Case Study: Web based Training for Logistics


Case Study: Web based Training for Logistics
Case Study
Learning for Performance
Case Study
Modernizing ToolBook 5 Web-based Training
Finnish Aviation Academy Ltd. (Logistics)
© 2014 InfoPro Learning, Inc.
Conversion of Legacy LAN-based ToolBook 5 Web-based Training (WBT)
About the Customer
The Finnish Aviation Academy (FINAA) is a vocational, special purpose aviation school located on
the west coast of Finland in the city of Pori. The purpose of the Academy is to train professional
pilots for Finnish professional aviation needs. Each year, the number of students to be trained is
based on new pilot requirements for the airlines in Finland.
Formal training at the Finnish Aviation Academy meets both the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA)
and European Asian Safety Agency (EASA) aviation regulations for pilot training. The training is
also delivered in accordance with Finnish airline requirements and the laws in Finland.
The FINAA also offers commercial services, such as training services and simulator and training
device leasing and training services to operators on a global basis.
The Customer’s Needs & Challenges
The FINAA needed to convert its existing LAN-based Toolbook 5 courseware into a Web-based
Training course (WBT).
The legacy course contained basic lessons and some assessments. A built-in “miniCMI” was also
integrated into the course. It recorded limited student data, like assessment scores which were
then stored in a legacy database. The CMI had limited reporting capabilities for data, including
lesson completion information and assessment scores.
The client wanted to launch and run the converted WBT from a SCORM compliant Learning
Management System (LMS) over the Internet.
FINAA wanted InfoPro Learning to help with the following:
 Conversion of the Toolbook 5 course into a WBT course
 Development of three new GUI interfaces for evaluation by FINAA on the basis of which a final
would be selected
 A facelift and redrawing of technical graphics, illustrations and photographs
 Replacing Finnair logos with the FINAA logo
© 2014 InfoPro Learning, Inc.
Case Study
Finnish Aviation Academy
at a glance:
- The FINAA is managed
by the Ministry of
Education - Finland,
Finnair ™, the Finnair
Flight Academy and the
City of Pori.
- Since 1985, more than
300 students have
graduated and many also
fly for airlines outside of
- The Academy has trained
15 ab initio helicopter
pilots. There were special
courses to help fulfill the
need for new helicopter
pilots in Finland during
the years 2009 - 2011.
Case Study
The InfoPro Difference – Learning for Performance
Technologies & Tools
The InfoPro Solution:
In view of the challenges faced by the FINAA, InfoPro realized that the company required a quick
solution and at the same time, it was important that the conversion of the new WBT solution met
with all the quality parameters. Additionally, due attention had to be paid with regard to making
the training program engaging and interesting. InfoPro proposed the use of Flash and XML, which
led to the following advantages:
Dynamic: Various high-level, interactive strategies were employed within the training. The
WBT was programmed to suit different instructional strategies and create an engaging
Versatile: Flash and XML offered multiple possibilities when working with the programming
features and functionalities for the WBT.
Easy Content Updates: Using XML as a backend enabled easy content updates at any
point in time.
High-level of Course Customization: Flash and XML technology provided a high-level of
capabilities for training customization.
Quality Assurance: InfoPro ensured that all the quality parameters were met in the training
and any changes suggested during reviews were updated before the next review cycle.
Faster Turnaround: Considering the critical project needs, InfoPro ensured faster
turnaround time, thus reducing the overall cost of the project.
SCO Approach: Each module of the training was created as a separate Sharable Content
Object (SCO) for easy updates at a later stage.
Design Approach
InfoPro’s WBT solution includes interactive, multimedia instructional content, videos, graphics,
assessments and much more. Strategically designed assessments ensure that learners not only
understand the concepts, but also appreciate their contextual value. The design also comprises
instructionally rich content and apportions content-to-media for efficient learning. Textual content
with engaging graphics, interactive and self-running simulations, with the inclusion of videos and
audio, all provide a unique learning experience for learners.
InfoPro also incorporated a strong QA approach that is modeled on the Plan-Do-Check-Act
(PDCA) approach, which enabled us to monitor and evaluate the QA processes against the
Original Course
Extract & Decompile
Format-free representation
Output in target
Source format
QA / Make Adjustments
Test in LMS
© 2014 InfoPro Learning, Inc.
Specialized Skins & Components
Integrate & Publish
Converted Course
Customer Testing Acceptance
- Flash
The InfoPro Difference – Learning for Performance
Training Outcomes
Major training benefits resulting from the WBT included:
Motivated Learners: FINAA experienced a significant, positive change in the level of
confidence of its learners.
Availability and Flexibility: The WBT was made available to the learners 24x7, giving them
the flexibility to learn better and reinforce their training without affecting their schedules.
Adaptable: Flash and XML allowed the integration of various interactions and use of media
tools, making the whole training very engaging and effective.
Easy to Update: Due to the modular SCO approach adopted to develop/design the training, it
was very easy and affordable to update the training anytime in the future.
Cross-Platform and Varied Software: The new WBT may be accessed on several computer
platforms, including Microsoft® Windows, Apple Macintosh and UNIX platforms.
© 2014 InfoPro Learning, Inc.
Case Study
- While InfoPro delivers
significant value through
our innovative use of the
latest technologies, our
process excellence greatly
expands the value we
deliver to our customers.
Case Study
The InfoPro Difference – Learning for Performance
InfoPro Learning – The Right Choice
Awards & Recognitions
InfoPro Learning helps organizations rapidly transform talent by focusing on Learning for
Performance. A global, award-winning learning and training solutions company for nearly 20
years, InfoPro provides performance improvement strategies, blended learning solutions and
managed training programs. At InfoPro, performance innovation, cutting-edge technology and a
talented team are combined to deliver successful workforce solutions and business outcomes.
InfoPro Learning is obsessed with helping customers build training capacity, advance their
practices and respond effectively to changing learner needs.
© 2014 InfoPro Learning, Inc.
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