Jaargang VI – # 11 – November 2015 To the Choir
Jaargang VI – # 11 – November 2015 To the Choir
Jaargang VI – # 11 – November 2015 To the Choir No nothing to grind my teeth about. No political or social glitches to grumble about. So get your teeth into this new GLIMP! and enjoy it. Spiegeloog The Arnhem Museum has done it again. The present exhibition Spiegeloog is presented as a review of self portraiture. And it actually presents a review of the development of the genre since the late 19th century when artists discovered photography. Either as a replacement of that other revolutionary invention, the mirror, or as an autonomous art form enabling them to ask new questions about realism, honesty and representation. Add a pinch of psychology and you get the myth of the quest for the representation of the inner life of the artist, of the true self. And despite Freud’s own objections psycho analysis even gave rise to a surreal self or its imagining of it. The contemporary technological developments are revolutionizing the way we think about the self (though I don’t know whether they have already given rise to new psychological theories –where is the new Freud?-) and its representation. Enter the Selfie… Will its omnipresence break down the boundaries between private and public? Spiegeloog uses some 100 pieces, many unknown portraits from the darker corners of the depot, to document and or illustrate these developments. Answers are left to the visitor but the Museum does succeed in posing new questions. Most Museums that investigate these new developments (see previous GLIMP!) only examine the formal possibilities and the more obvious mainstream questions. But in line with its long standing curatorial tradition –incorporating new insights of the feminist movement- the Arnhem Museum also puts some other questions as it has probed these questions from intersectional positions of gender, race and sexuality. So it shouldn’t have come as a surprise that lots of works from feminist art, body art, conceptual art are presented. But it did and it was a pleasant surprise to see work of so many artists that use(d) the self portrait as a way to address political and social issues. And yes, even many artists whose names regularly appear in GLIMP! To highlight a few of our queer icons: Risk Hazekamp and Erwin Olaf. The only Dutch photographers that made it into the feminist art Canon: Marlo Broekmans and Diana Blok. But there are many more: Melanie Bonajo’s Crying series. Our lievelingen Dorian Hiethaar, Anya Janssen, L.A. Raven, Lotte Reimann, Lydia Schouten, Maria Roosen, etc, etc. There are not many people who have even heard of Ru Paré or ever saw work by her (the one shown now comes from a private collection). The same goes for that enigmatic Carel de Nerée tot Babberich. He is present with a series -!- of drawings- from the Arnhem depot. Now is your chance to see them all. Till June 24. Catalogue –pic: cover-: 97894 6262 0711. € 19,95. I’ll grind my teeth on that one and –if necessarygrumble about in the next GLIMP! * Also in Arnhem a beautiful and impressive show of paintings by Katinka Lampe and Marc Mulders: Tegen het licht in –till December 6-. More: www.museumarnhem.nl. * Hollandse zelfportretten: Selfies in de Gouden Eeuw. Dutch selfportraits –Selfies in the Golden Age. Silly and completely unnecessary anachronistic wordplay in the Hague till January 3. More: www.mauritshuis.nl. Peepshow Lilith is one of those artists who is her own model. And in her self-exploring work she looks into the workings and especially the embodiment of masculinity and femininity in its everyday context. She uses manipulations in the photographic scene to reveal limitations of gender by transgressing the traditional gender boundaries. This is not a Peep-show opens in Apeldoorn November 1 (2pm). Till: December 3. More: www.studio-28.nl. Heritage * Anke van den Brink takes part in Destilaat # 17 in Nijmegen. A groupshow –well more of an ongoing performative presentation- by this year’s graduates of the art academies in the Netherlands. Till midnight November 1. Also taking part is Mark Schulte, whose performative work made such an impression at the Artez graduation show in Enschede. More: www.extrapool.nl. * Anke’s work is also part of the Grafisch Souvenir project in Den Bosch. A large scale group show where local artists present affordable art. Anke contributes a laserprint on cloath. Till November 22. All the goodies and more info: http://www.gadenbosch.nl/shop.php. * Balinese Pareltjes a new book by Peter van der Griendt portraying his –not queer- love affair with Bali, the island and its inhabitants. Short stories, travelogues. € 12,95. More: bookscout. * Ingrid Oostendorp invites us to visit the Open Studio days at the Krayenhofartistcenter in Nijmegen. Also participating our Hans Jebbink and photographer Annie van Gemert who will present her new book. October 31, November 1, 7 and 8. More: www.kunstindekazerne.nl. * Artist poet Chawwa Wijnberg’s has presented “Krassen” –in Dutch scratching, cawing but also referring to the Greek fragmenta, in short: not really translatable- a selection of new poems. ISBN 978-90-6265-898-5. € 19,50 (64 p including the cd Minimazzel with five stories). Next meet and greet in Middelburg November 1 (3 pm) with fellow artists Mario Molengraaf. More: In de Knipscheer editors and Boekhandel De Drukkery. * A few miles east of Nijmegen in Bedburg (D) the groupshow Kondensat, 14 Positionen zeitgenosschisser Malerei closes with a finnisage November 7 (3 pm). Among the participating artist Diederik Grootjans. More: www.artoll.de. * And more of Diederik’s work: Stadsgezichten – Cityscapes. Till November 15 at the Popup in Nijmegen. * Tonni van Sommeren who took part in the Queering Art show in 2014 now is part of Venlo-exposed and his regenderd self-portrait is shown on bill boards in the city of Venlo. More work in the Goltzius Galerie at the Kunstencentrum till November 3. Daredevils Both couturier Max Heymans (1918-1997) and designer Benno Premsela (1920-1997) were icons in their field. And both were jewish and gay misfits in post war christian and conservative Netherlands. Max Heymans designed dresses for the Dutch fine-fleur and published a candid autobiography Knal! –Bang!- spilling the beans about his clients, fashion and presenting himself en transvestie: in 1966! Benno Premsela was an avant-garde designer, became figure head of the Dutch art establishment and played a pivotal role in realizing the contemporary international prominence of Dutch design. More interestingly from a social point of view were his achievements as president of the national gay organization who came out of the underground in the early sixties when Premsela became one of the first publicly advocating gay rights on national TV. The National Joods Historisch Museum in Amsterdam dedicates an exhibition to these successful threats to society. Mannen met lef en stijl –Stylish daredevils- opens December 14 and lasts till June 2015. The side program offers not only a debate on homosexuality but also a moulage contest! The book (144 p, with 125 pics) will be available mid December: ISBN 97894-6262 0643. € 24,95. More: www.jhm.nl. (Pic of the famous Anton Beeke poster with a portrait of Premsela). * In Tiel the municipal museum has dedicated an exhibition to local hero Frank Govers (born in Tiel in 1932-1997). Another gay Dutch fashion designer known for his bohemian chic and extravagance. Made sure to have more than the minutes of fame due to him. Till January 31. More: www.streekmuseumtiel.nl. Shop-Nl Sculptor Marcel van Warmenhoven is especially known for his sculptures made from discarded pieces of wood. He recently informed his fans that one of these pieces Man met Vis (1989) will be displayed again at the Skelet – Skeleton exhibition in Scheveningen (till February 7: www.beeldenaanzee.nl). And he took the opportunity to mention that only three remain to be sold. Kop at Galerie de Twee Pauwen in Den Haag and Zittende Man at Galerie Mooiman in Groningen. But he is a bit sceptical of his chances to sell De Beer because of its dimensions. But if you’re still looking for a highly original present for Christmas and have adequate space you can provide Bear a new home –he is waiting at Artcompany in Eindhoven. At Artcompany they also keep yet another beast by Marcel, a Styrofoam Verk – Hog. He also works with other materials like bronze, resin and even in wax (yet another species). More of his work in the Your Daily Male block-kalendar avaible at Gelrie Mooiman and of course at his own web-shop: www.marcelwarmenhoven.nl (check out his cute savings program). Both The Beauty of Both in Amsterdam shows photographs of Turkish and Brazilian transgenders by Diana Blok. Diana Blok has produced a body of work in which identity, gender and sexual diversity are important themes. In this show she presents two series of photographs. An older series See through us made in Turkey and a recent series Eu Te De Safio a Me Amar made in Brasil. Video messages of the people portrayed in the photographs tell about their fight against gender conventions and their struggle to define their own identity. Also showing two works by Lydia Schouten. A new mixed media installation A Song for Manahatta reflecting her stay in New York and Too much news a series of drawings and photographic scenes. Till November 14. More: www.witteveenvisualart.nl. Also see: Spiegeloog. Photographer Chris Rijksen invites you to Audientie bij een transman a non disruptive encounter: November 12 (8pm). Objektief Fotogalerie Objectief is the leading force behind the Fotomanifestatie Enschede 2015, the photography festival in November. No less than three interesting show from our queer perspective. * Q+. Diana Blok is also showing her series See through us during this festival and the opening of her show takes place November 1 (4pm). Till November 21. More: www.fotogalerie-objektief.nl (and above: Both) * Q. Koos Breukel has a solo in Tetem art space showing a series of portraits of children and youngsters. November 5-29. More: www.tetem.nl and www.koosbreukel.com. * q. And Martijn van der Griendt is again Forever Young. Opening November 1 (3pm). Till November 30: www.concordia.nl. Keywords Probeer andere Zoektermen - Try Different Keywords is a project about queer identities by photographer Risk Hazekamp and word-artist Tania Witte. Both artists stayed in Nijmegen earlier this year as part of the Pride Photo Nijmegen project. They gave workshops, lectures and organized lots of meetings with people from the fringe of the local glbt and queer community. Starting November 1 they will be presenting the results of their earlier research during a meeting at the Besiendershuis (3 pm) and a short tour in the vicinity of the location. A risographed edition containing the results of the Nijmegen edition of the project will be presented. It contains the 12 portraits and 8 poems that can also be visited at different locations in the city. And at the outdoor locations you can use a special app to listen to the poems (or dial a special phone number!). Till December 1. More: www.probeeranderezoektermen.nl (site is in English). Afterlife Iztok Klancar informed us that he produced several gender-bending pics for designers Gerda Postma an Michael Avram that were published by the Berlin based art magazine Sleek. Presently he has a solo Afterlife and Reverence in Amsterdam at the Bookstore Project Space. On till November 8at And he will take part in Different Worlds, young contemporary photography showing works by young artists from the West-Balkans. November 30-December 11 in Ljubljana (Si). More: photon.si and www.easetok.com. Sint * Metamorfoses, Maartje Korstanje. Spectacular carton board sculptures 2007-2015. ISBN: 97894 6263 0000. € 19,95. * Binnenstebuiten. Review of the life and work of artists Herman Gordijn. With a series of ten new etchings by Herman Gordijn to poems by Gerrit Komrij. Bound, 184pp, 100 ill. ISBN 97890 78964 421. € 29,95. Special edition of 100 –numbered and signed by the artist with original etching. Available through the Waanders Publishing House only: info@uitgeverijdekunst.nl . € 220. * Dromen en verlangen, life and work of painter and sculptor Eppe de Haan. ISBN 97894 6262 0216. € 19,95. Coda Paul Derrez, Maker 1975-2015 – Crafter. A review of the work of this promotor of jewelry design as an art form. Founder of Gallery Ra and innovative designer of wearable sculptures. But he succeeded to bring politics and social issues –think AIDS- into that world of beautiful display – introducing jewelry to the world of the activist badges, buttons and pins. He was this year’s winner of the prestigious international Herbert Hofmann award. Shop: Paul Derrez, Maker, sieraden & objecten 1975 – 2015. € 25. In Apeldoorn till January 17. The new book is also available at www.galerie-ra.nl. * The Museumtijdschrift (# 7, okt/nov 2015) published an interesting interview with photographer Teun Hocks: Theater van de Melancholie (that translates itself) by Homme Siebenga. The occasion: his new show in Apeldoorn. Opening October 31 (2:30 pm) and on till February 28. * News: national Dutch collection of jewelry has been transferred to the CODA museum. The decision by the government is largely symbolic (the collection is small: some 400 pieces) but is certainly meant as a recognition of CODA’s efforts to realize a national Dutch Jewelry Platform. * More: www.coda-apeldoorn.nl. Et Alors(!)? Et Alors? Magazine is a flamboyant queer magazine “with positive portraits of extraordinary peopl (…) a platform to promote consciousness and creativity” written and designed by Fleur Pierets and Julian P. Boon. The # 15 issue presents: Magnus Arrevad’s Chubby Vogue Divas, photography by lgbt activist Charmain Carrol (SA), art by George Quaintenance, a piece on Womyn’s land by Leah DeVun (see also the qrowdfunding section about Sinister Wisdom), equally lovable and weird Sven Ratzke, the Domestic front artshow in New York and the usual adventures in the gendered borderlands between the sexes. An on line free quarterly: www.etalorsmagazine.com. Daniel Kruger South African born Daniel Kruger lives in Berlin and the Stedelijk Museum in Den Bosch (Nl) presents a comprehensive review of his work as a jewelry designer and ceramic artist (the show has previously been shown in Hanau, Leipzig and Pforzheim). Some 200 pieces of jewelry and 60 ceramics are being displayed among them –this timemany from the collection of the Museum itself. The Coda (see ) may be specialized in jewelry but for ceramics you’ll to be at the SM. Many of his work is of a homo-erotic nature and ever so often verges on the border of kitsch. But hé, didn’t we just called that camp… And nowadays our queer theory students are writing scholarly papers about it! And yes, the Museumshop carries Daniel Kruger, Zwischen Natur und Künstlichkeit –Between Nature and Artifice. ISBN: 97838 97904118. Ca. 250 pages, illustrated, bound, ca € 50. Till January 24. More: www.sm-s.nl. (source: BoschRoze, 35-6, November/December 2015). Nieuws * World Press Photo exhibition in Maastricht. With winning pics by Danish photographer Mads Nissen. Another photographer Rob Hornstra will give a presentation about his work November 8 (2:30 pm). He won in 2012 with his Sosjti project. Till November 15. More: www.centreceramique.nl. * The World Press Photo exhibit will travel to Groningen and be on display there till December 13. More: www.wpfgroningen.nl. * Dutch photography from the collection of Hans Kemna, casting-director and occasional curator. In Amsterdam till November 15. More: www.frankendaelfoundation.nl. * Even the dust remains by Mehdi-Georges Lahlou till January 3 in Ieper/Ypres (B). More: www.inflandersfields.be. * Steken in de ruimte. Exhibition of her onconventional objects –meant to be extensions of the body or displayed as precious objects from a treasure trove-, photography and video by Ans Verdijk (see pic). In Horst till February 7. More: www.museumdekantfabriek.nl. * Levi van Veluw: The Relativity of Matter. People just can’t get enough of his amazing installation taking op the entire Marres art center Maastricht. It is almost impossible to get permission to visit –only two visitors at one time are allowed in. But you can try till November 29: www.marres.org/booking. Meanwhile a nice interview with Levi by critic Edo Dijksterhuis in the Museumtijdschrift (# 7, okt/nov 2015) will have to do: www.museumtijdschrift.nl. GLITCH Social Glitch. Radical aesthetics and the consequences of extreme events. An international groupshow in Vienna: “Social Glitch examines the controversial consequence whether art still delivers radically critical aesthetics beyond the interests of the contemporary art market by taking a leading role in conceptualizing and focusing our perception for cultural, social and political change.” Glitches being defined as those instances where codes that rule our everyday existence are disrupted, either accidentally –think, oil spills- or deliberately –think NSA-. In other words: is art still able to be a social glitch? This glitch lasts till December 5. And one of the participating artists is Christina Goestl who in her work contributes a “reconfiguration of body images by a radical subversion of normative codes.” That’s what we like to see more: glimp and glitch as you may gather are somehow related. More on the work by Christina at the theoriesinmind site (pic) and more about the exhibition: www.kunstraum.net or about Social Glitch. Outburst Outburst Arts is North Irelands contribution to glbt and queer culture, or as they formulate it creative goodness of pangender, i.e. Pan’s, people… Part of this queer arts festival are several visual arts projects. In Dublin November 12-21. More: www.outburstarts.com. * “Dry your eyes Princess” is a derogatory term used in the British armed forces to toughen up new recruits and is the title of an exhibition of photographs by Stephen King constructing portraits of transgender men based on their experiences during and after military service. Some of the persons portrayed actually used joining the forces in the hope that the super masculinity of that environment would rid them of the discomfort they felt with their gender identity. The show will travel to Liverpool’s Homotopia festival. * Genderama is a creative project in PS2 Gallery about gender curated by non-binary Naomhán O’Connor. Several artists and projects will take part. including Fox Fisher from the My Genderation Film project, Keira McCormack of Gender Essence Support Services and performing artists Nando Messias (The Sissy’s Progress: see also Shoutfestival November 13). More: www.pssquared.org. * Queer at Queen’s is a series of events at Queen’s university. Bringing together academics, activists and artists this year’s program will focus on HIV and AIDS. Bodies Inside and Out. A drama workshop by Cormac O’Brien. The showing of a doc by Adam Soch about “theater wunderkind” Reza Abdoh, twenty years after his death from AIDS. A key note address by author Sarah Schulman, former Act-up activist and founding member of the Lesbian Avengers. November 15 (4.30 pm). * Act Up: united in anger, the doc about Act Up will be shown November 17 (7pm) and Sarah Schulman will do a Q-&A. This is part of the side program of the large exhibition on the life and work of Felix Gonzalez-Torres: This Place. (Pic: installation view). Till January 24. More: Metropolitan Arts Center. Sweethearts * AA Bronson’s Garden of Earthly delights in Salzburg (Au) till November 22 and the Sacre du Printemps exhibition in Graz till November 29. More: www.salzburger-kunstverein.at and www.grazerkunstverein.org. * Remember A Bigger Splash? That iconic film introducing David Hockney’s vision of the US east coast world. And yes, David’s candies immediately come to mind too. Now a new film about his life and work is touring Europe. Hockney by Randall Wright. Presently in Germany: www.arsenalfilm.de. * More by and about him at Von Hockney bis Holbein, Die Sammlung Würth in Berlin. Till January 10. More: www.gropiusbau.de. * Drawing in silver and gold. Leonardo to Jasper Johns. In London till December 6. More: www.britishmuseum.org. * Jean Paul Gaultier From the sidewalk to the catwalk. Now in München till February 14. More: www.hypokunsthalle.de. * Märchen und andere wundersame Geschichten. This exhibition in Bedburg is about fairy tales and focuses on the role these played in the work of Joseph Beuys but is also presenting the drawings `Six Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm´ by David Hockney. Till January 31. More: www.moyland.de. * Cy Twombly - Malerei und Skulptur. In Basel (Ch) till March 13. More: www.kuntmuseumbasel.nl. * Warhol unlimited. First complete presentation in Europe of the Shadows series in Paris. Till February 7. More: www.mam.paris.fr C’Andies Andy’s Candies is showing three series of watercolours by Rinaldo Hopf. Inspired by his cinematographic icons, Fassbinder, Pasolini and Warhol, he recalls the images of their films, their stars. And yes, thinking of Warhol’s films immediately the image of Joe Dallesandro pops up and of the boys of the San Diego surf scene. These images have left their mark on the images and imagination of our generation. They succeeded in changing our visual language. But at the same time they make you wonder whether their impact will outlive us. Rinaldo also has produced a calendar with pics from the exhibition (only € 6,90). In München till November 21. More: www.kunstbehandlung.com. Asian Future Part of Gaywise Festival are two interesting exhibitions. Asian Future shows works by Sunil Gupta, Charan Singh, Maya Chowdhry, Sarah Hymas, Raju Rage and Raisa Kabir. And part of the program is a panel discussion November 14 (24 pm) on “LGBTQI identities: Asian art perspective”. The second show is a retrospective of paintings by Dorian Aroyo, gay activism through the frivolous and perverse eye of the artist (November 10-14: www.dorianaroyo.co.uk). All activities at the Menier Gallery in London. News-Eu * In the Paris based bar KRASH the third edition of Just Do Art. A large group show by some 25 (!) artists from the BDSM-Fetish –the sportswear- community. This year’s edition asked the artist to restrict themselves to a square format but to produce art even more explicit and plutôt HOT than last year. Till November 29. More: Krash event page but as you can imagine most of the art shown cannot be shown uncensored on Facebook… * Vincent Gouriou is a French photographer and one of the prize winners of this year’s edition of Pride Photo Award. Kate Kingford interviewed him about the winning photographs, his inspiration, the sometimes violent reactions to his work and his present projects. Read the story on the Pride Photo Award site. * Last Chance: Pauline Boudry and Renate Lorenz in Zürich till November 8: www.kunsthallezurich.ch. * Analog photographer Ono Ludwig takes part in the exhibition Das Porträt-Sechs Ansichten - The Portrait-Six views - in Berlin. Till November 20. More: www.imago-fotokunst.de. * Delicate drawings and grotesque sculptures, both are used by artist Toni Schmale to react with ironic humor to society’s production of gender and sexuality. Her new Berlin show starts November 28. Till January 3. More: www.ngbk.de. * Zine Fest Berlin: November 7 & 8: www.zinefestberlin.com. * Homosexualities * The Dreadless Doctors (aka Sissy Boys) will give a guided tour through the Homosexuality_ies exhibition with the slogan Autoerotik ist Homoerotik. November 7 (7pm). * A pre-quelle of queer sound-artists November 9 (7 pm). And more at a mini festival November 20-22 at Bethanien –also in Berlin-: www.quear.org. * Visible Lives: LGBT rights and the Museum. A lecture by prof. Richard Sandell (Uni of Leicester) author of Museums, Equality and Social Justice about the importance of queering the work of museums, archives, heritage-orgs etc. November 12 (6 pm). This lecture takes place at the Deutsches Historisches Museum, that houses part of the Homosexuality-ies exhibition. * Performing Queer Resistance is a lecture by activist, artist and author Mary Coble whose work revolves around subverting mainstream expectations and desires by queer politics and poetics… She will discuss queer strategies of resistance through artistic practice and activism. November 14 (7 pm). (pic: Mary Coble by Tongyu Zhao). * Both locations offer special tours –in German or English- and the Siegessäule Magazine has produced a little tourguide that enables you to tour Berlin’s historical glbtand queer sites on your own. € 5-7 (depends on what you want to pay: yes, that’s Berlin too). More: www.schwulesmuseum.de. HütterIn The contest for a € 100.000 piece of art for the reconstructed parliament of one of the German lands has collapsed. The selection committee initially called upon artists to put forward proposals but declared these unsuitable: non fitting with the building. Only Theresia K. Moosherr from Bad Schussenried voiced a protest, declaring that the committee just succeeded in disqualifying the 99 artists that took the trouble of making a proposal as idiots. She is a sculptor using a chainsaw to carve statues of women from logs of oak… Among them HütterInnen der Demokratie. More about her and her work: www.theresiamoosherr.de. The committee has now invited a selection of other artists to develop proposals. They have to take into account that the budget meanwhile has been reduced to € 80.000. Gotland Pride * No Gotland isn’t past of the southern hemisphere. Our Swedish friends aren’t afraid of a little drop in temperature. * The Tvattlina community art project, a friendly gesture by artists Ilar Gunilla Persson and Heidi Lunabba will cheer up Wisby, the main town of Gotland, November 10-15. People can contribute their multi colored textiles to this washingline that bravely defies the autumnal storms of the Baltic. * Artist Jaanus Samma (*1982) from Estland will give an lecture about his work that addresses lgbt and queer issues. He is one of Estland’s most prominent contemporary artists and his work Not Suitable For Work. A Chairman’s Tale is presently being shown in the Estland paviljon at the Venice Biennale till November 22: www.chairmanstale.com. The lecture takes place November 8 (4pm) at Gotland Art Museum. During Pride this Museum will host the artshow Unrest, starting November 13 and together with an exhibition Activists in residence about lgbt activism in Russia, the Baltic Region and Eastern Europe will be on display till March 6. More: Gotlands Konstmuseum. * And after his talk there will be an opening of the exhibition Queerified with works addressing the issue of safety and queer comfortzones. The vernissage is at the Wisby Clarion Hotel, starts at 5pm and is followed by a pre pride party. * More: www.gotlandpride.se. SHOUT Queer Arts and Culture in Birmingham and the West Midlands November 12-22. * Artist Ian Richards takes a multidisciplinary approach linking art, natural science and social engagement. His work inhabits diverse forms including graphics, installation and public art. For Shout he has “utilised the postcard as a public intervention that articulates the lived experience of HIV.” More: www.heavyobject.com. * Digital Frontiers is a local program of animated and short films exploring science, technology, digital and the world around us. They will be screening LGBT-themed shorts. November 1-30. * November 13: Sissy’s progress –see pic-.* More: www.shoutfestival.co.uk. Shop-Eu A tip that you must absolutely not tell your Christian and/or straight friends… But somewhere in Harry Potter land.., there lives an antiquarian with a secret access to Hogwash’s library. Only once in a blue moon he shares some of his finds. Queer, supernatural and weird books. Presently on offer at magically reduced prices but only till midnight October 31. More: www.callumjamesbooks.com. (pic: Shortlist 20, 2015). Feminisms * La Grande Madre seems to have been a mega-show as is befitting the Milan World’s EXPO 2015, but I almost missed both… It seems to have been one of the largest feminist art shows ever, with more than 300 pieces by some 140 artists, male and female… A confrontation between emancipation and tradition. And I am afraid that when one deconstructs female creativity into the concept of woman as breeder and feeder and puts that in the focal point of that confrontation patriarchal vulgarities and old feminist clichés become inevitable. Till November 15. More: Milan Expo 2015. * After such a mega-flop one is almost relieved to see a small museum focusing on correcting the male perspective of its subject. Vrouwen in de Oorlog - Women during the War –ie WWII-. At the national warmuseum in Overloon (Nl). Yes, also much breeding and feeding there, but at lest also a bit of resistance. Till December 31. More: www.oorlogsmuseum.nl. * Well let’s conclude this Feminisms section with a few interesting exhibitions that deal with the role of creative women in the history of photography from 1839-1945. They share the title Qui a peur des femmes photographes? And part 1 covering the period 1839-1919 is at L’Orangerie and the other covering 1919-1945 at the Musée Orsay (see previous GLIMP! for their exhibition Splendeurs et Misères – Images de la prostitution en France 1850-1910). Till January 25 at www.musee-orangerie.fr and till January 24 at www.musee-orsay.fr. (Pic: Madama Yevonde by Joan Maude) Homotopia * The Walker Art Gallery presents a series of extremely rare dresses from the collection from the closet of Peter Farrer especially designed and produced for him by Sandi Steyning, to enable him to indulge in cross dressing in private. Among them his favorite taffeta evening dresses. Transformation, one man’s cross dressing wardrobe will be on display till February 2016. * Dry Your Eyes Princess the photographic project by Stephen King (see above: Shout) also showing at the Liverpool Museum December 12- January 31. More: www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk. * Alien Sex Club is a major multimedia project by British artist John Walter (1978), which explores the relationship between visual culture and HIV today. It comprises sculpture, painting, video, installation and performative actions of readings, lectures, discussions, performances, visiting artists, etc. Among the etc is the huge Pug-virus that succeeded escaping the Alien Sex Club and infected the Walker Art Gallery (see pic). Till November 29. More: www.aliensexclub.com. The show closes with Tarot Readings by Barbara Truvada a free drop-in event for World Aids Day at the Walker Art Gallery. “The Alien Sex Club tarot deck gathers together images that allow reader and visitor to discuss subjects including sexuality and cultural transmission. Walter’s set contains 78 cards, with a Higher Arcana of 22 picture cards and four suits – the Bugchasers, the Giftgivers, the Barebackers and the Serosorters – which draw on the mythology of HIV. The tarot reader’s name refers to Truvada® the brand name of a type of PreExposure Prophylaxis (PrEP).” * Vukani/Rise the exhibition tour of one of our favorites Zanele Muholi. During Homotopia several of her projects will be shown: Brave Beauties (2006-2010), Faces and Phases (2006–15) , ZaVa (2013) and Mo(u)rning (2014). Check the vid. And join Bev Ayre, development director of Homotopia on a tour of Zanele Muholi’s exhibition as she discusses art and social justice (November 8, 2:30 pm). Till November 29. * Also at that location the DIVA Debate: Confront, Contest, Create. Panelists: Diva editor Jane Czyzselka, poet Jay Bernard, film-makers Campbell X, Claire Kurylowski and multi-disciplinary artists Evan Ifekoya and Marcia X. Through a discussion about impactful queer artworks from recent history, a panel will explore the artistic climate – interrogating and exploring the political and social trends, themes and ideas shaping queer art in the UK and abroad. November 14 (6 pm). More: www.openeyegallery.co.uk. * The complete program at www.homotopia.net. DIY * KUiR-Fest started 5 years ago and is Turkey’s first queer festival. For this year’s edition –January 14-24 in both Ankara and Istanbul it is looking for LGBTQI films: features, shorts, animations, docs and video art. Official deadline has passed but check the site: www.pembehayatkuirfest.org. * Brav_a is a queer feminist D.I.Y. Zine, selfstyled as a Teenie-Zeitschrift. It is looking for contributions, both in English and in German, both serious and more lighthearted, preferably suitable for both teens and experienced queer-feminists. No Themenschwerpukt but part of the next issue is a Lazynesscontest-Faulheitswettbewerb. Deadline is November 30. More: brava.blogspot.de. * Visual Aids is looking for partner who are willing to take part in their 26th Day With(out) Art on World Aids Day –December 1-. It has developed the project Radiant Presence and is looking for partners who are willing to present the project on locations of their choice. Radiant Presence consists of a slide show of 5 minutes showing a loop of images of art interspersed with texts and statistics about the HIV/AIDS pandemic. If you want to show it in your org or your org’s social media platforms contact Visual Aids Programs Manager Alex Fialho (afialho@visualaids.org). * Another art project by Visual Aids is their annual Postcards from the Edge project, a benefit to enable Visual Aids to produce new art projects and support artists living with HIV/AIDS. Artists are invited to make a unique piece of art 4”x 6” for a three day exhibition and auction January 29-31. Deadline to send in work is December 7. More info –conditions, mailing address, etc- on the Visual Aids website. News * Queer Theory and Visual Culture: Rethinking Identity and the Sexed Body, a new book by Jongwoo Jeremy Kim and Christopher Reed that promises us to change the way we think about queer ientity in relation to pleasure. * New queer space in Oakland. November 2-6 is the opening week of Qulture Collective a new queer space in Oakland. A coffee-shop, meeting place, arts and crafts shop, a room for pop-up vendors and… a new Gallery space. More: www.qulturecollective.com. Shop One body of work by American artist John Waiblinger are his montages –I think he is of my generation so he probably started this project by cutting pics an pasting collages. New techniques allow him to explore his relation with porn in new ways. Starting with gay images plucked from hard porn sites –and after thoroughly considering all the qualms of objectification, exploitation, etc- using layering techniques to overlay his own images to re-imagine them and to upload the original pic with new emotional and aesthetic meaning. And you almost hear him sigh: ultimately it is an act of romance… Check out his site and webshop. Medium of Desire In New York the Leslie Lohman has extended its present exhibition The exhibition On the Domestic Front: Scenes of Everyday Queer Life has been extended and will remain on view to December 6. * Their next show will be Medium of Desire: An International Anthology of Photography and Video. “Using human beauty, desire, Eros, and sexuality, this new photography based exhibition reveals that cultural differences, whether defined by national borders, sexual orientation, or gender identification, can be simultaneously vast yet familiar. Regardless of one’s sexual orientation or country of origin, feelings of desire, when successfully represented, can serve to minimize our differences and bring us closer. By using the theme “desire,” this exhibition draws together the work of fourteen contemporary artists from China, Japan, Greece, Russia, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, and the U.S., as expressed through the medium of photography and video.” Among the artists presented are Catherine Opie and Greg Gorman. Also: Alexander Kargaltsev, Ohm Phanphiroj and Hang Ren. Opening Deecember 18 (6pm). Till March 17. (Pic: Daniel Scmude, Leidenschaft 4, 2011)* In the Wooster Street Window Gallery till January next years presentations of the New York Queer Art mentorship program. * And at the Project Space in prince street: Spank Bank, narratives of the body and HIV and the subcultures resulting from this confrontation. By Anthony Viti. November 14&15. And the next weekend Icons from the Land of Narcissus, selfportraits by Wirhun. Analogue bl/w photographs with guilt and egg dye. * James Saslow and Suzanne Strohe join author Cassandra Langer in a panel during the presentation of her new biography of painter Romaine Brooks. November 12 (6pm). ISBN: 97802 9929 8609. Ca $ 19,95. * And November 19 offers The Hidden Hammer with Barbara Hammer herself revealing the breadth of her work beyond film and video. More: www.leslielohman.org. (pic: Paul Wirhun, Golden Showers, 2001). Qrowdfunding * Fans of this section of GLIMP! must have noticed that Boi – Song of a Wanderer is one of my pet projects. This month I am proud to announce that the film by Anne Marie Borsboom will be aired on national tv. November 1 (1pm) on NPO2. * Last months fundraisers showed a mixed result. Tana Ford succeeded in raising her goal of $ 15000 for the production of her graphic novel Duck! Third time is the charm. And Chris Hubley raised enough to realize his ManC*nt painting project. But Acidic Episode I the game by Julien Robinson cs failed miserably –just 1 % of the required amount!-. Crowdfunders prefer other games. * Another one of my pet projects is Sinister Wisdom the multiculti-lesb-lit&art magazine. Just out the # 98 -!- edition taking stock of the fascinating and still continuing history of the US Landyke movement (artwork by Robin Toler). The Magazine just started its 40th anniversary fundraising campaign and this year’s goal is set at $ 4500. Funny that the first gift came from a little town in Holland. Check their indiegogo page. * The Tourist, the Indonesian adventure. What started as a study of Indonesian temple architecture turned into a spiritual and erotic adventure. Artist Jasper Griepink –readers of GLIMP! probably know him from his performances- is raising € 3000 to produce a book about his latest adventure. Read his pitch –in Dutch- at the Voordekunst crowdfunding site. Helm de Laat, October 30 2015
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