the bulletin - The East Texas Genealogical Society
the bulletin - The East Texas Genealogical Society
The Bulletin of the East Texas Genealogical Society representing the counties of Anderson, Gregg, Henderson, Panola, Rusk, and Smith Shelia Hallmark, President October 2014 EAST TEXAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY October 11, 2014, 2:00 pm Payne Auditorium - 2nd Floor, Carnegie History Ctr 125 S. College Avenue Tyler, TX 75702 Speaker: Gary L. Pinkerton Program: “Trammel’s Trace, the First Road to Texas From the North, from the Red River to Nacogdoches” Across the Pinkerton family farm near Mt. Enterprise, Texas, an old roadbed is visible through the woods on both sides of a pasture. The road is a remaining section of the old Trammel’s Trace, the first northsouth road into Texas, traveled by thousands of families on their way into Texas. Its history from the early 1800’s through Texas’ statehood, is the history of migration, lawlessness, and conflict that defined that period. In his professional career, Gary L. Pinkerton has adapted his talents to a range of businesses that include non-profit organizations, small business start-ups, and a Fortune 200 corporation. In addition to serving organizations in human resources and training, Gary is an outstanding presenter and speaker. Gary earned his Master of Social Work (MSW) degree at the University of Houston. His undergraduate degree in Social Work and Psychology was conferred by Texas A&M University - Commerce. In 2003, Gary won the South Carolina Sierra Club Award for Fiction and has been recognized for both his writing and photography. He has been a presenter on multiple occasions for the East Texas Historical Association, and an article on Trammel’s Trace treasure hunters appears in the East Texas Historical Journal where Gary is a member of the Editorial Board. Jackie Hood, Editor Vol. 38, No. 10 President’s Corner. . . First of all, we got “rave reviews” from everyone for Lisa Louise Cooke, the speaker at our September Fall Seminar. It is great to have such a sought-after international speaker living in our region! And “thank you” for completing our survey, we will put the results to good use. October is a busy month for us. . . It is Family History Month - “whatcha gonna do?” The internet is chocked full of ideas for celebrating this month, pick your favorite. For me, I think I will get started in getting the next generation involved, my granddaughter, Katie, has expressed an interest - wish me luck! Don’t miss the October 11th meeting - we elect our 2015 Officers. Elsewhere in this newsletter you will find the proposed Slate of Nominees. Please be there & VOTE! You don’t want to miss our October speaker, Gary Pinkerton, who will speaking on “Trammel’s Trace”, the first road to Texas from the North. . .see details to the left. Mark your calendar for October 25th, our Annual Genealogy Workshop for Beginners, featuring our very own Debbie Parker Wayne & Scott Fitzgerald. This all day workshop is full of useful information. If you’re like me, you learn something new every year. Don’t miss it & get your registration in early to ensure you get handouts!. . .see details inside. See you Oct 11th & Oct 25th ! Shelia Hallmark As always, if you have questions, suggestions, or complaints, please don’t hesitate to call or email me at 206-819-0772 or Get Acquainted Luncheon Every 4th Thursday Luby’s Cafeteria at 1815 Roseland - We start meeting at 11:30 a.m. - October 23, 2014 - Dutch Treat. Come and go, depending on everyone’s schedule. Join us - it’s a great way to get acquainted better, make new friends, meet old friends, and get many of your questions answered by long-time genealogists. ~.~ Welcome New Members Pat Galloway, Chairman No new members this month, but it is not too early to renew your membership for next year. ~.~ October Hospitality Committee Dolores Parker Bain, Chairman Shelia Hallmark Scott Fitzgerald Dolores Bain Nominating Committee Slate of Nominees—October 11th Election The Nominating Committee reported the following Slate of Nominees for the October 2014 election. President: Shelia Hallmark 1st Vice President: Scott Fitzgerald 2nd Vice President: Pat Reece Galloway Recording Secretary: Carla Murphy Corresponding Secretary: Frances Grochowski Treasurer: Caryn Crim Editor, The Bulletin: Jackie Hood Editor, Quarterly: Scott Fitzgerald Director of Marketing & Sales: OPEN Director, Computer Interest Group: Rochell McWhorter Director, 2016: Wyndi Fuqua-Flanagan Director, 2017: Barbara Martin Director, 2017: Sam Kidd Don't forget to be there October 11th to vote for next year's officers! ~.~ October Bulletin Board 4 11:00 am Dallas Genealogical Society 7 7:00 pm Gregg Co. Genealogical Society 7:00 pm Smith Co. Historical Society 11 2:00 pm East Texas Genealogical Society Gary L. Pinkerton 13 7:00 pm Cherokee Co. Genealogical Society 18 1:00 pm Rains Co. Genealogical Society 16 7:00 pm Hopkins Co. Genealogical Society Capt. James P. Douglas, SCV 20 7:00 pm Wood County Genealogical Soc. 23 11:30 am ETGS Get Acquainted Luncheon 25 2:00 pm Van Zandt Co. Genealogical Soc. 25 9:00 am ETGS Genealogy Workshop 6:00 pm Athens Genealogy Organization ~.~ .Family Search US – has indexed an additional 725,000 records from the Iowa state census of 1905. This census names every person in the household. A typical record lists the name, mailing address, sex, color, age, place of birth, place of birth of parents, whether the person can read/write, number of years in the US and in Iowa, marital status, occupation, details of military service and level of education. This collection can be searched by first and last name. Access is free. [Iowa 1905 Census] - records/newest-genealogy-records “A Genealogy Workshop for Beginners” October 25, 2014 featuring Debbie Parker Wayne, CG, CGL & Scott Fitzgerald Schedule of the Day 9:00 - 9:30 Registration (pick up your Handout Packet) 9:30 - 9:45 Welcome and Opening Remarks 9:45 -10:45 "Steps for Beginning Genealogy" - S Fitzgerald 10:45 -11:00 Break 11:00 -12:00 "Organizing for Research and Sharing: Paper and Electronic Files" - Debbie Parker Wayne 12:00 -12:45 Lunch Break - Brown Bag/go to nearby diners 12:45 - 1:30 "Finding and Using Census Records Effectively" - Debbie Parker Wayne 1:30 - 2:15 "Texas Courthouse Research" - S. Fitzgerald 2:15 - 2:30 Break 2:30 - 3:15 "DNA: What Can It Do for Genealogy" Debbie Parker Wayne 3:15 - 3:30 Break 3:30 - 4:15 "Genealogy Websites Tour"- S Fitzgerald $20.00 pre-registration guarantees a hand-out packet. You may attend any part or parts of the workshop if you wish. To download a Registration form or if you have questions, either visit our website, , or contact Scott Fitzgerald at or 903-539-5572. Place: Smith County Historical Society Payne Auditorium, 2nd Floor, 125 S. College Ave., Tyler TX Registration - WALK-INS ARE WELCOME - BUT ARE NOT GUARANTEED HANDOUTS! Web Pages & E-mail Addresses with Recent Additions to County Archives Anderson County: TXGenWeb Project: Manager: Scott Fitzgerald - TXGenWeb Archives Project: Manager: Scott Fitzgerald - Under the “What is New” section October is National Family History Month Here are some ideas to get your family involved. Gregg County: TXGenWeb Project: Managers: Elaine Martin & Etta Withers – TXGenWeb Archives Project: Manager: Lisa Thomas - Browse the Gregg County Genealogy Forum. Under Gregg Co. TX GenWeb Archives, view all the many record categories to help you find ancestors who lived or passed through Gregg County. Henderson County: TXGenWeb Project: Manager: Bunny Freeman - and Assistant, Laura Gregory Calvin. TXGenWeb Archives Project: Manager: Scott Fitzgerald – Visit the TXGenWeb Project of Henderson County and take a look at the Table of Contents where you will find 8 main categories with a world of well-researched information for genealogists with ancestors from Henderson County. There’s much history, too. Panola County: TXGenWeb Project: Manager: Marylee Knight - TXGenWeb Archives Project: Manager: Lisa Thomas - Under the TX GenWeb Project, review 19 categories, including cemeteries and census records, the Bible Records of the Davis family; the Welch Family Bible; and the Robinson Family Bible. Do you have Bible Records you can submit and share? Rusk County: TXGenWeb Project: Manager: Gina Heffernan - TXGenWeb Archives Project: Manager: Gina Heffernan - Under USGenWeb Archives, review 14 main record categories, plus cemeteries and census, as well as obituaries. How much information can you share to add to any of these record sections? Smith County: TXGenWeb Project: Manager: Scott Fitzgerald – TXGenWeb Archives Project: Manager: Scott Fitzgerald – Under the TXGenWeb Archives Project section, - review the FAQs “frequently asked questions.” if this is your first visit, this is a good place to start. Write a biographical sketch and share it with your family. Share someone's life story. Share a story from your youth with a child. Tell stories about life when you were a child. Record the history of your family heirlooms. Record the origin of things and stories about how you came to have them. Create an heirloom, such as a cross-stitch, embroidery, crocheted blankets. Take photos of items and make a scrapbook. Cook up some family recipes. They can be recorded with any stories that go with them. Make copies of family photos. Scan them into a computer and print them out. Pass out copies of family trees. There are several computer genealogy programs available. Create some memories to preserve for your own family. ~.~ News and Announcements Congratulations to Wyndi Fugua-Flanagan who has been appointed the at-large member representative on the Budget & Planning Committee for 2015! ~.~ ETGS NAME TAGS: There are still a few name tags that need to be picked up - please contact John Evans. ~.~ "Special Thank You to Nominating Committee Members. They have put a great deal of time & thought into the selection of this year's Slate of Nominees. Thank you to Carla, Frances, & Renee! ~.~ Well, it's official - we have a new Editor of The Bulletin - Welcome aboard, Jackie Hood! Please lend your support to Jackie as she assumes these duties. Contact her with suggestions or requests for articles & information you would like to see in the newsletter. Also, a Special Thank you to Scott Fitzgerald for filling in as Interim Editor these last five months - Great Job, Scott!. The Bulletin Published by the East Texas Genealogical Society-Founded 1977 P.O. Box 6967 Tyler, TX 75711-6967 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Tyler, Texas PERMIT NO. 1101 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED October 2014 Smith County TXGenWeb Project Smith County TXGenWeb Archives Project Anderson County TXGenWeb Project Anderson County TXGenWeb Archives Project Henderson County TXGenWeb Archives Project ETGS Web Page ~ Lawrence E. Oliver, Web Master Officers Shelia Hallmark - President - 206-819-0772 - 1st Vice President - Open - Pat Galloway - 2nd Vice President - 903-534-3659 - John Evans - Recording Secretary - 903-561-7394 - Scott Fitzgerald - Corresponding Secretary - 903-539-5572 - Caryn Crim - Treasurer - 903-894-8188 - Jackie Hood - Editor, The Bulletin - Scott Fitzgerald, Editor, East Texas Family Records - 903-539-5572 - Director, Computer Interest Group – Rochell McWhorter - Director of Marketing & Sales - Open - Directors 2014 - Joyce Boyd - 903-597-7592 2014 - John Merritt - 903-561-9265 2015 - Janet Bullock - 903-780-2871 2015 - Dolores Parker Bain - 903-596-9070 2016 - {Open} 2016 - Renee Howard - 903-581-7648