assessment
a). for study for wilderness suitability for all primitive lands extending from existing designated
Wilderness Areas
b). to discuss ecological advantage
of closing all "unimproved roads"
in the study area
4). Authorize appropriations to:
a) spend $5 million to purchase
private property within designated
Wilderness Areas in the West
b) spend $100 million to purchase
private property within primitive
areas extending from existing designated Wilderness areas in the
5). Close all unimproved, unmapped, and
non-system roads in primitive areas
extending from existing designated Wilderness areas.
6). A list of all the areas affected by the bill
appear below.
Write to both of the two Committees to
whom the bill has been referred and ask them
to take no action on the bill (this kills the
House Committee on Agriculture
Chairman Bob Goodlatte
1301 Longworth H.O.B.
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-2171
House Committee on Resources
Chairman Richard Pombo
1324 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D. C. 20515-6201
(202) 225-2761
The Ecosystem Protection Areas, and the
wilderness area forming the their core, are as
Note: This list is edited down the the areas in
the MW.
INDIANA: Charles C. Deam.
MICHIGAN: Sylvania.
MINNESOTA: Boundary Waters Canoe
WISCONSIN: Headwaters.
To View a complete list of areas effected,
please visit:
Volume 2, Issue 1
Page 5
MW4WDA Land Use Issues
Wisconsin Land Use
Written by: Luana Schneider
Good-by to 2002 and hello to 2003! It’s time
to look back as to what was done in 2002-NOT ENOUGH!! We are losing more and
more land to recreate on with our four wheel
drive vehicles. Let’s see if we can slow that
down in 2003 and actually get some land
opened up to us!
As Mary Strauss will report more thoroughly
the grant has been closed with some small
monetary cost to us. There is much we can
still do to keep the Pipeline open and hopefully in the future get another grant to finish
the project.
(STAC) The STAC meeting that was the
Monday after the fall convention was October
21 in Wausau at “The Shelter” at the Rib
Mountain State Park. That Monday morning
we woke up to a snow storm in Wausau and
our only transportation was the motorhome to
get to the top of Rib Mountain. After some
phone calls we found out they had plowed it
out and so up the mountain we went. Before
the meeting ended the snowfall had stopped
with 8 inches of snow not only on the ground
but on our motorhome. The DNR plowed out
the road again to get us all back down the
mountain. Wouldn’t that be something if the
most snow we saw at a time would be what
we saw in October!?!
An announcement was made that Mike Sohasky (OHV representative on the Council)
has resigned due to the possibility of a conflict of interest since he now works for the
DNR. He has been on the Council for 12
years and been a very valuable Council member. This is the position I had asked the delegates to send letters to the Governor asking
that I sit on this Council in this position.
Some of you had asked for info and I guess I
never gave thought to having a resume available to you folks to use for reference. Since
then I have found noone has been appointed
yet and have written a resume for those who
might want to submit that with a letter to their
representative and Governor Jim Doyle.
At the meeting discussion occurred on defining just what is a “State Trail?” Otherwise
what constitutes state involvement in a trail.
Also what is a partnership (operated by partner) trail? They reviewed the Trail Design
Standards and Handbook process and determined mapping of various trails is a priority.
Trail surfacing was discussed and the major
concern is “communications” so all users are
notified when surfacing considerations are
Discussion on Rail abandonment purchases
bottom line is there isn’t a problem in purchasing in most cases but there is in development and managing.
Trail Fees was discussed as a possible “Wheel
Pass”. Also discussed the need of ATV and
Motorized Parks. The Council should read
and respond before the January Meeting on
the State Trail Remittance Program.
There was discussion on how a Trail needs to
be inspected prior to acquisition by the State.
Again too there was much discussion on
where what trail users can be accommodated
on various trails either on the same trail or
trails next to each other.
It was discussed that a Cooperative Partner for
trails should be on the Council.
Also SCORP is going to be starting up soon-preplanning occurring NOW!
The next STAC was held the Monday after
our Winter meeting on January 13 in Wisconsin Rapids. At this meeting they discussed
Trail Funding Alternatives, Land Legacy, and
the Trails Management Team (TMT). Of
interest were the statements that State Stewardship money is bonded money and is therefore available even under the state budget
problems and that the DNR has a lot of
“outside income”. The new TMT committee
is looking at coordinating All State Trails.
The actual scope etc. of this team is still being
hammered out. The statement was made that
“we need more public recreation areas NOT
private—private recreation is closing more
and more”. Yet later in the meeting the statement was made that motorized recreation
should be private not public….ummm why is
that I wonder?
There was much discussion on the Kettle
Moraine Mountain Biking and it’s overuse.
They discussed the multi-use of some of these
trails and how some modifications needed to
be made where cross country ski trails are
better suited going straight down and bikes
should be more of a switch back and forth
type for erosion and holding down the speed
and making the trail more interesting. These
trails can be together at times and then split up
at other times.
There was a “Year of the Trails” summary.
This program was not backed by the governor
like the “Year of the Parks” was but there was
definite successes. The Rally was listed as
one of these trails and the entire list was submitted to the Department of Tourism for their
listing. It was agreed that many of these trail
activities would never have gotten the public
exposure in other years. I figure that our various events that are trail type events where the
public is welcome we should submit to the
Dept. of Tourism. So keep that in mind when
planning your event and looking at advertising angles.
There was much discussion on Rail Abandonment and who has the right of the land etc.
They had a conference call with an attorney
that is an expert on the subject and received
much very helpful information. Interesting
definition that came out of this was the definition of “Public Highway” which includes
trails such as snowmobile and other trails.
Also trails can be anywhere on the abandoned
rail “Public Highway” right-of-way and no
buildings can be on it. “Public Highways”
cannot be purchased for anything but “Public
Highways”. Ummm….I found this very interesting and still believe we have a right to having OHV trails on abandoned rails. Some of
these can be very interesting and also very
scenic and can be access or a corridor to other
Phil Barker of the Chequamegon-Nicolet
National Forest gave an update on the Forest
Plan. This should be out in March and as of
the date of that draft we have 90 days to
Article continued on page 6…
Page 6
Land Use Issues and News in the Midwest
...Continued from page 5.
comment. The plan does not have anything new or changed from what we have
seen in the past as far as Four Wheel Drive
is concerned. I am hoping this comes out
before our meeting in April—note skepticism on March date—so we can work on
this at the convention. There was some
surprise on the inclusion of subject to
partnership with a four wheel drive organization and questioned the legality of such.
I found this very interesting that others
were questioning this.
The officers for 2003 for the STAC are
Mike McFadzen, chairman; Chris Kegel,
vice chair; and Jeff Butson, secretary.
Also Mike Sohasky attended the meeting
and received a plaque for his over 12 years
on the council and the active role he
A new trail system called the Great Wisconsin Birding Trails was presented. This
trail system is basic on established roads
that take you to different scenic spots
where you walk in/on to observe birds and
other wildlife and wild flowers and scenery. It is a mapped out network of existing
parks, overlooks etc. Eventually there will
be trails like this all over the state.
When it came to the “Public Comment”
time I stated how no matter what the trail
use many of the users are out there appreciating nature, wildlife etc. including the
challenges etc. of our specific trail interests. I also announced to them the loss of
our grant due to the lack of the Nathional
Forest Service (NFS) getting the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) done in a
timely fashion and how the NFS is working to finish the EIS and has funding available to finish the project with the partners
of us and the pipeline. I also explained
how we are currently working on our
“Volunteer Patrol Program” from United
Four Wheel Drive Associations. I also
made a recommendation that a trails event
listing be continued as the one that was set
up for the “Year of the Trails”. It would
seem that people all over the US and even
outside of the US would be interested in
accessing such—they thought this would
be something that the Dept. of Tourism
should do since they have a sight for activities in the state now. The problem I see
with that is folks who are interested in trails
want to look up trails not all the other stuff
and I told the council I felt this was an important part of a Trails Council.
The next meeting will be held in April in
Madison. The date will very likely be the
third Monday in April. However, since the
focus of this meeting is to meet with legislators, possibly the governor and the new
DNR Secretary, they want the date to be a
bit flexible at this point. Anyone interested
in attending this meeting is very welcome.
You can touch bases with me for more info
and I will have the info on the onelist as
soon as I get it.
OHV COUNCIL Besides the STAC there
is an OHV Council that we should have
someone attending all their meetings also.
Currently I cannot justify the time to do this
too but I have asked if there is anyone interested in doing this. They have four meetings a year and they could be held anywhere
in the state. I currently have two people
who have volunteered for this and what I
am hoping is that these two folks can work
together so at least one is attending every
meeting and they can communicate information back and forth to each other and to
all of us.
be the 25th year so we are looking at some
special things wherever it is held. It will be
held the weekend of September 13. I have
contacted Langlade County Forestry and the
Langlade County Fairgrounds and have an
OK for the weekend of September13. I am
still exploring the possibility of going to
Adams County since that is where the Rally
started 25 years ago. I have talked to the
Rome Town Clerk, the Rome Town Sheriff
and have some real good discussion going
with them and the Rome Town Hall could
be used. We also talked to the owner of
Deer Trails Campgrounds and they are very
willing and quite excited about accommodating us with the start and finish,camping
etc. depending on what we might want to
do. We took a nostalgic drive on some of
the roads around the more desirable area
that we used to run. That specific area is
as of 2002 an ATV park. This will be
another hurdle we will have to get pass if
we go to Adams and want to use that property. I have since met and discussed with
an individual from Plum Creek who are
the current owners of this land the possibility of the rally being held on their land
this year. I have submitted a letter and a
proposal to him. He said he would talk it
over with the legal department etc. and
would get back to me in about three
weeks. So hopefully by the time you read
this I will have an answer and can proceed.
that Mike Ketterhagen who has volunteered to accumulate this info is working
on it.
that hasn’t already been in the report that I
have already submitted.
LAKE STATES RESOURCE ALLIANCE (LSRA) I receive their newsletter. John Schnoor is attending their
meetings. The benefit banquet will be
held March 29 in Wausau—anyone
who wishes to attend should get a hold
of John or I. This banquet is always very
interesting and folks who have gone in the
past have really enjoyed it. It would be
great to see a good representation from
W4WDA. The LSRA has their raffle
tickets out and I know our club has already
received some. If interested in buying
and/or selling some raffle tickets for
LSRA contact John or I and we will get
you further info.
planning process is continuing. The last
report was on ATV’s and OHV’s. They
also reported their Draft Forest Plan and
Draft Environmental Impact Statement
should be published near the end of calendar year 2002—you will note in my STAC
report that it is now scheduled for March
Article continued on page 17…
Page 7
Volume 1, Issue 3
Land Use Issues and News in the Midwest
...Continued from page 1.
Also three of the main committee families
bought new homes and moved this summer. That in itself is a major undertaking
much less working on a rally.
With all the obstacles we still were ready
with a route with clues and everything else
by the time rally weekend came around.
Even with all the additional work this year
the committee had their usual good time
with lots of laughter and some great cookouts and fun campfires. One of the dilemmas we had this year was do we run the
route on road back to the finish or put them
back on more unsurfaced roads. We decided for the unsurfaced roads but thinking
back I think we probably should have just
ran them on the pavement at the end because it was just got too long (timewise) of
a route--even offroading can become too
much of a good thing.
On Thursday before the rally the big tent
was raised, tables and chairs were set up.
and signage put up at McCaslin Mountain
Campgrounds. Our good friend from Boston flew into Green Bay and was chauffeured up to McCaslin along with six live
lobsters. So that evening under the shelter
six of us feasted Boston style. One of the
prerequisites was that we wear a New England Patriots cap in order to partake in the
feast. Rod said he would “make the sacrifice” and not have any lobster if it meant
we got
wearing such a hat! In actuality that was
just an excuse since he doesn’t like lobster.
But that was OK--more for the rest of us!
We also had an individual come up from
Indiana to help on the rally. He worked
one of the work weekends setting up the
route and was back to test the route and
work the rally.
As you can see, even though this event is
sponsored by the Wisconsin Four Wheel
Drive Association, we do have support
from out of Wisconsin. This also includes
our very good friends from Prairie State
Four Wheelers from Illinois who have
worked, donated, and participated for
Thank you
Paul and
On Friday some of the committee and
some of those that would cover the checkpoints went out to check on the route one
last time. We also had a bit more maintenance to do such as lay several rocks in
one muddy spot so it didn’t break through
more and become impassable. We had lots
of hands and in no time it was handled. Of
course getting some 4-wheelers close to
mud can be a real problem and this time
the vehicles didn’t get real muddy but
some of the people definitely did! As we
returned to the Campgrounds we found it
was starting to fill up and as the evening
came upon us more and more people arrived and there was definite excitement in
the air. People converged under the tent to
assemble the goodie bags and chat with
friends they hadn’t seen for awhile.
Saturday morning registration was opened
for the participants and workers with
pledges were given special attention so
they could get to their posts. Yes, many of
the workers also have pledges and actually
two of the workers were in the top high
pledges. After the paperwork was done,
participants would have their vehicles tech
inspected and then would go to the starting
line to get their clues that would give them
the info on how to get through the route.
Article continued on page 8…
Page 8
Midwest Trail Ride Articles
at the
...Continued from page 7.
The clues are tricky and one of the things I
find is folks try to look ahead on the clues
instead of watching for the clue they are on
and in the process get themselves all mixed
This year we had a bit of excitement out on
the route in one of the areas that is not
close to any surfaced roads. After climbing a pretty good hill a vehicle started on
fire and it was put out with a fire extinguisher. This sounds like all is good except a person that was near by inhaled
some of the chemical and that person was
having a very hard time breathing--thought
at first it was a heart attack. By cell phone
they called 911 and told them they were
participating in the rally but were not sure
where they were. They were able to tell the
folks at 911 what clue they were on and by
that we were able to tell where they were
and the ambulance was dispatched to the
road that was in the vicinity and where we
would come out. One of our checkpoint
folks then drove the person to the road
while a volunteer EMT that was participating in the rally provided assistance. This
has prompted much discussion of needing
a panic map for the rally. This really
wouldn’t help a lot since a person would
have to know where they were to know
how to even read a map. Some really good
ideas have come from this experience on
how to improve on safety. We already
have checkpoints along the way and in the
cover letter we have contacts etc., but now
with so many having cell phones we can
incorporate that into the picture also with
cell numbers of checkpoints right on the
clue sheet--that’s with the assumption the
cell phones will work. We are also putting
the CB channel on the clue sheet instead
of the cover sheet and as always we will
have a map of the area in the goodie bag.
We have kicked around the idea of a panic
map and when out on the unsurfaced roads
many times there is no map and the rally
map would have to have clue numbers on
it to give a person any chance of knowing
where they are and if they are lost this
isn’t going to help anymore than the map
in their goodie bag. Also, as long as a
participant can give the folks at a checkpoint or the rallymaster a clue number and
they are on the route we will know exactly
where they are or if they can tell us at
what clue number they went astray we
know where to start looking for them. We
will be testing this thinking out since there
has been heavy pressure to have a panic
map but there are so many negatives to
$10 off in stock tires from Pro Comp, Interco, Denman, Kelly,
Cordovan and Bridgestone
$10 off in stock leaf spring and coil spring sets.
$5 off in stock steering stabilizers
$25 off spray in bed or tub liners, (Call for details)
$5 off in stock tow straps
$10 off Muttslinger pet restraint systems
$10 off in stock Tranny coolers
$121 Optima Red Top Batteries,
$165 Optima Yellow Top Batteries
High lift Jacks available here. Warn winches, hubs, axles.
KC Highlights two 6” lamps, wires, relays, switches full kit
$99.99, some in stock!
Tool boxes, Tonneau Covers, Jeep Lock Boxes, all on sale.
Get your gears, lockers, wheels, tires and recovery equipment
before spring comes!
Bring this ad for discounts. Shipping available.
Check out our website:
Page 9
Volume 1, Issue 3
Midwest Trail Ride Articles
horst of Mayville with $3,010 and Highest
pledges was Dan Sippola of Madison with
Are we
fun yet?
having a panic map that I don’t see where
this would end up really helping much.
Thanks goes out to Keven & Chris Bak
chaired the Poker Rally again!
Other than that the rally went without a
hitch except for the excessive heat was
with us. In spite of the heat folks were
enjoying the various checkpoints with their
various differing interesting activities.
Also we had poems going along two of the
longer areas in Burma Shave fashion
where nothing really much was happening
with a question in the clues that you would
need to read the whole poem to get the
answer. Both of these were written by our
committee poets in honor of “Boots”.
One of them read:
Perfect time was four hours and twenty
minutes otherwise 280 minutes. Scott and
Theresa Ohlrogge of Cato came in third
with 307 minutes. Mike Yaeger of Kiel
came in second with 278 minutes and Roy
Schachtschneider came in only 2 minutes
late with 280 minutes.
His jokes, His hat...His Jeep His coat; A
heart of gold, was this old goat!
The fifth & fourth highest pledges was
shared by both Steve Clavel of South Elgin, Illinois and Dick Goodman of Sheboygan with $900 each. Third highest
pledges was “Boots” represented by his
family and very close friends with $1,672.
Second highest pledges was Jeffrey Stein-
His laughs, His smiles...Brings our salutes,
To a good known as “Boots”.
The other one read:
While driving down this trail today,
There’s someone watching as we play.
So let’s say “Hi” and give two toots, To
our friend above whose name is “Boots”.
That evening we held the program under
the shelter. The Poker Run third place
winner was Kevin Ritschke of Oshkoshwith three of a kind; second place
winner was Mary King of Oshkosh with a
flush; and Pam & Pete Geisinger of Chetek
with four eights and a ten.
OH Boy,
The third highest pledges by one club was
the River City Trailriders of Watertown
with $3,725. Second highest pledges was
by the Extreme Offroaders of Oshkosh
with $5,860 and Highest pledges was by
Four Lakes Four Wheelers of Madison
with $7,487.
There are some very special stories many
times on how individuals collect the
amount of pledges that they do. The one
that stands out this time that I know about
is the one of the Extreme Offroaders who
last year won the winch. They turned
around and sold tickets on it and raised
$1,100 that they turned around and donated as pledges to the March of Dimes in
this year’s rally.
We also had our major donors of Warn
Winch with a winch and Dunlop Tires with
four tires supporting us again.
All together there were only 172 vehicles
participating this year and yet raised
$42,000+ for the March of Dimes! Congratulations goes out to every single individual that either worked or participated in
this event to accomplish this.
None of this, of course, could have
Article continued on page 10…
Dresser Memorial 2002
All the action of Dresser caught live on video!
If you like 4 wheeling, you’ll love this video!
Choose VHS ______ or DVD _______
Only $20.00 each plus $5.00 shipping and handling
Phone______________________________________Mail form & check payable to:
Minnesota Go-4 Wheelers, c/o John King, 7300 Schey Drive, Edina, MN 55439
Visit our web site at for more info and order form.
...Continued from page 9.
happened without the cooperation of the
folks at the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest and the McCaslin Mountain
After the program the band started playing
in the shelter and partying occurred in the
shelter under the big tent and under the
stars. The problem was those partying
didn’t want to stop and the band really
didn’t want to stop either, but old party
pooper me finally had to say enough is
are your
enough and about 1:00 am the party was
over just to have folks going back to their
campsites and sit around the campfires for
awhile yet. No one seemed to want to end
the day where so much was accomplished.
The next day trailrides were lead out for
some running on the Mountain and then
back, loaded up and get home to be ready
for another week of work.
Next year will be the twenty-fifth Anniversary of the rally and are looking at doing
some special things to celebrate. I know
the rally will be the weekend of September
13 but are not sure of the locations as of
yet. As soon as we have that anchored
postcards will be mailed to the past participants and we will get it out on the Wisconsin Four Wheel Drive Association website.
So stay tuned and hope to see you there.
Midwest 4 Wheel Drive Association
Convention Weekend Agenda
Friday April, 11, 2003
Hospitality Room
6 p.m. - 10 p.m.
6 p.m. - 11 p.m.
Saturday April 12, 2003
Trade Show
Wisconsin Meeting
Minnesota Meeting
Lunch on your own
Insurance Meeting
Safety Meeting
Cash Bar
Buffet Dinner
7 a.m. - 10 a.m.
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
9 a.m. - Noon
9 a.m. - Noon
12:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m. - 7 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
Sunday April 13, 2003
Midwest Meeting
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Newsletter Advertising
• 133 line screen, 266 dpi+ for photos and images
• Black and White only
• Layouts accepted in MS publisher or Adobe pdf
• Digital Black & White images in TIFF or JPEG
• Camera or scan ready art is also accepted
Advertising Costs:
• 1/2 page back cover ad $100 per issue
• 1/2 page inside ad $75 per issue
• 1/3 page square ad $50 per issue
• 1/6 page horizontal ad $20 per issue
• 1/8 page business card ad $15 per issue
Note: 10% discount for 4 issues paid in advance.
The Midwestern 4-Wheeler goes out to hundreds of 4x4 Enthusiasts throughout the Upper Midwest.
• Winter Edition: February 1st deadline
• Spring Edition: May 1st deadline
• Summer Edition: August 1st deadline
• Fall Edition: November 1st deadline
Associate Members:
Associate Members receive additional discounts on advertising
in the Midwestern 4 Wheeler. If interested in becoming an Associate Member please visit for details and
application form.
Midwestern 4-Wheeler
Attn: Reuben Gosewisch
501 Delavan Drive
Delavan, WI 53115
Phone: (262)740-1276
Associate Status Application
We hereby make application for membership in the Midwest 4-Wheel Drive Association:
Name of Business:
Mailing Address:
Phone: (
Type of Business:
Name of Individual to contact:
Names of Officers:
Signature of President:
This membership is for the business with an interest in the progress of good 4-wheel drive principles. Business
supporting the Association can do so at one of three levels:
Contributing Associate: A $50 donation the business will receive a certificate to display in
their place of business, and will be listed as a contributing member in the Midwestern 4
Wheeler Newsletter.
Supporting Associate: A $200 donation the business will receive a plaque to display in there
place of business, listed as a supporting associate in the Midwestern 4 Wheeler, a 10% discount
on advertising rates in the Midwestern 4 Wheeler, have their E-mail address, web site link, and
a banner add on the associations web site.
Corporate Associate: A $1000 donation the business will receive a plaque to display in there
place of business, listed as a corporate associate in the Midwestern 4 Wheeler, a 15% discount
on advertising rates in the Midwestern 4 Wheeler, have there email address, web site link, and a
banner add on the associations web site, and booth space at the Midwest 4 Wheel Drive Association’s Spring Convention.
Dues (from above):
Initiation fee:
Please make checks to MW4WDA and send along with your membership application to:
Midwest 4-Wheel Drive Association
C/O Carl Overland
400 Ptarmigan Ct.
Waseca, MN 56093
Volume 2, Issue 1
Page 15
News from the Iowa Association
Land Use Report
Written by: Jennifer Weir
Background Briefing
A bill (House Study Bill 19) dealing with allterrain vehicles and snowmobiles has been
introduced in the House Natural Resources
Committee by the Chair of the committee
Representative Mary Lou Freeman. The concerns of the Iowa Association of 4-Wheel
Drive Clubs have been explained to Chair
Freeman. And she has given us the go-ahead
to attempt to amend HSB 19. The subcommittee will now meet to work on the bill this
upcoming week.
E-mail the members of the subcommittee and
full Natural Resources Committee
(listed below) NOW and;
The Iowa Association of 4 Wheel Drive
Clubs Inc., is trying to introduce
legislation to be added to an existing bill
to define off road vehicles.
Minnesota has a general classification of
motorized vehicles but in Iowa
full size 4 wheel drive for off road use
does not currently exist. February
4, 2003, the Association invited members from it's six clubs to come to the
capital to speak with legislators over a
light breakfast. The turnout was
fabulous!!! We had support from the
club memberships, we had two local
dealerships Bud Mulchay's Jeep and
Bett's Hummer that showed up as well as
112 out of 150 legislators that stopped in
to chat.
The topics of discussion were plans to
add the definition of off road
vehicles to legislation already approved
and discussions of last years House
File 100(HF 100). HF 100 covered material on a self funded program to open
four wheel drive parks and to maintain
them without using state funds.
Closely mirroring the sticker program
already put in place for ATV's
legislators seemed very open to the
1) Urge them to support an amendment to
HSB 19 that would have the Department of
Natural Resources identify navigable streams
and rivers in which an off-road vehicle can
be operated.
2) Urge them to add to the bill a request for
an estimate of funds needed for the establishment of an off-road vehicle registration program (similar to the ones currently in place
for all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles) by
the Department of Natural Resources.
House Study Bill 19
Sub. Chair Rep. Effie Lee Boggess
Sub. Member Rep. Clel Baudler
Sub. Member Rep. Mark Davitt
idea's that we put forth and very
supportive of what we were trying to
Bob Rees the past President of the Association used an analogy that caught
the attention of many. He said if all of
the golfers in Iowa had just one
legal place to golf. It would be hard for
people to really golf. In my own
words Pandemonium! When applied to
four wheeling there is just one legal
spot in Iowa to go wheeling called 600
acres. This land, in all reality, is
just over 100 acres and it has ATV trails
and horse trails too. So the one
spot we can legally go isn't even all ours.
The meeting with the legislators was an
eye opener not only for the
Association members but for the legislators as well. There was a small
handful of legislators that really knew
what it was that 4 wheelers were all
about now their awareness has been increased 20 fold. We also feel that we
have curbed some confusion about the
term 4x4. It's no longer a stick of
wood and it's not an ATV either. We are
full size 4 wheel drive.
Bob Rees
402 Adams
Warren County, IA 50061
Jeff Gilbert
3413 Scenic Vallet Drive W.
Des Moines, IA 50266
Matt McVicker
2616 59th St.
Des Moines, IA 50322
Julie Moore
7085 SE Bloomfield Lot 139
Des Moines, IA 50320
Ken Ristau
3217 56th Street
Des Moines, IA 50310
Nobody appointed at this time
Page 16
Charlie Malachek
MN Landrovers
Ken Martineau
MN Swamp Bucks
Darryl Wesloh
Dakota Dirt Diggers
Dianne Sullivan
MN Go 4 Wheelers
Kurt Loftfield
Midwest Vintage Bronco Club
Scott Bidon
Joe Heckman
714 Mill Ave. Box 17
Montgomery, MN 56069
News from the Minnesota Association
Taken from the MN4WDA e-mail list.
Original Message sent 01/23/03 by
Lois Campbell.
The registration figures have increased to
2405 as of Dec. 31 over last years 1416.
State of Minnesota Office Memorandum
Department of Natural Resources Trails and
Waterways Unit
DATE: January 22, 2003
TO: Regional and Area Supervisors, Central
Office Staff (Trails and Waterways),
Suellen Rau (License Center)
FROM: Paul E. Nordell, Projects Coordinator
Trails and Waterways
SUBJECT: Vehicle Registration History for
Minnesota Off-road Vehicles (ORVs) "the
trucks" 1994-2002.
Attached is information you may find useful
in understanding growth trends in this recreational activity. For a precise definition of
"ORV", which includes certain off-highway
trucks, consult Minnesota Statutes 2002,
Chapter 84.797, subd. 7. ORV means a motor-driven recreational vehicle capable of
cross-country travel on natural terrain without the benefit of a road or trail. Off-road
vehicle does not include a snowmobile; an
all-terrain vehicle; a motorcycle; a watercraft;
a farm vehicle being used for farming; a vehicle used for the military, fire, emergency,
or law enforcement purposes; a construction
of logging vehicle used in the performance of
its common function; a motor vehicle owned
by or operated under contract with a utility,
whether publicly or privately owned, when
used for work on utilities; a commercial vehicle being used for work purpose; snowgrooming equipment when used for its intended purpose; or an aircraft. In a nut shell,
the best way to describe the calendar year
ending December 31, 2002, for ORV "ing" is
as follows:
2,405 current registrations. This has been a
relatively small registration program, and
consequently, statewide numbers are relatively modest. The growth in registrations has
started slowly and not expanded rapidly. This
slow growth can largely be attributed to the
fact that few trails exist so far that require the
ORV registration, and, unlike all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles, ORVs do not have
point-of-sale registration in the DNR's electronic licensing system. The ORV registration, however, is sold at the state's primary
ORV site in Gilbert, MN. Use on nondesignated trails and forest roads do not require the ORV to be registered. However, the
ORV is required to have a motor vehicle
registration with the Department of Public
Safety.If you have any questions on how to
use this information, feel free to contact me.
(not including registered, tax-exempt ORVs)
Calendar Year Ending December 31
New Growth (First Year Registrations)
December 31 Registration (cumulative current three-year registration)
*1Final Actual Fiscal Year
Receipts *2
$ 5,556.00
$ 8,636.00
$ 11,488.00
$ 16,668.00
$ 31,866.00
Not Avail. yet
(*1) This figure includes three expiration
classes: the present year, and each of the two
succeeding years. The current registration for
December 31, 2002 for example, includes the
following expiration dates: December
31, 2002, December 31, 2003 and December
31, 2004. Excluded from these registrations
is an additional 6 ORVs which are tax exempt (non-expiring).
(*2) Calendar year 2002 corresponds with
fiscal year 2003 in the last column. Prior
fiscal year receipts are listed accordingly.
Figures are from DNR Office of Financial
Management. These figures INCLUDE
registration and filing fees paid to DNR.
They EXCLUDE accumulating interest.
These figures are finalized after fiscal year
closing each September.
Source: Suellen Rau, MN/DNR Bureau of
Licenses; and Lori Rodriguez, DNR
Trails and Waterways; tabulated by the MN/
DNR Trails and Waterways Unit.
Volume 2, Issue 1
Page 17
News from the Wisconsin Association
...Continued from page 6.
WISCONSIN LAND LEGACY The Natural Resources Board directed the Wisconsin
DNR to conduct a study identifying places
that would be critical in meeting Wisconsin’s
conservation and recreation needs over the
next 50 years. The outcome of this effort, the
draft Wisconsin Land Legacy Report is now
available and are taking comments through
January 24, 2003—even the date is now past
I would still send in my comments. You can
call 608-266-0823, E-mail or Write Land
Legacy LF/4, WI DNR, PO BOX 921, Madison, WI 53707 to receive our CD with 230
pages with colored maps etc. or your black
and white hard copy. Even if you do not get
this report first, you should send a letter informing them you believe that one of the
recreation needs that should be included on
some of these properties are trails for Four
Wheel Drive (Jeeps, trucks etc.). Also that
The Lake States Resource Alliance (LSRA)
was organized to provide a forum for individuals, organizations, and governmental
bodies to join together to promote the multiple use of forests and related resources and
ideals which allow the general public to manage and conserve forests and related resources in a manner which fosters healthy,
vibrant, and productive conditions. LSRA
focus is on the publicly owned forestlands of
the Lake States (Michigan, Minnesota, and
The LSRA believe that the multiple uses of
public lands are vital to the economic well
there should be consideration of some of the
trails to be challenging to very challenging.
(LaFarge) The Kickapoo Valley Reserve
Board is looking for public input from the
area as to what they want the land to be used
for. The local club “The Weekend Four
Wheelers” planned to be there and they
wanted W4WDA support. The date for the
meetings was supposed to be sometime in
January and I don’t know if they occurred
before our January meeting or not and if not
if we should had representation there to support the club. Orlin Clark is working with
the club and working on what action we
should take. I would think the least that
should be done is to send the Reserve Board
a letter with our opinion that Four Wheel
Drive (Jeeps, trucks etc.) should be a recognized use on this property.
being and enjoyment of the Lake States residents; that dedication of the public forestland
to single restricted purposes denies multiple
benefits to significant numbers of taxpayers
who own these lands.
Please help the LSRA keep public forests
healthy, productive, and available for public
enjoyment. Your support makes a difference.
March 29, 2003
Midway Hotel, Wausau, Wisconsin
Contact Betty Lutzka for tickets
Telephone (715) 546-4005
1st Prize - 2003 Ski-Doo MXZ 600HO
2nd Prize - Polaris Trail Boss 325 ATV
3rd Prize - Browning Medallion 30.06 Rifle
4th Prize - Aluminum Snowmobile Trailer
5th Prize - Stihl Chain Saw
(Drawing March 29, 2003 at the Banquet)
Tickets $5 each OR 6 for $25
Contact John Schnorr for raffle tickets
Telephone (715) 362-4520
Mary Lynn Strauss
9626 CTY. R.
Whitelaw, WI 54247
Mike Katterhagen
2192 18 1/2 Ave.
Rice Lake, WI 54868
Orlin Clark
810 4th Ave. North
Onalaska, WI 54650
Ken Dibble
W2851 Johnson LN.
Neosho, WI 53059
Helen Wagner
3267 Rolling Hill Drive
Pulaski, WI 54162
Mary Hoernke
203 Gruenwald Ave.
Neenah, WI 54956
Luana Schneider
6793 CTH “C”
DeForset, WI 53532
Page 18
Midwest Hard Core Rides & Rigs
Get Your Vote in Today!
Written by: Reuben Gosewisch
Due to the lack of participation in the voting, I have decided to
extend the voting period to MAY 1st, 2003.
Also, I have to practically beg to get anyone to submit write-ups
and pictures of their ride. If I don’t start seeing more participation
in this, I will be eliminating this section of the Newsletter!
There are 2 way you can vote.
Log onto the Midwest 4 Wheel Drive Associations Bulletin
Fill out the form below and mail it to me:
Midwestern 4 Wheeler
C/O Reuben Gosewisch
501 Delavan Drive
Delavan, WI 53115
#1: Brian Swearingen’s 1974 Toyota Land Cruiser
Voting will be closed May 1, 2003.
2002 Midwest Hard Core Rig
#2: Lonnie Schwersenska’s 1979 Ford Bronco
□ Brian Swearingen’s 1974 Toyota Land Cruiser
□ Lonnie Schwersenska’s 1979 Ford Bronco
□ Tony Miller’s 1989 Toyota Pickup
Midwest 4 Wheel Drive Association
Your vote must be in by MAY 1, 2003
Midwestern 4-Wheeler
c/o Reuben Gosewisch
501 Delavan Drive
Delavan, WI 53115
#3: Tony Miller’s 1989 Toyota Pickup
It Out!
Send us your hard core wheelin’ pics with a write up
and you can be famous too! At the end of the year
you will have a choice to pick the Hard Core Wheeler
It Out!
Volume 2, Issue 1
Page 19
Midwest 4 Wheel Drive Club, Independent, and Associate Members
Contact: Mike Speiker (952)461-3281
Badger State 4 Wheelers of WI
P.O. Box 325 , Ellsworth, WI 54011
Contact: Todd Prissel (715)273-5220
P.O. Box 572, Manitowoc, WI 54221
Contact: Mary Lynn Strauss (920)683-1966
Badgerland TNT 4X4 Club Inc.
654 South 65th Street, Milwaukee ,WI 53214
Contact: Rob Fehl (414)771-2646
Northwest Trail finders Inc.
P.O. Box 235, Chetek, WI 54728
Contact: Chris Novak (715)837-1239
Borderline 4x4 Trailseekers
P.O. Box 123, Hager City, WI 54014
Contact: Jon Clemens (715)792-5328
Prairie State 4 Wheel Drive Club
1139 N Harvard Cir., South Elgin, IL 60177
Central Iowa 4 WheelersInc.
Clear Water 4-Wheelers Inc.
P.O. Box 331, Eau Claire, WI 54702
Contact: Jason Goetti (715)838-9193
Dakota Dirt Diggers
1404 E. 3rd St., Hastings, MN 55033
Contact Butch Chapin (615)437-2457
Damage Inc.
2460 S. 66th St.,West Allis, WI 53219
Contact: Jake Funk (414)546-1419
Extreme Offroaders 4WD club, LTD
1105 Greenfield Trail, Oshkosh, WI 54902
Contact: Rob Ratdke (920)410-4318
Fly-N-Hi Four Wheelers
P.O. Box 650, Watertown, WI 53094
Contact: Scott Schoenherr (920)261-8113
Green Bay HighRiders, LTD
P.O. Box 13403, Green Bay, WI 54307
Contact: Helen Wagner (920)499-9391
Ridge Runners Jeep Club Inc.
1110 192nd St., Baldwin, WI 54002
Contact: Al Penfield (715)796-2164
River City Four Wheelers
810 4th Ave. North, Onalaska, WI 54650
Contact: Orlin Clark (608)783-4619
River City Trailriders, LTD
P.O. Box 161, Watertown, WI 53904
Contact: Steve Dunn (920)927-5745
River Valley Swamp Rats
290 Howard Ave. St., Amery, WI 54001
Contact: Dan Romberg
Roadside Four Wheelers, Inc.
P.O. Box 216, Mt. Horeb, WI 53572
Contact: Sheri Zahler (608)924-1604
Southern Minnesota 4-Wheelers Inc.
P.O. Box 66, Medford, MN 55049
Contact: Amanda Hall (507)334-9291
Swamp Stompers, Inc.
214 Churchhill Rd., Somerset, WI 54025
Contact: Todd Paulson (715)386-2295
Jeep Outdoor Club of Central Iowa
The Lake Shore Four Wheel Drive Club, Inc.
P.O. Box 0534, Manitowoc, WI 54221
Contact: Scott Ohlrogge (920)684-9257
Legendary Civillian Jeepers Inc.
209 N Hwy S, Cato, WI 54230
Contact: Doug Richter (920)775-4946
Make It or Brake It
Minnesota 4X4 Brothers, Inc.
19855 Chevelle Ave., Farmington, MN 55024
Contact: Bob Krammer (651)451-6378
Minnesota 4X4 Highrollers, Inc.
P.O. Box 623, Fairbault, MN 55021
Contact: Carl Overland (507)835-4717
Trail Runners, LTD
1650 Garden Drive, Janesville, WI 53546
Contact: Brent Ellis (608)741-8901
Trailgators 4-Wheelers, Inc.
P.O. Box 222, Green Lake, WI 54941
Contact: Brenda Stoneberg (920)295-4286
Twin City Bushwackers Off Road Club, LTD.
2091 Claireville Rd., Oshkosh, WI 54904
Contact: Chris Hannis (920)235-9125
Weekend 4-Wheelers Inc.
E7906 Cherry Grove Rd., Viroqua, WI 54665
Contact: Nicole Miller (608)637-6801
John Bjornstad
326 Edgewood Dr., Hudson, WI 54016
Donald Danielson
43362 Stark Rd. Ct., Harris, MN 55032
Ken Dibble
W2851 Johnson Ln., Neosho, WI 53059
Jeff Doonan
1103 6th St., Hudson, WI 54016
Bob Evans
27101 Xylite St. NE, Isanti, MN 55040
Steve Evans
26301 University Avenue NE, Isanti, MN 55040
Brian Frank
234 S. Adams St., Westmont, IL 60559
Kenneth Friend
1112 W 4th St., Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Harold and Mary Hoernke
203 Grudenwald Ave., Neenah, WI 54956
Ron King
1013 Artic Trail, Roberts, WI 54023
Tim Meinert
28027 Bayshore Dr. NW, Isanti, MN 55040
Dean Michels
928 Constance Blvd NE, Ham Lake, MN 55304
Marvin Michels
928 Constance Blvd NE, Ham Lake, MN 55304
Norman Michels
2814 317th NE, Cambridge, MN 55008
Greg Plahn
314 Edgewood Dr., Hudson, WI 54016
David Quien
19337 Leyte St. NE, Wyoming, MN 55092
Luana Schneider
6793 CTH C, DeForest, WI 53532
Joel Sundt
712 McCutcheon Rd., Hudson, WI 54016
Bill Westerdahl
1547 63rd. St., Somerset, WI 54025
Minnesota Go-4-Wheelers, Inc.
P.O. Box 583261, Minneapolis, MN 55458
Contact: Lynn Yetter (612)479-3975
Minnesota Swamp Bucks, Inc.
P.O. Box 833, Lakeville, MN 55044
Mark Bierbrauer
832 190th St., Dresser, WI 54009
Miller Brothers Auto Repair
1782 46th St., Somerset, WI 54025
Ultimate 4 Wheel Drive Performance, Inc.
2300B W. Leonard Ave., Appleton, WI 54914
Attention Members!
MW4WDA Members:
I would like to put together a presentation to show to perspective new clubs and associations about joining the MW4WDA.
To do this, I would like to get videos and pictures of MW4WDA events, meetings, and conventions, or anything to do with
the Midwest. Anything that you wish to contribute would be greatly appreciated, but please send a copy of anything you
want to keep for yourself. It will be too much of a challenge to keep track of the Items sent.
Thank you, for your participation.
Carl Overland
Membership Chair MW4WDA
My mailing address,
400 Ptarmigan Ct.
Waseca, MN 56093
We’re on the WEB
Responsible use of Public Lands through
Conservation, Education, and Safety
Next Submission Deadline:
May 1st, 2003!
Reuben Gosewisch, Editor
501 Delavan Drive
Delavan, WI 53115-3050
Official publication of the Midwest 4
Wheel Drive Association
PERMIT #2637
Madison, WI
U.S. Postage