Cabrini Magazine Winter 2010


Cabrini Magazine Winter 2010
WINTER 2010 • Volume 07 • Number 01
Students, and
Faculty Do
Page 12
from the President
n this issue of Cabrini Magazine you will meet
a few alumni, faculty, and students who bring
honor to the College by “doing something
extraordinary.” I’m sure that you’ll enjoy reading
about these seven individuals who are representative of so many of you in the Cabrini College community living out extraordinary lives.
In this regard, I want to share with you the
response of the current student body to the devastating January 12 earthquake in Haiti. This natural
During the Jan. 21 basketball doubleheader versus
disaster brought horrific suffering to the people of
Neumann University, Cabrini’s Track and Field Team
distributed ribbons to raise awareness and collected
Haiti, prompting an outpouring of generosity from
donations for victims of the earthquakes in Haiti.
around the world. Many examples of resourcefulFrom left: Jaiquann Beckham ’13, Abiu Santos ’13,
ness and generosity have emerged from the camQuiana Volney ’12, former track and field coach
Walter Harley, Nadia Hernandez ’13, Tyler Rooke ’13,
pus community—particularly from students—in
Anthony Giorlamo ’12, Michelle McDermott ’12,
response to Haiti’s need.
David Stone ’11.
Within 24 hours of the earthquake, students
from three organizations (Catholic Relief Services
Ambassadors, Campus Ministry and the Track & Field team) met in the Wolfington Center to form
“Cabrini Cares about Haiti,” led by sophomore Quiana Volney, whose family’s roots are in Haiti. Along
with the cheerleading squad, they raised funds for Haiti relief at varsity basketball games; collaborated
with the “Nets for Nets” anti-malaria fundraiser at a doubleheader against Neumann University, and held
a prayer service for Haiti and its courageous citizens.
The campus radio station, WYBF-FM, participated in National Broadcasters for Haiti Day on
Monday, February 1. Beginning at 8 a.m., WYBF
began a non-stop 24-hour broadcast from various
campus locations to raise funds for Haitian relief.
Students sold T-shirts, accepted cash donations,
hosted a silent auction, supported “Hoops For
Haiti” at basketball games, and hosted a late-night
“Dance for Haiti” event. Student broadcasters volunteered for shifts through the night, encouraging
listeners to support Haitian relief efforts.
Joseph Cahill ’11 (left), a WYBF-FM show host, with Haiti
“This was a great way to incorporate students’
native Junie Joachim ’06, during the “Streaming Hope for
Haiti” broadcast.
interests and skills to address an international
crisis,” said Megan Conte ’11, who served as disc
jockey 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. “It was a wonderful opportunity for students to lend support to the global community, and it was inspiring to see fellow classmates contribute and participate in the events.”
The marathon broadcast raised more than $2,100—largely from students. As I write this, faculty
and staff are rising to the challenge to match student contributions.
Proceeds were routed directly to Catholic Relief Services (CRS), a steady presence in Haiti for
decades. A CRS partner since 2005, Cabrini College is confident that contributions made directly
to CRS will immediately benefit the courageous people of Haiti.
I am so proud of the campus response to aid in relief and in the long-term commitment to
restore the infrastructure, livelihood and hope of Haiti. May the College’s prayers and support,
combined with those of others around the world, bring healing to the people of Haiti.
With deep appreciation and in continued prayer for those in need,
Marie A. George, Ph.D.
CABRINI Magazine is published three times
a year by the Marketing and Communications
Office at Cabrini College.
E xecu t i v e Ed i tor
Gene Castellano
W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 • V o l u m e 0 7 • N u m b er 0 1
E d it or
Amy Coleman
W rit er s / C on t ribut or s
Christa Angeloni ’05
Brian Beacham
Daniel DiPrinzio
Kristen Hampton
G ra p h ic des igner
Hollister Creative
P ho t ography
Christa Angeloni ’05
Kenneth Brown
Daniel DiPrinzio
Heather Fullerton
Linda Johnson
Kelly & Massa
Jen Wozniak ’10
Cabinet M ember s
Marie Angelella George, Ph.D.
Gene Castellano
Vice President for Marketing
and Communications
Dennis Dougherty, Ed.D.
Interim Dean for Graduate
and Professional Studies
Jeffrey Gingerich, Ph.D.
Interim Dean for Academic Affairs
Stephen J. Lightcap
Vice President for Finance and Administration
Sharon Loman
Vice President for Institutional Advancement
12 Andy Virtue ’00:
Using Hoops to Build Hope
14 David Wolf G’07: Education is a
Lifelong (and Long-Distance) Journey
16 Dr. Joseph Romano:
After 50 Years, It’s Still Not a ‘Job’
19 Dr. Mary Harris:
Cabrini Fits Her Just Fine
20 Anne Brokenborough ’11:
Just Try to Stop Her
22Kevin Misevicius ’11:
At Cabrini, He Got Game
24Shirley Dixon ’84, G’89: Learning
from Students the World Over
Christine Lysionek, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Development
Thomas Mann, Ph.D.
Interim Provost
George Stroud Dean of Students
Contents 2010 © Cabrini College. All rights reserved.
No part of this magazine may be reproduced or otherwise
utilized without the written permission of the publisher.
2 Letters
3 News
Please send e-mail to:
Address all correspondence to:
CABRINI Magazine
c/o Marketing and Communications Office
Cabrini College
610 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, PA 19087-3698
On the cover: Andy Virtue ’00, physics teacher and
basketball coach at Springton Lake Middle School,
organizes Hoops for Hope, a fundraiser to benefit
Hope Academy in Uganda.
FSC logo here!
(black version)
10 Athletics
26 Alumni and Class Notes
32 Etc.
Donald Powell ’13 and Chantel Jackson ’13
are ‘Realizing Dreams’ at Cabrini.
Dear President George:
Dear Editors:
We really value being partners with
Cabrini in helping students learn more
about the television industry. We know
how much Cabrini cares about giving
their students a quality learning experience, and we’re glad we can be a part
of it. That’s why I was particularly
excited to see you feature a picture of
Morgan Miller in Cabrini Magazine [Fall
2009]. Ever time we find out an intern
applicant is coming from Cabrini, we
know they’ll be well prepared, bright and have a leg up on the
competition. Your Communications program has a great reputation
here at NBC10. We really enjoy the relationship that we have with
your college. And I’m sure it will continue in the future.
I was the chaplain at Cabrini
College from 1978 to 1980,
two rather special years
of my life. I was delighted
to receive a copy of the
fall 2009 issue of Cabrini
Magazine. There is an
important piece of me left
at Cabrini. I think we call it
memories. I was particularly
happy to see the pictures on
pages 22 and 23 of Martha
Dale and Margaret Reher, old friends from way back. And they look
great! Is there some way you could pass on to them my best wishes
and thanks for the times of old?
Ed Dress
NBC10 Investigators Platform Manager
Rev. Jack Replogle, S.J.
Xavier High School, New York
21st Annual
C abrini C lassic
D inner & A uction
Honoring Sister Mary Louise Sullivan, MSC ’63, Ph.D.,
President Emerita, Cabrini College
Monday, May 24, 2010
Waynesborough Country Club, Paoli, Pennsylvania
9:30 a.m.
11 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
6 p.m.
Registration begins
Shotgun Start
Cocktail Hour & Silent Auction
Dinner & Live Auction
Proceeds benefit student financial aid.
To register and browse auction items, visit:
Questions? Contact Donna Potts at or 610-902-8214.
Cardinal McCarrick, Dr. Middleton
to Address 2010 Graduates
Cardinal Theodore McCarrick,
Ph.D., D.D., Archbishop Emeritus of
Washington, D.C., will address bachelor’s degree candidates at the College’s
undergraduate Commencement exercises on Sunday, May 16, at 10 a.m.
Dawn Middleton, Ed.D., former Chair
of Cabrini’s Education Department, will
address the graduate degree candidates at
3:30 p.m. Both ceremonies will take place
on the Cavalier (Upper) Athletic Field.
Father Michael Bielecki, OSA ’05,
will celebrate Commencement Mass
on Saturday, May 15, at 4 p.m. on the
Cavalier Field.
Cardinal McCarrick served as
Archbishop of Washington from 2001
to 2006. Weeks after his installation as
Archbishop, Pope John Paul II elevated
him to the College of Cardinals. As
Archbishop of Washington, Cardinal
McCarrick served as chancellor of the
Catholic University of America and as
president of the Board of Trustees of the
Basilica of the National Shrine of the
Immaculate Conception.
Cardinal McCarrick serves on the Board
of Catholic Relief Services, and is a founding member of the Papal Foundation, an
organization based in Bala Cynwyd, Pa.,
that provides grants to educational and
aid causes around the world. He was one
of 115 Cardinals chosen to the April 2005
conclave that elected Pope Benedict XVI
successor to Pope John Paul II. On May
19, Cardinal McCarrick will receive the
first Medal of Mother Cabrini Award from
the Cabrini Mission Foundation for his
selfless service to the less fortunate, and
for efforts that symbolize the work
of Mother Cabrini.
Middleton joined the Education
Department at Cabrini in 1988, after
directing the Children’s School of Cabrini
College for two years. She was chair of the
College’s Education Department for 21
years, before retiring in December 2009.
Middleton is a member of Who’s Who in
American Education, Who’s Who in the
East, and Who’s Who Among American
Women, and a member of the honor societies Kappa Delta Pi, Pi Delta Kappa, and
Pi Lambda Theta. She received a doctor of
education degree and a master of education
degree in curriculum and instruction from
the Pennsylvania State University, and a
bachelor of science degree in elementary
education from West Chester University.
50th Commencement
Saturday, May 15
Commencement Mass – 4 p.m.
Sunday, May 16
Undergraduate Commencement
Ceremony – 10 a.m.
Graduate Commencement
Ceremony – 3:30 p.m.
Details at
Cardinal Rigali, Bishop Senior Visit Campus
In November, the College was honored to
host a live broadcast of Cardinal Justin
Rigali’s radio show with Dom Giordano on
the Big Talker 1210 AM (pictured left), and
to welcome Bishop Timothy Senior, who
celebrated Mass in the Bruckmann Memorial
Chapel of St. Joseph.
On Nov. 3, Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop of
Philadelphia, answered questions on health
care, abortion and the Phillies from callers
and the studio audience, which included
students, faculty, staff and Trustee
John Schanz.
Bishop Senior, Auxiliary Bishop of
Philadelphia, met with students, faculty,
staff, alumni and Trustees at a reception
following Mass on Nov. 22. In his homily,
Bishop Senior stressed the importance of
service to others, stating that such work is
a path to God’s kingdom.
Immersion Trip to Ecuador
By Christa Angeloni ’05, Campus Minister
During the winter break, eight students
traveled to Duran, Ecuador, for an immersion experience through Rostro de Cristo
(a Catholic volunteer and retreat program).
en of us were in community for
eight days trying to learn what it
was like to live like our neighbors
in Duran, Ecuador. The goal for our food
and water budget was for each of us to
live on one dollar a day as our neighbors
do—although they live on one dollar a
day for food, water, school, clothes,
medical, and other needs. The time was spent learning about our
neighbors’ lives, their families, their work,
and their views on local government,
education, healthcare and more. We also
visited two local foundations, Neuvo Mundo
(a school that wealthy children pay to
attend in the morning and poor children
attend in the afternoon for free) and Padre
Damien (a Hanson’s disease hospital serving more than 500 through outpatient
treatment and more than 40 through inpatient care). The rest of our time was spent
visiting afterschool programs run by Rostro
de Cristo and playing in the streets with the
children in our community.
Each night the 10 of us gathered to
reflect on what we witnessed that day and
how that both hurt and healed our hearts.
The group will continue to meet this
semester to talk about how we can stay
connected to the issues of injustice that
we witnessed in Ecuador, and how we
can take action to stand against injustices
in our own backyards as well as in the
global community.
Perhaps most importantly, we will
continue to talk about the life lessons that
our neighbors shared with us, and how
we can live fuller, happier lives by putting
into practice all of good that we witnessed
in our Ecuadorian community.
Living on a dollar a day for eight days, Kerry Allaire ’11, Beth Briggs ’10, Melissa Carr ’11, Jenna Chiavoroli ’10, Arielle Friscia ’11, Katie Juliana ’11,
Jackie Ozzimo ’10, and Jennifer Wozniak ’10 were accompanied by Campus Minister Christa Angeloni ’05 and Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
Nicholas Rademacher, Ph.D.
Faculty/Staff News
Supporting the Polar Bear Plunge (left to right): Jesse DeWan, Traci Beltz ’10, Stephanie Recklau ’10,
Elizabeth Williams ’10, Brian Walsh ’10, Gina Mulranen ’10, David Dunbar, Ph.D., and Erin McCardle ’12
Students Take the Plunge for Special Olympics
Come on in—the water’s fine!
That was the sentiment of four Cabrini students and a faculty member who joined
more than 400 others Jan. 30 to jump into the 34-degree waters of the Delaware
River. The warm-hearted volunteers helped raise $56,000 for Special Olympics of
Pennsylvania (SOPA) in the organization’s second annual Polar Bear Plunge.
High winds and temperatures in the teens couldn’t stop David Dunbar, Ph.D., associate professor of biology, and the students from taking the plunge. Opting to assist in a
non-aquatic manner were nine more Cabrini students, who raised pledges and registered
participants for the event. Traci Beltz ’10, who worked closely with SOPA to coordinate
Cabrini’s participation, originally had not planned to dive into the Delaware, but promised her pledges that she would if she raised a certain amount of money.
“Some of the people who pledged to me really wanted to see me jump in,” she said.
“I told them if they helped me raise more than $400, I would do it.”
Beltz exceeded her goal, and took the icy dip to support the cause. Through pledges
and donations, the Cabrini group raised $1,000 for SOPA. Beltz even convinced her
friend Jesse DeWan, a student at Widener University, to jump in. Erin McCardle ’12,
Erin Jaskiewicz ’10, and Sara Gohl ’10 also took the plunge.
Cabrini has a long-standing relationship with SOPA, having partnered with them
previously for events such as the Winter Sectional for Special Olympics athletes at Jack
Frost Mountain. When this year’s sectional was canceled due to lack of funding, the
Polar Bear Plunge became even more important as a fundraiser for SOPA.
“The support of this event is awesome,” said Gina Mulranen ’10, who has volunteered with SOPA for four years. “Today is all about empowerment. These athletes
are like family to me, and when they see so many people supporting them, it does so
much in terms of boosting their confidence, which translates to life skills, which helps
them succeed.”
President Marie Angelella George,
Ph.D., has been named to the Board of
Trustees at the University of Scranton.
Dr. George worked at Scranton from
1993 to 2003, as a faculty member,
chair of the Department of Health
Administration and Human Resources,
director of Planning and Institutional
Research, and vice president of Planning
and Institutional Effectiveness.
Leonard Primiano, Ph.D., chair of
the Religious Studies Department and
co-chair of the Honors Program, recently
received grants totaling more than
$10,000 from the National Endowment
for the Humanities (NEH) and the Wabash
Center for Teaching and Learning in
Theology and Religion. Primiano plans
to use the NEH funding, worth $5,350,
to improve the College’s ability to preserve Humanities materials, including the
Cabrini College Religious Folk, Popular,
and Liturgical Arts Collection and the Don
Yoder Collection of Religious Folk Art in
the archives, in the Holy Spirit Library.
The Wabash Center’s funding, worth
$4,763, provided resources for Primiano’s
workshop, “Space, Place, and Religious
Meaning in the Classroom,” which he
co-presented at the American Academy of
Religion meeting in Montreal in November
2009 along with Professor Jeanne Kilde
of the University of Minnesota.
Primiano also is part of a recent consortium grant worth $75,000 awarded
to the American Folklore Society by the
Teagle Foundation through the “Big
Questions Initiative.” He represents
the only Roman Catholic college or
university involved with the grant. The
project will explore the issue “What is
the Relationship between Lay and Expert
Knowledge in a Complex Society?”
Cabrini Men’s Soccer Coach Glen
Jaskelewicz ’93 recently was honored
by the Southeast Pennsylvania Soccer
Coaches Association as its College Coach
of the Year.
Continues on page 7
Author and Artist
Spread Awareness
of Human Trafficking
President Marie George presents the 2009 First-year Writing Award to Matthew Doyle ’13.
At the Summer Reading Convocation, author David Batstone (right) and musician Christopher Brant
Menswar deliver a multimedia presentation on human trafficking.
On Nov. 2, David Batstone, author
of the College’s summer reading
selection “Not for Sale: The Return
of the Global Slave Trade—and
How We Can Fight It,” delivered
a keynote lecture on human trafficking for the Summer Reading
Batstone was joined by Brant
Christopher Menswar, artist-in-residence of the Not for Sale Backyard
Abolitionist Tour, a multimedia
event that brings together lecture,
film and music to expose the trafficking epidemic. Matthew Doyle ’13, who received
the 2009 First-year Writing Award
for his essay on “Not for Sale,”
introduced Batstone and Menswar
to the College community.
According to Batstone, the modern-day slave trade is worth more
than $30 billion annually, and nearly one million people are sold each
year. Half of those sold are children.
The presentation resonated with
members of the Cabrini community,
with many students asking how
they could help address the problem.
Batstone praised and encouraged
students to continue their work
with fair trade initiatives, and told
students that internship opportunities were available with his Not for
Sale Campaign in California.
Cabrini Day Honors Students
and Catholic Social Teaching
Chris Cantwell ’10 and Shannon Keough ’10
received the 2009 Charles A. Mastronardi
Award for Service and Leadership during the
annual Cabrini Day celebration on Nov.
10. Cantwell and Keough were honored
for outstanding contributions to community service and civic engagement.
A history major, Cantwell founded the
Community Service and Outreach Club,
an organization that now has more than
40 student members. Cantwell has served
as a student leader in Project Appalachia,
a four-day service and education trip to
West Virginia, and is a resident assistant.
He plans to teach secondary education
after graduation.
Keough is an English and communication major, and is president of the College’s
Catholic Relief Service Ambassadors, a
student group that finds creative ways to
address global social issues. She has participated in a service immersion trip to
Ecuador, where for a week she lived on
little more than a dollar a day, and in
Project Appalachia. She also is co-chair
of the poverty awareness program, and is
a member of Campus Ministry.
Cabrini Day also included a keynote
address on “Consumerism and Catholic
Social Teaching” by Andrew Abela, Ph.D.,
chair of business and economics at the
Catholic University of America, and the
presentations of the Cabrini Spirit Award
and the Cabrini Partnership Award. Director
of Health Services Susan Fitzgerald, RN,
BSN, received the Cabrini Spirit Award, in
large part for her dedication in leading the
campus response to the H1N1 virus. The
Cabrini Partnership Award was presented
to Witness to Innocence, an organization
that addresses the immorality of the death
penalty and capital punishment. Cabrini
has hosted two speakers from Witness to
Innocence over the past two years.
Shannon Keough ’10 and Chris Cantwell ’10 received the 2009 Charles A. Mastronardi Award for
Service and Leadership.
Faculty/Staff News
Continued from page 5
Scott Testa, Ed.D., assistant professor
of business administration, was quoted in
an Associated Press story on how young
adults and teens use the social networking site Twitter; in, for a story
on Target and CVS discounts to customers who shop with their own reusable
bags; and in The Philadelphia Inquirer,
for a story on the economic impact of
Philadelphia’s marathon.
Paul Wright, Ph.D., assistant professor
of English, spoke with WHYY’s “Morning
Edition” regarding Marjane Satrapi’s
graphic novel, “Persepolis.” The book,
which was the 2008 summer reading
assignment for first-year Cabrini students,
is the feature selection for One Book, One
Philadelphia for 2010. One Book is a joint
project of the Philadelphia Mayor’s Office
and the Free Library of Philadelphia to
promote reading, literacy, library use,
and community building by motivating
tens of thousands of people to read an
annual featured selection.
Mary Laver, Ph.D., director of
International Partnerships, published
“Shared Mission: Catholic Higher Education
in Partnership with Catholic NGOs,” in the
Journal of Catholic Higher Education, which
is published by the Association of Catholic
Colleges and Universities.
Darryl Mace, Ph.D., Nicholas
Rademacher, Ph.D., and Nancy
Watterson, Ph.D., presented “Disposition
and Dissent: Dialogue as the Foundation
of a New Core Curriculum,” at the
National Faith, Justice and Civic Learning
Conference at DePaul University. The three
also participated in the Interfaith Youth Core
(IFYC) Conference in Chicago, “Leadership
for a Religiously Diverse World,” exploring
dialogue models for use in the First-Year
Experience program. At the leadership
training, Anne Brokenborough ’11 earned
an IFYC scholarship, and Melissa Moore
’12 was selected for the conference’s
Media Outreach Track.
Tickets on Sale Now for Cabrini
College Night at the Phillies
On Sept. 17, join Cabrini students, alumni, faculty, staff, families, and
friends to cheer on the 2009 National League Champion Philadelphia
Phillies to victory against the Washington Nationals at 7:05 p.m.
The 5th annual Cabrini College Night at the Phillies features the
Cabrini College Chorus performing the National Anthem and the
Cabrini Dance Team on the dugout roof with the Phillie Phanatic.
All Cabrini students, faculty and staff attending the game will
get a free, specially designed, Cabrini T-shirt to wear to the game.
Parents, alumni and friends who purchase tickets also are eligible
for a free T-shirt for the game, while supplies last.
All fans 15 and older will receive a Cabrini College/Phillies retro
knit cap at the game.
Seating with fellow Cabrini College supporters is offered in two
areas of Citizens Bank Park: Pavilion sections 201-202 (limited availability) at $23 and Pavilion Deck sections 306-309 at $21. (Both are
discounts of $5 off the standard individual game price.) In order
to minimize the impact of the “per order” charge, order your tickets
under one account with your family and friends.
To order, visit, click on the “Buy
Tickets” button and enter the promotion code CABRINI. Tickets
are based on availability, so order now!
Cabrini students enjoy the 2009 Cabrini Night at the Phillies.
The Phillie Phanatic entertains Maureen and William Carr ’96.
Justin Sillner ’12 (left), Nick Guldin ’12 and Caitlin Friel ’10 broadcast from the National Media Conference in Austin, Texas.
On the Radio: Students Earn Local and International Awards,
Broadcast Live from National Media Conference
Cabrini students and WYBF 89.1 FM, the College’s radio
station, earned Philadelphia College A.I.R. Awards and their
first International Silver Davey Award, for programs on the
global food crisis and the March of Dimes, and for a news
and entertainment show.
Gillian Davis ’10, Caitlin Friel ’10 and Mallory Terrence ’10
produced the audio documentary “Road to Insecurity: The
Global Food Crisis,” named Best Documentary at the A.I.R.
Awards. The documentary, which also received a Silver Davey
Award, explores a crisis that has taken thousands of lives and
left millions hungry, and offers ways to address the problem.
“The Global Food Crisis” also was a finalist in the College
Broadcasters, Inc. National Student Production Awards for Best
Radio Documentary.
Joseph Cahill ’11 earned an A.I.R. Award for Best Public
Service Announcement for “Listen,” which addresses supporting
March of Dimes, an organization whose mission is to improve
the health of babies. Danielle Alio ’12, Arielle Friscia ’11, Rob Stoop
’11 and Noelle Westfall ’10 earned an A.I.R. Award for Best Public
Affairs Hosts for their bi-weekly talk show, “We Need to Talk,”
which discusses news and entertainment from around the world. Other nominations included Jessica Holeva ’10 for Best
On-Air DJ, and Amanda Carson ’11 for Best Promo and Best
News Editorial. Cabrini students received the most awards of
any college in the competition.
The Davey Awards is a professional competition judged
by members of the International Academy of the Visual Arts,
including producers, directors, CEOs, and other members of the
broadcasting community. The A.I.R. Awards celebrates excellence in radio and recognizes accomplishments in categories
ranging from on-air talent, station events and promotions to
news, public affairs and advertising.
Friel ’10, Nick Guldin ’12, and Justin Sillner ’12 also were
selected to broadcast live at the 88th Annual National Media
Conference in Austin, Texas, on Oct. 30. Their show, “Avoiding
the Silence,” included Top 40 music and talk about the latest in
news and sports.
Not in the listening area? That’s okay; WYBF streams live to
the web at
Cabrini Women’s Basketball Team at Madison Square Garden
Women’s Basketball Tops Immaculata
University at Madison Square Garden
The Madison Square Garden scoreboard
shows Cabrini’s 66-52 win over Immaculata.
For the third straight season, the Cabrini women’s basketball team played a Colonial
States Athletic Conference (CSAC) regular season game at Madison Square Garden,
this year defeating Immaculata University, 66-52, on Jan. 23.
Senior guard Alyssa Brady recorded a double-double with a game-high 21 points
and 13 rebounds in the win. Senior guard Deana DiAmico tallied 20 points. The
Cavaliers owned a five-point advantage, 29-24, at the intermission, before shooting
better than 41 percent in the second half en route to the victory.
During halftime, several Cabrini women’s basketball alumnae were honored.
President Marie Angelella George and Director of Athletics and Recreation Joe Giunta
joined the women at mid-court for the celebration.
Cabrini is 3-0 all-time at “The World’s Most Famous Arena,” also defeating the
College of Notre Dame (71-37) Jan. 23, 2008 and Neumann University (47-40) Jan. 24,
2009. The Cavaliers and Mighty Macs contest was part of a Saturday tripleheader in “The
Big Apple,” joining the St. John’s University men’s game versus Villanova University and
the St. John’s women’s match-up against the University of South Florida.
Three Cavaliers Named
to Philadelphia Inquirer
Academic All-Area Team
Casey Grugan ’10
Grugan Voted Preseason
D-III Lax Player of the Year
Senior attackman Casey Grugan has been voted the NCAA
Division III Preseason National Player of the Year in a fan
poll conducted by Lacrosse Magazine. Grugan earned 47 percent of the votes, receiving 647 total. Voting closed Dec. 7.
Grugan begins his senior season at Cabrini ranked second
in program history in points (237), goals (141) and assists
(96). He set single-season records last year with 96 points
and 52 assists. Grugan also was named a Preseason First
Team All-American by Inside Lacrosse Dec. 3.
A two-time USILA (United States Intercollegiate Lacrosse
Association) All-America selection, Grugan claimed third-team
accolades in 2008 and second-team honors in 2009. He was
named the Colonial States Athletic Conference (CSAC) Player
of the Year for the second straight season last year.
Grugan has recorded at least one point in 57 consecutive
games and scored at least one goal in 54 straight contests,
matching a 32-year-old NCAA Division III record established by Washington College’s John Cheek in 1977.
Grugan claimed Lacrosse Magazine’s popular vote by
the fans over Tufts University’s D.J. Hessler, Stevenson
University’s Steve Kazimer and Washington and Lee
University’s Will Keigler.
Senior Sabina DeGisi, senior Bryan Johnson and senior Lizzie Williams
were named to The Philadelphia Inquirer Academic All-Area Team for
women’s soccer, men’s soccer and volleyball, respectively. The trio was
featured in a two-page spread in the Inquirer Sunday, Dec. 27.
DeGisi is a three-time Colonial States Athletic Conference (CSAC)
First Team selection and earned second-team honors in 2009. This
season, she led the Cavaliers with 38 points on 18 goals and two assists.
Cabrini won its first CSAC title since the 2003 season and made its
second appearance all-time in the NCAA Tournament. DeGisi wrapped
up her Cabrini career with 138 points on 62 goals and 14 assists. She is
majoring in English and communication.
Johnson posted seven shutouts and boasted a 0.90 goals-against
average en route to CSAC First Team distinction in 2009. He helped
the Cavaliers to their second straight CSAC title and appearance in the
NCAA Tournament, making 22 starts and recording a 16-4-2 mark.
Johnson, now a three-time Inquirer Academic All-Area Team selection,
is majoring in exercise science and health promotion.
Williams is a three-time CSAC All-Conference performer, including
her first-team recognition in 2009. She led the
Blue & White to its first CSAC championship
and NCAA Tournament appearance, averaging 8.25 assists per set. Williams recorded
her 2,000th career assist against Swarthmore
College Sept. 4. Also a three-time academic
all-area honoree and named to this year’s ESPN
The Magazine/Co-SIDA Academic All-District II
Third Team, she is majoring in biology.
The Philadelphia Inquirer Academic All-Area
Teams are voted on by the sports information
offices of the 28 area institutions from the
Philadelphia metropolitan area.
Sabina DeGisi ’10
CSAC Fall Championship Festival Colored Blue & White
The Colonial States Athletic Conference (CSAC)
held its inaugural Fall Championship Festival
Nov. 7, 2009, hosting six league championships
at Immaculata University in an all-day event.
This day will go down as a landmark moment in
the history of Cabrini Athletics as four Cavalier
programs hoisted the CSAC hardware and
punched their tickets to the NCAA Tournament.
The Cabrini field hockey team claimed its
first CSAC crown in program history, topping
Neumann University, 2-1. Junior Shannon
Mulhern scored the game-winning goal with
23 seconds remaining in the second half. The
Cavalier volleyball team also won its first conference title, finishing a perfect record versus
CSAC opponents with a 3-0 victory against
Philadelphia Biblical University.
The Cabrini men’s soccer team captured
its second consecutive CSAC championship
and sixth in program history with a 2-0 win
versus Immaculata. The Cavalier women’s
soccer program earned its first conference
title since the 2003 season in dramatic
fashion, out-lasting top-seed Marywood
University in overtime, 1-0.
The Cabrini men and women’s cross
country teams also competed in the CSAC
championship races. The Cavalier women’s
squad listed third in the team standings,
while the men’s team finished fifth.
Using Hoops
to Build Hope
Andy Virtue ’00
“Since that first game, Hoops
for Hope has raised more than
$10,000 for Hope Academy.”
fter school one afternoon in 2004, seventh-grade physics teacher
Andy Virtue ’00 gathered with fellow teachers at Springton
Lake Middle School in Media, Pa. They were planning a pickup basketball game in which students would compete against
teachers. Word traveled fast, and it soon became apparent that most of
the student body was planning to attend the game.
As anticipation built, Virtue recruited other teachers to work the event,
and soon had the idea to charge admission. It was a sell-out, with more
than 300 tickets sold in less than two days.
That first game raised $600. The money was sent to Hope Academy,
Springton Lake’s “sister” school for underprivileged youth in Masaka,
When Virtue started teaching at Springton Lake in 2001, the school
already was involved in programs to benefit Hope Academy, but no
major fundraisers had been organized. Due to the wild success of “Hoops
for Hope,” it now is an annual event.
“It keeps growing each year,” Virtue says. “We now have more than 60
teachers working the game, and the step team and cheerleaders perform.”
Teachers keep score, tear tickets and supervise students. Another
Cabrini alumnus, health and physical education teacher William Carr
’96, is involved in Hoops for Hope as well.
Since that first game, Hoops for Hope has raised more than $10,000
for Hope Academy. The money provides necessary equipment and facilities at the school, like a modern bathroom with running water, which
is rare in Masaka, and helps defer tuition costs for the many students
orphaned by AIDS. One year, game proceeds paid for chicken eggs;
students sold some eggs in town, hatched the rest of them, and raised the
chickens. Springton Lake’s fundraising also has contributed desks, library
books, and computers for Hope Academy.
As for his goal in his own classroom, Virtue hopes to instill in each
of his 105 students an inquisitive nature, where they are compelled to
seek answers.
“The biggest reward is seeing them make discoveries in the lab and
solve their own problems,” Virtue says. “They get this look on their faces
where you know something has clicked.” He also is proud to see them
display enthusiasm for helping others less fortunate than themselves.
“All of this originated from just wanting to play basketball with the
students after school,” Virtue says.
—Kristen Hampton
(Andy Virtue will receive the St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Award for
Community Service during Alumni Weekend, June 4-5.)
David Wolf G’07
“I needed to keep going and learn more…
If you want to be an entrepreneur, you must
be willing to accept and live with risk.”
Education is
a Lifelong
(and Long-Distance)
The average American university student commutes
16 miles to school. David Wolf G’07 commutes regularly 1,200.
Even though most of his coursework
is completed online, David Wolf G’07
commutes regularly from his home in
Delray Beach, Fla., to Eastern University
in Radnor, Pa., where he is pursuing a
Ph.D. in organizational leadership with a
concentration in business strategy.
“It’s a very difficult balance,” Wolf says
of the time devoted to education, career,
and personal life. “I wake up by 4 a.m.
and start all of my reading assignments
and coursework. Of course, if a client
needs me, I go.”
Wolf heads his own strategic management consulting firm, but admits that he
had to significantly reduce his client roster
in order to make room for education. He
estimates that half of his day is spent on
schoolwork, and half on business.
Wolf graduated from Villanova
University in 1983. In 1992, after nine
years as an owner of a nursing home,
assisted living facility, and outpatient rehabilitation facility at the Jersey Shore, Wolf
delivered a lecture on subacute care, an
area in which one of his properties specialized. An audience member pulled Wolf
aside after the session and asked him to
do some consulting work for him. Access
Consulting Services, Inc. was born.
Wolf started his strategic-management
consulting firm with a client base of
entrepreneurs in businesses with less
than $50 million in annual revenue. Wolf
is a resource for clients in all phases of
business ownership, from strategic management and financial consultation to
operational procedures, human resources
and development.
Twenty-two years after graduating
from Villanova, Wolf enrolled in the
Master of Science in Organization
Leadership (MSOL) program at Cabrini.
“I thought the curriculum of the
MSOL program was enticing,” Wolf says,
“so I decided to pursue my master’s.”
The way the courses were scheduled
allowed Wolf flexibility to run his business with no disruption. Wolf says that
after being out of school for more than
two decades, the MSOL faculty, particularly Dennis Dougherty, Ph.D., currently
interim dean of graduate and professional
studies at Cabrini, was immensely supportive. Wolf enjoyed his classes and
faculty so much, he did not want his
education to end.
“I needed to keep going and learn
more,” he says.
He found that Eastern University,
across the street from Cabrini, offered
a Ph.D. program in organizational
leadership. It seemed like a natural
progression, except that Wolf and
his fiancée, Annette, had moved from
nearby Chester County to Florida.
Eastern requires Ph.D. candidates to
undergo a residency at the start of each
semester. For four or five days, students
meet with each other and professors,
immersing themselves in coursework.
Wolf flies to Pennsylvania for the residency, then completes work online from
Florida over the next 14 weeks. He anticipates completing the coursework next
year and starting his dissertation.
Wolf’s three children attend college
in Pennsylvania. His daughter Brooklyn
is studying early childhood education at
West Chester University, son Zachary
(Brooklyn’s twin) is an accounting student at Drexel University, and son T.J. is
a dual political science/history major at
the University of Pittsburgh.
It may seem like a lot to juggle, but
Wolf works hard to keep all the balls in
the air.
“If you want to be an entrepreneur,
you must be willing to accept and live
with risk,” David says. “Owning a consulting firm is challenging, but highly
rewarding work.”
—Kristen Hampton
Dr. JoSEPH Romano
After 50 Years,
It’s Still Not a ‘Job’
When Joseph Romano, Ph.D., began teaching philosophy at Cabrini in 1960,
some of his current students’ parents may not yet have been born. So he surely
must have witnessed significant changes during the past half-century, right?
“When I think of Cabrini College,
Dr. Romano comes to mind. To me,
he embodies everything the College
aims to achieve.” — Brian Rice ’01
On Jan. 21, President George
and Cabrini alumni gathered
to honor Dr. Joseph Romano
(front) at the New York home
of Jamie Miller Prince ’84.
“Well, ‘change’ is an elusive term that needs
clarification—especially in my discipline, that
focuses so much on encouraging students to
be critical thinkers,” said Romano, ever the
philosopher. “What hasn’t changed is my
work—preparing students to be well rounded,
inquisitive, clear-thinking human beings here
and beyond the walls of Cabrini College—to
be lifelong learners.”
Romano’s former students marvel at how
masterfully he makes his classes relevant and
interesting, and how his unique approach
helps students think in new, insightful ways. “He never simply gave out answers, but provided us the tools to come to our own conclusions,” said Brian Rice ’01. “When I think of
Cabrini College, Dr. Romano comes to mind.
To me, he embodies everything the College
aims to achieve.”
In November 2009, the College kicked off a
series of alumni events to recognize Romano’s
50 years at Cabrini. Alumni reconnected with
Romano at events in Gwynedd, Pa., New York,
and Lititz, Pa., and will be on hand as the
“tour” culminates with a gala in the Cabrini
College Mansion June 5 (during Alumni
Weekend). Interacting with former students,
and hearing how they have incorporated his
lessons into their lives, gives him great joy. “What means the most to me is when former students stay in touch and indicate that
the mental rigor of my discipline has served
them well in their professions and in their
lives,” said Romano. “They learned well that
‘the latest answer to any question is never the
last answer to that question.’”
Romano’s goal always has been to be a
teacher in the truest sense of the word—to
inspire, to influence, to enlighten. It is a goal
that he has achieved many times over—and
one that defines his work at Cabrini.
Continues on page 18
Jamie Miller Prince ’84
with Dr. Joseph Romano
Continued from page 17
“Cabrini has never been a job for me,” said Romano.
“It is a way of life. It is where I feel privileged to be given
the freedom to teach people the lessons of the mind.”
Through the decades, Romano has helped shape the
College. In addition to teaching philosophy and physics,
40 years ago he was on the council that proposed making the College co-educational, a monumental decision in
Cabrini’s history. As vice president for academic affairs 30
years ago, he helped the College revise its core curriculum,
establish the honors program, and develop a new way of
marketing. He also was instrumental in the College’s initial
accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher
Education, and in developing Cabrini’s first graduate
program, in Education. “It’s hard to comment on all that Joe has done for
Cabrini during his years here,” said faculty emeritus and
longtime colleague Jolyon Girard, Ph.D. “He inspires and
motivates Cabrini students in the best traditions one can
define regarding college teaching.”
—Daniel DiPrinzio
Dr. Mary Harris
Cabrini Fits
Her Just Fine
Chair of one of Cabrini’s most popular
majors. Award-winning educator.
Campus leader. Former banker.
Mother. Wife. On paper, it seems that
there is nothing Cabrini’s Business
Department Chair Mary Harris,
Ph.D., can’t do.
She admits that she never envisioned herself fulfilling so many roles.
In high school, her ambition was to
become a math teacher. As a student
at Ursinus College, she majored in
economics, and earned an M.B.A.
in accounting from St. Joseph’s
University. That led her to the corporate finance world, where she worked
as a branch manager for a bank in
Philadelphia, and later in positions
as an accountant for a securities company and a pharmaceutical company.
She enjoyed training new employees, and developed that skill by teaching an advanced accounting class
at Alvernia College (now Alvernia
University) in Reading, Pa. She fell
in love with teaching. She enrolled
in the doctorate program at Lehigh
University while working in a bank
during the day.
She joined Cabrini’s faculty in 2001
because the College’s mission resonated with her own values. In 2008,
she was named chair of the Business
Department. Now, she considers
teaching her “dream job.”
“Even if I have had a bad day,”
Harris says, “once I start teaching,
everything else disappears and I enjoy
each moment.”
She is an authority on economics and
public finance, and frequently speaks to
the media on relevant issues. Over the
past year, Harris was quoted in outlets
such as CNBC and JobsintheMoney.
com on topics as varied as the banking
industry and potential consequences of
Congress raising taxes.
Harris also is a leader on campus.
During the 2006-07 academic year,
she was elected chair of the Faculty
Assembly, coinciding with the creation of a new faculty governance
model. In addition to chairing
monthly meetings with full-time faculty, she sits on the Faculty Cabinet,
meeting with committee chairs, the
vice president for Academic Affairs,
and President Marie George to discuss
faculty concerns.
It is not just the roles of banker and
educator that Harris has managed;
she also expertly balances her professional and personal lives. She and
her husband Stephen live in South
Coventry, Pa., with their son Drew,
15, and daughters Shannon, 13, and
Darcy, 11. Stephen owns S.A. Harris
Construction, Inc., which specializes
in high-end residential remodeling.
Her family has visited campus
several times to see Harris recognized
for her professional achievements.
One notable occasion was when she
received The Christian R. and Mary
F. Lindback Award for Teaching
Excellence in 2006.
Likewise, students occasionally get a
glimpse into Harris’s home life. Visiting
Harris during office hours, they may
comment on family photographs
proudly displayed around her office.
“I think they find it interesting to
see what my kids look like,” she says
with a smile.
“It is so rewarding to prepare
our students to be professional
and substantive contributors
to the workforce.”
Her tireless dedication stems from
a genuine desire to help people,
whether in providing students the
guidance to keep them on track to
graduate, mentoring faculty as they
work toward tenure, or keeping her
family on schedule each day, Harris is
most comfortable in a leadership role.
“It is so rewarding to prepare
our students to be professional and
substantive contributors to the workforce,” she says.
In nine years at Cabrini, the
moment that stands out in her memory is a May 2006 trip with fellow
faculty members to Mother Cabrini
High School in New York. Harris says
she learned so much about St. Frances
Xavier Cabrini and the Missionary
Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in
just one day.
“It made me realize how lucky I
am to be faculty member at Cabrini,”
Harris says. “It is a perfect fit for me.”
—Kristen Hampton
Anne Brokenborough ’11
Just Try to Stop Her
Every time someone told Anne Brokenborough ’11 that she couldn’t
afford Cabrini, that she shouldn’t become a teacher because it wouldn’t
pay enough, or that she wouldn’t want to return to the inner city to teach,
it only strengthened her resolve to accomplish all three goals.
“It does motivate you,” the early childhood and elementary
special education major says. “It makes me think, ‘I’m going
to prove you wrong.’”
The path that led Anne (pronounced “Annie”) to Cabrini
was winding, beginning long before she was born. Anne’s
mother came to the mainland from Puerto Rico as a child,
and Anne’s father has family in Pennsylvania, Virginia and the
Philippines. Anne grew up the youngest of nine children first
in West and then in Southwest Philadelphia, and graduated in
the top 10 percent of her class at Parkway West High School.
Perhaps the most challenging aspect of enrolling in
Cabrini for Anne was finding it. Anne wasn’t even aware of
the college until she accompanied a high school friend on a
visit to campus.
“I went from not knowing about Cabrini to it being my
number one choice,” she says of that initial visit.
As a first-year student in 2007, Anne was a member of
the College’s Voices of Justice Living and Learning Community
(LLC). She credits the LLC with “making the transition from
high school easier,” and found the group’s activities, such as
an immersion trip to Washington, D.C., to be insightful. Her
professors laud her dedication and work ethic, and are quick
to point out how much she contributes to Cabrini in and out
of the classroom.
“Anne is an excellent and dedicated student, committed to
her studies and to co-curricular and off-campus involvement
as well,” said Nancy Watterson, Ph.D., assistant professor
of social justice and American studies. “She is an innovative
thinker, a creative collaborator, and a leader on campus—the
kind of young woman who leads by example.”
As a Pierce Scholar, Anne worked in Cabrini’s Youth
Empowerment Program with Norristown area high school
students in a writing and cultural arts program, and currently
tutors students at Olney High School in Philadelphia. Last
year, she accompanied Drs. Watterson, Darryl Mace, Nicholas
Rademacher and fellow student Melissa Moore ’12 to an
Interfaith Youth Core conference (IFYC) in Chicago, where
she was awarded an IFYC youth leaders scholarship. This
year, Anne received the Andrew and Patricia Litavec Education
Scholarship. And when she finds spare time, she crochets, creating hats, scarves, blankets, and vests for family and friends.
Anne credits all the teachers in her life—those who told
her what she couldn’t do, and those who encouraged her to
accomplish her goals—for her decision to major in education.
After graduation, she plans to teach in the Philadelphia School
District, in “the school that is in the direst need,” she said.
“To be able to give children a quality education, even if
they don’t have the best resources, would be the best thing I
can do,” she says.
Just try to stop her.
—Daniel DiPrinzio
“To be able to give children
a quality education, even
if they don’t have the best
resources, would be the
best thing I can do.”
At Cabrini,
He Got Game
evin Misevicius ’11 enrolled at Cabrini College
in fall 2008, after two years at Lehigh Carbon
Community College (LCCC). He knew Cabrini
was the right fit for him because it offered him (1)
a reputable major in business and (2) the opportunity to do
something he had always wanted to do—play basketball.
“I knew Cabrini had a good business major,” Misevicius
(pronounced mish-a-vicious) said. “That played a big role in
my decision because it creates options. And, I wanted
to play basketball.”
However, there was a time in Misevicius’ life when
playing basketball at all was in question. After playing
through eighth grade at Lower Macungie Middle School
near Allentown, Pa., he entered Emmaus High School
where he was cut from the team twice—as a freshman and
as a sophomore.
Misevicius faced the challenge and vowed to himself
that this disappointment would fuel his motivation. After
all, basketball is in his blood. Misevicius’ father, Bob,
starred at Providence College 1975-78 before playing
professionally in Argentina (where Kevin was born),
Brazil and Belgium.
“Those two years that I didn’t make the team really
taught me a lot about myself,” Misevicius said. “I learned
that if I stuck with something and worked hard enough,
I’ll always find a way.”
Misevicius played three seasons of high school CYO
basketball at St. Ann’s Church in the Allentown area
and graduated from Emmaus in 2006. The following
fall, he enrolled in LCCC, where his basketball career
took off.
Misevicius scored 972 points in two seasons at LCCC
before joining the Cabrini Cavaliers for the 2008-09
season. He was instrumental in Cabrini’s 22-8 season,
averaging 19.3 points per game and scoring a singleseason program-record 580 points.
Misevicius scored more than 20 points in a game 15
times, including 24 points in a 92-88 double-overtime
win against local rival Eastern University before a capacity
crowd in Nerney Field House.
“The game against Eastern was one of my favorites to
this point,” Misevicius recalled. “The crowd, the energy,
winning in double-overtime—everything about that game
was unbelieveable.”
Misevicius earned a number of yearly accolades following his rookie season with the Cavaliers. He received
Colonial States Athletic Conference (CSAC) First Team
honors and was twice named the league’s player of the
week. Misevicius was named a second-team Mid-Atlantic
all-region performer and an Eastern Conference Athletic
Conference (ECAC) All-Star.
“Those two years that I didn’t make
the team really taught me a lot
about myself. I learned that if I stuck
with something and worked hard
enough, I’ll always find a way.”
On Feb. 13 versus Marywood University, Misevicius
became Cabrini’s 14th player all-time to reach 1,000
career points. In a 93-85 win at Keystone College Jan. 4,
he broke his own scoring record for a single game,
pouring in 45 points.
When 2009-10 is in the books, Misevicius will have
etched his name at the top of several lists in Cabrini’s
record book. Yet, it will be the memories shared and friendships built off the court that he’ll remember most fondly.
“There isn’t one single memory from that past two seasons that really stands out. It’s been a mix of everything,”
Misevicius said. “From the locker room and our practices
to traveling to away games and playing Xbox together,
being around the group as a whole is what I’ll always
remember most.”
—Brian Beacham
Kevin Misevicius ’11
Shirley D i x o n ’ 8 4 , G ’ 8 9
Learning from
Students the World Over
Shirley Dixon ’84, G’89 came to Cabrini College on a dare.
She had been working with the
Philadelphia Housing Authority for
nearly 20 years, calculating rents
for tenants. Her close friends were
teachers, and when they gathered,
she listened as they talked for hours
about students, lesson plans, and the
rewards and challenges of being an
educator. One evening, when Dixon
tried to steer the conversation away
from teaching, one friend challenged
her: “If you think teaching is so easy,
why don’t you try it?”
The words remained with Dixon,
and she accepted the challenge.
When she first stepped onto Cabrini
College’s campus in 1979, she could
sense an immediate personal connection … but she had no idea that it
was the start of a lifelong bond.
“It just felt right,” she says. “I was
raised in a family where service was
treasured, where giving back was
emphasized. The Missionary Sisters
[of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, founders of Cabrini] really enhanced that.”
After earning her undergraduate
and graduate degrees in Education at
Cabrini, in 1990 Dixon was asked to
join the College’s Board of Trustees.
She was the first African American on
the Board, just one of many extraordinary accomplishments in her lifetime.
Upon joining the Board, she made
a small contribution to Cabrini. Each
year, as her connection to the College
grew stronger, little by little her gifts
grew larger. Dixon stresses it’s not
a matter of how much you give, but
that you give. In 30 years, she has
seen the College undergo dramatic
transformation. She recognizes that
donors provide the foundation for
transformation, and that contributions are the lifeblood of the College.
In 1992, she accepted a position
as an adjunct professor in Cabrini’s
Education Department. While teaching part time, she became principal
of Philadelphia’s renowned Girard
College, a private boarding school for
grades 1-12. In 1996, Dixon accepted
a full-time position as Cabrini’s
Coordinator of Diversity Initiatives,
while continuing to teach. Being on
campus full time changed Dixon by
unlocking new opportunities.
“Being an educator opened so
many doors for me,” she says.
She participated in a roundtable
at Oxford University. She taught in
rural Ghana, where she saw students
drinking tainted water, so she wrote
a paper on the subject and petitioned
the United Nations to make clean
drinking water a global human
right. In 2004, clean water initiatives
ranked ninth on the U.N.’s top priorities; with the help of Dixon’s paper,
the initiatives moved up to fourth on
the list. In 2008, China opened their
criminal justice system to outsiders for the first time, and Dixon was
there, discussing the legal system
with Chinese judges and attorneys.
Last summer, she served as principal for a girls’ school in South Africa.
“What I learned from those girls
last summer changed my life,” Dixon
says. “I truly understand now that it
takes a village to raise a child.”
Dixon points to a pegboard spanning a wall in her Grace Hall office.
From it hang nearly 500 keychains
from all over the world, from as
far as Bali, Italy, and Guatemala.
They were gifts from colleagues,
students, and people she has met
in her travels. She started collecting
the keychains more than a decade
ago as a way to remember significant
moments and people in her life, and
the collection grew as people saw the
souvenirs displayed.
“This collection represents my
time here at Cabrini,” Dixon says,
pointing to a keychain of a tribal
mask. “The Missionary Sisters in
Swaziland sent me this.”
She then proudly points to another
keychain bearing the faces of Nelson
Mandela and Desmond Tutu. “This
came from the girls in South Africa.”
From the young South African
girls, she learned an important lesson
that she has brought back to future
educators in her classroom at Cabrini.
“I try to impress upon my students
that if you can touch a child’s heart,
that can open your mind.”
—Kristen Hampton
“I try to impress upon my
students that if you can
touch a child’s heart, that
can open your mind.”
Message from the
Alumni Board President
Dear Fellow Alumni:
The year is in full swing and there
is so much I want to share with
you, including the new Alumni
Volunteer Program.
Last September, Cabrini introduced C.A.R.E. (Cabrini Alumni
Recruitment Effort), a program
that offers alumni opportunities
to assist the Admissions Office in
recruiting incoming Cabrini students. Some of the opportunities
include participating in Accepted
Student Day (April 11), representing Cabrini at college fairs, or contacting prospective students and their families. Also, there are 30
one-time scholarships of $500 available for fall 2010 to incoming
first-year students who are recommended by alumni.
C.A.R.E. is a fun way to meet young students looking for an
inside view of Cabrini. I experienced this firsthand in late October
when I attended a college fair. It was incredible to be approached
by such a diverse group of prospective students and their families.
They asked about what Cabrini had to offer and were interested in
my personal experiences when I was a student. Words can’t describe
how I felt from this experience!
If you are looking to become more involved with Cabrini, there
is no better time to join the C.A.R.E. program. To learn more about
volunteering, contact Charlie Spencer ’00, G’03, director of transfer
and alumni recruitment, at 610-902-8556 or
I hope to see many of you at this year’s Alumni Weekend, June
4-5. We’ve planned a special celebration for Dr. Joseph Romano,
who will be marking his 50th Anniversary at Cabrini in September.
For details, visit
It’s also that time of year when we ask for your support of the
Cabrini Fund and the Alumni Scholarship Fund. This year, all gifts
to the Cabrini Fund support student financial aid. And remember,
it is not how much you give, but that you give that counts.
Finally, on behalf of Alumni Board Vice President Chris Nielsen
’01, G’06 and the entire Alumni Board, I thank you all for your
continued support. It is greatly appreciated.
Fran Carusi Brooks ’82
Alumni Board President
Left to right: Alumni Board Vice President Chris Nielsen ’01,
G’06, Paul Moser ’99, Jeanne-Marie Lombardo ’98, Paul Monte
’98 and Stacey Caiazzo ’98 celebrate the 50th Anniversary
of The Loquitur.
President Marie George with Kristina Geerken Nielsen ’01
and Linsey Heiser ’01.
The Loquitur, Cabrini’s
Student-produced Newspaper,
Celebrates 50 Years
In September 2009, The Loquitur celebrated its
50th Anniversary at Cabrini College. More than 160
alumni, friends, faculty, staff and students attended
the event to celebrate the publication, which has
over the years garnered accolades such as the
Associate Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award, from
the oldest and largest organization for college
students in media; recognition from the Society of
Collegiate Journalists, the honor society for mass
communication; and the Pennsylvania Collegiate
Keystone Press Award.
Jerry Zurek, Ph.D., chair of the Communication
Department and advisor to the paper, shared his
memories of working on the publication. He was
presented a plaque in recognition of his years of
service to The Loquitur.
Read The Loquitur online at
50th Reunion
Celebrate at Alumni Weekend
June 4-5, 2010
Class Agent: Denise Hodgins Call ’64,
Denise Hodgins Call ’64 was co-curator
for contemporary art exhibits at the New
Jersey Center for Visual Arts from 2000
to 2006. She divides her time between
Morristown, N.J., and Bryce Resort in Basye,
Va. Call enjoys oil painting, golf, tennis and
skiing. She has 10 grandchildren, and is a
stage 2 breast cancer survivor.
Joan Buzzallino ’66 after 36 years, retired
from IBM as vice president of human
resources. She serves on the boards of
Cabrini College and the Stamford Museum
and Nature Center in Connecticut.
Ann Marie Parisi Riggio ’66 and her
husband, Vincent, a Villanova alumnus,
have been married for 44 years. They
have two sons, Frank and Joseph, and two
grandsons. Riggio is an interior designer
in New Jersey.
Linda Fiandra Zinni ’64 retired two years
ago from a career with United Airlines.
Besides her regular flights to Chicago,
Hong Kong and Honolulu, her last
assignments were with President George
W. Bush. She flew the White House Press
Corps charters from 2002 to 2006. She
has traveled in the past to Asia, Australia,
Europe, Mongolia, Russia, South America,
and to the U.S. Central Command in
Qatar. Linda has two grandchildren.
45th Reunion
Celebrate at Alumni Weekend
June 4-5, 2010
1967 was a teacher at West
Nancy Croley ’67
Philadelphia Catholic High School for
more than 20 years and recently was
inducted in the school’s Hall of Fame.
Grace Mendres Zanni ’67 and her
husband, Len, live in Colorado. They
enjoy being near their son Lenny and his
wife, Jeanne, and two children, Grace
and Curtis. They send their best to their
Cabrini friends.
Mary Sica Lewis ’68 has been a QVC
model for eight years. She loves that QVC,
one of the largest multimedia retailers in
the world, features products for all ages
and body types. Lewis has represented
Bradley Bayou; Clinique cosmetics; Denim
and Company; Nick Chavez hair products;
N.V. Perricone skincare; Mojave cosmetics
and Quacker Factory.
Maureen Monaghan Matheson ’68
continues to practice appellate law in
Satellite Beach, Fla. She enjoys working
from home as a solo practitioner, which is
a big change from her previous work at a
law firm.
Class Agents:
Joan Buzzallino ’66,
Gerry McGettigan Woods ’68 in October
Ann Marie Parisi Riggio ’66,
Class Agent: Claire Roth ’69,
Doris O’Donnell Jellig ’64 teaches English
at Tidewater Community College in
Norfolk, Va. She and her husband Don,
who is semi-retired, enjoy traveling and
visiting their 16 grandchildren.
that collects new pajamas and new books
for children in need. She gathers items
and delivers them to a social worker at
Connecticut’s Waterbury Hospital, who
then distributes the supplies to mothers
and their newborns, children waiting
to be seen in the emergency room, and
local physicians. She has collected 1,001
pajamas and 2,792 books.
2008, after seeing the program’s founder
on The Oprah Show, became involved
with the Pajama Program, an organization
Joan Terruso McArdle ’69 and her
husband, Tom, celebrated their 40th
wedding anniversary in April with a
Royal Caribbean cruise to the Bahamas
and Bermuda.
Monica Convery Reischmann ’69
was named director of development
at Nassau County Museum of Art in
December 2009. Prior to joining the
museum, she worked at the New York
Botanical Garden.
40th Reunion
Celebrate at Alumni Weekend
June 4-5, 2010
Class Agent:
Linda Fernandez Cennamo ’70,
Dorothy Kurz LaRosa ’70 retired after
25 years of teaching elementary school in
Newark, N.J. She has four grandchildren:
Stephen, P.J., Jenna and Kara.
Veronica Glennon Lacz ’71 received a
2008 Outstanding Educator Award from
the Rotary Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills
in New Jersey.
Mary Jane Sullivan ’72 works with
youngsters in schools and other
performance sites in Colorado Springs,
Colo., to engage them in free expression
of poetry. She also conducts poetry and
social justice workshops with at-risk youth
at Palmer Night School and Tesla High
School, both in Colorado Springs.
Sullivan is executive producer and director
of “Stitching Rites,” a documentary film on
the culture, rituals and arts of the Hispano
people from the upper Rio Grande Valley.
The film is currently in pre-production
and due to be released in 2012. Her book,
“Engaged Embodiment,” recently was
published by Atropos Press.
DiAnne Gove ’73 was re-elected as
state assemblywoman for New Jersey’s
9th Legislative District. She is a retired
teacher who taught American history and
government at Southern Regional High
School in Manahawkin, N.J., for 32 years.
In her spare time, Gove strives to spread
awareness of services for senior citizens,
strengthen Megan’s Law and protect New
Jersey’s Barnegat Bay.
Class Agent: Christine Dillon McCarthy
35th Reunion
Celebrate at Alumni Weekend
June 4-5, 2010
Carol Cartolano Mogck ’75 retired in
June 2008, after 33 years of teaching.
Her daughter, Donna Marie, was married
in June 2009. She is enjoying her
grandchildren, Olivia Grace and Evan
Thomas, whose parents are Tommy and
Andrea Mogck.
of the largest global professional advisory
firms providing consulting, legal, tax and
financial advisory and assurance to some
of the world’s leading companies.
Frank Pilson CE ’76 is retired and loving it.
Lynch lives in Chalfont, Pa., with her
husband, Bruce. They both serve on the
board of Serenity House and Hospice
Support of Doylestown, Inc., a non-profit
entity dedicated to forming a hospice in
Bucks County.
Class Agent: Sharon Shipley-Zubricky
Class Agent: Frances MacDonald
Gordon ’77,
30th Reunion
Celebrate at Alumni Weekend
June 4-5, 2010
Class Agent: Donna Montanari Moyer
Class Agent: Fran Carusi Brooks ’82,
David Bickel ’82, a special education
teacher at Greenwood Elementary School
in Kennett Square, Pa., was profiled in the
Southern Chester County Weekly.
Class Agent: Carol Hasson Lynch ’83,
Carol Hasson Lynch ’83, an accounting
professional with more than 25 years of
private and public tax and accounting
experience, is
tax manager
for Korman
Communities in
Plymouth Meeting,
Pa. She worked
for seven years
as a manager
for KPMG in
Philadelphia, one
Class Agent: Kathleen Lyons Casazza ’84,
25th Reunion
Celebrate at Alumni Weekend
June 4-5, 2010
Class Agent: Jean Findlay ’85,
Dianne DiJoseph Nazzario ’85 has been
a registered nurse for 20 years. She is
married with three children, ages 16, 14
and 10.
Class Agent: Margaret Paris Baker ’86,
Margaret Paris Baker ’86 works at Holy
Child Academy in Drexel Hill, Pa. She
lives in Springfield, Pa., with her husband,
Tom, and children, Megan and Ryan, who
both attend St. Kevin School.
Todd Griffin ’86 and his wife, Lisa, reside
in Havertown, Pa. He is employed by Volvo
Financial Services. Recently, the Griffins
established G4 Wellness, a business that
brings health, fitness and cosmetic products
to retail and wholesale markets.
Griffin’s niece, Kate Pearson, is Cabrini’s head
women’s basketball coach. Pearson was an
Michele Montgomery Schreiner ’93 and her sons, Adam and Charles (left), celebrated the 2008 holiday season with Lisa Naab Buscaglia ’93 and her sons, Micah,
Jonah and Noah.
All-American athlete at Scranton University
and is following in the footsteps of her
mother, Dianne Pierangeli, who coached
Cabrini women’s soccer from 1999 to 2003.
Class Agent: Loretta O’Fria Cellucci ’87,
Emily, 5. He is the president and owner of
EFF Consulting, Inc., based in Malvern, Pa.
Giolina, on May 2, 2009.
Major Marko Gittens ’90 retired from the
U.S. Army and is now living in Germany.
Class Agent: Mark Gudas ’92,
Class Agents:
Loretta Krewson ’89, 315-696-0294
Donna Dougherty Pascali ’89,
Chris Callinan ’92 was married in
November 2008. He was named Teacher
of the Year for 2008-09 at Cherokee High
School in Marlton, N.J.
Dawn Hartley Lombard ’89 and her
husband, Dave, celebrated 10 years of
marriage in May 2009. She is an on-call
Aetna employee at Friends Hospital in
Philadelphia. Her sons, Anthony, 8, and
Joseph, 6, enjoy guitar lessons at school.
Rachel Anderson Slaughter ’89
celebrated her 18th wedding anniversary
on Aug. 10, 2009.
20th Reunion
Celebrate at Alumni Weekend
June 4-5, 2010
Edmund Ford ’90 and his wife, Crista,
have three children: Jack, 10, Sam, 8, and
Class Agent: Amy Wechsler Foran ’94,
Tracey Eagan Blanda ’97 and her husband,
Michael, welcomed their second son on
April 14, 2009. Michael Thomas weighed
9 pounds, 15 ounces, and joins big
brother R.J.
Chrissy Lear Devlin ’97 was one of six
finalists in an online poll to select a
Phillies ballgirl. Devlin was featured on and in the Delaware County
Daily Times and the Daily Local News.
Gioia Bozzacco Gallagher ’97 gave birth
to a daughter on May 8, 2009. Grace
Marie weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces.
15th Reunion
Celebrate at Alumni Weekend
June 4-5, 2010
John Feketics ’95, a realtor at Oceanside
Realty in Wildwood Crest, N.J., was
named 2009 Realtor of the Year by Cape
May County Association of Realtors.
Joseph Francesconi ’96 and his wife,
Monica, welcomed their second daughter,
Class Agents:
Lisa K. Mininno Carnesi ’98,
Hollie Havens ’98,
Hollie Havens ’98 resides in Philadelphia
and is a creative services consultant
specializing in marketing, communications,
public relations and special events. In her
free time, Havens participates in Cabrini
alumni activities (ask her about Camp
Kismet!), volunteers with the American
Cancer Society Relay for Life, and enjoys
being with her family, especially her eight
nieces and nephews. Her goals for 2010 are
to use her passport at least once and to see
more of her Cabrini friends on campus.
Nicole Baker G’98 is a music minister
at St. Therese of Avila in Audubon, Pa.
She sponsors a child in the Philippines
through the Christian Foundation for
Children and Aging.
Joseph Chow ’98 lives in San Francisco.
Vincent Martino Jr. ’98 has published his
fifth book, “Around Phoenixville,” which
chronicles the history
of Phoenixville, Pa.,
through more than
200 antique postcards
that detail historic
locations around the
area. Released by
Arcadia Publishing,
the book is available in
local bookstores and on
Class Agent: Susan Wechsler Coyne ’99,
Susan Wechsler Coyne ’99, G’04, an
elementary and special education teacher,
coordinates an annual summer golf outing
for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
She and her husband, Joseph, live in
Drexel Hill, Pa., with their two sons, Jack,
2, and Luke, 7 months.
Pictured from left: Tracie Comuso-Archambault ’04, Mercedes Kemery ’08, Beth Cataline ’04,
Kelley Walsh ’04, Tracey Kelly Kemery ’04, Chris Kelly, Thomas Kemery ’05, Mike Piccoli ’04,
David Kemery ’03, Paul Archambault ’05, and Paul Muller.
in its second year of providing caregivers
with CPR training. Accessible Home
Health Care (www.accessiblemontcopa.
com) provides high-quality care to all
age groups, from newborns to seniors,
in the comfort of their own homes
through screened, highly qualified and
compassionate caregivers.
Chad May ’00 started as director of
institutional research and assessment at
Holy Family University in August 2009.
Class Agent: Anthony Barrett ’01,
10th Reunion
Celebrate at Alumni Weekend
June 4-5, 2010
Jane Campbell Butler
ADP ’00 owns and
operates Accessible
Home Health Care of
Montgomery County.
Based in Ardmore,
Pa., the company is
5th Reunion
Celebrate at Alumni Weekend
June 4-5, 2010
Sean Breeden ’05 opened Play N Trade,
a video game franchise.
James Connor G’05 was named vice
principal and athletic director of Avon
Grove High School in West Grove, Pa.
Stephanie Ann Moritz ’05 married Justin
Class Agent: Candice Linehan ’03,
married Thomas Kemery ’05. The couple
(pictured above with their wedding party)
resides in Drexel Hill, Pa.
Class Agent: Tracey Kelly Kemery ’04,
Tracey Kelly Kemery ’04, G’08
is assistant director of enrollment
operations at Cabrini and recently
became a consultant for Southern Living
at Home (
traceykemery). On October 11, 2008, she
DiLucchio on May 30, 2009 at Duke
University Chapel in Durham, N.C. A
reception was held at Washington Duke
Inn and Golf Club in Durham. The couple
resides in Philadelphia.
Michael Wozny ’05 and Beth Muscarelli
ADP ’09 met at first-year orientation on
August 29, 2000. On May 30, 2009, Wozny
proposed to Muscarelli at the Cabrini
Mansion in front of family and friends. A July
2010 wedding is planned in West Chester, Pa.
Class Agent: Allison Durako ’06,
Suzanne Capece ’06 is a legislative aide
at the office of New Jersey State Senator
James Beach (District 6).
and works as a clinical director at Adesha
Village in Kimberton, Pa.
Kharisma McIlwaine ’06 is a member of
the CW Crew on CW Philly. McIlwaine
also writes music and teaches piano to
school-aged children. She resides in
West Philadelphia.
Class Agent: Elizabeth Brachelli ’07,
Rebecca Gallagher
’07 and Ian
McDonald ’06
(pictured right) are
engaged to marry
on Sept. 4, 2010.
Melissa Steven ’07
is a writer, blogger
and social networker
at Gregory FCA,
one of the region’s
largest integrated
public relations and
investor relations firms. She previously was
a corporate communications coordinator at
the Philadelphia Inquirer/Daily News.
Class Agent: Mercedes Kemery ’08,
Jennifer Fair ’08 is in her second year as a
second-grade inclusion teacher in Atlantic
City, N.J.
Class Agents:
Ashley Correll ’09,
Kendra Stoutzenberger ’09,
Jennifer Ayoub G’09 is a social insurance
specialist at the Mid-Atlantic Regional
Social Security Center in Philadelphia.
She is writing her first children’s book and
intends to volunteer as an ESL tutor for
adult learners with the Delaware County
Literacy Council.
Andrew Stettler ’09 recently was promoted
from multimedia reporter to video and web
editor for Montgomery Media.
Christy Ross ’09 is an account coordinator at
Tonic Life Communications in Philadelphia.
We want to hear from you!
Kristen Catalanotto ’06, a content
producer at NBC10, was nominated for a
2009 Mid-Atlantic Emmy for best morning
show editor for NBC10 “News Today.”
Kristen Marie Euler ’06 married Robert
John Weber Jr. on May 16, 2009 at
Assumption BVM Church in Centereach,
N.Y. Euler received a master’s degree in
social work from West Chester University
Send your news and updates via e-mail to: or by mail to:
Cabrini College
Noel Kirkner ’06, Alumni Programs Coordinator
Office of Institutional Advancement
610 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, PA 19087
When sending photos electronically, e-mail
for possible inclusion. Please follow these guidelines:
Digital photos and scanned prints should be at least 2" x 3"
at 300 dpi (dots per inch) “TIF” or “JPG” file.
Et Cetera etc.
Two First-year Students Are ‘Realizing Dreams’ at Cabrini
Donald Powell ’13 and Chantel Jackson ’13 share their thoughts
about Realizing Dreams, one of the College’s six Living and
Learning Communities (LLCs). Students in this LLC examine
the formation of identity, beauty and icons, family, education,
race, class, gender, and individual opportunity as it relates to
achieving dreams.
By Donald Powell ’13
Attending college on the East Coast was always my dream. I
wanted a change from the ordinary, a unique story to tell, and
more importantly I was longing to experience a part of the
country I had only heard about having grown up in California.
As all the college viewbooks came in and the phone calls
began, I narrowed down my list of “choice schools” and planned
a trip to visit them.
After a long day of campus tours at other area schools, I accidentally stumbled upon Cabrini College. At the time, it was a
random school I decided to visit because it was in the area; I was
exhausted from all the other tours, and had no intentions of ever
liking it. Within a few minutes, however, I was enthralled by the
tree-lined driveway and intrigued by the small size.
The place that once was just a random campus is now where I
proudly attend college.
Over the summer between high school and college, I received
news that I was selected to be a member of the Realizing Dreams
Living and Learning Community at Cabrini College. I was a bit
skeptical at first, but after the first few days of living in Xavier Hall,
I knew right away that this LLC was the perfect fit for me. Living
in the same hallway and taking the same courses with 16 very
close friends has more than
enhanced my transition
to college. If it weren’t for
my placement in Realizing
Dreams, my GPA would
not have been as high,
my cases of homesickness would be greater, my
overall college experience
would not be as rewarding,
and I would not have had
the opportunity to meet all
the friends I now consider
my family.
By Chantel Jackson ’13
When in high school I
wanted to attend a college where I would feel
accepted, especially given
that I’m a young woman
of color and the first
to attend college in
my family.
My Living and Learning
Community, Realizing
Dreams, really made my
transition from high school
to college much easier and
I can safely say that coming to Cabrini was my best
decision yet. By getting
involved in an LLC, my
experience on campus has been transformed as I made friends and
became engaged in campus life. In Realizing Dreams, everyone is
viewed as a family member and we certainly are a group of people
I perceive will be friends for a lifetime.
Last semester, we took trips to Philadelphia and Lancaster
to learn more about the Constitution, immigration, and the
Underground Railroad. I also love that we have group dinners
each month to discuss current issues.
Beyond the formal aspects of the LLC, my peers and I enjoy
spending time together in Xavier Hall. Typical activities in our
days can range from a study session, to doing a Fair Trade chocolate sale to raise awareness of human trafficking, to watching a
movie together, to educating people about foster care based on
what we learned in Engagements with the Common Good 100.
Realizing Dreams members encourage each other to become
better students and community leaders.
Signing up for an LLC is something I recommend to every
incoming freshman, because you can grow as an individual, be
around positive people, develop your critical thinking, and take
action in your community. The Realizing Dreams instructors—
Drs. Michelle Filling, Maya Gordon and Courtney Smith—are
very outgoing and encouraging people. If I didn’t have my Living
and Learning Community by my side during my first year here
at Cabrini, I honestly believe that my academics, personality, and
growth wouldn’t be as positive as they are today.
Do Something Extraordinary
at Cabrini College
Cabrini College offers
convenient programs
for teachers.
Cabrini Graduate Education
courses count for ACT 48 credit
Cabrini College offers convenient programs
for teachers who want to advance to the
Master’s pay scale or enhance their profiles
with additional certification.
GRE scores are not required and federal
financial aid loans are available to cover
ACT 45 Credits for school administrators
Graduate Degrees
• Master's of Education
• Master's of Education with Teacher Certification
• Master's of Education with Area of Concentration
Teacher Certifications
Elementary Education
Secondary Education
Special Education
Reading Specialist
Principal/Administrative I
Early Childhood Education
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