Martin Chramosta, Misha Andris, Aline Zeltner
Martin Chramosta, Misha Andris, Aline Zeltner
MARTIN CHRAMOSTA -2012 Works Martin Chramosta Mattenstrasse 6 4058 Basel 0041 79 510 46 44 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Modelling clay on bookshelf variable dimensions, 2012 Exhibition view: The White House Toronto CONCRETIONS Ceramics, fired and glaced variable dimensions 2012 HANGERS ROCK‘N‘ROLL WILL NEVER DIE Plaster, Petitionacrylic zur Errichtung paint, variable einesdimensions, Rock‘n‘Roll2012 Denkmals in Laufen BL, 2011 Exhibition view: The White House Toronto ODE TO THE REST Photographies of Plasticine- sculptures, 38x52 cm each ODE TO THE REST was made out of left-overs from a plasticine model- series about Montréal déco- architecture. 13 CROSSINGS Ink on Stonehenge- paper 6 x (70x50cm), 1 x (35x50cm), 2012 ROCK‘N‘ROLL WILL NEVER DIE Petition for the erection of a monument to Rock‘n‘Roll, Laufen BL, Switzerland, 2011 I am currently in the middle of collecting signatures to petition the erection of a monument to Rock‘n Roll in Laufen BL, Switzerland. It will be placed where the rehearsal room „Hong Kong“ once stood, where many bands used to rehearse and where also concerts took place. It was since flooded by a river and demolished. The petition will be presented to the local council for consideration. OVER THE EDGE Pencil on paper, 30x46 each 2012 NEUE FILME (new movies) VHS- Covers, acrylic paint, household paint, marker pen, 10x19cm each ongoing series 32 up to now, 2011 Above: Exhibition view in the Kunsthaus Riehen, CH Last page: 6 examples NEUE FAHNEN (new flags) (PLAYING WITH FIRE IN THE WIND OF CHANGE) 3 flags, sewed cotton 69x69cm, 69x100cm, 69x140cm 2011 The three flags were created for the exhibiton series „The Travelling Artist“, which took place in Basel, Switzerland, Vienna, Austria and Budapest, Hungary. The works comprise of the national flags of Switzerland, Austria and Hungary combining them into three new designs. Last page: Installation view on the rooftop of Artachment Basel Next page: Installation view at Labor Budapest EIN GUTER RAT (good advice) 6 engraved plaques, plaster, 50x66cm each, 2010 Last page: Installation View, Regionale11, Kunsthalle Basel, group DAR (Earth circle by Misha Andris and Aline Zeltner) BONMOT 3 engraved plaques, plaster, 42x66cm, 47x66cm, 45x66cm, 2010 SHOPPING WITH A CAUSE Poster, A3, laserprint (b/w) on bleached printer paper edition of 20 2011 LEBEN AUF DER ÜBERHOLSPUR (living in the fast lane) laserprint on slips of paper 24 slips Format ca A5, 2011 BURG / PARTYBURG (castle / party- castle) glazed porcelain cast, 2011 Next page: Installation view at the Kunstverein Heidelberg (D) Installed with mirror, punch and plastic cups RUIN unfired clay, 2011 AKROPOLIS IN PIECES fired white clay, 2011 PERFORMANCE POSTERS 20 posters, diverse papers, diverse formats, xerography, edition of 10 each, 2011 Installation view at the Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz BAD MOON RISING Performance, Fonderie Darling, Montréal 15.6.2012 Guitar Rope ladder Rope I played and sung „Bad Moon Rising“ by Creedence Clearwater Revival on a guitar. At the same time I climbed the 3 floors of the Darling Foundry on a rope ladder. HEY HEY MY MY (VACUUM VERSION) Performance, Schwarzwaldallee Basel, 17. 12. 2011 Vacuum cleaner Marijuana Guitar LINK: I sang HEY HEY MY MY by Neil Young into a working vacuum cleaner whilst smoking marijuana. By leaving the room and pulling the vacuum cleaner behind me I pulled out its cable. I came back to play the final tune of the song on an electric guitar THE REVOLUTIONARY ROCK‘N‘ROLL PAINT SHOW Performance, Kunst vor Ort Pfingstweide Zürich 22.6.2011 with Jari Antti & Viktor Korol 3 guitars 3 large brushes attached to the guitar heads 3 amplifiers 3 guitarists 2 pots of household paint 1 Tube of red, yellow, blue paint lots of cardboard and plastic sheeting We jammed on the A- chord whilst painting ourselves, our surroundings, slipping on the paint, guitars went out, feedbacks, noise. We then left the stage intact for the duration of the continuing exhibition. (See next page) FLIP OVER Performance Progr Performance Platform Bern 19.06.2011 6 eggs frying pan hot plate small table skateboard / skateboarder Deftones- „Pink Maggit (Back to School)“ The plate is hot and is standing on a small table. On the table lies half a dozen eggs. One slowly draws up two eggs before one‘s eyes and holds them in place whilst staring in the direction of the audience. The action continues until all 6 eggs have been held before the eyes. One grasps all the eggs and smashes them into one‘s face. One brushes off the eggs from one‘s face into the pan below. One then cooks an omelette. One takes the pan, stands in front of the audience and places the omelette onto one‘s head. One bows before the audience - the egg falls to the floor - and leaves. The song „Pink Maggit (Back toSchool)“ by the Deftones is being played from loudspeakers. A skateboarder skates into the hall kick-flips over the omelette and skates off. RISOTTO Performance Act Performance Festival Ostquai Basel 1. 5. 2011 Table, 6 chairs, table cloth, 6 plates, 6 wineglasses 6 forks, serviettes, 1 Safranrisotto for 6 people 1- 2 bottles of italian red wine One cooks a risotto for 6 people. One lays the table. The table is spot-lit. The public stands around it. One fills the glasses on the table with wine and leaves. One brings 2 plates of risotto, places them on the table and leaves. One brings another 2 plates of risotto, places them on the table and leaves. One brings another 2 plates of risotto, places them on the table and leaves. MARTIN CHRAMOSTA IS STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN Performance Oslo10, Basel 21. 1. 2011 LINK: guitar rags and necklaces wig stepladder A stepladder is standing in the space. I walk into the space whilst singing „Stairway to Heaven“ by Led Zeppelin. I slowly climb up the ladder. I remain on the ladder swaying and singing. I descend from the ladder and I leave. LOOK AT THAT ART Performance with the group DAR (Martin Chramosta, Misha Andris, Aline Zeltner) Moderna Galerjia, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 19. 6. 2010 We sang the song LOOK AT THAT ART within a national slovenian art exhibiton. SCHÖPFUNG Performance with the group DAR (Martin Chramosta, Misha Andris, Aline Zeltner) Kunsthalle Basel, 28. 11. 2010, with Ramon Schocher, Tiziana Pagano & Steven Schoch LINK: An earthcircle in the middle of the Oberlichtsaal of the Kunsthalle. Behind it 6 plaques hang (See EIN GUTER RAT) Three red hooded figures step into the hall. They carry bowls on their heads. Guitar and Mandolin- music plays. The figures walk around the earth circle and finally step into it. they start to sing „MAINS DORÉES PUISENT CRÈME BLANCHE“ Three white hooded figures step into the hall. They begin to cup milk out of a large vessel into the bowls on the heads of the red figures. The song ends. The white hooded figures leave the hall. The red figures bow. The milk plunges into the earth circle. The red figures leave the hall. (see next page) KANU JOE Video, HD, 2010 This is the song of old Canoe Joe, he had a canoe. If you were to ask him why, he’d say “Leave me alone!” He paddled off into the sunset, oh no. But that’s what he was like, Canoe Joe! In other words, he was a totally cool character. Even lovely Lady Lou can only watch the lapping waves he leaves behind. Canoe Joe, where do you go? Only the water knows the answer to that. And, of course, this sweeping, grand music video singing the praises of the toughest paddler between the Mississippi and the Rhine. As stylish as a sleeveless denim jacket over a bare chest. - International Filmfestival Münster I AM A PERFORMANCE ARTIST Video, HD, 2011 Collaboration with Jannik Giger The Video „I am a performance artist“ was supported by the Fachausschuss AudioVision of the City of Basel. A performance artist is resurrected, decapitated and reborn. See teaser: Exhibitions Performances / Actions 2013 Galerie Laroche/Joncas, Montréal CN (solo) 2012 „Bad Moon Rising“, Fonderie Darling, Montréal CN „Audition DJ Set“, Double Double Land, Toronto CN 2012 Lokal- Int, Biel, CH (solo) The White House, Toronto, CN (solo) Premio Arte Laguna, Venezia, IT Ausstellungsraum Klingental, Basel CH 2011 Kunstraum Riehen, CH Ex- Werner, Genève, CH MA Fine Arts Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz BL Das weisse Haus Wien, A (The travelling Artist) Labor Budapest, H (The travelling Artist) Artachment Basel (The travelling Artist) Kunstverein Heidelberg, D Kunstraum Aarau Accélérateur des Particules Strasbourg, F Kaskadenkondensator Basel 2011 „Hey Hey My My“, Schwarzwaldallee Basel „Haltung“, Perform now! Winterthur Schöngrund 15, Olten (by Haus am Gern) Kunst vor Ort Zürich „The Revolutionary Rock‘n‘Roll Paint Show“ Progr Performance Platform Bern „Flip Over“ Ostquai Basel „Risotto“ (ACT Festival) Kaskadenkondensator Basel „Où es-tu?“ Consulat Général de Suisse, Strasbourg (F) Oslo 10 Basel, CMI, „Stairway to Heaven“ 2010 Regionale 11, Kunsthalle Basel mit DAR Regionale 11, Fabrikculture Hégenheim, F Shift Festival, Basel, LSDAP Dock Basel with the group DAR Muro Galérie, Genève, „Kollektiv“ San Keller 2010 Kunsthalle Basel, „Schöpfung“, DAR Fabrikculture Hégenheim (F), „My alltime favorite Classics revisited“ Le Quai, Mulhouse (F), „My alltime favorite Classics“ Moderna Galerjia, Ljubljana (SLO) „Look at that Art“, DAR Live in your HEAD, Genève, „Im Gasthof zum goldenen Sternen“ with Pascal Schärli (ACT Festival) Kunsthof, Zürich, „Schaut diesen Stein“ (ACT Festival) Rössligasse, Luzern, „Look at that Stone“ with DAR (ACT Festival) K-Pony, Basel, „Look at that Horse“, DAR 2007 State Museum of the Arts, Banja Luka, BIH Diplomausstellung Billerbeck, Allschwil BL 2008 „Prix Meret Oppenheim“ Zürich with Heinrich Lüber, Jeremy Chevalier and Martina- Sofie Wildberger Imprimerie, Basel, Get Ost Festival Grants/ Awards Film- Festivals Curatorial /other Projects 2012 2011 2010 2008 2007 2012 2011 2012 Basler Weihnachtsausstellung: Genf, Kaskadenkondensator The Wild Bush Residency, Lac Paquin, Québec 2011 Ab Blatt, Performance- Festival, Schwarzwaldallee Basel Residency at the Fonderie Darling, Montréal, CN IAAB- Price Premio Arte Laguna, Venice, I Award of the Fachausschuss Audiovision Basel (Video „i am a performance artist“) Art in public space- project: Rathausfassade Basel (Dritter Preis, „HANDELT“) Regio Sound Credit Award (2 times) Agent Provocateur- Shortfilm- Award Theatron- Festival Munich, D Schweizerische Jugendfilmtage, Zürich Internationales Filmfestival Münster, D Reeperbahnscreening, Hamburg, D NoNite des Kurzfilmfestivals Hamburg, D Kurzfilmfestival Bunter Hund, Munich, D Filmfestival Weiterstadt, D A Wall is a Screen, Osnabrück, D MARTIN CHRAMOSTA (*Zürich, 18th of January 1982) 2012 Artist in Residence at the Fonderie Darling, Montréal, CN 2011 Master of fine Arts at the School of Art and Design Basel and the School of the Arts Berne 2011 Internship at the Ethnographical Museum of Geneva 2009 Internship at the preservation of ancient monuments, Basel 2008 Diploma in Art Education, School of Art and Design Basel