Holistic Living Expo 2016 Assiniboia Downs
Holistic Living Expo 2016 Assiniboia Downs
Holistic Living Expo 2016 Run in conjunction with the Winnipeg Rock and Mineral Show October 14th, 15th, 16th 2016 Assiniboia Downs 3975 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba Please mail completed application to: Jacobs Trading Box 1343 630 Park Ave Beausejour, MB R0E0C0 OR Drop off at Jacobs Trading 630 Park Ave Beausejour OR Email a copy to - Events@JacobsTrading.ca Show Hours: Friday Oct 14th - 10am – 9pm Saturday Oct 15th - 10am – 7pm Sunday Oct 16th - 11am – 5pm Applications will be notified via email regarding acceptance. Full payment is required to hold you space, please include payment with your application submission. Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Business Name: __________________________________________________________________ Phone Number(s): ________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________ Prov: _______ Postal Code: _________________________ Email:__________________________________________________________________________ Website:_________________________________________________________________________ Select the booth you would prefer. Please note not all options may be available as booths are filled. Booth locations will be determined by organizers. Option 1: One 8 ft table, two chairs, sitting space behind table for Vendors. This option available for retail sales and advertising only. If services are to be provided, see option 2. This option is mainly available in the Foyer Area, with 4 tables available in the Lower Level. $150.00 + GST Option 2: 6 foot x 10 foot booth with partial drapery, one 6 ft table, two chairs. Extra tables are available for a cost of $15 each for this booth. This option is available ONLY in the Lower Level. Only 3 booths available. $225.00 + GST Option 3: 10 foot x 10 foot booth with full drapery, one 8 ft table, two chairs. Extra tables are available for a cost of $15 each for this booth. This option is available ONLY in the Lower Level. $300.00 + GST Do you require electricity? $10 + GST (Lower Level Only) Extra Tables? $15 + GST (Option 2/3 only) YES YES NO NO If yes, how many? ________ Is there any other special set up you may require? ________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Brief summary of your Business: ______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ If services are to be offered, please list which services you would like to provide:________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ If products are to be sold please describe them here:______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ We provide highlights of vendors on our website and facebook page. Please fill out the details below exactly how you would like your feature to appear if chosen to use. Features are not guaranteed and are at the discretion of the event organizers. Content is also subject to change by the organizers as needed. Feature Example: Oracle Card Reading with Anne-Marie Anne-Marie Richer 630 Park Ave Gifted Intuitive Card Reader Anne-Marie Richer will be offering Oracle Card Reading sessions to give you guidance and advice throughout life's experiences. IntuitiveReadings@outlook.com www.Facebook.com/CardReadingsByAnneMarie Business Name or service: ___________________________________________________________ Name of vendor:___________________________________________________________________ Location (if applicable): _____________________________________________________________ Short Description of business and/or services (50 words or less):_____________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Please select only 2 options to include in Feature: Website Address/URL:_________________________________________________________ Email:______________________________________________________________________ Facebook page URL: - Example – www.Facebook.com/jacobstrading.ca ___________________________________________________________________________ Terms and Conditions Exhibitors must provide a clean and professional booth that will remain open for the entirety of the show. Booths are to be manned at all times and is not to be dismantled before 5pm on Sunday. Vendor agrees to not exceed the provided booth space and act in a professional manner at all times. Signee agrees to hold their own liability insurance when applicable and will not hold “Jacobs Trading – Ye Olde Rock Shop” or “Assiniboia Downs” responsible for damage, loss, theft, or injury. Above listed names also are not responsible for injury to patrons as a result of a service offered by the vendor. Refunds will not be offered within 30 days of the show commencing. Vendors who give notice before this time may receive a full refund at the discretion of Jacobs Trading. Refunds are not guaranteed. Booth space is for the sole use of the vendor signed on this application. Use of the booth space, including products and services listed, other than agreed upon in this contract, is forbidden. Failure to comply with the agreed terms of this contract may result in a void application, nonrefundable booth fees and expulsion from the show. Rejection of future applications may also result. Signed: ___________________________________ Date: __________________ Options Table Option 1 Booth Option 2 Booth Option 3 Electricity Extra Tables Cost Total $150.00 $225.00 $300.00 $10.00 $15 each Subtotal Plus 5% GST Total Due Method of Payment: Cheque - Payable to Jacobs Trading Mail to - Box 1343 Beausejour Mb R0E 0C0 OR Drop off at Jacobs Trading 630 Park Ave, Beausejour Mb Credit Card - Visa __ Master Card __ Card Number __________________________________ Expiry ___/___ 3 digit code on back ____ (You may also phone in card number to 204-268-1856) Paypal* - Send Paypal payment to - djacobs2405@gmail.com E-transfer* - Send transfer to - contact@jacobstrading.ca *Please email completed application to events@jacobstrading.ca, not to where your payment was sent. Full Floor Plan Upper Level Floor Plan Yellow - 8 ft tables - Option 1 Lower Level Floor Plan Yellow - 8 ft tables - Option 1 Orange - 6x10ft booth - Option 2 Purple - 10x10ft booth - Option 3