About the French hospitals rankings
About the French hospitals rankings
About the French hospitals rankings: a MCDA point of view Brice Mayag University Paris Dauphine LAMSADE FRANCE DA2PL 2014 Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 1 / 24 About French Hospital rankings Motivations & Aim 1 J.-C. Billaut, D. Bouyssou, and P. Vincke. Should you believe in the shanghai ranking? - an mcdm view [2007]. 2 In France, the subventions given by the government to hospitals is based on their activity (Tarification à l’activité: T2A) 3 Several government agencies try to evaluate the “performance” of French hospitals (HAS; ANAP; IGAS, . . . ). 4 In this case: No automatic decision, but they have preferences during the evaluation process 5 Aim: To convince the MCDA and Preference Learning communities to investigate and to contribute together in the development of methodologies dedicated to hospital ranking. Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 2 / 24 About French Hospital rankings Hospital rankings are published every year Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 3 / 24 About French Hospital rankings Hospital rankings are published every year Published last week. Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 4 / 24 About French Hospital rankings About French Hospital rankings: the context They manipulate data coming from some official databases like PMSI The databases contain around eighty indicators which are likely to be filled each year by all the hospitals. There are approximately 1600 hospitals classified as public, nonprofit private and commercial private. All the newspapers propose a ranking per surgery specialty, for instance a ranking of weight loss surgery. Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 5 / 24 About French Hospital rankings About French Hospital rankings: weight loss surgery Weight loss surgery Bariatric surgery (weight loss surgery) includes a variety of procedures performed on people who are obese. Weight loss is achieved by reducing the size of the stomach with a gastric band or through removal of a portion of the stomach or by resecting and re-routing the small intestines to a small stomach pouch (gastric bypass surgery) Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 6 / 24 About French Hospital rankings About French Hospital rankings: weight loss surgery Some indicators used (CR2 ) Activity : number of procedures performed during one year (to be maximized). (CR3 ) Average Length Of Stay (ALOS): a mean calculated by dividing the sum of inpatient days by the number of patients admissions with the same diagnosis-related group classification (to be minimized). (CR4 ) Notoriety : Its corresponds to the reputation and attractiveness of the hospital (to be maximized). (CR8 ) Technicality : measures the ratio of procedures performed with an efficient technology compared to the same procedures performed with obsolete technology (to be maximized). Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 7 / 24 About French Hospital rankings Ranking given in 2013 by “Le Point” 20 best hospitals in weight loss surgery evaluated on Activity (CR2 ), (Notoriety) (CR4 ) ; ALOS (CR3 ) and Technicality: (CR8 ). Hospitals CR2 CR4 CR3 CR8 FP Bichat Nice Nancy Ambroise-Paré Colmar Caen Strasbourg Georges-Pompidou Lille Antibes Orleans Rouen Jean-Verdier Conception Louis-Mourier Poissy/St Germain Montpellier Toulouse Amiens Laon 372 253 208 140 165 167 289 394 247 156 167 237 174 332 166 192 297 181 170 242 80 19 60 85 14 47 25 80 18 13 35 29 40 19 51 34 25 73 28 23 7.8 8.2 8 6.5 3.8 6.7 6.3 5.5 4.8 5.5 6.7 5.1 9.7 3.8 5.3 4.1 5.6 4.6 3.8 1.4 94 95 90 96 99 96 82 56 63 96 86 48 82 24 86 60 33 50 10 0 17.84 17.59 17.37 17.23 17.20 17.14 17.13 17.06 17.02 16.75 16.66 16.55 16.45 16.44 16.36 16.30 16.24 15.94 15.63 15.54 Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 8 / 24 About French Hospital rankings Main criticisms No methodology is given: How indicators are normalized? Which aggregation function is used? The chosen indicators are relevant? How weights are given? No sensitivity analysis How to take uncertainty? The process is not transparent ... =⇒ Unreliable information The rankings are made by newspapers =⇒ Are they the decision makers? They are called “puff piece”: a newspaper article using exaggerated praise that often ignores opposing viewpoints or evidence to the contrary. Everybody agrees on the fact that they are not made seriously Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 9 / 24 About French Hospital rankings Some insufficiencies mentionned by “Le Nouvel Observateur” in their website: =⇒ In their ranking: Eleventh position ∼ Thirtieth position; Tenth position ∼ Fiftieth position,. . . ; Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 10 / 24 About French Hospital rankings But some hospitals promote these rankings Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 11 / 24 About French Hospital rankings Some remarks More generally, hospital ranking problem is a problem of performance/quality evaluation (global hospital or per specialty) =⇒ A complex problem French government is interested to solve it (ANAP, Scope santé website . . . ) In USA, the newspaper USNEWS establishes the rankings in collaboration with the Research Triangle Institute, a scientific organism. Their methodology is free available (129 pages). Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 12 / 24 About French Hospital rankings A MCDA point of view: Good practices Objective: We have to Start with a a number of crucial questions when trying to build an evaluation (ranking) model in MCDA: 1 What is the definition of objects to be evaluated? 2 What is the purpose of the model? Who will use it? 3 How to structure objectives? 4 How to achieve a “consistent family of criteria”? 5 How to take uncertainty, imprecision, and inaccurate definition into account? All the French hospital ranking fail this last point. Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 13 / 24 About French Hospital rankings What is the suitable MCDA method? The considered indicators are independent? (The linear models) Does it exist any interaction between indicators? (The non linear models) Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital 1 2 3 4 Notoriety 35 37 35 37 ALOS 80 80 40 40 Technicality 90 89 90 89 Hospital 1 is strictly preferred to the Hospital 2 ⇒ if ALOS is “weak”, it is preferable to have an hospital with good evaluation in Technicality Hospital 4 is strictly preferred to Hospital 3 ⇒ If ALOS is “good”, an hospital with good evaluation in Notoriety is preferred. Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 14 / 24 About French Hospital rankings A question . . . Does it exist a MCDA method which matches with the ranking given by “Le Point”? Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 15 / 24 About French Hospital rankings An outranking method: ELECTRE TRI A = {a1 ; a2 ; . . . ; am } a set of m alternatives; N = {1; 2; . . . ; n} a set of n criteria; C = {C1 (the worst); C2 ; . . . ; Ct (the best)} a set of ordered categories. B = {b1 ; . . . ; bt−1 } a set of profiles that separate consecutive categories Ci is limited by bi (the upper limit) and bi−1 (lower limit), i 6∈ {1, t}. ELECTRE TRI assigns alternatives to categories by using the concept of outranking relation S on A × B. Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 16 / 24 About French Hospital rankings An outranking method: ELECTRE TRI ai outranks bh (ai S bh ) ⇔ n X kj cj (ai , bh ) ≥ λ. 1 Where cj (ai , bh ) = 1 if ai %j bh . 0 otherwise The relation ai %j bh means that the value of ai on the criterion j is at least as good as the value of bh on the same criterion j. n X kj is the importance (weight) of criterion j such that kj = 1. 1 λ is the cutting level i.e. a threshold that indicates whether the credibility is significant or not. This parameter is often taken between 0.5 and 1. Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 17 / 24 About French Hospital rankings An outranking method: ELECTRE TRI ELECTRE TRI assigns the alternative ai to the highest category Ch such that ai outranks bh−1 i.e. For h = 2, . . . , t − 1, ai belongs to C1 ⇔ not(ai S b1 ) ai belongs to Ch ⇔ ai S bh−1 and not(ai S bh ), ai belongs to Ct ⇔ ai S bt−1 Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 18 / 24 About French Hospital rankings ELECTRE TRI applied to “Le Point”’s data Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 19 / 24 About French Hospital rankings ELECTRE TRI applied to “Le Point”’s data 5 hospitals incorrectly classified Activity (CR2 ), (Notoriety) (CR4 ) ; ALOS (CR3 ) and Technicality: (CR8 ) [16.5; 18]: The class VeryGood [15; 16.49]: The class Good Hospitals CR2 CR4 CR3 CR8 Bichat Nice Nancy Ambroise-Paré Colmar Caen Strasbourg Georges-Pompidou Lille Antibes Orleans Rouen Jean-Verdier Conception Louis-Mourier Poissy/St Germain Montpellier Toulouse Amiens Laon 372 253 208 140 165 167 289 394 247 156 167 237 174 332 166 192 297 181 170 242 80 19 60 85 14 47 25 80 18 13 35 29 40 19 51 34 25 73 28 23 7.8 8.2 8 6.5 3.8 6.7 6.3 5.5 4.8 5.5 6.7 5.1 9.7 3.8 5.3 4.1 5.6 4.6 3.8 1.4 94 95 90 96 99 96 82 56 63 96 86 48 82 24 86 60 33 50 10 0 Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) FP 17.84 17.59 17.37 17.23 17.20 17.14 17.13 17.06 17.02 16.75 16.66 16.55 16.45 16.44 16.36 16.30 16.24 15.94 15.63 15.54 French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 20 / 24 About French Hospital rankings Another classification approach: Decision tree Figure: A decision tree algorithm applied to “Le Point” data Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 21 / 24 About French Hospital rankings Another classification approach: Decision tree Hospitals CR2 CR4 CR3 CR8 Bichat Nice Nancy Ambroise-Paré Colmar Caen Strasbourg Georges-Pompidou Lille Antibes Orleans Rouen Jean-Verdier Conception Louis-Mourier Poissy/St Germain Montpellier Toulouse Amiens Laon 372 253 208 140 165 167 289 394 247 156 167 237 174 332 166 192 297 181 170 242 80 19 60 85 14 47 25 80 18 13 35 29 40 19 51 34 25 73 28 23 7.8 8.2 8 6.5 3.8 6.7 6.3 5.5 4.8 5.5 6.7 5.1 9.7 3.8 5.3 4.1 5.6 4.6 3.8 1.4 94 95 90 96 99 96 82 56 63 96 86 48 82 24 86 60 33 50 10 0 Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) FP 17.84 17.59 17.37 17.23 17.20 17.14 17.13 17.06 17.02 16.75 16.66 16.55 16.45 16.44 16.36 16.30 16.24 15.94 15.63 15.54 French Hospital rankings [16.5; 18]: The class VeryGood [15; 16.49]: The class Good 8 hospitals incorrectly classified DA2PL 2014 22 / 24 About French Hospital rankings Hospital rankings: a new challenge to use simultaneaously MCDA and preference learning? How to help people to construct their rankings properly? How to elaborate the MCDA decision model? By applying good practices There is a Decision Maker (ANAP, HAS, . . . ) Preferences exists How to threat missing data? How to choose relevant criteria (indicators),? E.g. By using machine learning (datamining) algorithms like feature selection algorithms. Elaborate training examples (benchmark) from the existing free available databases (PMSI, Hospidiag,. . . ) in order to Define a predictive model? Validate the approach? Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 23 / 24 About French Hospital rankings Hospital rankings: a new challenge to use simultaneaously MCDA and preference learning? If so then we will have: From Multiple Criteria Decision Aid to Preference Learning And From Preference Learning to Multiple Criteria Decision Aid Brice Mayag (LAMSADE) French Hospital rankings DA2PL 2014 24 / 24