The Portico - Dr. Martin Luther Church Oconomowoc


The Portico - Dr. Martin Luther Church Oconomowoc
The Portico
Dr. Martin Luther Church
325 S. Main Street
Oconomowoc, WI 53066
PHONE: (262) 567-3829
Church Web Site:
Cluster Web site:
Saturday 5:00 PM Chapel Service
traditional format
Your Church Staff is here to serve you…
Senior Pastor
Larry Harpster
(262) 344-5942
Music Director
Alison O’Leary
(262) 751-1596
Administrative Secretary
Mary Engel
(262) 567-3829
Volunteer Coordinator
Bobbie Dierbeck
Sundays 9:00 AM Worship
Includes a variety of musical styles, a blend of
hymns and contemporary songs so that there
is something for everyone at each service.
Sunday School begins in worship at the
10:30 AM Praise Service
Sundays 10:30 AM Praise Service
(262) 567-3829
“Roll the Stone,” our Praise Band continues to
perform. Join us at this upbeat and energetic
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To Our Church Family,
In January many people make New Year Resolutions.
They set goals for themselves to strive for in the new
year. I think every year I set the goal to exercise more
and lose weight. Studies have shown that setting goals
help increase the chances that there will be follow
through and an actual change will occur in your life.
I have some goals for our congregation in the
New Year.
1. To continue the Seeds of Hope plan to collect
$500,000 so we can break ground on our building expansion and remodeling project as soon as
possible. (we currently have $200,000 in hand)
2. To start a Special Music Fund so we can expand
the offering of special music at all three of our
worship services.
3. To continue to add small group opportunities for
members to participate in like our Tables of 8
groups and our Crafty Cow Club.
4. To make sure all age groups in our congregation
have opportunities to attend mission trips like our
upcoming April trip to Appalachia.
If you have some goals for our congregation you would
like to see happen please visit with me. I hope you all
have a Blessed New Year!!
Please accept our most heartfelt thanks for your
continued support of Tricia’s Troops Cancer Connection this past year. Our organization is an extension of the love and kindness we received from this
congregation during our difficult time, which we
now have the honor of sharing with others currently
facing the challenges of cancer.
We especially thank Chris Lewein and everyone
who participated in the golf outing, which raised
$990 to support our work. Because of you, we have
been able to be God’s instrument in bringing hope,
help and encouragement to nearly 500 people in
2015. We are abundantly blessed to have your involvement in our special mission. God bless!
Candi Strong and the family of Tricia Wright
Faith Talk/New Member Get-Together
On Thursday January 21 and 28 at 6:30pm, Pastor
Larry Harpster is hosting a Faith Talk Get-Together
for anyone interested in learning more about our
Dr. Martin Luther community. We will spend time
getting to know one another, talking about the basic building blocks of the Christian faith and reflecting on the gifts God has given us. If you are interested in attending the class please call the church
office at 567-3829 or talk with Pastor Larry.
Pastor Larry Harpster
Annual Congregational Meeting
will be held on Sunday, January 31 beginning at 11:30AM. Please plan on
Leo Nash Werden, son of Sadie Haines and Michael
Werden, was baptized on Sunday December 6th.
We pray God’s richest blessing be with Leo as he grows.
Annual Report Deadline
Please have your annual reports turned in to Mary in
the church office by Sunday, January 24th. Thank
A Healing Blessing will be available during
each service the weekend of
January 9 and 10
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The month of January we are once again recognizing Street Outreach as our Wishing Well Ministry. Our BAGS group
gathers together each week to sew sleeping bags for Milwaukee’s homeless. Each sleeping bag has a piece of warm
clothing rolled up inside the bag along with a large trash bag to keep their belongings dry. Street Outreach Services
provides assistance to people residing on the street, in encampments, facing homelessness and transitioning from
shelter life to housing. Please consider donating to Street Outreach and also be sure to thank our BAGS group for
their many years of dedication in making Milwaukee’s homeless their main focus.
Street Outreach is in need of the following:
Backpacks (gently used)
Ivory Bar Soap
Shaving Cream & Razors
Toothpaste and Toothbrushes
Warm Hats
Quilts/Blankets (clean used)
Ushering – Saturday 5:00, Sunday 9:00
Grocery Receipts- Piggly Wiggly is accepting receipts for the current year as well as prior year. 1% of proceeds will
go to the Sunday School or our Youth.
Coffee Hour Sign Up-Please review the latest update. Still plenty of opportunity to sign up.
Shoveling-Yikes!! We really need snow shovelers. What more can I say?
St. Ben’s -Always in need of stuffing and 16-18# frozen turkeys.
2016 Flower/Candle Chart-Pick a date as a way to honor a loved one. On board in the Narthex.
As you can see, there are many opportunities to help. DMLC needs you in 2016!!
May God’s blessings fill your heart and your home throughout the New Year.
Bobbie Dierbeck, Volunteer Coordinator
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Super Kids
Quilting for Lutheran World Relief
Super Kids are Dedicated to Service!
Quilters will begin meeting again on Wednesday, January 20 at 9AM in fellowship hall to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief. You do not need to know how to
sew to help with this project.
The Super Kids rang bells to support the mission of the Salvation Army in November. In December, they played bingo with
residents at Parkland Commons.
Seasoned Lutherans
will meet on Wednesday January 27 at noon for a home
cooked meal and a program. Join us for food, fellowship
and fun.
Flower and Candle Chart
The 2016 Flower & Candle chart is on the bulletin board
in the Narthex. There are over 40 dates available to
honor loved ones and special occasions. The floral arrangements are ordered by the individual(s). A donation
to the candle fund ($10.00) may be done by filling out
the date on the Candle chart and either mailing your
donation to the church office or placing in the offering
plate. Be sure to include your name, date and the occasion. Your donation to this fund goes toward the purchase of oil for the candles.
Here's their schedule for January. We are also in need of the
following donations. Please have these items to church by
January 7th. Super Kids is open to 5th and 6th graders.
January 7: Make pancakes and sausage in church kitchen ,
January 9: Serve breakfast at the Hope Center in Waukesha,
Donations needed:
3-24 oz. bottle of syrup
2- gallons of milk
2-gallons of orange juice
6 pounds of bananas
6 pounds of oranges
10 boxes of Brown and Serve sausages
Office Closed
Please note that the church
office will be closed on Monday,
January 18 in honor of Martin
Luther King Jr. Day.
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All games start at 7:30pm unless other
arrangements are made by teams playing each other. St. Mark’s #2 will be
starting their games at 8:00pm.
Thank you to all of the talented individuals who shared their gifts to make our
Christmas worship so beautiful. From
the choir and bells to all the instrumentalists and vocalists who participated,
everyone worked together harmoniously to lift up our
Holiday services!
In 2016, look forward to the upcoming musical activities:
Adult handbells resume Weds, 1/27 6:157:15pm
Youth handbells resume Weds, 1/27 7:158:00pm
Additional players WANTED! No music
reading experience necessary. If you can
count to 'four' (sometimes 'six'), you are
Students 3rd grade and older welcome!
Save the date: Easter comes early this year
(March 27th), and the first Festival
Choir rehearsal will be Monday, February 15th
from 6-7pm. All children and adults 4th grade
and older are welcome!
January 4
DMLC at St. Luke’s, Watertown
January 11
St. John’s, Ashippun at DMLC
January 18
DMLC at Immanuel, Lebanon
January 25
DMLC at St. Mark’s #1, Watertown
February 1
Zion, Ashippun at DMLC
February 8
DMLC at St. Paul’s, Sugar Island
February 15
St. Mark’s, Sugar Island at DMLC
February 22
DMLC at St. Peter’s, Lebanon
February 29
St. John’s, Watertown at DMLC
March 7
Make Up Night
March 14
2nd Place vs. 3rd Place in each division
March 21
First Round Winners vs. 1st Place in each division
March 28
Championship Match & Captain’s Mtg.
April 4
7:30 p.m. League Banquet at
Plattduetcher Hall
Newsletter Deadline
The deadline for the February issue of The Portico is Monday,
January 18. All information for the month of February must
be submitted by this date.
Free Food given to anyone in need
(no forms, no questions asked)
Bring your own bags or boxes
Mobile Food Pantry will be at
*45 Capitol Drive, Oconomowoc
(across from The Lake Country Inn)
Friday, January 15
3—6PM or until supplies last
Stewardship Report November
Monthly Income—Expense
Year to Date
Year to Date Income—Expense
In cooperation with
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church &
St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
*Thanks to Lutheran Homes of Oconomowoc
for the location.
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Coffee Hour Schedule
All Men are invited to participate in a great casual learning and fellowship experience among
the "Early Risers" that takes place on the SECOND Saturday of every month at the Cafe LaBelle (located within the Shorehaven complex) from 7:30 - 8:30 am. Please contact Chris
Butschke (262.966.0270) or Mike Driscoll
(262.646.5605) for directions/additional details.
The Thursday Night Men's Bible Study Group will
not meet in December. We will resume again on
Thursday, January 28 at the office of Tricia
Troops at 7:00 PM. We are currently studying
the Books of Peter. Any one is invited feel free
to bring a friend even if they are not a member
of DMLC. It is always welcoming to get all views
on the readings in the Bible. Any questions contact Mike Schmitz at 262-569-9246.
GIFT (Growing In Faith Together)
We will be meeting on the second and fourth
Thursdays each month at 6:30p.m. All Women
are welcome.
SAVE THE DATE! May 20, 2016
We have reserved the upper level at Lutherdale
Ministries in Elkhorn for our Women’s Retreat.
Watch for more details to follow.
January 3
No Coffee Hour
January 10
Kelsy Swanson’s Ecuador Service Trip
January 17
Mike Mitchell’s Ushering Team
January 24
January 31
Lee Gallert’s Ushering Team
February 7
February 14
February 21
Sarah Circle
February 28
Kelsy Swanson’s Ecuador Service Trip
March 6
March 13
March 20
Steve Vogt’s Ushering Team
March 27
(Easter Breakfast)
April 3
No Coffee Hour
April 10
April 17
Phoebe Circle
April 24
May 1
May 8 (Mother’s Day)
Men’s Bible Study
May 15
May 22
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Operation Smile
Dear Dr. Martin Luther Church Members;
It was such a wonderful surprise to receive the many quilts from
Jane Easton that you spent many, many hour making. I took some
of them with me to my last mission that was to Nicaragua. I will
take some more on my next mission, weight is always at a premium. Even though the temperatures in Nicaragua are usually hot,
but for the people that come from the mountainous areas the
nights are cool and thus the quilts are such a welcome gift.
Thank you again for your generosity.
Helen Hertneky
Operation Smile
2016 Mission Trip to Harlan, Kentucky
We're glad to announce
an adult mission trip to
Harlan, Kentucky in April
of 2016, sponsored by
St. Luke's Waukesha, Dr.
Martin Luther Oconomowoc, Church of the Resurrection Pewaukee and
Atonement Muskego. The
date of the trip is April 17
(Sunday morning) to April
23 (Saturday evening). We're working with the Mennonite Central Committee at a SWAP (Sharing with Appalachian People) site in southeastern Kentucky. We'll have
room for 50 - 55 adults on this trip. We'll have an organizational meeting in January to give you the details
of the trip. In the meantime we invite you to take a look
at your calendar and check your availability. We expect
this trip to fill up, so registration will be first come, first
Who: Any adult, 18 year and older
What: Appalachian Adult Mission Project
When: Sunday, April 17 - Saturday, April 23
Where: Harlan, Kentucky
How: Traveling in 15 passenger vans for a short! 10
hour trip to Appalachia
Cost: $450.00 per person (financial assistance available)
Why: The opportunity to be God's hands and feet to
those living in one of the poorest regions of the country; the opportunity to be in fellowship with some incredible people from Southeastern Wisconsin; the opportunity to travel to a region with a culture very different from our own; the opportunity to have a lot of fun!
I am interested in going on the Mission Trip.
Phone Number: