Oct - Greater Vineland Chamber of Commerce


Oct - Greater Vineland Chamber of Commerce
Southern New Jersey’s
Volume 19
Serving Cumberland, Salem,
Atlantic, Cape May and Gloucester Counties
News & Views
October 2006
Number 10
Commerce Secretary announces goals,
hears concerns of business people
Information is also available on
eclaring that business
the web site at
is Governor Jon S.
Corzine’s priority, the
During the question and
N.J. Secretary of Commerce,
answer period, Rick Hasenauer,
Virginia Bauer, listed six iniDirector of Human Resources at
tiatives set by the Corzine
administration to benefit the
Virginia Bauer Kimble Glass, asked why it took
so long to receive reimbursebusiness community.
ments from the state for taxable items
Bauer made her remarks at the first
Chamber general membership lunchpurchased through the revised Urban
eon of the fall season, held at the
Enterprise Zone (UEZ) rate.
Vineland Ramada Inn on Sept. 21.
Under the state’s new regulations that
Corzine’s six-point plan, reported
raised the sales tax from 6 to 7 percent
Bauer, consists of:
and the UEZ rate from 3 to 3.5 per• Marketing New Jersey with
cent, businesses grossing more than $1
partners from the business
million must pay the full tax and then
complete multiple forms to be eligible
• Developing an excellent work
for the reduced rate. Bauer responded
force by working with colleges
that she would take his concerns to the
and universities;
governor and “work on it.”
• Emphasizing access to cities in
Kathy Farinaccio of Comcast
the state while protecting the
expressed her concern with the lack of
affordable health insurance. Bauer said
the issue is a “top priority” and she is
• Nurturing the development of
“looking to address how to make
new technologies;
• Encouraging the development of
health care more accessible.”
small, minority and womenRalph Avallone, president of
owned businesses; and
American Dream Custom Builders,
suggested the administration was “anti• Enhancing the global
development.” Bauer countered that it
competitiveness of New Jersey
embraces the philosophy of “smart
To implement the plan, Bauer said
development” and is working with the
all departments of the state must work
state Department of Environmental
together. “You are our customers,” she
said to the audience. “I’m never too
Harry Hearing, a local accountant,
busy to hear your concerns.”
questioned the state’s licensing fees,
She also announced a new toll-free
asking, “How is that a business friendphone number to access information
ly attitude?”
Bauer responded that (Corzine) “is
regarding state programs and services
to the business community as
to aid business people:
Prestige Publications photo
Chatting before the Chamber’s luncheon presentation are, from left, Gary
Galloway, Chamber president; Joann Ritter of the N.J. Commerce & Economic
Growth Commission; and the speaker, Virginia Bauer, CEO / Secretary of the
New local business attracts Eagles wives
Prestige Publications photo
Tammy Reid, left, wife of Philadelphia Eagles coach Andy Reid, was on hand last
month for the grand opening of Brian’s Furs and Leathers, LLC, at 739 E. Landis
Ave. Brian Jenkins, owner of the shop, stands between Reid and Lindsay
Mornhinweg, wife of assistant head coach Marty. Tammy Reid says she plans to
do her fur shopping in Vineland from now on, following Jenkins from the Cherry
Hill shop where she used to shop.
Calendar of Events
General Membership
Thursday, Oct. 19
11:45 a.m. -1:15 p.m.
Ramada Inn, Vineland
Speaker: Sandy Forosisky
Vineland Director of
Vineland Firefighters’
Saturday, Oct. 14
6 -10 p.m.
Moose Hall, Wheat Road
Legislative Update
New law ensures contractors are paid quickly
he Chamber legislative committee recently learned that clients
will now have to pay contractors and subcontractors within 30
days of their billing date or be liable
Attention, Chamber Members:
Flu Shots for $25
Chamber Office, 2115 S.
Delsea Dr., Vineland
Wednesday, Oct. 25
10 A.M. - 11:30 A. M.
and 1 P.M. - 2:30 P.M.
Call Cathy, 691-7400, to
schedule an appointment.
Flu shots provided by South Jersey HealthcareOccupational Health Services
for the amount of the payment plus
interest under a new law enacted Sept. 4.
Governor Jon S. Corzine signed the
legislation that applies to both public
and private contracts. Clients have 20
days to dispute any part of the payments
but must notify the contractor in writing
as to how much is being withheld and
The legislative committee also
reminds businesses that they are prohibited from sending unsolicited fax messages or advertisements under a new
state law that took effect last year.
Businesses can still send unsolicited
fax messages to recipients with whom
they have an existing business relationship. Nonprofit organizations and business, professional or trade associations
can also use fax “blasts” to contact
members. However, the faxed message
must include a notice that recipients can
request to be removed from the list.
If you would like to be removed from
the Chamber’s fax blast list, let us know.
Greater Vineland
Chamber of Commerce
2115 S. Delsea Drive
Vineland, NJ 08360
Phone: (856) 691-7400
Fax: (856) 691-2113
Web Page:
E-mail: info@vinelandchamber.org
Executive Director
Paige Desiere
President of the Board
Gary Galloway, Rental Country
First Vice President
Gina Biagi, Eye Associates
Second Vice President
Robert DeSanto, Gruccio, Pepper,
DeSanto & Ruth, P.A.
Third Vice President
Wayne Triantos, Triantos,
Deon & Delp
Immediate Past President
Dennis Palmer, Landis Sewerage
Board of Directors
Tony Asselta, Asselta Mechanical
Pete Capizola, Newfield Bank
Diana Caraballo, AFLAC
Jeannine Cavagnaro, Cumberland
Empowerment Zone
Dennis DeMatte Jr., Cumberland
County Improvement Authority
Kathy Farinaccio, Comcast
Jeff George, Cold Stone Creamery
Doug Grant, Landis Title Corporation
Russell Kadlac, Stanker & Galetto
Lilly Kejzman, Ramada Inn
Kevin Kleiner, Dondero’s Jewelry
Victor LaTorre, LaTorre Hardware
Glenn Lillie, Allen Associates
Tammy Maciocha, South Jersey Gas
John McClain, Century 21
Graham Realty
Ron Rossi, Rossi Honda
Diane Sacco, Sun Bank
Lou Tramontana, Torchio Bros.
Treasurer: Harry Hearing, Romano,
Hearing, Testa & Knorr, C.P.A.
Solicitor: Michael Benson,
Buonadonna, Benson & Parenti, P.C.
NEWS & VIEWS Publisher:
Cohansey Cove Publishing
Editor: Paige Desiere
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From the Director’s Desk
Firefighters: the warriors and true heroes of America
irefighters...they are a breed of their own. They work long
days and sleep short nights. They go for hours and sometimes days on end with only a precious little bit of sleep.
Yet they do their job well.
Firefighters can quit at any time; no one is looking over their
shoulder telling them they can’t, but in spite of that they don’t
quit. And when you ask them why, there is a pause and then the
response “I don’t really know” or, “I can’t really put my finger
on it.” It has been described as a feeling deep in the gut that
can’t be ignored, something telling you that this is what you are
here to do.
A group of individuals may enter a department for no reason
at all –– just looking for something to do –– but of that group
one or two will get their first taste of fire and realize that this is
in their heart, and they will do it until they are physically unable
to any longer.
Then there are those who grew up with firefighter dads or
moms and found something magical about the way they would
go off Tuesday and come back Friday with a tired look on their
face but with a certain gleam of pride in their eye that told you
they loved what they were doing. Or when they’d go off in the
middle of the night at the sound of their pager and come back
later that day with the same gleam in their eye–– despite utter
Some say that firefighters are just thrill-seekers looking for a
quick rush, while others –– those
who have experienced them first
hand –– say they are warriors.
These reasons are all merely
speculations; nobody will ever
know what makes a firefighter a
firefighter. But one thing is for
sure –– the men and women who
don’t abuse the power, respect
others, and love the job for what
it is are the true heroes of
America. They are the public
servants and protectors of the
Paige Desiere
The Greater Vineland Chamber of Commerce will be
hosting a dinner to honor our local firefighters on
Saturday, October 14. Please show your gratitude by sponsoring a firefighter and guest. The cost is $75 – checks
can be made payable to the Greater Vineland Chamber of
Commerce and sent to 2115 S. Delsea Drive, Vineland NJ
08360. Please indicate that your donation is for the 2006
Firefighter’s Recognition Dinner. Thank you for your
General Membership Luncheon
Thursday, October 19, 2006
11:45 A.M. Luncheon,Ramada Inn
(2216 W. Landis Avenue, Vineland)
$20.00 per person
Speaker: Sandy Forosisky, Vineland Director
of Redevelopment, on downtown
improvements and new projects in the works.
Chamber of Commerce photo
The first “Chamber Chatter,” held last
month at Lucia’s Restaurant, attracted a sizeable crowd. Among those
attending were Marcus Evans from
the Clinic of Total Relaxation and Sue
Portadin of the Rehabilitation
Hospital of South Jersey.
Support your skeleton!
The public is encouraged to “come
out and support your skeleton” at the
fourth annual “Halloween Bone Run,
Walk & Roll” for osteoporosis prevention and disability awareness.
Hosted by the Rehabilitation Hospital
of South Jersey, the event on Oct. 29 at
Parvin State Park, Pittsgrove, includes a
5K run, 5K wheelchair race and one to
four-mile “health walk.” Cash prizes
will be awarded.
For contribution collection envelopes,
registration or information, call 856696-3924 or 856-896-2050, or visit the
web site, www.bonerun.com.
Leaders build with the leading builder.
Greater Vineland Chamber of Commerce
General Membership Luncheon • October 19
2115 S. Delsea Dr. Vineland, NJ 08360
REGISTER ONLINE: www.vinelandchamber.org
Phone: (856) 691-7400
Fax: (856) 691-2113
___ YES! I/We will attend the luncheon.
___ # attending @ $20 each ($30 for non-members). Please
register in advance.
___ Please check if you would like the chance to introduce
yourself at an upcoming Chamber luncheon.
Check enclosed for $ ________
Exp. Date ________
Please return registration forms by
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
All reservations are considered confirmed. If you do not attend, you will be billed for
the cost of the luncheon..
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Page 2
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News & Views•October 2006
Business Spotlight of the Month
DCA administrator leads concerned, dedicated staff at dialysis center
he warning signs are clear: If you
have diabetes and high blood
pressure, you’re a prime candidate
for kidney failure.
So says Janice Wise, administrator of
the DCA (Dialysis Corporation of
America) office in Vineland at Maintree
Commons on East Chestnut Avenue and
Main Road.
“They––not alcoholism––are the two
main causes of renal (kidney) failure,
she says. “And the sad part is, it can be
avoided” by periodic monitoring by
one’s physician.
Still, if those conditions or others
lead to kidney problems requiring dialysis, it’s comforting to know there is a
nearby facility that provides excellent
Although Wise is in charge of the
two Southern New Jersey DCA facilities––the other, much smaller, is in
Manahawkin––it’s the Vineland office
that commands much of her attention.
She’s generally in Vineland four days a
week and in Manahawkin just one.
The Vineland office handles close to
100 patients a day, in three shifts. Two
main services are provided: hemodialysis, the traditional blood cleansing procedure for those with improperly functioning kidneys; and peritoneal dialysis,
a self-cleansing method that the patient
administers himself at home through the
abdominal cavity, available to those
who feel comfortable doing it themselves.
The traditional method involves
treatment three days a week, four hours
at a time. “It’s like a part-time job,”
says Wise, but points out that dialysis
doesn’t necessarily mean giving up life
as you once knew it. “You can still
Prestige Publications photo
Janice Wise, administrator at the DCA office in Vineland (second right) interacts with patient
Dayton Gould and, at left, Dr. Elis M. Priori, and Donna DuBrink, right, Director of Nursing.
work part-time,” she explains, and lead
a fairly normal life as long as you
adhere to the treatment regimen.
Wise is an R.N. and C.N.N. (certified
nephrology nurse) who has been with
DCA for two years. She previously had
Drugs Don’t Work
Call the
office at
been a critical care nurse at a hospital in Darby, Pa., and
then went on to a pharmaceutical company as a clinical specialist /educator for a dialysis treatment product. She then
decided to take “the next step in my profession” with DCA.
She still lives in Boothwyn, Pa. (in southeastern
Pennsylvania) with her mother, former mother-in-law and
two cats. She recently
“adopted” an abandoned mallard duck,
whom she rehabilitated sufficiently to
enable him to live
happily on a nearby
farm. “I guess it’s in
my nature as a nurse
to take care of everyone, even the animals,” she comments.
She lavishes praise
on her 25-member
staff, which includes
three doctors, a social
worker, dietician,
nurses and patient
care technicians.
“They are all concerned, and leave a
part of themselves
with the patient and
take another part
home with them,” she
says. “They really
embrace their responsibilities.”
Which could also
be said of the administrator herself.
SERVICES...Provided by Fellow Chamber Members!
Auto/Truck Service
Bros., Inc.
Complete Tire & Auto Service Center
3rd & Wood Sts., Vineland, NJ 08360
• Tires & Wheels • Alignment • Oil, Lube & Filter
• Air Conditioning Service • Tune-up • Brakes & Shocks
• Jasper Engines & Transmissions • Airborn Coatings
Betty Testa, President (856) 691-3600
Business Support
Country Decorating
Tracy L. Asselta
Vice President/Lending Officer
Open every day. Call for hours
country needs & wants
856-692-3440 x1203 • 1-800-690-3440
Member FDIC
For help with
• Discounted
drug testing
Fri., 6th 10-7 pm
Sat., 7th 10-5 pm
Sun., 8th 11-4 pm
3370 S. Delsea Dr., Vineland, NJ
Heating Fuel
Home Mortgage Specialist
Landscape Supply
• Employee Assistance
Sponsored by the
Vineland Municipal Alliance
Market Analysis
Before you make
your next move, call us for a
no-obligation overview of your
property’s value.
Call us. You’ll be glad you did!
“Cour tesy First”
Fax: 856-563-1535
Crushed Stone • Wallstone • Mulches • Brick Pavers • Boulders
Ponds • Fish • Topsoil • Seed • Fertilizer • Statuaries
1363 S. Delsea Dr. Vineland, NJ 08360
Unique Gifts
“se habla espanol”
(856) 692-6017 • 1721 North West Ave, Vineland, NJ 08360
Village of Shops
A Village of Unique Shops
Real Estate, Inc.
1071 E. Landis Ave.
Vineland, NJ 08360
Office: (856) 696-4500
Fax: (856) 691-1668
News & Views • October 2006
1480 S. Delsea Drive (Rt. 47), Vineland
Page 3
What’s new in business?
at Cumberland County College for anyone
working at least 30 hours per week for a privately-owned company. Introduction to Windows
will be taught Oct. 4, 5, 11 and 12 ;
Introduction to Word and E-Mail, Oct. 18,
19, 25 and 26; and Basic Math: Excel on Nov.
8, 9, 15 and 16, all from 3 to 5 p.m. Classes run
a total of eight hours and are held at the college
in the Wheaton Building in W-6.
Call Cindy Phillips at 856-691-8600, extension 377 or e-mail her at cphillips@cccnj.edu.
ig Brothers Big Sisters of
Cumberland and Salem Counties
is hosting “The Big Night,” an
“evening of fine wines, music and
extravagant auction bidding,” say the
The event takes place on Friday,
Nov. 3, at Merighi’s Savoy Inn from 7
to 10:30 p.m. Wines are by Brewster
Fine Wines & Liquors. Sun National
Bank is the event partner.
Tickets at $75 per person are available by calling 856-692-0916 or visiting
the web site, www.bbbscsnj.org.
Another Big Brothers Big Sisters
project is a drawing for a 2006 Porsche
and Mercedes Benz that will take place
on Oct. 8 at 7:45 p.m. at the Deerfield
Township Harvest Festival in
Rosenhayn. Tickets are $100; only 999
will be sold, and the winner need not be
present. Call 856-692-0916 or mail to
P.O. Box 2188, 1944 E. Landis Ave.,
Vineland, NJ 08362-2188.
Free computer courses are available
Chamber of Commerce photo
Three businesses sharing the building at 10 E. Main St., Millville,
recently celebrated a grand opening. From left are Bob Connor,
Mints Insurance Agency; Tony Romano and Brett Buonadonna,
Romano Buonadonna Financial Services; Diana Caraballo, Premium
Employee Benefit Resources; and Todd Buonadonna, Mints
Insurance Agency. Also part of
the celebration were Doug and
Suzanne Grant, owners of
Landis Title Corporation (not
Sherwood Forest Homes
pictured), who recently
Residential builders
opened a satellite office at the
105 N. High St.,
same location.
Millville, NJ 08332
Ph: 856-825-8256 • Fax: 856-825-8250
Michelle Metcalf
We l c o m e , Ne w Me m b e r s !
Brian’s Famous Furs
739 E. Landis Ave.,Suite A
Vineland, NJ 08360
Ph: 856-690-5710 • Fax: 856-690-5709
Brian Jenkins
Auto Images
Auto electronics
906 E. Landis Ave.,Vineland, NJ 08360
Ph: 856-405-0388 • Fax: 856-405-0399
Ben Robinson
CSD New Jersey Relay
Communication services for the deaf
106 W. Landis Ave. Unit 10
Vineland, NJ 08360
Ph: 856-692-2750 • Fax: 856-692-2790
Janie Flores
Wolf, Block, Schorr and
Solis-Cohen LLP
Law firm
1940 Route 70 East, Suite 200
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Ph: 856-874-4203 • Fax: 856-874-4363
Dante J. Romanini
International Marketing
1000 N. Main St.
Glassboro, NJ 08028
Ph: 856-420-3160
Carlos A. Oberti
Are you looking for a financial institution
that puts YOU first?
Ye Olde Centerton Inn is accepting reservations for holiday parties, with private dining
rooms available for parties of 2 to 75 in the 300year-old carriage stop inn.
The restaurant can arrange luncheons, dinners
or cocktail parties with special orders and party
trays available, as well as takeouts anytime. The
inn is at 1136 Almond Road, Pittsgrove. Call
856-358-3201 for information or reservations.
ABCO Insurance Services, Inc.
Achieve Physical Therapy
Affiliated Podiatrists of South Jersey
Art Anderson, Inc.
Arbor Associates, Inc.
Barretta Plumbing, Inc.
Chalow Electric
Chapman Manufactured Housing
Colonial Title Agency
Commuter Signs
“D” Electric Motors
D’Amato Plumbing & Heating
Ed Costante Tires, Inc.
Equity One, Inc.
First Choice Freezer
Glenn Insurance, Inc.
Hoag-Parrish Financial Management
Hospice Care of South Jersey
J.W. Pedersen, Architect
Joe’s Poultry Farm
Laury Heating Company
Albert Maccani, CPA
Nirvana Kitchens & Baths, LLC
Ogren Construction
Perfection Auto Sales
Phoenix Business Forms, Inc.
Prestige Publications
Quinn Broadcasting
Rienzi Bridal Salon
Rone Funeral Service
Rural Opportunities, Inc.
Sacred Heart High School
South Jersey Gas
Stringari & Cimer, CPA’s
The Professional Liability Insurance
Total Security Alarms
Turf Construction Co., Inc.
Twice Loved Treasures
V.M. Glass Company
Vineland Roofing Co.
L.J. Zucca, Inc.
Vineland Regional Transportation Center
106 W. Landis Avenue, Vineland
’ RE
South Jersey
Federal Credit Union
Achieve Physical Therapy announces that
Vineland Mayor Perry Barse has designated
October as “National Physical Therapy Month”
for the City of Vineland.
In recognition of the mayor’s proclamation,
the facility will offer “Bike Safety Analysis” for
both recreational and serious cyclists and
“Balance and Fall” assessments for the over-50
The programs will be held Oct. 14 and
Oct.21. Call Leslie Durham at 856-690-9977 for
more information.
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Page 4
News & Views • October 2006