Shichijo st Kujo st


Shichijo st Kujo st
To the west of the Minamiza Theater is a
monument to Izumo-no-Okuni, who first
developed Kabuki-odori, and danced at
Kitano Shrine, Gojo-Kawaramachi and
16 Anyo-ji Temple
(Yoshimizu-soan) B3
9 Yasaka Kaikan (Hall) B2
groups of five or more are accepted). Entrance fee:
¥500. Open: 9:00 ∼ 16:00.
This temple is the entrance to the Toribeno,
one of the ancient crematoriums in Kyoto. The
sculpture of the Yakushi-nyorai (the Medicine
or Healing Buddha) was made by Saicho. There
is also an ancient well from which it is said that
Ono-no-Takamura (a Heian scholar and poet)
passed between this world and the other world.
is Sannenzaka; the path that continues up the
next small slope is called Ninenzaka. These
paths still retain the atmosphere of old Kyoto.
36 Kongo-ji Temple
(Yasaka Koshindo) C2 Tel: 075-561-5845
Open: 8:00 ∼ 17:00. Open all year.
Tel: 075-561-1119(Gion Corner:general 3150 円 18:00 ∼ ,
19:00 ∼ two performances(only available on Friday, Saturday,
Sunday and national holidays from December to the second
week of March). Holidays: 7/16・8/16・12/29 ∼ 1/3.
This theater, built in 1937, is an Important
Cultural Treasure. Visitors can enjoy the
traditional theater arts at Gion Corner.
It was here that priest Honen popularized the
Nenbutsu chant and taught another famous
priest, Shinran. It was also a well-known meeting
place for the Ako warriors who participated in
the Adauchi Revenge in Edo period.
17 Yasaka Shrine B2
Tel: 075-541-2565 Free. Open: 9:00 ∼ 17:00.
The Koshindo is the oldest in Japan,and features
a charming monkey ornament is inside.
31 Saifuku-ji Temple C2
37 Kiyomizu-dera Temple D3
10 Gion Kobu Kaburenjo Theater C2
Tel: 75-551-0675 Free. (Special viewing: ¥400).
This large and important shrine, also called
"Gion-san," has a lot of cultural assets, and
is celebrated every summer in the Gion
The Rokudo-no-tsuji(Intersection of the
Buddhist Six Realms of Rebirth) is believed
to be located in this temple. Temple
treasures will be opened to view for the
Shorai-mukae ceremony (welcoming the
spirits of ancestors) from August 8th.
18 Choraku-ji Temple B3
32 Juen-ji Temple C1
Tel: 075-561-6155
Tel: 075-561-1115
This theater, known as Gion Kobu, is in one of
the five famous geisha districts in Gion, and
hosts the spring Miyako-odori dances in April.
11 Kennin-ji Temple C2
Tel: 075-561-6363 Entrance fee: ¥500.
Open 10:00 ∼ 16:30 from 3/1 to 10/31 (gate
closed at 17:00).
Open 10:00 ∼ 16:00 from 11/1 to 2/28 (gate
closed at 16:30).
The Main Hall (a national treasure), the
Niomon Gate and the pagoda (important
cultural assets), and the Jojuin garden (a
place of scenic beauty) were all designated
part of Kyoto's World Heritage Site in 1994.
38 Jishu-jinja Shrine
(This shrine is in Kiyomizu-dera Temple) D3
Tel: 075-541-2097 Free. (Entrance fee for Kiyomizu
Temple required). Open: 9:00 ∼ 17:00. Open all year.
This temple was founded by the priest Eisai.
The ceiling of the main hall, which is 108
tatami mats in size, features a huge ink
painting of two dragons. The temple also keeps
the famous painting Fuujinraijinzu ("Gods of
Wind and Thunder") by Tawaraya Sotatsu.
Tel: 075-551-1234 Entrance fee: ¥300. Open: 6:00
∼ 18:00(varies by season). Open all year. Special
night viewing in spring and fall: ¥400. Open:
18:30 ∼ 22:00 (reception until 21:30).
The founder of this temple is a Shogun Sakanoue
Tamuramaro of the Heian Period.
This shrine which has been famous for
Tel: 075-561-0589 Entrance fee:¥500.
Open: 9:00 ∼ 17:00. Closed Thursdays.
Tel: 075-561-7855 Free. Open: 7:00 ∼ 16:00.
Famous for its pagoda and numerous
flowers that appear as the subjects of
poems. It is said that Kenreimon-in was
ordained in this Temple.
The forest of Juuzen-ji is an historic site
that appears in the legend of Benkei and
Ushiwakamaru. It is said that if you wash
Arai Jizo with water, your sickness will be
19 Daiun-in Temple(Gionkaku) B2 33 Rokuharamitsu-ji Temple C1
good marrige and cherry blossoms since
long ago, was included as part of Kyoto's
World Heritage Site in 1994.
39 Koyasu Pagoda(Taisan-ji Temple) D3
12 Ebisu Shrine C1 Private normal.
Tel: 075-525-0005
Ebisu Shrine was built to protect the area
around Kennin-ji Temple. Ebisu is the deity of
commerce and prosperity.
13 Yasui Konpiragu Shrine C2
Tel: 075-561-5127 Entry fee for the Emma (votive
tablets) Museum and the Glass Room: ¥500. Open:
10:00 ∼ 16:00. Closed during the end of the year, and
Mondays. (When Monday is a national holiday, the next
day is closed).
This unique shrine offers good luck for
marriage and traffic safety, and has been
collecting votive tablets since the Edo period.
Built by Oda Nobunaga and his son Oda
Nobutada. Gionkaku is in the shape of
a yamahoko, or float used in the Gion
Festival. The grave of Ishikawa Goemon, a
chivalrous thief, is in this temple.
20 Otani Sobyo Mausoleum
(Higashi Otani) B3
Tel: 075-561-6980
Entrance fee to the Takaramono-kan: ¥600.
Open: 8:30 ∼ 17:00 (reception until 16:30). Open
all year.
This temple has historical connections to
the tale of Genji and the Heike Clan and also
has the most famous statue of the priest
Kuya and many superb Buddhist images.
34 Wakamiya Hachimangu Shrine D2
Tel: 075-561-1261
Tel: 075-561-0777 Open: 5:00 ∼ 17:00. Open all year.
The grave of the priest Shinran is located
here. The Kyoto night is lit up during the
summer Obon Festival of the Dead with
some 10,000 paper lanterns (mantoe) here.
The forest of Juuzen-ji is an historic site
that appears in the legend of Benkei and
Ushiwakamaru. It is said that if you wash
Arai Jizo with water, your sickness will be
Tel: 075-551-1234(Kiyomizu Temple).
The roof of this three-story vermillion pagoda is
covered with Japanese cypress bark. It houses
the Koyasu Kannon, which is believed to have
performed a miracle for Empress Komyo during
the delivery of her child, and has attracted many
worshippers for its power for safe child delivery.
40 Kyoto Tozikikaikan D2
Tel: 075-541-1102 Open: 9:30 ∼ 17:00 (reception
until 16:30). Closed Thursdays.
This is operated by the Kyoto Pottery
Association and sells Kyoto-style ceramics
and Kiyomizu Ware products. You can find a
large number of Kiyomizu Ware pottery from
traditional styles to modern styles on sale.